Special Collections and Archives

MsC 621

Iowa Author

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1927 --
(Bulk Dates:1960s and 1970s)
17 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu

Addenda: 1989, 1990 (a and b) 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 , August 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010 , 2011, 2012

Acquisitions Note: Donated by Curtis Harnack during the years 1962 through 2012.

Access and Restrictions: Portions of this collection are under seal during Harnack's lifetime. These include correspondence as well as items pertaining to Gentlemen on the Prairie. (Restricted materials are not listed in this register. All materials listed in the register are open for research.)

Photographs: Boxes 3, 7, 9

Audio Material: Box 9

Digital surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images, and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' Statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials."

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Cover:  We Have All Gone Away

Biographical Note

Scope and Contents

1988 Addendum

1989 Addendum

April 1990 Addendum

December 1990 Addendum

1993 Addendum

1995 Addendum

1996 Addendum

1998 Addendum

1999 Addendum

2001 Addendum

2002 Addendum

August 2003 Addendum

2006 Addendum

2007 Addendum

2009 Addendum

2010 Addendum

Biographical Note

Curtis Arthur Harnack was born on June 27, 1927, in Le Mars, Iowa, son of Henry and Caroline (Lang) Harnack. Raised on a farm near Le Mars in Remsen, Iowa, Harnack grew up near a unique American town. Home to one of the first golf courses in the Midwest and probably the first polo field in America, Le Mars was a place where, until the 1930s, cricket ruled over baseball. Settled by young British aristocrats in the 1870s -- 80s, this northwest Iowa town witnessed the clash and sometimes compromise of upper class British ideals and middle American values. (Harnack in 1985 wrote a history examining this mix of cultures in late nineteenth-century Le Mars called Gentlemen on the Prairie.) Small town Midwestern life would be a dominant theme in Harnack's fiction.

Harnack from childhood wanted to be a writer. A graduate of Le Mars High School, he took his B.A. from Grinnell College in 1949. Harnack then headed to New York and earned an M.A. from Columbia University in 1951. He returned to Grinnell, teaching English from 1952 -- 56, and then moved on to the University of Iowa's Writer's Workshop, serving as an instructor in 1957 -- 58. Out of a teaching stint as Fulbright professor of American literature at the University of Tabriz in Iran came his 1965 memoir, Persian Lions, Persian Lambs: An American's Odyssey in Iran. Harnack returned to Iowa City in 1959--the same year he married the writer, Hortense Calisher--as a visiting lecturer in the Writer's Workshop before joining the literature faculty at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York. There he remained for the next eleven years. In 1971, Harnack left Sarah Lawrence College and became executive director of Yaddo, a foundation and retreat for artists and writers in Saratoga Springs, New York. Yaddo since its opening in 1926 has invited to stay some of the premier writers in America. Saul Bellow, Truman Capote, Carson McCullers, John Cheever, Philip Roth, William Carlos Williams, James Baldwin, and Flannery O'Connor--among many others--have all stayed and written major works at Yaddo.

Harnack in his career has written or edited nine books, many of which are set in the Midwest. Although he firmly resists the tag of "Iowa author," he nevertheless said in 1985 that through his writing readers might find in Iowa something "beautiful and rare and very special if you know how to look at it" (Des Moines Register, 11/11/85). He has returned many times throughout his successful writing career to visit friends and family in northwest Iowa. A 1962 winner of a Guggenheim fellowship in creative writing and a 1987 recipient of a Champion of the Arts Award from the New York City Foundation for the Arts, Harnack now resides in New York City.

Scope and Contents

The majority of the collection is made up of Harnack's literary manuscripts, with holograph and typescript drafts of his books, poetry, plays, and short stories. There are drafts, galley proofs, and printers' typescripts of We Have All Gone Away; The Work of an Ancient Hand, Love and Be Silent; Limits of the Land; Under My Wings Everything Prospers; Persian Lions, Persian Lambs; Memoirs of a Farmboy Radical; and The Attic. Finally, the collection contains materials ranging from correspondence, reviews, and biographical materials to royalty statements. Included in the 1996 Addendum is "Teenagers Helping in Cornfields," the first piece for which Harnack received payment. He was paid five dollars for the essay. In the 2001 Addendum is a model newspaper created by Harnack as a child in the nineteen thirties.

Curtis Harnack began giving his papers to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1962 and has continued to add to the collection over the years. Parts of this collection are under seal and currently unavailable for research.

2001 Addendum Processed by JRoethler 2/2002
2002 Addendum Processed by JRoethler 2/2002

Box 1

Love and Be Silent

The Uncle Who Stayed Away. Three drafts (first form of Love and Be Silent)

Second draft (with corrections)

Third draft (with corrections)

Fourth draft (with corrections)

The Work of an Ancient Hand

Printer's copy (2 folders)

Galley proofs

Correspondence, 1945 -- 1950. Correspondents include, Harnack, Caroline, Lizzie [Harnack?], Schnerr, Walter.

