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Special Collections and Archives

MsC 192

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1932 -- 1957
6 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
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Posted to Internet: December 2002

Acquisition Note: The papers of U.S. District Judge William Francis Riley were obtained for the library as a result of the efforts, interests, and correspondence initiated by George M. Sheets in April 1958. The bulk of the papers was given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Riley's widow, Catherine Mary Greene Riley, on April 17, 1959. A small addition was donated in 1978 by their son, Robert Riley.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Abbreviations: For an explanation of the abbreviation and dating conventions used in the finding aids, see Abbreviations.

Biographical Note

On March 20, 1884, William Francis Riley was born to Thomas and Anna Sullivan Riley in Ainsworth, Iowa. He attended public schools in Ainsworth and Washington before graduating from high school in Burlington, Iowa. Riley attended the University of Iowa where he received his undergraduate degree in 1907 and his law degree in 1909. He was the captain of the track team at Iowa.

Moving to Des Moines, he began his legal practice in partnership with Addison M. Parker. During World War One, Lieutenant William F. Riley served in the Army's legal department. Returning to Iowa after the war, Riley joined the firm of Carr, Cox, Evans, and Riley in 1922. He remained with this legal firm until 1951. During the years of the Great Depression, Riley served on Iowa's advisory committee of the Public Works Administration. From 1942 to 1945 he was a special assistant to the U.S. Attorney General Hearing Officer of the Selective Service Bureau. Always active in the professional organizations, Riley was a member of the American Bar Association's public relations committee (1948 -- 1951) and was the president of the Iowa State Bar Association (1949 -- 1950). In 1950, President Truman appointed him to the bench as the U.S. District Court Judge of Iowa's Southern District.

An ardent Democrat, Riley campaigned for Governor Clyde L. Herring and Senator Louis Murphy. He also supported Guy M. Gillette. Riley served as an advisor to Herring and helped write his inaugural address. However, Riley was involved in more than just law and politics. He was an outstanding Catholic layman and helped to found the School of Religion at the University of Iowa. Riley was also a sportsman. As a hunter and fisherman he was interested in Iowa's Fish and Game Commission.

William Francis Riley died in 1956 at the age of seventy-two. He was survived by his wife of forty-six years, Catherine Mary Greene Riley, and their six children.

Chronological biography

William Francis Riley [WFR]

1884 -- Born at Ainsworth, Iowa, the son of Timothy Riley and Anna (Sullivan) Riley, March 20, 1884

1907 -- Graduated A.B., State University of Iowa, Iowa City

1909 -- Graduated from State University of Iowa Law School

1909 -- Admitted to the Iowa Bar Association

1910 -- Married Catherine Mary Greene of Sioux City, Iowa, August 23, 1910. Six children resulted from this union: Mary Frances (Mrs. John J.) Lawler, Rochester, Minnesota; William Francis Riley, Jr., Tucson, Arizona; Robert G. Riley, Des Moines, Iowa; Richard Riley, Cdr., USN, Washington, D.C.; Philip T. Riley, Lt., USN, Sassebo, Japan; Catherine Barat (Mrs. Alan K.) Stewart, Jr., Phoenix, Arizona.

1922 -- 1951 -- Practiced law in Des Moines, Iowa, with the firm of Carr, Cox, Evans, and Riley

1933 -- Chairman of the Iowa Legislative Interim Committee, 1933 -- 1934

1942 -- Served as Assistant to the U.S. Attorney General Hearing Officer SSR

1949 -- President of the Iowa State Bar Association, 1949 -- 1950

1950 -- Appointed U.S. District Judge of the South District, Iowa

1956 -- Died. Buried in Des Moines, Iowa, December 29, 1956

Scope and Content

The papers of William F. Riley date from 1932 to 1957 and measure six linear feet. The collection is arranged by item numbers in twelve boxes with an alphabetical index of names, organizations, and institutions. Composed primarily of correspondence, letters are found throughout the collection. Some of the correspondents include Jay N. Darling, Charles A. Dewey, Harold J. Gallagher, Guy M. Gillette, Henry N. Graven, Virgil M. Hancher, Clyde L. Herring, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Mason Ladd, Karl M. LeCompte, Louis Murphy, Ray Murphy, Seth Thomas, Henry A. Wallace, and W.O. Weaver.

Judge Riley's legal career is reflected in the folders relating to the American Bar Association with special emphasis given to public relations and the legal profession. There are two boxes of programs, minutes, bulletins, correspondence, etc., relating specifically to the Iowa State Bar Association. Many of Riley's addresses -- Riley was a popular speaker -- are preserved, and they mirror his passions: the law, politics, and religion.

One entire box is devoted to Riley's long involvement with the University of Iowa. It includes items ranging from alumni articles of incorporation to School of Religion policies and the Catholic Student Center. Another area of interest for Judge Riley included the Roadside Settlement House Association of which he was a director. There are audits, minutes, reports, and correspondence for this organization which date from 1936 to 1949. His interest and enjoyment of hunting and fishing is seen in a folder on the Iowa State Fish and Game Commission.

The single most important value of this collection of papers is its large volume of autograph- and typed-letters-signed by United States Presidents, Vice Presidents, cabinet members, high government officials, military leaders, church leaders, civic leaders, university professors, United States Judges, Iowa Governors, Iowa U.S. Senators, and Iowa U.S. Representatives. (See Index of Important Names.)

Click here for Name Index to Correspondence

Box List

Box 1


Items 1 -- 47: letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, 1932 -- 1936. Correspondence of WFR, A. J. Kirkpatrick, Governor Clyde L. Herring, Lieutenant Governor Nelson G. Kraschel, Henry C. Riley, John D. Little, E. W. McManus, J. C. Pryor, Frank A. O'Connor, Edwin Gill, Richard B. Russell, Jr., Governor O. Max Gardner, Harry F. Byrd, Fred W. Morrison, Carter Glass, Wilfrid Parsons, Fred Bierman, G. B. Richter, R. J. O'Brien, John C. Reid, Carl J. Knoeffler, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., H. L. Perry, James McCoy, George D. Key, R. H. Kress, J. Ray Files. Includes two TLS from Governor Clyde LaVerne Herring


Items 48 -- 290: letters, telegrams, telephone bills, 1932 -- 1936. Correspondence of WFR, Senator Louis Murphy, S. M. Kaufman, Paul H. Appleby, Senator John K. Valentine, Dan T. Riley, Father George A. Rolland, Cliff Woodward, A. S. Goss, Anna Allen Marsh, Will J. Nelson, Isabel Cox, Arthur A. Zimmerman, J. Robert Cornell , David J. Murphy, David Cogswell, Joe Naab, Roland Harrison, George A. Kraetsch, P. F. Hopkins, Hubert Utterback, Luther L. Hill, A. G. Flieschman, Thomas Y. Wickham, Roscoe Fertich, Henry A. Wallace, Jewell W. Swofford, J. W. Studebaker, E. G. Moon, J. G. Shifflett, A. J. Brock, Louis V. Phelps, Edith O'Brien Smiley, A. Fitzhugh, J. J. Hughes, F. G. Awalt, James C. Green, T. R. Osborne, L. S. Hill, C. B. Murtagh. Includes thirty-eight TLS from Senator Louis Murphy, and one TLS from Senator John K. Valentine


Items 291 -- 320: Letters, telegrams, 1934 -- 1939. Correspondence between WFR and Senator Guy Mark Gillette. Includes nine TLS and one ALS from Senator Guy Mark Gillette


Items 321 -- 352: Letters, telegrams, 1941 -- 1942. Correspondence of Senator Clyde LaVerne Herring, WFR, F. W. Hubbell, James A. Farley, Vice President Henry A. Wallace, Drew Pearson, Robert Garst, and Gardner Cowles, Jr. Includes one TLS from Vice President Henry A. Wallace dated September 29, 1942


