19th century music.
Academy of Management journal.
Africa development =
African studies review.
Agricultural history.
American anthropologist.
American journal of agricultural economics.
American journal of archaeology :
American journal of education.
American journal of mathematics.
American journal of political science.
American libraries.
American scientist.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers.
Annals of the Bhandarkar Institute.
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona.
Annual report /
Annual review of anthropology.
Applied statistics.
Archaeology :
Archival issues :
Biometrics bulletin.
Book history.
Botanical bulletin.
Botanical gazette.
British journal of educational studies.
British journal of political science.
Built environment.
Bulletin de la Soci{acute}et{acute}e royale de botanique de Belgique.
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.
Business history review.
Canadian journal of public health =
Child development.
Classical philology.
College composition and communication.
Columbia journal of international affairs.
Comparative studies in society and history.
Contemporary Southeast Asia.
Cultural anthropology :
Curriculum inquiry.
Daedalus :
Desarrollo econ{acute}omico.
Dumbarton Oaks papers.
Ecological applications :
Ecological monographs.
Econometrica :
Economic development and cultural change.
Economic geography.
Ekistics :
English journal.
Environmental health perspectives :
Etc. :
Europe-Asia studies.
Feminist teacher.
Film quarterly.
Foreign affairs.
Foreign policy.
Garden history.
German studies review.
Greece & Rome.
Harvard journal of Asiatic studies.
Harvard Ukrainian studies.
Health services reports.
Hispanic review.
Historia :
Historia mexicana.
Historical social research =
Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences :
History and theory.
History of education quarterly.
Indian economic review.
International affairs review supplement.
International affairs.
International economic review.
International journal of plant sciences.
International labor and working class history.
International organization.
International security.
International statistical review =
Iranian studies :
Jewish social studies.
JMR, Journal of marketing research.
Journal for research in mathematics education.
Journal of accounting research.
Journal of anthropological research.
Journal of Arabic literature.
Journal of business & economic statistics :
Journal of coastal research :
Journal of economic issues.
Journal of economic literature.
Journal of farm economics.
Journal of field archaeology.
Journal of financial and quantitative analysis.
Journal of international affairs.
Journal of labor economics.
Journal of linguistic anthropology :
Journal of marriage and the family.
Journal of money, credit, and banking.
Journal of Near Eastern studies.
Journal of paleontology.
Journal of social history.
Journal of southern African studies.
Journal of the American Musicological Society.
Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Journal of the early Republic.
Journal of the history of ideas.
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society.
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Journal of the Statistical Society of London.
Journal of theological studies.
Journal of vertebrate paleontology.
Journal of world history :
Labour =
Land economics.
Latin American research review.
Libraries & culture.
Luso-Brazilian review.
Management science.
Marketing science :
Mathematical tables and other aids to computation :
Mathematics magazine.
Mathematics of computation.
Merrill-Palmer quarterly.
Middle Eastern studies.
Modern Judaism.
Modern language notes.
Modern philology.
Monumenta Nipponica.
Mystics quarterly.
National mathematics magazine.
New German critique
Operations research.
Pacific affairs.
Pacific historical review.
Pakistan development review.
Papers of the British School at Rome.
Past & present.
Peabody journal of education.
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.
Philosophical transactions.
Philosophy & public affairs.
Philosophy of science.
Plains anthropologist.
Poetics today.
Political methodology.
Political science quarterly.
Population and development review.
Population literature.
Presidential studies quarterly.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York.
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science.
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge.
Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists.
Proceedings of the annual meeting – American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists.
Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
PS, political science & politics.
Public administration review.
Public health reports.
Public health reports.
Public opinion quarterly.
Public productivity review.
Publications of the American Statistical Association.
Quarterly publications of the American Statistical Association.
Radiation research.
Radiation research.
Reading research quarterly.
Renaissance quarterly.
Review – Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations.
Review of international studies /
Review of social economy.
Revista de cr{acute}itica literaria latinoamericana.
Revista de historia de Am{acute}erica.
Rheinisches Museum f{uml}ur Philologie.
Sankhy{macr}a. Series A.
Scandinavian journal of statistics, theory and applications.
Shakespeare quarterly.
SIAM journal on applied mathematics.
SIAM journal on numerical analysis :
SIAM review.
Sigma Xi quarterly.
Signs :
Slavic review.
Social analysis.
Social forces.
Social history.
Social research.
Social science history.
Social science.
Sociological bulletin.
Sociological quarterly.
Southern economic journal.
Southwestern historical quarterly.
Soviet studies.
Statistical science :
Studies in art education.
Studies in conservation =
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
The Academy of Management review.
The Accounting review.
The Agricultural history review.
The American economic review.
The American historical review.
The American journal of sociology.
The American mathematical monthly :
The American political science review.
The American scholar.
The American Slavic and East European review.
The American statistician.
The Americas.
The analyst.
The annals of applied probability :
The Annals of mathematical statistics.
The Annals of probability.
The annals of statistics.
The Bell journal of economics and management science.
The Burlington magazine for connoisseurs.
The Burlington magazine.
The Canadian journal of economics.
The classical journal.
The Classical review.
The Classical weekly.
The College mathematics journal :
The econometrics journal.
The economic journal :
The Eighteenth century.
The English historical review.
The Geographical journal.
The Harvard theological review.
The Hispanic American historical review.
The Historical journal.
The history teacher.
The Huntington Library quarterly.
The International migration review :
The Jewish quarterly review.
The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism.
The Journal of Asian studies.
The journal of consumer research.
The Journal of economic abstracts.
The journal of economic history.
The journal of economic perspectives :
The Journal of educational research.
The Journal of finance.
The Journal of general education.
The journal of geology.
The journal of Hellenic studies /
The Journal of higher education.
The Journal of human resources.
The journal of interdisciplinary history.
The Journal of Japanese studies.
The Journal of modern African studies.
The Journal of modern history.
The Journal of Negro education.
The journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods.
The journal of philosophy.
The journal of political economy.
The journal of politics.
The journal of religion.
The Journal of southern history.
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.
The Kenyon review.
The library quarterly :
The mathematical gazette.
The Middle East journal.
The Modern language journal.
The Modern language review.
The Musical quarterly.
The New England quarterly.
The North American review.
The North Carolina historical review.
The Oral history review.
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.
The Philosophical review.
The Phylon quarterly.
The plant cell.
The public historian.
The quarterly journal of economics.
The quarterly review of biology.
The review of economics and statistics.
The school review.
The science teacher.
The Sewanee review.
The Slavonic and East European review.
The Social service review.
The Statistician :
The William and Mary quarterly.
The World Bank research observer.
Theatre journal.
Theory into practice.
Third world quarterly.
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society.
Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries.
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society.
Twentieth century literature.
Two-year college mathematics journal.
Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development.
Urban anthropology.
Victorian studies.
Vigiliae Christianae.
Wildlife Society bulletin.
Wisconsin magazine of history.
World politics.
Yale French studies.
Zeitschrift f{uml}ur Ethnologie.