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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid - Faculty and Staff Vertical Files: B

The Faculty and Staff Vertical Files of the University Archives contain biographical and other information about over 20,000 former and current University employees. The list of names below indicates that a file pertaining to that individual is available at the University of Iowa Archives. In addition to these names, many individuals not listed below are noted in a header folder at the beginning of each alphabetical section of the collection. These listings are photocopied index cards which summarize the individual's career with the University, based on their entry in the annual general catalog. The index card collection, no longer maintained, was merged into this collection in 2007.

The list below consists of last names beginning with the letter "B." To see file lists for other names in this collection, choose from the following links, or return to the Faculty and Staff Vertical Files main page for more information about this collection.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X-Y | Z

Baak, Edna C.

Babb, Florence.

Babcock, Helen W.

Babcock, James C.

Babcock, Robert W.

Babson, Arthur L.

Bach, Arthur L.

Bach, George R.

Bach, Marcus.

Bacher, Joe.

Bacon, Bob.

Bacon, Mary.

Bacon, Vera.

Baculis-Patiriades, Stamatina (Tina).

Bader, Iva.

Badre, Albert.

Baender, Paul E.

Baenziger, Norman C.

Baer, Jean Hitchcock.

Bagby, C. A.

Bagchi, Basu K.

Baggetta, Adrianna.

Bagley, Edgar S.

Bagusin, Alexis M.

Bahador, Massis A.

Bahn, Eugene H.

Bai, Er-Wei.

Bail, Philip M.

Bailey, Arthur T.

Bailey, Edmund H.

Bailey, Forrest.

Bailey, Fred W.

Bailey, Miles.

Bailey, Samuel David.

Bailie, Sam.

Baily, Kate R.

Bains, John.

Bair, Darthea H.

Baird, A. Craig.

Baird, Robert D.

Baird, Sara.

Bairnson, Thomas A.

Baker, Aleene.

Baker, Alice C.

Baker, Betty M.

Baker, Clara H.

Baker, Dick.

Baker, Edwin G.

Baker, George.

Baker, George L.

Baker, Gerald C.

Baker, Harold T.

Baker, Harry L.

Baker, Hazel L.

Baker, Joseph.

Baker, Joseph E.

Baker, Marie L.

Baker, Nancy.

Baker, Rebecca E.

Baker, Richard P.

Baker, Robert B.

Baker, Tom.

Bakke, Harold M.

Bakken, Torvid E.

Bal, Greg.

Balakrishnan, Usha.

Balch, John V.

Balderston, Daniel.

Baldridge, Ada B.

Baldridge, Barbara Lee.

Baldridge, Clarence.

Baldridge, Patricia.

Baldus, Clar.

Baldus, Clara.

Baldus, David C.

Baldwin, Bird T.

Baldwin, Elizabeth.

Baldwin, Helen G.

Baldwin, Jervas.

Baldwin, Mollie M.

Baldwin, Orval James.

Baldwin, Ruth E.

Balestrieri, Peter.

Balgaard, Alen.

Balgaard, Eleanor.

Balke, Ernest H., Jr.

Ball, Edith.

Ball, Mary E.

Ball, Richard S.

Ballantyne, Carl Dale.

Ballard, Catherine.

Ballard, William.

Balles, John J.

Ballinger, Beth.

Ballinger, Max.

Balliot, Bobby L.

Balof, Clarence A.

Balon, Thomas.

Baltzer, Friedrich.

Bandyopadhyay, Santimay.

Bane, Donna S.

Bane, Naomi P.

Banham, Katherine M.

Banker, Gilbert S.

Banker, Rusty.

Banks, Duane.

Banks, Virginia E.

Bannon, Peter.

Barba, Harry.

Barber, Francis A.

Barber, George F.

Barber, Kristina.

Barbou, Elizabeth.

BarbouRoske, Jen.

Barbuzza, Isabel.

Barcelo, Nancy (Rusty).

Bardach, Janusz.

Barer, Adelaide P.

Barendsen, Patricia.

Bardolph, Marinus P.

Barfknecht, Charles.

Bargebuhr, Frederick P.