Items 353 -- 397: Letters, 1950 -- 1951. Correspondence of Senator Guy Mark Gillette, WFR, Howard Hill, S. Mentis, Lester W. Drennen. Includes fifteen TLS from Senator Guy M. Gillette


Items 398 -- 448: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, 1937 -- 1941. Correspondence of WFR, Senator Clyde LaVerne Herring, Professor Christian Richard, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Paul R. Tilson, Edith Johnson, Consul George D. Hopper, French Ambassador Andre de Laboulaye, C. E. Bullock, Ray Murphy


Items 449 -- 543: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, 1937 -- 1950. Correspondence of William F. Riley, Senator Clyde L. Herring, W. Howard Chase, Virgil Case, W. W. Waymack, W.R.C. Kendrick, Darwin Meisnest , Ralph U. Heninger, Judge Carroll O. Switzer, George Heaps, Jr., and Norman H. Davis. Includes five ALS and fourteen TLS from Senator Clyde LaVerne Herring


Items 544 -- 617: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, 1932 -- 1940. Correspondence of W. W. Waymack, WFR, James D. LeCron, Under-Secretary of Agriculture Rexford Guy Tugwell, Roswell Garst, Governor and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Professor John R. Simmons, G. A. Nollen, Charles A. Beard, Cal Ward, Henry R. Luce, Governor Nathan Edward Kendall, Henry I. Harriman, Charles L. Stewart, G. F. Warren, Senator Richard Louis Murphy, Thomas Y. Wickham, Carl Snyder, Garland R. Farmer, Right Reverend John A. Ryan, Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace, Vincent F. Harrington, Paul Appleby, and Secretary of State Cordell Hull. Includes one TLS from ex-Governor Nathan Edward Kendall, ten TLS and one ALS from Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace and one TLS from Under-Secretary of Agriculture Rexford Guy Tugwell


Items 618 -- 717: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clipping, pamphlets, speeches, membership and guest admission cards, 1932 -- 1945. Correspondence of WFR, Paul H. Appleby, Harold Young, Henry A. Wallace, Honorable W. J. Johannes, M. Huss, Maurice S. Sheehy, Dante M. Pierce, Dean Acheson, Luther M. Walter, Carl Hamilton, Clifford DePuy, James W. Gerard, L. W. Drennen, J. E. Rankin, and Lieutenant Governor Nelson G. Kraschel. Includes thirteen TLS and two ALS from Henry A. Wallace, and one TLS from Dean Acheson


Items 718 -- 842: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, speeches, 1932 -- 1957. Correspondence of WFR, Senator Guy Mark Gillette, Senator John K. Valentine, Governor O. Max Gardner, Senator Clyde LaVerne Herring, Senator Bourke Blakemore Hickenlooper, Congressman Paul Harvey Cunningham, Jay N. Darling, Dante M. Pierce, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Matthew F. McGuire, Harry L. Hopkins, Henry A. Wallace, Reverend Newmann Flanagan, Ray Murphy, John Sullivan, Oscar L. Chapman, Louis A. Johnson, R. M. Evans, J. M. Johnson, M. E. Brackmann, Oscar Chapman, Francis Biddle, Judge William J. Keefe, Cecil A. Johnson, John C. DeMar, F. P. Hagemam, Henry C. Shull, Frank O'Connor, L. J. Dougherty, E. H. Pollard, Senator F. Ryan Duffy, Dan O'Brien, and Philip A. Walker. Includes three TLS from Senator F. Ryan Duffy, one TLS from Senator Guy Mark Gillette, two TLS from Senator John K. Valentine, one TLS from Governor O. Max Gardner, one TLS from Senator Clyde L. Herring, three TLS from Senator Bourke Blakemore Hickenlooper, one TLS from Congressman Paul Harvey Cunningham, and three TLS from Jay N. Darling

Box 2


Items 843 -- 896: Letters, pamphlets, invitations, announcements, 1951 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Congressman James Isaac Dolliver, Bruce Bromley, Alexander Black, R. M. Anderson, Robert Brown, Esq., Mason Ladd, Peyton Ford, Richard R. Grummon, Philip D. Macbride, Edward McKim, Dora Barz, Hallam Cooley, George H. Phelps, John Nicholson, Anna B. Lawther, Mother Bennetta Green, Jay N. Darling, Bill Carson, Louise A. Carson, Hatton W. Sumners, Richard Wilson, Charles S. Bradshaw, Reverend Edward C. Keating, Milo Murphy, Jerry J, Snoble, Jack Hudspeth, Vina Kampmeyer, D. H. Cunningham, Mike Wilson, Mayor Walter H. Bense, Vincent F. Powers, E. H. Zuerrer, Arthur E. Enquist, Hugh D. McMahon, Joe L. McMahon, Seth Thomas, Howard W. Dresser, and William Joseph. Includes one TLS from Congressman James Isaac Dolliver


Items 897 -- 953: Letters, programs, calendars, telegrams, 1949 -- 1950. Correspondence of WFR, Congressman Karl M. LeCompte, Senator Guy M. Gillette, Reverend Gordon V. Smith, Henry C. Shull, Donald R. Richberg, L. L. Robertson, John D. Randall, Frank A. O'Connor, LCDR. W. T. Davis (USN), LCDR. E. F. McDevitt (USNR), Henry C. Mackall, Ray Murphy, Lue C. Lozier, H. C. Kenline, Rear Admiral J. Cary Jones, G. L. Short, Virgil Hancher, Ray Harrison, Judge Henry N. Graven, and Howard Chase. Includes one TLS from Rear Admiral J. Cary Jones, one TLS from Congressman Karl M. LeCompte, and one TLS from Senator Guy M. Gillette


Items 954 -- 1065: Letters, telegrams, pleadings, rules, articles, 1932 -- 1944. Correspondence of WFR, Senator Guy M. Gillette, Judge Charles A. Dewey, W. A. Jessup, Attorney General Homer Cummings, Frank M. Parrish, A. W. Merrill, Earl Smith, Edward C. Eicher, Hubert Everist, Gardner Cowles, James C. Honrahan, D. W. Bates, John Cowles, H. G. Brownson, Smith W. Brookhart, Jr., Frank Bane, J. R. Bahne, Fred Bierman, E. H. Birmingham, E. P. Adler, Reverend Edmund A. Walsh, Senator Louis Murphy, Richard Wilson, John K. Valentine, Charles E. Reynolds, Howard Baldwin, Carl C. Riepe, E. R. McManus, E. A. Moore, Fred P. Hagemann, Reverend L. G. Ligutti, Michael Williams, M. L. Wilson, J. D. LeCron, Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace, Jay N. Darling, Mabel Fickel, Secretary Harold C. Ickes, R. Strauss, Robert B. Caldwell, Senator Vincent F. Harrington, Louis McH. Howe, Harley H. Stipp, Ralph M. Shaw, William Stanley, Governor O. Max Gardner, F. W. Murphy, Judge Jerry B. Sullivan, Matthew A. Tinley, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Governor Alfred E. Smith, Carl B. Stiger, Right Reverend Wm. J. Kirby, J. W. Studebaker, and E. H. Pollard. Includes one TLS from Senator Vincent F. Harrington, one TLS from Governor O. Max Gardner, one TLS from Under-Secretary of Agriculture Rexford Guy Tugwell


