This dataset contains Global Data Bundles compiled by Land Info and was purchased by the University of Iowa for distribution within the UI community.
Data is accessible only to UI on-campus IP addresses.
To access the Data Bundle on your PC go to Start and enter the following in the Start Search box: \\\librarygis\globaldata
Contact your local IT support person if you need help connecting to a network share.
The Global GIS Data Bundle contains:
- A set of 506 US military 1:500,000 scale TPCs (Tactical Pilotage Charts–scanned topographic/aeronautical maps), GeoTiff file format, Geo WGS84 (a small number of far-North sheets are natively Polar Stereographic)
- SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) 3 arc second (approx. 90m) DEM (Digital Elevation Model), covers the World from Latitude 57 South – 61 North, .bil file format, Geo WGS84 (also includes hydrology vectors used for editing of the DEM data)
- SRTM 30 arc second (approx. 1km) global DEM made from SRTM and GTOPO30
- Landsat 7 ETM 15m 7-4-2 GeoCover 2000 (1999 – 2003) worldwide satellite imagery, MrSID wavelett compressed file format, UTM WGS84
- Landsat 4/5 TM 30m 7-4-2 GeoCover 1990 (1988 – 1992) near-worldwide worldwide satellite imagery, MrSID wavelett compressed file format, UTM WGS84
- VMAP0 worldwide 1:1,000,000 scale vector data (near-worldwide coverage, varies by layer), ESRI .shp and MapInfo .TAB file formats, Geo WGS84.
This is the update of the DCW. - World Vector Shoreline Plus 1:250,000 scale vector data of the World’s coastlines and international borders boundaries, ESRI .shp file format, Geo WGS84
These sets are not in their raw form and have been converted to SHP or other formats that can readily be used in ArcView and other common GIS programs. All datasets include .shp indexes except VMAP0 and WVS, which aren’t tiled, and SRTM30 which is organized by large lat / long blocks.
All data is the copyrighted property of LAND INFO Worldwide Mapping, LLC. Land Info grants customer a license to distribute data on an isolated non-commercial basis, or as Derived Works. Derived works that include the source data must be merged with other value-added data in such a way that the derived work can’t be converted back to the original source data format. Other Derived Works that don’t include the source data (vector extraction, classification etc.) have no restrictions on use and distribution. An unlimited license is granted for media use, provided that the following citation is used: “map data courtesy”