2018 Fall Learn & Create Workshops

All classes are on Wednesdays at 1 pm in the Lichtenberger Engineering Library Creative Space.  Classes are limited to 25 participants so sign up today!

Sponsored by: Engineering Electronic Shop, Lichtenberger Engineering Library, NEXUS, the Department of Music


Library Resources

August 29: Standards & Patents – Kari Kozak

  • Do you have a product you want to create?  Learn how to search for patents and standards from around the world. Learn about the various resources that can be accessed both on and off campus.

September 5th: Collect & Analyze Data Using LabQuest Devices – John Kostman/Kari Kozak

  • The Tool Library includes LabQuest Devices and a wide range of sensors. These devices and attachments allow for the collection and analyzation of data for a nearly endless number of possibilities. This course will provide overview of what the library has and instruction on how to use it!

September 12th: Systematic Review – Marina Zhang

  • Have you ever struggled with literature reviews? Try some strategies from systematic reviews that may give you some insight into your research topic through a more rigorous and structure approach. Systematic reviews are defined as “a research method that aims to locate and summarize all available evidence for a research question in order to guide decisions and practices” in medical and health sciences. Although systematic reviews originate from medical and health sciences, they are increasingly adopted by education, social sciences and, even, engineering. This workshop will introduce different review types (systematic reviews, scoping/mapping reviews and literature reviews), systematic review process, research question frameworks and search strategy, as well as point you to some available resources and services.
  • Slides Used
  • Research Question Framework Worksheet


Mini Piano using Capacitive Touch

Through the following 5 course series, learn all the steps to make your own mini piano using a circuit board and Arduino.  This light weight keyboard allows you to play an octave worth of notes using capacitive touch, no strings or hammers required!  You can sign up for individual workshops or sign up for the whole series. Pick and choose what you want to learn.

September 19thPrinting Circuit Boards 1 – John Kostman

September 26th: Printing Circuit Boards 2 – John Kostman

October 3rd: Soldering Basics – Jeremy Roszell

October 10th: Building a Case with CREO and 3D printing – Brian Snider

October 17th: Programming and Music Theory – Jean-Francois Charles & Jeremy Roszell

Halloween Costumes

October 24th & 31st: Engineering Halloween Costumes Part 1 & 2 – Brian Snider/John Kostman

  •  Want to learn quick and easy ways to spice up your Halloween costumes?  Learn to incorporate nano pixels, lights and sound into your Halloween costumes.
  • Slides Used


Greeting Cards

November 7th & 28th:  Creating Pop-up and Interactive Greeting Cards Part 1 & 2– Deanne Wortman/Kari Kozak

  • Want to impress your friends and family with fun and unique greeting cards?  Learn about paper folding to create a pop-up cards with lights and sounds.