Items 1066 -- 1136: Letters, speeches, lists, minutes, 1934 -- 1948. Correspondence of WFR, Bernard D. Kurtz, Herbert L. Horton, Arthur T. Gormley, Right Reverend L. V. Lyons, George E. O’Malley, Marcella Hotz, Gerald F. Harrington, Frank Hopkins, Cathrine Howting , Frank A. Hecht, Orvis T. Kenkle, Max L. Holmes, James F. Hart, Phil E. Connell, Virgil M. Hancher, Earl E. Harper, John H. Uthoff, Grover C. Hubbell, Mrs. Albert E. Hollingshead, J. G. Holbrook, E. R. Haley, Fred McDonald, Clyde E. Herring, M. W. Hyland, G. G. Jeck, Congressman W. S. Jacobsen, W. S. Jackson, Earle A. Johnson, J. Woolson Brooks, and J. W. Jordon. Includes three TLS from Congressman W. S. Jacobsen


Items 1137 -- 1309: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, notes, speeches, 1932 -- 1940. Correspondence of WFR, Judge Henry Craven, F. E. Gill, James J. Gillespie, E. A. Gilmore, Edgar B. Toman, Will Shafroth, Joseph R. Taylor, Frank D. Gilloon, Jonas W. Graber, Tom W. Green, O. J. Ditto, C. F. Green, Harry Garrett, Governor Clyde L. Herring, Warren Garst, William R. Hart, O. Max Gardner, F. P. Hagemann, Congressman Vincent F. Harrington, Luther L. Hill, Mrs. Albert E. Hollingshead, P. F. Hopkins, Harry L. Hopkins, E. C. Halbach, L. H. Hughes, J. J. Hughes, F. G. Higbee, Otha D. Wearin, Alfred C. Willford, Congressman Edward C. Eicher, Senator Guy M. Gillette, Bernard M. Jacobsen, J. J. Meyers, E. H. Fabritz, Fred Biermann, W. H. Hamilton, W. Earl Hall, John C. Higgins, Glenn C. Haynes, Charles D. Huston, L. A. Mullican, F. C. Hubbell, C. A. Smedal, J. H. Johnson, R. J. Cornell, and James N. Hayes. Includes four TLS from Congressman Vincent F. Harrington and one TLS from Guy M. Gillette


Items 1310 -- 1428: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, 1933 -- 1938. Correspondence of WFR, Maybelle G. Fickel, James Farley, Mary Dawson, Reed A. Flickinger, J. R. Files, Ernest Fabritz, J. P. Frailey, Bernard A. Fuller, Jr., Louis McH. Howe, John Foley, George W. Keller, Governor Nelson G. Kraschel, W. J. Keefe, Fred J. Poyneer, Senator Richard Louis Murphy, P. K. Karberg, George A. Kretsch, Cliff Woodward, Fred Hahne, and Fred Keating. Includes two TLS from Governor Nelson G. Kraschel and one TLS from Senator Richard Louis Murphy


Items1429 -- 1559: Letters, telegrams, biographies, speeches, pamphlets, 1948 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Agnes McCreery, J. R. Files, Frank Burns, F. O. Bohen, Walter Chandler, Gardner Cowles, Jr., C. A. Crosser, Vernon Denman, L. J. Dougherty, Folsom Everest, Major General Philip B. Fleming, Earl R. Gafford, Carl F. Geiser, M. X. Geske, Senator Guy M. Gillette, W. J. Goff, Arthur T. Gormley. S. F. McGinn, Harold P. Klein, G. Ralph Branton, Brigadier General Charles H. Grahl, Major General Lewis B. Hershey, H. G. Harmon, Judge William Healy, Frank Hill, Senator Lister Hill, Orvis T. Henkle, Rev. Dr. M. M. Hoffman, Father Ildesphonse, R. A. Kenver, L. H. Kurtz, Mason Ladd, Lue C. Lozier, Philip D. Macbride, William H. McCarthy, James P. McGranery, Henry McDaniel , Dan McGuire, W. F. McMurry, F. B. McVicar, Judge Roger J. Meakim, Howard Miller, De Lo Mook, Ray Murphy, George H. Phelps, L. D. Powell, Ralph M. Shaw, Hatton W. Sumners, and Rudolph Martin Anderson

Box 3


Items1560 -- 1664: Letters, telegrams, addresses, newspaper clippings, 1946 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Owen Cunningham, Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark, Wayne G. Cook, John Cowles, Professor Martin Tollefson, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Rear Admiral Wallace R. Dowd (ALS), Jay N. Darling (TLS), Frank Dowie, R. M. Anderson, Ray Murphy, E. P. Adler, Josephine Allen, Raymond W. Ellis , R. M. "Spike" Evans, Reece Stuart, Burt J. Thompson, Byron B. Boyd, Walter L. Bierring, Archbishop of Omaha G. T. Bergan (TLS), Professor James E. Brenner, E. Gordon Brewer, Julian Brody, Roger P. Birdsall, L. C. Bagley, U.S. Treasury Department Commissioner T. Coleman Andrews (TLS), Reverend Leonard J. Brugman, James T. Bolan, Fred Bohen, Senator Frank C. Byers, (TLS), Frank Bane, Hamer Banta, Stephen H. Bush, Justice Charles R. Barnard (TLS), W. Harold Brenton, John G. Buchanan, Professor Milford E. Barnes, James Bolan, Paul Beer, District Judge Walter M. Bastian (TLS). Includes printed copies of Inaugural Address of Clyde L. Herring, January 17, 1935, and the Inaugural Ceremony Program


Items 1665 -- 1789: Letters, telegrams, clippings, 1947 -- 1955. Includes 52 letters between Judge WFR and U.S. District Court Judge M. M. Joyce. Also includes correspondence of WFR, U.S. Customs Court Judge William J. Keefe (ALS), E. R. Johnston, James E. Jamison, Colonel Rush H. Kress (2 TLS), William E. Kerstetter, Congressman Karl M. LeCompte (2 TLS), Lue C. Lozier, Karl. D. Loos, U.S. District Court Judge F. Dickinson Letts (TLS), Jacob M. Lashly, Captain S. J. Ziegler, John R. Zeis, Dan O'Brien, W. W. Waymack, Mrs. L. M. Treadwell, Carl B. Rix, Bruce E. Mahan, James Patrick, Conger Reynolds, Vice Admiral G. D. Murray, U.S. Navy (TLS), U.S. Circuit Court Judge Alfred P. Murrah, Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper (TLS), Luther M. Walter, Judge Richard F. Mitchell. Includes biographical sketch of WFR for publication in the Directory of American Judges, 1955


Items 1790 -- 1997: Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, 1948 -- 1955. Includes (1 TLS) from President Harry S. Truman, and (1 TLS) Admiral Felix B. Stump, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Also includes correspondence of Manfred Ronning, Carl C. Riepe, John D. Randall, Senator Robert W. Upton (TLS), Assistant Postmaster General Albert J. Robertson (3 TLS), Professor Lehan K. Tunks, Gerald M. Swanstrom, Richard J. Thompson, Sylvester C. Smith, Jr., George H. Turner, Robert G. Storey, Charles F. Swisher, Burt J. Thompson, Reverend Carl Stiefel, Maurice J. Breen, Jacob Kirchner, Edward A. Jones, Frederick M. Miller, Leo D. Thomas, and WFR