We Have All Gone Away

Typescript draft with corrections and revisions -- working draft. (2 folders)

Final typescript with corrections. (2 folders)

Galley proof

1988 Addendum

Correspondence, 1945 -- 1946. Correspondents:

Biggers, E.D.
Bob [Robert Harnack]
Forrestal, James (Secretary of the Navy)
Harnack, Carline (Curtis's mother)
Hart, Ethel (Executive Secretary, American Red Cross, Le Mars, Iowa)
Harvey, M. H. (Veteran's Administration)
Lizzie [Harnack?]

"Emily Dickinson's Problem of Publication." Typescript of a thesis, M.A., Columbia University, June 1950.

Love and Be Silent

Correspondence, 1960 -- 1961.

Final typescript with corrections (2 folders)

"Requiem for an Irishman" (unpublished short story from a destroyed novel)

Correspondence, 1955 -- 1958.

Various typescript drafts with corrections and revisions (some incomplete)

Box 2

Short stories written as an undergraduate at Grinnell College. (2 folders)

We Have All Gone Away

Book jacket and jacket copy.

Book reviews and clippings, 1973 -- 1976.


1971 -- March 1973.

April 1973 -- 1978.

"Grandfather Built Barns." Reprinted in The Iowan, Summer 1973.

"Our Queen of Hearts." Short story

Correspondence and notes, 1957.

Various typescript drafts.

Publicity, 1973.

The Work of an Ancient Hand

Correspondence, notes, and biography, 1959.

Typescript. (2 folders)

Typescript carbon.

Typescript carbon with corrections and revisions.

"The Good Son." (from The Work of an Ancient Hand)

Correspondence and notes, 1955 -- 1958.

Various typescript drafts (some incomplete).

"The Grape Cure." (from The Work of an Ancient Hand)

Correspondence and notes, 1957 -- 1959.

Various typescript drafts (some incomplete).

1989 Addendum

Limits of the Land

Correspondence, 1978 -- 1979.

Foundry proof.

Galley proof, random pages.

Printer's typescript, with typesetting directions. (3 folders)

Reader's final galley proof.

Box 3

April 1990 Addendum

Biographical material, 1962 -- 1987. Including articles, programs, speeches, etc.

"The Bounty of the Farm." Uncorrected galley proof.

Call of the Wild and White Fang. Introduction and critical notes

Typescript carbon with holograph revisions.

Typescript carbon with holograph revisions.

Typescript carbon.

Correspondence , 1963 -- 1988. Correspondents:

Abels, Cyrilly
Asher, Aaron
B[?] (at the New Yorker)
Baker, John
Batt, Louise
Bauer, Jerry
Bly, Robert
Brayd, Upton Bernie
Diamond, David
Diehl, Paul
Duconget, Suz.
Ehrlich, Daphne
Gildner, Judy
Gregory, Patrick
Hamalian, Leo
Hartman, Joyce
Johnson, Curt
Ken McCormick
Kronenberger, Louis
Kurman, Suzanne
Lawrence, Seymour
Levertov, Denise (photocopy of letter to the Nation)
Lish, Gordon
Lourie, Dick (photocopy of letter to the Nation)
Lubelski, Gregory
McIntosh, Mavis
McWilliams, Carey
Morgan, Derek
Muller, Julian
Newman, Charles
Phillips, Donna
Richardson, Bernie
Ridgway, Richard B.
Scott, Winfield
Seldes, Tim
Stewart, Richard
Thomas, Mr.
Wall, Joseph
Wallace, Thomas
Ward, Goeffrey
Williams, Galen
Yglesias, Helen

"The Dray." Short story

Correspondence, 1965.

Early typescript with holograph revisions. (Titled: "The Voice of the Town").

Typescript with holograph revisions (Titled: "Revelations").

Typescript carbon (Titled: "Revelations").

Various incomplete typescripts with holograph revisions.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript carbon with holograph revisions.

Typescript carbon with holograph revisions.

Typescript submitted to The Southern Review.

"The Empty Rooms." Short story

Incomplete typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript carbon.

Typescript carbon with revisions.

Typescript with revisions.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript carbon.

"The Mistake." Short story

Typescript with holograph revisions. (Titled: "Abiding the Silence" and later "That's Not the Number").

Typescript with holograph revisions. (Titled: "That's Not the Number").

Typescript carbon with holograph corrections and revisions.

The North American Review, July 1966.

"A Postscript to Persian Lions, Persian Lambs." Article

Typescript with holograph corrections and revisions.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript with printer's notes.

Page proof. Sarah Lawrence Journal, Spring 1966.

"Trumbell Lake." Short story

Typescript with holograph revisions and notes.

Typescript with holograph revisions.

Typescript carbon with holograph revisions.

December 1990 Addendum

Articles, interviews and clippings, 1977 -- 1986.

Correspondence, 1944 -- 1986. Correspondents:

Bryant, Eldon
Carey, John
Cargar, Harry James
Henderson, Bill
Townsend, John

Grade reports, 1942 -- 1945.

Grade school workbooks.

"Graves." Short story

Incomplete typescript and holograph drafts with revisions.

Early typescript with revisions.

Typescript with revisions.

