The yearbook of the University of Iowa (during the years in quesion known as the State University of Iowa) was titled the Hawkeye. Most volumes before 1942 included an index, and apparently these indexes were transcribed to 3×5″ cards about 1942. This page in turn transcribes into an electronic file the information entered on the cards. Information is entered in the format: Name of group, description. year: page; year; page, etc.
The card catalog was arranged in a single alphabet, mixing descriptions of photographs of individuals and photographs of groups. For ease of use, the descriptions for these two sorts of images have been separated into two pages. This page is an alphabet of group names (e.g., athletic teams, classes (Sophmore, Junior, Senior), fraternities and sororities, and other groups and organizations). For the alphabetical listing of photographs of named individuals (including students, faculty, staff, deans, presidents and alumni), click here.
Note that the images described are printed; that is, they are not original photographic prints. Many are relatively small. They can be photographed with screens and filters which will partially remove the underlying pattern of dots of which they are composed, but a print from the resulting negative will be noticeably “grainer” than a print made from an original photographic negative. They can be enlarged on a photocopier with some success, and they can be scanned, although at high resolutions the underlying dot pattern will again be obvious.
For our policy on reproductions, see Rights, Permissions, & Fees.
Return to the Index to Hawkeye Photographs, 1893-1942 main page
Alpha Kappa Kappa, Fraternity. 1936: 72
Alumni, “Group 1-2”. 1896: 171, 179; 1899: 79; 1902: 26, 38; 1900: 243, 247
American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 1912: 512; 1913: 298; 1914: 371; 1915: 485; 1916: 476; 1917: 146; 1918: 143; 1922: 145; 1923: 144; 1924: 123; 1925: 449; 1926: 474
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1923: 145; 1925: 451; 1924: 124
American Society of Mechanical Engineering. 1924: 126; 1925: 452; 1926: 477
Annual Freshman-Sophomore Class Scrap. 1919: 374
Applied Science- Freshman Officers. 1926: 159
Applied Science- Junior Officers. 1926: 158
Applied Science- Senior Officers. 1926: 158
Applied Science- Sophomore Officers. 1926: 159
Associated Students of Applied Science and Engineering. 1913: 425; 1914: 352; 1915: 467; 1916: 463; 1917: 149; 1919: 181; 1920: 142; 1921: 152 ; 1922: 143; 1923: 142; 1924: 122; 1925: 450; 1926: 475; 1927: 429; 1928: 437; 1929: 474; 1930: 471; 1931: 477; 1932: 495; 1933: 437; 1934: 413; 1935: 477; 1936: 100; 1937: 79; 1938: 83; 1939: 71; 1940: 63
Associated Students of Dentistry. 1922: 172; 1923: 166; 1924: 141; 1925: 453; 1926: 478
Associated Students of Journalism. 1934: 96;1935: 85; 1936: 54; 1937: 48; 1938: 46; 1939: 46; 1940: 63; 1941: 226; 1942: 51
Associated Students of Medicine. 1940: 64; 1942: 322; 1941: 80
Associated Students of Pharmacy. 1940: 67
Association of Medical Students. 1939: 79; 1940: 80
Athletics- Athletic Association of the State University of Iowa. 1894: 132
Athletics- Athletic Board. 1919: 377; 1920: 206; 1921: 277; 1922: 205; 1923: 364; 1930: 245; 1931: 247; 1932: 265; 1933: 209; 1934: 203; 1935: 189; 1936: 296; 1937: 269; 1938: 265; 1939: 255; 1940: 32; 1941: 89; 1942: 119
Athletics- Athletic Council. 1926: 241; 1931: 247; 1928: 248
Athletics- Athletic Union. 1905: 212-13
Athletics- Baseball- “Fans”. 1908: 227
Athletics- Baseball- Men’s- Freshman Team. 1920: 230; 1925: 288; 1927: 275; 1928: 285; 1929: 277; 1930: 283; 1931: 283; 1933: 245; 1934: 239; 1935: 215; 1936: 223; 1937: 295; 1938: 293; 1939: 281; 1940: 207; 1941: 118; 1942: 150
Athletics- Baseball- Men’s- Individual Players and Plays on the Diamond. 1922: 255-57; 1923: 398-400; 1924: 248-49; 1925: 283-86; 1926: 289-93; 1927: 269-74; 1928: 286-92; 1929: 278-84; 1930: 284-88; 1931: 184-87; 1932: 300-03; 1933: 246-49; 1934: 240-43; 1935: 216-22; 1936: 324-28; 1937: 296-300; 1938: 294-98; 1939: 282-86; 1940: 202-05
Athletics- Baseball- Men’s- Intercollegiate. 1920: 232; 1921: 321; 1922: 255-57; 1924: 248-50; 1925: 283-85; 1926: 289-93; 1927: 269-74; 1928: 286-92; 1930: 284-88; 1931: 184-87; 1932: 300-03; 1933: 246-49; 1934: 240-43; 1935: 216-22; 1936: 324-28; 1937: 296-300; 1938: 294-98; 1939: 282-86
Athletics- Baseball- Poyneer (?). 1909: 285
Athletics- Baseball- Men’s- Team. 1908: 222-225; 1909: 282-83; 1910: 235; 1910: 235; 1914: 191-92; 1915: 211-14; 1916: 197-200; 1917: 256, 259-60; 1918: 209; 1919: 400
Athletics- Baseball- Men’s- Varsity Team. 1893: 158; 1895: 144; 1896 no page; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 281; 1901: 202; 1902: 232; 1903: 238; 1904: 201; 1905: 234; 1906: 307; 1907: 304; 1908: 224; 1909: 284; 1910: 229; 1911: 226; 1912: 250; 1913: 198; 1914: 190; 1915: 210; 1916: 196; 1917: 256;1918: 206; 1919: 400; 1920: 230; 1922: 254; 1923: 396; 1924: 246; 1925: 282; 1926: 286; 1928: 284; 1929: 276; 1930: 282; 1931: 282; 1932: 298; 1933: 244; 1934: 238; 1935: 214;1936: 322; 1937: 294; 1939: 280; 1940: 206; 1941: 113; 1942: 146-47
Athletics- Baseball- Women’s. 1915: 240-41; 1916: 222-23; 1925: 305
Athletics- Basketball- High School Championship Tournament. 1922: 234
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- Freshman Team. 1908: 232; 1909: 298; 1911: 221; 1912: 249; 1913: 195; 1914: 188; 1915: 207; 1916: 194; 1917: 246; 1918: 195; 1919: 398; 1922: 233; 1923: 378; 1924: 228; 1925: 266; 1926: 268; 1927: 242; 1928: 260; 1929: 255; 1930: 263; 1931: 265; 1932: 283; 1933: 227; 1934: 221; 1935: 207; 1936: 315, 359; 1937: 287; 1938: 285; 1939: 273; 1940: 111; 1941: 110
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- High School Basketball Tournament. 1917: 248; 1922: 234; 1921: 302
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- Individual Players. 1913: 193-94; 1915: 205-06; 1916: 193; 1917: 243-44; 1919: 396-97; 1920: 228; 1921: 298-99; 1922: 229-32; 1923: 373-77; 1924: 224-27; 1925: 262-64; 1926: 266-68; 1928: 264-68; 1929: 256-60; 1930: 264-68; 1931: 266-70; 1932: 284-86; 1933: 228-32; 1934 222-25; 1935: 208-12; 1936: 316-320; 1937: 288-92; 1938: 286-90; 1939: 174-78; 1927: 245-47
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- Inter-class Junior Team. 1917: 245, 247-48
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- Intercollegiate. 1936: 316-320; 1937: 288-292; 1938: 286-290; 1939: 274-278
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- Interdepartmental/Interfraternity. 1911: 230; 1912: 269; 1915: 208; 1917: 247; 1918: 196; 1926: 312; 1927: 293; 1928: 308; 1929: 300; 1930: 305; 1933: 267; 1936: 359
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- Medic. 1914: 398
Athletics- Basketball- Men’s- Varsity Team. 1903: 242; 1904: 204; 1905: 238; 1906: 318; 1907: 300; 1908: 229; 1909: 296; 1910: 227, 234; 1911: 218, 230; 1912: 247, 250; 1913: 192; 1914: 186; 1915: 204; 1916: 190-91; 1917: 242; 1918: 191; 1919: 394; 1920: 224; 1921: 297; 1922: 228;1923: 372;1924: 22; 1925: 260; 1926: 292; 1927: 242; 1928: 262; 1929: 254; 1930: 262; 1931: 264; 1932: 282; 1933: 226; 1934: 220; 1935: 206; 1936: 314; 1937: 286; 1938: 284; 1939: 272; 1940: 110; 1941: 105
Athletics- Basketball- Women’s. 1902: 247; 1905: 240-41; 1906: 198-99; 1907: 302; 1908: 238; 1909: 299; 1911: 233; 1912: 271-72; 1913: 218-20; 1914: 210-11;1915: 237-38; 1916: 220-21; 1917: 278; 1918: 221; 1919: 420; 1921: 330; 1922: 268; 1925: 307; 1927: 320; 1928: 324
Athletics- Boxing. 1930: 299; 1931: 300
Athletics- Field Ball- Women’s-. 1924: 260
Athletics- Field Soccer- Women’s. 1924: 259-60
Athletics- Football- Captains of Previous Teams. 1915: 17-20
Athletics- Football- Championship Teams. 1923: 476
Athletics- Football- Dedication to the Football Team and Coaches.1915: 3
Athletics- Football- Freshman Team. 1907: 282; 1908: 208; 1909: 280; 1911: 216; 1912: 244; 1913: 190; 1914: 184; 1915: 21; 1916: 187; 1917: 240; 1918: 186; 1919: 391; 1921: 283; 1922: 226; 1925: 258; 1926: 260; 1927: 240; 1928: 251; 1929: 243; 1931: 253; 1932: 271; 1933: 215; 1934: 209; 1937: 273; 1938: 271; 1939: 261; 1940: 31; 1941: 102; 1942: 136
Athletics- Football- Iowa Rooters’ Section. 1908: 330
Athletics- Football- Medic. 1914: 397
Athletics- Football- 1942 Season Highlights. 1942: 124-136
Athletics- Football- Pictures of Individual Players. 1905: 219-23; 1907: 277-78; 1908: 200-06; 1909: 275-77; 1913: 186-89; 1915: 9-14; 1916: 178-82; 1917: 240; 1918: 178-86; 1919: 287-90; 1920: 213-15; 1921: 284-96; 1922: 213-25; 1924: 207-20; 1925: 245-56 ; 1926: 249-59; 1927: 230-40; 1928: 252-60; 1929: 244-51; 1930 no page; 1931 no page; 1932 no page; 1933: 216-24; 1934: 210-18; 1935: 196-204; 1936: 299-312; 1937: 274-81; 1938: 272-79; 1939: 262-69; 1940: 19-29
Athletics- Football- Scenes. 1902: 239; 1911: 214; 1916: 183-86
Athletics- Football- Team in Action on Field. 1905: 232
Athletics- Football- The Mechanical Rooster. 1905: 215
Athletics- Football- “The Scrubs”. 1902: 245; 1904: 187
Athletics- Football- Varsity Team. 1893: 156; 1894: 136; 1895: 145; 1896: 242; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 283; 1900: 289; 1901: 210, 216; 1902: 240, 250; 1903: 232; 1904: 185, 187; 1905: 216; 1906: 200; 1907: 275; 1908: 204; 1909: 270-71; 1910: 225; 1911: 212; 1912: 238; 1913: 180; 1914: 172, 434; 1915: 359; 1916: 177; 1917: 226; 1918: 268; 1919: 380; 1920: 216; 1921: 282; 1922: 212; 1924: 206; 1925: 244; 1926: 246; 1927: 229; 1928: 250; 1929: 242; 1930: 250; 1931: 252; 1932: 270; 1933: 214; 1934: 208; 1935: 194; 1936: 302; 1937: 272; 1938: 270; 1939: 260; 1940: 30; 1941: 95; 1942: 122
Athletics- Freshman Athletic Association. 1910: 226 1911: 232
Athletics- Hockey- Women’s. 1913: 216-17; 1914: 208-09; 1915: 235-36; 1916: 218-19; 1917: 275; 1918: 224; 1927: 321-24; 1928: 326-31
Athletics- Iowa Circus. 1937: 319; 1938: 317; 1939: 303
Athletics- Fencing Club – Men’s 1907: 284; 1927: 288; 1928: 304; 1929: 295
Athletics- Golf- Men’s-. 1926: 297; 1927: 279; 1928: 297; 1929: 289; 1930: 293; 1931: 293, 306; 1932: 309; 1933: 264; 1934: 251; 1935: 239; 1936: 343; 1937: 320; 1938: 308; 1939: 296
Athletics- Golf- Women’s. 1927: 324
Athletics- Gymnastics- Men’s. 1937: 318
Athletics- Interfraternity Championships- Men’s. 1933: 265
Athletics- Interfraternity Sports- Men’s. 1926: 309-14; 1927: 290-99; 1928: 306-14; 1929: 299-303; 1930: 302-308; 1931: 302-310; 1932: 318-26; 1933: 263-70; 1936: 256-60, 362; 1937: 328-29
Athletics- Intramural- Men’s. 1927: 291-99; 1928: 306-14; 1929: 299-303; 1931: 302-08; 1932: 318-26; 1933: 263-70; 1934: 258-63; 1935: 248-51; 1936: 353; 1938: 326-27
Athletics- Intramural- Women’s. 1927: 322; 1928: 326-31; 1930: 314-17; 1931: 316-19; 1932: 332-35; 1933: 277-81; 1934: 271-75; 1935: 259-61
Athletics- Intramural Water Sports Men’s. 1927: 291; 1928: 306-07; 1929: 299
Athletics- Minor Sports- Men’s-. 1932: 306-16; 1933: 251-262
Athletics- Quadrangle Sports- Men’s. 1927: 298-99; 1928: 314; 1929: 302-03; 1930: 306-08; 1931: 308-310; 1932: 324-26
Athletics- Soccer- Men’s. 1915: 228; 1916: 211; 1929: 296, 301; 1930: 300; 1931: 307
Athletics- Swimming- Men’s. 1918: 216; 1920: 245; 1921: 323, 26; 1922: 261; 1923: 369, 403; 1924: 252; 1925: 296-97; 1926: 300; 1927: 282, 85; 1928: 300;1929: 292; ; 1930: 294, 961931: 296-97; 1932: 312-13; 1933: 256; 1934: 248-49; 1935: 236; 1936: 328, 339; 1937: 311-13; 1938: 311-13; 1939: 300
Athletics- Swimming- Men’s- Dolphin Pageant. 1935: 238; 1936: 241; 1937: 315; 1938: 315; 1939: 299; 1940: 47
Athletics- Swimming- Men’s- Freshmen. 1927: 285; 1928: 299; 1929: 291; 1930: 295; 1931: 295; 1932: 311; 1933: 257; 1934: 247; 1935: 235; 1936 no page
Athletics- Swimming- Men’s- Varsity. 1928: 298; 1929: 290; 1930: 294; 1931: 294; 1932: 310; 1933: 356; 1934: 246; 1935: 234; 1936: 338; 1938: 311-13; 1939: 301-02; 1940: 114-15
Athletics- Swimming- Women’s. 1917: 280; 1918: 225; 1928: 326
Athletics- Tennis- Men’s- Individual Players in Action. 1925: 294-95; 1931: 290; 1938: 309; 1939: 297
Athletics- Tennis- Men’s- Team. 1901: 206; 1903: 244; 1904: 198; 1906: 320; 1907: 309; 1912: 266; 1913: 210; 1914: 202; 1917: 265; 1926: 296; 1930: 290;1931: 290; 1933: 252; 1934: 250; 1935: 241; 1936: 342; 1937: 321; 1938: 309; 1939: 297
Athletics- Tennis- Women’s. 1925: 306; 1926: 322; 1927: 321
Athletics- Track- Men’s. 1939: 288-89; 1940: 213, 215; 1941: 124; 1942: 154
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Conference Trials(?). 1917: 251
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Cross Country Team. 1904: 204; 1905: 238; 1906: 322; 1909: 303;1913: 206-08; 1914: 199-200; 1915: 222; 1916: 207; 1918: 202; 1921: 315; 1922: 251; 1923: 394; 1924: 244; 1925: 292-93; 1926: 304-05; 1927: 287; 1928: 302-03; 1929: 264-73, 293; 1930: 297; 1931: 298; 1932: 314; 1933: 260-61; 1934: 254-55; 1935: 225, 244; 1936: 346; 1937: 316; 1938: 310; 1942: 152-53
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Group. 1909: 290; 1910: 232; 1911: 225; 1913: 204
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Individual Players. 1921: 305-11; 1922: 240-47; 1923: 384-92; 1925: 269-78; 1926: 274-84
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Interscholastic Meet. 1912: 260-61; 1915: 223-24; 1916: 208
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Iowa Record Holders. 1923: 383
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Iowa-Ames Track Meet. 1920: 240
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Iowa’s Olympic Team. 1926: 273
Athletics- Track- Men’s- 1907 State High School Meet.1909: 294
Athletics- Track- Men’s- State Meet in Des Moines. 1907: 289-90
Athletics- Track- Men’s- “Team of Sr. Laws”. 1895: 146; 1896: 249
Athletics- Track- Men’s- Teams. 1895: 143; 1896: 246, 249; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 277; 1900: 212; 1901: 188; 1902: 225; 1903: 225; 1904: 190; 1905: 224, 230; 1906: 311; 1907: 287; 1908: 214, 288; 290, 336; 1910: 230; 1911: 22; 1912: 254, 258; 1913: 202, 205; 1914: 194, 198; 1915: 216, 221; 1916: 202-06; 1917: 250; 1918: 198; 1919: 405; 1920: 238; 1921: 304, 316; 1922: 236; 1923: 380; 1924: 230; 1925: 268, 280; 1926: 270; 1927: 250, 275; 1928: 270-71; 1929: 262-63; 1930: 270-71, 298; 1931: 272-73; 1932: 288-89; 1933: 234-35, 288; 1934: 228-29; 1935: 224-25; 1936: 246; 1937: 302-03; 1938: 300-01; 1939: 288-89; 1940: 213-15; 1941: 124; 1942: 154
