Books:  June
Scores:  June
Audio:  4 weeks, renewals allowed
Video:  4 weeks, renewals allowed
Bound periodicals: 1 week, no renewals (50 cents/day fines)
Non-circulating Music:  2 weeks


A. All materials due June 1 may be renewed for as long as needed. Renew online using My Account.

B. Overdue items must be brought into the RBML for renewal.

Recalls and reserves:

A. Recalls will only occur should an item be needed for course reserves.  All campus patrons should use Interlibrary Loan to obtain items that are currently checked out of the Music Library.

B. Faculty may not borrow each other’s reserves for longer than the designated reserve time (e.g. 2 hours, 3 days, etc.).  In cases of real need, the library staff will attempt to make arrangements with the reserving instructor for a longer loan.

Fine Rates

Loan Periods Fine Rate Maximum Fine
Hourly loans $2.40 per hour
Daily non-reserve loans (1 day, 3 day, 7 day etc.) 50¢ per day overdue $15.00
Daily non-reserve loan (7 day) No daily fine accrues
Daily Reserve loans $4.00 per day overdue $40.00
Recalled materials $4.00 per day overdue $40.00
Material that circulates for 2 weeks or longer No daily fine accrues

Faculty members are not charged for the overdue return of items on their own reserve lists.

Lost items:  Charges consist of the replacement cost of the item.  An item may be declared lost if, after reasonable notice has been sent, the item is not returned.  An item that is lost and paid for remains the property of the University Libraries and must be returned if found; a credit will then be given for the amount of the bill, minus any applicable overdue fines.

No fines are assessed for the late return of books and microforms that are due on June 1.  Patrons are billed through the Business Office.


Exceptions to the stated circulation policies may be made when justified by individual circumstances.  Please discuss special needs with the Music Librarian.

Proxy cards
Faculty members may authorize graduate assistants or staff members to check out materials for them.  The faculty member or assistant may obtain an application for a proxy card from the Main Library Circulation Department or any branch library.  The faculty member must fill out the application and assume financial responsibility for any materials checked out  in this manner.