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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid - Faculty and Staff Vertical Files: M

The Faculty and Staff Vertical Files of the University Archives contain biographical and other information about over 20,000 former and current University employees. The list of names below indicates that a file pertaining to that individual is available at the University of Iowa Archives. In addition to these names, many individuals not listed below are noted in a header folder at the beginning of each alphabetical section of the collection. These listings are photocopied index cards which summarize the individual's career with the University, based on their entry in the annual general catalog. The index card collection, no longer maintained, was merged into this collection in 2007.

The list below consists of last names beginning with the letter "M." To see file lists for other names in this collection, choose from the following links, or return to the Faculty and Staff Vertical Files main page for more information about this collection.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X-Y | Z

Maas, Meridean L.

Mabie, Edward Charles.

Mabry, Thomas Dabney.

Macagno, Enzo O.

Macagno, Matilde.

MacArthur, Charlotte Winburn.

Macartney, Catherine Naomi.

MacBride, Alice L.

Macbride, Thomas Huston.

MacCann, Richard Dyer.

MacDonald, Andrew C.

MacDonald, Kenneth.

MacDonald, Martha.

MacDougal, Roderick.

MacDougall, Charlotte.

MacEwan, Hamish George Watson.

MacEwen, Ewen Murchison.

Macfarlane, Donald E.

Macfarlane, Pamela A.

MacGillivray, Leonard.

MacGregor, Jay B.

MacGregor, John K.

MacGregor, Mary K.

MacGregor-Hastie, Roy.

MacGuire, Mary K.

Machatka, Diane.

Machmer, Jane E.

MacIntyre, Rennett C.

Mackay, Donald B.

MacKenzie, Marian L.

Mackie, Robert W.

Mackintosh, Charles H.

Mackintosh, Esther A.

Mackintosh, Helen K.

MacLean, George Edwin.

MacLean, Malcolm Shaw.

MacMahon, Bryan M.

MacQueen, John Charles.

MacQueen, Raymond B.

Macrac, Isabel.

MacRae, Donald E.

MacVey, Alan Mokler.

Macy, Reuben S.

Madden, Alma G.

Madden, Ann.

Madden, Rose A.

Maddy, Amadu Pat.

Madigan, Edward Patrick (Slip).

Madison, Eugene.

Madsen, Donald H.

Madsen, June.

Maehlum, Bernt N.

Magaret, Helene.

Magarrell, Kathy.

Magat, Pablo V.

Magers, Elizabeth J.

Magid, Frank N.

Magnuson, Joseph S.

Magnussen, Marcus J.

Magnusson, Marianne.

Magoon, Donald J.

Magowan, Charles Scott.

Magowan, Florence.

Maguin, Jean-Marie.

Mahajan. Vinit.

Mahan, Bruce Ellis.

Mahan, Dale E.

Maharry, Michael.

Maher, Evelyn A.

Maher, Margaret Henning.

Mahon, Casey D.

Mahoney, John J.

Mahood, Cecil H.

Maiden, Sydner D.

Main, C.F. Jr.

Mainz, Jenny.

Maizlish, Israel.

Major, Coleman J.

Makinson, David H.

Makuuchi, Howard M.

Malamud, Irene T.

Malamud, William.

Maliszewski, Chris.

Mallett, Donald Roger.

Mallik, Usha.

Mallo, Jerónimo.

Maloy, Wayland H.

Malville, Guivi.

Manahan, Charles A.

Manasse, Henri R., Jr.

Mandell, Betty.

Maner, W. Wallace and Jean Ellen.

Mangold, Evelyn.

Mangold, Phillip.

Mangum, Lora S.

Mangum, Robert Eugene.

Mangum, Teresa L.

Manifold, Jessie E.

Mankodi, Surendraray M.

Mann, Carleton H.

Mann, Clair V.

Mann, Floyd C.

Mann, Frederick Lee.

Mann, Mary B.

Mann, Philip Alan.

Mannheimer, Manfred.

Manning, John W.

Manning, Kenneth V.

Manry, James Campbell.

Mansfield, John P.

Mansperger, John Richard.

Manteuffel, Roger W.

Mapes, Donald F.

Mapes, Erwin Kempton.

Marberry, Charles E.

