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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid - Faculty and Staff Vertical Files: R

The Faculty and Staff Vertical Files of the University Archives contain biographical and other information about over 20,000 former and current University employees. The list of names below indicates that a file pertaining to that individual is available at the University of Iowa Archives. In addition to these names, many individuals not listed below are noted in a header folder at the beginning of each alphabetical section of the collection. These listings are photocopied index cards which summarize the individual's career with the University, based on their entry in the annual general catalog. The index card collection, no longer maintained, was merged into this collection in 2007.

The list below consists of last names beginning with the letter "R." To see file lists for other names in this collection, choose from the following links, or return to the Faculty and Staff Vertical Files main page for more information about this collection.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X-Y | Z

Raab, Luella M.

Rabideau, Sherman W.

Rabinovitz, Lauren.

Racey, Clyde.

Radcliffe, Christian Elmore.

Rademaker, Emmaline.

Radke, Marian.

Raeburn, John H.

Rafe, Charles.

Raffensperger, Leonard.

Raghavan, Madhavan.

Rahe, Harves.

Raheim, Salome.

Rahman, Sharif.

Rahming, William D.

Rahskopf, Horace G.

Raiford, Alice M.

Raiford, Lemuel Charles.

Rainey, Ron.

Rajagopal, Rangaswamy (Raj).

Rakel, Robert E.

Ramachandran, L.K.

Ramer, Merle.

Ramirez, Arnulfo.

Rames, Linda K.

Ramos, Lourdes.

Rampton, Francis R.

Ramsay, Nancy J.

Ramsay, Theodore Kees.

Ramsaur, Ernest E. Jr.

Ramsey, Scott.

Ramsey, William (Bill).

Ramseyer, Barbara Kay.

Ramseyer, Gary C.

Randall, Bruce.

Randall, John Hammond.

Randall, Lawrence M.

Randall, Roger F.

Randall, Ross G.

Randall, William L.

Rankin, John M.

Ranney, David C.

Ranshaw, Bevelyn Marie.

Rao, A.N.

Rao, K. Bhaskara.

Raper, Lillian.

Rapisarda, Douglas.

Rapson, John.

Rashid, Philip John.

Rasley, Dorothy A. (Rusty).

Rasley, Robert.

Rasmus, Bessie J.

Rasmus, Florance.

Rasmussen, Etta H.

Rate, Edward F.

Rate, Maude A.

Rate, Robert G.

Ratekin, Doris.

Ratermanis, Janis B.

Rathbun, George L.

Rathe, H.W.

Ratliff, Timothy L.

Raudall, Frank H.

Raveling, George.

Ravely, Melville F.

Ravenswood, Fritzen Hinman.

Rawlings, Hunter R. III.

Ray, David Benjamin, Jr.

Ray, Ernest Clark.

Ray, Kenneth W.

Ray, Ovid Malcolm.

Ray, Robert Frederick.

Ray, Rolland.

Rayhill, Stephen.

Raymond, Margaret.

Raymond, William Galt.

Rea, Ralph Curtis.

Read, Charles Herbert.

Reagan, Mark.

Reams, Angela.

Reardon, William Robert.

Reasoner, Carroll.

Reber, Willetta M.

Reddiar, Venugopal.

Reddy, Sudhakar M.

Redfield, Isabelle C.

Redfield, Janet E.

Redlawsk, David.

Redlinger, Maudie.

Redman, Aletha B.

Redmond, Mary M.

Redus, Karen.

Reed, Burleigh B.

Reed, Dan.

Reed, George E.

Reed, Henry R.

Reed, Louis Benton.

Reed, Paul.

Reed, Robert H.

Reed, W. Ray.

Reeds, John N.

Rees, John.

Reese, Carol L.

Reese, Dennis.

Reese, Marilyn A.

Reeve, Hazel K.

Reeve, Marcia.

Reeves, James E.

Regan, Mayzee.

Reger, Charles K.

Reger, Scott Nicholas.

Rehder, Theodore Martin.

Reher, William C.

Rehnquist, Trudi.

Reibel, Dorothy E.

Reich, Helen Louise.

Reichart, Helen.

Reichmann, Charlotte L.

Reid, Gladys Elizabeth.