Athletics- Track- Men’s- University Meets. 1924: 231-42; 1935: 226-32; 1936: 256-57; 1937: 304-08; 1938: 302-06; 1939: 290-94; 1940: 208-14
Athletics- Track- Women’s. 1925: 308; 1926: 324; 1927: 323
Athletics- Weightlifting- Men’s. 1908: 216
Athletics- Wrestling- Men’s. 1912: 264; 1913: 211-12; 1914: 203-04; 1915: 227, 229; 1916: 212-13; 1917: 266; 1918: 214-15; 1919: 408-09; 1920: 246; 1921: 324-25; 1922: 260, 262-63; 1923: 402, 404; 1924: 253-54; 1925: 291; 1926: 299; 1927: 280-81, 295; 1928: 295-96; 1929: 287-88; 1930: 292; 1931: 291-92; 1935: 240; 1936: 344-45; 1937: 319; 1938: 316-17; 1939: 304
Athletics- Scenes. 1904: 195
Athletics- Scenes on Grounds. 1896: 241
Athletics- Team Captains Group Photo. 1904: 183
Athletics- Volleyball- Women’s. 1925: 305; 1926: 323; 1927: 320
Athletics- Yesterday (?). 1941: 82-86
Autumn- Winter- Spring (?). 1940: 6
Aviation Meet- Captain Baldwin. 1912: 195
Band. 1911: 314
Barrister’s Ball. 1931: 221; 1932: 237; 1933: 183
Beauties- Judges. 1942: 187-93
Beauty Judges. 1940: 272
The Board. 1894: 7; 1895: 181; 1896: 16; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 7; 1900: 16; 1901: 4; 1902: 4; 1903: 170; 1904: 70; 1905: 126; 1907: 172; 1908: 8; 1909: 10; 1910: 4; 1911: 2; 1912: 12; 1913: 123; 1914: 120; 1915: 3, 157; 1916: 149; 1917: 289; 1918: 230; 1919: 300-01; 1920: 386; 1921: 342; 1922: 275; 1923: 417; 1924: 414-15; 1925: 182-83; 1926: 186-87; 1927: 156-57; 1928: 171; 1929: 17-38, 156-57; 1930: 141; 1931: 142-43; 1932: 156-57; 1933: 122-23; 1934: 114-15; 1935: 94-95; 1936: 176-77; 1937: 112-13; 1938: 116-17; 1939: 136-37; 1940: 3, 80-81; 1941: 2-16; 1942: 74-75
Board of College Managers. 1910: 5; 1911: 4; 1912: 15; 1913: 122; 1914: 122; 1915: 159; 1916: 151; 1917: 291; 1918: 241
Buildings- Acacia. 1912: 387; 1913: 241; 1914: 236; 1915: 263; 1916: 247; 1917: 373; 1925: 341; 1926: 365; 1927: 329; 1928: 337; 1929: 343; 1930: 323; 1931: 325; 1932: 343; 1933: 287; 1934: 283
Buildings- Achoth. 1914: 270; 1915: 311; 1916: 295; ; 1917: 4331918: 357
Buildings- Alpha Chi Omega. 1914: 268; 1915: 313; 1916: 297; 1917: 435; 1918: 359; 1925: 383; 1926: 409; 1927: 385; 1928: 393; 1929: 391; 1930: 379; 1931: 381; 1932: 397; 1933: 341; 1934: 331; 1935: 308; 1936: 213; 1937: 193; 1938: 187; 1939: 181; 1940: 226; 1941: 300; 1942: 217
Buidings- Alpha Delta Pi. 1916: 301; 1917: 443; 1918: 365; 1925: 389; 1926: 415; 1927: 387; 1928: 395; 1929: 397; 1930: 381; 1931: 383; 1932: 399; 1933: 343; 1934: 333; 1935: 310; 1936: 215; 1937: 195; 1938: 189; 1939: 183; 1940: 228; 1941: 303; 1942: 219
Buildings- Alpha Gamma Phi. 1925: 405; 1926: 429
Buildings- Alpha Kappa Kappa. 1931: 417; 1932: 433; 1933: 377; 1934: 365; 1935: 340; 1936: 78
Buildings- Alpha Omicron. 1925: 403
Buildings- Alpha Sigma Phi. 1925: 361; 1926: 385; 1927: 331; 1928: 339; 1929: 369; 1930: 325; 1931: 327; 1932: 345; 1933: 289; 1934: 285; 1935: 266; 1936: 217; 1937: 197; 1938: 191; 1939: 185; 1940: 121; 1941: 252
Buildings- Alpha Tau Beta. 1925: 399; 1926: 427
Buildings- Alpha Tau Omega. 1917: 383; 1925: 349; 1926: 373; 1927: 333; 1928: 341; 1929: 351; 1930: 326; 1931: 329; 1932: 347; 1934: 287; 1935: 268; 1936: 219; 1937: 199; 1938: 193; 1939: 187; 1940: 123; 1941: 255; 1942: 249; 1933: 299
Buildings- Alpha Theta. 1918: 369
Buildings- Alpha Xi Delta. 1914: 274; 1915: 315; 1916: 299; 1917: 437; 1918: 361; 1925: 385; 1926: 411; 1927: 389; 1928: 397; 1929: 393; 1930: 383; 1931: 385; 1932: 401; 1933: 345; 1934: 335; 1935: 312; 1936: 221; 1937: 201; 1938: 195; 1939: 189; 1940: 230; 1941: 304; 1942: 221
Buildings- Armory. 1906: 30, 99, 303; 1912: 420; 1913: 128; 1916: 146, 262-63; 1918: 18; 1919: 86, 298; 1921: 318; 1922: 16; 1923: 12; 1924: 9; 1925: 353; 1926: 12
Buildings- Beta Phi. 1927: 335; 1928: 343; 1929: 275
Buildings- Beta Theta Pi. 1906: 207; 1912: 337; 1913: 225; 1914: 216; 1915: 247; 1916: 231; 1917: 359; 1925: 323; 1926: 246; 1927: 337; 1928: 345; 1929: 325; 1930: 329; 1931: 331; 1932: 349; 1933: 293; 1934: 289; 1935: 270; 1936: 223; 1937: 203; 1938: 197; 1939: 191; 1940: 125; 1941: 256; 1942: 251
Buildings- Chemical Laboratory. 1893: 16; 1896: 109; 1902: 106
Buildings- Chemical Laboratory- Interiors. 1902: 106; 1913: 420-22
Buildings- Chi Delta Psi. 1926: 393; 1927: 339; 1928: 347; 1929: 371; 1930: 331; 1931: 333
Buildings- Chi Kappa Pi. 1925: 365; 1926: 389; 1927: 341; 1928: 349; 1929: 361; 1930: 333; 1931: 335; 1932: 351; 1933: 295
Buildings- Chi Omega. 1925: 393; 1926: 419; 1927: 391; 1928: 399; 1929: 401; 1930: 385; 1931: 387; 1932: 403; 1933: 347; 1934: 337; 1935: 314; 1936: 225; 1937: 193; 1938: 199; 1939: 193; 1940: 232; 1941: 307; 1942: 223
Buildings- Child Welfare Research Station. 1926: 54 ;1930: 35
Buildings- Children’s Hospital. 1922: 32; 1923: 17
Buildings- Close Hall. 1893: 137; 1899: 43; 1900: 130, 132-33; 1906: 149; 1908: 272; 1912: 135, 205; 1913: 18; 1921: 394; 1926: 58; 1927: 19; 1932: 28; 1933: 118
Buildings- College of Commerce. 1939: 55
Buildings- Cosmos Club. 1917: 387
Buildings- Currier Hall. 1914: 19; 1915: 33; 1919: 254-55; 1921: 13; 1922: 18; 1923: 13; 1926: 28; 1927: 27; 1929 no page; 1930: 18
Buildings- Dean Gregory’s House. 1912: 11
Buildings- Delta Chi. 1914: 232; 1915: 265; 1916: 249; 1917: 377; 1925: 345; 1926: 369; 1927: 343; 1928: 351; 1929: 345; 1930: 335; 1931: 337; 1932: 353; 1933: 297; 1934: 291; 1935: 272; 1936: 227; 1937: 205; 1938: 201; 1939: 195; 1940: 127; 1941: 259; 1942: 252
Buildings- Delta Delta Delta. 1908: 141; 1912: 40; 1913: 275; 1914: 266; 1915: 307; 1916: 293; 1917: 431; 1918: 355; 1925: 379; 1926: 405; 1927: 393; 1928: 401; 1929: 387; 1930: 387; 1931: 389; 1932: 405; 1933: 449; 1934: 339; 1935: 316; 1936: 229; 1937: 207; 1938: 203; 1939: 197; 1940: 234; 1941: 308; 1942: 225
Buildings- Delta Gamma. 1913: 273; 1914: 264; 1915: 305; 1916: 291; 1917: 429; 1918: 352; 1925: 377; 1926: 403; 1927: 395; 1928: 403; 1929: 385; 1930: 389; 1931: 391; 1932: 307; 1933: 351; 1934: 341; 1935: 318; 1936: 231; 1937: 209; 1938: 205; 1939: 199; 1940: 236; 1941: 311; 1942: 227
Buildings- Delta Sigma Delta. 1916: 273; 1917: 405; 1936: 89
Buildings- Delta Sigma Pi. 1930: 337; 1931: 339; 1932: 355; 1933: 299; 1934: 293; 1935: 274; 1936: 233
Buildings- Delta Tau Delta. 1906: 211; 1912: 343; 1913: 229; 1914: 220; 1915: 251; 1916: 235; 1917: 363; 1925: 329; 1926: 353; 1927: 345; 1928: 353; 1929: 331; 1930: 339; 1931: 341; 1932: 357; 1933: 301; 1934: 295; 1935: 276; 1936: 235; 1937: 211; 1938: 207; 1939: 201; 1940: 129; 1941: 260
Buildings- Delta Upsilon. 1927: 347; 1928: 355; 1929: 373; 1930: 341; 1931: 343; 1932: 359; 1933: 303; 1934: 297; 1935: 278; 1936: 237; 1937: 213; 1938: 209; 1939: 203; 1940: 131; 1941: 263; 1942: 255
Buildings- Delta Zeta. 1925: 387; 1926: 313; 1927: 397; 1928: 405; 1929: 395; 1930: 391; 1931: 393; 1932: 309; 1933: 353; 1934: 343; 1935: 320; 1936: 239; 1937: 215
Buildings- East Hall. 1939: 81, 83
Buildings- Eastlawn Nurse’s Home. 1927: 39
Buildings- Engineering Building. 1908: 97; 1909: 108; 1910: 81-83; 1911: 95; 1912: 191; 1913: 12, 437-40, 442; 1914: 20, 368; 1915: 466; 1917: 135; 1918: 150; 1919: 20; 1920: 131; 1921: 14, 150; 1922: 17; 1926: 36; 1927: 17; 1937: 28; 1939: 14
Buildings- Field House. 1923: 23, 449; 1926: 199; 1936: 295′
Buildings- Fine Arts. 1936: 28; 1939: 16
Buildings- Gamma Phi Beta. 1917: 445; 1918: 367; 1925: 391; 1926: 417; 1927: 399; 1928: 407; 1929: 399; 1930: 393; 1931: 395; 1932: 411; 1933: 355; 1934: 345; 1935: 322; 1936: 241; 1937: 217; 1938: 211; 1939: 205; 1940: 238; 1941: 312; 1942: 229
Buildings- Geology. 1927: 20, 342
Buildings- Group of Fraternity Buildings. 1902: 156; 1912: 194-95
Buildings- Group of SUI Buidings. 1894: 9; 1895: 7; 1897 no page
Buildings- Hall of Anatomy. 1906: 235; 1912: 190
Buildings- Hall of Dentistry (Dental College). 1901: 24; 1906: 119; 1912: 191; 1913: 14, 400; 1914: 21, 109, 400; 1918: 115; 1919: 156; 1920: 156; 1921: 16, 140; 1923: 163; 1926: 42; 1938: 71; 1939: 85
Buildings- Hall of Liberal Arts. 1903: 24,-25; 1904 frontpiece; 1906: 251; 1908: 281; 1912: 187; 1913: 11; 1914: 11; 1915: 31; 1916: 18; 1920: 11; 1921: 23; 1922: 11; 1923: 15, 19; 1924: 23; 1926: 16, 30; 1929: 9; 1939: 23
Buildings- Hall of Natural Sciences. 1912: 186, 196; 1913: 10; 1914: 10; 1915: 30; 1917: 11; 1920: 9; 1921: 15; 1922: 14; 1923: 10, 123; 1924: 15, 18; 1925: 10, 17; 1926: 18, 240; 1927: 16; 1928: 14; 1929: 11
Buildings- Hall of Pharmacy and Chemistry. 1906: 107, 109
Buildings- Heating Plant and Power H(all?). 1912: 192
Buildings- Hesperian and Zetagathian Hall. 1912: 141
Buildings- Homeopathic Hospital. 1897: 13; 1899: 237; 1901: 23; 1906: 124; 1912: 190; 1913: 16, 383; 1917: 127
Buildings- Interiors. 1905: 77; 1906: 179, 181, 17-19, 158, 229, 185, 237 231, 233, 237; 1908: 98, 125, 239, 241, 243, 129 249; 1911: 58-59, 1914: 14-15, 372-75, 298, 311 435; 1912: 141, 147; 1913: 10, 13-14; 1915: 37 153, 186-87; 1916: 438-42, 446, 448, 205, 410, 420; 1926: 10, 44
Buildings- Iota Xi Epsilon. 1925: 401
Buildings- Iowa Union. 1930: 37
Buildings- Isolation Hospital. 1921: 20
Buildings- Kappa Alpha Theta. 1928: 409; 1929: 411; 1930: 395; 1931: 313, 297; 1932: 413; 1933: 357; 1934: 247; 1935: 324; 1936: 243; 1937: 219; 1938: 213; 1939: 207; 1940: 240; 1941: 315; 1942: 231
Buildings- Kappa Beta Psi. 1925: 363; 1926: 387
Buildings- Kappa Delta. 1925: 397; 1926: 423; 1927: 401; 1928: 411; 1929: 405; 1930: 397; 1931: 399; 1932: 415; 1933: 349, 359
Buildings- Kappa Kappa Gamma. 1913: 271; 1914: 262; 1915: 303; 1916: 289; 1917: 427; 1918: 351; 1925: 375; 1926: 400; 1927: 403; 1928: 413; 1929: 381; 1930: 399; 1931: 401; 1932: 417; 1933: 361; 1934: 341; 1935: 326; 1936: 245; 1937: 221; 1938: 315; 1939: 209; 1940: 242; 1941: 316; 1942: 233
Buildings- Kappa Sigma. 1906: 219; 1912: 355; 1913: 237; 1914: 228; 1915: 259; 1916: 243; 1917: 371; 1925: 337; 1926: 361; 1927: 349; 1928: 357; 1929: 339; 1930: 343; 1931: 345; 1932: 361; 1933: 305
Buildings- Karnak Club. 1916: 255
Buildings- Katho. 1926: 431
Buildings- Laboratory Hall. 1906: 232
Buildings- Lakeside Laboratory. 1911: 124
Buildings- Law Building. 1912: 192; 1913: 13, 357; 1914: 10, 33; 1916: 32-33; 1918: 91; 1919: 100; 1921: 24, 123; 1922: 19; 1923: 131; 1925: 9; 1926: 34; 1927: 18; 1928: 12; 1936: 63; 1939: 75, 78; 1942: 330
Buildings- Law Commons. 1942: 230
Buildings- Library Annex (Armory). 1930: 36
Buildings- Main Campus. 1897 frontpiece; 1898 no page; 1901: 15-18, 26;
Buildings- Main Hospital at Oakdale. 1918: 79
Buildings- Mechanics Academy. 1908: 3; 1912: 185; 1921: 32
Buildings- Medical Building. 1893: 60; 1896: 39; 1912: 190; 1913: 15; 1914: 17; 1917: 72; 1922: 13; 1923: 155; 1924: 138; 1926: 38
Buildings- Medical Laboratories. 1928: 9; 1906: 68; 1929: 8
Buildings- New Armory ( New Fieldhouse). 1922: 33; 1925: 8; 1928: 13
Buildings- New Collegiate Building. 1900: 38
Buildings- New Hydraulic Laboratory- College of Engineering. 1923: 141
Buildings- New Law Building. 1911: 56
Buildings- New Nurses Home. 1916: 376
Buildings- New Psychopathic Hospital. 1923: 158
Buildings- The New University Hospital. 1899: 221; 1906: 70, 74-75, 79; 1909: 57; 1912: 185
Buildings- Nu Sigma Nu. 1914: 246; 1915: 277; 1916: 265; 1917: 397; 1931: 419; 1932: 435; 1933: 379; 1934: 367; 1936: 74
Buildings- Old Chemistry. 1901: 25
Buildings- Old Mechanics Hall. 1921: 32
Buildings- Old Medical. 1901: 21
Buildings- Old Science Hall. 1907: 235; 1912: 186; 1914: 23; 1919: 22; 1924: 14
Buildings- Old South Hall. 1901: 16; 1908: 4; 1912: 187; 1921: 30
Buildings- Old South Hall and Medical Building- Burning Of. 1903: 26-28
Buildings- Old State Capitol. 1896 frontpiece; 1898 no page; 1900: 54 195; 1901: 20; 1902 frontpiece, 14; 1904: 261 168; 1906 frontpiece; 1907: 4; 1908: 319; 1910: 8; 1911: 311; 1912 frontpiece; 1913: 9; 1914: 9, 333; 1916: 10, 16, 26-28; 1917: 10, 17; 1918: 10, 24; 1919: 27; 1920: 12, 25; 1921: 1, 5, 9, 315, 328; 1922: 9; 1923: 9, 20, 22; 1924: 100; 1925: 7, 17; 1926: 8, 19, 26; 1927: 15; 1928: 7, 10; 1929: 7, 152; 1930: 1, 38; 1931: 38; 1932: 6, 7; 1933: 21, 113; 1935: 140-41; 1936: 15; 1937: 3, 7; 1938: 24-25; 1939: frontpiece, 8; 1940: 18, 174; 1942: 29, 279
Buildings- Old State Capitol- Circular Staircase. 1930: 38; 1949: 11
Buildings- Pathological Laboratory- Interior. 1899: 223
Buildings- Perkins Hospital. 1921: 19, 133
Buildings- Pharmacy- Chemical- Botany. 1912: 190; 1913: 16; 1914: 22; 1917: 120; 1918: 121; 1920: 164; 1921: 21; 1926: 14, 40; 1927: 14; 1936: 95; 1937: 104; 1939: 91
Buildings- Pharmacy Laboratory- Interiors. 1902: 120, 122; 1918: 123; 1922: 184
Buildings- Phi Alpha Delta. 1912: 365; 1913: 253; 1914: 248; 1915: 279; 1916: 267; 1917: 391
Buildings- Phi Alpha Gamma. 1914: 238; 1915: 238
Buildings- Phi Beta Delta. 1927: 351; 1928: 359; 1929: 365; 1930: 345; 1931: 347; 1932: 363; 1933: 307; 1934: 299; 1935: 280
Buildings- Phi Beta Pi. 1912: 367; 1913: 247; 1914: 242; 1915: 274; 1917: 393; 1931: 421; 1932: 437; 1933: 381; 1934: 369; 1936: 75
Buildings- Phi Chi. 1931: 423; 1932: 439; 1933: 383; 1934: 371; 1936: 76
Buildings- Phi Delta Chi. 1917: 407
Buildings- Phi Delta Theta. 1906: 215; 1912: 349; 1913: 233; 1914: 224; 1915: 255; 1916: 239; 1917: 365; 1925: 331; 1926: 355; 1927: 353; 1928: 360; 1929: 333; 1930: 347; 1931: 349; 1932: 365; 1933: 309; 1934: 301; 1935 no page; 1936: 247; 1937: 223; 1938: 217; 1939: 211; 1940: 133; 1941: 265; 1942: 257
Buildings- Phi Epsilon Pi. 1925: 355; 1926: 379; 1927: 255; 1928: 363; 1929: 357; 1930: 349; 1931: 251; 1932: 367; 1933: 311; 1934: 303; 1935: 282; 1936: 249; 1937: 225; 1938: 219; 1939: 213; 1940: 135; 1941: 267; 1942: 258
Buildings- Phi Gamma Delta. 1925: 327; 1926: 351; 1927: 357; 1928: 365; 1929: 329; 1930: 351; 1931: 353; 1932: 369; 1933: 313; 1934: 305; 1935: 284; 1936: 251; 1937: 227; 1938: 221; 1939: 215; 1940: 137; 1941: 261, 268
Buildings- Phi Kappa. 1915: 269; 1916: 253; 1917: 381; 1925: 347; 1926: 371; 1927: 359; 1928: 367; 1929: 349; 1930: 353; 1931: 355; 1932: 371; 1933: 315
Buildings- Phi Kappa Psi. 1906: 209; 1912: 341; 1913: 227; 1914: 218; 1915: 249; 1916: 233; 1917: 361; 1925: 325; 1926: 349; 1927: 361; 1928: 369; 1929: 327; 1930: 355; 1931: 357; 1932: 373; 1933: 317; 1934: 307; 1935: 286; 1936: 253; 1937: 229; 1938: 223; 1939: 217; 1940: 139; 1941: 271; 1942: 263
