NOTE: All Math print journals will be retained.
Acta psychologica. |
Addictive behaviors |
Advanced energy conversion. |
Advances in engineering software and workstations. |
Advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes. |
Advances in molecular relaxation processes. |
Agricultural economics |
Analytical biochemistry. |
Animal reproduction science. |
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunologie. |
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunology. |
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie. |
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Microbiology. |
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Virologie. |
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Virology. |
Annals of mathematical logic. |
Annals of nuclear science and engineering. |
Annual review in automatic programming. |
Antiviral research. |
Applications of surface science. |
Applied animal ethology. |
Applied clay science. |
Applied geochemistry |
Applied nursing research : |
Applied research in mental retardation. |
Aquatic botany. |
Artificial intelligence |
Astronomy quarterly. |
Atmospheric environment. |
Atmospheric environment. Part A, General topics. |
Atmospheric environment. Part B, Urban atmosphere. |
Behavior therapy. |
Behavioral and neural biology. |
Behavioral biology. |
Behaviour research and therapy. |
Behavioural processes. |
Biobehavioral reviews. |
Biochemical and biophysical research communications. |
Biochemical pharmacology. |
Biochimie. |
Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics. |
Biological psychology. |
Biology of the cell / |
Bioorganic chemistry. |
Biophysical chemistry. |
Brain and cognition. |
Brain research reviews |
Brain research. Brain research reviews. |
Brain research. Cognitive brain research. |
Brain research. Developmental brain research. |
Brain research. Molecular brain research. |
Bulletin of the British Mycological Society. |
Business horizons |
Carnegie-Rochester conference series on public policy. |
Cell biology international reports. |
Cell biology international. |
Cell differentiation |
Cell differentiation and development : |
Chemical geology. |
Child abuse & neglect |
Chromatographic reviews. |
Cities. |
Clinical psychology review |
Cognitive psychology. |
Communist affairs. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology and toxicology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Comparative physiology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Physiology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part C, Pharmacology, toxicology & endocrinology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Pharmacology, toxicology and endocrinology. |
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Physiology. |
Computer languages. |
Computer networks and ISDN systems. |
Computer networks. |
Computer physics reports. |
Computer programs in biomedicine. |
Computer speech & language. |
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing. |
Computers & geosciences. |
Computers & graphics. |
Computers in biology and medicine. |
Contemporary educational psychology. |
Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. |
Cretaceous research. |
Current opinion in structural biology. |
CVGIP. Graphical models and image processing. |
CVGIP. Image understanding. |
Cytokine. |
Decision support systems and electronic commerce. |
Decision support systems. |
Deep sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papers |
Deep-sea research and oceanographic abstracts. |
Deep-sea research. |
Developmental and comparative immunology. |
Developmental brain research |
Developmental review : |
Differentiation. |
Drug and alcohol dependence. |
Early childhood research quarterly. |
Earth and planetary science letters. |
Economic modelling. |
Endeavour. |
Energy conversion. |
Engineering analysis. |
Engineering costs and production economics. |
Environmental pollution. |
Environmental pollution. Series A, Ecological and biological. |
Estuarine and coastal marine science. |
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science. |
Ethology and sociobiology. |
European economic review. |
European journal of cancer. |
Evaluation and program planning |
Evaluation practice. |
Experimental gerontology. |
Experimental mycology. |
Feminist forum. |
Fluid phase equilibria. |
Forensic science international. |
Free radical biology & medicine. |
Gene |
Gene analysis techniques. |
Genetic analysis, biomolecular engineering. |
Genetic analysis, techniques and applications. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. |
Geomorphology |
Government information quarterly. |
Government publications review. |
Government publications review. Part A, Research articles. |
Government publications review. Part B, Acquisitions guide to significant government publications at all levels. |
Hearing research. |
Human resource management review. |
Information and computation. |
Information and control. |
Information processing letters |
Information sciences. |
Information storage and retrieval. |
Information systems |
Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters. |
Inorganica chimica acta |
Inorganica chimica acta reviews. |
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology. |
