Acta sociologica
Administration & society
Adult education quarterly
Adult learning
American politics quarterly
American politics research
American review of public administration
American sociological review
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Applied psychological measurement
Armed forces and society
Behavior modification
Body & society
Bulletin of peace proposals
Bulletin of science, technology & society
Bulletin of the atomic scientists
Business and society
China information =
China report =
Clothing and textiles research journal
Communication research
Community college review
Comparative group studies
Comparative political studies
Compensation and benefits review
Compensation review
Conflict management and peace science
Cooperation and conflict
Crime and delinquency
Criminal justice and behavior
Critical sociology
Critique of anthropology
Current sociology =
Discourse & society
Eastern European politics and societies
Economic and industrial democracy
Economic development quarterly
Education and urban society
Educational administration quarterly
Educational and psychological measurement
Educational researcher
Environment and behavior
Environment and urbanization
European history quarterly
European journal of communication
European journal of international relations
European studies review
Evaluation & the health professions
Evaluation news
Evaluation review
Feminism & psychology
Feminist theory
Forum Italicum
French cultural studies
Gender & society
Group & organization management
Group & organization studies
Group analysis
Health education & behavior
Health education quarterly
Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences
History of the human sciences
Human & experimental toxicology
Human factors
Human relations
Human toxicology
Index on censorship
Industrial and labor relations review
International journal of behavioral development
International journal of comparative sociology
International political science review
International regional science review
International relations
International review for the sociology of sport
International review of administrative sciences
International review of sport sociology
International sociology
International studies
Intervention in school and clinic
Journal for the education of the gifted
Journal for the history of astronomy
Journal for the study of the New Testament
Journal for the study of the Old Testament
Journal of accounting, auditing & finance
Journal of adolescent research
Journal of aging and health
Journal of applied gerontology
Journal of Asian and African studies
Journal of biological rhythms
Journal of black studies
Journal of comparative administration
Journal of contemporary ethnography
Journal of contemporary history
Journal of cross-cultural psychology
Journal of dental research
Journal of developing societies
Journal of drug issues
Journal of English linguistics
Journal of European social policy
Journal of European studies
Journal of family history
Journal of family issues
Journal of health & social behavior
Journal of health management
Journal of information science
Journal of interdisciplinary economics
Journal of language and social psychology
Journal of learning disabilities
Journal of librarianship
Journal of librarianship and information science
Journal of macromarketing
Journal of management education
Journal of management inquiry
Journal of marketing education
Journal of material culture
Journal of peace research
Journal of peace science
Journal of planning education and research
Journal of planning literature
Journal of psychoeducational assessment
Journal of research in crime & delinquency
Journal of research in music education
Journal of social and personal relationships
Journal of sport and social issues
Journal of teacher education
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Journal of theoretical politics
Journal of urban history
Journalism & communication monographs
Journalism & mass communication educator
Journalism & mass communication quarterly
Journalism bulletin
Laboratory animals
Language and speech
Language testing
Latin American perspectives
Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development
Media, culture & society
Medical care research and review
Medical care review
Midwest review of public administration
Modern China
Music educators journal
NASSP bulletin
National Institute economic review
New media & society
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly
Nursing science quarterly
Nutrition and health
Organization studies
Personality & social psychology bulletin
Personality and social psychology review
Phi Delta Kappan
Philosophy & social criticism
Philosophy of the social sciences
Political research quarterly
Political science
Political theory
Politics & society
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Progress in human geography
Progress in physical geography
Public finance quarterly
Public finance review
Public personnel management
Qualitative health research
Qualitative social work
Race & class
Rationality and society
RELC journal
Remedial and special education
Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities
Research on aging
Review of public personnel administration
Review of research in education
Scandinavian journal of public health
Scandinavian journal of social medicine
School psychology international
Science communication
Science, technology & human values
Security dialogue
Simulation & games
Simulation & gaming
Small group behavior
Small group research
Social compass
Social psychology quarterly
Social science computer review
Social science information
Social science microcomputer review
Social sciences information =
Social studies of science
Sociological methodology
Sociological methods & research
Sociological perspectives
Sociology of education
Sociology of work and occupations
State and local government review
State politics & policy quarterly
Studies in religion
Teaching exceptional children
Teaching of psychology
Teaching sociology
Textile research journal
The American behavioral scientist
The American journal of sports medicine
The Australian and New Zealand journal of sociology
The Australian journal of education
The Counseling psychologist
The European journal of women’s studies
The Gifted child quarterly
The Health education journal
The Holocene
The Indian economic and social history review
The international journal of high performance computing applications
The International journal of robotics research
The International journal of social psychiatry
The international journal of supercomputer applications
The international journal of supercomputer applications and high performance computing
The Journal of applied behavioral science
The journal of black psychology
The journal of Commonwealth literature
The Journal of communication inquiry
The Journal of conflict resolution
The Journal of early adolescence
The journal of environment & development
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry
The Journal of humanistic psychology
The Journal of special education
The journalism educator
The Review of radical political economics
Theological studies
Theology today
Theoretical criminology
Theory, culture & society
Thesis eleven
Topics in early childhood special education
Transactional analysis journal
Urban affairs quarterly
Urban affairs review
Urban education
Urban life
Urban studies
Western journal of nursing research
Work and occupations
Work, employment & society
Written communication
Youth & society