Buildings- Phi Kappa Rho. 1926: 391; 1927: 363; 1928: 371; 1929: 367; 1930: 357
Buildings- Phi Kappa Sigma. 1925: 357; 1926: 381; 1927: 365; 1928: 373; 1929: 359; 1930: 359; 1931: 359; 1932: 375; 1933: 319; 1934: 309; 1935: 288; 1936: 255; 1937: 231; 1938: 225; 1939: 219; 1940: 141; 1941: 272; 1942: 264
Buildings- Phi Mu. 1927: 405; 1928: 415; 1929: 409; 1930: 401; 1931: 403; 1932: 419; 1933: 363; 1934: 353; 1935: 328; 1936: 256; 1937: 233; 1938: 227; 1939: 221; 1941: 319
Buildings- Phi Omega Pi. 1925: 381; 1926: 407; 1927: 407; 1928: 417; 1929: 389; 1930: 403; 1931: 405; 1932: 421; 1933: 365; 1934: 355; 1936: 257
Buildings- Phi Rho Sigma. 1914: 240; 1916: 261; 1917: 395; 1931: 425; 1932: 441; 1933: 385; 1934: 373; 1936: 77
Buildings- Phi Zeta Epsilon. 1916: 257
Buildings- Physics Hall. 1906: 181; 1913: 20; 1914: 20; 1915: 33; 1916: 17, 19; 1919: 24; 1920: 8; 1921: 11; 1922: 12; 1923: 181; 1924: 9, 16; 1925: 11; 1926: 14-15; 1927: 214, 418; 1929: 12
Buildings- Pi Beta Phi. 1914: 260; 1915: 301; 1916: 287; 1917: 425; 1918: 349; 1925: 373; 1926: 398; 1927: 409; 1928: 419; 1929: 383; 1930: 405; 1931: 407; 1932: 423; 1933: 367; 1934: 357; 1935: 330; 1936: 259; 1937: 235; 1938: 229; 1939: 223; 1940: 244; 1941: 320; 1942: 235
Buildings- Pi Kappa Alpha. 1931: 261; 1932: 377; 1933: 321; 1934: 311; 1935: 290; 1936: 261; 1937: 237; 1938: 231; 1939: 225; 1940: 143; 1941: 275; 1942: 267
Buildings- Pi Omicron. 1917: 389
Buildings- President’s Home. 1911: 310; 1912: 193; 1913: 304; 1916: 11; 1921: 10; 1922: 10; 1923: 12, 18; 1925: 14; 1926: 9; 1927: 11; 1929: 13; 1933: 7; 1942: 312
Buildings- Psi Omega. 1913: 249; 1914: 244; 1915: 283; 1916: 269; 1917: 401
Buildings- Psychopathic Hospital. 1926: 11
Buildings- Quadrangle. 1921: 12; 1922: 23, 280; 1923: 13, 191; 1925: 12; 1926: 17; 1927: 26; 1928: 15; 1930: 19
Buildings- School of Fine Arts. 1936: 65
Buildings- School of Music. 1927: 36
Buildings- Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 1906: 221; 1912: 359; 1913: 239; 1914: 230; 1915: 261; 1916: 245; 1917: 375; 1925: 339; 1926: 363; 1927: 367; 1928: 370; 1929: 341; 1930: 361; 1931: 363; 1932: 379; 1933: 323; 1934: 313; 1935: 292; 1936: 263; 1937: 239; 1938: 233; 1939: 227; 1940: 145; 1941: 276; 1942: 269
Buildings- Sigma Chi. 1906: 213; 1912: 347; 1913: 231; 1914: 222; 1915: 253; 1916: 287; 1917: 367; 1925: 333; 1926: 357; 1927: 369; 1928: 377; 1929: 335; 1930: 363; 1931: 365; 1932: 381; 1933: 325; 1934: 315; 1935: 294; 1936: 265; 1937: 341; 1938: 235; 1939: 229; 1940: 147; 1941: 279; 1942: 270
Buildings- Sigma Delta Tau. 1936: 267; 1937: 243; 1938: 237; 1939: 231; 1940: 246; 1941: 323; 1942: 237
Buildings- Sigma Kappa. 1926: 425; 1927: 411; 1928: 421; 1929: 407; 1930: 407; 1931: 409; 1932: 425; 1933: 369
Buildings- Sigma Nu. 1906: 217; 1912: 253; 1913: 235; 1914: 226; 1915: 257; 1916: 241; 1917: 369; 1925: 335; 1926: 359; 1927: 371; 1928: 379; 1929: 337; 1930: 365; 1931: 367; 1932: 383; 1933: 327; 1934: 317; 1935: 296; 1936: 269; 1937: 245; 1938: 239; 1939: 233; 1940: 149; 1941: 280; 1942: 273
Buildings- Sigma Phi Epsilon. 1925: 351; 1926: 375; 1927: 373; 1928: 381; 1929: 353; 1930: 357; 1931: 369; 1932: 385; 1933: 329; 1934: 329; 1935: 298; 1936: 271; 1937: 247; 1938: 241; 1939: 235; 1940: 251; 1941: 283; 1942: 275
Buildings- Sigma Pi. 1925: 353; 1926: 377; 1927: 375; 1928: 383; 1929: 355; 1930: 369; 1931: 371; 1932: 387; 1933: 331; 1934: 321; 1936: 273
Buildings- State University Gymnasium. 1904: 2-3
Buildings- The Student’s Union. 1913: 17
Buildings- SUI Dental Building. 1899: 251, 253, 255, 257
Buildings- SUI Medical Building. 1899: 214
Buildings- Theta Phi. 1912: 407; 1913: 279; 1914: 272; 1915: 309
Buildings- Theta Phi Kappa. 1927: 413;1929: 413; 1930: 409; 1931: 411; 1932: 427; 1933: 371; 1934: 359; 1935: 334; 1936: 278
Buildings- Theta Tau. 1936: 107; 1939: 67
Buildings- Theta Xi. 1914: 234; 1915: 267; 1916: 251; 1917: 379; 1925: 343; 1926: 367; 1927: 377; 1928: 385; 1929: 347; 1930: 371; 1931: 373; 1932: 389; 1933: 333; 1934: 323; 1935: 300; 1936: 275; 1937: 249; 1938: 243; 1939: 237; 1940: 153; 1941: 284; 1942: 276
Buildings- Triangle. 1925: 359; 1926: 383; 1927: 379; 1928: 387; 1929: 363; 1930: 373; 1931: 375; 1932: 391; 1933: 335; 1934: 325; 1936: 109; 1940: 155
Buildings- Turning Sod for New Coll. Building. 1900: 35
Buildings- The University. 1902: 15; 1915: 34-35; 1930: 6-13
Buildings- University Armory (see Field House). 1921: 18
Buildings- University Hall. 1926: 7, 32,175; 1929: 10
Buildings- University High Elementary. 1926: 46; 1927: 37; 1929: 29; 1930: 28
Buildings- University Hospital. 1901: 22; 1913: 15; 1916: 375; 1917: 78; 1918: 76; 1920: 95; 1921: 22; 1922: 158; 1923: 157; 1930: 6, 21; 1936: 2; 1939: 9, 102, 174; 1942: 174, 323
Buildings- University Library. 1896: 16; 1899: 18-20
Buildings- University of Iowa Central Buildings. 1906: 129
Buildings- University Power and Heating Plant. 1906: 203
Buildings- Westlawn- New Nurses Home. 1923: 16, 175; 1926: 50; 1936: 81
Buildings- Wexo. 1913: 254
Buildings- The Women’s Gymnasium. 1919: 413, 418; 1921: 17; 1922: 21
Buildings- Xi Psi Phi. 1915: 285; 1916: 271; 1917: 403; 1936: 91
Buildings- Y.M.C.A.- Interior. 1894: 135
Buildings- Zeta Tau Alpha. 1925: 395; 1926: 421; 1927: 415; 1928: 425; 1929: 403; 1930: 411; 1931: 413; 1932: 429; 1933: 373; 1934: 361; 1935: 336; 1936: 277; 1938: 245; 1939: 239; 1940: 248; 1941: 324; 1942: 239
Cadet Colonels- Military Department. 1933: 151; 1934: 139; 1935: 116; 1937: 174; 1938: 129; 1939: 123; 1940: 177; 1941: 169; 1942: 99
Celebrities- Music – Art – Literature – Entertainment. 1937: 130-31; 1938: 164-66; 1939: 162-64
Campus Course. 1936: 28
Campus Leaders. 1942: 172-80
Campus Snaps. 1913: 309, 312-13, 315, 317, 319, 325, 327-28, 330-32, 336, 338, 347, 353, 372, 392, 405, 411, 414, 419-22, 444, 446; 1914: 18, 132, 212, 296-97, 300-04, 307, 311-13, 316, 320, 339, 346, 378, 381, 392, 403, 406, 409-10, 423, 426, 435-36; 1915: 20, 22, 52-53, 55, 188, 242, 343, 345- 51, 399, 401, 404, 425, 429, 430-31, 433-36, 442-45, 448-54, 458-64, 468-70, 480-83; 1916: 176, 183-86, 188, 214, 225, 330-35, 337, 339-43, 345-46, 349-50, 354-56, 358-67, 370, 377-99, 406, 408-09, 415-25, 427-28, 430-35, 452, 454, 456, 481-83, 485-88; 1917: 74, 79-80, 82, 112-14, 121, 124, 128-32, 142, 145, 148, 154, 165, 167, 170-71, 175-200, 203-205, 209, 213-15, 219-20, 228-39, 252, 254, 265, 268, 273, 318-21, 323, 336-37, 341, 460, 479-80; 1918: 80,124, 131-32, 145, 147, 164, 174-77, 203, 277-78, 290-93, 413-14, 419-21, 425, 427, 434-35, 448-49, 460; 1919: 110, 127, 129, 131, 135, 155, 157, 159, 167-69, 188-89, 191-92, 253, 255, 268, 278, 345, 370, 372-73, 375, 402, 405-06, 426, 429-32, 434; 1920: 28-29, 70-72, 74-75, 85-89, 101, 103-04, 109-110, 140-41, 146-48, 151-52, 160, 168, 173-74, 179, 190-97, 208-11, 217-21, 232-35, 241-43, 350-54, 290, 389-90, 392, 394-96; 1921: 1-66, 115, 118, 133, 147, 149, 151, 164, 321, 326, 330, 332, 364-67, 386-87; 1922: 20, 119-20, 123-24, 127-28, 131, 141, 152, 155-56, 163-65, 172, 175-76, 178, 181-82, 187-88, 191-92, 195-96, 199-200, 203-04, 215-17, 219, 223, 225, 239, 280, 284, 286, 298-300; 1923: 163-65, 175, 178, 184, 187-88, 199, 250, 366, 368-69, 407, 410-12, 422, 424, 442-43, 445, 472, 474-75, 478-99; 1924: 21-24, 121, 148, 151, 154, 171-72, 227, 262, 443, 445-46, 474; 1925: 47, 136-42, 215-16, 231, 261, 265, 309-10, 406; 1926: 164-82, 274-84, 303, 342; 1927: 144-47, 174, 182, 252-64, 300; 1928: 32-36, 38, 150-66, 184, 187-88, 252-60, 272-82, 286-92, 490; 1929: 28, 36, 140-53; 1930: 22, 27-28, 30-31, 35-37; 1931: 228-245; 1932: 186-96, 244-61, 284-86, 290-95, 300-03, 306-16; 1933: 158-60, 160-200, 401, 408-16; 1934: 186-94; 1935: 164-80; 1936: 25; 1937: 12, 121, 123, 129-31; 1938: 14-15, 160-63, 262-63, 282; 1939: 3, 15-16, 120, 247, 251-54, 258, 270; 1940: 9-15, 72-78, 88, 189-92, 273-80, 319-20, 324-27; 1941: 90, 92-101, 112-118, 326, 328, book 3; 1942: 82-86, 240-43, 278-79, 292-93, 303, 326-28
Campus Views. 1901: 26; 1902: 106 197, 279-85; 1903: 19 287-97, 375; 1904: 36 383-85, 415; 1905: 176 1920: 7, 10, 13; 1906: 9, 40, 48, 16, 20-22, 56, 58, 60, 172; 1907: 96, 104 27-29, 127; 1908: 7, 99-100, 225, 291, 330, 372; 1909: 269, 56, 182, 204-06, 272-77,280 248, 288; 1910: 46-48, 171-74, 214, 167, 218-20, 222-23; 1911: 98, 103, 110-11, 192, 258 28-37, 136, 173-74; 1912: 128-32, 239-43 228-43, 252-59; 1913: 38, 162, 263-68, 272-77; 1914: 11-12, 14, 181-82; 1915: 15-16, 22, 24-36, 52, 71-72, 146-47, 213-14, 219-220; 1916: 30-31, 34-37, 39, 54-58; 1917: 12, 14-15, 18-23, 173-74 310-71; 1918: 14 1942: 310-11; 1919: 28, 30-33; 1921: 22, 29-30; 1923: 11, 14; 1924: 11; 1925: 13, 144-66; 1926: 48, 52; 1927: 38, 40; 1928: 22-23; 1929: 18-19; 1930: 34, 181-82; 1931: 7-37; 1932: 6-13; 1933: 216-24; 1934: 26-48; 1935: 14-36,124-25; 1937: 6, 8-9; 1938: 3-4, 6-11; 1940: 193-99; 1941: 40, 184
Caps’ Caprice- Nurses. 1942: 98
Chaperone’s Club. 1930: 412
Cheerleaders. 1928: 470; 1933: 250; 1934: 244; 1935 no page; 1939: 118; 1940: 55; 1942: 211
Chemical Section Society of Engineers. 1922: 146; 1923: 146; 1924: 125; 1925: 455; 1926: 476
Child Welfare Department. See Iowa Child Welfare Research Station.
Choral Society. Performing “Pinafore”. 1915: 154
Chorus, The. 1922: 326
Circular Stairway. See Old State Capitol Buildings. 1930: 38; 1949: 11
Class of 1919. 1919: 47-79
Class of 1906. 1906: 187
Class of 1913. 1913: 301, 303
Class of 1913 Commencement. 1915: 52
Class Presidents. 1907: 194-96; 1908: 110-11; 1921: 109; 1922: 281; 1923: 427; 1924: 435; 1926: 161
Class Scrap- During and After. 1906: 125; 1908: 362; 1909: 340, 342; 1912: 415-16; 1913: 399-400; 1919: 374
Club Caberet- Committee. 1938: 133
Clubs- A. S. M. E. Student Branch. 1921: 264
Clubs- Aero Club. 1921: 245
Clubs- Aneoas Club. 1925: 449
Clubs- Bethany Circle. 1920: 298; 1921: 244; 1922: 416; 1923: 322; 1924: 382; 1925: 490; 1927: 476
Clubs- C. F. U. Club. 1906: 264; 1909: 232; 1910: 152; 1911: 281; 1912: 318; 1913: 293; 1914: 288; 1915: 323; 1916: 315
Clubs- Camera Club. 1913: 295; 1914: 292
Clubs- Camp Counselors. 1933: 276; 1935: 258
Clubs- Campus “I” Club. 1940: 61
Clubs- Le Cercle Francais. 1922: 429; 1923: 334; 1924: 392; 1925: 468; 1926: 491; 1927: 477; 1928: 477
Clubs- Chemists Club. 1921: 246; 1922: 417; 1923: 323; 1925: 455
Clubs- Chess Club. 1905: 156
Clubs- Chi Phi Pi. 1931: 462; 1932: 478; 1933: 430; 1934: 408; 1935: 373; 1936: 119
Clubs- The Chinese Students Club. 1917: 457; 1922: 418; 1924: 383; 1925: 456
Clubs- Classical Club. 1922: 419; 1923: 324; 1924: 385; 1928: 469; 1929: 440; 1930: 459; 1931: 465; 1932: 483; 1933 no page
Clubs- Commerce Club. 1918: 378; 1919: 356; 1920: 301; 1921: 247; 1922: 420; 1923: 325; 1924: 386; 1925: 457; 1926: 480; 1927: 472; 1928: 238; 1929: 476; 1930: 473; 1931: 479; 1932: 497; 1933: 443; 1934: 418; 1935: 482; 1936: 116; 1937: 62; 1938: 62; 1939: 59; 1940: 57; 1941: 215; 1942: 203
Clubs- Commerce Mart. 1927: 220; 1928: 238; 1929: 226; 1930: 224; 1931: 222; 1932: 238; 1933: 185; 1934: 177; 1935: 154; 1936: 120; 1937: 150; 1938: 131; 1939: 156; 1940: 179; 1941: 215; 1942: 101
Clubs- Compass Club (Engineering). Clubs- Commerce Mart. 1927: 220; 1928: 238; 1929: 226; 1930: 224; 1931: 222; 1932: 238; 1933: 185; 1934: 177; 1935: 154; 1936: 120; 1937: 150; 1938: 131; 1939: 156; 1940: 179; 1941: 215; 1942: 101
Clubs- Concordian Club. 1927: 482; 1928: 480; 1929: 463; 1930: 462; 1931: 468; 1932: 486; 1933: 447; 1934: 171
Clubs- Continuo (Music). 1925: 446; 1926: 440; 1927: 464; 1928: 465; 1929: 454; 1930: 450
Clubs- Cooperative Dormitory Association. 1941: 338-39; 1942: 302-03
Clubs- Cosmopolitan Club. 1910: 142; 1911: 284; 1912: 320; 1913: 294; 1914: 290; 1915: 326-27; 1916: 316; 1917: 456; 1918: 385; 1919: 363; 1920: 294; 1921: 248; 1922: 421; 1923: 326; 1924: 387; 1925: 458; 1926: 481; 1927: 474; 1929: 466; 1930: 477; 1932: 492; 1933: 441
Clubs- Cosmos Club. 1917: 387
Clubs- Currier Hall Council. 1929: 456; 1930: 451; 1931: 457; 1932: 473; 1933: 404; 1934: 386; 1935: 354; 1936: 282-85; 1937: 254-55; 1938: 252-53; 1939: 246; 1940: 94; 1941: 334-37; 1942: 291
Clubs- Delcmas. 1927: 483
Clubs- Delfwegm. 1919: 365; 1920: 297; 1921: 249
Clubs- Delphian Club. 1909: 236
Clubs- Dixie Club. 1922: 422
Clubs- E. L. B. Club (Pharmacy). 1903: 190; 1904: 214
Clubs- East Lawn. 1935: 345; 1936: 286; 1937: 256; 1938: 254; 1939: 250; 1940: 96; 1941: 340; 1942: 301
Clubs- Eastlawn Council. 1932: 474; 1933: 405; 1934: 387; 1935: 355; 1939: 250; 1940: 96; 1941: 340; 1942: 301
Clubs- Eels Club. 1921: 250; 1922: 423; 1923: 328; 1924: 388; 1925: 460
Clubs- Engineering Society. 1901: 104; 1904: 208
Clubs- Eta Sigma Phi. 1927: 444; 1928: 451; 1929: 455; 1930: 453; 1931: 459; 1932: 475; 1933: 429; 1934: 407; 1935: 372
Clubs- Tau Ipsilon Tset. 1909: 240; 1910: 154
Clubs- The Filipino Club. 1922: 424; 1923: 329; 1924: 389; 1925: 475; 1926: 496; 1927: 480; 1928: 481; 1929: 467
Clubs- Forum. 1901: 12
Clubs- Freshman Commission. 1918: 374; 1920: 281; 1921: 390; 1922: 396; 1923: 320; 1924: 440; 1925: 196; 1926: 147
Clubs- Gavel Club (Honors Speech). 1934: 420; 1935: 371; 1936: 154
Clubs- Hawk – “I” – Club. 1926: 503; 1927: 481; 1934: 226
Clubs- Hillcrest Council. 1940: 93; 1941: 332-3
Clubs- Hillel Club. 1941: 210; 1942: 204
Clubs- Hindustan Association of U. S. A.. 1914: 289; 1915: 325
Clubs- Home Economics Club. 1920: 303; 1921: 251; 1922: 425; 1923: 330; 1926: 482; 1927: 475; 1928: 476; 1929: 480; 1930: 476; 1931: 482; 1932: 501; 1933: 440; 1934: 416; 1935: 380; 1936: 138; 1937: 170; 1938: 156; 1939: 112; 1940: 61; 1941: 209; 1942: 202
Clubs- “I” Club- “I” Sweater Girls. 1923: 409; 1925: 303; 1926: 319; 1927: 318
Clubs- Inter-Fraternity Council. 1920: 308
Clubs- Iowa Branch of I. O. of King’s Daughters and Sons. 1910: 149
Clubs- Iowa Dames Club. 1922: 426; 1923: 331; 1924: 390; 1925: 464; 1926: 486; 1928: 482; 1929: 468; 1930: 467; 1931: 473; 1932: 491
Clubs- Iowa Law Students Association. 1931: 484
Clubs- Iowa Memorial Union. 1936: 186
Clubs- Iowa Union. 1917: 448
Clubs- The Iowa Transit. 1942: 81
Clubs- The Iowa Union Board. 1929: 479; 1930: 475; 1931: 481; 1932: 500; 1933: 436; 1934: 412; 1935: 376; 1936: 136; 1937: 145; 1938: 127; 1939: 151; 1940: 48; 1941: 182
Clubs- Iroquois. 1910: 158; 1911: 276
Clubs- Kappa Beta. 1929: 461; 1930: 460; 1931: 466; 1932: 484; 1933: 451; 1941: 212
