The Guild of Book Workers Library is housed in the Special Collections Department of The University of Iowa’s Main Library and holds over 700 volumes which focus on the arts of the book, particularly on hand bookbinding techniques, the collection also contains volumes on the history of bookbinding and bookbinders, papermaking, paper decoration techniques, calligraphy, printing, and book conservation. By trading newsletters and journals produced by the Guild, the library also receives current periodicals on binding from similar organizations in England, France, Spain, the Netherlands, and Australia. See introduction for full description.
Listed alphabetically by author (or title if publication does not have an author(s)) on this page are just those titles for Bookbinding – manuals and how to.
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The agreement between the Guild and the University Libraries stipulates that Guild members may borrow items from the collection by mail if the loan is approved by the Guild Librarian; rare materials do not circulate. The entire collection is open to on-site readers in the Special Collections Department Reading Room. For further information about the Guild Library please contact:
Ann Frellsen, Collections Conservator & Guild Librarian
Emory University Libraries
540 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, GA 30322
Bookbinding – Manuals and Techniques
Banister, Manly Miles. Bookbinding as a handcraft. New York: Sterling Publ. : London : Oak Tree Press, c1975. 160 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. Includes index. 2 copies held. Folio. Shelf #8
—-. Pictorial manual of bookbinding. New York : Ronald Press, c1958. v, 40 p. : ill. ; 32 cm. Folio. Shelf #9
Bosquet, Emile. Guide manuel thorique et pratique de l’ouvrier ou particien doreur sur cuir et sur tissus la main et au balancier. Paris : Librairie Polytechnique, 1903. 241 p. : ill. : 19 cm. Shelf #13
—-. La reliure : etudes d’un praticien sur l’histoire et la technologie de l’art du relieur-doreur . Avec une lettre-prface de M. Lon Gruel. Ouvrage Orn de 24 planches hors texte. Paris : Imprimerie Gnrale Lahure, 1894. ii, 188, [6] p., 24 leaves of plates : ill. ; 29 cm. Folio. Shelf #48
—-. Trait thorique et pratique de l’art du relieur. Paris: Librairie Polytechnique, Baudry Et Cie, 1890. viii, 323 p., 26 leaves of plates : ill. ; 26 cm. Avec 16 planches hors texte et 17 figures. Shelf #49
Brjeson, Ingeborg, et P.J. Chollot. Lecons de reliure pour amateurs. 2nd ed. Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1948. vii, 120, [1] p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Shelf #50
Buffum, Clara. Hand-bound books : the old method of bookbinding : a guide for amateur bookbinders. Providence, R.I. : Akerman-Standard Company, c1953. 68, [4] p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Shelf #60
Cockerell, Douglas. Binding books of more than one section in cloth;illustrated by Doris Meyer. 2nd ed. Hitchin, Eng. : G.W. Russell & Son, ltd, [19–]. 19 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. (Bookbinding as a school subject : stage II.) Shelf #76
—-. Binding books of one section ; illustrated by Doris Meyer. 2nd ed. Hitchin, Eng. : G.W. Russell & Son ltd., [19–]. 16 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. (Bookbinding as a school subject: stage I.) Shelf #75
—-. Binding of a lecturn Bible in grey blue morocco with Niger leather inlay.. [photograph]. Letchworth, Herts, England : Douglas Cockerell and Son Bookbinders and Marble Paper Makers, 1939. 1 photograph : b&w ; 19 X 14 cm. Shelf #72
—-. Bookbinding, and the care of books : a text-book for bookbinders and librarians ; with drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. London : John Hogg, 1901. xvi, 354 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. (Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks.) Shelf #73
—-. Bookbinding, and the care of books : a text-book for bookbinders and librarians ; with drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. 4th ed. London : Sir Isacc Pitman & Sons, ltd., 1934. xvi, 344, [6] p. : [8] plates, ill. ; 19 cm. (Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks.) Shelf #74
—-. Bookbinding, and the care of books : a text-book for bookbinders and librarians ; with drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. New York : Appleton, 1903, c1901. 319 p., 8 leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. (Artistic crafts series of technica handbooks.) Shelf #504
—-. Bookbinding, and the care of books : a text-book for bookbinders and librarians ; with drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. 5th ed. London : Pitman, 1953, reprinted 1955. xvi, 339 p., 12 pages of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. (Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks.) Shelf #505
—-. Bookbinding, and the care of books : a handbook for amateurs, bookbinders & librarians ; with drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. New York : Lyons & Burford, <1991> 334 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Originally published: New York : Appleton, 1902. With new foreword. Includes index.