Typescripts. (3 copies)

Correspondence, 1982 -- 1983.

Minneapolis Tribune, Oct. 9, 1983.

International driver's license, 1958.

Limits of the Land

Holograph and typescript notes.

Various incomplete drafts of the beginning of Chapter 1.

Incomplete typescript with holograph revisions.

Incomplete typescript.

Incomplete typescript carbon, pp. 3 -- 17, 130 -- 250.

Incomplete typescript carbon, pp. 251 -- 422.

Incomplete typescript carbon.

Miscellaneous pages of typescript.

Correspondence, 1977 -- 1979. Correspondents:

Aldrich, Phyllis
Beecher-Moore, Naona
Cargas, Harry James
Carruth, Hayden
Gildner, Judy
Grumbach, Doris
Gurganus, Allan
Harker, Jacob
Koerselman, Glada
McCormick, Ken
McDonald, Julie
Moriarty, Gisela
Peters, Bob
Seldes, Timothy
Towert, Robert
Ward, Joan
Williams, Thomas
Wolitzer, Hilma

Dust jacket.

Reviews, 1978 -- 1979.

Royalty statements, 1979 -- 1980.

Love and Be Silent. Reviews, 1962. Including a letter from C.P. Snow.

The Mill, 1941. LeMars, Iowa high school newspaper.


Poetry published in Harper's. Including correspondence and contracts, 1980 -- 1983.

Under My Wings Everything Prospers

Typescript draft of "White Blood," pp. 1 -- 124.

Box 4

Under My Wings Everything Prospers (cont.)

Typescript draft of "White Blood"," pp. 125 -- 237.

Typescript draft of "White Blood."

Correspondence, 1976 -- 1978. Including letters from: Doris Grumbach, Joyce Carol

Oates, Horace Gregory, Louis Kronenberger, and William Maxwell.

Reviews, 1977.

Royalty statements, 1977 -- 1978

The Work of an Ancient Hand. Reviews, 1960.

1993 Addendum

The Lean Boy. Typescript of an unpublished novel.

Love and Be Silent. Early typescript, with synopsis. (2 folders)

Memoirs of a Farmboy Radical. Typescript. (3 folders)

Persian Lions, Persian Lambs

Correspondence , 1962 -- 1977.

Printers typescript with corrections.

Printer's typescript with corrections. (2 folders)

Master galley proof, 1964.

Dust jacket and photo of Harnack. Book reviews, 1965 -- 1991.

Royalty statements, 1965 -- 1988.

Under My Wings Everything Prospers

"Madness." Various typescript drafts with corrections and revisions.

"White Blood"

Correspondence, 1974 -- 1975.

"Incident on the Harlem Division Line" (became "White Blood")


Early typescript drafts, with corrections and revisions, together with miscellaneous manuscript pages. Various incomplete revisions, 1975.

Box 5

Under My Wings Everything Prospers (cont.)

"White Blood." (cont.)

Typescript with corrections and revisions.

Revised typescript. (2 folders)

Galley. Foundry proof - reader's set, 1977.

Final galley. Reader's set, 1977.


The Schoolhouse

Photocopy of an early typescript.



"After the Fall Equinox." 1989 -- 1991. Various drafts together with correspondence, photocopy of published version, and a list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Counting Time." 1982 -- 1983. Various drafts, together with correspondence, photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

Counting Time. Typescript of a poetry collection.

"Each Release." 1986. Various drafts, together with list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Earth Ice." 1980, 1989. Various drafts, together with correspondence and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Epithalamium." 1990. Various drafts, together with correspondence, photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Monday Wash in Winter." 1989 -- 1990. Various drafts together with correspondence, galleys, photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"My Oldest Brother the Moment He Became My Youngest." Various drafts, together with photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Near the Mediterranean." 1991. Various drafts, together with photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"The Nearness." 1984 -- 1985. Various drafts, together with correspondence, published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Night Passage." 1984 -- 1985. Various drafts, together with correspondence, and photocopy of published version.

"On the Face of the Earth." 1990. Various drafts together with correspondence, galleys, photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Pilgrimage." 1988. Various drafts, together with correspondence, and photocopy of published version.

"Rain Saturday Night." 1982. Various drafts, together with correspondence, photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Red Snow," 1986. Various drafts, together with correspondence, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Rural Development." 1983. Various drafts, together with photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"The Sadness." 1983. Various drafts, together with photocopy of published version.

"Summer Lesson," 1984. Various drafts together with list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Union Square Market." 1991 -- 1992. Various drafts, together with correspondence, photocopy of published version, and list of journals to which it was submitted.

"Wearing a Noise Protector in Manhattan." 1988. Various drafts, together with correspondence, and photocopy of published version.

"White Spring." 1983. Various drafts, together with photocopy of published version.

Short Stories

"Her Side of the Bed"

Correspondence, 1991 -- 1992.

Various typescript drafts with corrections and revisions, together with miscellaneous pages.

Page proof.

"The Mistake." North American Review, vol. 3, no. 4 (July 1966) pp. 9 -- 13).