Clubs- Kappa Phi. 1919: 355; 1920: 296; 1921: 253; 1922: 428; 1923: 333; 1924: 391; 1925: 466; 1926: 489; 1927: 473; 1928: 474; 1929: 462; 1930: 461; 1931: 467; 1932: 485; 1933: 450; 1934: 172; 1935: 148; 1936: 161; 1937: 58; 1938: 56; 1939: 52; 1940: 58; 1941: 213; 1942: 206
Clubs- Komenian Club. 1911: 288; 1913: 296; 1914: 291; 1915: 328
Clubs- Latin Club. 1916: 317; 1918: 383; 1919: 361; 1920: 299; 1921: 254
Clubs- Lutheran Club. 1915: 330; 1916: 319; 1919: 357; 1923: 335; 1924: 393; 1925: 469; 1926: 492
Clubs- University Masonic Club. 1910: 147
Clubs- Mebda Club. 1910: 143
Clubs- Men’s Glee Club. 1922: 430
Clubs- Methodist Student Council. 1931: 483; 1933: 444; 1934: 168; 1935: 146
Clubs- Morrison Club. 1921: 257 ; 1922: 431 ;1924: 395
Clubs- University O. E. S. Club. 1910: 145; 1911: 278
Clubs- Officer’s Club. 1923: 338
Clubs- Orchesis. 1933: 275; 1934: 269; 1935: 257
Clubs- P. E. O.. 1923: 340; 1924: 397; 1925: 474; 1926: 495; 1927: 479
Clubs- Pep Jamboree. 1932: 499
Clubs- Pi Epsilon Pi. 1926: 502; 1928: 486; 1929: 477; 1930: 474; 1931: 480; 1932: 498
Clubs- Phi Sigma Iota (Romance Languages). 1929: 458; 1930: 455; 1931: 461; 1932: 477
Clubs- Phi Tau Theta. 1929: 464; 1930: 463; 1931: 469; 1932: 487
Clubs- Phi Epsilon Pi. 1929: 477; 1930: 474; 1931: 480; 1933: 250; 1934: 452; 1935: 384; 1936: 347; 1937: 283; 1938: 281; 1939: 117; 1940: 54; 1941: 206-08; 1942: 208-09, 211
Clubs- Pi Lamda Delta. 1921: 262; 1922: 433; 1923: 339
Clubs- Pillar and Chapiter. 1929: 469; 1930: 468; 1931: 474
Clubs- Pontoniers (Military Department). 1935: 123; 1936: 173; 1937: 178; 1938: 176; 1939: 127; 1940: 39; 1941: 147
Clubs- Presbyterian Student Council. 1930: 465; 1931: 471; 1932: 489
Clubs- Professional Women’s Club (League). 1902: 216; 1903: 210; 1905: 150; 1911: 286
Clubs- Purple Mask (Dramatic Society). 1925: 200-06
Clubs- Quadrangle General Council. 1921: 31; 1922: 280; 1923: 426; 1924: 434; 1925: 169; 1926: 162; 1928: 471; 1929: 457; 1930: 452; 1931: 456; 1932: 472; 1933: 406; 1934: 394; 1935: 362; 1936: 287; 1937: 257; 1938: 255; 1939: 248; 1940: 92; 1941: 330-31; 1942: 294-300
Clubs- Science Club. 1920: 302
Clubs- Seals Club ( Swimming). 1922: 434; 1923: 341; 1924: 258; 1925: 304; 1926: 320; 1927: 319; 1928: 327; 1929: 315; 1930: 312; 1931: 314; 1932: 330; 1933: 274; 1934: 268; 1935: 256; 1936: 350; 1937: 324; 1938: 321; 1940: 222; 1941: 137; 1942: 167
Clubs- Silver Star Club. 1921: 258; 1922: 435; 1923: 342
Clubs- Spanish Club. 1919: 362; 1921: 260; 1923: 344; 1924: 398; 1925: 478
Clubs- Sphinx Club. 1914: 285; 1915: 321; 1916: 308; 1918: 381; 1921: 261; 1922: 436; 1923: 345
Clubs- State University of Iowa Debating League. 1912: 169
Clubs- The Student Council. 1921: 27; 1922: 279; 1923: 425; 1924: 433; 1925: 168; 1926: 146; 1927: 465; 1928: 466; 1929: 450; 1930: 440; 1931: 446; 1932: 462; 1933: 420; 1934: 398
Clubs- Student Volunteer Group for Foreign Missions. 1916: 313; 1917: 350; 1920: 284; 1921: 392; 1922: 437; 1923: 346
Clubs- Svea Club. 1915: 296
Clubs- Ye Tabard. 1901: 134
Clubs- Tau Gamma. 1941: 204; 1942: 200
Clubs- Tau Pi Kappa. 1922: 438
Clubs- Theta Epsilon. 1927: 470; 1928: 472; 1929: 460; 1930: 458; 1931: 464; 1932: 482
Clubs- Town Coed Club. 1938: 158; 1939: 114; 1940: 52
Clubs- Trailer’s Club. 1917: 459; 1918: 377; 1919: 364
Clubs- Triple O.. 1922: 439
Clubs- Vidette Reporter- Staff. 1896: 140; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 35; 1900: 142; 1901: 142; 1902: 190
Clubs- Westminister Fellowship Council. 1933: 445; 1934: 169
Clubs- Wexo Club. 1909: 239; 1910: 155; 1911: 182; 1912: 378; 1912: 254
College Editors. 1912: 14; 1913: 124; 1914: 121; 1915: 158; 1916: 150; 1917: 290; 1918: 240, 301; 1919: 303
College of Applied Science. 1909: 118-21
College of Applied Science- 1st Faculty. 1907: 68
College of Commerce. Junior Class. 1928: 146; 1929: 134; 1930: 135; 1931: 137; 1932: 149; 1933 no page; 1934: 89; 1935: 73; 1936: 122-27; 1937: 63-67; 1938: 63-69; 1939: 60-64
College of Commerce. Junior Commerce Officers. 1924: 106; 1925: 173; 1926: 152; 1927: 132; 1928: 146; 1930: 135; 1931: 137; 1932: 149
College of Commerce. Senior Class. 1927: 131; 1928: 145; 1929: 133; 1930: 134; 1931: 136; 1932: 148; 1933: 96; 1934: 88; 1935: 72
College of Commerce. Senior Commerce Officers. 1924: 106; 1925: 173; 1926: 152; 1927: 131; 1928: 145; 1930: 134; 1931: 136; 1932: 148
College of Law- Freshman Class. 1909: 346; 1910: 49; 1911: 60; 1914: 332; 1916: 403; 1918: 89; 1919: 109; 1920: 121; 1921: 129; 1922: 138; 1922: 138; 1923: 138; 1924: 116; 1925: 124; 1926: 134, 161; 1927: 116; 1928: 180; 1929: 120; 1930: 118; 1931: 120; 1932: 130; 1933: 105; 1934: 99; 1935: 81; 1938: 94; 1939: 78
College of Law- Junior Class. 1899: 190-92; 1901: 52-64; 1902: 64; 1903: 55-62; 1904: 98-104; 1905: 61-65; 1907: 46-52; 1908: 28-33; 1909: 36-40; 1910: 39-45, 50; 1911: 48-55; 1913: 64-70; 1914: 60-69; 1917: 90-95; 1918: 82-83; 1919: 98-100; 1920: 118-19; 1921: 128; 1922: 137; 1923: 137; 1924: 115; 1925: 123; 1926: 133; 1927: 115; 1928: 129; 1929: 119; 1930: 117; 1931: 119; 1932: 129; 1934: 98
College of Law- Law Lecture Room. 1906: 93
College of Law- Law Library. 1906: 91
College of Law- Law Library Building. 1942: 331
College of Law- Senior Class. 1916: 399; 1919: 108; 1920: 120; 1921: 127; 1922: 136; 1923: 136; 1924: 114; 1925: 122; 1926: 132; 1927: 114; 1928: 128; 1929: 118; 1930: 116; 1931: 118; 1932: 128; 1933: 104; 1934: 97; 1935: 80; 1937: 89-90; 1938: 92-93; 1939: 79
College of Law- Senior Class- Officers. 1909: 46; 1918: 88; 1919: 108; 1920: 120; 1926: 160; 1930: 116
College of Law- Senior Law Lyceum. 1896: 57
Collegiate Department. Faculty/Staff- Group Pictures. 1894: 12; 1895: 171; 1896: 21
Representative Com. Com. Students. 1936: 117
Commerce Mart. See Clubs
Corn Monument. 1940: 5
The Daily Iowan. 1918: 242; 1919: 307; 1920: 385; 1923: 414; 1924: 412
The Daily Iowan Board of Trustees. 1918: 244; 1919: 308; 1920: 384; 1921: 337; 1922: 273; 1923: 415
The Daily Iowan Editorial Staff. 1904: 72; 1905: 128; 1906: 192; 1907: 114; 1908: 158; 1909: 254; 1910: 239; 1911: 122; 1912: 232; 1913: 125; 1914: 122; 1915: 160-61; 1916: 152; 1918: 242; 1919: 306; 1920: 384; 1921: 336; 1922: 272; 1923: 414; 1924: 413; 1925: 184-85; 1926: 188-89; 1927: 158-59; 1928: 172-73; 1929: 158-59; 1930: 142-43; 1931: 144-45; 1932: 158-59; 1933: 124-25; 1934: 116-17; 1935: 96-97; 1936: 178-79; 1937: 114-15; 1938: 118-19; 1939: 138-39; 1940: 82-83; 1941: 194-95; 1942: 78-79
Dedication, 1925: 4; 1940: 4
Dental Classes- Freshman. 1896: 82, 86; 1910: 72; 1911: 82; 1912: 498; 1913: 398; 1914: 418; 1915: 440; 1916: 413; 1917: 111; 1918: 111-12; 1919: 155; 1920: 159; 1921: 144; 1922: 169; 1923: 168, 172; 1924: 147; 1925: 131; 1926: 142; 1927: 124; 1928: 138; 1929: 128; 1930: 126; 1931: 128; 1932: 138; 1933: 99; 1934: 92; 1935: 97; 1936: 88; 1937: 70; 1938: 72; 1940: 66
Dental Classes- Freshman- Officers. 1921: 145; 1922: 171; 1923: 168; 1924: 143; 1925: 177; 1926: 157
Dental Classes- Junior. 1896: 79-80; 1898 no page; 1899: 247; 1900: 108; 1901: 84-87; 1902: 74-85; 1903: 100-06; 1904: 105-15; 1905: 87-89; 1906: 116-18; 1907: 70-76; 1911: 76-80; 1912: 499; 1913: 78-81, 396; 1914: 74-81, 416; 1917: 100-08; 1918: 98-107, 113; 1919: 140-52; 1921: 142; 1922: 167; 1923: 170; 1924: 145; 1925: 129; 1926: 126; 1927: 136; 1928: 136; 1929: 126; 1930: 124; 1931: 126; 1932: 136; 1933 no page; 1934 no page; 1935: 75; 1936: 92; 1937: 70; 1938: 72; 1939: 88; 1940: 67
Dental Classes- Junior- Officers. 1922: 170; 1923: 167; 1924: 142; 1925: 176; 1926: 156
Dental Classes- Senior. 1896: 76; 1908: 70-79; 1909: 76-80, 86-89; 1913: 397; 1914: 417; 1915: 439; 1916: 412; 1917: 110; 1918: 113; 1919: 154; 1920: 157; 1922: 166; 1923: 169; 1924: 144; 1925: 128; 1926: 139; 1927: 121; 1928: 135; 1929: 125; 1930: 123; 1931: 125; 1932: 135; 1933: 97; 1934: 90; 1935: 74; 1936: 88; 1937: 73; 1938: 75; 1939: 89-90; 1940: 322-23; 1941: 78-79; 1942: 324-25
Dental Classes- Senior- Officers. 1922: 170; 1923: 167; 1924: 142; 1925: 176; 1926: 156
Dental Classes- Sophomore. 1920: 158; 1921: 143; 1922: 168; 1923: 171; 1924: 146; 1925: 130; 1926: 141; 1927: 123; 1928: 137; 1929: 127; 1930: 125; 1931: 127; 1932: 137; 1933: 98; 1934: 91; 1935: 76; 1936: 88; 1937: 70
Dental Classes- Sophomore- Officers. 1921: 145; 1922: 171; 1923: 168; 1924: 143; 1925: 177; 1926: 157
Dental Clinic, 1901: 88; 1920: 156; 1921: 140
Dental Department Athletics. 1912: 498-99; 1913: 401; 1914: 419; 1915: 441; 1916: 428
Dental Department- Group Shots. 1897 no page; 1898 no page
Dental Department- Faculty- Group Shots. 1893: 78; 1895: 176
Dolphin Pageant. 1936: 241; 1937: 315; 1938: 315; 1939: 299; 1940: 47; 1941: 132
Dolphin Queens. 1941: 243
Drama- Euripides- Scene from “Hippolytus”, 1916: 152
Editorial and Art Staff. 1915: 156-57; 1916: 149; 1917: 288; 1918: 238-39; 1919: 302; 1920: 387
Engineering College- Associated Students Committee. 1914: 352
Engineering College- Compass Club. 1915: 484; 1916: 477; 1917: 147; 1918: 144; 1919: 180
Engineering College- Executive Committee of the Alumni. 1914: 352-54
Engineering College- Freshman Class. 1910: 84; 1912: 511; 1913: 440; 1914: 375; 1915: 487; 1916: 462; 1917: 144; 1918: 142; 1919: 179; 1920: 138; 1921: 154; 1922: 149; 1923: 149; 1924: 129; 1925: 127; 1926: 138; 1927: 120; 1928: 134; 1929: 124; 1930: 122; 1931: 124; 1932: 134; 1933: 102; 1934: 95; 1936: 101; 1939: 74
Engineering College- Interdepartmental Athletics Champions. 1914: 376
Engineering College- Junior Class. 1905: 55; 1906: 54-59; 1907: 60-63; 1908: 94-96; 1910: 77-80, 87; 1911: 88-93; 1912: 511; 1913: 88-91, 438; 1914: 73; 1915: 486; 1916: 460; 1917: 136-41; 1918: 140 72-73; 1919: 173-75, 177; 1920: 132-35; 1926: 136; 1927: 118; 1928: 132; 1929: 122; 1930: 120; 1931: 122; 1932: 132; 1934: 93; 1935: 79; 1936: 110-11; 1937: 82-83; 1938: 84-85; 1939: 65
Engineering College- Senior Class. 1910: 87; 1913: 437; 1914: 372; 1915: 486; 1916: 459; 1917: 143; 1918: 139; 1919: 176; 1920: 136; 1922: 147; 1923: 147; 1924: 127; 1925: 125; 1926: 135; 1927: 117; 1928: 131; 1929: 121; 1930: 119; 1931: 121; 1932: 131; 1933: 100; 1935: 78; 1936: 101; 1937: 78
Engineering College- Sophomore Class. 1910: 85; 1911: 94; 1912: 510; 1913: 439; 1914: 374; 1915: 487; 1916: 461; 1917: 144; 1918: 141; 1919: 178; 1920: 137; 1921: 154; 1922: 148; 1923: 148; 1924: 126; 1925: 126; 1926: 137; 1927: 119; 1928: 133; 1929: 123; 1930: 121; 1931: 123; 1932: 133; 1934: 94; 1936: 101; 1937: 78
Engineering College- Student’s Assembly. 1914: 354
Engineering College- Student’s Central Committee. 1914: 353
Engineering College- The Transit. 1909: 256; 1917: 296; 1919: 182; 1920: 142; 1921: 153; 1922: 144; 1923: 143; 1924: 418-19; 1925: 188-89; 1926: 192;1927: 162; 1928: 176; 1929: 162; 1930: 146; 1931: 148; 1932: 162; 1933: 129; 1934: 121; 1935: 100; 1936: 183; 1939: 143; 1941: 199; 1942: 81
Engineering Department- Machine Shops. 1906: 62
Engineering Department Mecca Ball/Banquet/Exhibition. 1913: 427; 1914: 358; 1915: 468-69, 471; 1916: 464-66; 1917: 150-53; 1918: 148-9, 151; 1919: 184-85; 1920: 144-46; 1921: 155; 1922: 151; 1923: 152; 1924: 130-31
Engineers Pictures- Group. 1909: 113, 116-17
Fine Arts Department Graphic and Plastic Arts. 1918: 234-36
Fine Arts Department- School of Music- Ensemble Practice. 1914: 132
Foreign Students- Old Gold Followers from Old Mexico. 1907: 197-98
Fraternities- Acacia. 1910: 124; 1911: 190; 1912: 386; 1913: 241; 1914: 236; 1915: 262; 1916: 246; 1917: 373;1918: 311; 1919: 205; 1921: 189; 1922: 331; 1923: 209; 1924: 267; 1925: 340; 1926: 364; 1927: 328; 1928: 336; 1929: 342; 1930: 322; 1931: 324; 1932: 342; 1933: 286; 1934: 282; 1935 no page
Fraternities- A. F. I.- Honorary Senior Men’s Society. 1918: 322; 1919: 206; 1920: 309; 1921: 171; 1922: 386; 1923: 310; 1924: 371; 1925: 435; 1926: 434; 1927: 453; 1928: 48-53; 1929: 443; 1930: 439; 1931: 445; 1932: 461; 1933: 419; 1934: 397; 1935: 365; 1936: 134; 1937: 164; 1938: 152; 1939: 108; 1940: 166; 1941: 218; 1942: 21, 42
Fraternities- Alpha Chi Rho. 1902: 172; 1903: 160
Fraternities- Alpha Chi Sigma- Chemical. 1923: 305; 1924: 344; 1925: 408; 1926: 461; 1927: 420; 1928: 428; 1929: 437; 1930: 433; 1931: 439; 1932: 455; 1933: 399; 1934: 382
Fraternities- Alpha Delta Alpha- Radio/Technological. 1923: 306; 1924: 368
Fraternities- Alpha Kappa Omicron. 1904: 290
Fraternities- Alpha Kappa Kappa- Medical Profession. 1922: 401; 1923: 286; 1924: 359; 1925: 422; 1926: 462; 1927: 438; 1928: 445; 1929: 429; 1930: 430; 1931: 416; 1933: 376; 1934: 364; 1935: 341; 1936: 73; 1937: 94; 1938: 101; 1939: 98; 1940: 161; 1941: 288; 1942: 282; 1932: 432
Fraternities- Alpha Kappa Psi- Professional Commerce. 1925: 409; 1926: 449; 1927: 421; 1928: 429; 1929: 438; 1930: 434; 1931: 441; 1932: 457; 1933: 401; 1934: 383
Fraternities- Alpha Phi Delta. 1905: 190; 1906: 322
Fraternities- Alpha Phi Omega- Professional. 1933: 434; 1934: 410
Fraternities- Alpha Sigma Phi. 1925: 360; 1926: 384; 1927: 330; 1928: 338; 1929: 368; 1930: 324; 1931: 326; 1932: 344; 1934: 284; 1935: 267; 1936: 217; 1937: 196; 1938: 190; 1939: 184; 1940: 120; 1941: 253; 1933: 288
Fraternities- Alpha Tau Omega. 1917: 383; 1918: 316; 1919: 207; 1920: 311; 1921: 191; 1922: 332; 1923: 211; 1924: 269; 1925: 348; 1926: 372; 1927: 332; 1928: 340; 1929: 350; 1930: 326; 1931: 328; 1932: 346; 1933: 290; 1934: 286; 1935: 269; 1936: 219; 1937: 198; 1938: 192; 1939: 186; 1940: 122; 1941: 254; 1942: 248
Fraternities- Apollo Club. 1918: 320; 1919: 208; 1920: 310; 1921: 190
Fraternities- Beta Gamma Sigma- Honorary Commerce. 1922: 393; 1923: 317; 1925: 442; 1926: 438; 1927: 460; 1928: 461; 1929: 451
Fraternities- Beta Phi Sigma- Pharmacy. 1924: 365; 1925: 428; 1926: 468; 1927: 445; 1928: 453; 1929: 436; 1930: 432; 1931: 440; 1932: 456; 1933: 400
Fraternities- Beta Psi. 1927: 334; 1928: 342; 1929: 374
Fraternities- Beta Theta Pi. 1896: 148; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 57; 1900: 148; 1901: 164; 1902: 158; 1903: 146; 1904: 152; 1905: 170; 1906: 206; 1907: 165; 1908: 118; 1909: 172; 1910: 90; 1911: 154; 1912: 336; 1913: 224; 1914: 216; 1915: 246; 1916: 230; 1917: 359; 1918: 304; 1919: 208; 1920: 312; 1921: 192; 1922: 333; 1923: 213; 1924: 271; 1925: 322; 1926: 346; 1927: 336; 1928: 344; 1929: 324; 1930: 328; 1931: 330; 1932: 348; 1933: 292; 1934: 288; 1935: 271; 1936: 223; 1937: 202; 1938: 196; 1939: 190; 1940: 120; 1941: 257; 1942: 250
