The University of Iowa - Main Library, 1954

Above: Main Library, 1954

The resource guides linked below provide information about the University Archives’ holdings in several popular categories pertaining to the history of The University of Iowa. Included in the guides are references to collections, published works, and other material held by the Archives or at other locations. We also provide links to University of Iowa resources as well as suggestions for conducting research using InfoHawk, the University of Iowa Libraries’ online public access catalog. To browse lists of all collections in the Archives, go to our Collection Guide.

Online collections featuring historic campus maps, early town and campus scenes and more may be found in the Iowa Digital Library. Previous editions of selected University of Iowa web sites, 2008 to present, are available from the Internet Archive.

If you have questions about the use of materials described in the guides below, please contact us. We will be pleased to help you with your research.

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