Faculty and staff may request equipment using our reservation form.  Students are limited to in-library use of simulation equipment. For more information, see our policies or contact us.


Available online

  • AnatomyTV – A suite of 3D interactive models of human anatomy. In addition, supporting media, such as MRIs, X-rays, and movies and animations are included.
  • Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy – provides 3D, interactive views of more than 4300 structures and 13,500 identifiable landmarks in the human body. Does not currently work on mobile devices.
  • Essential Auscultations – This is a web-based program that will teach you the most important findings (the “Big 12”) & their associated pathophysiology.)
  • UMedic — The UMedic Multimedia Computer Curriculum is a patient-centered system that has been shown to enhance the learner’s bedside examination skills while also teaching patient histories, laboratory data and treatment.
    Series 1 contains modules for aortic regurgitation, aortic stenosis, mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, and normal exams.
    Series 2 contains modules for acute anterior infarction, angina, hypertension, acute inferior infarction, and myopathy exams.
    Series 3 contains modules for acute mitral regurgitation, acute pericarditis, atrial septic defect, and hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy exams.


Physical Examination Models

Procedural Skill Models

Resuscitation Manikins

Anatomy Models

Physical Examination Models

Harvey: The Cardiopulmonary Simulator

Harvey: The Cardiopulmonary Simulator

Harvey is a life-sized mannequin created to help learners develop and improve their diagnostic skills in the field of cardiac care.

Harvey is equipped with a sophisticated combination of mechanical and computerized components, which provide the user with a realistic simulation of 27 cardiovascular conditions (two normal and 25 cardiovascular diseases). Harvey gives the user the opportunity to study various cardiac conditions and practice bedside examination techniques under realistic conditions without the difficulty of finding an appropriate group of available cardiology patients.

Disease States:

  • Introductory Program
  • Normal
  • Innocent Murmur
  • Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction
  • Acute Aortic Regurgitation
  • Acute Inferior Myocardial Infarction
  • Acute Mitral Regurgitation
  • Acute Pericarditis
  • Angina Pectoris
  • Aortic Regurgitation
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Aortic Valve Sclerosis
  • Atrial Septal Defect
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Chronic Mitral Regurgitation
  • Coarctation of the Aorta
  • Hypertension
  • Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
  • Mitral Stenosis
  • Mitral Stenosis and Regurgitation
  • Mitral Valve Prolapse
  • Patent Ductus Arteriosus
  • Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Stenosis
  • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Ventricular Aneurysm
  • Ventricular Septal Defect

NOTE: To use Harvey for curricular purposes you must first participate in a training session.  Contact the Hardin Library for more information.


Procedural Skill Models

Knot Tying Kits

Knot Tying Kit The Ethicon Knot Tying Practice Board enables learners to practice a variety of suturing and knot tying techniques that all applicable to all types of surgical procedures, including the square knot, surgeon’s (friction) knot, deep tie, ligation around a hemostatic clamp, instrument tie and granny knot.Kits Include:

  • Knot Tying Board
  • Instruction Manual
  • Rope
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Hemostat

NOTE: There are nine knot tying kits available at the Hardin Library Simulation Center with a 3 Day Checkout.


Resuscitation Manikins

CPR Prompt Adult/Child Training Manikin (Several)

CPR Prompt Adult Manikin These manikins offer a number of specialized features, including an age selector dial that adjusts the compression depth required for adult or child CPR, a head tilt/chin lift to open the airway and a visible chest rise. An audible compression “clicker” verifies proper technique and anatomical landmarks (including rib cage notch markings, carotid arteries, shoulder blades, nipples and a navel marking) help guide learning.NOTE: There are three manikins available for individual checkouts as well as 4 large bags containing 5 manikins, each.


Baby Anne Infant CPR Manikin (9)

Baby Anne The Baby Anne manikin allows training on infant CPR. Features include oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose pinch, realistic airway function and natural obstruction of the airway, a head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust, realistic chest compliance and a foreign-body airway obstruction allows practice of release of a foreign body.


Baby Buddy Infant CPR Manikin (3)

Baby Buddy This lightweight, full-body infant manikin features proper landmarks to realistically practice CPR techniques. Includes a visible chest rise when ventilated.


Anatomy Models

Giant Functional Brain Model

Giant Brain This brain model reproduces the brain of a right-handed person, employing contrasting colors and hand-lettered captions to locate and identify motor and sensory functional centers. The model highlights the emotional, sexual, memory and learning functions of the limbic system.Sensory regions and centers receptive to 20 specific body regions are distinguished, as are the motor centers controlling 19 body regions. More than 120 features, hand-numbered on the model, are identified in the corresponding key.

Heart of America PLUS

HeartofAmerica This model is twice the size of a human adult heart to show detail and facilitate study, and has three hinged portals allow full access to heart chambers and valves. The attached portions of trachea and esophagus demonstrate their relationship to major vessels. The model sets on a wooden pedestal, but can easily be removed for easy viewing. This model’s authentic hand-painted detail is proudly signed and dated by its crafter.This model has 63 cardiac structures, all number-coded and identified in a corresponding key, and has an accurately scaled brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid and left subclavian artery, complete with right and left internal thoracic (internal mammary) arteries, PLUS attachable/detachable bypass vessels of flexible tubing in a variety of lengths. Simply attach tubing with build-in quick connects to the model to configure single, double, triple, LIMA or bilateral IMA bypass grafts.



A complete life-size skeleton is available for use within the Simulation Center.Skills:

  • Correct identification of the different bones in the human body.

Nystrom Sexless Human Torso with Removable Organs


This life-size model contains 21 removable pieces including heart, lungs, spine, liver, kidney, intestines and brain.  The Advanced Human Torso Teacher Resource Guide and Identification Key is available and lists over 900 structures.