Fraternities- Chi Delta Psi. 1926: 392; 1927: 338; 1928: 346; 1929: 370; 1930: 330; 1931: 332
Fraternities- Chi Delta Sigma- Professional Technological Engineering. 1925: 431; 1926: 471; 1927: 447
Fraternities- Chi Kappa Pi. 1923: 215; 1924: 273; 1925: 364; 1926: 388; 1927: 340; 1928: 348; 1929: 360; 1930: 332; 1931: 334; 1932: 350; 1933: 294
Fraternities- Delta Chi. 1914: 232; 1915: 264; 1916: 248; 1917: 377; 1918: 313; 1919: 210; 1920: 313; 1921: 193; 1922: 334; 1923: 217; 1924: 275; 1925: 344; 1926: 368; 1927: 342; 1928: 350; 1929: 344; 1930: 334; 1931: 336; 1932: 352; 1933: 296; 1934: 290; 1935: 293; 1936: 227; 1937: 204; 1938: 200; 1939: 194; 1940: 126; 1941: 258; 1942: 253
Fraternities- Delta Kappa Gamma. 1922: 335; 1923: 219; 1924: 277
Fraternities- Delta Sigma Delta- Dental Profession. 1915: 286; 1916: 272; 1917: 405; 1918: 331; 1919: 211; 1920: 314; 1921: 186; 1922: 403; 1923: 292; 1924: 348; 1925: 411; 1926: 451; 1927: 424; 1928: 433; 1929: 417; 1930: 415; 1931: 427; 1932: 443; 1933: 387; 1934: 374; 1935: 346; 1936: 89; 1937: 72; 1938: 74; 1939: 87; 1940: 156; 1941: 294; 1942: 288
Fraternities- Delta Sigma Pi- Honorary Commerce. 1921: 179; 1922: 410; 1923: 295; 1924: 345; 1925: 410; 1926: 450; 1927: 422; 1928: 430; 1929: 439; 1930: 336; 1931: 338; 1932: 354; 1933: 298; 1934: 292; 1935: 275; 1936: 233
Fraternities- Delta Sigma Rho- Honorary Men’s Forensic. 1908: 152; 1909: 166; 1910: 112; 1911: 186; 1912: 376; 1913: 260; 1914: 252; 1915: 291; 1916: 279; 1917: 408; 1919: 212; 1921: 177; 1922: 395; 1923: 319; 1924: 379; 1925: 443; 1926: 439; 1927: 461; 1928: 462
Fraternities- Delta Tau Delta. 1895: 124; 1896: 153; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 61; 1900: 151; 1901: 168; 1902: 162; 1902: 162; 1904: 156; 1905: 174; 1906: 210; 1907: 169; 1908: 122; 1909: 176; 1910: 94; 1911: 158; 1912: 342; 1913: 228; 1914: 220; 1915: 250; 1916: 234; 1917: 363; 1918: 306; 1919: 213; 1920: 315; 1921: 194; 1922: 337; 1923: 221; 1924: 279; 1925: 328; 1926: 352; 1927: 344; 1928: 352; 1929: 330; 1930: 338; 1931: 340; 1932: 356; 1933: 300; 1934: 294; 1935: 277; 1936: 235; 1937: 210; 1938: 206; 1939: 200; 1940: 128; 1941: 261; 1942: 260
Fraternities- Delta Theta Phi- Professional Law. 1923: 297; 1924: 351; 1925: 418; 1926: 458; 1927: 434; 1928: 441; 1929: 428; 1930: 424; 1931: 436; 1932: 452; 1933: 396; 1937: 88; 1938: 90; 1939: 76
Fraternities- Delta Upsilon. 1927: 346; 1928: 354; 1929: 372; 1930: 340; 1931: 342; 1932: 358; 1933: 302; 1934: 296; 1935: 279; 1936: 237; 1937: 212; 1938: 208; 1939: 202; 1940: 130; 1941: 262; 1942: 254
Fraternities- Dolphin. 1926: 483; 1927: 471; 1929: 471; 1930: 470; 1931: 476; 1932: 313; 1933: 494; 1934: 417; 1935: 381; 1936: 348; 1937: 314; 1938: 314; 1939: 298; 1940: 116; 1941: 216; 1942: 210
Fraternities- Eta Kappa Nu- Electrical Engineering Graduate. 1941: 222; 1942: 46; 1943: 174
Fraternities- Gamma Alpha- Science. 1930: 454; 1931: 460; 1932: 476; 1933: 432
Fraternities- Gamma Eta Gamma- Professional Law. 1925: 419; 1926: 459; 1927: 435; 1928: 442; 1929: 426; 1930: 422; 1931: 434; 1932: 400; 1933: 394; 1939: 77; 1940: 163; 1941: 293; 1942: 287
Fraternities- Gymnastica. 1937: 318
Fraternities- Inter-fraternity Council. 1918: 303; 1919: 204; 1920: 308; 1921: 170; 1922: 328; 1923: 206; 1924: 264; 1925: 320; 1926: 344; 1927: 326; 1933: 285; 1937: 188; 1938: 248; 1939: 243; 1940: 118-19; 1941: 250-51; 1942: 246-47
Fraternities- Kappa Alpha Psi. 1921: 195
Fraternities- Kappa Beta Psi. 1922: 337; 1923: 223; 1924: 281; 1925: 362; 1926: 386
Fraternities- Kappa Eta Kappa- Engineering. 1924: 351; 1925: 414; 1926: 454;1927: 428; 1928: 436; 1929: 421; 1930: 419; 1931: 431; 1932: 447
Fraternities- Kappa Sigma.1904: 170; 1905: 188; 1906: 218; 1907: 177; 1908: 130; 1909: 184; 1910: 102; 1911: 166; 1912: 354; 1913: 236; 1914: 228; 1915: 258; 1916: 242; 1917: 371; 1918: 310; 1919: 214; 1920: 317; 1921: 197; 1922: 338; 1923: 225; 1924: 283; 1925: 337; 1926: 360; 1927: 348; 1928: 356; 1929: 338; 1930: 342; 1931: 344; 1932: 360; 1933: 304
Fraternities- Karnak Club. 1916: 254
Fraternities- Llanfair P. G. 1915: 270; 1916: 258
Fraternities- Nu Sigma Nu. 1909: 202; 1910: 116; 1911: 178; 1912: 372; 1913: 250; 1914: 246; 1915: 276; 1916: 264; 1917: 397; 1918: 326; 1919: 215; 1920: 317; 1921: 184; 1922: 398; 1923: 286; 1924: 360; 1925: 423; 1926: 463; 1927: 439; 1928: 446; 1929: 430; 1930: 426; 1931: 418; 1932: 434; 1933: 378; 1934: 366; 1935: 342; 1936: 74; 1937: 98; 1938: 98; 1939: 95; 1940: 158; 1941: 289; 1942: 283
Fraternities- Omega Beta Pi. 1923: 291; 1924: 364; 1925: 427; 1926: 467
Fraternities- Order of Artus- Commerce. 1925: 441; 1927: 459; 1928: 460; 1940: 170; 1941: 227
Fraternities- Pan Hellenic Association. 1932: 341; 1934: 278; 1935: 365; 1936: 209; 1937: 190; 1938: 250; 1939: 242
Fraternities- Hellenic Association- Dental. 1924: 347; 1925: 459; 1926: 448; 1927: 424; 1928: 432; 1929: 416; 1930: 414; 1931: 426; 1932: 442; 1933: 386
Fraternities- The Pan-Hellenic Council. 1908: 156; 1909: 212; 1910: 89; 1911: 152; 1912: 334; 1914: 215; 1915: 245; 1916: 229; 1917: 357; 1918: 301; 1919: 202; 1920: 306; 1921: 385; 1922: 329; 1923: 207; 1924: 265; 1925: 321; 1926: 345; 1927: 327; 1928: 334-35; 1929: 322-23; 1930: 320-21; 1931: 322-23; 1932: 340; 1933: 284; 1934: 279; 1935: 264; 1936: 208
Fraternities- Pan-Hellenic Council- Freshmen. 1911: 153; 1912: 335; 1913: 223; 1914: 215; 1915: 245; 1916: 229; 1917: 357; 1918: 302; 1919: 203; 1921: 386; 1922: 330; 1923: 250; 1925: 367; 1926 no page; 1927 no page; 1928 no page; 1929 no page; 1930 no page; 1932: 392; 1933: 336; 1934: 326; 1935: 304; 1936: 279; 1937: 189; 1938: 249
Fraternities- Pershing Rifles- Military Department. 1930: 179; 1931: 179; 1932: 193; 1933: 157; 1934: 145; 1935: 122; 1936: 171; 1937: 176; 1938: 175; 1939: 124; 1940: 36; 1941: 144-45; 1942: 110-11
Fraternities- Phi Alpha Delta- Law. 1910: 122; 1911: 184; 1912: 364; 1913: 252; 1914: 248; 1915: 278; 1916: 266; 1917: 391; 1918: 323; 1919: 216; 1920: 318; 1921: 180; 1922: 409; 1923: 298; 1924: 357; 1925: 420; 1926: 460; 1927: 436; 1928: 444; 1929: 427; 1930: 423; 1931: 435; 1932: 451; 1933: 395; 1934: 381; 1938: 91
Fraternities- Phi Alpha Gamma. 1907: 185; 1909: 204; 1910: 106; 1912: 388; 1913: 242; 1914: 238; 1915: 271; 1916: 259
Fraternities- Phi Beta Delta. 1927: 350; 1928: 358; 1929: 364; 1930: 344; 1930: 344; 1932: 362; 1933: 306; 1934: 398; 1935: 281
Fraternities- Phi Beta Pi- Medical. 1907: 183; 1908: 146; 1909: 200; 1910: 114; 1911: 174; 1912: 366; 1913: 246; 1914: 242; 1915: 274; 1916: 262; 1917: 393; 1918: 324; 1919: 218; 1920: 320; 1921: 182; 1922: 399; 1923: 289; 1924: 362; 1925: 425; 1926: 465; 1927: 441; 1928: 449; 1929: 432; 1930: 428; 1931: 420; 1932: 436; 1933: 380; 1934: 368; 1935: 343; 1936: 75; 1937: 93; 1938: 97; 1939: 94; 1940: 157; 1941: 290; 1942: 284
Fraternities- Phi Chi. 1908: 150; 1909: 208; 1926: 469; 1927: 443; 1928: 450; 1929: 433; 1930: 429; 1931: 422; 1932: 438; 1933: 382; 1934: 370; 1935: 344; 1936: 76; 1937: 96;1938: 100; 1939: 97; 1940: 160; 1941: 291; 1942: 285
Fraternities- Phi Delta Chi- Honorary Pharmacy. 1910: 120; 1914: 250; 1915: 288; 1916: 274; 1917: 407; 1918: 332; 1919: 219; 1920: 321; 1921: 185; 1922: 412; 1923: 304; 1924: 367; 1925: 430; 1926: 470; 1927: 446; 1928: 452; 1929: 435; 1930: 431; 1931: 438; 1932: 454; 1933: 398
Fraternities- Phi Delta Gamma. 1926: 472; 1927: 198; 1928: 212; 1929: 200; 1930: 152
Fraternities- Phi Delta Kappa- Education. 1916: 280; 1917: 410; 1923: 318
Fraternities- Phi Delta Phi- Honorary Law. 1895: 135; 1896: 161; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 199; 1900: 164; 1901: 174; 1902: 168; 1903: 156; 1904: 164; 1905: 182; 1906: 224; 1907: 179; 1908: 179; 1909: 196; 1910: 108; 1911: 170; 1912: 360; 1913: 256; 1914: 251; 1915: 280; 1916: 276; 1917: 398; 1918: 327; 1919: 220; 1920: 322; 1921: 181; 1922: 408; 1923: 299; 1924: 358; 1925 no page; 1927: 437; 1928: 443; 1929: 425; 1930: 425; 1931: 437; 1932: 453; 1933: 397
Fraternities- Phi Delta Theta. 1895: 126; 1896: 154; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 63; 1900: 154; 1901: 170; 1902: 164; 1903: 154; 1904: 160; 1905: 178; 1906: 214; 1907: 173; 1908: 126; 1909: 180; 1910: 98; 1911: 162; 1912: 348; 1913: 232; 1914: 224; 1915: 254; 1916: 238; 1917: 365; 1918: 307; 1919: 221; 1920: 223; 1921: 197; 1922: 339; 1923: 227; 1924: 285; 1925: 330; 1926: 354; 1927: 352; 1928: 361; 1929: 332; 1930: 346; 1931: 348; 1932: 364; 1933: 308; 1934: 300; 1935: 302; 1936: 247; 1937: 222; 1938: 216; 1939: 210 1940: 132; 1941: 265; 1942: 256
Fraternities- Phi Epsilon Kappa- Physical Education. 1927: 423; 1928: 431; 1930: 466; 1931: 472; 1932: 490; 1933: 448
Fraternities- Phi Epsilon Pi. 1922: 340; 1923: 229; 1924: 287; 1925: 354; 1926: 378; 1927: 354; 1928: 362; 1929: 356; 1930: 348; 1931: 350; 1932: 366; 1933: 310; 1934: 302; 1935: 283; 1936: 249; 1937: 224; 1938: 218; 1939: 212; 1940: 134; 1941: 266; 1942: 259
Fraternities- Phi Gamma Delta. 1921: 198; 1922: 341; 1923: 231; 1924: 289; 1925: 326; 1926: 350; 1927: 356; 1928: 364; 1929: 328; 1930: 350; 1931: 352; 1932: 368; 1933: 312; 1934: 304; 1935: 385; 1936: 251; 1937: 226; 1938: 220; 1939: 214; 1940: 136; 1941: 269; 1942: 260
Fraternities- Phi Kappa. 1915: 268; 1916: 252; 1917: 381; 1918: 315; 1919: 222; 1920: 324; 1921: 199; 1922: 342; 1923: 233; 1924: 291; 1925: 346; 1926: 370; 1927: 358; 1928: 366; 1929: 348; 1930: 352; 1931: 354; 1932: 370; 1933: 314
Fraternities- Phi Kappa Psi. 1895: 123; 1896: 150; 1897 no page; 1898 no page;1899: 59; 1900: 150; 1901: 166; 1902: 160; 1903: 148; 1904: 154; 1905: 172; 1906: 208; 1907: 167; 1908: 120; 1909: 174; 1910: 92; 1911: 156; 1912: 340; 1913: 226; 1914: 218; 1915: 248; 1916: 232; 1917: 361; 1918: 305; 1919: 223; 1920: 225; 1921: 200; 1922: 343; 1923: 235; 1924: 293; 1925: 325; 1926: 348; 1927: 360; 1928: 368; 1929: 326; 1930: 354; 1931: 356; 1932: 372; 1933: 316; 1934: 306; 1935: 287; 1936: 253; 1937: 228; 1938: 222; 1939: 216; 1940: 138; 1941: 270; 1942: 262
Fraternities- Phi Kappa Rho. 1925: 366; 1926: 390; 1927: 362; 1928: 370; 1929: 366; 1930: 356
Fraternities- Phi Kappa Sigma. 1922: 344; 1923: 237; 1924: 295; 1925: 356; 1926: 380; 1927: 364; 1928: 372; 1929: 358; 1930: 358; 1931: 358; 1932: 374; 1933: 318; 1934: 308; 1935: 389; 1936: 255; 1937: 230; 1938: 224; 1939: 218; 1940: 141; 1941: 273; 1942: 265
Fraternities- Phi Rho Sigma- Professional Medical. 1903: 160; 1904: 168; 1905: 186; 1906: 226; 1907: 181; 1908: 144; 1909: 198; 1910: 110; 1911: 172; 1912: 382; 1913: 244; 1914: 240; 1915: 272; 1916: 260; 1917: 395; 1918: 325; 1919: 224; 1920: 326; 1921: 183; 1922: 400; 1923: 290; 1924: 363; 1925: 426; 1926: 466; 1927: 442; 1928: 448; 1929: 431; 1930: 427; 1931: 424; 1932: 440; 1933: 384; 1934: 372; 1935: 345; 1936: 77; 1937: 97; 1938: 99; 1939: 97; 1940: 159; 1941: 292; 1942: 286
Fraternities- Phi Zeta Epsilon. 1916: 256; 1917: 384; 1918: 318; 1919: 225; 1920: 327
Fraternities- Pi Kappa Alpha. 1931: 360; 1932: 376; 1933: 320; 1934: 310; 1935: 291; 1936: 261; 1937: 236; 1938: 230; 1939: 224; 1940: 142; 1941: 274; 1942: 266
Fraternities- Pi Omega. 1917: 389; 1918: 319; 1919: 226
Fraternities- Pi Tau Sigma- Honorary Mechanical Engineering. 1938: 81; 1939: 69; 1940: 172; 1941: 48
Fraternities- Pontoniers- Military Department R.O.T.C. 1935: 123; 1936: 173; 1937: 178; 1938: 176; 1939: 127; 1940: 39; 1941: 147; 1942: 113
Fraternities- Psi Omega- Professional Dental. 1908: 148; 1909: 206; 1910: 118; 1911: 176; 1912: 370; 1913: 248; 1914: 244; 1915: 282; 1916: 268; 1917: 401; 1918: 329; 1919: 227; 1920: 328; 1921: 187; 1922: 404; 1923: 293; 1924: 349; 1925: 412; 1926: 452; 1927: 426; 1928: 434; 1929: 418; 1930: 416; 1931: 428; 1932: 444; 1933: 488; 1934: 375; 1935: 347; 1936: 90; 1937: 71; 1938: 73; 1939: 86; 1940 no page; 1941: 295; 1942: 289
Fraternities- Representative Engineers of Iowa- Honor Society. 1930: 456; 1931: 458; 1932: 479; 1933: 431; 1934: 409; 1935: 374; 1936: 102
Fraternities- Scabbard and Blade. 1918: 321; 1925: 477; 1926: 437; 1927: 468; 1928: 186; 1929: 172; 1930: 178; 1931: 178; 1932: 192; 1933: 156; 1934: 144; 1935: 121; 1936: 169; 1937: 173
Fraternities- Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 1906: 220; 1907: 163; 1908: 132; 1909: 186;1910: 104; 1911: 168; 1912: 358; 1913: 238; 1914: 230; 1915: 260; 1916: 244; 1917: 375; 1918: 312; 1919: 228; 1920: 329; 1921: 201; 1922: 345; 1923: 239; 1924: 297; 1925: 338; 1926: 362; 1927: 366; 1928: 374; 1929: 340; 1930: 360; 1931: 362; 1932: 378; 1933: 322; 1934: 312; 1935: 293; 1936: 263; 1937: 238; 1938: 232; 1939: 226; 1940: 144; 1941: 277; 1942: 268
Fraternities- Sigma Delta Chi. 1913: 255; 1914: 253; 1915: 290; 1916: 277; 1917: 399; 1918: 328; 1919: 230; 1920: 331; 1921: 178; 1922: 406; 1923: 300; 1924: 354; 1925: 416; 1926: 456; 1927: 432; 1928: 439; 1929: 423; 1930: 421; 1931 no page; 1932 no page; 1933: 393; 1934: 380; 1935: 341; 1936: 55; 1937: 49; 1938: 46; 1939: 47; 1941: 224; 1942: 53
Fraternities- Sigma Chi. 1904: 158; 1905: 176; 1906: 212; 1907: 171; 1908: 124; 1909: 178; 1910: 96; 1911: 161; 1912: 346; 1914: 222; 1915: 252; 1916: 236; 1917: 367; 1918: 308; 1919: 229; 1920: 330; 1921: 202; 1922: 346; 1923: 241; 1924: 299; 1925: 332; 1926: 356; 1927: 368; 1928: 376; 1929: 334; 1930: 362; 1931: 364; 1932: 380; 1933: 324; 1934: 314; 1935: 395; 1936: 265; 1937: 240; 1938: 234; 1939: 228; 1940: 146; 1941: 278; 1942: 271
Fraternities- Sigma Nu. 1896: 158; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 71; 1900: 156; 1901: 172; 1902: 166; 1903: 154; 1904: 162; 1905: 180; 1906: 216; 1907: 175; 1908: 128; 1909: 182; 1910: 100; 1911: 164;1913: 235; 1914: 226; 1915: 256; 1916: 240; 1917: 369; 1918: 309; 1919: 231; 1920: 332; 1921: 203; 1922: 347; 1923: 243; 1924: 301; 1925: 334; 1926: 358; 1927: 370; 1928: 378; 1929: 336; 1930: 364; 1931: 366; 1932: 382; 1933: 326; 1934: 316; 1935: 297; 1936: 269; 1937: 244; 1938: 238; 1939: 232; 1940: 148; 1941: 281; 1942: 272
Fraternities- Sigma Phi Epsilon. 1918: 317; 1919: 232; 1920: 334; 1921: 204; 1922: 348; 1923: 245; 1924: 303; 1925: 350; 1926: 374; 1927: 372; 1928: 380; 1929: 352; 1930: 366; 1931: 368; 1932: 384; 1933: 328; 1934: 318; 1935: 299; 1936: 271; 1937: 246; 1938: 240; 1939: 234; 1940: 150; 1941: 282; 1942: 274