Reid, Loren D.

Reid, William Thomas.

Reiff, Evan A.

Reihman, Irma C.

Reilly, John Franklin.

Reilly, Margaret M.

Reinhardt, William Edward.

Reis, Robert Dean.

Reisinger, William.

Reisman, Paul.

Reiss, Ira Leonard.

Reiter, Jocelyn S.

Reitz, Barbara J.

Reitzel, Edna.

Reive, J.D.

Rembolt, Mae S.

Rembolt, Raymond Ralph.

Remington, Richard D. (Dick).

Remley, Elsie J.

Remley, Lucile E.

Rempel, Peter P.

Render, Helena Lee W.

Render, Norman.

Renick, Brink C.

Renner, Jon.

Reno, Naomi Rhodes.

Repass, Maurice A.

Repp, A.C.

Reppert, Lola L.

Resley, James W.

Resnick, Oscar.

Retish, Paul M.

Rettig, Thomas Albert.

Reuben, Ethel.

Reuling, Margaret B.

Reuschlein, Philip Louis.

Reuter, Edward Byron.

Reuter, Georgia S.

Revell, Russel W.

Revis, Benjamin.

Rey, Lauri.

Reyes, Jimmy.

Reymert, Martin L.

Reyna, Leo J.

Reynolds, Benjamin Johnson C.

Reynolds, Bruce D.

Reynolds, Catherine Jane.

Reynolds, Edwin Conger.

Reynolds, Harry M.

Reynolds, Joshua James.

Reynolds, Wilhelmina.

Reynolds, William Hunt.

Reynoldson, Walter W.

Rhatigan, James.

Rhoades, Donald Eugene.

Rhodes, Ann.

Rhodes, Ellen.

Rhodes, Richard Sanders.

Rhody, Richard B.

Rhomberg, Charlotte

Rhum, Gordon J.

Rhyne, Janie Lee.

Rhynsburger, Amelia H.

Riani, Albert.

Riasanovsky, Nicholas Valentine.

Ribyn, Alta V.

Ricci, Nora A.

Rice, Carl C.

Rice, Herbert W.

Rice, Janet M.

Rice, Leota M.

Rice, Murray J.

Rice, Tom.

Rich, Ellen A. (Nellie).

Richard, Christian.

Richard, Claude.

Richard, Constance H.

Richards, Gerald F.

Richards, Harry Sanger.

Richards, Jonathan Barlow.

Richards, Vivian M.

Richardson, Bessie E.

Richardson, Duane E.

Richardson, Everett Gordon.

Richardson,  Francis H.

Richardson, Helen C.

Richardson, James C., Jr.

Richardson, Janus M.

Richardson, Paul W.

Richardson, Rena Genevieve K.

Richardson, Robert Louis.

Richerson, Harold B. (Hal).

Richey, Earl L.

Richey, Mary.

Richey, R. Wayne.

Richman, Lynn C.

Richmond, Arthur C.

Richmond, Jean E.

Rickard, Roy V.

Riddick, John A.

Ridjanovich, Zulejha.

Rieber, Dan.

Riedel, Maria de Santy.

Riedel, Ubo.

Rieder, Robert.

Rieke, Earl E.

Rieke, William O.

Rieniets, John H.

Rienow, Robert Elmer.

Ries, Pam.

Rieser, Peter.

Rietz, Henry Lewis.

Riggle, Geneva.

Riggs, Lester.

Righter, Charles Boardman.

Rigler, Edith G.

Rigler, Linda M.

Riley, Alvin D.

Riley, Gardner M.

Riley, Edgar Francis.

Riley, Joseph L.

Riley, Richard K.

Rim, Kwan.

Rinard, Park.

Rinehart, Floyd L.

Ring, Donald W.

Ring, Harold H.

Ringena, Engelke Janssen.

Ringer, Edward L.

Ringgenberg, Clayton L.

Ringo, Elbert Winfred.

Ringoen, Adolph.

Ringoen, Richard M.

Ringrose, Edward J.

Ringstrom, Nancy Ann.

Rink, Raymond.

Rise, Edwin N.

Risley, Paul Lemuel.

Risser, Edward D.

Ristine, Leonard P.

Ritchey, Frances Arlene.

