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Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid - Faculty and Staff Vertical Files: H
The Faculty and Staff Vertical Files of the University Archives contain biographical and other information about over 20,000 former and current University employees. The list of names below indicates that a file pertaining to that individual is available at the University of Iowa Archives. In addition to these names, many individuals not listed below are noted in a header folder at the beginning of each alphabetical section of the collection. These listings are photocopied index cards which summarize the individual's career with the University, based on their entry in the annual general catalog. The index card collection, no longer maintained, was merged into this collection in 2007.
The list below consists of last names beginning with the letter "H." To see file lists for other names in this collection, choose from the following links, or return to the Faculty and Staff Vertical Files main page for more information about this collection.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X-Y | Z
Haarer, Mary C.
Hach, Clarence W.
Hackett, Linda.
Hacker, Loy J.
Hackett, Clarence G.
Hackett, Patricia.
Haddad, Samir.
Haddy, Elaine.
Haddy, Phil.
Hadenfeldt, Pauline.
Haderer, Walter L.
Hadley, Howard D.
Hadley, Kenneth L.
Hadley, Lora.
Hadsell, Edward J.
Haefner, John Henry.
Haefner, Marie.
Haefner, Ruth E.
Hageboeck, Eleanor.
Hageboeck, William T.
Hagedorn, Harry H.
Hageman, Gregory.
Hagle, Tim.
Hagman, Elmert R.
Hagstrum, Jean Howard.
Hahn, Oscar.
Hahn, Lewis Donald.
Haines, Millicent.
Hajek, Margaret.
Hajek, Norma Mary.
Hakeen, Michael A.
Halda, Francis A.
Halden, Clara E.
Hale, Catherine.
Hale, Charles A.
Hale, Edward Everett, Jr.
Hale, Ethel.
Hale, Ethel M.
Hale, L. M.
Hale, Mark.
Hale, Merle.
Hale, William Mason.
Halfar, Edwin.
Hall, Charles.
Hall, Eleanor.
Hall, Everett.
Hall, George.
Hall, Gordon M.
Hall, Helen G.
Hall, Homer H.
Hall, James.
Hall, James.
Hall, John.
Hall, Lena.
Hall, Luanna G.
Hall, Marcia.
Hall, Margaret E.
Hall, Margaret Sturges.
Hall, Marjorie E.
Hall, Mary Catherine.
Hall, Milton W.
Hall, Peter M.
Hall, Roscoe W.
Hall, Wayne C.
Halliday, Elizabeth D.
Hallock, Louis L.
Hallstrom, Margaret L.
Halm, Barbara.
Halmi, Katherine A.
Halmi, Nicholas S.
Halpern, Vivian A.
Halsey, Elizabeth.
Halsey, James F.
Halsey, Margaret J.
Halvorson, Nathan.
Hama, Francis R.
Hamborg, Flave L.
Hambrecht, Frederic E.
Hambrecht, Mary E.
Hamill, Charles H.
Hamilton, Audria.
Hamilton, Charles F.
Hamilton, Corinne.
Hamilton, Henry Edward.
Hamilton, John H.
Hamilton, Joyce.
Hamilton, Lyle A.
Hamilton, Wallis S.
Hamilton, William Kennon.
Hammer, Code L.
Hammer, LeRoy A.
Hammond, Arthur E.
Hammond, Donna.
Hammond, Harold.
Hammond, Howard S.
Hammond, William Gardiner.
Hampleman, Kirk.
Hampton, Nellie D.
Hampton, Stanley F.
Hamrick, Marilyn.
Hamsa, William R.
Hamstra, Elizabeth L.
Hanaoka, Yoichi.
Hanawalt, Helma L.
Hanawalt, Mary.
Hancher, Susan Cannon.
Hancher, Virgil Melvin.
Hand, Virginia C.
Hand, Wes.
Handa, Puneet.
Hands, Harold E.
