All workshops are on Tuesdays at 5 pm in the Lichtenberger Engineering Library Creative Space. Workshops are limited to 25 participants so sign up today!
Sponsored by: Engineering Electronic Shop, Lichtenberger Engineering Library, NEXUS, the Department of Music
Jan 28 – Soldering Basics – Through Hole
- Soldering is one of the most fundamental skills needed to dabble in the world of electronics. The two go together like peas and carrots. And, although it is possible to learn about, and build, electronics without needing to pick up a soldering iron, you’ll soon discover that a whole new world is opened with this one simple skill. This class will focus on doing through hole soldering. Taught by Jeremy Roszell, Engineering Electronics Shop.
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Feb 4 – Soldering Basics – Surface Mount
- Soldering is one of the most fundamental skills needed to dabble in the world of electronics. The two go together like peas and carrots. And, although it is possible to learn about, and build, electronics without needing to pick up a soldering iron, you’ll soon discover that a whole new world is opened with this one simple skill. This class will focus on doing surface mount soldering. Taught by Jeremy Roszell, Engineering Electronics Shop.
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Feb 11 – Valentine’s Day Cards – NEXUS
- Want to impress your friends and family with fun and unique valentine cards? Learn about paper folding to create a pop-up cards with lights. Taught by Deanne Wortman, NEXUS.
Feb 25 – Standard: Guides and Regulations for Designing and Testing
- From medical devices to concrete in walkways, standards are part of our everyday life. This workshop will allow you to gain an introduction to standards and specifications. You will learn about standard that are both government mandated as well as voluntary. The library provides access to over 100,000 standards including ASTM, ISO, ADA, NFPA (Fluid), and the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Taught by Kari Kozak, Head, Lichtenberger Engineering Library.
Mar 3 – Creating Citations Quickly & Easily with Endnote
- Please bring your laptop! Want to make your research and writing more efficient? Hate the last minute rush of trying to create a correctly formatted bibliography? This workshop is for you! We will introduce Endnote, a citation management tool that can help you import, organize, share, and manage your citations and documents, as well as create correctly formatted in-text citations and bibliographies in almost any style — in seconds. Taught by Marina Zhang, Engineering & Informatics Librarian, Lichtenberger Engineering Library.
- The full desktop version of Endnote will be taught – the desktop version is available only to Graduate Students, Staff, and Faculty
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Mar 10 – Poster Creation Workshop
- With the Research Open House on April 2nd, this workshop aims to encourage the creator to think about the prospective audience, the poster content and the design considerations involved in the layout of a poster. Taught by Bree Neyland, Speaker Center.
- Creating a Research Poster
- Sample Poster – Mueller SWE 2019 National Poster Competition
- Butter Poster – Downloaded from Derek Crowe’s Website
CANCELLED: Mar 24 – Part 1: CAD Design for the Waterjet Cutter: OMAX Software
In order to protect the health and safety of our campus community and visitors, the University of Iowa has decided to cancel this Learn and Create Workshop on March 24th. We apologize for the inconvenience but felt it was important to make a decision as soon as possible.
- Meeting in Room 1245 SC
- Want to design a part or keychain to be cut out on the waterjet cutter? This basic software will allow you to quickly and accurately create your design to be later cut out from metal or other materials on the waterjet cutter. The waterjet cutter uses a very high-pressure jet of water with an abrasive to precisely cut hard materials such as metal or stone. Taught by Jeremy Roszell, Engineering Electronics Shop.
- NOTE: This workshop is required to attend the workshop on the 31st to use the waterjet cutter.
CANCELLED: Mar 31 – Part 2: Using the Waterjet
In order to protect the health and safety of our campus community and visitors, the University of Iowa has decided to cancel this Learn and Create Workshop on March 31st. We apologize for the inconvenience but felt it was important to make a decision as soon as possible.
- Meeting in G450 SC (Machine Shop)
- Take a field trip down to the Machine Shop and learn to use the Waterjet Cutter! This class will walk you through taking a design, built using OMAX software, and watch it come to life using the waterjet cutter. The waterjet cutter uses a very high-pressure jet of water with an abrasive to precisely cut hard materials such as metal or stone. Taught by Mike Hillman, Engineering Electronics Shop.
- NOTE: Attendance at the March 24th Learn & Create Workshop is required for participation in this workshop.
CANCELLED: Apr 7 – Patents: What are these things?
In order to protect the health and safety of our campus community and visitors, the University of Iowa has decided to cancel this Learn and Create Workshop on April 7th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Explore the hidden resources of patents. About 85% of the technical information in patents is found nowhere else. This workshop will feature a basic introduction to what a patent is, the various types of patents in existence, and how to complete patents searches. In addition to providing inventor exclusive rights to products they produce, patents also give great detailed information on certain products and methods. Taught by Kari Kozak, Head, Lichtenberger Engineering Library.
CANCELLED: Apr 14 – Create Music & Visuals with MAX
In order to protect the health and safety of our campus community and visitors, the University of Iowa has decided to cancel this Learn and Create Workshop on April 14th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Please bring with your laptop! Pick up the beat with this visual programing language used by composers, performers, and visual artists. During this workshop, you will program your own live audio-reactive video effects! Taught by Jean-Francois Charles, School of Music
CANCELLED: Apr 21 – Building Your Own: Object Avoiding Robot (LIMIT OF 10 Participants!)
In order to protect the health and safety of our campus community and visitors, the University of Iowa has decided to cancel this Learn and Create Workshop on April 21st. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Want to build your own robot that will avoid collision? Learn to incorporate an Arduino with a range finder senor, wheels, and chassis into a great little object avoiding robot. This class will include building the robot and programming it. Note: A kit will be available in the Electronic Shop for purchase before the class, if you want to take your robot home with you! There is a cap of 10 participants. Taught by Jeremy Roszell, Engineering Electronics Shop.
CANCELLED: Apr 28 – Scholarly Metrics
In order to protect the health and safety of our campus community and visitors, the University of Iowa has decided to cancel this Learn and Create Workshop on April 28th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- How do you make a list of every single paper that cites you? How do you gather evidence and demonstrate potential values and research impact? This workshop will help you understand how to interpret “standard” scholarly metrics (h-index, impact factor, CiteScore etc.) and where to find them, explore three major sources of citation data (Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar), and identify best practices on broadening your research impact. Taught by Marina Zhang, Engineering & Informatics Librarian, Lichtenberger Engineering Library.