Ritchie, Teresa (Terry).

Rittenmeyer, Adrian F.

Ritter, Elmer L.

Ritter, James H.

Ritter, Paul G.

Rivas, Tlaloc.

Rivera, Eric M.

Roach, Walter.

Roark, Eldridge W. Jr.

Roark, Raymond Jefferson.

Robb, Elizabeth G.

Robbe, Dora.

Robbie, Wilbur A.

Robbin, John W.

Robbins, Charles Leonidas.

Robbins, Edwin C.

Robbins, Lucy.

Robbins, Michael James.

Roberson, Delphine J.

Robert, Joseph Thomas.

Roberts, Ann.

Roberts, Arthur.

Roberts, Bruce H.

Roberts, Ceora K.

Roberts, Charles D.

Roberts, Edith (Edie).

Roberts, Ellen Jane.

Roberts, Joe.

Roberts, Katherine E.

Roberts, Marguerite S.

Roberts, Mary Ann.

Roberts, Mary Hagihara Kujawski.

Roberts, Mary P.

Roberts, Ralph R.

Roberts, Richard H.

Roberts, Richard J.

Roberts, Robert J.

Roberts, Sada M.

Roberts, Thomas Hewitson (Hew).

Roberts, Wyman J.

Robertson, Elizabeth.

Robertson, Huldah C.

Robertson, James A.

Robertson, James I., Jr.

Robertson, James M.

Robertson, Lara L.

Robertson, Lois Marie.

Robertson, Larry.

Robertson, Pamela.

Robertson, Timothy.

Robertson, Tom.

Robertson, William Rees B.

Robertson, William Stephenson.

Robeson, George Farrington.

Robeson (?), Helen Katz.

Robillard, Jean E.

Robinson, Anna B.

Robinson, Benjamin W.

Robinson, Byron L.

Robinson, Carolyn B.

Robinson, Charles S.

Robinson, Claire W.

Robinson, Francis P.

Robinson, J.

Robinson, Jennifer.

Robinson, Joseph F.

Robinson, Karl F.

Robinson, Katherine.

Robinson, Mildred.

Robinson, Marilynne.

Robinson, Richard Law.

Robinson, Robert A.

Robinson, Robert G.

Robinson, Sarita.

Robinson, Selby L.

Robinson, Wayne L.

Robison, Evelyn D.

Robson, Elinor D.

Roche, Frances S.

Rocca, Anthony Edward.

Rocca, Michael.

Rochman, Richard S.

Rock, Mary E.

Rockey, James.

Rockey, William.

Rocklin, Thomas.

Rockwell, Lauralee K.

Rockwood, Elbert William.

Rodabaugh, Edna Katherine H.

Roddy, Dorothy J.

Roddy, Harold J.

Rodger, Mabel F.

Rodgers, Anna P.

Rodgers, Maurice Sylvester.

Rodgers, Ruth Virginia.

Rodgers, Victor G. J.

Rodgers, Vincent G. J.

Rodin, Evald M.

Rodman, Verona M. (Nona).

Rodriguez, Jose E.

Roe, Mary F.

Roe, Nona S.

Roeder, Virgil.

Rogers, Ben C.

Rogers, Charles O.L. "Charlie".

Rogers, Delores.

Rogers, Don C.

Rogers, Donald P.

Rogers, Earl M.

Rogers, Ernest Albert.

Rogers, Frances.

Rogers, Harry S.

Rogers, Jane.

Rogers, Joan.

Rogers, John E.

Rogers, Maurine V.

Rogers, Paul.

Rogers, Ray W.

Rogers, Robert A.

Rogers, Thomas Edwin "Ed".

Rogers, Walter E.

Roggiano, Alfredo.

Roggow, Leonard.

Rogovin, Howard.

Rogow, Arnold A.

Rohan, Patrick James.

Rohbach, James Alexander.

Rohde, Otto J.

Rohret, Mary.

Rohrbacher, William M.

Rohrig, John G.

Ruhlow, Nancy.

Rohner, Frank James.

Rohner, John Rudolpho.

Rohner, Mary.

Rohrbacher, Dr. William Max.

Rohrbough, Malcolm J.

Rohrer, James.

