19th century music. |
Academy of Management journal. |
Africa development = |
African studies review. |
Agricultural history. |
American anthropologist. |
American journal of agricultural economics. |
American journal of archaeology : |
American journal of education. |
American journal of mathematics. |
American journal of political science. |
American libraries. |
American scientist. |
Annals of the Association of American Geographers. |
Annals of the Bhandarkar Institute. |
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. |
Annual report / |
Annual review of anthropology. |
Applied statistics. |
Archaeology : |
Archival issues : |
Arctic. |
Behaviour. |
Biometrics bulletin. |
Biometrics. |
Bios. |
Bird-banding. |
Book history. |
Botanical bulletin. |
Botanical gazette. |
British journal of educational studies. |
British journal of political science. |
Built environment. |
Bulletin de la Soci{acute}et{acute}e royale de botanique de Belgique. |
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. |
Business history review. |
Canadian journal of public health = |
Child development. |
Classical philology. |
College composition and communication. |
Columbia journal of international affairs. |
Comparative studies in society and history. |
Contemporary Southeast Asia. |
Copeia. |
Crustaceana. |
Cultural anthropology : |
Curriculum inquiry. |
Daedalus : |
Desarrollo econ{acute}omico. |
Dumbarton Oaks papers. |
Ecological applications : |
Ecological monographs. |
Ecology. |
Econometrica : |
Economic development and cultural change. |
Economic geography. |
Economica. |
Ekistics : |
English journal. |
Environmental health perspectives : |
Etc. : |
Ethics. |
Ethos. |
Europe-Asia studies. |
Feminist teacher. |
Film quarterly. |
Foreign affairs. |
Foreign policy. |
Garden history. |
German studies review. |
Glotta |
Gnomon. |
Greece & Rome. |
Harvard journal of Asiatic studies. |
Harvard Ukrainian studies. |
Health services reports. |
Hermathena. |
Hesperia. |
Hispania. |
Hispanic review. |
Historia : |
Historia mexicana. |
Historical social research = |
Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences : |
History and theory. |
History of education quarterly. |
Indian economic review. |
Interfaces. |
International affairs review supplement. |
International affairs. |
International economic review. |
International journal of plant sciences. |
International labor and working class history. |
International organization. |
International security. |
International statistical review = |
Iranian studies : |
Isis. |
Jewish social studies. |
JMR, Journal of marketing research. |
Journal for research in mathematics education. |
Journal of accounting research. |
Journal of anthropological research. |
Journal of Arabic literature. |
Journal of business & economic statistics : |
Journal of coastal research : |
Journal of economic issues. |
Journal of economic literature. |
Journal of farm economics. |
Journal of field archaeology. |
Journal of financial and quantitative analysis. |
Journal of international affairs. |
Journal of labor economics. |
Journal of linguistic anthropology : |
Journal of marriage and the family. |
Journal of money, credit, and banking. |
Journal of Near Eastern studies. |
Journal of paleontology. |
Journal of social history. |
Journal of southern African studies. |
Journal of the American Musicological Society. |
Journal of the American Statistical Association. |
Journal of the early Republic. |
Journal of the history of ideas. |
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. |
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America. |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. |
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
Journal of the Statistical Society of London. |
Journal of theological studies. |
Journal of vertebrate paleontology. |
Journal of world history : |
Labour = |
Land economics. |
Language. |
Latin American research review. |
Latomus. |
Libraries & culture. |
Luso-Brazilian review. |
Management science. |
Marketing science : |
Mathematical tables and other aids to computation : |
Mathematics magazine. |
Mathematics of computation. |
Merrill-Palmer quarterly. |
Middle Eastern studies. |
Mind. |
MLN. |
Mnemosyne. |
Modern Judaism. |
Modern language notes. |
Modern philology. |
Monumenta Nipponica. |
Mycologia. |
Mystics quarterly. |
National mathematics magazine. |
New German critique |
No{circ}us. |
Operations research. |
Oriens. |
Osiris. |
Pacific affairs. |
Pacific historical review. |
Pakistan development review. |
Palaios. |
Paleobiology. |
Papers of the British School at Rome. |
Past & present. |
Peabody journal of education. |
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. |
Philosophical transactions. |
Philosophy & public affairs. |
Philosophy of science. |
Phoenix. |
Plains anthropologist. |
Poetics today. |
Political methodology. |
Political science quarterly. |
Population and development review. |
Population literature. |
Presidential studies quarterly. |
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. |
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York. |
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science. |
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. |