Barer, Charles G.

Barg, Egmont H.

Bargeburh, Eva L.

Barglof, Gladys M.

Barickman, Leslie Lester.

Barkan, Sandra.

Barker, Anna.

Barker, Robert.

Barker, S. B.

Barker, Thomas C.

Barnard, Jerald.

Barnard, Niles H.

Barnes, Allan C.

Barnes, Arthur.

Barnes, Billy L.

Barnes, George R.

Barnes, Harry G.

Barnes, Helen.

Barnes, Marshall.

Barnes, Maryward G.

Barnes, Mildred.

Barnes, Milford E., Jr.

Barnes, Milford Edwin, Sr.

Barnes, Ralph Mosser.

Barnes, Robert.

Barnes, Tyler.

Barnes, Valerie.

Barnes, Warner.

Barnett, Donald L.

Barnett, Horace L.

Barnett, Pauline.

Barnhart, Don G.

Barnum, Charles.

Baron, Bob.

Baron, Herman.

Baron, Judith.

Baron, Julius.

Baron, Walter.

Barr, Louis.

Barr, Marleen.

Barragan, Eloy.

Barreras, Ruben.

Barrett, Tim.

Barrett, Lawrence E.

Barrick, Roy G.

Barrickman, Leslie L.

Barrie, Bob.

Barringer, Kenneth D.

Barritt, Evelyn.

Barron, James R.

Barron, Michael.

Barrow, Sarah T.

Barry, James.

Barry, Justin M.

Barry, Nancy K.

Barta, Chester.

Barta, Edward J.

Barta, Gary.

Bartholdi, Wendell L.

Bartholomew, Bernard R.

Bartholomew, Donald.

Bartell, Bette R.

Bartelme, Michael James.

Bartels, Cynthia.

Bartels, Robert N.

Bartholow, Gladys.

Bartlett, Christopher.

Bartlett, Charles H. Sgt.

Bartlett, Clifford L.

Bartlett, Jacob R.

Bartlett, John Carter.

Bartlett, Mabel.

Bartling, Julia.

Bartling, Lolita Lund.

Barton, Donald K.

Barton, James R.

Barton, Lucy.

Bartoo, Ruth.

Bartow, Edward.

Bartsch, Paul.

Bartz, Karen.

Baschnagel, Catharine.

Baschnagel, Helen.

Bashe, Edwin J.

Bashkin, Stanley.

Basinski, Daniel H.

Baskerville, Barbara.

Baskett, Edgar D.

Bass, Ruth.

Bassett, Basil B.

Bassett, Edward P.

Bassett, Kathy.

Batchelder, John Thayer.

Batcher, Irene.

Bates, Alice.

Bates, Elizabeth M.

Bates (Hoftyzer), Marion H.

Bates, Maurice T.

Bates, Ralph A.

Bates, Tim Haven III.

Battell, Frederic C.

Battell, Gertrude S.

Battey, Dr. F. H.

Bauer, Agatha G.

Bauer, Clifford D.

Bauer, Eldon E.

Bauer, Helen.

Bauer, Joseph L.

Bauer, Patrick.

Bauer, Thomas K.

Bauguess, Lyle C.

Baum, Bernard.

Bauman, Louis.

Baumann, Henry P.

Baumback, Clifford M.

Baumert, John M.

Baumgartner, Albert J.

Bavelas, Alex.

Baxter, Edward Leland.

Baxter, Thomas F.

Bayless, John.

Bayley, Donald S.

Bayley, Nancy.

Bayne, David C.

Bazire, Roy.

Beach, Abel.

Beach, Howard T.

Beach, Mary Jane.

Beach, Warren.

Beaker, Fredrick J.

Beal, Carolyn K.

Beal, John L.

Beall, Ross H.

Beals, Jane H.

Beams, Harold W.

Bean, John.

Bean, William B.

Bear, Dorothy.

Bear, John.

Beard, Gerald (Gerry).

Beasley, Bruce Leo.

Beasley, Kathlyn.

Beat, Victor B.

Bechtelheimer, Marian L.

Bechtell, Luke M.

