Collection Dates: 1942 -- 1959
4 items
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Posted to Internet:September 2002
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executive officer of the Associated Press, Frank Starzel, was born on February
29, 1904, in LeMars, Iowa. He began his newspaper career by working on his
father's paper, the semiweekly LeMars Globe Post. By age thirteen,
he had learned typesetting and printing and was writing articles. Starzel
attended the University of Notre Dame and the University of Iowa before quitting
school to take a job as the managing editor of the Iowa City Press Citizen.
From Iowa City, he moved to Des Moines where he was assistant syndicate manager
and later assistant to the managing editor. He held other positions before
he joined the Associated Press in 1929. By 1948, he had become general manager
of the Associated Press news service. He retired as chief executive officer
in 1962. Frank Starzel died in 1994 at the age of ninety.
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