—-. Cutting edges and binding in half and whole leather ; [illustrated by Doris Meyer]. 2nd ed. Hitchin, Eng. : G.W. Russell & Son ltd., [19–]. 16 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. (Bookbinding as a school subject : stage III.) Shelf #77
—-. Der Bucheinband und die Pflege des Buches: ein Handbuch fr Buchbinder und Bibliothekare : aus dem Englischen bertragen von Felix Hbel ; fr die 2. auflage durchgesehen von Maria Lhr. Leipzig, Germany : Klinkhardt und Biermann, 1925. 316 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. Shelf #78
—-. Some notes on bookbinding ; line drawings by Doris Meyer. London : Oxford University Press, 1929. 105 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #79
Cockerell, Sydney M. The repairing of books ; illustrations by Joan Rix Tebbutt. 2nd ed. London : Sheppard Press, 1960. 110 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #89
—-. The repairing of books ; illus. by Joan Rix Tebbutt. London : Sheppard Press, [1958]. 110 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. Bibliography.
Corderoy, John. Bookbinding for beginners; with line illustrations by Eric Sweet. London, Studio Vista; New York, Watson-Guptill [1967] 104 p. front., illus. (some col.), table, diagrs., 19 cm. Bibliography: p. 103. Shelf #1013
Crane, W.J. Eden. Bookbinding for amateurs : being descriptions of the various tools and appliances required and minute instructions for their effective use / by W.J.E. Crane. London : L. Upcott Gill, 1885. vi, 184 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Shelf #91
Crane, W.J. Eden. Bookbinding for amateurs : being descriptions of the … use. London : L. Upcott Gill, (1889?]. vi, 184 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Shelf #92
Dana, John Cotton. Notes on bookbinding for libraries . Chicago : Library Bureau, 1906. 114 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #100
Darely, Lionel S. Introduction to bookbinding. London : Faber & Faber, 1965 (1976 printing). 120 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #395
Diehl, Edith. Bookbinding : its background and technique . New York ; Toronto : Rinehart, 1946. 2 v. (xxi, 251 p., [46] leaves of plates; vi, 406 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Copy believed to be bound by author does not circulate. Bibliography. 3 copies held. Shelf #114
—. Bookbinding : its background and technique . New York : Hacker Art Books, 1979. 2 v. (xxi, 251 p., [46 leaves of plates ; vi, 406 p., [1] leaf of plates) : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelf #396
Fache, Jules. La dorure et la dcoration des reliures. [Paris : Jules Fache], c1954. 164 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Shelf #134
Fahey, Herbert and Peter. Finishing in hand bookbinding. San Francisco : Herbert, and Peter Fahey, 1951. [86] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Bibliography. 2 copies held. Shelf #136
—-. Odds & ends. San Francisco : Herbert & Peter Fahey, 1950. 23 p. : 21 cm. Shelf #135
Forsyth, K. Marjorie. Bookbinding for teachers, students and amateurs. London : A. & C. Black, 1932. xii, 116 p., 9 leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. Shelf #149
Franck, Peter. Die Rundbogen-Heftung: und wie ich sie endeckte . Stuttgart : Buchbinder-Verlag, 1949. 23 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #152
—-. A lost link in the technique of bookbinding and how I found it. Gaylordsville, Conn. : Peter Franck, 1941. 18 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #151
Gauffecourt, Jean-Vincent Capperonnier de. Traite de la relieure des livres : a bilingual treatise on bookbinding ; translated from the French by Claude Benaiteau ; with an introduction by John P. Chalmers ; edited by Elaine B. Smyth. Austin, <Tex.> : W. Thomas Taylor, 1987. 130 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Shelf #1151
Gaylord, Susan Kapuscinski. Festivals of light : making books for the holiday season-Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Diwali. Grades Pre K-6. Massachussetts : Seastreet Press, 1998. 32 p. ; 22 cm. Shelf #1234
—-. Patterns & numbers : making books for beginning math. Grades K-1. Massachussetts : Seastreet Press, 1999. 32 p. ; 22 cm. Shelf #1235
