APA Style Online: Introduction to American Psychiatric Association Style
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) provides guidelines for formatting papers/manuscripts followed by nursing and most allied health sciences disciplines. In this session, attendees will have the opportunity to learn basic rules of APA formatting as well as gain experience applying APA formatting to journal, book, and web references. Resources for future referral will also be provided. This session will be offered online through ZOOM.
This hands-on session will demonstrate how to use CINAHL effectively to find high quality nursing and allied health literature. An explanation and demonstration of how to select the most appropriate search terms will be provided. Search practice will be conducted at the end of the session to reinforce what was demonstrated.
Data Management Planning for Researchers
As a result of recent requirements to expand public access to the results of federally funded research, researchers in all disciplines are required to “better account for and manage the digital data resulting from federally funded research.” The purpose of this workshop is to explain research data management and its importance, help identify some common data management issues, and learn about best practices and resources that are available to assist researchers.
EndNote (Desktop Version)
EndNote is a reference management tool that helps you to easily gather together your references in one place, organize them, and then insert them into papers and format them in a style of your choosing. This session will walk you through the basics of using EndNote to collect and format your citations. The class will be hands-on.
EndNote Basic (Online Version)
EndNote Basic is a web-based citation management software that is freely available to all UI affiliates. It allows you to import, organize and format citations for papers, articles, etc. EndNote Basic is not the same as the desktop software, EndNote.
Evidence-Based Resources
This class will focus on creating a clinical question using PICO, the difference between publication types, and the different resources where one can find evidence based information. The class will also discuss the difference between searching Cochrane, PubMed, National Guideline Clearinghouse and UpToDate.
Finding Files
Have you ever accidently lost or deleted your old files? Have you ever had trouble locating the current version among multiple versions of your paper? Come and learn best practices on file naming conventions. File naming conventions are a set of rules that help you name your files in a consistent, logical, predictable way, allowing you to distinguish similar files from one another at a glance. With good file naming conventions, you will be able to access files without rethinking the process each time.
Get Organized
Are PDFs scattered all over your computer with names that you cannot pronounce? Want to create an organized, clearly named, and internet-accessible personal library? This hands-on session will show you how using free tools such as Mendeley and Dropbox as well as commercial tools such as EndNote. Attendees are encouraged to bring a selection of PDFs with them.
Google Docs
This class will introduce you to the suite of free office productivity tools (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and more) offered by Google. Topics will include a basic overview, security and implications of Google accounts, comparison to Microsoft Office, an overview of some cool competitors, and as much hands-on tinkering as time will allow!
Health Sciences Mobile Resources
Take a tour of some new (and some well-established) apps for your mobile device or smart phone! At this informal brown bag technology meeting, you’ll not only be shown a variety of tools for both academic and clinical use but also invited to share your own examples and experiences. If you don’t have a mobile device, don’t worry: The only necessary smart device is you!
How to Determine Your Scholarly Impact
This class will teach participants how to use tools such as Ulrich’s, Journal Citation Reports, Web of Science, and Scopus to determine the impact that journals, articles, and authors have had on a particular field. Topics such as impact factors, Eigenfactors, and H-indices will also be discussed.
Introduction to NCBI Gene Expression Databases
This session provides an overview of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases that contain information on gene expressions. Learn how to search for homologous gene sets for selected organisms, clusters of expressed transcripts, gene expression and molecular abundance profiles, functional genomics studies and epigenomic studies and display tools.
Introduction to NCBI Gene Variation Databases
This session provides an overview of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases that contain information on gene variations. Learn how to search for short genetic variations, genome structural variation studies, genotype/phenotype interaction studies and human variations of clinical significance.
Introduction to NCBI Protein Databases
This session provides an overview of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases that contain protein related information. Learn how to search for protein sequences, conserved protein domains, sequence similarity-based protein clusters and experimentally-determined bimolecular structures.
Keep Current
Want to know as soon as an exciting new article is published? Tired of skimming the websites or paper copies of multiple journals to see what is in the new issue? This hands-on session will show you how to create a single destination for information from your favorite journals, databases, websites and blogs using RSS feeds and auto-alerts.
Library Tours
Hardin Library for the Health Sciences is a 55,000 square foot facility housing over 100,000 books and offering access to nearly 5400 journals. We have 3 computer labs, 2 computer classrooms, a 24 hour study area and over 500 study seats. Library tours are available to individuals or groups. Tours include an overview of the Hardin Library facility focusing on where to find materials and the location of various service points.
Mendeley is a popular citation management tool with a social networking twist, allowing researchers to share, compare, and discuss materials. This introductory session will cover the strengths and weaknesses of the Mendeley tool, as well as provide an in-depth demonstration of its functionality.
NIH Public Access, Open Access, Authors’ Rights, and Other Trends in Publishing
The NIH Public Access Policy, which assures that all articles arising from NIH-sponsored research are freely available within a year after publication, is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to changes in the scholarly publishing. Participants will learn more about these trends and to discuss experiences with publishing.