Bechtoldt, Harold P.

Beck, Elton W.

Beck, W. E.

Becker, Bernard A.

Becker, George E.

Becker, Louis.

Becker, Ray A.

Becker, Ruth.

Becker, Sam.

Beckett, Royce E.

Beckermann, Christoph.

Beckley, Ruth.

Beckman, David.

Beckwith, Ivan E.

Beckwith, Kathryn.

Beddow, John Keith.

Bedell, David.

Bedell, Forest L.

Bedell, George N.

Bedell, Harold L.

Bednarek, Jennifer.

Beebee, Frederic C.

Beecher, Verne L.

Beechner, Don.

Beer, John A.

Beeson, Kenneth C.

Begley, Wayne.

Beglin, Beth.

Behlke, Frank M.

Behrendt, Douglas.

Behrens, Karen.

Beierlein, Karl M.

Beiser, Joseph R.

Beiswanger, George W.

Belden, Leland K.

Belding, James H.

Belding, Robert E.

Belger, Mervin.

Belgum, David.

Belgum, Kathie.

Belknap, Helen R.

Bell, Barbara.

Bell, Edith M.

Bell, Louis.

Bell, Marion.

Bell, Marvin.

Bell, Robert.

Bellaire, Judith Mona.

Beller, Emanuel.

Belman, Lary.

Belting, P. E.

Beltramo, Louise.

Belzer, Katharine.

Bemis, Esther.

Ben Romdhane, Asma.

Benavides, Alfredo.

Bence, Arthur E.

Bence, Clara B.

Benda, Gary G.

Benda, Jane.

Bender, Henry A.

Bender, Jay A.

Bender, Kelly.

Bender, Lauretta.

Bender, Nadine.

Bender, Rhonda.

Bender, Wilson R.

Benedict, Elizabeth.

Benedict, L. D.

Benesch, Reinhold.

Benfer, Merrill M.

Benge, Joseph B.

Benjamin, Gilbert Giddings.

Benjamin William J.

Benkendorf, Don V.

Bennett, Andrew W.

Bennett, Carolyn F.

Bennett, Eliza A.

Bennett, Granville A.

Bennett, Herald D.

Bennett, Howard A.

Bennett, Katherine P.

Bennett, Kenneth K.

Bennett, John.

Bennett, Sharon.

Bennett, William Earl.

Benning, Genette.

Benskin, Dolores.

Benson, James D.

Benson, Karl L.

Benson, Lauren A.

Benson, Leonard R.

Benson, M. Imogen.

Benson, Phoebe R.

Benson, Ruth.

Bentley, Donald E.

Bently, Fred.

Benton, Arthur L.

Benton, Edward M.

Benton, Rita.

Bentz, Dale M.

Bentzinger, Warren W.

Benz, Gladys S.

Benz, Lester.

Benz, Mary D.

Benzler, Evelyn.

Berberian, S.

Berc, Shelley.

Berens, Lorna.

Berenstein, Marvin.

Berg, Clarence P.

Berg, Harry D.

Berg, John R.

Berg, Mary.

Berg, Phyllis.

Berg, Thelma L.

Berg, William D.

Berger, August G., Jr.

Berger, Elizabeth.

Bergman, Johannes C.

Bergman, Leola M.

Bergmann, Gustav.

Bergsten, Eric Eugene.

Bergstresser, Genevieve C.

Berman, Constance.

Bermel, Margaret.

Bernard, Barbara.

Berne, Clarence J.

Berne, Esther V.

Bernhard, Russell W.

Bernstein, Leslie.

Berriault, Gina.

Berrigan, Ted.

Berry, Clyde M.

Berry, John W.

Berry, Leeta.

Berry, Mildred C.

Berry, Venise.

Berryhill, Eleanor B.

Berryman, John.

Berthouex, Paul M.

Bertocci, Angelo P.

Bertolatus, Dr. John A. (Andy).

Bertrand, Dorothy M.

Bervick, Stephen P.

Besser, Edward L.

Best, Agnes L.

Bettag, Otto Louis.

Betterley, Melvin L.

Betts, Emmett A.

Beuerman, Virgil A.

