Moving Stories: Experiences and Remnants of Migration
Curated by Olson Graduate, Micaela Terronez
Hatching Herky: Celebrating 70 Years of Herky the Hawk
Curated by Chloe Waryan
August -October 2018
Drawing from the Collections: Sketches from the University of Iowa Special Collections & Archives
Curated by Hannah Hacker, Olson Graduate Assistant
April- August 2018
- From Jay N. Darling Papers
- Louis Scarborough’s Drawings
- Visitors could draw their own images to be housed in Special Collections
Geographies: The Midwest Examined from The Midwest Guild of BookWorkers
July 18, 2016-August 24, 2016
Special Express: Artwork by Chuck Welch aka CrackerJack Kid
June 1, 2016-July 16, 2016
Doc/Undoc: A Collaboration
March 2, 2016-May 16, 2016
The Humanity of History: A look into the archives, and the lives of those who touched history
Curated by Kelly Grogg, Olson Graduate Assistant
January 8th-March 1st, 2016