Rohret, Patricia (Trish).

Rohrlich, Fritz.

Rohret, Cecilia.

Rolfe, Mary A.

Roll, Marlin Henry.

Rolston, Dorothy M.

Romine, Betty.

Ronald, Gene W.

Ronemous, Carol A.

Rood, James T.

Roohan, James E.

Rooks, Roland.

Roos, Norman.

Root, Mabel E.

Root, Ralph Eugene.

Root, Winfred Trexler.

Rosazza, John P.

Rosborough, Jim.

Roscoe, Ann.

Rose, Earl F. / Marilyn Preheim.

Rose, Gerald L.

Rose, Joseph E.

Roseberg, Bertil.

Roseberry, Marjorie.

Rosenbaum, Arthur.

Rosenbaum, Irene Sloan.

Rosenbaum, Marcy.

Rosenbaum, Milton E.

Rosenbusch, Melville.

Rosendahl, Milferd E.

Rosene, Gordon L.

Rosenfield, John Max.

Rosenmeyer, Thomas G.

Rosenthal, Ann.

Rosenthal, James C.

Rosenwinkel, Phyllis.

Rosinski, Martin A.

Rosner, Sue R.

Ross, Bonny Lynne.

Ross, Byron R.

Ross, John Elliot.

Ross, Florence M.

Ross, Hugh V.

Ross, Mary.

Ross, Mary Lee.

Ross, Morton L.

Ross, Russell Marion.

Rossi, Christopher.

Rossides, Telemachos N.

Rossman, Kenneth R.

Rossol, Arkadij.

Rostenbach, Royal Edwin.

Roth, Hazel Marie.

Roth, Lloyd J.

Roth, Philip.

Rothman, Paul.

Rothschild, Alfred.

Rothwell, Pamela.

Rotten, Glenn N.

Rotton, William I.

Rourke, M. Aileen.

Rouse, Arthur G.

Rouse, Hunter.

Rouse, Walter.

Routh, Joseph I.

Routh, Marion.

Rovine, Victoria.

Rovner, Leopold.

Rowan, Charles Joseph.

Rowe, Galen O.

Rowe, Julia W.

Rowen, Herbert H.

Rowland, Janette G.

Rowles, Judy Kay (Nierling).

Rowley, Howard H.

Rowley, Robert D.

Rowley, Thomas.

Rowley, Vinton N.

Rowse, Leroy H.

Roy, Christopher D.

Royal, George.

Royal, Lester A.

Royal, Paul A.

Royce, Elbert.

Royce, Rosemary.

Royston, William.

Ruback, Chad.

Ruben, Brent David.

Rubin, Paley I.

Ruby, Daniel.

Ruch, Giles Murrel.

Ruch, Verness May F.

Ruckmick, Christian Alban.

Ruggles, Clyde Orval.

Ruhlin, Carl W.

Ruilman, Cyril J.

Ruiz-Castillo, Javier.

Rulon, Elva E.

Rumage, Kennard W.

Rummelhart, Jacqueline A.

Runge, Richard.

Rungler, William T.

Runner, Joseph James.

Runzler, William Theodore.

Ruppe, Reynold Joseph.

Ruppert, Edith Evelyn Haynes.

Rus, Elena.

Rus, Teodor.

Rush, James E.

Rushton, Gerard.

Rusie, Loy W.

Rusing, John E.

Rusnak, Richard S.

Russ, John Megginson.

Russell, Denise K.

Russell, Elwood P.

Russell, Florence L.

Russell, James Earl Jr.

Russell, Ralph E.

Russell, Robert C.

Russell, Ruth.

Russell, William Fletcher.

Russin, Lester A.

Russo, Andrew.

Rust, Josephine.

Ruther, Lavonne.

Rutherford, Cyrus W.

Rutledge, Catherine S.

Rutledge, Christine.

Rutledge, Wiley Blount.

Rutledge, Wiley Blount Jr.

Ryan, Alvan S.

Ryan, Geraldine W.

Ryan, Helen B. (Helen Hazen).

Ryan, Paul C.

Ryan, Prentice Upton.

Rydze, Bob.

Ryerson, Ray R.

Rymut, Adele A.

Rynes, Sara L.

Rypins, Edwin L.