Beuter, Darleen.

Beveridge, Thomas R.

Beverly, Elton R.

Beye, Howard.

Beyer, Richard L.

Bezanson, Philip.

Bezanson, Randall P.

Bhargava, Hridaya N.

Bhattacharya, Debashish.

Bhoota, Baboobhai V.

Bianco, Michael F.

Bibas, Stephanos.

Bibby, Adalene M.

Bice, Harold.

Bickel, Joan.

Biebesheimer, Jerome F.

Biegler, Philip S.

Bierbaum, Esther.

Bierman, John F.

Biersborn, Byron M.

Bierring, Walter L.

Biesanz, John B.

Bijou, Sidney W.

Billick, Helen.

Bingham, Dale S.

Bingham, Fletcher H.

Binney, William L.

Binning, Dennis W.

Birch, Eleanor.

Birch, John J.

Bird, Byron.

Bird, Lee C.

Birdsong, Lark.

Birge, Edward G.

Birkbeck, John.

Birkhead, Ceres.

Birrell, Susan.

Bisgard, Lewis L.

Bishara, Samir.

Bishop, Gail.

Bishop, Owen.

Bissell, Harold J.

Bist, Hari Datt.

Bitar, Arcelino.

Bittner, Christopher J.

Bjorndal, Arne M.

Black, Asa.

Black, Donald.

Black, Edward L.

Black, Forrest R.

Black, George W.

Black, Greg.

Black, Hayse H.

Black, James.

Black, Kristie.

Black, Lelah.

Black, Nelson M., Jr.

Black, Roger W.

Black-Wright, Frances.

Blackburn, Margaret G.

Blackburn, Ruth.

Blackman, Jay V.

Blackman, Sally.

Blackstone, Earl G.

Blades, Lawrence E.

Blair, Barbara J.

Blair, John D.

Blair, Robert V.

Blaisdell, Morton C.

Blaise, Clark.

Blakely, Dorothy F.

Blakely, Robert J.

Blakely, Violet.

Blanco, Enrique.

Blanck, Peter.

Bland, Theodore S.

Blattner, Helene.

Blau, Alice.

Blaug, Seymour M.

Blayney, Keith Dale.

Bleidt, Leonard C.

Blessing, Jack William.

Blessing, Lee.

Blessing, Paul.

Blevins, Gayle.

Bliss, Alma I.

Bliss Amy L.

Bliss, Annette.

Bliss, Evelyn Marjorie Hovell.

Bliss, Percy H.

Block, Robert I.

Block, R.S.

Block, Walter.

Blodi, Frederick C.

Bloesch, Ethel.

Bloesch, Richard.

Bloethe, Orville W.

Blome Josephine M.

Blommers, Paul J.

Bloom, Blanche.

Bloom, Clark.

Bloom, Stephen.

Bloomfield, John.

Bloore, Gary ‘Smiley’.

Bluder, Lisa.

Blue, Arthur.

Blumberg, Mark.

Board, Ruth P.

Boardman, Wm. W., Jr.

Boarts, Mildred L.

Boas, George.

Boatman, John H.

Boaz, Harold.

Bobbitt, Francis S.

Bobbitt, Mary R.

Bobbitt, Ruth A.

Bock, Mary Ann.

Bockstruck, Else H.

Boddicker, Vernon S.

Boden, Worthey C.

Bodine, Joseph Hall.

Bodkins, Judy.

Bodman, Sister Mary C.

Boeder, Paul.

Boege, Dorothy F.

Boell, Edgar John.

Boelter, William G.

Boer, Benjamin C.

Boeringer, Arthur B.

Boerner, Edward A.

Boerner, Dr. Emil L.

Boersma, Wendell.

Boet, Johanna.

Boettchet, Joanne M.

Boeye, Lois.

Bogartz, Richard S.

Bogue, Allan G.

Bohlke, Tanya Moore.

Bohlken, Ron.

Bohn, Martin J.

Boiler, William F.

Boillin, Anne E.

Boillin, Margaret.

Boillin, Mary L.

Boire, Paula.

Boland, Lois M.