Handy, Elvin R.
Haney, Lewis H.
Hankamp, Gertrude A.
Hankins, Mark.
Hanley, Sarah.
Hanlin, Frank.
Hanlon, Camille C.
Hanna, John.
Hannah, Barry.
Hansell, Sven.
Hansen, Alfred.
Hansen, Barbara K.
Hansen, Christian C.
Hansen, Chadwick C.
Hansen, Dagny B.
Hansen, Elaine.
Hansen, Emily.
Hansen, Gary F.
Hansen, Joan.
Hansen, Lawrence B.
Hansen, Michael David.
Hansen, Millard W.
Hansen, Sarah.
Hansen, Vesta.
Hansen, Waldemar C.
Hansmann, George H.
Hanson, Alvin W.
Hanson, James W.
Hanson, Janice Roche.
Hanson, John B.
Hanson, Matilda F.
Hanson, Melvina P.
Hanson, Norman Darrel.
Hanson, Walter I.
Happe, Daniel.
Happel, William Ray.
Harbaugh, Jack.
Harbit, Dan.
Harbour, Theodore M.
Harcleroad, Fred Farley.
Hardell, James A.
Harden, Edgar L.
Harder, Keith C.
Hardin, Robert Calvin.
Harding, Charles F.
Harding, Paul.
Harding, Samuel.
Harding, Lewis W.
Hardt, Hanno.
Hardung, Victor.
Hardy, Albert V.
Hardy, Beverly.
Hardy, Charles O.
Hardy, Grace C.
Hardy, Horace G.
Hardy, James A.
Hardy, James C.
Hardy, Robert C.
Hare, Helen J.
Hare, Kendrick.
Hark, Florance W.
Hark, Fred W.
Harlan, Edna K.
Harlan, Marilyn.
Harlan, William H.
Harlow, Charlotte A.
Harlow, John Stafford.
Harlow, Velma.
Harmon, Harold D.
Harms, Irene Elnore.
Harms, William S.
Harnack, Curtis.
Harnack, Hortense.
Harned, Calvin W.
Harnish, Charlotte.
Haronoja-Thomas, Tepa.
Harper, Arthur E. Jr.
Harper, Earle Enyeart.
Harper, Floyd S.
Harper, Fowler V.
Harper, Frederick C.
Harper, John.
Harper, William A.
Harr, Gordon Glenn.
Harrell, Marshall A.
Harriman, John Walter.
Harrington, Ernest R. Jr.
Harrington, James W.
Harrington, Mahela.
Harris, Alan Leroy.
Harris, Dale C.
Harris, Fred H.
Harris, James.
Harris, Jean.
Harris, John E.
Harris, Karl S.
Harris, Lester P.
Harris, Louis J.
Harris, Marinelle Marie.
Harris, Marshall.
Harris, Mary Nan.
Harris, Nell E.
Harris, Victor.
Harrison, Arthur M. Jr.
Harrison, Bruce M.
Harrison, Clint H.
Harrison, David F.
Harrison, Glenn E.
Harrison, Harlon W.
Harrison, John M.
Harrison, Lawrence C. (Pops).
Harrison, Norma R.
Harrison, William Don.
Harrop, Trevor J.
Harsha, Cathryn.
Harshbarger, Freda H.
Harshbarger, Henry Clay.
Hart, Beryl G.
Hart, Clyde William.
Hart, Ethelwyn S.
Hart, Eugene D.
Hart, Harry B.
Hart, Hornell N.
Hart, Paul V.
Hart, Thomas F.
Hart, William M.
Harter, Donald Lincoln.
Hartley, Joel.
Hartley, Richard T.
Hartman, Geoffrey H.
Hartman, George W.
Hartman, Gerhard.
Hartness, Donald
Hartnett, Sherlock J.
Harton, Helen
Hartstall, Paul Kenneth.
Hartung, Walter.
Hartup, Willard Wert.