Items 1998 -- 2093: Letters, telegrams, 1950 -- 1951. Correspondence of WFR, President Harry S. Truman (l TLS), Deputy Attorney General Peyton Ford (TLS), Attorney General J. Howard McGrath (TLS), Loyd Wright, Leonard J. Bangman, U.S. Attorney William R. Hart (TLS), Frank Burns, Bruce E. Mahan, J. Frank Hamilton, Willard I. Laird, D. Clinton Edwards, Eugene McGuire, Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper (1 TLS), James J. Joyce, O. P. Decker, Edward R. Johnston, Owen W. Parker, Bernard L. Majewski , Charles H. Bryant, Will Freeman, Archbishop of Omaha G. T. Bergan (TLS), Ray E. Fuller, Ray Murphy, Rush Kress, W. C. Powell, Mary Duffy, William T. Waterman, William Cotton, Carl Stiefel, Robert A. Brown, Clark Hays Lander, Mark Catlin, Sr., C. Gordon Heiss, N. Bernard Gussett, Richard Wilson, U.S. District Judge David W. Ling, Roy E. Willy, Reverend A. A. Halbach, Arthur Sanford, Andrew Anderson, Arthur I. Boreman, Paul J. Parker, Grover C. Hubbell, Herbert L. Horton, Chief Justice of the High Court of American Samoa (Pago Pago), Arthur A. Morrow (TLS), Earl R. Gafford, F. O. Bohen, A. Brody, Frank Dowie, Charles E. Friley, Ray Murphy, W. W. Jaeger, and Lon Hocker


Items 2094 -- 2208: Letters, newspaper clippings, 1946 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, North Carolina Governor O. Max Gardner (TLS), Senator Guy Mark Gillette (2 TLS), E. A. Gilmore, Arizona Congressman Richard F. Harless (TLS), James R. McGovern, Ralph Heninger, Phineas M. Henry, Gerald A. Jewett, Rear Admiral J. Cary Jones (2 TLS), John W. Keating, Burt J. Thompson, John D. Randall, Charles R. Gardner, Carson L. Taylor, Jacob M. Lashly, Walter M. Bastian, Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper, J. W. Hubbell, Winfield Scott, E. M. McConney, Frank Burns, South Carolina Governor James F. Byrnes (2 TLS), Carl Byoir, Virgil M. Hancher (2 TLS), Thomas L. Sidlo, Arthur Littleton, Donald K. Carroll, Charles E. Firley, Gordon V. Smith, Julian Brody, Thomas F. McDonald, C. W. Taylor, Jr., Professor Martin Tollefson, Arthur T. Vanderbilt, F. H. Guild, Commander C. S. Walsh, USN, H. A. Collins, H. C. Houghton, Rodney Z. Selby, Jay N. Darling, Glenn R. Winters, Homer Wheatcroft, Loyd Wright, Joseph E. Whalen, Wilfred Woody Woods, Dick Cheverton, U.S. District Judge James A. Walsh, Arthur Witthoefft, Frank Warner, W. W. Waymack, Larned A. Waterman, Professor Carl M. Franklin, F. B. Whinery, Captain Philip A. Walker, USN, and Henry D. Ward


Items 2209 -- 2302: Letters, clippings, 1950 -- 1952. Correspondence of WFR, Floyd E. Page, Edward W. Dailey, Ray P. Scott, M. W. O'Rieley, Franklin Jaqua, Harold D. Evans, Edward C. Halbach, A. E. Prall, Charles C. Heninger, Dwight Brooke, Frank A. Nichol, Cody Fowler, Richard Musenbrock, Lucian C. Sprague, Fred Biermann, F. H. Cooney, T. H. Goheen, Will Freeman, Mark A. Catlin, Sr., William T. Waterman, William C. Mulligan, Walter R. Hutchinson, Russell Jordon, T. M. Ingersoll, Francis Jones, Thomas F. McDonald, C. W. Wright, Sylvester C. Smith, Jr., Morton A. Adler, Tappan Gregory, R. Forder Buckley, Harold J. Gallagher, Harrison Tweed, Larned A. Waterman, Roy E. Willy, Richard P. Tinkham, Burt J. Thompson, Professor Martin Tollefson, Charles Sullivan, Ingalls Swisher, Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court Robert G. Simmons (TLS), E. H. Pollard, U.S. Court of Appeals Judge John J. Parker, Frank O'Connor, Dring D. Needham, Professor Mason Ladd, U.S. District Judge David W. Ling, Loyal E. Keir, Richard Jenkins, William J. Hotz, Lee Elwood, Robert A. Brown, and Jerome Walsh

Box 4


Items 2303 -- 2437: Letters, 1952 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR and South Dakota U.S. Circuit Court Judge Archibald K. Gardner. Also includes one (TLS) from Missouri U.S. District Court Judge Albert A. Ridge


Items 2438 -- 2563: Letters, photographs, newspaper clippings, and the Graven family genealogy, 1951 -- 1953. Correspondence of WFR and Iowa U.S. District Court Judge Henry N. Graven


Items 2564 -- 2739: Letters, case notes, calendar, statistic sheets, newspaper clippings, 1953 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR and Iowa U.S. District Court Judge Henry N. Graven


Items 2740 -- 2879: Letters, newspaper clipping, 1950 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Leo A. Hoegh (TLS), Charles F. Wennerstrum, Harvey Uhlenhopp, Charles Roe, Iowa Attorney General Leo A. Hoegh (TLS), Robert L. Larson, John E. Mulroney, Bennett Cullison, G. K. Thompson, Tom E. Murray, Dring D. Needham, John M. Schaupp, Edward L. Simmons, Vernon Johnson, Nebraska U.S. District Court Judge John W. Delehant (TLS, ALS), Minnesota U.S. District Court Judge Gunnar H. Nordbye (TIS), Missouri U.S. District Court Judge Roy W. Harper (TLS), South Dakota U.S. District Court Judge George T. Mickelson (TLS), New York U.S. District Court Judge E. J. Dimock (TLS), Minnesota U.S. District Court Judge Edward J. Devitt (TLS), Missouri U.S. District Court Judge Albert A. Ridge (TLS), North Dakota U.S. Circuit Court Judge Charles J. Vogel (TLS), Arkansas U.S. Circuit Court Judge John E. Miller (TLS), Iowa U.S. Circuit Court Judge M.D. Van Oosterhout (ALS ), Hawaii U.S. District Court Judge J. Frank McLaughlin (TLS), Missouri U.S. Circuit Court Judge Seth Thomas (TLS), Michigan U.S. District Court Judge Arthur F. Lederle (TL), Minnesota U.S. District Court Judge Dennis F. Donovan (ALS, TLS), Arizona U.S. District Court Judge David W. Ling (TLS), Harold M. Stephens, Jacob Weinberger, Nebraska U.S. District Court Judge James A. Donahoe (TLS), Iowa U.S. District Court Judge Charles A. Dewey (ALS, TLS), W. J. Keefe, Oklahoma U.S. Circuit Court Judge Alfred P. Murrah (TLS), and Minnesota District Court Judge M. M. Joyce (TL)


Items 2880 -- 2918: Letters, 1951 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Elmore Whitehurst, Robert G. Riley, Henry P. Chandler, Iowa Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper (3 TLS, 1 TLS), Wilson W. Cornwall, Tappan Gregory, Minnesota U.S. District Judge Gunnar H. Nordbye (TLS), Wayne G. Cook, E. H. Pollard, Oscar E. Johnson, Harold J. Wilson, Glenn D. Kelly


Item 2919: Biography. Isaac Charles Parker. 27 pages


Items 2920: Typed report entitled, "Instances of Impairment of the Service of the Courts by the Insufficiency of the Appropriations for Salaries of Supporting Personnel and for Travel and Miscellaneous Expenses in the Fiscal Year 1955." Dated January l, 1955. Twelve pages

Box 5


Items 2921 -- 2966: State University of Iowa (Iowa City). Letters, advertisements, programs, magazine clippings, 1951 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Ruth C. Johnson, Loren Hickerson, Thomas R. Barber, Dalton G. Miller, Allen D. Vestal, Harold H. Newcomb, Allin W. Dakin, Leo M. Baker, Mason Ladd, Virgil M. Hancher, Arthur O. Leff, Henry C. Shull, Franklin H. Potter


