The Guild of Book Workers Library is housed in the Special Collections Department of The University of Iowa’s Main Library and holds over 700 volumes which focus on the arts of the book, particularly on hand bookbinding techniques, the collection also contains volumes on the history of bookbinding and bookbinders, papermaking, paper decoration techniques, calligraphy, printing, and book conservation. By trading newsletters and journals produced by the Guild, the library also receives current periodicals on binding from similar organizations in England, France, Spain, the Netherlands, and Australia. See introduction for full explanation.
Listed alphabetically by author (or title if publication does not have an author(s)) on this page are just those titles for Bookbinding – History, Including Bibliography, Exhibition Catalogs, etc.
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The agreement between the Guild and the University Libraries stipulates that Guild members may borrow items from the collection by mail if the loan is approved by the Guild Librarian; rare materials do not circulate. The entire collection is open to on-site readers in the Special Collections Department Reading Room. For further information about the Guild Library please contact:
Ann Frellsen, Collections Conservator & Guild Librarian
Emory University Libraries
540 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, GA 30322
Bookbinding – History, Bibliography, Exhibitions
Abbey, John Roland. An exhibition of modern English and French bindings from the collection of Major J.R. Abbey. London : The Arts Council, 1949. 30 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #442
—-. Catalogue of the celebrated library : the property of Major J.R. Abbey . . . which will be sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. London : Sotheby, [1966?-1989?]. 11? v. : ill. ; 25 cm. Title from cover. Holdings: Part II (1966), Part III (1967) and Part IV (1967). Shelf #441
Adler, Rose. Reliures / present par Rose Adler. Paris : Editions D’Art Charles Moreau, [19–]. 50 leaves of plates : ill. ; 34 cm. (L’Art international d’Aujourd’ hui ; v. 17.) Folio. Shelf #501
Allen, Sue, and Chalres Gullans. Decorated cloth in America : publishers’ bindings, 1840-1910 /. Los Angeles : UCLA, Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1994. 107 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm. “The papers in this volume were originally presented at a seminar at UCLA’s William Andrews Clark Memorial Library”–Introd. Includes bibliographical references. Shelf #1023
Anderson, Frank J., compiler and editor. Catalog of the 1989 miniature book competition, Miniature Book Society . Hyattsville, Md. : Miniature Book Society, 1989. xi, 63 p. : ill. ; 14 cm. One of 2,500 copies printed in black and blue by International Graphics. Includes index. Issued in decorative paper wrappers. Shelf #1069
Andrews, William Loring. Roger Payne and his art : a short account of his life and work as a binder . New York : De Vinne Press, 1892. 36 p., [4] p. of plates, [8] leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 22 cm. Shelf #34
Antiquariaat Frits Knuf. Catalogue 141: books on bookbinding / Antiquariaat Frits Knuf. Amsterdam : De Antiquariaat, 1982. 68 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Title from cover. Shelf #1122
—-. Catalogue 145 : books on bookbinding. Buren, Netherlands : Antiquariaat Frits Knuf, 1984. [51] p., : ill. ; 22 cm. Title from cover. Shelf #632
Armorial bindings from the libraries of the kings and emperors of France : from Francis I to Napolean III. London : Chiswick Press, 1902. [33] p., [33] leaves of plates : chiefly col. ill. ; 40 cm. Spine reads: French royal bindings. Folio. Shelf #542
Arno Werner : master bookbinder / an exhibition at the Houghton Library. Cambridge, Mass. : The Houghton Library, 1981. 33 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Shelf #578
The Art and craft of bookbinding : <exhibition> the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library, Sept. 8 – Nov. 25, 1987 / sponsored by the University of Iowa Libraries & The University of Iowa Center for the Book. Iowa : the University of Iowa Libraries, <1987> <8> p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Cover title. Shelf #1196
Avery, Samuel Putnam. Catalogue raisonne, works on bookbinding practical and historical : examples of bookbindings of the XVIth the XIXth centuries / from the collection of Samuel Putnam Avery, A.M. exhibited at Columbia University Library MDCCCCIII. New York : Privately printed, [1903?], (The DeVinne Press). xii, 136 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #446
Bearman, Frederick, Nati H. Krivatsky, and J. Franklin Mowery. Fine and historic bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, D.C. : Folger Shakespeare Library, 1992. 272 p. : ill. ; 32 cm. Folio. Shelf #1227
Bibliotheque de Mr. M. G***. et quelques livres appartenant a divers amateurs : beaux livres illustrs modernes riches reliures : vente a L’Hotel Drout, salle 10, le mercredi 5 novembre 1969. Paris : A. Blaizot, [1969]. 50 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Title from cover. 2 copies held. Shelf #662
Bibliotheque Nationale, (France). Les plus belles reliures de la runion des bibliotheques nationales. Paris : Bibliotheque Nationale, [1929?]. 41 p., 42 leaves of plates : ill. ; 40 cm. (Editions des Bibliotheques Nationales de France.) Folio. Shelf #543
—-. Reliures d’ivoire et d’orf vrerie [postcards] = Book bindings in ivory and gold. Paris : Bibliotheque Nationale, [19–?]. 16 postcards : sepia ; 14 x 9 cm. (Collection VII : nos. 8635 8638 et 8587 8598.) These bindings are from the collections of the Manuscript Department. They date from the period comprised between the V and the XIV centuries and most of them come from Saint-Dnis, the Sainte-Chapelle or Metz. Shelf #80. Missing nos. 8595-8598.