Boldereff, Frances M.

Boles, Robert E.

Bolken, Kathlyn A.

Bolker, Norman.

Bollinger, John N.

Bolton, Barrett H.

Bolton, Frederick E.

Bolton, Linda.

Bond, Joan M.

Bond, Perry A.

Bond, Richard G.

Bonfield, Arthur E.

Bonfiglio, Michael.

Bongiovi, Cathy.

Bonham, Dwight D.

Bonnema, Norman G.

Bonney, Dorothy E.

Bonthius, Daniel.

Bontrager, Ora R.

Booge, James E.

Booker, B.W.

Bookhamer, James W.

Boone, Jack.

Boos, Florence.

Boot, David H.

Boot, Estella M.

Booth, Charles N.

Bordwell, Percy.

Borg, Dean.

Borg-Breen, Margaret.

Borkowski, John G.

Borland, Charles E.

Borts, Edna A.

Borts, Dr. Irving H.

Bosakowski, Phil.

Bosch, Donald T.

Bosch, Priscilla E.

Bose, Ann Z.

Bose, Sudhindra.

Boss, Carol R.

Boss, Willis R.

Boston, John A.

Boswell, Paul.

Botsford, Frances R.

Botteron, George W.

Bottom, Mary E.

Boulware, Lois.

Boughton, Lloyd L.

Bourgeacq, Jacques.

Bourjaily, Vance.

Boutelle, Patricia.

Boutros, Rami.

Bovbjerg, Ann Blanchard.

Bovbjerg, Richard.

Bovenmyer, Deveo O.

Bowen, Daniel.

Bowen, Howard R.

Bowen, Ralph.

Bowen, Ryan.

Bowers, John W.

Bowersox, Edna Marie.

Bowes, Amy.

Bowles, Barbara.

Bowles, Luellen.

Bowling, Lawrence E.

Bowlsby, Robert.

Bowman, Charles A.

Bowman, Francis J.

Bowman, John G.

Bowman, Robert G.

Box, Jean.

Boyce, Ronald R.

Boyd, Bemrose.

Boyd, Dr. Eugene J.

Boyd, Gayla Jean Van Auken.

Boyd, George A.

Boyd, Helen F.

Boyd, James Lee.

Boyd, Jullian D.

Boyd, Kathryn.

Boyd, Mark F.

Boyd, Melba Joyce.

Boyd, Norlin.

Boyd, Robert T.

Boyd, Susan Kuehn.

Boyd, Warren A.

Boyd, Willard L. (Sandy).

Boyer, Marion Clifford.

Boylan, James.

Boylan, Richard.

Boyle, Donna A.

Boyle, John P.

Boyle, Richard P.

Boyle, T. Coraghessan.

Boyles, Ruth.

Boynton, Bernice.

Boynton, Bob.

Boynton, George Robert.

Boynton, Robert Paul.

Bozarth, Jerold Donald.

Bozarth, Maud.

Brack, O. M.

Brack, Sheila Delfeld.

Bracken, Harry.

Brackney, Eldred B.

Bradbury, Dorothy.

Bradbury, James T.

Bradbury, John Mason.

Braddock, Richard.

Bradley, John D.

Bradley, John Spurgeon.

Bradley, John W.

Bradley, Lewis A.

Bradshaw, Lewis.

Brady, Agnus B.

Brady, Agnus M.

Brady, Joan M.

Brady, Joyce D.

Braley, Alson E.

Brammer, Shelby.

Brandenburg, Earnest.

Brands, Terry.

Brands, Tom.

Brandt, Hyman.

Brandt, Walther I.

Brann, Clinton T.

Branscom, Margaret E.

Branson, Dan E.

Branson, Edwin B.

Branson, Thomas.

Branstad, Terry.

Branstetter, Charles.

Brantley, George F.

Brashier, Bill.

Bratchell, Dennis F.

Bratton, Barry D.

Bratton, Irma Louise.

Brauer, John Charles.

Braulick, Hiltrude I.

Braun, Bernard J.

Braun, David.

Braun, Karl J.

Braun, Mark.

Bray, Archie W.

Bray, Dillard W.