—-. Shapes and colors : making books for kindergarten. Massachussetts : Seastreet Press, 1999. 32 p. ; 22 cm. Shelf #1236
—-. Sounds and letters : making books for beginning readers. Grades K-1. Massachussetts : Seastreet Press, 1999. 32 p. ; 22 cm. Shelf #1237
Geheimen der Boekbinderij = Secrets of bookbinding : an anonymous 19th century Dutch bookbinding manual reproduced in facsimile / with a translation, introduction, and notes by Richard J. Wolfe. Boston : R.J. Wolfe, 1991. xvii, 23 [i.e. 461] p., [8] leaves : col. samples ; 21 cm. Shelf #579
Giraldon, Ferdinand. Relieur pratique. Paris : Hachette, c1926. 124 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. (Bibliotheque pratique des professions des arts et des metiers.) Shelf #163
Greenfield, Jane. Pamphlet binding. New Haven, Yale U. Library, 1981. 28 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. (Yale University Library preservation pamphlet ; no. 4.) Shelf #519
—-. Tip-ins and pockets. New Haven : Yale U. Library, 1981. 17 p. : ill. 22 cm. (Yale University Library preservation pamphlet ; no. 2.) Shelf #524
—-. Wraparounds. New Haven : Yale U. Library, 1980. 15 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. (Yale University Library preservation pamphlet ; no. 1.) Shelf #523
Gunner, Jean. Simple repair and preservation techniques for collection curators, librarians, and archivists . Pittsburgh, Pa. : Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, 1980. [12] p. : ill. ; 22×28 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #521
Hannett, John [John Andrews Arnett]. Bibliopegia, or, the Art of bookbinding, in all its branches . London : Groombridge, 1835. iv, 212 p., [6] leaves of plates. ill. ; 16 cm. Shelf #179
Hasluck, Paul N., editor. Bookbinding, with numerous engravings and diagrams. London, Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1994. Thirteenth edition. 160 p. : illus. ; 19 cm. 1st edition, 1902. Shelf #1111
Hewitt-Bates, J.S. Bookbinding for schools: a textbook for teachers and students in elementary and secondary schools and training colleges. Peoria, Ill. : Manual Arts Press ; Leicester : Dryad Handicrafts, 1927. xv, 141 [6] leaves of plates : ill.; 22 cm. Shelf #188
—-. Bookbinding for schools: a textbook. . . colleges . 5th ed. Peoria, Ill. : Chas. A. Bennett ; Leicester: Dryad Press, 1948. x, 123 p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. Shelf #189
Klinefelter, Lee Miller. Bookbinding made easy / by Lee Miller Klinefelter. Rev. ed. Milwaukee, Wis. : Bruce Pub. Co., [1960]. 86 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Shelf #611
Lada-Mocarski, Polly. “Flex Binding: Its Uses in Hand Bookbinding.” Publisher’s Weekly, (July 7, 1967): 82. Xeroxed copy. 2 copies held.
—-. New French Onlay. Craft Horizons (1958): 38-9. Article only; not the entire magazine.
LaPlantz, Shereen. Cover to cover : creative techniques for making beautiful books, journals & albums. Ashville, N.C. : Lark Books, 1995. 144 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 27 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 143) and index. Shelf #1150
Lhotka, Edward R. ABC of leather bookbinding: A manual for traditional craftsmanship. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2000. 141 p; 26 cm. Shelf #1253
Library of Congress. Boxes for the protection of rare books : their design and construction / compiled and illustrated by Margaret R. Brown with the assistance of Don Etherington and Linda K. Ogden. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, 1982. 289 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Folio. Shelf #663
Lydenberg, Harry Miller, and John Archer. The care and repair of books. New York : Bowker, 1931. 127 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #243
—-. The care and repair of books. New York : Booker, 1960. 122 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #244
Mansfield, Edgar. Modern design in bookbinding : the work of Edgar Mansfield / with notes on design and the technique of fine binding by Edgar Mansfield and an illustrated introduction by Howard M. Nixon. London : Peter Owen, c1966. 119 p. : chiefly ill. ; 30 cm. Bibliography.