Blaizot, George, editor. Masterpieces of French modern bindings. New York : Services Culturels Francais, 1947. xvii, 128 p. : ill ; 24 cm. Bibliography. 2 copies held. Shelf #17
Bodleian Library. Fine bindings 1500-1700 from Oxford Libraries: catalogue of an exhibition. Oxford : Bodleian Library, 1968. x, 144 p., [27 leaves of plates] : ill. ; 22 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #487
Book arts exhibition 1990 : polychrome, polytechnique : in honor of Polly Lada-Mocarski / sponsored by Creative Arts Workshop, and the New England and New York Chapters of the Guild of Book Workers. [New Haven, Conn.] : The Workshop, c1990. 43 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the bindery at Creative Arts Workshop. Exhibition: April 22-June 3, 1990. Shelf #602
The Bookbinder in eighteenth-century Williamsburg : an account of his life & times, & of his craft. — Williamsburg : Colonial Williamsburg, 1990. 32 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. — (Williamsburg craft series) Cover title. “Written by Thomas K. Ford… based largely on a monograph prepared jointly by C. Clement Samford and John M. Hemphill…” — p. 32. Includes bibliographical references (p. 32). Shelf #1026
Bookbinding in America : three essays / edited by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt. Portland, Me. : Southworth-Anthoensen Press, 1941. xix, 293 p., 30 leaves of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. Contents: Early American bookbinding by hand / H.D. French — The Rise of American edition binding / J.W. Rogers — On the rebinding of old books / H. Lehmann-Haupt. Shelf #227
—- . New York ; London : Bowker, 1967, c1941. xix, 293 p., 30 leaves of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. See content notes for 1941 edition. Shelf #228
Bosch, Gulnar K. Islamic bindings & bookmaking / by Gulnar K. Bosch, John Carswell, Guy Petherbridge. Chicago : Oriental Institute, U. of Chicago, 1981. xi, 235 p. : il. (some col.) ; 31 cm. Bibliography. Folio. Shelf #585
Bound to learn : an invitational exhibit of the book arts, March 1-31, 1988 / West Virginia University Press. <Morgantown, WV> : The Press, <1988> <20> p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Caption title. Introduction by Eve Faulkes and Clifford A. Harvey. Exhibition held at the West Virginia University Galleries at the Creative Arts Center. “500 copies of this catalogue were printed … printing: Fairmont Printing, Fairmont, West Virginia; design: Second Story Design, Morgantown, West Virginia”–Colophon. Shelf #1163
Bound to vary : a Guild of Book Workers exhibition of unique fine bindings on the Married Mettle Press limited edition of Billy Budd, sailor. — New York, NY : Guild of Book Workers, 1988. 63 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. Catalog of an exhibition held at: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Thomas J. Watson Library, New York, N.Y., Dec. 8, 1987-Jan. 29, 1988; Swathmore College, McCabe Library, Swarthmore, Pa., Feb. 3-26, 1988; University of Colorado at Boulder, University Libraries, Rare Books Room, April 4-May 6, 1988 and others through March 1989. Shelf #498
Bouchot, Henri Francois Xavier Marie. De la reliure : exemples imiter ou rejeter / par Henri Bouchot : l’art du si cle, de l’habillement du livre, ses qualits et sa decoration. Paris : Edouard Rouveyre, 1891. 92, [19] p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Shelf #51
Bourdois, Claude. “Liures et reliures” de Sèun Evrard : [exposition] Mâetiers d’art de Paris, Bibliotháeque historique de la ville de Paris / prâeface de Jean Dâerens ; textes de Claude Bourdois, Jean Lissarrague ; et une lettre de Yves Peyrâe. — [Paris] : Mâetiers d’art de Paris : La Bibliotháeque historique, [1995] 39 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm. Folio. Shelf #1088
[Brainard, Newton C., editor]. The Andrus Bindery : a history of the shop 1831-1838 . Hartford, Conn. : Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1940. 45, [1] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelf #52
Brassington, W. Salt, editor. A History of the art of bookbinding : with some account of the books of the ancients . London : Elliot Stock, 1894. xvi, 277, [2] p., [10] leaves of plates : ill.; 28 cm. Folio. Shelf #53
British bookbinding today / with an introduction by Edgar Mansfield. Bloomington, Ind. : Lilly Library, Indiana University, 1976. 65 p. : ill (some col.) ; 30 cm. (Lilly Library publication ; no. 26 [i.e. 27].) Folio. Copies 1 and 2. Shelf #560
British Museum. Bookbindings from the library of Jean Grolier : a loan exhibition 23 September-31 October 1965. London : The Museum, 1965. xx, 75 p., [69] leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. Shelf #467
—-. Early stamped bookbindings in the British Museum : descriptions of 385 blind-stamped bindings of the XIIth-XVth centuries in the departments of manuscripts and printed books : mainly by the late W.H. James Weale / completed by Lawrence Taylor. London : Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1922. iv, 171 p., [16] leaves of plates : ill. ; 26 cm. Shelf #376
—-. English bookbindings : a series of postcards / British Museums. London : British Museum, [193-?]. 15 postcards : col. ; 15 x 11 cm. Title from accompanying pamphlet written by W.A. Marsden. Published in connection with exhibition of English bookbindings which opened in the King’s Library on March, 1930. Five are reproductions of bindings by Roger Payne. One complete set held. Set 2 is missing nos. C 148-C 150. Shelf #81
—-. A guide to the exhibition in the King’s Library : illustrating the history of printing, music-printing and bookbinding. [London] : Printed by order of the Trustees, 1901. 149 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Shelf #54
Buch, Bucheinband Bucheinbandkunst : Mitteilungen fr Bucherfreunde. [Hannover, Germany : The Bookbinding & Hand Craft School], 1928. 12 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #59
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild. The art of the book : an exhibition celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild. [Toronto] : The Guild, 1988. 75 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Shelf #1167
—-. The art of the book ’93 : a juried exhibition of the work of members celebrating our tenth anniversary =une exposition-concours des oeuvres par les membres en celebration de notre dixieme anniversaire. Toronto : The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild, 1993. 128 p. col. ill. ; 23 cm. “1000 copies printed”– p. 128. Shelf #1169
—-. Boxed in : Book boxes & box objects by members of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild : an exhibition at the Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library, Toronto, Ontario, October 7 – November 3, 1995. Toronto, Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild, 1995. [23] p. : illus. ; 22 cm. Cover title. Shelf #1191
Caniaris, Andreas. Caniaris Bookbinding. Athens: Adam Editions, 1997. Text in Greek and English. 220p. ; ill. ; 32 cm. FOLIO 1215a & 1215b. (Two copies).
Carter, John. Binding variants in English publishing 1820-1900. London : Constable; New York : Ray Long, Richard R. Smith, 1932. xviii, 172 p., 14 leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. (Bibliographia: studies in book history and book structure ; no. 6.) Shelf #502
Catholic University of America. Library. Festina Lente : gold-tooled bindings & gilt papers from the Bibliotheca Albana in Urbino now in the Clementine Library of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., October 20, 1989-March 31, 1990. Washington, D.C. : The Library, [1989?]. 43 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. Shelf #550
The Chevalier collection of English twentieth-century bookbindings : and a selection of modern continental European bookbindings : the properties of Mrs. Phyllis J. Miller and four other owners, Friday, November 9, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. New York : Christie, Manson & Woods International, Inc., 1990. 125 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. Shelf #1155
Chicago Hand Bookbinders. Chicago Hand Bookbinders : premier exhibition, July 31 – Sept. 15, 1980. Rare Book Room, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Library. <Chicago> : The University,1980. 10 leaves : ill. ; 22 cm. Shelf #1173
Cloonan, Michele Valerie. Early Bindings in Paper. 1991. ISBN 0-8161-1971-6. Shelf #1302.
