Preserving access to research data can enable discoveries to build on past work long after a publication.

The University policy is that “investigators are responsible for the orderly collection, retention, cataloguing, and proper storage of research data.” In addition, many funding organizations require that researchers consider and implement measures to insure access to their data.

How is this accomplished?

Repositories and Data Centers

Depositing data in a repository will usually provide preservation of the data (and documentation, or metadata) that you deposit. You should confirm that the repository will do this for you. The UI’s repository, Iowa Research Online, is available to do this if a domain repository is not available.

UI Resources for Preserving Data and Metadata

What if there is additional data that is not publicly shared or placed in a repository, but is essential to your research and/or publications?

UI Research Data Policy is that research data  must  be  retained by  the  investigator(s)

  • for a minimum  of  six years if  the  study  involved the collection of  protected  health  information
  • for  all  other research,  data  must  be  retained by  the  investigator  for  a  minimum  of  five years after  the final  closeout  of  the  funded  project  or  resulting  publication,  whichever occurs  later
  • some  circumstances  may  require  that  research  data are  kept  for  a longer  period of  time