Braverman, June.

Brcka, Leonard Raymond.

Bream, Carol J.

Brechler, Paul.

Breckenridge, Millard.

Bredahl, Julius L.

Bredahl, Velma.

Breder, Hans.

Brediau, Greg.

Bredlow, Donna Marie.

Bredman, Neil Victor.

Bredt, Clayton B.

Breese, Keith.

Breene, Frank T.

Breitbach, Teri.

Brem, William.

Bremerman, Lewis W.

Bremner, John.

Bren, Bozitech C.

Brender, June E.

Brennan, Flora M.

Brennan, Joe.

Brennan, Joseph.

Brennan, Maurice ‘Joe’.

Brennan, Robert L.

Brennan, Theresa.

Brennan, Thomas P.

Brenneman, Lottie.

Brenneman, Ola A.

Brenneman, Virginia.

Brenner, Rick.

Bresnahan, G. T.

Breukelman, John W.

Brewer, Ellen F.

Brian, Charles E.

Briard, Paisley, Stella E.

Bridges, Clara Ann.

Bridley, Dorothy Lorraine.

Briese, Reinhold R.

Briggs, Fernell.

Briggs, Harold E.

Briggs, John Ely.

Brigham, Alice A.

Brigham, Thomas.

Brighouse, Gilbert.

Bright, Charles.

Bright, Mrs. Jessie.

Bright, M. Wilburma.

Briley, Beulah B.

Brill, Eleanor T.

Brimmer, Carl A.

Brinkhous, Kenneth M.

Brintnall, Edgar Samuel.

Brinton, Wanda.

Brisben, Joseph.

Brisco, Norris A.

Brissey, Nancy Ellen.

Bristol, Myrl L.

Bristol, William F.

Britigan, Denise.

Britt, Otis W.

Britten, James N.

Britton, George L.

Brochu, Chris.

Brockett, Oscar G.

Brodbeck, Arthur J.

Brodbeck, May.

Broderick, Ann.

Broderick, Francis.

Brody, John.

Brody, Michael J.

Broer, Robert A.

Broghamer, Scott.

Brokel, Jane.

Brook, Stacey.

Brooke, Margaret.

Brookins, Charles R.

Brooks, Edward C.

Brooks, Gertrude A.

Brooks, Kenneth G.

Brophy, Frances E.

Brophy, Patrick.

Brorby, Margaret.

Brosseau, George E. Jr.

Brothers, Ridgway.

Brotherston, James G.

Brotman, Milton.

Brown, Addison.

Brown, Alicia.

Brown, Amy Francis.

Brown, Anthony Louis.

Brown, Arthur M.

Brown, Darrell.

Brown, Dennis.

Brown, Donald E.

Brown, Dorothea.

Brown, Douglas.

Brown, Edward A. Jr.

Brown, Eugene E.

Brown, F. C.

Brown, Frank.

Brown, Gail R.

Brown, George V.

Brown, George Wallace.

Brown, Georgia M.

Brown, Hollyce D.

Brown, Jean S.

Brown, Joseph D.

Brown, Judson S.

Brown, Julia S.

Brown, Leland A.

Brown, Leslie W.

Brown, Louis F.

Brown, Maud A.

Brown, Merle E.

Brown, Mildred.

Brown, Minnie K.

Brown, Nate.

Brown, Orley E.

Brown, Preston T.

Brown, Richard B.

Brown, Robert Berton.

Brown, Robert C.

Brown, Roger.

Brown, Russell V.

Brown, Ruth.

Brown, Spencer F.

Brown, Thomas E.

Brown, Vivian Coen.

Brown, Walter R.

Brown, Warner.

Brown, William H.

Brown, William L.

Brown, Willis E.

Browne, Michael D.

Browne, Sarah.

Browning, Robert M.

Broxam, Pearl Bennett.

Bruch, Delores.

Brudenell, Ross N.

Brugere, Raymond.

Brumfiel, Daniel M.

Bruner, Larry.

Bruner, Robert R.

Brunk, S. Fred.

Brunkhorst, Jon.

Bruntjen, Scott, Jane E.