Cobden-Sanderson, T.J. Bookbindings by T.J. Cobden-Sanderson : an exhibition at the Pierpont Morgan Library, September 3-November 4, 1968 / compiled by Frederick B. Adams, Jr. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, with the assistance of Norman H. Strouse, 1969. 32 p., [18] leaves of plates : ill. ; 28 cm. Shelf #443
—-. The journals of Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson : 1879-1922. New York : Burt Franklin, 1969. 2 v. : ill. ; 24 cm. / (Burt Franklin : research and source works series 285.) Shelf #71. Holdings: Vol. 1 only.
Cockerell, Douglas. A note on bookbinding / by Douglas Cockerell ; with extracts from the special report of the Society of Arts on Leather for Bookbinding. London : W.H. Smith, 1904. 22 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. Shelf #506
—-. Cutting edges and binding in half and whole leather / by Douglas Cockerell ; [illustrated by Doris Meyer]. 2nd ed. Hitchin, Eng. : G.W. Russell & Son ltd., [19–]. 16 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. (Bookbinding as a school subject : stage III.) Shelf #77
—-. A souvenir of the exhibition of bookbinding designed by Douglas Cockerell : held at the Booklovers Library, 17 Hanover Street, London, June 1905. London : Booklovers Library, 1905. 15 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm. Contents: Bookbinding : a lecture by Douglas Cockerell delivered at Cambridge, May 16, 1902 — Reproductions of bindings designed by Douglas Cockerell and executed under his direction. Shelf #508
[Cockerell, Douglas] Obituary. [S.l. : s.n., 1945?]. [2] p. ; 26 cm. Binder includes 7 samples of paper made by Cockerell. Shelf #507
Craig, Maurice James. Irish bookbindings / Maurice James Craig. Dublin : Eason and Son, 1976. [28] p. (2 fold.) : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. (Irish heritage series ; 6.). caption title. Bibliography: p. [27] Shelf #639
Creuzevault, Colette. Henri Creuzevault, 1905-1971 / Colette Creuzevault. Paris : Editions de Montfort, [1987?]. 23 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 15 cm. Folio. Shelf #638
Critien, Fra’ John Edward, Maroma Camilleri, and Joseph Schiro. Fine bookbindings from the National Library of Malta. Malta : M. Demajo Group, 1999. 163 p. ; 29.7 cm. Folio. Shelf #1283
Cundall, Joseph. On ornamental art : applied to ancient and modern bookbinding : illustrated with specimens of various dates and countries / by Joseph Cundall : read to the meeting of the Society of Arts held November 1847. [London] : At the House of the Society of Arts, 1848. 15 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. Shelf #94
—-, editor. On bookbindings, ancient and modern. London : George Bell and Sons, 1881. xi, 132 p., 28 leaves of plates : ill. ; 26 cm. Bibliography. 2 copies held. Shelf #93
Cuneo Press, Inc. Modern fine binding by Cuneo. Chicago : Cuneo Press, Inc., [19–]. [8] p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Title from cover. Accompanied by one page reprint of 1965 Chicago tribune article on exhibition at John Crerar library of books bound by George Baer and William Anthony of the Cuneo Press. 2 copies held. Shelf #95
Davenport, Cyril James Humphries. Cameo book-stamps / figured and described by Cyril Davenport. London : Edward Arnold, 1911. 207 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Shelf #103
—-. English embroidered bookbindings. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1899. xxxi, 113 p., 52 leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. (The English bookman’s library ; v. 1.] Shelf #104
—-. “Roger Payne and His Predecessors”. Art Journal (August 1911): 266-9. Folio. Shelf #102
—-. “Roger Payne’s Binding Stamps–III”. Art Journal (November 1911): 400-8. Two copies. Shelf #105 & 107
—-. Roger Payne : English bookbinder of the eighteenth century . Chicago : Caxton Club, 1929. 79 p., [33] leaves of plates : ill. ; 31 cm. Folio. Shelf #106
—-. Royal English bookbindings. London : Seeley ; New York : Macmillan, 1896. [96] p., 8 leaves of plates : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography. Folio. Shelf #108
—-. Thomas Berthelet : royal printer and bookbinder to Henry VIII, King of England : with special reference to his bookbindings / by Cyril Davenport. Chicago : Caxton Club, 1901. 102 p., 18 leaves of plates : ill. : 28 cm. Bibliography.
Un Demi-si’ecle de reliures d’art contemporain en France et dans le monde : Hãotelde Sens, Bibliotháeque Forney, avril-juin 1984 : exposition internationale / organisâee par la Chambre syndicale nationale de la reliure, brochure, dorure ; avec la collaboration de la Mairie de Paris, la Sociâetâe des amis de la reliure originale. Paris : La Chambre, [1984] [124] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 27 cm. References: Worldwide art catalogue bulletin, no. 19107. Shelf #640
Derome, Leopold. Reliure de luxe : le livre et l’amateur / par L. Derome. Paris : Edouard Rouveyre, 1888. 246 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. Shelf #111
Diehl, Edith. Hand bookbinding. Craft Horizons 9.1 (1949): 4-7.
