Acta sociologica |
Administration & society |
Adult education quarterly |
Adult learning |
Alternatives |
American politics quarterly |
American politics research |
American review of public administration |
American sociological review |
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science |
Applied psychological measurement |
Armed forces and society |
Behavior modification |
Body & society |
Bulletin of peace proposals |
Bulletin of science, technology & society |
Bulletin of the atomic scientists |
Business and society |
China information = |
China report = |
Clothing and textiles research journal |
Communication research |
Community college review |
Comparative group studies |
Comparative political studies |
Compensation and benefits review |
Compensation review |
Conflict management and peace science |
Convergence |
Cooperation and conflict |
Crime and delinquency |
Criminal justice and behavior |
Critical sociology |
Critique of anthropology |
Current sociology = |
Diogenes |
Discourse & society |
Eastern European politics and societies |
Economic and industrial democracy |
Economic development quarterly |
Education and urban society |
Educational administration quarterly |
Educational and psychological measurement |
Educational researcher |
Environment and behavior |
Environment and urbanization |
European history quarterly |
European journal of communication |
European journal of international relations |
European studies review |
Evaluation & the health professions |
Evaluation news |
Evaluation review |
Feminism & psychology |
Feminist theory |
Forum Italicum |
French cultural studies |
Gender & society |
Group & organization management |
Group & organization studies |
Group analysis |
Health education & behavior |
Health education quarterly |
Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences |
History of the human sciences |
Human & experimental toxicology |
Human factors |
Human relations |
Human toxicology |
Index on censorship |
Industrial and labor relations review |
International journal of behavioral development |
International journal of comparative sociology |
International political science review |
International regional science review |
International relations |
International review for the sociology of sport |
International review of administrative sciences |
International review of sport sociology |
International sociology |
International studies |
Interpretation |
Intervention in school and clinic |
Journal for the education of the gifted |
Journal for the history of astronomy |
Journal for the study of the New Testament |
Journal for the study of the Old Testament |
Journal of accounting, auditing & finance |
Journal of adolescent research |
Journal of aging and health |
Journal of applied gerontology |
Journal of Asian and African studies |
Journal of biological rhythms |
Journal of black studies |
Journal of comparative administration |
Journal of contemporary ethnography |
Journal of contemporary history |
Journal of cross-cultural psychology |
Journal of dental research |
Journal of developing societies |
Journal of drug issues |
Journal of English linguistics |
Journal of European social policy |
Journal of European studies |
Journal of family history |
Journal of family issues |
Journal of health & social behavior |
Journal of health management |
Journal of information science |
Journal of interdisciplinary economics |
Journal of language and social psychology |
Journal of learning disabilities |
Journal of librarianship |
Journal of librarianship and information science |
Journal of macromarketing |
Journal of management education |
Journal of management inquiry |
Journal of marketing education |
Journal of material culture |
Journal of peace research |
Journal of peace science |
Journal of planning education and research |
Journal of planning literature |
Journal of psychoeducational assessment |
Journal of research in crime & delinquency |
Journal of research in music education |
Journal of social and personal relationships |
Journal of sport and social issues |
Journal of teacher education |
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association |
Journal of theoretical politics |
Journal of urban history |
Journalism |
Journalism & communication monographs |
Journalism & mass communication educator |
Journalism & mass communication quarterly |
Journalism bulletin |
Knowledge |
Laboratory animals |
Language and speech |
Language testing |
Latin American perspectives |
Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development |
Media, culture & society |
Medical care research and review |
Medical care review |
Midwest review of public administration |
Millennium |
Missiology |
Modern China |
Music educators journal |
NASSP bulletin |
National Institute economic review |
New media & society |
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly |
Nursing science quarterly |
Nutrition and health |
Organization studies |
Personality & social psychology bulletin |
Personality and social psychology review |
Phi Delta Kappan |
Philosophy & social criticism |
Philosophy of the social sciences |
Political research quarterly |
Political science |
Political theory |
Politics & society |
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine |
Progress in human geography |
Progress in physical geography |
Public finance quarterly |
Public finance review |
Public personnel management |
Qualitative health research |
Qualitative social work |
Race |
Race & class |
Rationality and society |
RELC journal |
Remedial and special education |
Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities |
Research on aging |
Review of public personnel administration |
Review of research in education |
Scandinavian journal of public health |
Scandinavian journal of social medicine |
School psychology international |
Science communication |
Science, technology & human values |
Security dialogue |
Simulation |
Simulation & games |
Simulation & gaming |
Small group behavior |
Small group research |
Social compass |
Social psychology quarterly |
Social science computer review |
Social science information |
Social science microcomputer review |
Social sciences information = |
Social studies of science |
Sociological methodology |
Sociological methods & research |
Sociological perspectives |
Sociology |
Sociology of education |
Sociology of work and occupations |
State and local government review |
State politics & policy quarterly |
Studies in religion |
Teaching exceptional children |
Teaching of psychology |
Teaching sociology |
Textile research journal |
The American behavioral scientist |
The American journal of sports medicine |
The Australian and New Zealand journal of sociology |
The Australian journal of education |
The Counseling psychologist |
The European journal of women’s studies |
The Gifted child quarterly |
The Health education journal |
The Holocene |
The Indian economic and social history review |
The international journal of high performance computing applications |
The International journal of robotics research |
The International journal of social psychiatry |
The international journal of supercomputer applications |
The international journal of supercomputer applications and high performance computing |
The Journal of applied behavioral science |
The journal of black psychology |
The journal of Commonwealth literature |
The Journal of communication inquiry |
The Journal of conflict resolution |
The Journal of early adolescence |
The journal of environment & development |
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry |
The Journal of humanistic psychology |
The Journal of special education |
The journalism educator |
The Review of radical political economics |
Theological studies |
Theology |
Theology today |
Theoretical criminology |
Theory, culture & society |
Thesis eleven |
Topics in early childhood special education |
Transactional analysis journal |
Urban affairs quarterly |
Urban affairs review |
Urban education |
Urban life |
Urban studies |
Western journal of nursing research |
Work and occupations |
Work, employment & society |
Written communication |
Youth & society |