Bruns, Gerald L.

Brus, Chris Peterson.

Brus, Donna.

Brush, Grace Sommers.

Brush, Florence.

Brush, Leif.

Bryan, Alvin W.

Bryan, Courtlandt D. B.

Bryant, Donald C.

Bryant, Peter Symmes.

Bryant, William Cullen.

Bryngelson, Bryng.

Brysch, Edith F.

Bubb, Frances E.

Buchan, Vivian E.

Buchanan, Archie R.

Buchanan, Edward B., Jr.

Buchanan, Grace A.

Buchanan, Marion A.

Bucholtz, Freida I.

Buchholz, James.

Buchsbaum, Herbert J.

Buck, Avilda J.

Buck, James.

Buck, Marie.

Buck, Mary Jo.

Buckingham, Ben C.

Buckingham, John.

Buckles, Robert E.

Buckley, Barbara.

Buckley, Helen A.

Buckley, William.

Buckman, Stephan E.

Buckmann, John P.

Buckwalter, Joseph A.

Buckwalter, Kathleen (Kitty).

Budd, Ann.

Budd, John W.

Budd, Nancy.

Budd, Richard.

Buechler, Virginia.

Buell, Frances L.

Buell, Mary V.

Buell, Robert R.

Buetow, Steve.

Buffum, Mary S.

Buhrman, Hazel.

Bulbulian, Arthur H.

Bulechek, Gloria.

Bull, Henry B.

Bull, William E.

Bunch, Cordelia C.

Bunce, Miriam.

Bundy, Allen.

Bunge, Raymond G.

Bunke, Harvey C.

Bunker, Harry.

Bunn, William E.

Bunnell, Edna M.

Buonaguro, Mitch.

Buooa, Fern W.

Buol, Grace J.

Burch, Elmer R.

Burchett, Eric.

Buresh, Christopher.

Burford, Byron.

Burford, Kathleen "Kay".

Burge, Adelaide LaSheck.

Burge, Albertus Joseph.

Burge, Frank.

Burgess, Anthony.

Burgess, Marjorie.

Burgess, Taylor S.

Buri, Peter.

Burian, Hermann M.

Burke, Cletus J.

Burke, George.

Burke, James M.

Burke, John W.

Burke, Patrick T.

Burke, Peggy.

Burke, William Lozier M.

Burkeholder, Anne.

Burketta, Vicki.

Burkhardt, Clay.

Burkhart, Margaret.

Burks, Ainsley G.

Burman, Arthur.

Burmeister, Dorothy M.

Burney, William J.

Burnham, Ester M.

Barnham, Janet B.

Burns, Elizabeth M.

Burns, Beryl I.

Burns, Frances.

Burns, Jerry.

Burns, Robert E.

Burr, Roma.

Burrichter, Donald E.

Burright, Ora-Blanche.

Burrill, Claude W.

Burrows, Helen T.

Burrows, Jerry.

Burrows, Tom G.

Burton, Allden E.

Burton, George C.

Burton, Phillip Ward.

Burton, Steven J.

Burton, William Lee.

Busby, John A.

Busby, Laura M.

Busch, Ermina.

Busch, Frederick.

Busch, Julie Ann.

Busching, Dean L.

Bush, Archie C.

Bush, James B.

Bush, Lucile.

Bush, Robert L.

Bush, Stephen Hayes.

Buskrud, Harold W.

Buss, William.

Busse, Geraldine A.

Butcher, Howard.

Butchvarov, Panayot.

Butler, Evelyn.

Butler, James F.

Butler, John E.

Butler, Margaret K.

Butler, P. Barry.

Butler, Ralph A.

Butsch, Albert E.

Butterfield, Marvin E.

Buttles, Alora.

Butts, Herman R.

Butzin, Ted A.

Buxton, Claude.

Buxton, Rex E.

Byer, Edwin.

Byerly, Theodore C.

Byers, Edward J., Jr.

Byers, Lawrence M.

Byfield, Albert H.

Byrne, Lee

Byse, Clark.

Bywater, Janet McNeill.

Bywater, William L.

Bywater, Ruth E.