Items 2967 -- 3063: State University of Iowa (Iowa City). Alumni Association. Letters, magazine clippings, newspaper clippings, annual reports, alumni articles of incorporation, class lists, meeting minutes, pamphlets, resolutions, 1947 -- 1951. Correspondence of Loren Hickerson, R. E. Tubb, WFR, Florence Mortale, T. G. Garfield, Frank T. Nye , Cy Farr, Virgil M. Hancher, H. J. Osborne, Richard F. Boyer, George Francois, Allin W. Dakin, Arthur O. Leff, Don G. Mullan, Max Hawkins, Earl E. Harper, John T. Uthoff, L. C. Bagley, Don Hise


Items 3064 -- 3128: State University of Iowa (Iowa City). Alumni Association. Letters, programs, reports, minutes, class lists, constitution, 1948 -- 1951. Correspondence of WFR, Loren Hickerson, Willard Lampe, E. R. O'Brien, Charles D. Van Werden, T. G. Garfield, E. M. Flood, Jr., E. J. McLarney, George J. Schoeneman, and Senator Guy M. Gillette (TL)


Items 3129 -- 3134: State University of Iowa. School of Religion. Speech by WFR, "Religion and Education in Our American Tradition." Three typed copies. Two manuscript handwritten copies


Items 3135 -- 3274: State University of Iowa. School of Religion. Letters, minutes, policies, speeches, Articles of incorporation, photographs, resolutions, Vespers program, cases, 1945 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, M. Willard Lampe, Frank A. O'Connor, Arthur T. Gormley, Herbert L. Horton, Leonard J. Brugman, Gordon B. Strayer, F. C. Waples, Matthew Smith, J. J. Boylan, Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer, Professor Robert S. Michaelson, Monseignor J. D. Conway, Robert J. Welch


Items 3275 -- 3434: State University of Iowa. Catholic Student Center. Letters, programs, lists, bulletins, minutes, 1944 -- 1954. Correspondence of Reverend Leonard J. Brugman, WFR, Father Robert J. Welch, Reverend Philip J. Kenney, E dwin J. Berwick, George W. Koss, S. F. McGinn, Frank A. Comfort, M. Willard Lampe, Homer J. Buckley, John Smith, Reverend P. N. McDermitt, J. J. Breheny, Reverend N. A. Gaul, Leo A. Monahan, Reverend Louis Roseman, W. B. Ryan, Daniel T. Sullivan, J. V. Pyle, Monsignor Francis P. Larkin, Daniel J. Gallery, Dan J. Buckley, Daniel T. Sullivan, John G. Regan, Edward Gothier, James P. Graney, Roy Conley, Homer J. Buckley, G. G. Grant, L. M. B. Morrissey, F. A. O'Connor, Very Reverend Monsignor J. D. Conway


Items 3435 -- 3452: State University of Iowa. Class reunion (1954). Letters, postcard, lists, 1954. Correspondence of WFR, E. R. O'Brien, R. Johnson, J. E. Waggoner, George A. Luxford, Lake M. Bechtell, Mark A. Catlin , Francis J. Morgan

Box 6


Items 3453 -- 3493: Iowa State Fish and Game Commission. Letters, regulations, 1933 -- 1935. Correspondence of WFR, W. C. Boone, Governor Clyde L. Herring (1 TLS, 3 TL), Jay N. Darling (3 TL, 3 TLS), Harold S. Thomas, Arthur E. Rapp, Ross Ewing, W. B. Bell, I. T. Bode, J. K. Stepp, E. G. Moon


Items 3494 -- 3554: Iowa Homestead Exemption Bill. Letters, criticisms, plans, appropriations, bills, photographs, 1935 -- 1937. Correspondence of WFR, E. P. Weinstein, Governor Clyde L. Herring (2 TL), Senator Garrett E. Roelofs, Byron G. Allen, C. Woody Thompson, Folsom Everest


Items 3555 -- 3594: Iowa State Highway Commission. Letters, bills, plans, memoranda, 1932 -- 1935. Correspondence of WFR, F. R. White, Governor Clyde L. Herring (1 TL), O. J. Ditto, Cart C. Riepe, Right Reverend Monsignor T. F. Calligan, J. H. Johnson, W. R. Sieg, S. B. Chase, W. H. Klauer, Carl F. Jordon


Items 3595 -- 3694: Iowa State Liquor Control Commission. Letters, addresses, forms, newspaper clippings, 1932 -- 1935. Inaugural Address of Governor Dan W. Turner, January 15, 1931. Correspondence of WFR, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., I. G. Crystal, E. A. Moore, F. W. Schramm, Robert M. Fleming, L. E. Stone, Governor Clyde L. Herring (2 TL), Reverend M. M. Hoffman, G. Decker French, W. H. Ryan, E. E. Vecchi, W. H. Millhaem, Jack Stall, A. C. Kriechbaum, Dan T. Riley, H. N. Cooper, R. E. Nichol, Clair E. Wilson, E. R. Crebs, Michel Katleman, E. P. Weinstein, Royal French, W. C. Eastland, George Brunton, George D. Reynolds, W. G. Vander Ploeg, Byron L. Sifford, H. E. Davidson, Earl R. Ferguson, G. Decker French, B. B. Burnquist, Frank Maher, E. A. Robb, L. B. Maytag, L. H. Doran, W. R. Dyer, F. C. Hubbell, C. J. Lynch, Jr., E. J. Feuling


Items 3695 -- 3753: Letters, newspaper clippings, speeches, bulletins, minutes, telegrams, tax reports, bills, 1933 -- 1950. Miscellaneous items. Corresondence of WFR, R. J. O'Brien, F. A. O'Connor, Maybelle G. Fickel, Hubert Utterback, Senator Richard Louis Murphy (3 TL), Rear Admiral Harry G. Hamlet (TL), Louis Murphy (3 TL), Captain L. C. Covell (1 TLS), C. M. Springer, J. W. Naab, Jr., Glenn N. Hoffman, Alex Fitzhugh, Gerard A. Nollen, Tad Crosser, Charles E. Davies, Grover C. Hubbell, C. A. Crosser, John E. Brindley, Leon Powers, George W. Koss


Items 3754 -- 3874: Letters, rationing cards, rationing forms, 1936 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, U.S. Attorney Maurice F. Donegan (TLS), Clid I. Level, Peyton Ford, Ira Huston, Raymond E. Smethurst, O. H. Patterson, Sylvester C. Smith, Jr., Robert T. Swaine, Jesse L. Thomas, Roscoe P. Thoma, U.S. Postmaster Willliam H. McCarthy (TLS), Francis P. Matthews, Ray Murphy, Jr., W. H. Brenton, W. C. Fraser, Archbishop of Omaha G. T. Bergan (TLS), Ray A. Burke, B. D. Kurtz, Paul H. Durrie, John N. Garner, U.S. District Judge Henry N. Graven (TLS), Harold J. Gallagher, Rush Kress, J. M. Lashly, Congressman Karl LeCompte (2 TL, 2 TLS), Washington, D.C., U.S. District Court Judge Edward A. Tamm (TLS), Robert G. Riley, William Berg, R. E. Walters, Governor Clyde L. Herring (TLS), Julia A. Robinson, William R. Hort, Marian D. Tomlinson, N. D. McCombs, Forrest Spaulding, President U.S. Chamber of Commerce Eric A. Johnston (TLS), Ruth R. Reed, Alice V. Myers, Professor E. E. Harper, Alberta, Canada, Supreme Court Justice Campbell C. McLaurin (TLS), Milford Barnes, Wallace McClure, Beardsley Ruml, W. W. Waymack, Forrest Seymour, Roy Miller, J. E. Tone


