This guide describes materials available in the University of Iowa Archives, Department of Special Collections, that pertain to student and faculty organizations. RG numbers refer to the described collection’s record group number.
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Faculty, staff and student directories. The directories, also known as the “herd book,” date from about 1913 to the present and include published directory information. In some instances, organizations are listed alphabetically by name. RG 01.0007.001.
General catalogs. Published since 1855, the catalogs in some instances include information about selected organizations. RG 01.0008.001.
Hawkeye annual. The University of Iowa’s yearbook chronicled campus life from 1892 until 1992, and includes photographs and information about numerous organizations, including fraternities and sororities. RG 02.0010.001.
Organizations and Clubs Vertical Files. Over 600 student organizations are represented in this collection. RG 01.0015.004.
Photographs. Some organizations are represented in the Frederick W. Kent Collection of Photographs. RG 30.0001.001.
Publications. University-produced publications often include references to student and faculty clubs and organizations. Titles of over 200 such publications may be searched in the University Serials and Journals Collection (RG 01.0009.002).
Records of the Office of Student Life. The OSL oversees the activities of University-recognized student clubs and organizations. Records document the University’s relationships with these organizations beginning in 1980. The “Student Organizations” series within the collection consists of files arranged alphabetically by organization name.
Student life collections. The records of over 50 student organizations include collections concerning student government, Phi Beta Kappa, literary societies, social organizations, and political and advocacy groups. RG 02.
Student newspapers. The Archives houses a nearly-complete set of student-produced newspapers, including The Daily Iowan and its predecessor publications, from 1868 to the present. It is arranged by date but is not indexed (RG 02.0011.001). In addition, a microfilmed set of The Daily Iowan is maintained by Media Services, Main Library.
Back issues of The Daily Iowan and its predecessor publications are available online as part of the Iowa Digital Library. This digital collection, when completed, will span 1868 to 2006.
Student services collections. Noted collections in RG 24 include the Office of Student Services (RG 24.0003.001), the Office of Special Support Services (RG 24.0010.001), and the Office of Student Life (RG 24.0012.001).
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