We gratefully accept gifts and donations in alignment with our Collection Development Policy. Items of interest are those that will enhance our collection strengths and facilitate our mission to provide access to and preserve distinctive collections. New areas of focus may develop over time and as opportunity allows.

If you wish to donate books, documents, personal papers, photographs, recordings, films, or other materials, it is best to discuss the gift with us before shipping any part of it. Please email us or give us a call at 319-335-5921. Internal Revenue Service regulations prevent us from making any statement regarding the dollar value of potential gifts, but we may be able to offer general advice regarding the use of your gift as a deduction for tax purposes. You may also find it useful to review the documentation IRS provides for gifts-in-kind; go to www.irs.gov and look up Form 8283. We are generally able to pay the cost of shipping materials we choose to accept.

If you wish to make a financial donation, please visit the University of Iowa Libraries’ giving page. Gifts of any size from private individuals make an enormous difference in the quality of collections and services we can offer to our community.

Thank you for your support!