Items 3875 -- 3986: Letters, pamphlets, speeches, 1942 -- 1955. Correspondence of WFR, F. S. Lockwood, Ed Muelhaupt, James F. Hart, Jake More, Henry W. Warren, Rear Admiral J. Cary Jones (TLS), USN, Vice-Admiral Randall Jacobs (TLS), USN, Kriegh G. Carney, Adrian L. Mooney, Don W. Burington, Richard H. Plock, Burt J. Thompson, Roscoe J. Oltman, F. W. Waeber, G. G. Jeck, Richard Rudolph, Virgil M. Hancher, Marcella Hotz, Captain E. S. Root, USN (ret.), Wilbur W. Sackett, Wayne F. Kemmerer, Myron C. Arbuckle, Daniel G. Gallery, Ruth Hollingshead, Fred Lindberg, O. W. Okerlin, J. W. Rath, James A. Hollingsworth, G. Belvel Richter, Lieutenant-Commander Thomas F. White, Jr., USN, Henry Foster, John H. Mitchell, Frank S. Shankland, Creigh Carney, Lieutenant-Commander W. J. Amoss, USNR, F. W. Waeber, Kenneth Peyton McDonald, E. H. Pollard, E. W. McManus, Leo J. Duster, Bill Hummer, Delmer H. Battrick, Albert J. Robertson, Kenneth McDonald, John H. Dunlap, Jr., Florence E. Weisbrod, Meyer Rosenfield, Anna B. Lawther, Winfield W. Scott, Flora Dunlap, Gerard S. Nollen

Box 7


Item 3987: Speech delivered by WFR. "The Control of the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors." 14 pages

Item 3988: Keynote Speech. Delivered by WFR. "Constructive Legislation." Dated July 26, 1934. 22 pages

Item 3989: Maryville High School Speech. Delivered by WFR. "Fathers of Seniors." 3 pages. 2 copies

Item 3990: Autograph manuscript speech notes. WFR. "Administration of Justice." 10 pages

Item 3991: Speech. Delivered by WFR. "Two Obligations of American Lawyers." 10 pages

Item 3992: Law School, State University of Iowa. Speech. Delivered by WFR. "John Inghram." 13 pages

Item 3993: Speech. Delivered by WFR. "Public Relations for the Law Professions." 3 pages

Item 3994: Speech delivered at Burlington, Iowa, June 16, 1948, by WFR. "The Duties of Bar Association Members as Lawyers and as Citizens." 16 pages

Item 3995: Speech delivered at Iowa City on Supreme Court Day, April 27, 1950, by WFR. "Reminiscences." 6 pages

Item 3996: Speech delivered before the Iowa State Bar Association, Sioux City, Iowa, by WFR. May 29, 1948. "Public Relations Is Your Job." 11 pages

Item 3997: Speech delivered before the American Bar Association by WFR. "Matters Which Affect the American Bar Association." 21 pages. 2 copies

Item 3998: Speech delivered by WFR. "The Relations Between the Public and the Legal Profession." 14 pages

Item 3999: Speech delivered before the Twenty-first District Bar Association, Paullina, Iowa, by WFR. "George Murray." 14 pages


Item 4000 -- 4002: Correspondence, 1948. Three letters between Leo A. Hoegh (TLS) and WFR. Concerned with the Tax School

Item 4003: Speech delivered at Sioux City, Iowa, December 21, 1947, by WFR. "Postition of the Legal Profession in the Public Eye." 25 pages

Item 4004: Speech delivered before the Wisconsin State Bar Association, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, June 22, 1950, by WFR. "The Bread and Butter Aspects of Public Relations." 14 pages

Item 4005: Speech delivered at Dubuque, Iowa, January 7, 1950, by WFR. "Duty to the Court and Duty to the Client." 10 pages

Item 4006: Speech delivered before the American Red Cross, March 10, 1948, by WFR. "The Common Cause." 5 pages

Item 4007: Speech delivered by WFR. " Improving the Legal Profession" 3 pages

Item 4008: TL from Conger Reynolds to WFR. Dated May 17, 1949. Concerned with the "public's understanding of what lawyers do."

Item 4009: Quotation (typed) from a speech by President William Howard Taft, American Bar Association, October, 1914

Item 4010: Autograph manuscript notes of WFR." The Bar and Its Public Opinion." 4 pages

Item 4011: Questionnaire (typed) concerning legal profession. 1 page

Item 4012: Speech delivered by WFR before the Fourteenth District Bar Association. "George Murray." Eleven pages

Item 4013: The News Bulletin of the Iowa State Bar Association 8:12 (December 1948). 10 pages

Item 4014: Pamphlet: "How Much Security for America." By Dr. Harold W. Dodds, President, Princeton University. 14 pages

Item 4015: Calendar No. 734, 75th Congress, 1st Session, U.S. Senate. "Reorganization of the Federal Judiciary." 49 pages

Folder 44

Item 4016: Speech delivered before the Joint Meeting of the Boone and Story County, Iowa, Bar Association, by WFR. October 28, 1948. "The Legal Profession: Its Demands and Duties." 12 pages

Item 4017 Speech delivered by WFR at Seattle, Washington, 1948. "Public Relations." 18 pages

Item 4018: Speech delivered by WFR. "The Oath of Membership in the Legal Profession." 5 pages. 5 copies

Item 4019: Speech delivered by WFR at Chariton, Iowa, October 3, 1949. "A Lawyer Talks to the Women's Club." 12 pages

Item 4020: Speech delivered by WFR. "The Lawyer As a Professional Man." 4 pages

Item 4021: Speech delivered by WFR. "Public Relations." 3 pages

Item 4022: Speech delivered by WFR to the District Judges, Kirkwood Hotel, November 24, 1948. " Duties of the Legal Profession." 25 pages

Item 4023: Speech delivered by WFR. "The Legal Profession." 5 pages

Item 4024: Pamphlet, "The Christophers." News Notes, no. 20, July -- August, 1949

Item 4025: First draft for an article in the American Judiciary Society Journal. “Committee on Public Relations.” 9 pages

Item 4026: WFR. "President's Letter." July 14, 1949. 1 page

Item 4027:" Report of the Standing Committee on Public Relations." May 28, 1949. 1 page

Item 4028: Speech delivered by WFR, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, before the Annual Meeting ASTBA, May 28, 1949. "Relationship Between the Bar and the Public." 4 pages. 2 copies

Item 4029: Article to the President and Board of Governors. December 12, 1947. "Results of the Questionnaire." 3 pages

Item 4030: Speech delivered by WFR. Autograph manuscript copy. "The Practice of Law Is A Privilege." 4 pages

Item 4031: Speech delivered by WFR before the Nebraska Bar Association, Omaha, November 18, 1948. "Public Relations and the Bar." 27 pages

Item 4032: Speech delivered by WFR. November 24, 1948. "Duties of the Legal Profession." 24 pages

Item 4033: Speech delivered by WFR before the Pow Wow Club, December 20, 1948. "The Matter of Labor Relations." 13 pages. 2 copies

Item 4033 -- 4040: Letters, 1948 -- 1949. Correspondence of WFR, Burt J. Thompson, W. O. Weaver, Robert W. Clewell

Item 4041: New Probate Code. 3 pages

Item 4042: Memorandum for President Smith. 2 pages

Item 4043: Pamphlet: Speech by Frank E. Holman, President of the American Bar Association, October 27, 1948. "The Survey of the Legal Profession". 9 pages

Item 4044: Court case. "Brunk vs. C.B. & Q.” Des Moines, Iowa, June 1954. 2 pages


Item 4045: Speech by WFR delivered at Burlington, Iowa, May 2, 1952. "Judge McCoit and Judge Newell." 14 pages

Item 4046: Speech delivered by WFR at the Centenary Luncheon, Dubuque, Iowa, January 7, 1950." Reminiscences." 10 pages

Item 4047: Pamphlet: "The Christian In Action." Statement of the Bishops of the United States, 1948. 4 pages