"The Ultimate Massage"

Various typescript drafts with corrections and revisions and research material.

Page proof with correspondence, 1991.


"Perpetual Care" (earlier title: "God's Acres")

Correspondence, 1989.



1995 Addendum

The Attic: A Memoir

Correspondence, newspaper clippings, outline.

"The Amish Travelers." Typescript drafts with corrections and revisions. (Became Chapter 1 titled "Picture a House.")

Miscellaneous and incomplete short story drafts. (Became Chapter 3 "Called Back.")

"Mulberries." Various typescript drafts with corrections and revisions. (Became Chapter 5.)

"Bertha's Diary." Typescript with corrections and revisions. (Became Chapter 7 "Bertha's Time".)

"Native of the Wild West." Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (Became Chapter 8.) Also includes background material: typescript copies of diaries, genealogy chart, and correspondence 1914 -- 1916.

"This Stranger in a Uniform." Typescript drafts with corrections and revisions." (Became Chapter 9.)

"Now the Future." Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (Became Chapter 10.)

Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (2 folders)

Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (2 folders)

Box 6

The Attic: A Memoir (cont.)

Typescript draft with editor's corrections and revisions. Also includes editor's comments and correspondence. (2 folders)


1973 -- 1980.

Correspondents include
Allen, Lois
Archie, David
Barasch, Charles
Bauer, Douglas
Bear, Charles B.
Beecher-Moore, Noana
Blumenfeld, Harold
Brink, Eveadell
Burford, Kay and Byron
Busch, Frederick
Carruth, Hayden
Delbanco, Nicholas
Diamond, David
Duffy, Maureen
Filer, Tom
Freedgood, Ann
Furman, Laura
Garber, Eugene
Gildner, Gary
Gildner, Judy
Gray, Rockwell
Gurganus, Allan
Gussow, Alan
Harnack, John (Jack)
Jakab, Elizabeth
Jarosz, Phillip
Johnson, Buffie
Kaye, Phyllis Johnson
Leggett, John
Levine, Caroline
Linney, Romulus
Malamud, Bernard
Mangione, Jerre
Mather, Kay
Maxwell, Bill
May, Clifford
McCormick, Ken
McDonald, Julie
Minor, Mark
O’Connor, Patrick
Palamountain, Ann and Joe
Papaleo, Joe
Penn, Barbara Allison
Price, Nancy
Ray, David
Ray, David
Ribnikar, Jara
Rorem, Ned
Ryan, Michael
Schneebaum, Tobias
Seaver, Richard
Segal, Martin
Seldes, Tim
Snow, Lord Charles
Sternberg, Janet
Stewart, Robert
Stojsin, Vladimir
Sullivan, Nancy
Tankel, Sylvia
Taylor, Peter
Triem, Eve
Urban, Vladimir
Wallace, Thomas
Weigl, Bruce
White, Ellington
Widgery, Catherine
[Wolitzer?], Hilma

1981 -- 1986. Correspondents:

Allen, Lois
Arteseros, Sally
Barasch, Charles
Bauer, Doug
Bauer, Douglas
Brink, Eveadell
Brodkey, Harold
Bruchac, Joseph
Carruth, Hayden
Carruth, Hayden
Carver, Holly
Colin, Jeff
Corkery, Christopher
Delbanco, Nicholas
Dillon, Milicent
Dixon, Stephen
Gildner, Gary
Gildner, Gary
Haerer, Carol
Harnack, John
Harnack, Kenneth
Harper, Michael
Harteis, Richard
Hendrick, Donna
Heyen, Bill
Kauffman, Janet
Linney, Romulus
Manfred, Frederick
Nilles, Florence
Ochester, Ed
Papaleo, Joe
Peacock. Molly
Price, Nancy
Schneebaum, Tobias
Seldes, Timothy
Solotaroff, Ted
Sullivan, Nancy
Thorne, Jean
Tung, Timothy
Wise, Kelly
White, Ellington
Wolitzer, Hilma
Zimmer, Paul
Zuffante, Roberta


"Creating and Destroying." Short story

Correspondence, 1975 -- 1980.

Early typescript drafts with corrections and revisions, together with miscellaneous manuscript pages. (Early titles include "Roses," "The Confession," and "Confess the Burden.")

Early typescript drafts with corrections and revisions; together with miscellaneous pages. (Titles include "You Better Believe It," "The Confession," "A Chelsea Tale," and "Hasker.")

Typescript draft with corrections and revisions.

Published copy.

"The Empty Rooms." Short story. Published copy.

"Evidence of Darkness." Short story. Typescript draft with revisions. (2 copies)

"Feed the Starving Armenians"

Typescript draft with corrections and revisions.

Published copy.

"Figures in a Stranger's Dream." Poem by Al Paulin. (Written for Curtis Harnack.) Typescript copy.

Limits of the Land. Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. Also includes miscellaneous typescript pages. (2 folders)

The Lover-Killer

Correspondence, 1978 -- 1989.

Early typescript draft with corrections and revisions, together with miscellaneous pages.

Early typescript draft with corrections and revisions, together with miscellaneous pages. (Titled: "Composite.")