Fraternities- Sigma Pi. 1920: 333; 1921: 205; 1922: 349; 1923: 247; 1924: 305; 1925: 352; 1926: 376; 1927: 374; 1928: 382; 1929: 354; 1930: 368; 1931: 370; 1932: 386; 1933: 330; 1934: 320; 1936: 273
Fraternities- Sigma Tau. 1909: 210; 1910: 121; 1911: 180
Fraternities- Sigma Upsilon Phi. 1908: 258
Fraternities- Tau Beta Pi- Honorary Engineering. 1912: 380; 1913: 262; 1914: 369; 1915: 295; 1916: 278; 1917: 409; 1918: 333; 1919: 233; 1921: 176; 1922: 391; 1923: 315; 1925: 440; 1926: 436; 1927: 458; 1935: 370; 1936: 103; 1937: 80; 1938: 82; 1939: 71; 1940: 173; 1941: 223; 1942: 47; 1924: 376
Fraternities- Theta Sigma Delta- Honorary Engineering. 1922: 413; 1923: 302
Fraternities- Theta Tau- Honorary Engineering. 1924: 352; 1925: 415; 1926: 455; 1927: 431; 1928: 438; 1929: 422; 1930: 418; 1931: 430; 1932: 446; 1933: 390; 1934: 377; 1935: 348; 1936: 107; 1939: 66; 1940: 162
Fraternities- Theta Xi. 1914: 234; 1915: 266; 1916: 251; 1917: 379; 1918: 314; 1919: 235; 1920: 335; 1921: 206; 1922: 350; 1923: 249; 1925: 342; 1926: 366; 1927: 376; 1928: 384; 1929: 346; 1930: 370; 1931: 372; 1932: 388; 1933: 332; 1934: 322; 1935: 301; 1936: 275; 1937: 248; 1938: 242; 1939: 236; 1940: 152; 1941: 285; 1942: 277
Fraternities- Triangle- Civil Engineering. 1924: 353; 1925: 358; 1926: 382; 1927: 378; 1928: 386; 1929: 362; 1930: 372; 1931: 374; 1932: 390; 1933: 334; 1934: 324; 1935: 303; 1936: 109; 1938: 80; 1939: 68; 1940: 154; 1941: 286
Fraternities- Xi Psi Phi- Professional Dental. 1896: 156; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 263; 1900: 166; 1901: 176; 1902: 170; 1903: 158; 1904: 166; 1905: 184; 1915: 284; 1916: 270; 1917: 403; 1918: 330; 1919: 236; 1920: 336; 1921: 188; 1922: 405; 1923: 294; 1924: 350; 1925: 413; 1926: 453; 1927: 427; 1928: 435; 1929: 419; 1930: 417; 1931: 429; 1932: 445; 1933: 389; 1934: 376; 1936: 91
Fraternity Dinner Dance. 1921: 387
French Play- Scene. 1929: 478
Freshman Athletic Association. 1911: 232
Freshman Class. 1902: 93
Freshman Class Officers. 1917: 66; 1920: 63; 1921: 111; 1924: 99
Freshman Greek Association of Men. 1910: 106
The Freshman Laws. 1912: 460
Freshman Laws at University Dinner. 1912: 459
Freshman Orientation. 1937: 167; 1939: 111; 1940: 50; 1941: 202; 1942: 198
Freshman Party Committee. 1915: 186; 1916: 145; 1917: 318; 1918: 272; 1919: 89; 1920: 63; 1921: 366; 1922: 300; 1923: 444; 1924: 446; 1925: 229; 1926: 237; 1927: 219; 1928: 235; 1929: 223; 1930: 218; 1931: 216; 1932: 232; 1933: 180; 1934: 174; 1935: 157; 1936: 192; 1937: 149; 1938: 130; 1939: 155; 1940: 178; 1941: 185; 1942: 100
Freshman Scrap. 1912: 499
FRIVOL Frolic. 1935: 150; 1936: 188; 1937: 146
FRIVOL Staff. 1921: 338; 1922: 276-77, 339; 1923: 418-19; 1924: 416-17; 1925: 186-87; 1926: 190-91; 1927: 160-61; 1928: 174-75; 1929: 160-61; 1930: 144-45; 1931: 146-47; 1932: 160-61; 1933: 126-27; 1934: 118-19; 1935: 98-99; 1936: 180-81; 1937: 116-17; 1938: 120-21; 1939: 140-41; 1940: 84-85; 1941: 196-97; 1942: 76-77
Future University. 1921: 29, 31
The Graduate Club. 1915: 61
Greater University Committee, 1911: 18; 1912: 16; 1913: 297; 1914: 278
Greek Letters, 1936: 205
Hawk Wings (formerly Iowa Literary Magazine). 1927: 164; 1928: 178; 1929: 164; 1930: 148; 1931: 150
The Hawling Three Hundred, 1922: 264; 1923: 370; 1924: 204
The Highlanders R.O.T.C., 1939: 122; 1940: 35; 1941: 143; 1942: 114
Homecoming Party. 1936: 189; 1940: 44
Homeopathic Medicine Department- Faculty/Staff- Group. 1893: 67; 1894: 63; 1895: 179
Homeopathic Medicine Department- Junior Class. 1896: 95; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 235; 1900 no page; 1901: 78-79; 1902: 72; 1903: 88-90, 93; 1904: 128-29; 1905: 192; 1906: 124; 1907: 94, 98-101; 1908: 62-63; 1909: 66; 1911: 74; 1913: 76; 1917: 126; 1918: 126-27; 1919: 134
Homeopathic Medicine Department- Operating Room. 1901: 80
Homeopathic Medicine Department- Nurses. 1908: 68; 1916: 430; 1920: 107
Homeopathic Medicine Department- Views- Interior. 1897 no page
Honorary Organizations- Beta Gamma Sigma. 1942: 44
Honorary Organizations- Chi Epsilon- Civil Engineering. 1942: 49
Honorary Organizations- Eta Kappa Nu- Electrical Engineering. 1942: 46
Honorary Organizations- Pi Lamda Theta- Education. 1942: 45
In the Student’s Eye. 1904: 307-08
Inauguration of President Jessup. 1919: 368
Inauguration of President MacLean. 1900: 10-11
Incorporated Board of Trustees. 1919: 304-05; 1920: 386; 1921: 337; 1922: 275; 1923: 416-17
Interfraternity Debate. 1930: 170
Interfraternity Participation Trophy. 1936: 356
Interfraternity Sports. 1926: 309
Interfraternity Sports- Water Basketball. 1926: 310
Interfraternity Sports- Water Relay. 1926: 311
Iowa Alumni. 1908: 114-15
Iowa Branch of the International Order of Kings Daughters and Sons. 1910: 149
Iowa Child Welfare Research Station. 1921: 117; 1922: 186; 1923: 185, 188; 1924: 169, 171; 1925: 46; 1926: 55; 1927: 42; 1928: 38; 1929: 34; 1930: 35; 1931: 35; 1932: 35; 1933: 27; 1934: 42; 1935: 32
Iowa Circus. 1937: 319
Iowa- Heart of the Middle West. 1919: 12-19
Iowa Life- Pictures of Student Activities. 1924: 87-99
Iowa River Scenes.1901: 66, 94; 1902: 44; 1903: 75 40; 1905: 30, 269; 1906: 126, 148, 324; 1907: 146, 349; 1908: 291 18-19; 1909: 384; 1910: 126; 1911: 148; 1912: 129, 216, 410; 1913: 40, 72, 82, 92, 162; 1914: 13, 24, 158, 168; 1915: 27, 32; 1916: 22, 38; 1917: 13, 16, 183, 231, 293; 1919: 26, 29, 345 366, 368, 421; 1920: 14-15; 1922: 15, 24; 1923: 24, 196, 199-200; 1924: 20, 184; 1927: 41; 1933: 113
Iowa State Board of Education. 1936: 16; 1937: 18; 1938: 18; 1939: 17; 1940: 17; 1941: 26; 1942: 32
The Iowa Union. 1915: 334; 1916: 309; 1917: 448
Iowa Union Board. 1929: 479; 1930: 475; 1931: 481; 1932: 500; 1933: 436; 1934: 412; 1935: 376; 1936: 136; 1937: 145; 1938: 127; 1939: 151; 1940: 48
Iowa Women’s Journalistic Club. 1919: 266
Iowana May Carnival. 1923: 470, 471
Jessup Oratorical Contest, 1935: 111
Journal of Business- College of Commerce. 1924: 420; 1925: 190; 1926: 194; 1927: 163; 1928: 177; 1929: 163; 1930: 147; 1931: 149; 1932: 163; 1933: 128; 1934: 120; 1935: 101; 1936: 182; 1937: 118; 1938: 122; 1939: 142; 1940: 86; 1941: 198; 1942: 80
Junior Classes. 1901: 30-46; 1902: 46-62; 1903: 36-50; 1904: 78-93; 1905: 39-49; 1906: 32-59; 1907: 19-27; 1908: 14-26; 1909: 20-32; 1910: 9-29; 1911: 22-44; 1912: 57-127; 1913: 42-62; 1914: 31-59; 1915: 74-122; 1916: 66-114; 1917: 36-63; 1918: 34-61; 1919: 47-79; 1920: 33-60; 1921: 36-104; 1922: 38-114; 1923: 49-114; 1924: 32-94; 1925: 52-119; 1926: 62-130; 1927: 45-112; 1928: 61-126; 1929: 49-116; 1930: 49-114; 1931: 45-116; 1932: 46-135; 1933: 33-93;1934: 50-86; 1935: 38-70; 1939: 24-106; 1940: 281-318; 1941: 34-71, 77; 1942: 336-372
Junior Class Officers. 1920: 61; 1921: 111
Junior King and Queen. 1940: 8
Junior Prom Committee. 1915: 184; 1916: 143; 1917: 320; 1918: 274; 1919: 81; 1920: 61; 1921: 364; 1922: 297; 1923: 443; 1924: 444; 1925: 227, 235; 1927: 217; 1928: 235; 1929: 221; 1930: 222; 1931: 220; 1932: 236; 1933: 189; 1934: 182; 1935: 159; 1936: 195; 1937: 154; 1938: 136; 1939: 159
Juniors of the School of Nursing. 1936: 83-85
Kansas City Student Volunteer’s Convention. 1915: 181-82
Law Faculty Group Picture. 1893: 38; 1899: 197; 1896: 53
Law School Student’s Association. 1921: 130; 1923: 133; 1924: 113; 1925: 467
Liberal Arts- Collegiate Department- Group Class Pictures. 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 109-125; 1900: 40, 42, 44, 46-48; 1901: 30, 32-46; 1902 no page
Liberal Arts- Freshman Class Officers. 1915: 70; 1916: 63; 1917: 66; 1918: 65; 1919: 88; 1922: 118; 1923: 119; 1924: 99; 1925: 172; 1926: 151
Liberal Arts- Junior Class Officers. 1915: 74; 1916: 61; 1917: 35; 1918: 63; 1919: 80; 1922: 117; 1923: 118; 1924: 98; 1925: 171; 1926: 150; 1936: 30-59
Liberal Arts- Senior Class Officers. 1909: 33; 1914 no page; 1915: 66; 1916: 60; 1917: 64; 1918: 62; 1919: 82; 1922: 117; 1923: 118; 1924: 98; 1925: 171; 1926: 150
Liberal Arts- Sophomore Class Officers. 1915: 69; 1916: 62; 1917: 65; 1918: 64; 1919: 85; 1922: 118; 1923: 119; 1924: 99; 1925: 172; 1926: 151
Literary Societies- Athena Literary Society. 1917: 315; 1918: 269; 1919: 333; 1920: 272; 1921: 272; 1922: 448; 1923: 354; 1924: 400; 1925: 454; 1926: 479; 1927: 207; 1928: 223; 1929: 207; 1930: 159; 1931: 159; 1932: 173
Literary Societies- Catholic Students Association of America. 1915: 324
Literary Societies- La Causette. 1896: 132
Literary Societies- Centro Espanol. 1926: 498
Literary Societies- La Comite L’Alliance Francaise. 1905: 140
Literary Societies- Drama League Productions. 1922: 312
Literary Societies- Edda Literary Society. 1911: 282; 1912: 322; 1913: 291; 1914: 293; 1915: 329; 1916: 318; 1917: 452; 1918: 375; 1919: 354; 1920: 293; 1921: 274
Literary Societies- Erodelphian. 1896: 124; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 143; 1900: 177; 1901: 126; 1903: 138; 1904: 54; 1905: 118; 1906: 168; 1907: 150; 1908: 192; 1909: 154; 1910: 198; 1911: 254; 1912: 144; 1913: 105; 1914: 101; 1915: 143; 1916: 131; 1917: 311; 1918: 265; 1919: 327; 1920: 268; 1921: 267; 1922: 443; 1923: 348; 1924: 401; 1925: 461; 1926: 485; 1927: 204; 1928: 219; 1929: 204; 1930: 156; 1931: 156; 1932: 170; 1933: 134; 1934: 125
Literary Societies- Women’s Forensic Council. 1914: 95; 1915: 134; 1916: 117; 1917: 299; 1918: 249; 1919: 313; 1920: 257; 1921: 354; 1922: 319; 1923: 461; 1924: 459; 1925: 222; 1926: 229; 1927: 197; 1928: 210; 1929: 199; 1930: 151; 1931: 153; 1932: 167; 1933: 133; 1934: 124
Literary Societies- Men’s Forensic Council. 1908: 273; 1910: 181; 1911: 237; 1912: 158; 1913: 94; 1914: 94; 1915: 125; 1916: 116; 1917: 298; 1918: 248; 1919: 312; 1920: 256; 1921: 353; 1922: 318; 1923: 460; 1924: 458; 1925: 221; 1926: 228; 1927: 196; 1928: 210; 1929: 198; 1930: 150; 1931: 152; 1932: 166; 1933: 132
Literary Societies- Forensic Governing Board. 1925: 218
Literary Societies- Forensic League of SUI Men- Championship Debating Teams. 1912: 166-67; 1915: 131
Literary Societies- Forensics at Iowa- International and State Debates. 1930: 160-70; 1931: 160-69; 1932: 174-84; 1934: 130-36; 1935: 105-110; 1936: 152-53; 1937: 140-42; 1938: 139-42; 1939: 132-34
Literary Societies- The Forum. 1898 no page; 1900: 183; 1901: 124; 1902: 144; 1903: 136; 1904: 52; 1905: 110; 1906: 152; 1907: 142
Literary Societies- Freshman Declamitory Contest Debates. 1920: 274; 1921: 359; 1923: 468; 1924: 466
Literary Societies- Freshman Women. 1924: 409
Literary Societies- Germania- German Student’s Club. 1896: 130; 1900: 189; 1901: 138; 1902: 202; 1903: 182; 1903: 182; 1905: 138; 1906: 256; 1907: 214; 1908: 248; 1909: 222
Literary Societies- Hahnemannian Medical Society. 1900: 87; 1903: 188; 1904: 212; 1905: 148; 1907: 222; 1908: 264; 1909: 72, 74; 1910: 144; 1914: 294; 1916: 320; 1917: 455; 1918: 376; 1919: 136; 1920: 108
Literary Societies- Hamilton Oratorical Contest. 1914: 111; 1915: 128; 1917: 302
Literary Societies- Hamlin Garland. 1922: 449; 1923: 355; 1924: 402; 1925: 462; 1926: 485; 1927: 205; 1928: 220; 1929: 205; 1930: 158; 1931: 158; 1932: 172; 1933: 135; 1934: 126
Literary Societies- Hammond Law Senate. 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 195; 1900: 181; 1901: 122; 1902: 142; 1903: 134; 1904: 50; 1905: 108; 1906: 150; 1907: 144
Literary Societies- Hesperian. 1895: 118; 1896: 126; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 145; 1900: 178; 1901: 128; 1902: 148; 1903: 140; 1904: 56; 1905: 120; 1906: 166; 1907: 148; 1908: 190; 1909: 152; 1910: 196; 1911: 252; 1912: 138; 1913: 103; 1914: 99; 1915: 141; 1916: 129; 1917: 309; 1918: 267; 1919: 229; 1920: 266; 1921: 271; 1922: 447; 1923: 352; 1924: 403; 1925: 463; 1926: 486; 1927: 204; 1928: 224; 1929: 208; 1930: 157; 1931: 157; 1932: 171; 1933: 136; 1934: 127
Literary Societies- Hyperion Club. 1909: 234; 1910: 141; 1911: 274; 1912: 312; 1913: 287
Literary Societies- Intercollegiate Debates. 1914: 105; 1915: 127; 1916: 118-19; 1917: 300-01; 1918: 250-52; 1919: 314-15; 1921: 355-56; 1923: 462; 1924: 460-64; 1925: 219-20; 1926: 231-32; 1927: 210-12; 1928: 227-30
Literary Societies- Intersociety Championship Debates. 1913: 109; 1916: 122-23; 1917: 304-05; 1918: 255-56; 1919: 317; 1920: 259-60; 1921: 357; 1922: 321-23
Literary Societies- Intersociety Debates- Men. 1914: 106-07; 1915: 130-31; 1916: 122-23
Literary Societies- Intersociety Debates- Women. 1915: 135-36; 1916: 125-26; 1917: 260, 306-07; 1918: 258-60; 1919: 319-21
Literary Societies- Inter-state Contest Debates. 1904: 64
Literary Societies- Inter-University Debates. 1901: 118; 1902: 128 185; 1903: 122, 126; 1904: 60, 62; 1905: 100, 102; 1906: 141, 143; 1907: 133, 135,137; 1908: 177, 179; 1909: 160; 1911: 238-39; 1912: 162-63; 1913: 96
Literary Societies- Irving Institute. 1895: 117; 1896: 124; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 135; 1900: 72-73; 1901: 112; 1902: 128, 130,132; 1903: 124; 1904: 48; 1905: 98; 1906: 138; 1907: 130; 1908: 174; 1909: 146; 1910: 190; 1911: 246; 1912: 142; 1913: 104; 1914: 100; 1915: 142; 1916: 130; 1917: 310; 1918: 265; 1919: 326; 1920: 267; 1921: 266; 1922: 442; 1923: 349; 1924: 404; 1925: 465; 1926: 488; 1927: 200; 1928: 214; 1929: 202
Literary Societies- Irving – Erodelphian play “The Other Fellow”. 1913: 119
Literary Societies- Club Ivy Lane. 1896: 130; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 151; 1900: 191; 1901: 136; 1902: 200; 1903: 180; 1904: 138; 1905: 136; 1906: 258; 1907: 226; 1908: 246; 1909: 220; 1910: 138; 1911: 264; 1912: 300; 1913: 289; 1914: 283; 1915: 332; 1916: 322; 1917: 450; 1918: 380; 1919: 359; 1920: 292; 1921: 252; 1922: 427; 1923: 332
Literary Society- Law Debating League. 1905: 112, 114-15; 1906: 155
Literary Societies- Marshall Law. 1908: 186; 1909: 150; 1910: 194; 1911: 250; 1912: 154; 1913: 108; 1914: 330; 1915: 331; 1916: 321; 1917: 454; 1918: 384; 1919: 106
Literary Societies- Middletonian. 1903: 186; 1904: 210; 1905: 146; 1906: 266; 1907: 220; 1908: 262; 1910: 151
Literary Societies- Mortar and Pestle. 1906: 268; 1910: 146; 1912: 324; 1913: 418; 1914: 433; 1915: 336; 1916: 324
Literary Societies- The Newman Society. 1906: 262; 1907: 234; 1908: 268; 1909: 230; 1910: 150; 1911: 272; 1912: 316; 1913: 292; 1914: 286; 1915: 322; 1916: 314; 1917: 453; 1918: 379; 1919: 358; 1920: 300; 1921: 258; 1922: 432; 1923: 337; 1924: 396; 1925: 471; 1926: 493; 1927: 478; 1928: 478; 1929: 465; 1930: 464; 1931: 470; 1932: 488; 1933: 446; 1934: 170; 1935: 147; 1936: 160; 1937: 57; 1938: 57; 1939: 53; 1940: 56; 1941: 211; 1942: 205
