The Numbers

  • The UI Libraries employs over 100 student employees with work locations in 6 different buildings across campus.
  • We have four different classifications of student positions, each at a different pay rate and requiring a different mix of skills and qualifications.

How to Apply

  • All student employment positions are posted on Handshake under University of Iowa – Libraries.

Application Information

  • A general student application is posted and made available to our student supervisors for each semester.
  • You must reapply each semester to be considered for student employment in the Libraries.
  • When a supervisor needs to fill an opening, they may choose candidates from the general application or place a specific ad on Handshake.
  • Due to the high volume of applications we receive, you will not be contacted unless selected for an interview.

Student Employee Scholarships

The UI Libraries offers several scholarship opportunities for both graduate and undergraduates who are employed at the Libraries. The application period is in the fall of each year.

Find more information about the Student Employee Scholarships

Did You Know?

  • Over 8,000 students work on-campus alone.
  • Working students are more likely to graduate in 4 years.
  • Working 5-20 hours per week has been shown to improve students’ GPAs.