This document describes a Manuscript Collection held by the
Special Collections DepartmentBiographical and Historical Information
Scope and Contents of the Collection
Access and
A statesman and jurist, Pierrepont practiced law in Ohio and New York before being appointed as Ulysses Grant's attorney general in 1875 -- 1876. He served as minister to England 1866 --1867and back in New York, worked against "Boss" Tweed in 1870. Pierrepont died in 1892.
This collection is comprised
of 118 letters to Edwards Pierrepont.
These papers
were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by
Guide posted
to Internet:
Waite, M[orrison] R[emick], 19 March 1856, Toledo
Sutton, J.H., 1 July 1862
Taylor et al, 8 June 1863, New York
Potter, Bp. H[enry] C[odman], 9 October 1863, New York
Roosevelt, Theodore (Printed matter), 19 October 1863, New York
Gunther, C. Godfry [?], 10 March 1864, New York
Gratz, Simon, 20 September 1864, Philadelphia
Nicolay, John G[eorge], 31 August 1865, Paris, France
Battle, Kemp P[lummer], 28 October 1867, Raleigh, North Carolina
Cu??ch, 7 December 1867, Treasury Department [Washington, D.C.]
Ryerson, Martin, 23 October 1868, Newton, N.J.
Bolles, John A., 2 November 1868, Washington
30 January 1869
Stebbins, Henry G., 21 February 1869, New York
Starling, E.A., 12 March 1869, Louisville
Nott, Charles C., 1 April 1869, Washington
Morgan, F.O., 1 April 1869, Washington
Porter, John K., 5 April 1869, New York
Hoar, E[benezer] R[ockwood] (Attorney General), 9 April 1869, Washington
Dwight, Timothy C., 24 April 1869, Washington
Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood (Attorney General), 18 June 1869, Washington
Gardner, Asa Bird, 12 August 1869, Philopolis, Balto' Co., Maryland
Baufield, Ele, 3 November 1869, Treasury Department [Washington, D.C.]
Pleasonton, General A[lfred], 2 December 1869, New York
Delano, [Clive?], 23 May 1870, Treasury Department [Washington, D.C.]
Taft, Alphonso, 17 November 1870, Cincinnati
Ewarts, William, 23 September 1871, London
Williams, George H[enry], 13 March 1872, Washington, D.C.
Dwight, Timothy [C.], 13 December 1872, Washington, D.C.
Rice, Clinton, 12 July 1873, Washington, D.C.
Dwight, Timothy, 14 July 1873, [New York (from postmark on envelope)]
Dix, Morgan, 8 November 1873
Fish, Hamilton, 24 July 1874, Washington, D.C.
Sullivan, B. D., 28 April 1875
Belknap, William W., 29 April 1875, Washington
Taft, Alphonso, 29 April 1875, Cincinnati
Read, John Meredith, 8 May 1875, Athens
Goforth, John, 20 May 1875, Washington
Chase, Geo. K., 24 May 1875, New York
DeKay, Sidney, 25 May 1875, New York
Logan, John A[lexander], 25 May 1875, Denver, Colorado
Ingalls [or M. Galls], 3 June 1875, Washington, D.C.
Robeson, George M., 19 June 1875, Washington, D.C.
Sherman, John, 25 June 1875, Mansfield, Ohio
Hills, C., 6 July 1875, Warwick Castle
Bullitt, John C., 8 July 1875, Washington City, D.C.
MacCracken, George W., 19 July 1875, Toledo, Ohio
Watson, A[ndrew?], 15 August 1875, Washington
Erskine, John, 27 August 1875, Atlanta, Georgia
Choate, Joseph H[odges], 14 September 1875, New York
Fancher, E. L., 23 September 1875, New York
Butler, Benj. F., 23 December 1875, Washington
Bunvill, A., 24 December 1875, Washington, D.C.
Pease, H.R., 16 December 1875, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Hewitt, Abram S[tevens], 23 May 1876, Washington, D.C.
Conant, C.B., 24 May 1876, Madison, N.J.
Webster, Athenaeum Club, 11 July 1876, Pall Mall, S.W.
Rose, Martin, 18 July 1876, London
Frelinghuysen, F[rederick] T[heodore], 21 September 1876, London
Davis, J[ohn] [Chandler] Bancroft, 5 November 1876, Berlin
Armstrong, Walter, 2 December 1876, London
Morgan. G, 1877, London
Tenterder, Lou, 20 January 1877
Seymour, Sir Francis, 21 January 1877, [London]
Stockton, T., 5 February 1877
von Bülow, Miss, 9 February 1877, Dessan, Germany
Roberts, Marshall, 22 April 1877, New York
Frelinghuysen, F[rederick] T[heodore], 13 April 1877, Washington, D.C.
Dawson, Geo. B, 11 May 1877, Queenstown, Cork.
Frelinghuysen, F[rederick] T[heodore], 31 May 1877, Newark, New Jersey
Frelinghuysen, F[rederick] T[heodore], 14 June 1877, Newark, New Jersey
Probyn, Lind, 21 June 1877, Pall Mall, S.W.
Butler, Benj., 26 (?) 1877, Boston, Massachusetts
Chase, G.K., 1 July 1877, Washington
Seymour, H[oratio], 9 July 1877, Nottingham
Lennox, Henry, 23 July 1877
Lennox, Henry, 30 July 1877
Hammilton, A., 1877
Northcote, C. F., 1877, Whitehall
Cullom, S[helby] M[oore], 5 August 1877, Springfield, Illinois
Northcote, C.F., 7 August 1877, Whitehall
Northcote, C.F., 9 August 1877, Whitehall
Seymour, Horatio, 30 August 1877
Seward, F[rederick] W[illiam], 30 August 1877, Washington, D.C.
Dwight, Timothy C., 12 September 1877, Washington, D.C.
Seward, F[rederick] W[illiam], 20 September 1877, Washington, D.C.
Shormley, George, 28 October 1877, Fort Garland, Colorado
Seymour, Horatio, 29 October 1877, Nottingham
Waite, M.R., 10 November 1877
Seward, Frederick William, 10 April 1878, Washington, D.C.
Grant, M., 26 May 1879, New York
Stebbing, Thomas R.R., 18 July 1879, Truebridge, Wells
Davis, Charles, 23 January 1880, Washington, D.C.
Paget, Francis, 9 February 1840, Oxford
Blaine, James G[illespie], 23 April 1881, Washington, D.C.
Frelinghuysen, F[rederick] T[heodore], 20 December 1881, Newark, New Jersey
Choate, Joseph H., 31 January 1882, New York
W??? , E.A., 16 August 1883, London, England
Jay, John, 3 December 1883
Campbell, Thomas C., 23 February 1887, New York, New York
Blaine, James G., 14 February 1889, Washington, D.C.
Potter, H[enry] C[odman], 9 May 1889, New York, N.Y.
Letters with no years
Cameron, R.W., 14 June, New York, N.Y.
Schofield, J[ohn] M[cAllister], 21 June
Morton, L[evi] P[arsons], 21 September, Newport, R. I.
Morton, L[evi] P[arsons], 14 October
Mc Allister, Ward, 2 December
Choate, J. H.
Morgan, G.