Matthews, William F. Bookbinding : a manual for those interested in the craft of bookbinding . New York : E.P. Dutton, [19–]. 252 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. Shelf #525
—-. Bookbinding : a manual for those interested in the craft of bookbinding. London : V. Gollancz, 1929. 252 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Shelf #254
Middleton, Bernard C. The restoration of leather bookbindings. 3rd edition. Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 1998. 303 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Folio. Shelf #257
Nicholson, James B. A manual of the art of bookbinding : containing full instructions in the different branches of forwarding, gilding, and finishing … marbling book-edges and paper … designed for the practical workman … book-collector. Philadelphia : Henry Carey Baird, 1856. 318 p., 10 leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. Includes examples of marbled papers. Shelf #269
—-. A manual of the art of bookbinding…. Philadelphia, Pa. : Henry Carey Baird, 1874. 318 p., 11 leaves of plates, 18 p. of hand marbled specimens : ill ; 19.5 cm. Reissue published by I. Nevins, Sussex, N.J., 1986. Shelf #531
—-. A manual of the art of bookbinding … Nicholson. Philadelphia : Henry Carey Baird, 1902. 318 p., [10] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. Includes examples of marbled papers. Shelf #270
Percival, George Stanley. Repairing books. Leicester : Dryad Handicrafts, [1955] 15 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. — (Dryad leaflet ; no. 150) Shelf #1025
Pleger, John J. Bookbinding . Rev. ed. Chicago : Inland Printer, 1924. xxi, 425 p., [3] leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. Originally titled: Bookbinding and its auxiliary branches. Shelf #286
Pratt, Guy A. Let’s bind a book. 2nd printing rev. New York : Bruce, c1940, 144 printing. ix, 147 p., : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelf #295
Ramos Alotta, Sylvia. The Exquisite Notes. Chicago, The Sharpest Pencil Design Studio & Bookbinding Workshop, 2003. 189 pages. 28.5 cm. Facsimile reproduction of drawings and notes from bookbinding classes at Columbia College Chicago Center for the Book Arts. Shelf #1262.
Reavis, W. Elmo. Book sewing distinguished from book stitching. [S.1. : s.n., 193-?]. 12 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Reprinted from: Pacific bindery talk, Nov. 1937-Jan. 1938. Shelf #426
Robinson, Ivor. Introducing bookbinding. London : Batsford ; New York : Watson-Guptill, 1968. 112 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #1086
Shepherd, Rob. Hand-made books : an introduction to bookbinding. Tunbridge Wells, Kent : Search Press, c1994. 80 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. Shelf #1200
Smith, Keith A. Non-adhesive binding. 1st ed. Fairport, N.Y. : Sigma Foundation ; Rochester, N.Y. : Distributed by K.A. Smith, 1990. 318 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Book number 128. Shelf #620
Szirmai, J. A. The archaeology of medieval bookbinding. Aldershot, Hants. ; Brookfield, Vt. : Ashgate, c1999. 352 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Shelf #1247
Town, Laurence. Bookbinding by hand for students and craftsmen. London : Faber and Faber, 1951. 281 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Bibliography. 2 copies held. Shelf #355
Vaughan, Alex J. Modern bookbinding : a treatise covering both letterpress and stationary branches of the trade : with a section on finishing and design. Leicester, England : Raithby, Lawerence, 1929. xiv, 218 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Shelf #368
—-. Modern bookbinding : a treatise covering . . . design. New ed. London : Charles Skilton, 1960. viii, 232 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. Shelf #369
—–. Modern bookbinding : a treatise covering both letterpress and stationery branches of the trade, with a section on finishing and design . London : Robert Hale, c1996. xvi, 217 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. “…facsimile of the second edition 1996”–T.p. verso Shelf #1133
Watson, Aldren A. Hand bookbinding : a manual of instruction / with illustrations by the author. 1st ed. New York : Reinhold, c1963. 93 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. (Reinhold art instruction books.) Shelf #374
Webberley, Marilyn & JoAn Forsyth. Books, boxes & wraps : binding & building step-by-step; illustrations by Marilyn Webberley. 1st ed. Kirkland, WA : Bifocal Pub., 1995. xiii, 287 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 270-273) and index. Shelf #1180
Weiss, Harvey. How to make your own books. New York, Crowell [1974] 71 p. illus. 24 cm. Summary: Basic instructions for making a book accompany suggestions for special types of book making projects–travel journals, diaries, photo albums, scrapbooks, comic books, and others. Shelf #1074