Published copy.

"The Mistake." Short story. Published copy with typescript addendum.

My Son Stuart

Correspondence, 1975 -- 1976.

Various incomplete typescript drafts. [Early title: "My Son Charles."]

Complete typescript draft with corrections and revisions. [Early title: "My Son Charles."]

Persian Lions, Persian Lambs

Short stories that were incorporated into the larger novel

"In a Persian Barbershop." Typescript draft (2 copies) with corrections and revisions. Also one page outline. (Chapter 1)

"My Persian Revolutionary." Miscellaneous typescript pages with corrections and revisions. (Chapter 6)

"Mr. Ivor." Various typescript drafts with corrections and revisions. (Other title: "Mr. Ivor's Hat.") (Chapter 8)

"The Dancing Lions of Persia." Typescript drafts with corrections and revisions. (Chapter 9)

"Young Revolutionary, Persian Version." Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (Also titled "Waiting for the Iranian Revolution.") (Chapter 13)

Typescript chapter summaries, 9 -- 15.

Chapter 1. Various typescript drafts (some incomplete) and miscellaneous pages.

Chapter 2. Typescript draft with corrections and revisions.

Chapter 3. Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. Also miscellaneous typescript pages.

Chapters 4 -- 5. Typescript draft (labeled Chapter 4 but also containing Chapter 5) with corrections and revisions. Also various incomplete drafts of Chapter 4.

Chapter 6. Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (Labeled Chapter 5)

Chapter 7. Various incomplete typescript drafts (one labeled Chapter 6) and one miscellaneous page.

Chapter 8. Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. Also one miscellaneous page.

Chapter 9. Various incomplete typescript drafts with corrections and revisions.

Chapter 10. Various typescript drafts and miscellaneous pages with corrections and revisions. (Draft labeled "Chapter 10" also includes portions of Chapter 12.)

Chapter 11. Typescript drafts with corrections and revisions. (Labeled Chapter 10.)

Chapter 12. Various typescript drafts and miscellaneous pages with corrections and revisions.

Chapter 13. Various typescript drafts and miscellaneous pages with corrections and revisions.

Chapter 14. Typescript draft and one miscellaneous page with corrections and revisions.

Chapter 15. Various incomplete typescript drafts with corrections and revisions.

Box 7

Persian Lions, Persian Lambs (cont.)

Chapter 16. Various typescript drafts with corrections and revisions.

Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (Incomplete)

1996 Addendum

Biographical data, 1927 -- 1944. Including photographs, legal papers regarding custody, his father's obituary, holograph drafts of an autobiography, and a story of LeMars, Iowa.

The Tanager

"Cap'n". Dec. 1945, short story.

"Mocki". October 1947, short story.

The Christian Science Monitor, Section 2. "Teenagers Helping in Cornfields", p. 15, September 2, 1953.

"Black Hawk Hill". Short story, 1992. Holograph and typescript drafts with corrections and revisions, correspondence, and record of submissions.

Confrontation: The Literary Journal of Long Island University. "The Lives of Artists". Short story, 1993. Typescript drafts with corrections and revisions, correspondence, and record of submissions.

Sewanee Review of the University of the South. "Early Camera-Work". Poem, 1994. Including typescript drafts with corrections and revisions, final published copy, correspondence, and record of submissions.

1998 Addendum

Book contracts, 1959 -- 1964.

The Attic

Working papers consisting of various incomplete typescript drafts



Early typescript draft with corrections and revisions.

Limits of the Land

Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (3 folders)

We Have All Gone Away

Working papers consisting of notes and typescript drafts with corrections and revisions in various stages of completion

"The Barns"

"Queen of Heart."

"Rooms of the House"

"The Milky Way"

"The Eighty"


"Bringing in the Sheaves"

"Father Forgive Them"

"Next of Kin."

"These Mother."

"Away" Revised and/or discarded pages of typescript.

Typescript pages culled from the final revision.

Typescript draft with occasional pages of revision.

Page proof.

"Trumble Lake" Short story published in Diplomat, July 1966.

The Work of an Ancient Hand

Working papers consisting of research, notes, correspondence, rejection notices, and typescript drafts with corrections and revisions in various stages of completion


"Grandmother in the Cave"


"Mate Desired"

"The Making of a Mayor"

1999 Addendum

Photo layout for Gentlemen on the Prairie

Scrapbook pages (May 1944) including graduation announcements, cards, newspaper clippings

Box 8

The Work of an Ancient Hand

Working papers consisting of research, notes, correspondence, rejection notices, and typescript drafts with corrections and revisions in various stages of completion

"Mask of Snow"

"One of the Family"

"The Truth and the Light"

Miscellaneous pages of typescript draft with corrections and revisions.

Typescript drafts of several chapters with corrections and revisions, including many incomplete sections and rewrites. (2 folders)

Page proof.

"Mask of Snow." Short story published in The Antioch Review, vol. 17, no. 3 (Sept. 1957).

Box 9

Audio recordings (2)

Curtis Harnack reading a story, "Voice of the Town," November 7, 1979, with remarks on writing.