Marble, Mureen.

Marcus, Melvin L.

Maresh, Gerald.

Margolin, Leslie.

Maris, Arthur Marion.

Mark, Allyn L.

Mark, Robert F.

Marker, Robert Winslow.

Markham, James W.

Markland, A. Colin.

Markle, Alveda.

Markovetz, Allen J.

Marks, Arlyn Charles.

Marks, Catherine G.

Marks, Richard.

Marks, Susan.

Marlow, Delphine.

Marolf, Louis C.

Marousek, Leo R.

Marquis, Stewart D.

Marra, Kim.

Marriott, Katheryn E.

Marrocco, Thomas.

Mars, Geraldine E.

Mars, James A.

Marsh, Gordon.

Marsh, J. Lawrence.

Marshall, Cecil E.

Marshall, Donald G.

Marshall, Dorothy.

Marshall, Everett L.

Marshall, Finley D.

Marshall, Jack.

Marshall, Jeffrey S.

Marshall, Lynette.

Marshall, Mac.

Marshall, R. Mary.

Marshall, Teresa A.

Marston, George A.

Marteney, Annabelle Lee.

Martens, Elizabeth J.

Martens, Ted F.

Martin, Alfred Simpson.

Martin, Betty Lou.

Martin, Constance R.

Martin, Cleo.

Martin, Emily.

Martin, Fletcher.

Martin, Frances T.

Martin, George Willard.

Martin, Grainne Prince.

Martin, Herbert W.

Martin, Jane.

Martin, Jean.

Martin, John David.

Martin, John R.

Martin, John, M.D.

Martin, Larry W.

Martin, Leo J.

Martin, Lois N.

Martin, Maureen F.

Martin, Murray.

Martin, Olive K.

Martin, Raymond Joseph.

Martin, Sandra Jean.

Martin, Sue.

Martin, Thomas E.

Martin, William H.

Martin, William W.

Martineau, Robert J.

Martinet, Françoise.

Martinez, Maria.

Martire, John G.

Marts, Ralph O.

Martt, Jack M.

Maruth, Charles H.

Maruth, Marguerite.

Marvin, Roberta M.

Marx, Orrin H.

Marxer, John L.

Maryanov, Gerald S.

Maschmann, Marian L.

Mask, Susan L.

Mason, Charles M., Jr.

Mason, Edward Eaton.

Mason, Edward Files and Dora E.

Mason, Kären M.

Mason, Ken.

Mason, Sally.

Massie, Paul.

Masson, Hervey F.

Masson, Robert L.

Masson, William John, Jr.

Masters, Harry V.

Masuoka, Jitsuichi.

Matasar, Richard A.

Mather, Betty Bang.

Mather, Carolyn.

Mather, George B. (Joe).

Mather, Roger F.

Mather, Virginia Coverdale.

Matheson, Dan.

Mathew Wilson, Mary.

Mathiesen, Anna M.

Mathes, Dwight.

Mathes, Lorna Livingston.

Matheson, John.

Matheson, Lloyd E.

Matheson, Mary Lou.

Mathews, Everett R.

Mathis, Alice.

Mathis, Ayana.

Mathis, Mark C., II.

Matlack, Meredith.

Matson, Besse.

Matsushima, Satoshi.

Matt, Elaine E. (Gerot).

Mattes, Olga M.

Matthes, Ronald.

Matthews, Ralph T.

Matthews, Thomas.

Matthews, Walter M.

Matthews, William.

Mattill, Henry Albright.

Maucker, James W. Jr.

Mauer, William A.

Maule, M.E.

Maulsby, William Shipman.

Maurer, Harland J.

Maurino, Ferdinand D.

Maurino, Modesta F.

Mavis, Frederic Theodore.

Mawdsley, Mary L.

Mawhinney, Brian S.

Maxon, Arthur Sherman.

Maxson, Linda Ellen Resnick.

Maxwell, Baldwin.

Maxwell, Gerald W.

Maxwell, Mabel L.

Maxwell, Mary M.

May, Beryl A.

May, Charles Davidson.

May, George A.

May-Johnson, Stacy.

Mayberry, Howard R.

Mayer, Julia B.

Mayers, Arlene I.