—-. Price list of tools and materials for bookbinding. New York : Edith Diehl, Bookbinder, [19–]. [7] p. : ill. ; 8 cm. Shelf #516
Distad, Merrilll and Jeannine Green. Pierre Ouvrard: master bookbinder/maître relieur. Alberta: The University of Alberta Press, 2000. 98 p.; 28 cm. Shelf #1248
Donnelley, R.R. Sons and Company. All the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty-Dumpty together again : the hand bindery at Donnelley’s. Chicago : R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 1925 [Chicago : Lakeside Press). 41 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelf #116
—-. All the king’s horses [and all the king’s men] couldn’t put Humpty-Dumpty together again. Drawings by Joseph Low. Chicago, Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelley& Sons [1954?] 41 p. illus. 23 cm. Shelf #1096
—-. Extra binding at the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Chicago : Donnelley, 1925. 19 p., [14] leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm. Shelf #117
—-. The million charms of Empress Shotoku and other stories : a collection of tales about the preservation of rare books and documents for your amazement, edification and enjoyment. Chicago : Donnelley, 1966. 30 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #118
—-. Rod for the back of the binder : some considerations of binding with reference to the ideals of the Lakeside Press. Chicago : Donnelley, 1928. 32 p., 16 leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm. 3 copies held. Shelf #119
—-. Rod for the back of the binder… Press. Chicago : R.R. Donnelley, 1929. 31 p., 16 leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 cm. 3 copies held. Shelf #120
Dubansky, Mindell. The Proper decoration of book covers: the life and work of Alice C. Morse. New York: The Grolier Club, 2008. 107p., ill. 31 cm. Folio. Shelf #1296
Dutton, Meiric Keeler. Historical sketch of bookbinding as an art . Norwood : Holliston Mills, Inc., 1926. 144 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #604
Einbandkunst ’83 : gemeinschaftssachau auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 1983. Hamburg : Ludwig Schultheis Verlag, 1983, 92 p. : ill ; 21 cm. Shelf #591
Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library. Hand bookbinding : art and craft : the work of Donald and Pamela Rash. [Lewisburg, Pa.] : Bucknell University, [1987]. [2] leaves, [8] p. ; 24 cm. Exhibition held April 1-30, 1987. Shelf #653
Ellenport, Samuel B. Bookbinding tools and equipment : including books on bookbinding from the collection of Samuel B. Ellenport, President, Harcourt Bindery, Inc. [to be sold] Thursday, October 2, 1980 at 2:00 p.m. New York : Christie’s East, 1980. [16] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelf #586
Evans, Emrys, and Rachel Grover. The Birdsall collection of bookbinders’ finishing tools. Toronto : University of Toronto Library Department of Rare Books & Special Collections, 1972. 22 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. Shelf #132
Feipel, Louis Nicholas. Library binding manual / prepared under the direction of Joint Committee of the A.L.A. and L.B.I. by Louis N. Feipel and Earl W. Browning. Chicago : American Library Association, 1951. 178 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. In Chinese. Shelf #549
Fletcher, William Younger. Bookbinding in France. London : Seeley ; New York : Macmillan, 1894. 80 p., 8 leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 28 cm. (The Portfolio: no. 10.) Shelf #141
—-. Bookbinding in France . Reissue of the Ed of 1895. London : 1905. 80 p., 8 leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 28 cm. Shelf #142
—-. English book collectors . London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1902. xviii, 448 p., [13] leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. (English bookman’s library.) Shelf #143
—-. English bookbindings in the British Museum : illustrations of sixty-three examples selected on an account of their beauty or historical interest . London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1895. xvii, 65 leaves of plates : chiefly col. ill. ; 39 cm. Folio. Shelf #144
—-. Foreign bookbindings in the British Museum : illustrations of… interest. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1896. xxiv, 65 leaves of plates : chiefly col. ill. ; 39 cm. Folio. Shelf #145
Foot, Mirjam M. The Henry Davis gift : a collection of bookbindings . London : British Library, c1978- v. : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes indexes. Contents: v.1. Studies in the history of bookbinding — v.2. A catalogue of North-European bindings. Folio.
Ford, Thomas K. The bookbinder in eighteenth-century Williamsburg : an account of his life & times, & of his craft. Williamsburg : Colonial Williamsburg, 1986. 32 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. (Williamsburg craft series.) Based on monography prepared by Clement S. Samford and John M. Hemphill. Shelf #637
Freeman, Sarah J. A syllabus of a course on elementary bookmaking and bookbinding. New York : Teachers College, Columbia University, c1910. 42 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. (Teachers college syllabi : no. 1.) Shelf #154
French, Hannah D. Bookbinding in early America : seven essays on masters and methods . With catalogues of bookbinding tools prepared by Willman Spawn. Worcester : American Antiquarian Society, 1986. xxiv, 230 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Shelf #1186
Frolich, Margaret. “Bookbinding in the High School.” Education as an Art 30.1 (1971-72): 5-6. Xeroxed copy. Shelf #158
George Bayntun, bookbinders. Museum of bookbinding. Bath, [1977?] [16] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #1031
Gibson, Strickland. Early Oxford bindings. London : Bibliographical Society ; Oxford : University Press, 1903. 69 p., 40 leaves of plates : ill. ; 28 cm. (Illustrated monographs : no. 10). Folio. Shelf #161
Goldschmidt, E. Ph. Gothic and Renaissance bookbindings, exemplified and illustrated from the author’s collection . London : Ernest Benn ; Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1928. 2 v (869 p., 8 leaves of plates : vii, 110 leaves of plates): ill. ; 29 cm. Folio (both volumes). Shelf #164
Goldschmidt, Lucien, Inc. Fine modern bindings : inlaid and decorated bookbindings of the 20th century collected by Suzanne Schrag, Hope G. Weil, Julian I. Edison, Herbert Schimmel, exhibition November 15-December 9, 1972. New York : L. Goldschmidt, 1972. [10] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Shelf #466
Gruel, Leon. Catalogue des reliures de style et objets artistiques en cuir cisel [l’] Exposition Universelle de Chicago, 1893. Paris : Leon Gruel, 1893. [34] p., [16] leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #468
—-. Manuel historique et bibliographique de l’amateur de reliures. Paris : Gruel & Engelmann, 1887. 186 p., [65] leaves of plates : ill. ; 30 cm. Bibliography. Folio. Shelf #173
Guild of Book Workers. Bookbinding : a medieval craft in the 20th century. New York : American Craftsmen’s Council, 1961. [4] p. ; 23 cm. An exhibition of bindings by GBW members at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts of the ACC, Jan. 20-Feb. 10, 1961. Shelf #469
—-. Bound to vary : a Guild of Book Workers exhibition of unique fine bindings on the Married Mettle Press limited edition of Billy, Budd, Sailor. New York : The Guild, 1988. 63 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Copies 1 and 2. Shelf #1048
—-. 80 years later / compiled and edited by Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler and Pamela Spitzmueller. Washington, D.C. : The Guild, 1986. 183 p. : chiefly ill. ; 28 cm. 80th Anniversary exhibition of the Guild of Book Workers. Shelf #589. 2 copies.
