Two photos show components of the outside of this slender book-sized box. The box itself is black and white with aquamarine binding on the spine. Two art pieces are shown in detail and are handmade to include African symbols.
A black and white spatter pattern graces the cover of this piece, with an aquamarine spine. It says Ilse Garnier, Afrikanische Legenden. This is German for African Legends.

Cover. Ilse Garnier. Afrikanische Legenden. Berlin: Hybriden, 1998. Special Collections, University of Iowa Libraries.

Ilse Garnier’s Afrikanische Legenden (African Legends) work incorporates an African symbolic writing system sewn by women into ceremonial carpets and vestments.

– Timothy Shipe, Curator, International Dada Archive


Closeup of bright aquamarine spine for Afrikanische Legenden.

Detail. Ilse Garnier. Afrikanische Legenden. Berlin: Hybriden, 1998. Special Collections, University of Iowa Libraries.


A piece with colorful woven paper strips and African symbols sits on the left side of the photo. On the right is a multimedia piece of drawn beads and African symbols. The string holding the beads together is drawn in some areas and consists of real string in others.

Samples from this collection. Ilse Garnier. Afrikanische Legenden. Berlin: Hybriden, 1998. Special Collections, University of Iowa Libraries.