In 2018, the University of Iowa Libraries and our Big Ten colleagues purchased backfiles to online journals in several Taylor and Francis packages. Keeping in line with our collection guidelines, we will withdraw print volumes for which we own the online content in perpetuity. Withdrawal will begin in June 2018. Below is a list of Taylor and Francis packages and the print titles that are withdrawal candidates.
Allied & Public Health
Alcoholism treatment quarterly. |
American journal of drug and alcohol abuse. |
American Journal Of Sexuality Education |
Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. |
Behavioral medicine |
British journal of audiology. |
Disability and rehabilitation. |
Health care for women international. |
International audiology. |
International disability studies. |
International journal of audiology : the official journal of owner societies / |
International rehabilitation medicine. |
Issues in health care of women. |
Journal of human stress |
Journal of prevention & intervention in the community. |
Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless |
Journal of the American College of Nutrition. |
Nutrition and cancer. |
Occupational therapy in mental health. |
Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics. |
Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics. |
Physiotherapy practice. |
Physiotherapy theory and practice. |
Scandinavian audiology. |
Substance use & misuse. |
The International journal of the addictions. |
Women & health. |
Arts & Humanities
A.U.M.L.A. : Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association. |
Acta linguistica hafniensia / |
Acta linguistica. |
Al-Masāq. |
American nineteenth century history. |
Angelaki. |
Annals of science. |
ANQ. |
Anthropology & archeology of Eurasia. |
Ars nova. |
Art journal. |
Australasian journal of philosophy. |
Australian historical studies. |
Australian journal of linguistics : journal of the Australian Linguistic Society. |
Auto/biography studies : a/b. |
British journal for the history of philosophy : the journal of the British Society for the History of Philosophy. |
Brontë Society transactions. |
Brontë studies : journal of the Brontë Society. |
Bulletin of Hispanic studies. |
Bulletin of Spanish studies / |
Bulletin of Spanish studies. |
Canadian journal of philosophy. |
Chinese studies in history. |
Chinese studies in philosophy. |
CHINOPERL papers. |
Colonial Latin American review. |
Computer assisted language learning. |
Contemporary music review. |
Contemporary theatre review. |
Costume : the journal of the Costume Society. |
Critique. |
Culture and religion. |
Current issues in language planning. |
Current writing. |
Dance chronicle. |
De Arte. |
Digital creativity. |
Dress. |
East European Jewish affairs. |
English studies in Africa. |
English studies. |
European review of history = Revue européene d’histoire. |
European romantic review. |
Exemplaria. |
Gwerin. |
Historical journal of film, radio, and television. |
Historical methods newsletter. |
Historical methods. |
Historical studies, Australia and New Zealand. |
Historical studies. |
History and philosophy of logic. |
History and technology. |
History of European ideas. |
History of photography. |
History. |
Ibsen studies / |
Imago mundi. |
Inquiry : an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy and the social sciences. |
International journal of philosophical studies : IJPS. |
JBSP ; the journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. |
Journal of Chinese religions. |
Journal of garden history. |
Journal of Iberian and Latin-American studies. |
Journal of literary studies = Tydskrif vir literatuurwetenskap. |
Journal of medieval history. |
Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. |
Journal of new music research. |
Journal of postcolonial writing. |
Journal of the musical arts in Africa |
Journal of the Royal Musical Association. |
Journal of Victorian culture : JVC. |
Keats-Shelley review. |
Kentucky romance quarterly : KRQ. |
Konsthistorisk tidskrift ; revy för konst och konstforskning. |
Labor history. |
Language matters : studies in the languages of Southern Africa. |
Literature, interpretation, theory : Lit. |
Media Asia. |
Mediterranean historical review. |
Midland history. |
Milton and the romantics. |
Ming studies. |
Monumenta serica. |
Music & man. |
Musicology Australia. |
Names. |
Nineteenth-century contexts. |
Northern history. |
Oxford German studies. |
Parliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation. |
Performance research. |
Philosophical papers. |
Philosophical psychology. |
Popular music and society. |
Prometheus. |
Prose studies. |
Publications of the English Goethe Society. |
Religion. |
Research chronicle. |
Rethinking history. |
Review : Latin American literature and arts. |
Revolutionary Russia. |
Romance quarterly. |
Romanticism past and present / |
Russian studies in history. |
Russian studies in literature. |
Scandinavian journal of history. |
Scandinavian journal of the Old Testament : SJOT. |
Scando-slavica. |
Scrutiny 2. |
Slavery & abolition. |
Social epistemology. |
Social history. |
South African historical journal : SAHJ. |
Soviet anthropology and archeology. |
Soviet Jewish affairs / |
Soviet studies in literature. |
Soviet studies in philosophy. |
Studia neophilologica. |
Studia theologica. |
Studies in Zionism. |
Suid-Afrikaanse historiese joernaal / |
Symbolae Osloenses / |
Symposium. |
T’ang studies. |
Terrae incognitae. |
Tesserae : journal of Iberian and Latin-American studies / |
Textile history. |
Textual practice. |
The Art bulletin. |
The Australasian journal of psychology and philosophy. |
The Baptist quarterly. |
The English Academy review. |
The European legacy, toward new paradigms : journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas / |
The Explicator. |
The Germanic review. |
The history of the family. |
The journal of imperial and Commonwealth history. |
The Journal of Israeli history. |
The Journal of musicological research. |
The Journal of Pacific history. |
The London journal. |
The Seventeenth century. |
The translator. |
Third text. |
Translation review. |
Twentieth-Century China |
Visual resources : VR. |
War & society. |
Wasafiri. |
Women & performance. |
Women. |
Women’s History Review |
Women’s Writing |
Word & image. |
World literature written in English. |
Youth theatre journal. |
Action in teacher education. |
American physical education review / |
Art education. |
Bilingual research journal. |
Childhood education. |
Chinese education and society. |
Chinese education. |
Curriculum inquiry. |
Educational philosophy and theory. |