—-. An exhibition of hand bookbinding, case-making, restoration, calligraphy & illumination, and hand-decorated papers : sponsored by the Guild of Book Workers, held at The Donnell Library, New York Public Library, 1966. New York : The Guild, 1966. 19 p. [4] leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #470
—-. An exhibition of hand bookbinding… held at The Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1959. New York : The Guild, 1959. [10] p., [7] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. 6 copies ; two with Staten Island statement omitted from the title page. Shelf #472
—-. The Guild of Book Workers 75h anniversary exhibition / Susanna Borghese, Caroline F. Schimmel, Amry C. Schlosser. New York : The Guild, 1981. 96 p. : ill. ; 21 x 23 cm. 4 copies held. Shelf #590
—-. (3rd : 1996 : Scripps College, Claremont, CA). Paper bound : a showcase of contemporary papermakers & bookbinders. <New York, NY> : Guild of Book Workers, 1996. <101> p. : col. ill. ; 11 x 17 cm. Edition of 450 copies. “… third in series of thematic, nationally traveling exhibits by The Guild of Book Workers … “–P. <7> Exhibition sites: Scripps College, Sept. 1 – Oct. 31, 1996; University of Rochester, Nov. 1 – Dec. 31, 1996; Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts, Jan. 13 – March 30, 1997; Smith College, April 1 – June 30, 1997; Ohio University, July 1 – Sept. 30, 1997. Handmade paper endpage: Peter & Donna Thomas”–Colophon. Shelf #1206
Gullans, Charles B. A checklist of trade bindings designed by Margaret Armstrong. Compiled by Charles B. Gullans with the collaboration of John J. Espey. Los Angeles, University of California Library, 1968. 36 p. illus. 28 cm. (UCLA Library occasional papers, no. 16) Bibliographical footnotes. Shelf #1017
Hanmer, Karen. The book of origins: a survey of American fine binding. 2007. [Exhibition catalog]. #1293.
Hand bookbinding in California : a keepsake in twelve parts for the members of the Book Club of California. San Francisco, CA : Book Club of California, c1994 12 parts in slipcase : ill. ; 27 cm. Title from slipcase. 1. Introduction & table of contents / Florian J. Shasky & Joanne Sonnichesen — 2. Stella Patri : private conservator / Duncan Olmsted — 3. Barbara Fallon Hiller : teacher & bookbinder / Eleanor Ramsey — 4. Herbert & Peter Fahey : bookbinders, writers & teachers / Duncan Olmsted — 5. Warren Howell : bookseller of San Francisco / Jennifer Larson — 6. Keeping a tradition alive : Bay Area bookbinding teachers / Tom Conroy — 7. Florence Walter of Mills College / Renee Jadushlever & Kathy Walkup — 8. Bound & found : Bay Area collectors of fine bindings / Michael Ryan — 9. The hand bookbinders of California / Harold Wollenberg — 10. The exhibitions : California bookbinding on display / Joanne Sonnichsen — 11. Bookbinding in Southern California / Muir Dawson — 12. Turning the century : a prospect / Florian J. Shasky & Joanne Sonnichsen. Shelf #1093
Hand Bookbinders of California. Hand bookbinding books in selected Bay Area public libraries. San Francisco : Hand Bookbinders of California, 1975. 44 leaves : 28 cm. Shelf #178
Hand bookbinding today : an international competition and exhibition in memory of Leah Wollenberg / sponsored by the Associates of the Stanford University Libraries and the Stanford University Libraries. — Stanford : The Libraries,1992. 96 p. : ill. (some fold., some col.) ; 24 cm. Shelf #608
The Hand bookbinding tradition in the San Francisco Bay Area : interviews / conducted by Ruth Teiser and Catherine Harroun ; with an introduction by Deborah M. Evetts. — Berkeley, Calif. : Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, c1982. v., 194 p. : ports. ; 29 cm. — (Books and printing in the San Francisco Bay Area series) Includes index. Contents: Interviews with: Leah Wollenberg, Stella Patri, Duncan Olmsted, Stephen Gale Herrick, Barbara Fallon Hiller. Folio. Shelf #1092
Hobson, Anthony R.A. The literature of bookbinding. London : National Book League, 1954. 15 p. ; 21 cm. (The book; no. 2.) This is a bibliography. Shelf #192
—-. French Bookbindings. Craft Horizons 21.3 (1961): 40.
Hobson, G.D. Blind-stamped panels in the English book-trade c.1485-1555. London : Bibliographical Society, 1944. Ill p., 8 leaves of plates: ill. ; 28 cm. (Supplement to the Society’s Transactions; no. 17.) Shelf #193
—-. English binding before 1500 . Cambridge: University Press, 1929. 58 p., 55 leaves of plates: ill. ; 39 cm. (The Sandars lectures 1927.) 2 copies held. Folio. Shelf #194
—-. Maioli, Canevari and others. Boston Little Brown, 1926. xvi, 178 p., 64 leaves of plates : ill. ; 29 cm. (Monographys on bookbinding; no. 1.) Folio. Shelf #195
—-. Some early bindings and binders’ tools . London: Bibliographical Society, [1938]. [44] p., 7 leaves of plates : ill.; 22 cm. From the Society’s transactions; v. 19, Sept. 1938. Shelf #196
—-. Thirty bindings / described by G.D. Hobson; selected from the First Edition Club’s seventh exhibition. London: First Edition Club, 1926. xii, 68 p., 30 leaves of plates: ill. ; 33 cm. Folio. Shelf #197
Hoe, Robert. One hundred and seventy-six historic and artistic bookbindings dating from the fifteenth century to the present time pictured by etchings, artotypes, and lithographs after the originals selected from the library of Robert Hoe. New York : Dodd, Mead. 1895. 2 v.: chiefly ill.; 37 cm. 2 copies held (one bound by Edith Diehl.) Folio. Shelf #198
Horne, Herbert P. The binding of books: an essay in the history of gold-tooled bindings. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1894. xiii, 224 p., 12 leaves of plates : ill. ; cm. (Books about books.) 2 copies held. Shelf #199
—-. The binding of books bindings. 2nd ed. London : Kegan Paul, Trench,. Trubner, 19!5. xvi, 232 p., 9 leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. (Books about books.) Shelf #200
Horton, Carolyn. [Middleton’s A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique]. Chicago : University of Chicago, 1964. [2] p. ; 24 cm. Reprint from The library quarterly 34.3 (July 1964): 275-6. Shelf #511
An illustrated catalogue of bindings : a selection of books in fine bindings, presentation bindings, extra-illustrated works, private presses, specials, etc., etc. Offered for sale by E. Joseph in association with Chas. J. Sawyer. London, [s.n.] 1987. 52, [1] p. : illus. ; 1987.(Catalogue, New Series 4) Shelf #1170
Jensen, Craig. Collaboration between binder & printer / [Craig Jensen, Jensen Bindery, Austin, TX & Richard-Gabriel Rummonds, Printer]. [Austin, TX. : Guild of Book Workers, 1987]. (Guild standards seminar.) 2 copies held.