"Voice of America." Interview, January 21, 1985, including remarks on Gentleman on the Prairie.

The Iowan. "A Favorite Memory of My Hometown." Short story, 1982. Typescript drafts with corrections, revisions, and correspondence.

"Janie and the Nice Guy." Short story, 1944. Typescript draft and correspondence.

"Aunt Bertha's Diary" (two notebooks, one of which is blank)

Illustrative photographs appearing in The Attic.

Photographs considered, though not used, in The Attic (2 folders).

Illustrative photographs appearing in Gentlemen on the Prairie (2 folders).

Illustration notes, consisting of illustration lists, correspondence, and rules of fair use.

Research notes, consisting of photocopies of articles, cartoons, photo captions and attributions, newspaper clippings, etc., all pertaining to Gentlemen on the Prairie.

Photographs considered, though not used, in Gentlemen on the Prairie.

2001 Addendum

Box 10


Good Company: Poets From Grinnell. (Harnack has several poems in this anthology.)

Correspondence, 1999


"Class Reunion." New York Times, Saturday, May 26, 1984, p.23. Reprinted in the Des Moines Register, June 2, 1984, p. 15A.


Typescript manuscripts

Clippings from LeMars Daily Sentinal, about Harnack's attendance at the reunion

"A Crisis of Sorts." A Community of Writers: Paul Engle and the Iowa Writer's Workshop.

Typescript manuscript

Correspondence, 1997 -- 98

"In Plymouth County, Iowa, the Rich Topsoil's Going Fast. Alas." New York Times, July 11, 1980. Reprinted under the title "We're Losing the Gift of the Land." The Washington Star, Friday, July 18, 1980, p. A -- 9.

Typescript manuscript with holograph corrections


Letter to the editor of the Des Moines Register, reacting to an essay entitled

"Iowa's Spendthrift Spree with its Soil" by Harnack, which appeared on July 17. (This article is not in the file.)

"A Story is Born." Theme written at Grinnell College, 194[8?].

Harnack coat of arms

Iowa trip, 1997

Letters from Tabriz, Iran, 1958 --1959


The Attic

Reviews, clippings, and correspondence, including letters from Douglas Bauer, Alan Gurganus, and Leedice Kissane, 1961 -- 1994

"The Model Paper." Mock-up of a newspaper of Harnack's making when a child in the 1930s.


Paperback editions of We Have All Gone Away and Persian Lions, Persian Lambs

Correspondence, 1979 -- 1988

Photographs, including casual and formal portraits of Harnack, members of his family, the farmhouse, and farm implements

Short story

"Struck Dumb." Press, Number 5 (July 1997), pp. 73 -- 80

Photocopy of the story from Press



2002 Addendum

Box 10 continued



Typescript manuscripts with holograph corrections, correspondence, list of journals to which it was submitted

"A Rural Death." New York Times, Saturday, August 21, 1982. Reprinted in the Des Moines Register, Tuesday, August 24, 1982, p. 9A.

Typescript manuscripts with holograph corrections, clippings, letters, memorial card, payment request from New York Times

"Secrets of the Attic." New York Times, Saturday, February 4, 1984, p. 23. Reprinted in the Des Moines Register under the title "Memories: Packed Away For Years in the Dust of the Family Attic. . ." Wednesday, February 8, 1984, p. 11A.

Clippings, typescript manuscript with holographic corrections, correspondence

"A Tuscan Perspective."

Typescript manuscript with holographic corrections, correspondence

"Two Iowa Famers: Prosperity and Loss." New York Times, Friday, July 12, 1974, p.3M.

Typescript manuscript with holographic corrections, correspondence

Job queries


The Attic (3 folders)

June 15, 1991 revision. Carbon copy of typescript manuscript with holograph corrections.

Edited final manuscript. Carbon copy of typescript manuscript with holograph corrections, correspondence

Working papers. Typescript manuscript with holograph corrections

We Have All Gone Away

Photographs used in the book


Limits of the Land

Early version. Carbon copy of a typescript manuscript with holographic corrections


"Les Bateaux des Enfants." Press, Number 2 (Fall 1996), p. 41.

Typescript manuscript with holograph corrections, correspondence, list of places submitted, photocopies from Press, page from Press announcing that the poem had been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Pollitt, Katha. "Home on the Prairie" New York Times Book Review, February 25, 1979. (Review of Limits of the Land.)

Portraits of Harnack, taken at Southwoods, the Executive Directors home at Yaddo. Kelly Wise, photographer.

Short stories

"High Rooms." Mississippi Review, Vol.25:nos. 1 -- 2 (Fall 1996), pp. 49 -- 62.

Typescript manuscript with holograph corrections, carbon copy of typescript manuscript with holograph corrections, correspondence, copy from Mississippi Review, list of places submitted

"The Prisoner." New Letters, Fall 1983, pp. 45 -- 56.

Typescript manuscript with holograph corrections, carbon copy of typescript manuscript with holograph corrections, correspondence, list of places submitted

"A Tugging in Sarami."