Literary Societies- Northern Oratorical League- Championship Teams. 1910: 187
Literary Societies- Northern Oratorical Contest. 1914: 110; 1915: 129; 1916: 120; 1917: 302; 1921: 362; 1922: 324; 1923: 466; 1924: 464
Literary Societies- Octave Thanet. 1902: 150; 1903: 142; 1904: 58; 1905: 122; 1906: 170; 1907: 152; 1908: 194; 1909: 156; 1910: 200; 1911: 256; 1912: 148; 1913: 107; 1914: 103; 1915: 145; 1916: 133; 1917: 313; 1918: 263; 1919: 331; 1920: 270; 1921: 269; 1922: 445; 1923: 350; 1924: 405; 1925: 473; 1926: 494; 1927: 206; 1928: 222; 1929: 209; 1930: 153; 1931: 154; 1932: 168; 1933: 137
Literary Societies- Owl and Keys. 1907: 228; 1908: 250; 1909: 226; 1910: 140; 1911: 271; 1912: 308; 1913: 284; 1914: 280; 1915: 319
Literary Societies- The Pandeau Players. 1914: 116; 1915: 150, 152; 1916: 140; 1917: 284, 286
Literary Societies- Phi Delta Gamma. 1926: 472; 1927: 198
Literary Societies- Philomathean Debate Teams. 1923: 465
Literary Societies- Philomathean Society. 1898 no page; 1899: 141; 1900: 175; 1901: 120; 1902: 136; 1903: 130; 1904: 46; 1905: 106; 1906: 146; 1907: 138, 140; 1908: 182; 1909: 148; 1910: 192; 1911: 248; 1912: 150; 1913: 107; 1914: 102; 1915: 144; 1916: 132; 1917: 312; 1918: 262; 1919: 330; 1920: 269; 1921: 268; 1922: 444l 1923: 351; 1924: 406; 1925: 476; 1926: 497; 1927: 202; 1928: 216
Literary Societies- Philomathean Society- Contest Debate. 1902: 138
Literary Societies- Philo-Octave Thanet Play “Chercher La Femme”. 1913: 120; 1915: 153
Literary Societies- Philo-Octave Thanet; Irving-Erodelphian play “House Next Door”. 1916: 138
Literary Societies- Polygon. 1895: 112; 1896: 128; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1900: 187; 1901 no page; 1902: 198; 1903: 178; 1904: 136; 1905: 134; 1906: 260; 1907: 212; 1908: 244; 1909: 218; 1910: 137; 1911: 262; 1912: 302; 1913: 290; 1917: 451
Literary Societies- Rhoterian. 1926: 501; 1927: 203; 1928: 217
Literary Societies- Scimitar and Fez. 1908: 254; 1909: 228; 1911: 266; 1912: 304; 1913: 283; 1914: 279; 1915: 318
Literary Societies- Shield and Trident. 1911: 268
Literary Societies- Si Mu. 1912: 310; 1913: 285; 1914: 281
Literary Societies- Sophomore Debates. 1921: 258
Literary Societies- Sophomore Oratorical. 1923: 468; 1924: 465
Literary Societies- University Dramatic Club. 1905: 158; 1906: 254; 1907: 210; 1908: 242; 1909: 258; 1910: 148; 1911: 126; 1912: 216; 1913: 112; 1914: 114; 1915: 148;1916: 136; 1917: 282; 1918: 230
Literary Societies- University Dramatic Club- Pandeau Players. 1913: 116; 1915: 150; 1917: 284; 1921: 346
Literary Societies- University Dramatic Club- Plays. 1915: 149; 1917: 283, 286
Literary Societies- University Dramatic Club- Presentations. 1908: 260, 344; 1913: 113, 115; 1921: 247, 348-49
Literary Societies- University Players. 1919: 349-51; 1920: 379-82; 1922: 308-12; 1923: 453-58; 1924: 449; 1925: 201-06; 1926: 216, 218-23; 1927: 184, 186-94; 1928: 196-208; 1929: 182, 184-96
Literary Societies- Waskwi. 1907: 230; 1908: 252; 1909: 224; 1910: 139; 1911: 270; 1912: 306; 1913: 282
Literary Societies- Whitby. 1915: 146; 1916: 134; 1917: 314; 1918: 268; 1919: 332; 1920: 271; 1921: 273; 1922: 450; 1923: 356; 1924: 407; 1925: 480; 1926: 499; 1927: 206; 1928: 221; 1929: 206
Literary Societies- Women’s Inter-Collegiate Debates. 1925: 224; 1927: 213
Literary Societies- Zethagathian. 1895: 115; 1896: 122; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 131; 1900: 68-69; 1901: 110; 1902: 126, 132; 1903: 120-122; 1904: 44; 1905: 96; 1906: 136; 1907: 128; 1908: 172; 1909: 144; 1910: 188; 1911: 244; 1913: 102; 1914: 98; 1915: 140; 1916: 128; 1917: 308; 1918: 266; 1919: 328; 1920: 265; 1921: 270; 1922: 466; 1923: 353; 1924: 409; 1925: 481; 1926: 500; 1927: 199; 1928: 218; 1929: 203; 1930: 155; 1931: 155; 1932: 169; 1933: 138
Literary Societies- Zetagathian Debate Teams. 1923: 463
MacBride Lakeside Laboratory- Scenes from. 1915: 122; 1919: 44
Mecca Ball. 1930: 235; 1931: 223; 1932: 239; 1933: 187; 1935: 156; 1936: 105; 1937: 151; 1938: 132; 1939: 157; 1940: 180; 1941: 189
Medical Department, Faculty/Staff Group Pictures. 1893: 50, 52; 1894: 48, 50; 1895: 174
Medical Department- Freshman Class. 1919: 126; 1920: 84; 1922: 160; 1923: 160; 1924: 137; 1925: 175; 1926: 155; 1927: 130; 1928: 144; 1929: 132; 1930: 130; 1931: 132; 1932: 142; 1933: 108; 1934: 103; 1935: 84; 1936: 70; 1937: 92; 1938: 96; 1939: 101
Medical Department- Interior Views. 1897 no page
Medical Department– Junior Class. 1896: 41; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1900: 71; 1901: 70-73; 1902: 66-70; 1903: 71-77; 1904: 118-125; 1905: 71-77; 1907: 29-36; 1908: 42-47; 1909: 48-52; 1910: 51-58; 1911: 64-67; 1913: 72-73; 1914: 82-84; 1915: 68; 1917: 75-77; 1918: 68-74; 1919: 114-117; 1927: 128; 1928: 128; 1929: 130; 1930: 128; 1931: 130; 1932: 140; 1934: 101; 1935: 82; 1936: 78-79; 1937: 92
Medical Department- Junior Class- Officers. 1915: 409; 1921: 135; 1922: 159; 1923: 159; 1924: 136; 1925: 174; 1926: 154
Medical Department- Senior Class. 1910: 62; 1911: 68; 1915: 66; 1920: 80-83; 1922: 159; 1923: 159; 1924: 136; 1925: 174; 1926: 154; 1927: 127; 1928: 142; 1929: 127; 1930: 127; 1931: 129; 1932: 139; 1933: 106; 1934: 100; 1936: 70; 1939: 100
Medical Department- Sophomore Class. 1910: 60; 1911: 69; 1915: 409; 1922: 160; 1923: 160; 1924: 137; 1925: 175; 1926: 155; 1927: 129; 1928: 143; 1929: 131; 1930: 131; 1931: 129; 1932: 141; 1933: 107; 1934: 102; 1935: 83; 1936: 70; 1937: 92; 1939: 102; 1940: 65
Medical Department- University Hospital. 1918: 78
Memorial Union and Fine Arts. 1938: 50
Memorial Union Council. 1924: 436
Memorials. 1913: 24
Men’s Glee Club. 1899: 45;1900: 140; 1901: 98; 1902: 209; 1906: 282; 1907: 200; 1908: 104; 1909: 127; 1911: 131; 1912: 224; 1913: 154; 1914: 29, 130-31; 1915: 170; 1916: 326; 1917: 345; 1918: 297; 1919: 344; 1920: 289; 1921: 255; 1922: 430; 1923: 337; 1924: 394; 1925: 470;1926: 210; 1927: 178; 1928: 191
Military Department- Activities- Military Drill. 1909: 308-09; 1921: 396
Military Department- The Highlanders- R.O.T.C.. 1940: 35; 1941: 143; 1942: 114
Military Department- Honorary Cadet Colonels. 1925: 212; 1931: 218; 1932: 234; 1933: 150; 1934: 138; 1935: 114; 1936: 191; 1937: 148; 1938: 129; 1939: 123; 1940: 34; 1941: 169; 1942: 99
Military Department- Military Ball. 1913: 131; 1915: 187; 1916: 142; 1917: 321; 1918: 275; 1919: 278; 1920: 183; 1921: 367; 1922: 301; 1923: 446; 1924: 471; 1925: 230; 1926: 238; 1927: 222; 1928: 236; 1929: 224; 1930: 220; 1931: 218; 1932: 234; 1933: 182; 1934: 175; 1935: 152; 1936: 191; 1937: 148; 1938: 129; 1939: 129; 1940: 177; 1941: 188; 1942: 99
Military Department- Officers’ Training Company. 1910: 210-13; 1911: 216, 308; 1912: 288-94; 1913: 143-50; 1914: `41-44, 146-48; 1916: 168-69
Military Department- Reserve Officer’s Classes. 1930: 173-74; 1931: 172-73
Military Department- R.O.T.C.- Cadet Officers’ Club. 1923: 448; 1924: 469; 1925: 212; 1926: 200; 1927: 168; 1937: 172; 1938: 173-74; 1939: 126; 1940: 38; 1941: 146
Military Department- R.O.T.C.- Dental Unit- Cadet Colonel. 1930: 176; 1931: 175; 1932: 189; 1933: 153; 1934: 141; 1935: 118
Military Department- R.O.T.C.- Engineering Unit. 1931: 174; 1932: 188; 1933: 152; 1934: 140; 1935: 117; 1936: 167; 1937: 175; 1938: 177; 1939: 129; 1940: 41; 1941: 149; 1942: 107
Military Department- R.O.T.C.- Infantry Unit- Cadet Colonel. 1932: 187; 1933: 151; 1934: 139; 1935: 116; 1936: 166; 1937: 174; 1938: 178; 1939: 128; 1940: 40; 1941: 148; 1942: 105-06
Military Department- R.O.T.C.- Medical Unit- Cadet Colonel. 1930: 177; 1931: 176; 1932: 190; 1933: 154; 1934: 142; 1935: 119
Military Department- Scabbard and Blade. 1907: 266
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Battalion Lieutenants. 1902: 186; 1903: 201; 1913: 140; 1914: 137; 1915: 192; 1916: 161; 1918: 284; 1919: 275; 1920: 182; 1922: 306
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Bugle Corps. 1917: 339; 1918: 285
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Cadet Captains. 1903: 201; 1913: 137; 1914: 136; 1915: 192; 1916: 161; 1918: 283; 1919: 274; 1920: 181; 1922: 305; 1924: 470
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Cadet Officers. 1925: 212; 1926: 203; 1938: 174; 1940: 34
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Color Guard. 1907: 265
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Commandant and Staff. 1904: 144; 1905: 202; 1910: 204; 1913: 137; 1920: 178
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Commissioned Officers. 1904: 146; 1906: 292; 1907: 258; 1908: 162; 1909: 310; 1910: 205; 1920: 188; 1924: 468; 1925: 209; 1926: 198; 1927: 166-67
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Company A B C D E and F. 1907: 261-64; 1909: 315-20; 1912: 277-79; 1913: 145; 1915: 198-200; 1916: 162-67; 1917: 328-35
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Company Drill. 1904: 150; 1905: 209; 1915: 202
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Company Musicians. 1915: 196
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Competitive Drill. 1907: 260
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Competitive Shoot. 1905: 205
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Corporals. 1904: 149; 1910: 207
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Field and Staff Officers- R.O.T.C.. 1916: 160; 1918: 282; 1919: 272; 1920: 180; 1922: 305; 1923: 449; 1924: 469; 1925: 209; 1926: 198; 1936: 165; 1937: 172; 1938: 173; 1939: 104
Military Department- Staff Battalion- First Sergeants. 1914: 137; 1915: 193; 1919: 272
Military Department- Staff Battalion- First Sergeants and Non-Commissioned Officers. 1903: 202; 1904: 148; 1919: 272
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Hospital Corps. 1917: 338; 1918: 286
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Non-Commissioned Officers. 1909: 311; 1911: 306; 1912: 282; 1913: 140; 1915: 193
Military Department- Staff Battalion- On the Border. 1918: 289
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Organization. 1905: 204; 1906: 290, 295; 1914: 136; 1915: 191; 1921: 397
Military Department- Pershing Rifles. 1937: 177; 1938: 175; 1939: 124; 1940: 37; 1941: 145; 1942: 110-11
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Regimental Staff. 1911: 305
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Sergeants. 1910: 206
Military Department- Staff- Battery Officers. 1901: 158
Military Department- SUI Cadet Band. 1896: 145; 1899: 163; 1900: 232; 1901: 160; 1904: 146; 1905: 206; 1906: 280; 1907: 257; 1908: 164; 1909: 314; 1910: 208; 1911: 314; 1912: 283, 286; 1913: 142; 1914: 139; 1915: 201; 1916: 172; 1917: 342; 1918: 287; 1919: 276; 1920: 185; 1921: 120, 400; 1922: 306; 1925: 214; 1926: 202; 1927: 170, 174; 1928: 184; 1929: 170; 1930: 181; 1931: 180; 1932: 194; 1933: 160; 1934: 148; 1935: 126; 1936: 168; 1937: 180; 1938: 180; 1939: 119; 1940: 70-71; 1941: 236
Military Department- Staff Battalion- University Battalion. 1908: 168-69
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Varsity Rifles. 1907: 259; 1908: 170; 1909: 312; 1910: 209; 1911: 312; 1912: 284; 1913: 141; 1914: 138; 1915: 196; 1916: 171; 1917: 336; 1918: 288; 1919: 277; 1920: 184; 1921: 450; 1923: 450; 1924: 472; 1925: 213; 1926: 201; 1927: 169; 1928: 185; 1929: 171; 1930: 180; 1931: 177; 1932: 191; 1933: 155; 1934: 142; 1935: 120; 1936: 172; 1937: 179; 1938: 179; 1939: 130; 1940: 42; 1941: 150; 1942: 112
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Wireless Corps. 1917: 340
Military Department- Staff Battalion- Women Sponsors. 1925: 211
Military Department- Student Commissioned Officers. 1929: 167
Military Department- The Students’ Army Training Corps. 1920: 189
Military Department- Students’ Army Training Corps- Commissioned Officers. 1920: 188
Military Department- Students’ Army Training Corps- The New Barracks. 1920: 187; 1921: 398
Military Department- Students’ Army Training Corps- Retreat During S.A.T.C. Days. 1921: 398
Museum Work at Iowa, 1917: 67-70
The 1942 Story of the University. 1942: 74-75
Nurse’s Student Council. 1922: 178; 1923: 176; 1924: 152; 1925: 179; 1926: 148; 1927: 313; 1928: 483; 1929: 475; 1930: 472; 1931: 478; 1932: 496; 1933: 438; 1934: 414; 1935: 378; 1936: 82; 1937: 100; 1938: 104; 1939: 104; 1940: 68-69; 1941: 76-77; 1942: 318-319
On Iowa Club- Women. 1922: 270
Old Capitol Bell. 1913: 23
Old Gold Alumni on Iowa’s Supreme Bench. 1911: 293
The Old Quarry. 1924: 10
1928 Olympic Team. 1930: 279
The Organizer. 1921: 340-41
Pan Hellenic Association- Women’s. 1911: 195
Pep Jamboree. 1933: 188; 1934: 181; 1935: 158; 1936: 194; 1937: 153; 1938: 135; 1939: 158
Pershing Rifles- Headquarters. 1936: 170
Personalities of the College of Medicine. 1938: 71
Pharmaceutical Association. 1942: 334-35
Pharmacy Department- Faculty Group Picture. 1893: 88; 1894: 82; 1895: 176
Pharmacy- Freshman Class. 1896: 112, 114; 1916: 449; 1928: 141; 1929: 139; 1930: 133; 1931: 135; 1932: 146; 1933: 111; 1934: 106; 1936: 96; 1937: 104; 1941: 74
Pharmacy- Junior Class. 1896: 112; 1898 no page; 1899: 269; 1900: 122; 1901: 92; 1903: 113; 1904: 132-33; 1905: 83; 1906: 104-05; 1907: 98-101; 1908: 88-90; 1909: 90-93; 1910: 73-76; 1911: 84-86; 1913: 84-86; 1914: 88-91; 1917: 117-120; 1918: 122; 1919: 162-63; 1920: 165-66; 1926: 144; 1927: 126; 1928: 140; 1929: 129; 1930: 131; 1931: 134; 1932: 144; 1933 no page; 1934: 104; 1936: 97; 1937: 105; 1938: 108; 1939: 92
Pharmacy- Junior Class- Officers. 1921: 148; 1923: 182; 1924: 157; 1925: 178; 1926: 153
Pharmacy- Senior Class. 1922: 183; 1923: 183; 1924: 158; 1925: 132; 1926: 143; 1927: 125; 1928: 139; 1929: 129; 1931: 133; 1932: 143; 1933: 109; 1939: 90; 1941: 74
Pharmacy- Senior Class- Officers. 1921: 148; 1922: 183; 1923: 182; 1924: 157; 1925: 178; 1926: 153
Pharmacy- Sophomore Class. 1932: 145; 1933: 110; 1934: 105; 1936: 96; 1938: 108; 1941: 74
Physical Training for Women- Activities. 1931: 315
Physical Training for Women- Athletics for Girls at Iowa. 1911: 232; 1912: 271-72; 1916: 217; 1918: 223
Physical Training for Women- Camp Councilors. 1934: 270
Physical Training for Women- Director and Staff. 1926: 317; 1927: 316