Hartwick, Harry.
Harty, Mary E.
Hartz, Alma E.
Harvey, Lyla Kathryn.
Harvey, Rowland H.
Hasenclever, Herbert Frederick.
Harvey, John A.
Harvig, Richard B.
Harwood, Herbert Macy.
Hase, Don Henry.
Haskell, George Dwight.
Haskin, John F.
Haskins, Motier.
Hass, Robert.
Hassard, Jerald Michael.
Hassard, Jerry.
Hassburg, John L.
Hassler, Russell H.
Hastings, Dorothy L.
Hastings, Jessie P.
Hatch, Pete.
Hatcher, William.
Haterius, Hans O.
Hathaway, John S.
Hathorn, Paul A.
Hattendorf, Katharine W.
Hattwick, Melvin S.
Hauce, James H.
Haug, Edward J.
Hauge, Ingvald B.
Haugen, Nettie M.
Haughton, Dee Wilder.
Haupt, Dorothy.
Haun, Elizabeth (Mrs.).
Hauser, Charles R.
Hauser, Hillis.
Hauserman, Nancy R.
Hausler, William John, Jr.
Havens, Leon C.
Haverkamp, Harold J.
Havlicek, Frank Joseph.
Hawk, Charles L.
Hawk, Grover C.
Hawk, Susan L.
Hawkes, Roland K.
Hawkins, Benny.
Hawkins, Ellen B.
Hawkins, Max.
Hawkins, Trish.
Hawley, Charles Arthur.
Hawley, Don C.
Hawley, Jess B.
Hawley, Ellis W.
Haworth, Louise.
Haworth, Mary I.
Hawtrey, Charles E.
Hawtrey, William Charles.
Hay, Hilary.
Hay, James.
Hay, Meredith.
Hay, Oliver P.
Hay, William H.
Hayden, Harold W.
Hayashi, William Yasuo.
Hayden, Howard.
Hayden, James E.
Hayden, Jess, Jr.
Hayden, Mary L.
Hayes, Charles S.
Hayes, Curtis J.
Hayes, Edward R.
Hayes, Iva M.
Hayes, James Edward.
Hayes, John Bernard.
Hayes, Larry.
Hayes, Margaret.
Hayes, Samuel.
Hayes, William D.
Hayes, William E.
Hayford, John T.
Hayles, Nancy Katherine.
Hayman, David.
Hayne, Donald.
Hayne, Robert.
Hayne, Willard W.
Haynes, Fred Emory.
Hayreh, Sohan Singh.
Hays, Bertha B.
Hays, Cletus T.
Hays, Mary Alice.
Hays, Samuel.
Hays, William B.
Hays, Wiliam E.
Hayward, Emeline P.
Hazard, Charles.
Hazard, Clarence C.
Hazard, Theodore L.
Hazelrigg, Thomas R.
Hazlet, Kenneth K.
Healy, Al.
Healy, Cecelia.
Healy, Frances.
Heath, Edward.
Heath, Paul.
Heather, George G.
Heard, Mary K.
Hebel, Herbert D.
Hebel, Elizabeth E.
Hebert, Thomas J.
Hebert, Virginia L.
Hecht, Anthony.
Heckscher, William Sebastian.
Hedges, Faye.
Hedges, John.
Hedges, Robert.
Hedican, Sean P.
Hedley, Robert.
Hedrick, Dona Lea.
Hedrick, J. Eldred.
Heerema, Jacob.
Heeren, Martin H.
Heeren, Ralph H.
Heeschen, Carl F.
Heffern, James Rodgers.
Heffernan, John J.
Heffner, Ray L.
Hefte, Vern.
Hegeman, Robert.
Heggen, Darrol Wayne.
Heggen, Robert Lewis.
Hegmann, Joseph Paul.
Hegmann, Theresa.
Heick, Merle.
Heidger, Paul M., Jr.
Heidlebaugh, George E.