Atlantic 1947 -- 1948 Contest for College Students

Listed as one of the top stories submitted for this contest, though it did not win. The text of the story is not included.

Snow, Richard. "The Playing Fields of Iowa." New York Times Book Review, December 8, 1985, p. 81. (Review of Gentlemen on the Prairie.)

USIA (United States Information Agency) trip to Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania. February, 1978.

August 2003 Addendum

Box 16


"The Dent." North Country: An Anthology of Contemporary Writing from the Adirondacks and the Upper Hudson Valley, The Greenfield Review Press, 1986, pp. 126 -- 139.

Appointment diary, 1992



"The Bounty of the Farm." Audience, Vol. 3:No. 1 (January -- February 1973), pp. 95 -- 104.

"The Educated Dancer." Dance USA Journal, Vol. 15:No. 4 (Spring 1998), p. 9.

"Film Scene at Pula." The Nation, December 15, 1969, pp. 676 -- 678.

"The Fourth." Book Forum, Vol. VI:No. 2, pp. 185 -- 190.

"Iran Face to Face." Aperture. No. 88, 1982, pp. 28 -- 31.

"A Postscript to Persian Lions, Persian Lambs." Sarah Lawrence Journal, Spring 1966, pp. 60 -- 63.

"Treasures form An Ancient Sea." Iowan, November 1957, pp. 26 -- 27, 41, 44. Also TMs with handwritten corrections and photographs and negatives.

"Week of the Angry Artist." The Nation, February 20, 1967. p. 245. Includes copy of The Nation for March 13, 1967 which has letters about the article.


Tracings. In progress (2003)


Heartworm. Unpublished novel of Iowa Farmers' Union unrest in 1933. TMs (3 folders)

Let Them Eat Gold. TMs. An earlier version of Heartworm?

A Piece of Piero. TMs. Incorporated into Tracings. In progress (2003)

Since Then

TMs (4 folders)



"Les Bateaux des Enfantes." Press, Issue 2 (Fall 1996), p. 41

"Early Camera-Work." The Sewanee Review, Vol. CII, No. 3 (Summer 1994), p. 381.

"Earth Ice." The Cream City Review, Vol, 13:No. 2 (Fall1989), p. 31.

"Monday Wash in Winter."Southwest Review, Vol. 75:No. 4 (Autumn 1990), p. 508.

"The Nearness." The Nation, December 21, 1985, p. 690.

"On the Face of the Earth" and "Near the Mediterranean." The American Poetry Review, Vol. 20:No.1 (January/February 1991), p. 32.

"Pilgrimage." Salmagundi, No. 85-86 (Winter -- Spring 1990), p. 146.

Poems in Triptych. TMs. "All poems as of Mar. 2002."

"Union Square Market." The Nation, April 20, 1992, p. 534.

"Wearing a Noise Protector in Manhattan." Ontario Review, Number 29 (Fall -- Winter 1988 --1989, pp. 86 -- 87.


"The Quiddities of Detail." (Review of The Confessions of Nat Turner by William Styron) The Kenyon Review, pp. 125 -- 132.

Short Stories

"Art History." Confrontation, No. 51 (Summer 1993), pp. 57 -- 65.

"Black Hawk Hill." American Short Story, Number 12 (Winter 1993), pp. 67 -- 79.

"Creating and Destroying." Fiction International, No. 12 (1980), pp. 209 -- 220.

"Her Side of the Bed." American Short Story, Number 6 (Summer 1992), pp. 47 -- 60.

"High Rooms." Mississippi Review, Vol. 24:No.1&2, pp. 49 -- 62.

"The Lover-Killer." Crosscurrents, Vol. 9:No.1 (1990), pp. 101 -- 115.

"Mask of Snow." The Antioch Review, Fall 1957, pp. 339 -- 352.

"The Mistake." The North American Review, Old Series Vol. 251, New Series: Vol. III:No. 4 (July 1966), pp. 9 -- 13.

"The Prisoner." New Letters, Fall 1983, pp. 45 -- 56.

"Struck Dumb." Press, 1997, pp. 73 -- 80.

"The Trust. " Crosscurrents, Vol. 8:No. 1 (1988), pp. 57 -- 69.

"A Tuscan Perspective." New Letters, Fall 1980, pp. 69 -- 75.

"The Ultimate Massage." Confrontation, No. 48/49 (Spring/Summer 1992), pp. 112 -- 120.

"Voice of the Town." TriQuarterly, Number 16 (Fall 1969), pp. 51 -- 64.

2006 Addendum

Box 17

Appointment diaries



Biographical and personal materials

"The Busy Life of an Iowa Author in New York."  Picture Magazine

Harnack's driver's license


Job inquiries

Lectures about Harnack's works by Mildred Steele

Gentlemen on the Prairie

We Have All Gone Away

National Book Awards, 1991. Includes photographs

PEN International World Congress, 1965. Program



Editorial work

Prize Stories 1959: The O. Henry Awards. With Paul Engle

Prize Stories 1958: The O. Henry Awards. With Paul Engle


"The End of Nothing"

"Feed the Starving Armenians"

"The Future of Fiction"

"A Literary Weekend"

"Week of the Angry Artist"


The Attic. Envelopes for dating research materials


Love and Be Silent. Review

Persian Lions, Persian Lambs

2 early versions

Final version

We Have All Gone Away



"Ballet Students in Street-Clothes"

Short stories

"The Empty Rooms"

"Voice of the Town"


"Abraham Lincoln." Address in Tabriz, Iran, 1959

2007 Addendum

Harnack, Curtis. "A Country State of Mind." Acreage, Vol.5:No.7 (July 2006), pp. 28 -- 29.