Physical Training for Women- Folk Dancing. 1917: 276-77; 1922: 269; 1933: 275
Pica Ball. 1926: 179; 1927: 221; 1928: 237; 1929: 225; 1930: 223; 1931: 224; 1932: 240; 1933: 184; 1934: 176; 1935: 153; 1936: 56; 1938: 134; 1939: 152; 1940: 176; 1942: 97
Picture Story of the College of Engineering. 1940: 259-264
Picturesque Places. 1898 no page
Presbyterian Student Council. 1930: 465
The Presentation by the Junior Class. 1942: 2-29
The President’s Reception. 1921: 363
Quadrangle. 1936: 288-92; 1937: 258-63; 1938: 255-59; 1939: 249; 1940: 90-91; 1941: 328-31
Radio- Founders’ Day Broadcast- W.S.U.I Goes on the Air. 1942: 70-71
Run. 1926: 314
School of Journalism. 1928: 147; 1929: 135; 1930: 136; 1931: 138; 1932: 28, 147; 1933: 22, 103; 1934: 114; 1935: 25, 85; 1936: 54; 1937: 48; 1938: 46
School of Music- Interiors. 1908: 102-03
School of Religion. 1927: 43; 1928: 39; 1930: 32; 1931: 31; 1932: 33; 1933: 25; 1934: 41; 1935: 27; 1936: 61; 1937: 55; 1938: 53; 1939: 49; 1940: 68; 1941: 76
Senior Classes. 1920: 33-60; 1921: 36-104; 1922: 36
Senior Class Officers. 1917: 64; 1919: 82; 1920: 31; 1921: 110; 1922: 110
The Senior Hop1917: 322; 1918: 276; 1919: 83; 1920: 31; 1921: 368; 1922: 298; 1923: 442; 1924: 443; 1925: 226; 1926: 234; 1927: 216; 1928: 232; 1929: 220; 1930: 221; 1931: 219; 1932: 235; 1933: 186; 1934: 180; 1935: 155; 1936: 193; 1937: 152; 1942: 102
Shouting Sisters. 1924: 261
Sigma Chi- Initiation Stunts. 1912: 452
The Silver Shadow. 1939: 160
Smith Field. 1926: 174
Social Activities. 1939: 145-47
Sophomore Class Officers. 1917: 65; 1921: 111; 1920: 62
Sophomore Cotillion. 1913: 130; 1915: 185; 1916: 144; 1917: 319; 1918: 273; 1919: 86; 1921: 365; 1922: 299; 1923: 444; 1924: 445; 1925: 228; 1926: 236; 1927: 218; 1928: 234; 1929: 222; 1930: 219; 1931: 217; 1932: 233; 1933: 181; 1934: 179; 1935: 151; 1936: 190; 1937: 147; 1938: 128; 1939: 146; 1940: 46
Sophomore Cotillion Committee. 1914: 282
Sororities- Achoth. 1912: 408; 1913: 278; 1914: 270; 1915: 310; 1916: 294; 1917: 432; 1918: 356; 1919: 239; 1920: 340; 1921: 212; 1922: 352; 1923: 253
Sororities- Alpha Chi Omega. 1913: 276; 1914: 268; 1915: 312; 1916: 296; 1917: 434; 1918: 358; 1919: 240; 1920: 342; 1921: 216; 1922: 354; 1923: 355; 1925:382; 1926: 408; 1927: 384; 1928: 392; 1929: 390; 1930: 378; 1931: 380; 1932: 396; 1933: 340; 1934: 330; 1935: 309; 1936: 213; 1937: 192; 1938: 186; 1939: 180; 1941: 301; 1942: 216
Sororities- Alpha Delta Pi.1916: 300; 1917: 442;1918: 364; 1919: 241; 1920: 344; 1921: 214; 1922: 356; 1923: 257; 1924: 313; 1925: 388; 1926: 414; 1926: 414; 1928: 394; 1929: 396; 1930: 380; 1931: 382; 1932: 398; 1933: 342; 1934: 332; 1935: 311; 1936: 215; 1937: 194; 1938: 188; 1939: 182; 1940: 229; 1941: 302; 1942: 218
Sororities- Alpha Gamma Phi. 1924: 315; 1925: 404; 1926: 428
Sororities- Alpha Omicron. 1922: 358; 1923: 261; 1924: 317; 1925: 402
Sororities- Alpha Tau Beta. 1916: 304; 1917: 440; 1919: 242; 1920: 348; 1921: 220; 1922: 360; 1923: 263; 1924: 319; 1925: 398; 1926: 426;
Sororities- Alpha Theta. 1918: 368; 1919: 243; 1920: 35
Sororities- Alpha Xi Delta. 1914: 274; 1915: 314; 1916: 298; 1917: 436; 1918: 360; 1919: 244; 1921: 218; 1922: 362; 1923: 265; 1924: 321; 1925: 384; 1926: 410; 1927: 388; 1928: 396; 1929: 392; 1930: 382; 1931: 284; 1932: 400; 1933: 404; 1934: 334; 1935: 313; 1936: 221; 1937: 200; 1938: 194; 1939: 188; 1940: 231; 1941: 305; 1942: 220
Sororities- Chi Omega. 1921: 222; 1922: 364; 1923: 267; 1924: 323; 1925: 392; 1926: 418; 1927: 390; 1928: 398; 1929: 400; 1930: 484; 1931: 386; 1932: 402; 1933: 346; 1934: 336; 1935: 315; 1936: 225; 1937: 191; 1938: 198; 1939: 192; 1940: 233; 1941: 306; 1942: 322
Sororities- Delta Delta Delta. 1906: 246; 1907: 187; 1908: 140; 1909: 194; 1910: 134; 1911: 202; 1912: 404; 1913: 274; 1914: 266; 1915: 306; 1916: 292; 1917: 430; 1918: 354; 1919: 245; 1920: 354; 1921: 224; 1922: 366; 1923: 366; 1924: 325; 1925: 378; 1926: 404; 1927: 392; 1928: 400; 1929: 386; 1930: 386; 1931: 388; 1932: 404; 1933: 348; 1934: 338; 1935: 317; 1936: 229; 1937: 206; 1938: 202; 1939: 196; 1940: 235; 1941: 309; 1942: 224
Sororities- Delta Gamma. 1896: 167; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 69; 1900: 162; 1901: 182; 1902: 178; 1903: 166; 1904: 176; 1905: 198; 1906: 244; 1907: 191; 1908: 138; 1909: 192; 1910: 132; 1911: 200; 1912: 400; 1913: 272; 1914: 264; 1915: 304; 1916: 290; 1917: 428; 1918: 352; 1919: 246; 1920: 356; 1921: 226; 1922: 368; 1923: 271; 1924: 327; 1925: 376; 1926: 402; 1927: 394; 1928: 402; 1929: 384; 1930: 388; 1931: 390; 1932: 406; 1933: 350; 1934: 319; 1935: 319; 1936: 231; 1937: 208; 1938: 204; 1939: 198; 1940: 237; 1941: 310; 1942: 226
Sororities- Delta Phi Omega. 1927: 417
Sororities- Delta Zeta. 1915: 316; 1916: 302; 1917: 438; 1918: 362; 1919: 247; 1920: 358; 1921: 228; 1922: 370; 1923: 273; 1924: 329; 1925: 386; 1926: 312; 1927: 396; 1928: 404; 1929: 394; 1930: 390; 1931: 392; 1932: 408; 1933: 352; 1934: 342; 1935: 321; 1936: 239; 1937: 214
Sororities- Gamma Epsilon Pi. 1922: 411; 1923: 296; 1924: 346
Sororities- Gamma Phi Beta. 1917: 444; 1918: 366; 1919: 248; 1920: 360; 1921: 230; 1922: 372; 1923: 275; 1924: 331; 1925: 390; 1926: 416; 1927: 398; 1928: 406; 1929: 398; 1930: 392; 1931: 394; 1932: 410; 1933: 354; 1934: 344; 1935: 323; 1936: 241; 1937: 216; 1938: 210; 1939: 204; 1940: 239; 1941: 313; 1942: 228
Sororities- Gamma Phi Nu. 1940: 59
Sororities- Iota Xi Epsilon. 1920: 346; 1921: 232; 1922: 374; 1923: 277; 1924: 333; 1925: 400
Sororities- Kalo Club. 1921: 235; 1922: 376
Sororities- Kappa Alpha Theta. 1927: 416; 1928: 408; 1929: 410; 1930: 394; 1931: 396; 1932: 412; 1933: 356; 1934: 346; 1935: 325; 1936: 243; 1937: 218; 1938: 212; 1939: 206; 1940: 241; 1941: 314; 1942: 230
Sororities- Kappa Beta. 1929: 461; 1930: 460; 1931: 466; 1932: 484; 1933: 451
Sororities- Kappa Delta. 1925: 396; 1926: 422; 1927: 400; 1928: 410; 1929: 404; 1930: 396; 1931: 398; 1932: 414; 1933: 358; 1934: 348
Sororities- Kappa Epsilon- Pharmacy. 1923: 303; 1924: 366; 1925: 429; 1929: 420
Sororities- Kappa Kappa Gamma. 1896: 165; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 65; 1900: 160; 1901: 180; 1902: 176; 1903: 164; 1904: 174; 1905: 194; 1906: 240; 1907: 188; 1908: 134; 1909: 190; 1910: 128; 1911: 196; 1912: 394; 1913: 270; 1914: 262; 1915: 302; 1916: 288; 1917: 426; 1918: 350; 1919: 249; 1920: 362; 1921: 236; 1922: 378; 1923: 279; 1924: 335; 1925: 374; 1926: 401; 1927: 402; 1928: 412; 1929: 380; 1930: 398; 1931: 400; 1932: 416; 1933: 360; 1934: 350; 1935: 327; 1936: 245; 1937: 220; 1938: 214; 1939: 208; 1940: 243; 1941: 317; 1942: 232
Sororities- Kappa Omega. 1923: 281
Sororities- Katho. 1926: 430
Sororities- Mortar Board (Staff and Circle)- Honorary Society. 1913: 286; 1914: 286; 1915: 337; 1916: 328; 1918: 370; 1919: 256; 1920: 338; 1921: 210; 1922: 384; 1923: 309; 1924: 370; 1925: 434; 1926: 435; 1927: 452; 1928: 54-59; 1929: 442; 1930: 438; 1931: 444; 1932: 460; 1933: 418; 1934: 396; 1935: 364; 1936: 135; 1937: 165; 1938: 153; 1939: 109; 1940: 167; 1941: 219; 1942: 43
Sororities- Nu Sigma Phi. 1921: 240; 1922: 402; 1923: 288; 1924: 361; 1925: 424; 1926: 464; 1927: 440; 1928: 447; 1929: 434
Sororities- Pan Hellenic Association Council. 1912: 393; 1913: 267; 1914: 259; 1915: 299; 1916: 285; 1917: 423; 1918: 347; 1919: 238; 1920: 339; 1921: 209; 1922: 382; 1923: 284; 1924: 343; 1925: 371; 1928: 390-91; 1929: 278-79; 1930: 276-77; 1931: 278-79; 1932: 394-95; 1933: 338-39; 1934: 328-29; 1935: 306-07; 1936: 210-11; 1937: 186-87; 1938: 246-47; 1939: 240-41; 1940: 224-25; 1941: 298-99; 1942: 214-15
Sororities- Phi Gamma Nu. 1930: 435; 1931: 442; 1932: 458; 1933: 402; 1934: 378; 1935: 349; 1936: 121; 1937: 61; 1938: 61; 1939: 58
Sororities- Phi Mu. 1927: 404; 1928: 414; 1929: 408; 1930: 400; 1931: 402; 1932: 418; 1933: 362; 1934: 352; 1935: 329; 1936: 256; 1937: 232; 1938: 226; 1939: 220; 1940: 250; 1941: 319
Sororities- Phi Omega Pi. 1925: 380; 1926: 406; 1927: 406; 1928: 416; 1929: 388; 1930: 402; 1931: 404; 1932: 420; 1933: 364; 1934: 354; 1935: 332; 1936: 257
Sororities- Pi Beta Phi. 1895: 129; 1896: 165; 1897 no page; 1898 no page; 1899: 65; 1900: 158; 1901: 178; 1902: 174; 1903: 162; 1904: 172; 1905: 196; 1906: 242; 1907: 193; 1908: 136; 1909: 188; 1910: 130; 1911: 199; 1912: 398; 1913: 268; 1914: 260; 1915: 300; 1916: 286; 1917: 424; 1918: 348; 1919: 250; 1920: 364; 1921: 238; 1922: 380; 1923: 283; 1924: 239; 1925: 372; 1926: 399; 1927: 408; 1928: 418; 1929: 382; 1930: 404; 1931: 406; 1932: 422; 1933: 366; 1934: 331; 1935: 331; 1936: 259; 1937: 234; 1938: 228; 1939: 222; 1940: 245; 1941: 321; 1942: 234
Sororities- Pi Epsilon Pi- Auxiliary. 1937: 282; 1938: 280; 1939: 116
Sororities- (Pi) Lamda Theta- Honorary Women’s Education. 1920: 367; 1921: 241; 1922: 394
Sororities- Sigma Delta Phi. 1928: 213; 1929: 201
Sororities- Sigma Delta Tau. 1935: 333; 1936: 267; 1937: 242; 1938: 236; 1939: 230; 1940: 247; 1941: 322; 1942: 336
Sororities- Sigma Kappa. 1926: 424; 1927: 410; 1928: 420; 1929: 406; 1930: 406; 1931: 408; 1932: 424; 1933: 368
Sororities- Sigma Theta Tau. 1931: 433; 1932: 449; 1933: 391; 1934: 384; 1935: 352; 1942: 320-21
Sororities- Sorority Chaperones. 1925: 370
Sororities- Theta Epsilon- Professional. 1928: 472; 1929: 460; 1930: 458; 1931: 464; 1932: 482; 1933: 449
Sororities- Theta Phi. 1910: 136; 1911: 205; 1912: 406; 1913: 279; 1914: 272; 1915: 308
Sororities- Theta Phi Alpha. 1927: 412; 1928: 422; 1929: 412; 1930: 408; 1931: 410; 1932: 426; 1933: 370; 1934: 358; 1935: 335; 1936: 278; 1937: 250
Sororities- Theta Sigma Phi- Journalism. 1920: 366; 1921: 242; 1922: 407; 1923: 301; 1924: 355; 1925: 417; 1926: 457; 1927: 433; 1928: 440; 1929: 424; 1930: 420; 1931: 432; 1932: 448; 1933: 392; 1934: 379; 1935: 350; 1941: 225; 1942: 52
Sororities- Zeta Phi Eta. 1938: 157; 1939: 113; 1940: 171
Sororities- Zeta Tau Alpha. 1924: 141; 1925: 394; 1926: 420; 1927: 414; 1928: 424; 1929: 402; 1930: 410; 1931: 412; 1932: 428; 1933: 372; 1934: 360; 1935: 337; 1936: 277; 1937: 251; 1938: 244; 1939: 238; 1940: 249; 1941: 325; 1942: 238
Spinsters’ Spree. 1939: 153; 1940: 45; 1941: 184; 1942: 83, 96
Student Publications Board. 1926: 184; 1927: 154; 1928: 168; 1929: 155; 1930: 138; 1931: 140; 1932: 154; 1933: 120; 1935: 102; 1936: 184
Student Publications, Inc. 1929: 154; 1930: 138; 1931: 141; 1932: 155; 1933: 131; 1934: 122; 1935: 102; 1936: 184; 1937: 119; 1938: 123; 1939: 144; 1940: 87; 1941: 200; 1942: 73
The Students’ Directory. 1913: 126
Students of Long Ago. 1902: 38-42
SUI Band- Group. 1896: 145; 1899: 163
SUI- Commencement Procession. 1906: 204
Svendi Hall Girls’ Dormitory. 1913: 280; 1915: 338
Union Board.1937: 145;1938: 127; 1939: 151; 1940: 48; 1942: 94
University Athletic Carnival.1926: 313
University Chorus. 1934: 164; 1935: 143; 1936: 157; 1937: 169; 1938: 155; 1939: 115
University Glee Clubs.1926: 213-14;1927: 181
University Library- Interior.1928: 40
University of Iowa Association- The Iowa Alumnus. 1915: 162; 1916: 154; 1917: 290; 1918: 245; 1919: 309; 1920: 388; 1921: 344; 1922: 278; 1923: 420; 1924: 29, 421; 1925: 191; 1926: 195
University Orchestra and Choral Society.1908: 108; 1909: 130; 1911: 132; 1915: 172;1919: 345;1924: 163; 1925: 473;1926: 212;1927: 180; 1928: 193-94; 1929: 79, 180; 1930: 187; 1931: 187; 1932: 201; 1933: 177; 1934: 165; 1935: 142; 1936: 156; 1937: 168; 1938: 155; 1939: 115
University Players. 1924: 449; 1925: 198; 1926: 216; 1927: 184-93; 1928: 196-208; 1929: 182-96; 1930: 191-207; 1931: 191-205; 1932: 205-19; 1933: 163-75; 1934: 151-61; 1935: 129-39; 1936: 140
University Quartettes. 1913: 155; 1917: 344; 1919: 345; 1921: 399; 1923: 128
University Service Flag. 1919: 292
University Singers.1929: 178; 1930: 186; 1931: 186; 1932: 200; 1933: 176
University Social Committee. 1926: 239; 1927: 223; 1928: 239; 1929: 227; 1930: 226; 1931: 226; 1932: 242; 1933: 190; 1934: 184; 1935: 162; 1936: 187; 1937: 144; 1938: 126; 1939: 150; 1940: 49; 1941: 183; 1942: 95
University Theatre. 1936: 140-48; 1937: 133-38; 1938: 146-50; 1939: 174-78; 1940: 181-84
University Theatre Board. 1924: 448; 1925: 199; 1926: 217; 1931: 190; 1932: 204; 1933: 162; 1934: 150; 1935: 128
University Women’s Association. 1933: 439; 1934: 415; 1935: 379; 1936: 137; 1937: 166; 1938: 154; 1939: 110; 1940: 51; 1941: 203; 1942: 199
Women’s Athletic Association, Iowa. 1913: 215; 1914: 207; 1915: 233; 1916: 217; 1917: 272; 1918: 220; 1919: 416; 1920: 248; 1921: 331; 1922: 313; 1923: 408; 1924: 257; 1925: 302; 1926: 318; 1927: 317; 1928: 325; 1929: 314;1930: 469; 1931: 475; 1932: 329; 1933: 273; 1934: 267; 1935: 255; 1936: 350; 1937: 325; 1938: 320; 1939: 309-10; 1940: 220-23; 1941: 136-40; 1942: 166-70
Women’s Glee Club. 1901: 100; 1902: 206; 1906: 284; 1907: 202; 1908: 106; 1909: 128; 1911: 130; 1912: 222; 1913: 157; 1914: 128; 1915: 171; 1916: 327; 1917: 346; 1918: 298; 1919: 343; 1920: 288; 1921: 256; 1922: 441; 1923: 347; 1924: 399; 1925: 479; 1926: 211; 1927: 179;1928: 192
Women’s League. 1915: 335; 1916: 325; 1917: 449; 1919: 265; 1920: 368; 1921: 263; 1922: 440; 1923: 430; 1924: 437; 1925: 170; 1926: 149; 1927: 312; 1928: 479; 1929: 470
YMCA, Activities. 1912: 201-04; 1913: 161, 163, 354; 1914: 153, 166; 1920: 282, 284; 1915: 176-77, 180; 1916: 312-13; 1917: 349-50, 1919: 339-40
YMCA. Cabinet and Officers. 1913: 160; 1914: 150; 1915: 175; 1916: 310; 1917: 348; 1918: 372; 1919: 337; 1920: 277 1921: 388; 1922: 315; 1923: 428; 1924: 438; 1925: 194; 1926: 209; 1927: 176; 1928: 190; 1929: 176; 1930: 184; 1931: 184; 1932: 198; 1934: 167; 1935: 145; 1936: 159; 1937: 57; 1938: 55; 1939: 51; 1942: 212
YMCA and YWCA, Cabinet and Officers. 1901: 96; 1902: 212-13; 1903: 206, 208; 1904: 216, 218; 1905: 152-53; 1906: 324-25; 1907: 216-17; 1908: 270; 1909: 244, 246; 1911: 134-35; 1912: 201
YMCA and YWCA, Student Volunteer Board for Foreign Missions.1920: 284
YWCA, Cabinet and Officers. 1913: 164; 1914: 154; 1915: 178; 1916: 311; 1917: 353; 1918: 373; 1919: 336; 1920: 280; 1921: 389; 1922: 316; 1923: 429; 1924: 439; 1925: 195; 1926: 208; 1927: 176; 1929: 177; 1930: 185; 1931: 185; 1932: 199; 1934: 166; 1935: 144; 1936: 158; 1937: 56; 1938: 54; 1939: 50; 1940: 53 ; 1941: 205; 1942: 201
YWCA, Freshman Commission. 1920: 281; 1921: 390; 1922: 396; 1923: 320; 1924: 440; 1925: 196; 1926: 147
YWCA, Sub-Cabinet. 1919: 338
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