Nutrition: Searching for nutrition subjects in PubMed
Performing nutrition-related searches in PubMed can be a challenge. This hands-on session will examine those challenges and suggest techniques for doing better searches on topics related to nutrition, diet, and foods in general.
Nutrition: Searching the Literature for Plant-based Foods (PBF) Subjects
It can be challenging to search the literature for nutrition-related subjects, including plant-based food. This hands-on session will examine those challenges and suggest techniques for doing better searches on topics related to plant-based food in particular. Two biomedical literature databases, PubMed and EMBASE, will be covered.
Open Access: Policies, Publishers, and Predators
Open Access to scientific literature is one of the most hotly debated topics in scholarly publishing. This workshop will provide an overview of what scientists need to know when making their research open access. We will cover the basics of what we mean by open access, how open access relates to the NIH Public Access policy, open access journals in the biomedical sciences, predatory publishing scams, and best practices for evaluating your open access options.
What is ORCID? Why would you want one? This session will discuss ORCID, how researchers can benefit from having one, and how ORCID connects with other information systems. This will also be a hands-on workshop where everyone will have the chance to create their own ORCID and learn the most efficient ways to populate their profile with their publications.
Orientation to Hardin Library Resources
This course will go over the electronic resources and databases that Hardin Library offers. Students in this session will be introduced to our major databases as well as our electronic journals, ebooks, and services offered by the library. This course can be tailored to meet the needs of a particular group.
The purpose of this hands-on class is to introduce several resources found on the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office website that may be used to locate information on patents, trademarks and patent applications. Google’s patent searching feature will be also be highlighted as a source for finding information on patents. Taught by Kari Kozak (Head, Lichtenberger Engineering Library).
Population Statistics
Are you intimidated by the idea of having to look up population statistics? If so, then this session is for you! We’ll introduce you to the key types of statistical measurements that are used with U.S. census data, teach you how to find demographic and social data and show you where to locate comparison and historical tables that you can use to find the specific information that you are looking for.
PubMed Express (30 minute)
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 22 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This 30-minute session will show you how to find relevant articles fast using some of the basic features in PubMed.
PubMed - Going Beyond the Basics (one hour)
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 22 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one-hour session will show you how to improve your search results by using subject headings (MeSH) and advanced keyword searching techniques.
Scopus & Web of Science
Scopus is a multidisciplinary database with substantial international coverage. All citations that are in EMBASE are also in Scopus. Scopus also allows you to track an article’s cited and citing references. Come to this hands-on session and learn how to search Scopus systematic reviews. Web of Science is a citation database which covers over 10,000 journals. Web of Science specializes in citation tracking so this hands-on session will concentrate on how to do cited reference searches to find articles that cite your work. The session also demonstrates how to use the Journal Citation Index and find impact factors for journals in your discipline.
Standards - Guides and Regulations for Building and Evaluating Resources
Introduction to standards and specifications. Learn how to access a wide variety of standards including ASTM, ISO, ADA, NFPA (Fluid), and the US Code of Federal Regulations. Featuring a new database, TechStreet, to gain electronic access to these standards and more. Taught by Kari Kozak (Head, Lichtenberger Engineering Library).
Systematic Reviews: Literature Searching for a Systematic Review
This class will focus on tips and techniques for carrying out a successful literature search in support of a systematic review. Topics will include techniques for developing search strategies, deciding which databases to search and how to seek out grey literature for a given topic. There will also be discussion on selecting journals for hand searching, documenting search strategies, and saving and organizing references.
Systematic Reviews: Nuts and Bolts of a Systematic Rreview
This class will provide a framework for developing a literature search for a systematic review. Topics will include the following: standards and criteria to consider, establishing a plan, registering a protocol, developing a research question, determining where to search, identifying search terms, reporting search strategies, and managing references.
Tips for searching for Gene, Nucleotide Sequences & Protein Information
Overwhelmed by the number of databases that the National Center for Biotechnology Information has to offer on nucleotide sequences, genes and proteins? Wondering which database you should always start with? Would you like to learn how to set up an NCBI account to link articles in PubMed to records in other databases? Do you know about PubMed’s Gene Sensor? Are you familiar with the concept of linear navigation? Learn all of these tips and more in this session that is designed for anyone who needs to search the NCBI databases for genetic information.
Toxicology Resources
The purpose of this session is to introduce you to various environmental health and toxicology resources found on the National Library of Medicine’s website. Learn about important resources such as the Household Products Database, TOXMAP and TOXNET. The resources discussed in this session will be of interest to the researcher/scientist, health professional and the general public.
Twitter is more than just a social media tool. It has developed into a vibrant real-time information network used by health care providers, scholars, and scientists. Come to this hands-on session to learn the basics of twitter, advanced techniques such as searching, and examples of its use in the Health Sciences.
Web of Science
Web of Science is a citation database which covers over 10,000 journals. Web of Science specializes in citation tracking so this hands-on session will concentrate on how to do cited reference searches to find articles that cite your work. The session also demonstrates how to use the Journal Citation Index and find impact factors for journals in your discipline.
Collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources with Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh], a free, easy-to-use web browser tool. Learn more at our hands on session and start gathering your materials in Zotero right away.
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