Iran materials. Includes typescripts, correspondence, and reviews of the book Persian Lions, Persian Lambs

2009 Addendum

Hortense Calisher obituary. New York Times, January 15, 2009

Let Them Eat Gold: A Novel of the Great Depression. A reworking of Memoirs of a Farm-Boy Radical. 2 folders

"Styron's The Confessions of Nat Turner. Published in the Kenyon Review


Letters from Curtis Harnack to Hortense Calisher, spring and summer 1958


Allenbrook, Douglas

Ames, Elizabeth

Baker, Carlos

Baro, Gene

Berger, Barbara

Borovoy, R.

Brinkley, David

Burgess, William Vincent

Cassill, R.V.

Coleman, Elliott

Connaroe, Joel

Cowley, Malcolm

DeCarlo, Charles

Diamond, David

Engle, Paul

Fjellman, Carl

Gregory, Horace

Guganus, Allan

Gurke, Leo

Hanson, Pauline "Polly"

Harnack family letters

Hicks, Granville

Hills, L. Rust

House in Bronxville

Howe, Irving

Irwin, Sarah

Johnson, Edgar

Kantor, MacKinlay

Kendalll, George

Milton, Kessler

Louis, Kronenberger


Linney, Romulus

Luo, Luo

Marshall, Paule

McDonald, Cynthia

Melnitsky, Ben

Minor, Mark

Mitchell, George and Katherine Squire

Murray, Bill

Neary, Patricia

New York Times


Rorem, Ned

Rubin, David (Guggenheim evaluation)

Rukeyser, Muriel

Scheebaum, Tobias

Schulz-Schonhausen, Kurt

Selenic, Slobodan

Smith, Rita

tenBroek, Jacobus

Tevis, Walter

Thompson, Virgil

Triem, Eve

Triem, Paul

Truitt, Anne

Ward, Paul

White, Ellington

Wolf, Leonard

Young, Marguerite

No last names: Bob, Frederica, Neva, Pete, Joe, John, Rob

Itinerary, Hortense Calisher, Los Angeles, March 15 - April 9, no year.

Box 18

2010 Addendum

Appointment diaries

1976. 2 diaries


Center for the Book in the Library of Congres. Letter of congratulations of the occasion of Harnack's receiving the Ruth Suckow Award. n.d.


"Be a Man." Unpublished essay

"The Fourth." Published in Book Forum and in  Harnack's memoir, The Attic

"Marching Together." Grinnell Alumni Magazine for which Harnack wrote an essay, "Which Side Are You On?" an excerpt from his memoir-in-progress, Tracings


The Attic. Early versons of autobiographaicl material used in The Attic. 2 folders


Reviews for the New York Times

Bachelor Bess

Black Mountain

School of American Ballet. Papers

Westmar College, Honorary Doctor of Letters ceremony

2011 Addendum

Press release: UI Press releases new editions of three Curtis Harnack books

2012 Addendum


---.  Bernard, Andre

---.  Conarroe, Joel

---.  Fotos, Evan (2)

---.  Furman, Laura (3)

---.  Goff, Martyn and Rubio

---.  Gurganus, Allan (3)

---.  Goodman, Wendddy

---.  Hicks, Granville

---.  Hirschfield, Jane

---.  Hitchcock, Jane Stanton

---.  Hoffman, Daniel

---.  Lieber, Ernest

---.  MacLowry, Randy

---.  Moore, Naona Beecher (2)

---.  Muller, Mark

---.  Schorer, Suki

---.  Simpson, Mona

---.  Svoboda, Terese

---.  Vanderbilt, Gloria (2)

---.  Volk, Patricia

---.  White, Ellington (5)


---. Nomination for membership in the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters


---. A County Schoolhouse. Two versions - one from 1988 (Under the title The Schoolhouse) and one from 2012.

---. Essays and short stories from early in Harnack's career

------. "The Good Son," used later in Harnack's first novel, The Work of an Ancient Hand

------. Piece of a novel Harnack wrote about Harlem, which was destroyed in 1957

------. "The Pig," a story about Harnack's classmate Robert Noyce's expulsion from Grinnell. PBS is doing a documentary on Noyce, due out in 2012, and this incident will be a part of it.

------. "Time to Think"

------. "The Moneyed Ring."

------. "The Black Barrel"

------. 1940s remarks by Harnack's American History professor, Frederick Bauman, compiled by classmate "Mike" Alft

------. "Mocki." a story of Harnack's that appeared in the Grinnell magazine The Tanager

---. Working papers for Persian Loins, Persian Lambs




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