Kamph, Jamie. A collector’s guide to bookbinding . New Castle, [Del.] : Oak Knoll Books, 1982. (Bird & Bull Press, North Hills, Pa.) 40 p. : ill. 24 cm. Shelf #643
Kavin, Mel. A catalog of the thirty-three miniature designer bindings : you can judge a book by its cover. California : Kater-Crafts Bookbinders, 1998. 75 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Shelf #1240
Kinsella, Thomas E. and Willman Spawn. Ticketed bookbindings from nineteenth century Britain. Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 1999. 207 pp. : ill. ; 28 cm. With essay by Bernard Middleton. Shelf #1241
La Croix-Laval, Vte. de. Album de cent soixante-et-onze reproductions de reliures d’art / Collection de La Croix-Laval. Paris: A. Durel, 1902. 4 p., 171 leaves of plates (some col.); 31 cm. Folio. Shelf #3
La reliure ancienne et moderne : recueil de 116 planches de reliures artistiques des XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe si cles. / introduction par Gustave Brunet accompagne d’une table explicative. Paris : Paul Daffis, 1878. viii, 8 p., 16 leaves of plates, : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm. Plates are reproduced from: Le Bibliophile Francais, 180}8-73. Shelf #58
La reliure originale francaise / bookbindings by contemporary French binders ; with a selection of illustrations and examples of typography ; organized under the patronage of the Societe de la Reliure Originale. New York : Museum of Contemporary Crafts, 1964. [48] p. : ill. ; 36 x 13 cm. Folio. Shelf #565
Lallier, Monique. Etchings and design bindings / Monique Lallier, Louis-Pierre Bougie, Don Etherington. Washington, D.C. : Susan Conway Carroll Galleries, 1991. 28 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. Exhibition held October 8-November 2, 1991. Shelf #613
Larsen, Sofus. Danish eighteenth century bindings 1730-1780 : 102 plates / with an introduction by Sofus Larsen and Anker Kyster. Copenhagen : Levin & Munksgaard, 1930. 52 p., [103] leaves of plates : chiefly ill. ; 32 cm. Folio. Shelf #224
Lenormand, Seb. Nouveau manuel complet du relieur en tous genres. Nouvelle edition par Maigne. Paris : L. Mulo, 1900. 428 p., 4 leaves of plates : ill. ; 26 cm. (Manuels-Roret.) Shelf #231
Lewis, Roy Harley. Fine Bookbinding in the Twentieth Century. 1984. ISBN 0-668-06084-0. Shelf #1298.
Livres anciens : reliures aux armes. Paris : [s.n.], [1971?]. [43] p. : ill. ; 27 cm. Catalog of sale held at the Hotel Drouot, Paris on April 27, 1970. Shelf #564
Livres anciens : reliures armoris. Paris : [s.n.], [1971?]. [5] p. : ill. ; 27 cm. Catalog of sale held at the Hotel Drouot, Paris on mars 29, 1971. Shelf #563
Livres dans de riches reliures, des seizi me dix-septi …me, dix huiti me et dix-neuvi me si …cles. Paris : Librairie Damasc …ne Morgand, 1910. 95 p., 50 plates : ill. ; 32 cm. Folio. Shelf #238
Lock, Margaret. Bookbinding Materials and Techniques, 1700-1920. Toronto: The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild, 2003. Shelf #1261
Londenberg, Kurt. Kurt Londenberg bucheinbnde / und texten von Hans Adolf Halbey und Kurt Londenberg. Offenback am Main : Vereinigung, Freunde des Klingspor-Museums, [1965]. 95 p. : chiefly ill. ; 26 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #526
—-. Kurt Londenberg bucheinbnde / mit einem vorwort von Prof. Dr. Paul Raabe, und texten von Kurt Londenberg. Wolfenbttel : Herzog August Bibliothek, [19–]. 96 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #481
Maggs Brothers. Book bindings : historic and artistic. London : Maggs Bros., 1914. 56 . : ill. ; 22 cm. (No. 324.) Shelf #482
—-. Book bindings : historical and decorative. London : Maggs Bros., 1927. 208 p., [117] leaves of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. (No. 489.) Shelf #483
Matthews, Brander. Bookbindings old and new : noted of a booklover with an account of the Growler Club of New York. New York ; London : Macmillan, 1895. xiii, 342 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #253
Meister der Einbandkunst = Masters of the art of bookbinding = Maitres de la reliure d’art : an international travelling exhibition of design bindings by members of the German Masters Guild / organized and circulated by the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild. Toronto, Ont. : The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild, 1991. 87 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm. Edited by Richard Miller. Parallel texts in English, German and French. 2 copies held. Shelf #603
Michel, Marius. La reliure francaise : depuis l’invention de l’imprimerie jusqu’ la fin du XVIIIe si …cle . Paris : Damasc …ne Morgand & Charles Fatout, 1880. 144 p., [23] leaves of plates : ill. ; 33 cm. Folio. Shelf #255
Michon, Louis-Marie. La reliure francaise . Paris : Librarie Larousse, c1951. 144 p., 32 leaves of plates : ill. ; 17 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #256
Middleton, Bernard C. A history of English craft bookbinding technique. 2nd supplemented ed. London : Holland Press, 1978. xv, 326 p., [7] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Foreward by Howard M. Nixon. Shelf #413
—-. Recollections: A Life in Bookbinding. Forward by Dr. Marianne Tidcombe. Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2000. 126 p.; 26 cm. Shelf #1255
—-. Highlights from The Bernard Middleton Collection of Books on Bookbinding. Rochester, NY: The Melbert B. Cary, Jr. Graphic Arts Collection, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2000. 123 p.; 27 cm. Shelf #1254
Miura, Kerstin Tini. My world of bibliophile binding. [?, Japan] : Kyuryudo, 1980. 195 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 35 cm. In Japanese. Includes 126 pages of colored photographs of bound books. Folio. Shelf #527
—-. Sekai seihon sohtei kai no kyoshoh : Tini miura no sekai 1980-1990 = a master’s bibliophile bindings : Tini Miura 1980-1990 / by Tini Miura. Tokyo, Japan : Kyoiku Shseki Co., 1990. 198 p. : chiefly col. ill. ; 35 cm. Primarily dramatic colored photographs with titles in Japanese and English. Folio. Shelf #661
Moderna Svenska Bokband : utstllningen anordnad av Sverige Hokbinderi-oct Pappersemballagefrening. Stockholm : Victor Petersons Bokindustrialktiebolag, 1950. 62 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. (Nationalmusei Utstllningskatalog 170) Shelf #485
Moderne Einbandgestaltung und Ignatz Wiemeler : Internationales Symposium 11./ 12. September 1972 im Gewerbemuseum Basel / redigiert von A. Cizinsky und W. Jèaggi. — Bern : [Verein Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum], 1972. 120 p. : ill., port. ; 23 cm. Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum, 58. Jahrg., Nr. 1-4, 1972. Published in conjunction with an exhibition and symposium sponsored by the Verein Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum and the Nationale Schweizerische UNESCO-Kommission. Shelf #1034
Nixon, Howard M. Modern British and French bookbindings from the collection of J.R. Abbey. — London : Arts Council of Great Britain 1965. [27] p., 16 p. of plates : ill. ; 18 x 19 cm. “The Council … wish to thank Mr. H.M. Nixon for writing the…introduction and compiling … the catalog entries”. Catalog of an exhibition held in 1965 at the Arts Council Gallery, London, 2 June-3 July; and elsewhere.