Heikkinen, Helen J.
Heilbrun, Jr., Alfred B.
Heilman, Ralph E.
Heilmann, Ernest A.
Hein, Herman.
Heinburg, Paul.
Heineman, Elizabeth.
Heiner, Jay R.
Heinrich, Milton R.
Heintz, Edward C.
Heiser, Merrill F.
Heistad, Donald D.
Held, Alma Magdalen.
Helff, Otto M.
Hellenman, L. Kathy.
Heller, Rick.
Helm, Eugene.
Helm, June.
Helm, Sallie H.
Helmick, Paul S.
Helms, Charles M.
Hemley, Robin.
Hemminger, Ronald Delane.
Hemminghaus, Edgar H.
Hendee, Cora.
Henderlider, Clair.
Henderson, Avis Corrine.
Henderson, Jane Elizabeth.
Henderson, Mae Gwendolyn.
Henderson, Neal.
Henderson, Rita.
Henderson, Robert W.
Henderson, Virginia H.
Hendricks, Atlee B.
Hendricks, Betty Ann.
Hendricks, Palma.
Hendricks, Sterling B.
Hendriks, Herbert E.
Hendrix, Mary J. C.
Henke, A Gale.
Henke, Steven Arthur.
Henkin, Alan B.
Henley, Jesse V.
Hennager, Joe.
Henneman, John Bell.
Henning, David.
Henning, Garold G.
Hennis, Gail M.
Henrikson, Ernest H.
Henry, Allen.
Henry, Charles D.
Henry, Charles E.
Henry, Clement.
Henry, Dale.
Henry, Darrell.
Henry, H.H.
Henry, Henriette M.
Henry, Janet A.
Henry, Joe.
Henry, Lyell D., Jr.
Henry, Lyle K.
Henry, Robert Llewellyn, Jr.
Hensley, David.
Herbert, William.
Herdliska, Robert Henry.
Hering, Robert G.
Heriot, Caroline C.
Herman, Dennis.
Hernandez, Celedonia.
Hernandez, D.J.
Hernandez, Teresita B.
Hernandez, Thomas.
Hernadi, Paul Z.
Herr, Cheryl.
Herren, Grace P.
Herren, Robert Y.
Herrick, Percy Wendell.
Herrick, Ruth M.
Herring, Dale C.
Herring, George.
Herriott, Helen.
Herrman, Loma May.
Herrman, May C.
Herrman, Walter W.
Herseth, Avis.
Hershberger, Suvilla M.
Hershey, Howard Garland.
Hershire, Mildred.
Hertlein, Grace.
Hervig, Richard B.
Herwaldt, Loreen.
Herwig, Lloyd O.
Heschel, Abraham J.
Heskett, Lloyd L.
Hess, Alice B.
Hess, Honee A.
Hesseltine, Grayce.
Hesseltine, Henry C.
Hesser, Frederick H.
Hessin, Arthur L.
Hesson, Judy.
Heumphreus, Ann.
Heusinkveld, Arthur H.
Hewes, Edwin B.
Hewett, John Earl.
Hewitt, Clarence E.
Hewlett, Clarence W.
Hayberger, Anna.
Haydenburg, Norman P.
Heye, Helene.
Heyer, Clair B.
Hibbs, Margaret.
Hibbard, William.
Hickerson, Loren.
Hickerson, Thora.
Hickey, Marie.
Hickey, Robert C.
Hickling, Dixie Ann.
Hickman, James Charles.
Hickman, Lois V.
Hickman, Vivian.
Hickox, George H.
Hicks, Frank D.
Hicks, James.
Hicks, Mildred.
Hicks, Patricia S.
Hicks, Phyllis.
Hicks, Wayland.
Hickson, Elizabeth.
Hidaka, Yume.
Hieber, Douglas.
Hieber, Karl.
Hier, Florence M.
Hieronymus, Albert Nathan.