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. |
Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge. |
Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists. |
Proceedings of the annual meeting – American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. |
Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. |
PS, political science & politics. |
PS. |
Public administration review. |
Public health reports. |
Public health reports. |
Public opinion quarterly. |
Public productivity review. |
Publications of the American Statistical Association. |
Quarterly publications of the American Statistical Association. |
Radiation research. |
Radiation research. |
Reading research quarterly. |
Renaissance quarterly. |
Res. |
Review – Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations. |
Review of international studies / |
Review of social economy. |
Revista de cr{acute}itica literaria latinoamericana. |
Revista de historia de Am{acute}erica. |
Rheinisches Museum f{uml}ur Philologie. |
Sankhy{macr}a, |
Sankhy{macr}a. |
Sankhy{macr}a. Series A. |
Scandinavian journal of statistics, theory and applications. |
Shakespeare quarterly. |
SIAM journal on applied mathematics. |
SIAM journal on numerical analysis : |
SIAM review. |
Sigma Xi quarterly. |
Signs : |
Slavic review. |
Social analysis. |
Social forces. |
Social history. |
Social research. |
Social science history. |
Social science. |
Sociological bulletin. |
Sociological quarterly. |
Southern economic journal. |
Southwestern historical quarterly. |
Soviet studies. |
Speculum. |
Statistical science : |
Studies in art education. |
Studies in conservation = |
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. |
Syria. |
Taxon. |
The Academy of Management review. |
The Accounting review. |
The Agricultural history review. |
The American economic review. |
The American historical review. |
The American journal of sociology. |
The American mathematical monthly : |
The American political science review. |
The American scholar. |
The American Slavic and East European review. |
The American statistician. |
The Americas. |
The analyst. |
The annals of applied probability : |
The Annals of mathematical statistics. |
The Annals of probability. |
The annals of statistics. |
The Bell journal of economics and management science. |
The Burlington magazine for connoisseurs. |
The Burlington magazine. |
The Canadian journal of economics. |
The classical journal. |
The Classical review. |
The Classical weekly. |
The College mathematics journal : |
The econometrics journal. |
The economic journal : |
The Eighteenth century. |
The English historical review. |
The Geographical journal. |
The Harvard theological review. |
The Hispanic American historical review. |
The Historical journal. |
The history teacher. |
The Huntington Library quarterly. |
The International migration review : |
The Jewish quarterly review. |
The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism. |
The Journal of Asian studies. |
The journal of consumer research. |
The Journal of economic abstracts. |
The journal of economic history. |
The journal of economic perspectives : |
The Journal of educational research. |
The Journal of finance. |
The Journal of general education. |
The journal of geology. |
The journal of Hellenic studies / |
The Journal of higher education. |
The Journal of human resources. |
The journal of interdisciplinary history. |
The Journal of Japanese studies. |
The Journal of modern African studies. |
The Journal of modern history. |
The Journal of Negro education. |
The journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods. |
The journal of philosophy. |
The journal of political economy. |
The journal of politics. |
The journal of religion. |
The Journal of southern history. |
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. |
The Kenyon review. |
The library quarterly : |
The mathematical gazette. |
The Middle East journal. |
The Modern language journal. |
The Modern language review. |
The Musical quarterly. |
The New England quarterly. |
The North American review. |
The North Carolina historical review. |
The Oral history review. |
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. |
The Philosophical review. |
The Phylon quarterly. |
The plant cell. |
The public historian. |
The quarterly journal of economics. |
The quarterly review of biology. |
The review of economics and statistics. |
The school review. |
The science teacher. |
The Sewanee review. |
The Slavonic and East European review. |
The Social service review. |
The Statistician : |
The William and Mary quarterly. |
The World Bank research observer. |
Theatre journal. |
Theory into practice. |
Third world quarterly. |
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. |
Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. |
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. |
Twentieth century literature. |
Two-year college mathematics journal. |
Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development. |
Urban anthropology. |
Victorian studies. |
Vigiliae Christianae. |
Wildlife Society bulletin. |
Wisconsin magazine of history. |
World politics. |
Yale French studies. |
Zeitschrift f{uml}ur Ethnologie. |