Funder Requirements | UI Requirements

Funder Requirements

Funder requirements and guidance undergo regular and frequent review.

To be assured of the most up-to-date requirements and guidance, review your funding opportunity announcement and the funder web site.

The funding opportunity announcement (FOA) may include requirements, or point to broader guidance and requirements according to the program, office, division, etc. which the FOA falls under.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

See the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Statement on Sharing Research Data. NIH has also outlined Key Elements to Consider in Preparing a Data Sharing Plan.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Review the National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide funding opportunity announcement for guidance and requirements, which may supersede increasingly broader and more general guidance at higher levels of a funding agency.

For more information, visit NSF Requirements by Directorate, Office, Division, Program or other NSF unit.

Other Agency Guidelines and Policies

Here examples of other guidelines. This is not a comprehensive list; let us know if you do not see your funding source listed here:

UI Requirements

The University of Iowa has several policies and guidelines that should be accounted for as you manage research data.

Data Classification, Export Controls

At the UI, research data falls into one of four classification levels. The classification level will determine how you should manage the data, and the infrastructure you use for your data, during and after your project.

Roles and Responsibilities

Post-project: Preservation, Data Transfer, Use Agreements, Data Sharing

Research Ethics

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Research Ethics Training: Requirements, approved courses