Items 4048 -- 4052: Miscellaneous autograph manuscript speech notes of WFR. 4 pages

Item 4053 -- 4058: Speech delivered by WFR at the Law College, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, April 19, 1951. "Induction to Membership in the Order of Coif." 10 pages. 5 copies (includes two autograph manuscript copies)

Item 4059: Newspaper clipping, "When the Riley Clan Gets Together. " Burlington Hawkeye Gazette, Friday, March 26, 1954

Item 4060 -- 4100: Letters, 1951 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Ralph Hibbs, B. F. Swisher, Allin W. Dakin, Robert M. Evans, Stephen Robinson, H. G. Harmon, Leo Lucier, Arthur Sanford, Luther L. Hill, Cody Fowler, Robert C. Lappen, Homer E. Bradshaw, John D. Adams, Reverend Newman Flanagan, Ray C. Fourntain, O. S. Franklin, J. B. Mitchell, American Ambassador Philip B. Fleming (TLS), Jane Key, R. H. Fitzgerald, William P. Wiseman, James W. Hubbell, Rear Admiral J. Cary Jones, USN (TLS), Emory H. English, Frank Burns, Arthur S. Kirk


Items 4101 -- 4181: Letters, 1951 -- 1954. Correspondence of WFR, Arthur S. Kirk, Arthur Sanford, Ralph L. Jester, Gerard S. Nollen, G. N. Hoffman, Owen J. Roberts, William N. Plymat, A. L. Yantis, Fred W. Lehmann, Jr., Clyde H. Doolittle, Grover C. Hubbell, Reverend A. A. Halbach, Emil G. Trott, Howard L. Barkdull, A. F. Holm, George H. Turner, Joe Roserfield, Ed Meredith, Martin Tollefson, Helen O. Galvin, Jesse L. Thomas, J. Russell Coulter, Bert Stolpe, Luther L. Hill, J. W. Maucher, C. L. Sampson, Richard C. Cadawallader, Frank Dowie, Calvin W. Aurand, Oliver P. Bennett, Mason Ladd, John L. Peterson, Walter R. Brown, Scott Swisher, James G. MacDowell, Jr.


Items 4182 -- 4280: Letters, 1955 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Iowa U.S. District Judge Henry N. Graven (TLS), South Dakota U.S. Circuit Court Judge Archibald K. Gardner (TLS), Nebraska U.S. District Judge John W. Delehant (TLS), E. E. Poston, Minnesota U.S. District Court Judge Edward J. Devitt (TLS), Ruth C. Johnson, Missouri U.S. Circuit Court Judge Charles E. Whittaker (TLS), Gertrude Darrell, Missouri U.S. District Court Judge Roy W. Harper (TLS), Adolph F. Holm, North Dakota U.S. District Judge Ronald N. Davies (TLS), Joseph Noah, Lee McNeely, Erna Hoefer

Box 8


Items 4281 -- 4282: Autograph manuscript signed. C. E. Walters vs. Federal Court of Appeals, St. Louis, Missouri, August 16, 1954. Petition for a writ of Mandamus against U.S. District Court Judge WFR of the Southern District of Iowa, Des Moines. 19 pages. Also a typed copy

Items 4283 -- 4288: Letters, 1954. Correspondence between WFR, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Archibald K. Gardner, and E. E. Poston


Items 4289 -- 4394: Roadside Settlement House Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Letters, reports, charts, articles of incorporation, clippings, 1937 -- 1949. Correspondence of Mayfield Marshall, Mrs. Charles A. Dewey, Bernice Kesterson, W. H. Smith, J. S. Corley, William Z. Proctor, Rudolph W. Weitz, Marnise Knickerbocker, Mrs. Helen Nollen, Flora Dunlap, Mrs. Earl S. Linn, Harriet Rietveld, B. C. Hopkins, J. Milton Moore, Charles I. Madison, F. J. Peterson, Mrs. Joseph Brody, J. E. White, Robert M. Evans, Mrs. Meyer Rosenfield, M. H. Harvey, J. H. Allen, Lee Keyser, Kenneth McDonald, and WFR


Items 4395 -- 4474: Roadside Settlement House Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Letters, minutes, programs, reports, pamphlets, schedules, 1939 -- 1949. Correspondence of WFR, Mrs. Jerrel Mewcomb, Kenneth McDonald, Marnise Knickerbocker, S. A. Montieth, Mrs. Harry Ginsberg, J. Milton Moore, Flora Dunlap, John Corley, C. A. Crosser, William Okrent, Ella W. Reed, Mrs. Ruth R. McGregor, Frank Bane, Mrs. Winnifred Frazier, B. F. Swisher, Rudolph W. Weitz, Frances Fuller, Albert J. Robertson, S. F. McGinn.


Items 4475 -- 4479: Roadside Settlement House Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Audit of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, 1936 -- 1938. 4 folders

Items 4480: Roadside Settlement House Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Insurance Report, October 27, 1937. 1 folder


Items 4481 -- 4617: Case. L. R. Kayser, et. al. (Plaintiffs) vs. Farmers National Bank, a corporation (Defendant), 1948. Letters, hearing reports, resolutions, decrees, newspaper clippings, 1948 -- 1949. Correspondence of WFR, L. E. Linnan, Raymond A. Smith, Clyde H. Doolittle, John D. Randall, Burt J. Thompson, E. H. Lundy, Max M. Hemingway, James E. Remley, Lloyd Karr, Edwin M. Otterbourg, R. M. Alton, N. P. Black


Item 4618: Des Moines Railway. Address given by Ray Murphy, National Commander of the American Legion, Montreal, Canada, February 27, 1936. 3 pages

Item 4619: Speech delivered by C. W. Gifford, President, Des Moines Railway Company, 1948. "A Civic Crisis." 6 pages

Items 4620 -- 4662: Des Moines Railway Company. Letters, reports, memoranda, charts, telegrams, Ms notes, 1948 -- 1953.Correspondence of WFR, George E. O'Malley, C. W. Gifford, R. H. Miller, Howard A. Steele , A. A. McLaughlin, Rex Fowler


Items 4663 -- 4749: American Bar Association. Letters, waivers, articles, pamphlets, questionnaire, 1947 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Paul B. DeWitt, Edward L. Simmons, Noble Stephens, Harold Medina, Judson F. Falknor, Bernard Kulik, Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Delmar Karlen, Harold J. Gallagher, Justin Miller, Oklahoma U.S. Circuit Court Judge Alfred P. Murrah (TLS), H. E. Davidson, Robert G. Simmons, Burt J. Thompson, Leland L. Tolman, John J. Parker, Roscoe P. Thoma


Items 4750 -- 4826: American Bar Association. Letters, certificates, questionnaire, reports, 1950 -- 1956. Correspondence of WFR, Harold R. Medina, Edward L. Simmons, Joseph D. Stecher, Miriam H. Morris, Ingalls Swisher, Ruth C. Johnson, William B. Bangs, Jr., Henry C. Shull, Clarence F. Poole, Stephen S. Chandler, Jr., Frances J. O'Connor, Osmer C. Fitts, Olive G. Ricker, Lucius S. Smith, III, Albert E. Jenner, Robert G. Storey, Louise Child, Tappan Gregory, Olive G. Ricker, Richard P. Tinkham, Howard L. Barkdull, Albert P. Blaustein, Jacob M. Lashley, Glenn R. Winters, Robert C. Hobson, Lon Hocker, John C. Cooper, Joan Manak, Thomas L. Sidlo, Jacob M. Lashly, Howard Cockrill, Reginald H. Smith, Lemoine Skinner, Jr., Cody Fowler, Burt J. Thompson, Thomas A. Hendricks


Items 4827 -- 4891: Letters, programs, book review, 1947 -- 1955. Correspondence of WFR, John E. Mulroney, Glenn R. Winters, Richard M. Moore, Vice Admiral John L. McCrea, USN (retired), (TLS), Harry S. Haskins, Jr., E. H. Mulock, Frederick Ohrt, G. C. Murray, S. F. McGinn, Reverend Leo McCoy, Donald J. Mitchell, Francis J. O'Connor, Richard Pierce, Harold A. O’Callaghan, S. C. Orbach, Frank E. Quick, J. C. Pryor, Byron K. Elliott, John T. Casey, Jr., Floyd E. Thomas, Oregon U.S. District Judge Claude McColloch (TLS), William J. Jameson, District of Columbia U.S. District Court Chief Judge Bolitha J. Laws (3 TLS), Thomas L. Sidlo, Alan Loth, Edward H. Jones, Ruth C. Johnson, Gary Leslie

Box 9

FOLDER 56, cont.