Maynard, Gilbert P.

Mays, A. Louise.

McAdam, John Eldon.

McAdam, Katherine.

McAdams, Laura E.

McAnaw, Jimmie F.

McAndrew, Florence H.

McAndrews, Tony.

McAreavey, Paul Donovan.

McArthur, Mary J.

McBath, James H

McBride, Bunny Allen.

McBride, Loretto D.

McBride, Robert H.

McBroom, Maude Mary.

McCabe, Beth.

McCabe, Brian Francis.

McCabe, Michael S.

McCaffery, Fran.

McCandless, Boyd Rowden.

McCain, Donovan L.

McCann, John D.

McCall, Agnes C.

McCall, Roy C.

McCall, Terrance.

McCallister, Joseph David.

McCandliss, Robert J.

McCann, Duane C.

McCarney, Dan.

McCarrel, Ted H.

McCarthy, Charles D.

McCarthy, F. Thomas.

McCartney, David.

McCarty, Geo W.

McCarty, Harold Hull.

McCaughey, Mack Jr.

McCauley, Howard William, Jr.

McCaw, Fred.

McCawl, Edith.

McCay, Agnes L.

McChesney, William Judd.

McClain, Donald H.

McClain, Emlin.

McClain, Thomas B.

McClenahan, Bessie A.

McClenahan, Vivian E.

McCliment, Edward R.

McClintock, John C.

McClintock, John Thomas.

McCloskey, Chester M.

McCloskey, Deirdre N. / Donald N.

McCloskey, James.

McCloskey, Joanne.

McCloy, Charles Harold.

McCloy, Margaret.

McCloy, William A.

McClugage, Laura Elizabeth.

McClure, Charles W.

McClure, William B.

McCollom, Frieda H.

McCollough, Lavon A.

McConkey, Frances.

McConnell, Harold L.

McConnell, James H.

McConnell, Joseph Jasper.

McConnell, Thomas R.

McConnell, William H.

McCorison, Marcus Allen.

McCorkle, Thomas H.

McCormac, Paul C.

McCormack, Ann M.

McCormick, George R.

McCormick, William F.

McCown, Robert A.

McCowan, Hope.

McCoy, James R.

McCoy, Scott J.

McCracken, Elizabeth.

McCray, Francis F.

McCray, Paul B.

McCreery, Agnes.

McCrone, John D.

McCue, James F. (Jim).

McCue, Maureen.

McCulloch, Martha.

McCullough, Jerome J.

McCuskey, David H. (Dave).

McDaniel, Geraldine.

McDaniel, Ted.

McDevitt, Sue.

McDonald, Bettye R.

McDonald, Cherri.

McDonald, Donald B.

McDonald, Dorothy.

McDonald, Frank B.

McDonald, Helen L.

McDonald, Margaret.

McDonald, Marguerite.

McDonald, William J.

McDonough, John E.

McDougall, David Walter.

McDowell, Bruce Dana.

McDowell, Frederick P. W.

McDowell, Helen R.

McDowell, Margaret B.

McElderry, Bruce Robert.

McElhinney, Julia.

McElroy, Jesse.

McEnery, Douglas W.

McEntaffer, Randall.

McEwen, Alice L.

McFadden, Irwin.

McFarland, Julian E.

McFarland, Mary L.

McGalliard, John Calvin.

McGeoch, John Alexander.

McGhee, Pat.

McGillin, Dana J.

McGinnis, Dorothy A.

McGinnis, Grace H.

McGivern, Margaret.

McGourty, Mildred C.

McGovney, Dudley Odell.

McGlumphy, Charles B.

McGranahan, Mildred H.

McGrath, Earl James.

McGrath, James W.

McGrath, Tom.

McGraw, David.

McGraw, James C.

McGraw, Peter P.

McGreevey, James.

McGuire, James M.

McGuire, Lelia M.

McGuire, Linda.

McGuire, Margaret C.

McGuire, Steve.

McGurk, Blanche Cecelia.

McHale, Tom.

McHenry, Celia.

McHose, Samuel B.

McHugh, Charles P.

McIlwain, Carl Edwin.

McInnerny, Marcella Mary.

McInroy, Mary R.

McIntire, Ira H.

McIntosh, C. Berkley.

McIntosh, Roy O.

McIntyre, Kenith S.

McIver, James Everett.

McIvor, Alan G.

McKay, Kathleen M.

McKee, Albert Preston.

McKee, William A.

McKeever, Benjamin B.

McKenzie-Hamilton, Barbara.

McKerrow, Edith.

McKibbin, George B.

McKibben, Melba.

McKinley, Evla.

McKinley, John B.

McKinley, Lloyd.

McKinley, Priscilla.

McKinley, Ruth M.

McKinnell, James.

McKirdie, Matthew.

McKray, Betty.

McKune, Lawrence Edwin.

McKusick, Marshall B.

McLachlan, Helen A.

McLain, William H.

McLaren, Rachel.

McLaughlin, Agnes Costello.

McLaughlin, Eleanor.

McLaughlin, Jane R.

McLaughlin, John C.

McLaughlin, Mary.

McLaughlin, Mary Jane.

McLean, William B.

McLeese, Don.

McLennan, Charles Ewart.

McLennan, Geoffrey.

McLeod, Arthur M.

McLeod, Kembrew.

McLeran, James Herbert.

McLernon, Thomas James.

McLure, John W.

McMahon, Richard M.

McMartin, Willis.

McMillan, Sharon.

McMillin, John V.

McMullen, Jane.

McMullen, Judy.

McMullen, Ronald.

McMurray, Donald L.

McMurray, John S.

McNab, James F.

McNabney, James.

McNamer, Alan Dale.

McNeal, Morley D.

McNeilly, Ruth R.

McNown, John Stephenson.

McNulty, Michael L.

McPhee, William M.

McPherson, Elizabeth.

McPherson, James Alan.

McPherson, M.B.

McPherson, Sandra.

McQuade, Henry A.

McQuillen, Donald C.

McQuiston, William O.

McTyre, Ruthann Boles.

McVicker, James R.

Mead, Chester I.

Mead, Sidney Earl.

Meade, Leonard P.

Meadows, Jill.

Means, Betty A.

Mears, Julia.

Mechem, Philip.

Meder, Donatian Earl.

Medlar, Edgar M.

Medvene-Collins, Jesse.

Meeham, John.

Meeks, James E.

Meffert, Clyde B.

Megrew, Alden F.

Mei, Vong-Kyih Nyi.

Mei, Yi-Pao.

Meidt, Joseph.

Meier, Kenneth A.

Meier, Norman Charles.

Meighan, Merl (?) H.

Meinberg, Carl H.

Meis, Cindy.

Meis, Patricia.

Meister, David.

Meister, Edward J.

Meixner, Mary.

Melamerson-VandenHaag, Ernest R.

Melancon, Mary Ann

Melchert, Thomas E.

Melerian, Harry.

Meling, Dorothy.

Mellecker, Phyllis Maxine.

Melloh, Arthur W.

Melton, Horace J.

Melville, Eleanor.

Melzow, Vicky Jo.

Memler, Laura.

Mendel, Arthur P.

Mendenhall, Arthur M.

Mèndez-Rodenas, Adriana H.

Menezes, Arnold.

Menezes, Meenal M.

Mengert, William Felix.

Menzel, Donald H.

Menzer, Carl H.

Mercer, John.

Mercer, Paul L.

Mercer, R.J.

Merchant, James.

Meredith, Howard Voas.

Mergen, Francis C.

Merino, Ana.

Merkel, Byron M.

Merkel, Charles C.

Merkel, John W.

Merker, Karl Kimber.

Merriam, Mario I.

Merrill, Barbara.

Merrill, Christopher.

Merrill, Dayton E.

Merritt, Harriett.

Merry, Glenn Newton.

Mertz, Edwin T.

Mescher, Kay.

Meskimen, Pat.

Messer, Clarence R.

Messer, Jean F.

Messerle, Louis.

Messick, Charles A.

Messick, Faye.

Metcalf, Norah.

Metcalf, Richard W.

Metcalfe, Carole L.

Metcalfe, Florence M.

Metfessel, Milton F.

Metheny, Rachel E.

Metheny, Susan.

Mether, Calvin E.

Metz, Carl D.

Metzger, Lore.

Metzger, Mary Ann.

Metzger, Wolfgang.

Metzinger, Leon.

Metzler, Donald Eugene.

Meurice, Yannick L.

Mewaldt, Leonard R.

Meyen, Edward Lee.

Meyer, Adolph F.

Meyer, Erika M.

Meyer, Jane.

Meyer, Jean M.

Meyer, Joseph William.

Meyer, Kendall R.

Meyer, Leland W.

Meyer, Lloyd.

Meyer, Paul.

Meyer, Sally Jo.

Meyer, William T.

Meyers, Addison.

Meyers, Bernard L.

Meyers, Carol.

Meyers, Charles E.

Meyers, Fred Potthoff.

Meyers, Patricia.

Meyers, Russell.

Meyers, Stuart.

Myers, Virginia A.

Michael, Fred.

Michaels, Leonard.

Michaelsen, Robert Slocum.

Michalczyk, Casimer.

Michel, Donna.

Michel, Leopold R.

Michel, Marlovene.

Michener, Robert Bryan.

Mickelson, John C.

Mickelson, Marion G.

Mickey, Dorothy S.

Mickey, Edward C.

Mickle, Rod.

Middents, John H.

Middlebrook, John E.

Middleton, William Drummond.

Midura, Edmund M.

Mielnik, Edward Michael.

Mikamo, Kazuya.

Mikelson, Clarence J.

Mikelson, John.

Mikulak, Michael N.

Mikulas, William.

Milde, Frances K. (Fran).

Milder, Freida Pauline.

Milder, Joanna.

Miles, Guy S.

Miles, Harold W.

Miles, Walter R.

Milgram, Joseph E.

Milhous, Ivan C.

Milhous, Judith.

Milisen, Robert.

Milkman, Roger.

Millard, Merle M.

Miller, Alexander M.

Miller, Arthur H.

Miller, Arthur Korschgen.

Miller, Aura.

Miller, Betrand J.

Miller, Bruce L.

Miller, Catharine C.

Miller, Catherine R.

Miller, Charles.

Miller, Charles Townsend.

Miller, Chester Irving.

Miller, Clayton M. Jr.

Miller, Dessel.

Miller, Donald T.

Miller, Dorothea S.

Miller, E. Duane.

Miller, Earl A.

Miller, Ethel.

Miller, F. W.

Miller, Florence E.

Miller, Frank J.

Miller, Franklin.

Miller, George H.

Miller, Gilbert S.

Miller, Hazel S.

Miller, Helene Rose.

Miller, Henry.

Miller, Herbert E.

Miller, John C.

Miller, Kay.

Miller, Katharine.

Miller, Kenneth

Miller, Kenneth J.

Miller, Lawrence W.

Miller, Lee W.

Miller, Leonard A.

Miller, Lewis B.

Miller, Linda.

Miller, H. Lloyd.

Miller, Lois Maxine.

Miller, Loretta.

Miller, Louise U.

Miller, Marie C.

Miller, Marjorie.

Miller, Mary.

Miller, Mary Alice.

Miller, Mary Ann.

Miller, Mary J.

Miller, Melville H.

Miller, Minnie A.

Miller, Ophelia.

Miller, Patricia A.

Miller, Paul T.

Miller, Ralph H.

Miller, Ray E. Starbuck.

Miller, Capt. Raymond O.

Miller, Richard A.

Miller, Richard K.

Miller, Rita.

Miller, Robert Alexander.

Miller, Robert Richard.

Miller, Ross E.

Miller, Rovona M.

Miller, Ruth.

Miller, Sarah.

Miller, Sidney Lincoln.

Miller, Thaxter.

Miller, Thomas.

Miller, Virginia June.

Miller, Vivian B.

Miller, W. DeWitt.

Miller, W. Virginia.

Miller, Wilbur Reddington.

Miller, Wilmer G.

Mills, Alice W.

Mills, Elizabeth.

Mills, Gordon.

Mills, Jeannette.

Mills, Marcus M.

Mills, Margaret H.

Millsap, Kenneth F.

Milman, Estera.

Milner, June.

Milstead, Earl L.

Miltner, Leo John.

Mims, Fred.

Minakshi, Asaikandi K.

Miner, Kenneth Raymond.

Miner, Mellissa.

Miner, Neil A.

Minges, John J.

Mingus, Florence M.

Minkel, Lester M.

Mintz, Beatrice.

Mirr, Ronald.

Mischler, Raymond J.

Miseles, Stanley.

Mishler, Donald L.

Mishoff, Willard O.

Misol, Sinesio.

Mitchell, Adrian Christopher.

Mitchell, Clifford Lurton.

Mitchell, George W.

Mitchell, Gertrude F.

Mitchell, Harold E.

Mitchell, Jane.

Mitchell, Mildred B.

Mitchell, Rowena.

Mitten, Lloyd G.

Mittman, Arthur.

Mitze, Clark H.

Miyakawa, George.

Moar, Glen H.

Moburg, Marjorie L.

Mockmore, Charles A.

Modestou, Jennifer.

Moe, Daniel.

Moehlman, Arthur Henry.

Moehring, Margaret.

Moeller, Dorothy Wilson.

Moeller, Elizabeth A.

Moeller, Leslie G.

Moeller, Linda.

Moeller, William Smith.

Moen, Berwyn H.

Moen, Harry P.

Moen, Lois P.

Moen, Stanley T.

Moerschel, Henry G.

Moershel, William J.

Moessner, Samuel Frederick Ernst.

Moffett, Elena P.

Moffett, Harold Y.

Moffett, Judith.

Moffit, Margaret.

Mohamed, Saadia S.

Mohler, James Dawson.

Mohler, Susan.

Mohr, Dorothy Ruth.

Molen, Marilyn T.

Moll, Kenneth L.

Molsberry, Frank I.

Molsberry, Jasper M.

Monahan, Elizabeth N.

Monahan, William G.

Monk, Evelyn.

Monnett, Mina Z.

Monroe, Marion.

Monroe, Neal M.

Monsanto, Carlos H.

Montague, Kathryn E.

Montague, Paul.

Montgomery, Albert E.

Montgomery, Alberta.

Montgomery, David Campbell.

Montgomery, Dorothy.

Montgomery, John C.

Montgomery, Julia.

Montgomery, Paul.

Montgomery, Rex.

Moody, Judith A.

Moon, Fred.

Moon, Helen.

Moon, Joy B.

Moon, Roy E.

Mooney, William B.

Moore, Agnes H.

Moore, Daniel (Dan).

Moore, Diane.

Moore, Dorothy L.

Moore, Edson E.

Moore, Elizabeth S.

Moore, Gilbert Donald.

Moore, Helen M.

Moore, James E.

Moore, John George.

Moore, Margaret Evelyn.

Moore, Majorie Anne.

Moore, Mary Ellen D.

Moore, Paul M. Jr.

Moore, Pauline V.

Moore, Richard E.

Moore, Robert D.

Moore, Robert H.

Moore, Rollo H.

Moore, Thomas I.

Moore, Wilbur E.

Moorhead, Edith S.

Moorman, John H.

Moosally, Beatrice Tolppi.

Moran, Ray.

Moran, William R.

Moran-Miller, Kelli.

Mordy, Margaret A.

Moreau, J.C.

Morehouse, Laurence E.

Moreland, Ferrin B.

Moreland, Hazel.

Moreland, Lewis H.

Morey, George E.

Morgan, Chester Alan.

Morgan, Clellan.

Morgan, Ferne.

Morgan, John J.

Morgan, Mildred I.

Morgan, Philip Fairbanks.

Morgan, Reese.

Morgan, William Henry.

Moritz, Martha A.

Morlan, Barbara J.

Morley, Alonzo J.

Morrell, David Bernard.

Morris, Carrie Belle.

Morris, David B.

Morris, Delyte.

Morris, Delyte Wesley.

Morris, Hughlett Lewis.

Morris, Joline Anne (Lynch)

Morris, LeeAnna.

Morris, Lucien Ellis.

Morris, Nelli R.

Morris, Paula.

Morris, Portia M.

Morris, Richard A.

Morris, Robert Lyle.

Morris, Winnifred S.

Morris, Woodrow Wilbert.

Morrison, Jack Raymond.

Morrison, James D.

Morrison, Robert R.

Morrison, Robert T.

Morrison, Sherman.

Morrison, Wendell C.

Morriss, Jill.

Morrissey, Leo J.

Morrow, Barry.

Morrow, Roger M.

Morsch, Lucile M.

Mortimer, Franklin S.

Mortimore, Roy H.

Mortimore, Thomas N.

Morton, James P.

Morton, Laurel.

Morton, Lewis M.

Morton, Matthew T.

Morton, Vance Mulock.

Mosbek, Ellen.

Moscrip, Ruth M.

Moseley, John R.

Moser, Joann.

Moses, Don.

Moses, Wilson J.

Mosher, Joyce La Vonna.

Mosier, Maurice Merlin.

Moss, Barbara.

Moss, Iva.

Moss, Kenneth A.

Mosse, George L.

Mossman, Ray Bryon, Jr.

Most, Benjamin A.

Mott, Dorothy L.

Mott, Frank Luther.

Moughton, Mona Louise.

Moulton, Eleanor M.

Mount, George H.

Mountford, Helen.

Mowry, George Edwin.

Moyer, Nelson P.

Moyers, Jack.

Moylan, Helen Sarah.

Muehl, Lois Baker.

Muehl, Siegmar.

Mueller, Albert C.

Mueller, Charles.

Mueller, Emma C.

Mueller, Keith.

Mueller, Lavonne M.

Mueller, Lawrence W.

Mueller, Mary T.

Muenzer, Hans.

Muhlert, Jan Keene.

Muhly, Harry T.

Muhly, Katherine L.

Muhly, Paul S.

Muilenburg, Mariada.

Muilenburg, Walter J.

Muir, Robert Mathew.

Muir, Thomas C.

Muirhead, Frank A.

Mukherjee, Bharati.

Mulcaster, Anne M.

Mulford, Harold A.

Mulholland, Lois.

Mull, James W.

Mullally, George.

Mullally, Judith.

Mullane, Mary Kelly.

Mullaney, Ellen M.

Mullenix, Ralph B.

Muller, Diane.

Muller, Hazel.

Muller, Kenneth.

Müller-Schwefe, Gerhard.

Mullin, Catharine A.

Mullinnix, Delores R.

Mullins, Martin G.

Mullins, William Harold.

Mulroney, Margaret L.

Mulroy, Patrick D.

Mulsow, Frederick W.

Multer, Walton L.

Mumford, Gladys A.

Mumma, Morton Claire.

Mundel, Marvin E.

Munger, Opal.

Mungovan, Geneva.

Munn, Bill.

Munn, Pauline Ellen (Polly).

Munn, Roger Vincent.

Munneke, Leslie E.

Munro, Alan A.

Munro, Marian.

Munro, Perrina P.

Munson, Henry T.

Muntwyler, Edward

Munzenmaier, Genevieve M.

Murchie, John J.

Murden, Walter C.

Murdoch, Peter H.J.

Murley, Clyde.

Murphy, Dianne.

Murphy, Esther.

Murphy, Irene.

Murphy, James E.

Murphy, Joan.

Murphy, Kenneth P.

Murphy, Michael.

Murphy, Paul G.

Murphy, Robert Carl.

Murphy, Major William G.

Murray, James N., Jr.

Murray, James R.

Murray, Jeffrey C.

Murray, Ken M.

Murray, Leone.

Murray, Nora C.

Murray, William Cotter.

Murray, William M.

Murrin, Joan.

Musgrove, Leo.

Musick, Nina.

Musser, Richard.

Must, Burton G.

Muste, Marian.

Muston, Ray A.

Mutel, Cornelia (Connie).

Mutel, Robert.

Muthard, John Edward.

Mutschmann, Cecelia S.

Muuss, Rolf E.

Myers, Basil R.

Myers, Chester J.

Myers, Cloice E.

Myers, Donald.

Myers, Eulice M.

Myers, Glenn A.

Myers, Jean Myrtle.

Myers, L.

Myers, Louis B.

Myers, Lynn L.

Myers, Malcolm H.

Myers, Robert J.

Myers, Victor Caryl.

Myers, Virginia.

Myers, Virginia A.

Myers, Walter L.

Myrant, Herbert S.

Myrick, Etta M.

Myrick, Sara.