Hierstein, Richard.
Higbee, Claude O.
Higbee, Frederic Goodson.
Higgins, Amy Lynn.
Hightower, P.R.
Higley, Lester Bodine.
Hiland, Leah F.
Hildebrandt, Deborah.
Hilden, Arnold H.
Hilgenberg, Jerry.
Hilgert, Joseph V.
Hiliday (?), Sadie G.
Hill, David L.
Hill, David Reuben.
Hill, Edna.
Hill, Jack Brunt.
Hill, Lee Forest.
Hill, Lena.
Hill, Margaret Keyser.
Hill, Marjorie S.
Hill, Mary B.
Hill, Michael.
Hill, R.T.
Hill, Richard Winter.
Hill, Russell.
Hill, Theron S.
Hilliard, Edna M.
Hilliard, George H.
Hiliard, Major William G. Jr.
Hillier, Mary J.
Hillier, Ruth N.
Hillis, ron.
Hills, Elmer Walker.
Hilman, George C.
Hilton, Bob
Hilton, Helen E.
Hilton, Omega.
Himes, Vera C.
Himmel, Walter J.
Hinchcliffe, Ronald.
Hines, Anthony.
Hines, Harry Matlock.
Hines, Norman William.
Hingstman, David.
Hinkle, Jean S.
Hinkle, Mary.
Hinman, Jack Jones, Jr.
Hinrichs, Gutavus.
Hinrichs, James Victor.
Hinrichs, Joan.
Hinshaw, Virgil G. Jr.
Hinton, Clara.
Hinton, Phyllis.
Hintz, Elizabeth K.
Hintz, Willis A.
Hiratzka, Loren.
Hirsch, Raphael.
Hirschberg, Frieda.
Hirschburg, Marion.
Hirst, Donna.
Hirt, Twyla.
Hitchcock, Albert Spear.
Hitchcock, Orville Alban.
Hittler, George Meehan.
Hixon, Ernest Howard.
Hjelle, Sylvia.
Hoadley, Ruth L.
Hoagland, Edward.
Hoak, John C.
Hoang, Keo.
Hobanshelt, Nina.
Hobbah, Reginald V.
Hobbs, Robert C.
Hobby, Edwin E.
Hoch, Steven.
Hochstetler, Mame E.
Hodge, Francis R.
Hodge, Harold C.
Hodge, Katherine.
Hodges, Robert Edgar.
Hodgson, Ada E.
Hodson, Kathy.
Hoelscher, Arnold P.
Hoeltje, Hubert H.
Hoersch, Victor A.
Hofer, Willard C.
Hoff, Bob.
Hoff, Robert Dean.
Hoffert, Eugenia.
Hoffman, Adeline M.
Hoffman, Corbit S.
Hoffman, Frannie C.
Hoffman, George R.
Hoffman, Gerald Henry.
Hoffman, Himena V.
Hoffman, John W.
Hoffman, Julian R.
Hoffman, Louis Gerhard.
Hoffman, Olin E.
Hoffman, Richard Frederick.
Hoffman, Richard P.
Hofmann, Ted.
Hofto, Glen E.
Hoftyzer, Marion H.
Hogan, Carroll.
Hogan, Michael.
Hogan, Paul W.
Hogben, Charles Adrian.
Hogeland, John Howard.
Hogg, Robert Vincent, Jr.
Hoglan, Forest A.
Hohle, Raymond Herbert.
Hokanson, Drake.
Holaday, Perry W.
Holcomb, Albert Eugene.
Holcomb, Richard Loran.
Holcombe, Edward R.
Holderby, Jesse M.
Holding, Margaret.
Holdoegel, Dorothy.
Hole, Geneice.
Hollabaugh, Gladys.
Holland, Donald O.
Holland, Helen.
Holland, John L.
Holland, Robert E.
Holliday, Robert William.
Hollingshead, August D.
Hollingsworth Alvin.
Hollo, Paul Anselm Alexis.
Holloway, Lewis.
Holloway, Esther.
Holly, Forrest M.
Holm, Bernard J.
Holm, William N.
Holman, Almeda M.
Holman, Hannah.
Holmes, Blanche.
Holmes, Chrystal M.
Holmes, Emma M.
Holmes, Fred Eugene.
Holmes, John Clellon.
Holmes, Lida F.
Holmes, Mary.
Holmes, Pauline.
Holmstrom, Edith M.
Holst, William H.
Holstein, Jay.
Holstine, Garold D.
Holston, Robert P.
Holt, Andrew Hall.
Holt, Jacqueline.
Holton, Nathan.
Holtsmark, Erling.
Holtz, Harvey E.
Holy, Thomas C.
Holzaepfel, Norman R.
Holzapfel, Robert E.
Holzapfel, Tamara O.
Homan, Thomas B.
Homann, Dorothy.
Homewood, Jean.
Honey, Rex.
Honn, Mary Frances (Frankie).
Honore, A.J.
Hood, Albert B. (Al).
Hood, Burton F.
Hood, Joyce.
Hook, Alma.
Hook, Ruth.
Hooper, Edward L.
Hoopes, Roger K.
Hootman, Richard S.
Hoover, Hiram D.
Hoover, Ora L.
Hope, Mrs. Glen.
Hope, Justin M.
Hopkins, Benjamin T.
Hopkins, Elizabeth A.
Hopkins, Nadine C.
Hopkins, Robert L.
Hoppes, Esther.
Hoppin, Richard Arthur.
Hora, Cindy S.
Horack, Frank Edward.
Horack, Hugo Claude.
Horan, Mercedes.
Horgen, Sarah.
Horn, Ernest.
Horn, Harriett M.
Horn, Margaret L.
Hornbuckle, Keri.
Horner, George Lewis.
Horning, Ellie.
Hornsby, Jessie L. Gillespie and Roger A.
Horowitz, Isaac.
Horowitz, Steven.
Horsfall, Agnes B.
Horton, Carol.
Horton, Diana.
Horton, Frank.
Horvath, Steven M.
Horwitz, Henry G.
Horwitz, Richard P.
Hosford, William S.
Hoskins, Gertrude.
Hosman, Ione.
Hossfeld, Marion.
Hostettler, Gordon F.
Hotchkiss, Dorris H.
Hotes, Fred L.
Hotz, Marcella.
Houchin, Ollie B.
Houghton, Henry Spencer.
Houghton, Steve.
Hourcade, Juan Pablo.
House, Ralph Emerson.
Houser, Diane Evans.
Houser, Gilbert Logan.
Houston, Peggy.
Houston, Richard F.
Houston, Sam M.
Houtchens, H. Max.
Houtchens, Lawrence H.
Houtchens, Lulu G.
Hovda, Olaf.
Hovenkamp, Herbert J.
Hover, Flossie M.
Hovet, Elaine.
Hovey, Alma Burnham.
Hovis, William F.
Howard, Campbell Palmer.
Howard, Donald F.
Howard, Donna J.
Howard, Floyd G.
Howard, Frank L.
Howard, Harold Mike.
Howard, Jane.
Howard, John T.
Howard, Lorna.
Howard, Matthew.
Howard, Robert Palmer.
Howard, Robert L.
Howard, William F.
Howarth, Jane.
Howe, Harriet Emma.
Howe, Joseph Warner.
Howe, John W.
Howe, Katherine L.
Howell, Alta C.
Howell, Elias B.
Howell, John Bruce.
Howell, Jessie V.
Howell, R. Edward.
Howell, Sarah A.
Howells, Henry P.
Howells, Thomas H.
Howes, Gregory.
Howes, Martha L.
Howland, Alvin W.
Howland, Katherine E.
Howren, Robert.
Howsare, Mary M.
Hoyem, Albert G.
Hoyle, Classie G.
Hoyt, Donald Paul.
Hoyt, George Calvin.
Hoyt, Kenneth.
Hoyt, Robert Stuart.
Hradek, Richard William.
Hsai, Chen H.
Hsieh, Hsung-Cheng.
Hsu, Hsi Fan & Shu Ying.
Hsu, Hsien L.
Hsu, Yao-Tung.
Hu, Hung-Shu.
Hu, Judy.
Hubbard, Eugene T.
Hubbard, Maxene R.
Hubbard, Philip Gamaliel.
Hubbell, Charles Hugh.
Hubbell, Robert.
Hubbell, Stephen P.
Huber, Diane.
Huber, M. Leona.
Huckins, Howard Eliot.
Huddleston, Laura E.
Hudmon, Annabelle Welch.
Hudson, David V.
Hudson, Donald C.
Hudson, Jessie B.
Hudson, Margaret G.
Hudson, Mary H.
Hudson, Wellborn Royston, Jr.
Huey, Gaylen C.
Huey, Mabel.
Huff, Frank M.
Huff, George C.
Huff, Virginia.
Huffman, Carroll.
Huffman, Fredrick W.
Huffman, William Clyde.
Huffaker, Carl L.
Hughes, Bertha.
Hughes, Carol.
Hughes, Doris.
Hughes, Haward K.
Hughes, Helen S.
Hughes, Jeannette E.
Hughey, William M.
Hugo, Richard Franklin.
Huit, Marion Lawrence.
Hulbary, Mary N.
Hulbary, Robert Louis.
Hulburt, Edward O.
Hull, Clark Leonard.
Hull, Frederick A.
Hull, Stacy.
Hullinger, Jill.
Hulme, Helen.
Huls, Mary H.
Hulse, Charles.
Hulse, Donald Clyde.
Hulser, Jeanne Sue.
Hulson, Eva L.
Hummel, John Phillip.
Hummer, John W.
Humphrey, Dorothy.
Humphrey, M.J.
Humphrey, Mary Brown.
Humphrey, Kenneth H.
Humphreys, Harold W.
Hungerford, Frances A.
Hungerford, Reynolds A.
Hunkins, William H.
Hunnicutt, Benjamin Kline.
Hunninghake, Gary.
Hunt, Alfred Omias.
Hunt, Elizabeth P.
Hunt, H. Keith.
Hunt, Katherine.
Hunt, Percival.
Hunt, Richard.
Hunt, Ronald J.
Hunt, Valarie.
Hunter, Anna Grace.
Hunter, James Allen.
Hunter, John Keith.
Hunter, Theodore Albert.
Hunter, Willa.
Hunter, William C. (Curt).
Hunter, William L.
Huntley, John F.
Huntley, Mary Ione.
Huntoon, Robert D.
Huntzinger, Ann.
Hunzinger, Fern.
Huper, Marie.
Hurevitz, Hyman M.
Hurlbutt, Helen M.
Hurt, David M.
Hurtig, Judith.
Hurtig, Richard R.
Hurwitz, Dorothy.
Husain, Itrat-.
Husa, William J.
Husak, Peter A.
Husband, Ivy C.
Husemann, Henry.
Husted, Horace L.
Huston, Marshall D.
Huston, Percy K.
Huston, Paul E.
Huston, Ralph C.
Hutcheon, William E.
Hutchins, Richard G.
Hutchins, Roland E.
Hutchinson, Florence A.
Hutchinson, Helen D.
Hutchison, James E.
Hitchinson, John Edward.
Hutchison, Pansy.
Hutting, Jack W.
Huttner, Sidney F.
Hutton, Mary K.
Hyde, Arthur M.
Hyde, Edith.
Hylan, Mary C.
Hyndman, Olan Robert.
Hyshan, Marjorie B.
Hyslop, Alice L.
Hyslop, June.