Item 4892: Excerpts from a talk delivered by Luther L. Hill before the Harvard Law School Forum at Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 8, 195- . "What's Wrong with the American Lawyer." 2 pages

Item 4893: Pamphlet: Address delivered by Luther L. Hill before the Annual Supreme Court Banquet of the Law School of Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, May 4, 1950. 7 pages

Item 4894: Address delivered by William J. Jameson, president of the American Bar Association at Billings, Montana. "Balancing Individual Rights and National Security." 22 pages

Item 4895: Address by William P. Rogers, Deputy Attorney General of the United States, delivered at a testimonial dinner for Judge James C. Connell at Cleveland, Ohio, November 17, 1954. 10 pages


Item 4896: Committee on Federal Court Rules. "Suggested Rules for Interlocutory Applications and Motions," by Frederic M. Miller. 28 pages

Item 4897: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of Joseph Brody. "Summary Judgments" (Plaintiff and Defendant). 7 pages

Item 4898: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of Joseph Brody. "Guardian ad Litem." 6 pages

Item 4899: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of Joseph Brody. "Death and Revivar"

Item 4900: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of Joseph Brody. "Judgments By Default." 6 pages

Item 4901: Committee on Federal Court Rules. "Rules Pertaining To Writs and Process in the United States District Court," by Vincent Starzinger. 3 pages

Item 4902: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of A. A. McLaughlin. "Proposed Rules Governing Jury Trials in the District Courts of the United States." 10 pages

Item 4903: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of John N. Hughes." Purpose of the Act of June 1, 1934, as Applied to Actions at Law. " 24 pages

Box 9

Item 4904: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of J. C. Pryor. "Bills of Exception." 11 pages

Item 4905: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of Phineas M. Henry. Attachment. 12 pages

Item 4906: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of Phineas M. Henry. "Garnishment." 4 pages

Item 4907: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of Phineas M. Henry. "Replevin." 5 pages

Item 4908: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of J. S. Pryor. "Court Costs." 3 pages

Item 4909: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of J. G. Pryor. "Security for Costs." 2 pages

Item 4910: Committee on Federal Court Rules. Report of L. H. Salinger." Prayers." 20 pages

Item 4911 -- 4925: Letters, 1935. Correspondence of WFR, A. F. Holm, Iowa U.S. District Judge Charles A. Dewey (TLS), Missouri, U.S. Circuit Court Judge Kimbrough Stone (TL), Homer Cummings, Edgar B. Tolman, Charles B. Stephens


Item 4926: Pamphlet. Lee County Attorney's Minimum Fee Schedule. Adopted July 17, 1947. 10 pages

Item 4927: Minimum Fee Schedule, Court Services, Supreme Court, March 18, 1947. 10 pages

Item 4928: Paper. "Your taxes, your lawyer, and you." 2 pages

Item 4929: "Program within the Bar." 4 pages

Item 4930: American Bar Association Committee. National Conference on Family Life Report, March, 1948. 41 pages

Box 10


Items 4931 -- 5103: Iowa State Bar Association. Letters, programs, minutes, reports, newspaper clippings, 1944 -- 1947. Correspondence of WFR, Roscoe P. Thoma, Charles E. Hughes, Frederick M. Miller, James M. Stewart, Harold E. Davidson, Oscar Hale, M. C. Hamiel, H. E. Fry, Wayne G. Cook, H. G. Cartwright, Leon W. Powers, P. J. Siegen, Bruce M. Snell, John K. Chalmers, T. H. Coheen, M. H. Kepler, Charles Rowe, Dean W. Peisen, W. W. Scott, Harold V. Lewis, F. H. Cooney, William A, Smith, Paul H. McCoid, George J. Sager, G. K. Thompson, H. D. Evans, Dwight G. Rider, M. D. Van Oosterhout, Henry N. Graven, Tom Boynton, Elmer K. Daugherty , Edward L. Simmons, H. J. Mantz, T. G. Garfield, O. S. Thomas, B. F. Thomas, John P. Tinley, Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert H. Hauge, Edward J. Kelly, Nebraska U.S. District Court Judge John W. Delehant (TLS), Iowa U.S. District Judge Charles A. Dewey (TLS), Oklahoma U.S. Circuit Court Judge Orie L. Phillips (TLS), D. M. Kelleher, Ben P. Poor, Dan O'Brien, Paul F. Nachtman, Percy Bordwell, Lieutenant-Colonel Bernard A. Brown, Major Samuel M. Goldberg, Lieutenant Colonel Jesse E. Marshall, Major General C. H. Danielson (TLS), George E. Campbell, Tim J. Campbell, Lieutenant Colonel Milton J. Blake, Carl F. Jordon, Rosa Lee Snyder, Iowa U.S. Circuit Court Judge Seth Thomas (TLS), David W. Stewart, Charles Stephens, J. L. W. Henney, M. F. Donegan, John S. Howland, H. F. McCarthy, Arthur A. Morrow, Thomas B. Roberts, George E. O'Malley, William B. Sloan, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Eric A. Johnston (TLS), Scott Swisher, Florence Pontier


Items 5104 -- 5212: Iowa State Bar Association. Public Relations Committee. Letters, programs, clippings, bulletins, memoranda, telegrams, 1947 -- 1948. Correspondence of WFR, Herbert L. Horton, Henry C. Shull, J. R. Files, Harold J. Gallagher, Conger Reynolds, Charles B. Stephens, Elmo Roper, Milton E. Bachmann, Chester O. Lacy, Loyd Wright, Paul B. DeWitt, William Weaver, George C. Murray, Burt J. Thompson, Roger C. Brown, John D. Randall, Carl Weeks, Wendell B. Gibson, Luther L. Hill, Roscoe P. Thoma, Henry J. Kroeger, Daniel Rhoads, Charles E. Bulloch, Ralph V. Harmon, Kenneth H. Davenport, Thomas H. Tracey, Robert W. Clewell , John C. Oberhausen , Ernest Palmer, Jr., R. C. Brown, Weston E. Jones, E. A. Hutchinson, E. H. Lundy, Edward C. Halbach, Jesse E. Marshall, Edward D. Kelly, Kenneth H. Davenport, Carleton C. Kagel

Item 5213: Speech delivered before the 54th Annual Meeting of the Iowa State Bar Association, Sioux City, Iowa, May 29, 1948, by Luther L. Hill. "The Layman Looks at the Lawyer as a Citizen." 8 pages


Items 5214 -- 5296: Iowa State Bar Association. Public Relations Committee. Letters, suggestions sheet, reports, memoranda, 1947 -- 1948. Correspondence of WFR, Edward H. Lundy, Jesse E. Marshall, E. O. Korf, W. O. Weaver, Ralph V. Harman, Kenneth H. Davenport, Edward D, Kelly, H. G. Cartwright, E. J. McManus, Edmund D. Morrison, Jr., Arthur H. Jacobsen, E. C. