Manuscript Register
Collection Dates: 1932 -- 1968
(Bulk Dates: 1950 to 1968)
2 linear ft.
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
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Posted to Internet: June 2002
Acquisition Note: This collection was donated to the University of Iowa Libraries by Jake More in 1969.
Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.
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More's involvement with state Democratic politics began in the early 1930's. As Shelby County Attorney, More became involved in the county Democratic organization and served in the county's delegation to state conventions. In 1932, More was made Shelby County Chairman of the Democratic National Committee's Victory Campaign which sought to raise money to pay campaign debts. On May 7, 1934, More became State President of the Iowa Young Democratic Club, serving in the office for two years.
At a stormy meeting in the Shelby County Court House in Harlan on June 27, 1936, More was named to succeed John Hertert as Shelby County Democratic Central Committee chairman. More served as County Chairman for five years until his appointment to the State Chairmanship. More succeeded Ed Birmingham as Democratic State Central Committee Chairman at the state convention on July 29, 1941. As State Chairman, More attempted to build a Democratic organization based on patronage. Iowa went for Truman in the 1948 Presidential election and Truman generally credited More with the victory. Also in 1948, the Democrats elected Guy Gillette to the United States Senate and in 1956 they elected Herschel Loveless as Governor of Iowa.
It was Loveless,
however, who, as Governor in 1958, acquiesced in More's ouster as Party Chairman.
In a surprise move at the State Convention in July, 1958, the anti-More forces
led by Central Committeeman Lex Hawkins, Soapy Owens, and Governor Loveless'
aid Bob Johnson, managed a 12-4 Central Committee vote for More's removal.
Duke Norberg, an old friend of Loveless', became State Chairman and served
until 1960 when Hawkins himself took over.
and Contents
Among the most interesting items in the collection are the files of correspondence between More and Truman, who became close friends. The general correspondence files also include letters from a great many prominent Iowans and well known national Democratic figures. Also of interest is the file of State Party Platforms, both Democratic and Republican, and the file on the Democratic Midwest Conference, a group of Democratic State officials from thirteen Midwestern states.
Democratic National
Committee Victory Campaign, 1932 (1 folder)
Lists of contributors; letters related to Shelby County Party members
Young Democratic
Clubs of Iowa, 1934 -- 1938 (4 folders)
Proceedings of Conference, May 7, 1934
1935. Lists of County officers and delegates to State and National convention; state District Officers; lists of "dependable workers" for upcoming national campaign
1936. Printed programs for YDC State Convention in Davenport, May 18, 1936, and the State Party Convention in Des Moines, April 3, 1936; letters relating to a dispute over control of the Waterloo Club; district and county lists
1938. District Officers list; Party Resolutions
Shelby County Democratic
Central Committee, 1936 -- 1940 (6 folders)
1936. Reports of Central Committee meetings, including those at which More was elected and confirmed as Chairman; file also contains scattered notes and correspondence from 1936 and a sample address to first voters
1936. Party lists -- Committeemen and women; delegates to State Convention; primary voters
1936. Financial Reports, bills, receipts, expenditures and contributions; largely handwritten
1938. List of Democratic voters by ward, one financial report and a few pieces of correspondence from 1938; also includes a road maintenance report from 1937
1940. Correspondence and financial reports
1940. Party lists -- County, township, precinct, wards
Democratic State
Central Committee, 1941 -- 1958 (5 folders)
Letters, August 1941; congratulations on election
Publicity Releases, 1953
Publicity Releases, 1954
Financial -- Statements of election expenses covering period November 25, 1950, to November 26, 1954
Financial statements of election expenses covering period November 26, 1954, to July 26, 1958
Box 2
Democratic State Central Committee (con't.) (14 folders)
The following folders
contain State Central Committee financial statements and auditor's reports
covering the period November 30, 1953, through 1960. In addition, they contain
a single statement covering February 3 to April 14, 1944. Also included are
statements of convention expenses and annual Jackson Day Dinner Reports.
To July 26, 1958, the end of More's chairmanship
July 26, 1958, through 1960
Memos, January to April, 1958
Materials concerning organizational affairs, e.g. meetings, policy positions, notices, and the like
Memos, May to July, 1958
Memos, August 5, 1958, to November 18, 1960, Duke Norberg as Chairman
"Crank Letters." Various dates, some aimed at More, some at Herschel Loveless and his family
Letters to More upon his leaving chairmanship. Most are dated August 1958 and most have replies. Letters are arranged alphabetically.
Democratic Midwest Conference (1 folder). File contains a few letters and memos from 1958 and 1959. Also included is a description by Washington Post writer Robert Albright of More's ouster as chairman.
State Party Platforms (1 folder)
File contains Republican and Democratic State Platforms: Democratic --1940, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958. Republican --1950, 1952, 1954, 1960
Box 3
National Democratic
Party (4 folders)
Democratic Digest. First issued as a publication of the Women's s Division of the Democratic National Committee the Digest later became the official publication of the DNC itself. Included here are issues for
May and September 1945;
October and November 1946;
December 1946 to January 1947;
September to October 1948;
May 1949;
November, 1950;
February -- March, April -- May 1, June -- July, August -- September, October, November, 1951750 Club. The Democratic National Committee formed the 750 club in early 1959. The purpose was to raise money to pay 1958 campaign debts and to get a start on 1960 fund raising
Kennedy Inaugural Invitation, 1961
Pamphlet, History of the Democratic Party
Special Correspondence
(10 folders)
Labor Luncheon, Washington, D.C., 1961: More held an annual luncheon in Washington at which representatives of Iowa labor could meet and talk with members of Iowa's Congressional Delegation. These papers relate to a luncheon held March 14, 1961, at the Annapolis Hotel in Washington. Papers are mostly invitations and handwritten drafts of invitations to Iowa officials in Washington.
Loveless Campaigns, 1952 and 1956. Correspondence related to Herschel Loveless' campaigns for Governor. Material for 1956 relates largely to attempts to smear Loveless by making an issue of his 1934 arrest for embezzlement. Papers include photostats of the original arrest warrant and court papers related to the case. 1952 material is largely correspondence with Loveless' campaign manager, John Grenzenbach, relating to campaign finances.
Magnusson Dinner, 1961. Invitation and notes concerning a testimonial dinner honoring Senator Warren Magnusson's 25 years service. More attended the dinner in Seattle, November 1961. Papers include a note signed by Magnusson, thanking More for coming.
Truman Correspondence, 1950 -- 1968: More often called Truman to address quasi-political events. Correspondence here consists largely of such letters and replies, especially a long series concerning a trip by Truman to Grinnell in 1963.Invitations, programs
1958, 1961 and 1962
1950 -- 1959
1960 -- 1962
1963 -- Grinnell Trip
Clippings related to Grinnell visit
Includes letters dated 1965 and one dated 1968
General Correspondence 1934 -- 1938 (4 folders)
1936. Including letters from Nelson Kraeschel and Clyde Herring
1938. Including letters from Guy Gillette.
Box 4
General Correspondence 1939 -- 1962 (7 folders)
1939. Letters from Clyde Herring
1940. Letters from S.J. Galvin, Clyde Herring
1941. Letters from Clyde Herring
1942 -- 1949
1950 -- 1957. Letters from Guy Gillette, Clarence Moody
1958. Letters from John R. Hansen
1959 -- 1962