International journal of applied radiation and isotopes. |
International journal of biological macromolecules. |
International journal of developmental neuroscience : |
International journal of engineering science. |
International journal of industrial organization. |
International journal of insect morphology & embryology. |
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes |
International journal of mass spectrometry. |
International journal of mineral processing. |
International journal of production economics. |
International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part C, Radiation physics and chemistry. |
International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part D, Nuclear tracks and radiation measurements. |
Journal of academic librarianship |
Journal of accounting & economics. |
Journal of affective disorders. |
Journal of African earth sciences (and the Middle East). |
Journal of African earth sciences. |
Journal of allergy. |
Journal of biomechanics. |
Journal of biotechnology. |
Journal of business venturing. |
Journal of chemical thermodynamics. |
Journal of chromatography. |
Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical applications. |
Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications. |
Journal of colloid science. |
Journal of contaminant hydrology. |
Journal of development economics |
Journal of econometrics. |
Journal of economic behavior & organization |
Journal of economic dynamics & control |
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. |
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry. |
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena. |
Journal of experimental social psychology. |
Journal of financial economics |
Journal of free radicals in biology & medicine. |
Journal of geodynamics. |
Journal of government information : |
Journal of Great Lakes research. |
Journal of health economics |
Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry. |
Journal of international economics |
Journal of invertebrate pathology. |
Journal of magnetic resonance. |
Journal of magnetic resonance. Series A. |
Journal of magnetic resonance. Series B. |
Journal of mathematical economics |
Journal of mathematical psychology. |
Journal of memory and language. |
Journal of microbiological methods. |
Journal of molecular graphics. |
Journal of monetary economics |
Journal of neuroscience methods. |
Journal of nuclear energy. Part A, Reactor science. |
Journal of photochemistry. |
Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. |
Journal of physiology, Paris. |
Journal of policy modeling. |
Journal of product innovation management. |
Journal of public economics. |
Journal of research in personality. |
Journal of social and biological structures. |
Journal of socio-economics. |
Journal of South American earth sciences. |
Journal of Southeast Asian earth sciences. |
Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. |
Journal of structural geology. |
Journal of ultrastructure and molecular structure research. |
Journal of ultrastructure research. |
Journal of urban economics. |
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior. |
Journal of virological methods. |
Journal of vocational behavior. |
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research. |
Landscape and urban planning. |
Leadership quarterly. |
Learning and motivation. |
Library & information science research. |
Library acquisitions: practice and theory. |
Lithos. |
Marine geology. |
Materials letters. |
Mathematical and computer modelling. |
Mathematical modelling. |
Molecular brain research |
Molecular immunology. |
Mycological research. |
Neurobiology of aging. |
Neuropsychologia. |
Neuroscience |
Neuroscience letters. |
Nuclear data current sheets. Section B. |
Nuclear data. Section A. |
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. |
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. |
Nuclear instruments & methods. |
Nuclear track detection. |
Nuclear tracks. |
Organizational behavior and human performance. |
Organizational dynamics. |
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. |
Pattern recognition |
Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior. |
Physica |
Physica B + C. |
Physica. C, Superconductivity. |
Physics letters. |
Physics letters. A. |
Physics letters. B. |
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors. |
Physiological plant pathology. |
Physiology & behavior |
Phytochemistry. |
Planetary and space science. |
Plant science letters. |
Political geography quarterly. |
Precambrian research. |
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology. |
Progress in lipid research. |
Progress in materials science. |
Progress in retinal research. |
Progress in the chemistry of fats and other lipids. |
Quaternary research |
Radiation botany. |
Radiation physics and chemistry |
Receptor & ion channel nomenclature supplement. |
Regional and urban economics. |
Remote sensing of environment |
Research in developmental disabilities. |
Research in immunology. |
Research in microbiology. |
Research in virology. |
Research policy. |
Resource recovery and conservation. |
Resources and conservation. |
Respiration physiology. |
Review of financial economics : |
Review of palaeobotany and palynology. |
Social science & medicine. |
Social science & medicine. Medical anthropology. |
Social science & medicine. Medical economics. |
Social science & medicine. Medical geography. |
Social science & medicine. Part B, Medical anthropology. |
Social science & medicine. Part C, Medical economics. |
Social science & medicine. Part D, Medical geography. |
Social science & medicine. Part E, Medical psychology. |
Social science & medicine. Part F, Medical & social ethics. |
Social science journal. |
Socio-economic planning sciences. |
Solid state communications. |
Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular spectroscopy |
Spectrochimica acta. Part B: Atomic spectroscopy. |
Studies in comparative communism. |
Studies in educational evaluation : |
Synthetic metals. |
Teaching and teacher education. |
Technological forecasting |
Technological forecasting and social change. |
Tectonophysics. |
Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics. |
Transactions of the British Mycological Society. |
Transportation research. Part A, General. |
Transportation research. Part A, Policy and practice. |
Trends in cell biology. |
Trends in ecology & evolution. |
Trends in genetics. |
U.S.S.R. computational mathematics and mathematical physics. |
Ultramicroscopy. |
Urban systems. |
Vacuum |
Virology |
Vistas in astronomy. |
Waste management & research : |
Women’s studies international forum |
Women’s studies international quarterly. |
New titles ingested by the BTAA SPR as of May 2016
Accident analysis and prevention |
Accounting, organizations and society |
Acta metallurgica et materialia |
Advances in applied mathematics |
Advances in behaviour research and therapy |
Advances in biophysics |
Advances in mathematics |
American heart journal |
American journal of cardiology |
American journal of emergency medicine |
American journal of infection control |
American journal of medicine |
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics |
American journal of otolaryngology |
American journal of surgery |
Analytica chimica acta |
Animal behaviour |
Annals of emergency medicine |
Annals of epidemiology |
Annals of physics |
Annals of pure and applied logic |
Annals of tourism research |
Annals of vascular surgery |
Appetite |
Applied & preventive psychology |
Applied catalysis. A, General |
Applied catalysis. B, Environmental |
Applied geography |
Applied surface science |
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics |
Archives of clinical neuropsychology |
Archives of oral biology |
Archives of psychiatric nursing |
Arthroscopy |
Atherosclerosis |
Behavioural brain research |
Biochemical education |
Biochemical medicine |
Biochemical systematics and ecology |
Biochimica et biophysica acta |
Biological psychiatry |
Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = |
Biosensors & bioelectronics |
Blood reviews |
Bone |
Brain & development |
Brain and language |
Brain research |
Brain research bulletin |
Brain, behavior, and immunity |
British accounting review |
British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery |
British journal of plastic surgery |
British journal of tuberculosis |
British journal of tuberculosis and diseases of chest |
Burns |
Cancer letters |
Cancer treatment reviews |
Catena |
Cell calcium |
Cellular immunology |
Chemical engineering and processing = |
Chemical engineering science |
Clinica chimica acta |
Clinical materials |
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery |
Clinical radiology |
Clinics in dermatology |
Cognition |
Cognitive science |
Cold regions science and technology |
Columbia journal of world business |
Communist and post-communist studies |
Comparative and general pharmacology |
Comprehensive psychiatry |
Computer graphics and image processing |
Computer physics communications |
Computerized medical imaging and graphics |
Computerized tomography |
Computers & chemical engineering |
Computers & education |
Computers & operations research |
Computers & security |
Computers in human behavior |
Computers, environment and urban systems |
Contraception |
Controlled clinical trials |
COSPAR information bulletin |
Critical perspectives on accounting |
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology |
Cryobiology |
Current biology |
Current opinion in cell biology |
Current opinion in genetics & development |
Current problems in cancer |
Current problems in cardiology |
Current problems in diagnostic radiology |
Current problems in surgery |
Current therapeutic research |
Dental materials |
Developmental biology |
Differential geometry and its applications |
Differentiation |
Discrete applied mathematics |
Discrete mathematics |
Disease-a-month |
Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans |
Earth-science reviews |
Economics letters |
Economics of education review |
Education & computing |
Electrochimica acta |
Energy economics |
Engineering geology |
English for specific purposes |
Environmental impact assessment review |
Enzyme and microbial technology |
ESP journal |
European journal of combinatorics = |
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology |
European journal of operational research |
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences |
European journal of pharmacology |
European journal of vascular surgery |
Evaluation in education, international progress |
Experimental cell research |
Experimental eye research |
Experimental neurology |
Experimental parasitology |
Explorations in economic history |
Food and cosmetics toxicology |
Food policy |
Future generations computer systems |
Futures |
Futures |
Gastrointestinal endoscopy |
General and comparative endocrinology |
General hospital psychiatry |
General pharmacology |
General topology and its applications |
Genomics |
Geobios |
Geoforum |
Geriatric nursing |
Gynecologic oncology |
Habitat international |
Health policy |
Historia mathematica |
Hormones and behavior |
Human movement science |
Human pathology |
Icarus |
Immunology letters |
Indagationes mathematicae |
Industrial marketing management |
Infant behavior & development |
Information & management |
Information economics and policy |
Information processing & management |
Infrared physics & technology |
Injury |
Insurance, mathematics & economics |
Intelligence |
Intensive and critical care nursing |
Intensive care nursing |
international journal of biochemistry |
International journal of cardiology |
International journal of coal geology |
International journal of educational development |
International journal of educational research |
International journal of forecasting |
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics |
International journal of human-computer studies |
International journal of intercultural relations |
International journal of man-machine studies |
International journal of mechanical sciences |
International journal of multiphase flow |
International journal of museum management and curatorship |
International journal of nursing studies |
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery |
International journal of orthodontia |
International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children |
International journal of orthodontia, oral surgery, and radiography |
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology |
International journal of pharmaceutics |
International journal of plasticity |
International journal of psychophysiology |
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics |
International journal of research in marketing |
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts |
Japan and the world economy |
Journal of accounting and public policy |
Journal of accounting education |
Journal of adolescence |
Journal of adolescent health |
Journal of aerosol science |
Journal of aging studies |
Journal of algebra |
Journal of algorithms |
journal of allergy and clinical immunology |
Journal of anthropological archaeology |
Journal of anxiety disorders |
Journal of applied developmental psychology |
Journal of approximation theory |
Journal of archaeological science |
Journal of autoimmunity |
Journal of banking & finance |
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry |
Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods |
Journal of business research |
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia |
Journal of catalysis |
Journal of chronic diseases |
Journal of clinical anesthesia |
Journal of clinical epidemiology |
Journal of colloid and interface science |
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A |
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B |
Journal of communication disorders |
Journal of comparative economics |
Journal of complexity |
Journal of computational physics |
Journal of computer and system sciences |
Journal of consumer psychology |
Journal of controlled release |
Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery |
Journal of criminal justice |
Journal of critical care |
Journal of differential equations |
Journal of economic psychology |
Journal of economic theory |
Journal of economics and business |
Journal of electrocardiology |
Journal of emergency medicine |
Journal of endodontics |
Journal of environmental economics and management |
Journal of environmental psychology |
Journal of ethnopharmacology |
Journal of experimental child psychology |
Journal of financial intermediation |
Journal of fluency disorders |
Journal of functional analysis |
Journal of hand surgery |
Journal of hepatology |
Journal of historical geography |
Journal of hospital infection |
Journal of human evolution |
Journal of immunological methods |
Journal of infection |
Journal of insect physiology |
Journal of international money and finance |
journal of logic programming |
Journal of macroeconomics |
Journal of management |
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications |
Journal of mathematical behavior |
Journal of maxillofacial surgery |
Journal of medieval history |
Journal of membrane science |
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology |
Journal of molecular biology |
Journal of molecular spectroscopy |
Journal of molecular structure |
Journal of multivariate analysis |
Journal of number theory |
Journal of pain and symptom management |
Journal of parallel and distributed computing |
Journal of pediatric health care |
Journal of pediatric surgery |
Journal of pediatrics |
Journal of pragmatics |
Journal of professional nursing |
Journal of prosthetic dentistry |
Journal of psychiatric research |
Journal of psychosomatic research |
Journal of public economics |
Journal of pure and applied algebra |
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer |
Journal of retailing |
Journal of rural studies |
Journal of school psychology |
Journal of second language writing |
Journal of social and evolutionary systems |
Journal of solid state chemistry |
Journal of sound and vibration |
Journal of statistical planning and inference |
journal of strategic information systems |
Journal of structural biology |
Journal of symbolic computation |
Journal of systems and software |
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology |
Journal of the autonomic nervous system |
Journal of the Franklin Institute |
Journal of the Japanese and international economies |
Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids |
Journal of theoretical biology |
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics |
Language & communication |
Learning and individual differences |
Leukemia research |
Life sciences |
Linear algebra and its applications |
Lingua |
Linguistics and education |
Long range planning |
Marine micropaleontology |
Mathematical biosciences |
Mathematics and computers in simulation |
Mechanics of materials |
Mechanisms of ageing and development |
Mechanisms of development |
Medical hypotheses |
Metabolic bone disease & related research |
Metabolism, clinical and experimental |
Metal powder report |
Methods |
Microbial pathogenesis |
Microvascular research |
Midwifery |
Molecular and biochemical parasitology |
Molecular and cellular endocrinology |
Molecular and cellular neurosciences |
Molecular and cellular probes |
Molecular aspects of medicine |
Museum management and curatorship |
Mutation research |
mycologist |
Neural networks |
NeuroImage |
Neuron |
Neuropharmacology |
Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews |
Neuroscience research |
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment |
Nuclear physics |
Nuclear physics. A |
Nuclear physics. B |
Nurse education today |
Nursing outlook |
Omega |
Optics and laser technology |
Optics communications |
Orbis |
Organic geochemistry |
Organizational behavior and human decision processes |
Pain |
Parallel computing |
Performance evaluation |
Personality and individual differences |
Pharmacological research |
Physica D. Nonlinear phenomena |
Plant science |
Plasmid |
Poetics |
Political geography |
Polymer testing |
Preventive medicine |
Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association |
Progress in cardiovascular diseases |
Progress in energy and combustion science |
Progress in neurobiology |
Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology |
Progress in nuclear energy |
Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
Progress in oceanography |
Progress in particle and nuclear physics |
Progress in polymer science |
Progress in quantum electronics |
Progress in solid state chemistry |
Protein expression and purification |
Psychiatry research |
Public health |
Public relations review |
Quarterly review of economics and finance |
Quaternary science reviews |
Radiotherapy and oncology |
Regional science and urban economics |
Resources policy |
Respiratory medicine |
Robotics |
Russian literature |
Schizophrenia research |
Science of computer programming |
Sedimentary geology |
Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism |
Seminars in nuclear medicine |
Seminars in oncology nursing |
Seminars in roentgenology |
Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MRI |
Sensors and actuators |
Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical |
Serials review |
Signal processing |
Social networks |
Social science research |
Solar & wind technology |
Solar cells |
Speech communication |
Statistics & probability letters |
Steroids |
Stochastic processes and their applications |
Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics |
Studies in history and philosophy of science |
Surface science |
Surface science reports |
Surgical neurology |
Survey of ophthalmology |
System |
Talanta |
Technovation |
Telecommunications policy |
Tetrahedron |
Tetrahedron letters; |
Tetrahedron, asymmetry |
Theoretical computer science |
Theoretical population biology |
Thrombosis research |
Tissue & cell |
Topology |
Topology and its applications |
Toxicology |
Toxicology and applied pharmacology |
Toxicology letters |
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
Transportation research. Part A, Policy and practice |
Transportation research. Part B, Methodological |
Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies |
Trends in biochemical sciences |
Trends in neurosciences |
Trends in neurosciences |
Trends in pharmacological sciences |
Trends in pharmacological sciences |
Ultrasound in medicine & biology |
Urology |
Virus research |
Vision research |
Wear = |
World development |
New titles ingested by the BTAA SPR as of January 2017
Brain research. Brain research reviews |
Current opinion in biotechnology |
Discrete applied mathematics and combinatorial operations research |
Library collections, acquisitions, & technical services |
Nonlinear analysis, theory, methods & applications |
Pharmacology & therapeutics. Part B, General & systematic pharmacology |
Physica A |
Physics and chemistry of the earth |
Polymer science U.S.S.R |
Technology in society |