Health education. |
Historical outlook : a journal for readers, students and teachers of history. |
Journal of college reading and learning. |
Journal of health education / |
Journal of health, physical education, recreation. |
Journal of physical education and recreation. |
Journal of physical education, recreation & dance. |
Journal of research on computing in education / |
Journal of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. |
Kappa Delta Pi record. |
Middle school journal. |
NABE : the journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education. |
NABE journal : the journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education. |
NASPA journal. |
NCRPE bulletin / |
Preventing school failure. |
Proceedings of the annual conference of the Western College Reading Association. |
Quest. |
Religion & education. |
Religion & public education : the bulletin of the National Council on Religion and Public Education. |
Research in middle level education. |
Research quarterly / |
Research quarterly for exercise and sport. |
School health review. |
Science activities. |
Social studies for teachers and administrators. |
Soviet education. |
Strategies. |
Studies in art education. |
The Clearing house. |
The Journal / |
The Journal of economic education. |
The Journal of educational research. |
The Journal of environmental education. |
The Journal of health and physical education. |
The Journal of higher education. |
The Pointer ; for special class teachers and parents of the handicapped. |
The Research quarterly of the American Association for Health and Physical Education. |
The Research quarterly of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. |
The Research quarterly of the American Physical Education Association. |
The social studies : a periodical for teachers and administrators. |
The Social studies. |
Theory and research in social education. |
Library & Information Science
Journal of Management Information Systems |
Library acquisitions: practice and theory |
Serials Review |
Mathematics & Statistics
American Journal of Mathematical & Management Sciences |
Chance |
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics |
Journal of the American Statistical Association |
Publications of the American Statistical Association |
Quarterly publications of the American Statistical Association |
The American Statistician |
Media, Cultural & Communication Studies
American journalism : the publication of the American Journalism Historians Association. |
Capitalism, nature, socialism. |
Central states speech journal. |
Communication and critical/cultural studies. |
Communication education. |
Communication monographs. |
Communication quarterly. |
Communication reports. |
Communication research reports : CRR. |
Communication studies. |
Communication teacher. |
Continuum. |
Critical arts. |
Critical studies in mass communication : CSMC : a publication of the Speech Communication Association. |
Critical studies in media communication : CSMC : a publication of the National Communication Association. |
Cultural studies. |
Cultural trends. |
Ecquid novi. |
Health communication. |
Inter-Asia cultural studies. |
Interventions. |
Javnost = The public. |
JMM : the international journal on media management. |
Journal of applied communication research : JACR. |
Journal of applied communications research. |
Journal of Australian studies. |
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media. |
Journal of broadcasting. |
Journal of family communication. |
Journal of health communication. |
Journal of Latin American cultural studies : travesía. |
Journal of mass media ethics : MME. |
Journal of media and religion. |
Journal of media economics. |
Journal of public relations research. |
Journal of radio studies : JRS. |
Journal of Spanish cultural studies. |
Journalism studies. |
Mass communication & society. |
Media history. |
Papers in linguistics. |
Postcolonial studies. |
Public relations research annual. |
Quarterly review of film and video : QRFV. |
Quarterly review of film studies. |
Renaissance and modern studies. |
Research on language and social interaction. |
Rethinking Marxism. |
Rhetoric review. |
Rhetoric Society quarterly. |
Southern speech bulletin. |
Speech monographs. |
Studies in French cinema. |
Studies in newspaper and periodical history. |
Text and performance quarterly : TPQ. |
The Communication review. |
The Howard journal of communications : HJC. |
The Journal of popular film and television : JPF & T. |
The Quarterly journal of public speaking : the official organ of the National Association of Academic Teachers of Public Speaking. |
The Quarterly journal of speech education : the official organ of the National Association of Teachers of Speech. |
The quarterly journal of speech. |
The Southern communication journal. |
The Southern speech communication journal. |
The Southern speech journal. |
The Speech teacher. |
Today’s speech. |
Visual communication quarterly. |
Western journal of communication. |
Western journal of speech communication : WJSC. |
Western speech communication. |
Western speech. |
Women’s studies in communication. |
Mental Health & Social Care
Administration in social work. |
Child & youth services. |
Contemporary psychoanalysis. |
International journal of mental health. |
Journal of education for social work. |
Journal of family social work. |
Journal of multicultural social work. |
Journal of progressive human services. |
Journal of psychosocial oncology. |
Journal of social service research. |
Journal of social work education. |
Journal of teaching in social work. |
Residential group care & treatment. |
Residential treatment for children & youth. |
Smith College studies in social work. |
Social thought. |
Social work in health care. |
The Clinical supervisor. |
The International journal of group psychotherapy. |
Ethics & behavior. |
Journal of personality assessment. |
Journal of Russian and East European psychology. |
Soviet psychology and psychiatry. |
Soviet psychology. |
Sociology & Related Disciplines
Agenda. |
Australian feminist studies. |
Ethnic and racial studies. |
Identities : global studies in culture and power. |
Immigrants & minorities. |
International journal of sociology. |
Journal of intercultural studies. |
Latin American and Caribbean ethnic studies. |
Patterns of prejudice. |
Sociological focus. |
Sociological research. |
Sociological spectrum. |
Soviet sociology. |
The Black scholar. |
The Information society. |
The Journal of mathematical sociology. |
Women’s studies. |
World futures. |
Amy Paulus, Head, Access Services can be contacted with questions: 319-335-5916,