—-. Roger Powell and Peter Waters . [The Slade, Froxfield : s.n.], 1965. [10] p., [13] leaves of plates : chiefly ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #271
Oak Knoll Books. [Catalogue thirty-nine : bookbinding]. New Castle, Del. : Oak Knoll Books, [198-?]. 40 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Title from cover. Shelf #649
—-. [Catalogue 69 : history of bookbinding]. New Castle, De. : Oak Knoll Books, [19–]. 72 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Title from cover. Shelf #650
Oldham, J. Basil. Blind panels of English binders. Cambridge : University Press, 1958. xv, 55 p., 67 leaves of plates : ill. ; 39 cm. FOLIO. Shelf #273
—-. Shrewsbury School Library bindings, catalogue raisonne. Folio. Shelf #274
Ory, Norma R. Bookbinding, a living art : June 11-September 7, 1980, Masterson Junior Gallery, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston / preface by William C. Agee ; catalogue by Norma R. Ory. Houston, TX. : The Museum, c1980. 48 p. : ill. ; 31 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #544
Oxford Libraries. Fine bindings 1500-1700 from Oxford Libraries : catalogue of an exhibition. Oxford : Bodleian Library, 1968. x, 144 p., [27] leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. Bibliography.
Patrick, Sara L. The saw kerf method of bookbinding [manuscript] / by Sara L. Patrick. –[19–]. 6 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Approved and edited by the Editorial Committee of the Industrial Arts Cooperative Service, Inc., New York. Distributed by School Products Co., New York. 3 copies held. Shelf # 278
Payne, John R. An Annotated List of Works on Fine bindings. American Book Collector 18.1 (1967): 11-22. 2 copies held.
Penney, Clara Louisa. An album of selected bookbindings . New York : Hispanic Society of America, 1967 [i.e. 1968]. xv, 18 p., [31] leaves of plates : ill. ; 29 cm. Folio. Shelf #280
Pierpont Morgan Library. English royal bindings : Henry VIII to Queen Victoria / Pierpont Morgan Library. [s.1. ; s.n., 19–?]. [57] p., [56] leaves of plates : chiefly col. ill. ; 38 cm. No title page. Title taken from spine. Hand written in inside front cover is the title English armorial bindings in The Pierpont Morgan Library. Shelf #593
Poor, Henry William. American bookbindings in the library of Henry William Poor / described by Henri P. Du Bois : illustrated in gold-leaf and colors by Edward Bierstadt. New York : George D. Smith, 1903. 77 p., [40] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelf #124
Prideaux, Sarah T. Bookbinders and their craft. New York : Scribner’s, 1903. viii, 298 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #297
—-. A catalogue of books published by S.T. Prideaux between MDCCCXC and MDCCCC. New York : Nicholas T. Smith, 1979. 20 p., 26 plates : ill. ; 22 cm. Shelf #569.
—-. An historical sketch of bookbinding. With a chapter on early stamped bindings by E. Gordon Duff. London : Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. vi, 303 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #299
—-. Modern bookbindings : their design and decoration. London : Archibald Constable, 1906. x, 131 p., [40] leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. Shelf #300
Princeton University. Library. Fine bindings Gothic to modern : European handbound books in the Princeton University Library together with the William H. Scheide Library and the Robert H. Taylor Collection, Exhibition Gallery, Princeton University Library, April 21-September 4, 1978. [Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Library, 1978]. 32 p., [4] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. 2 copies held. Shelf #462
Printer, poet, binder, book : 24 fine bindings on Clifford Burke’s Printing poetry : an exhibition sponsored by the Hand Bookbinders of California on display in the Bender Room of the Mills College Library, June 10 through August 30, 1987 and at the Library of the University of Alabama, November 1 through December 31, 1987 : an illustrated checklist / with an introduction by Martin Antonetti & Joanne Sonnichsen. — San Francisco : James Linden, 1987. [8] p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Cover title. “Two hundred and twenty-five copies were printed . Of these, copies numbered1-50 were reserved for the publisher. Copies 51 through 175 were presented as a keepsake to the members of the Roxburghe Club of San Francisco, the Colophon Club and the Hand Bookbinders of California . Fifty copies were lettered A through XX for the binders represented in the exhibition. Three hundred additional, unnumbered copies of the checklist, without cover, were printed for distribution with The Gold leaf and for visitors to the exhibition”–Colophon. “Binders in the exhibition” (1 sheet; 27 x 16 cm.) laid in. Shelf #1011
Quaritch, Bernard. A collection of facsimiles from examples of historic or artistic book-binding : illustration the history of binding as a branch of the decorative arts. London : Bernard Quaritch, 1889. 36 p., [110] leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 28 cm. Includes examples of book illumination of the Middle Ages. Shelf #303
La reliure actuelle = The contemporary bookbinding = Der zeitgenossische Bucheinband : six conferences faites a Luxembourg a l’occasion du IVe F.I.R.A., avril 1994 / edit ees par Emile van der Vekene. Luxembourg : Les Amis de la reliure d’art, 1994. 126 p. : ill..; 22 cm. Includes bibliographical references. Shelf #1203
Relieure Dorure : Outillage & fournitures pour la reliure-dorure, catalogue general. Paris : Rougier and Ple, c1973. 40 p. : chiefly ill. ; 23 cm. (Includes wall paper samples.) Shelf #1037
Relieure Dorure : Relieuses universelles. Paris : Rougier and Ple, c1973. 32 p. : chiefly ill. ; 23 cm. Shelf #1036
Relma: Departement comptoir de la reliure. Paris: 1977. 27 p. : chiefly ill. ; 24 cm. (includes leather samples and various inserts). Shelf #1035
Rennie, Silvia. Silvia Rennie designer bindings / an exhibition of fine bindings held at Kroch’s & Brentano’s Inc., 29 South Wabash, Chicago, Ill. 60603 during the month of September 1985. [Chicago : Kroch’s & Brentano’s Inc, 1985.] [28] p. : chiefly ill. (some col.) ; 18 x 22 cm. Shelf #575
Roberts, Matt. Bookbinding and the conservation of books : a dictionary of descriptive terminology / Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington ; drawings by Margaret R. Brown. — Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1982. x, 296 p., 13 leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. “A National Preservation Program Publication”–T.p. verso. Bibliography: p. 289-296. Supt. of Docs. no.: LC 1.2:B 64/3 GPO Item No.: 786. 2 copies held. Folio. Shelf #539
Sadleir, Michael. The evolution of publishers’ binding styles 1770-1900. London : Constable ; New York : Richard R. Smith, 1930. x, 95 p., 12 leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. Bibliography. Shelf #322
Samford, C. Clement. The bookbinder in eighteenth-century Williamsburg : an account of his life and times and of his craft. Williamsburg, Va. : Colonial Williamsburg, 1959. 32 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. (Williamsburg craft series.) Bibliography. Shelf #324
—-. The bookbinder in eighteenth-century Williamsburg … craft. Williamsburg, Va. : Colonial Williamsburg, 1964. 32 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. (Williamsburg craft series.) Bibliography.
Sarre, Friedrich Paul. Islamic bookbindings. Berlin : Scarabaeus-Verlag G.M.B.H., [1923?]. 20 p., 36 leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 36 cm. Translated from the German manuscript by F.D. O’Bryne, B.A. Lond. Folio. Shelf #20
Sawyer, Charles J., ltd. Fine bindings from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries / offered for sale by Charles J. Sawyer Ltd. London : Sawyer, 1949. 68 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. (No. 193.) Cover reads: Bibliopegy, association bindings and others of artistic beauty from the 16th to 20th centuries. Shelf #492
Schmidt, Christel. Jakob Krause : ein kurschsischer Hofbuchbinder des 16. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig : Hiersemann, 1923. 83 p., 76 leaves of plates : ill. ; 32 cm. Folio. Shelf #326
Schunke, Ilse. Die Einbhnde der Palatina in der Vatikanischer Bibliothek. Citt del Vaticano : Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1962. 3 v. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. (Studie Testi ; 216-218.) Bd. 1. Beschreibung. Bd. 2/1. Katalog. Stamp. Pal. S. I-IV. 1334. Bd. 2/2 Katalog. Stamp. Pal. V. I-VI. 246-Sondersammlungen und Handschriften. Bibliography. Shelf #573
—-. Leben und Werk Jakob Krauses : im Auftrage des Heimatwerkes Sachsen. Leipzig : Im Insel-Verlag, [1943?]. 150 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography. Folio. Shelf #327
Sixteen fine bindings on The art of trout fishing on the rapid streams : June 1st-June 30th, 1983, Thomas J. Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art. <New York : Guild of Book Workers, Inc., 1983> <16> p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Catalogue of the exhibition of the bindings of 16 copies of The art of trout fishing on the rapid streams by H.C. Cunliffe; revised and illustrated by D.R. Wakefield; published by Chevington Press, Tiverton, Devon, 1982. The bindings were commissioned by the publisher, W. Thomas Taylor. Cover title. Shelf #497
Smith, Philip. The Lord of the Rings and other bookbindings of Philip Smith. London : Philip Smith, 1970. 60 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Shelf #332
—-. New directions in bookbinding. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1974. 208 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. Folio. Shelf #537
Stockbauer, Jacob. Abbildungen von Mustereinbnden aus der Blthezeit der Buchbinderkunst in Lichtdruck ausgefhrt. Leipzig : Verlag von Adolf Titze, [19–]. 13 p., 40 leaves of plates : chiefly ill. ; 41 cm. First published in 1881. Folio. Shelf #346
Storm, Colton. “Storm in Arizona : an Arizona Bindery,” Arizona Librarian 25.1 (1968) : 21-7. Shelf #347
Thomas, Henry. Early Spanish bookbindings XI-XV centuries. London : For the Bibliographical Society at the University Press, Oxford, 1939 (for 1936). xlvi, 65 p., 100 leaves of plates : ill. ; 29 cm. (Illustrated monographs ; no. 23.) Bibliography. Folio. Shelf #350
Titcombe, Marianne Fletcher. The bookbinding career of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Hunt Botanical Library of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon U., 1974. 63 p., [5] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelf #437
—-. The bookbindings of T.J. Cobden-Sanderson : a study of his work 1884-1893, based on his Time Book (British Library Add. MS. 49061), with a biographical introduction. London : British Library, c1984. xii, 407 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes indexes. Bibliography: p. 394-395. Folio. Shelf #1185
—-. The Doves Bindery. London : British Library ; New Castle, Del. : Oak Knoll Books,1991. xiv, 490 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 478-479) and indexes. Shelf #1148
—-. Ed. Twenty five gold-tooled bookbindings: an international tribute to Bernard C. Middleton’s Recollections. Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 1997. 74 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.2 copies. Shelf #1249
Torriani & Co., bookbinders. Legato con amore. Milan, Italy: Torriani, 1952. Bound in quarter vellum; slipcase. 97 p.; 26cm. Shelf #1284
The Tradition of fine bookbinding in the twentieth century / compiled by Bernadette G. Callery & Elizabeth A. Mosimann ; essays by Jean Gunner, Bernard Middleton & Marianne Titcombe. Pittsburgh : Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon Institute, and Davis. 129 p.; illus.; 30 cm. Folio. Shelf #393; also copy 2.
Treinnale internationale de la reliure : Lausanne, Suisse, 10-20 Nov. 1983 au Salon des Antiquaires. [Lausanne : Bibliotheque Cantonale, 1983]. 127 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm. Shelf #655
Victoria and Albert Museum. A picture book of bookbindings, Part I: before 1550. Rev. London : The Museum, 1933. [2] p., [10] leaves of plates : chiefly ill. ; 19 cm. (Publication no. pb17.) 2 copies held. Shelf #370
—-. A picture book of bookbindings, Part II: 1550-1800. Rev. London : The Museum, 1933. [2] p., [10] leaves of plates : chiefly ill. ; 19 cm. (Publication no. pb18.) 2 copies held. Shelf #371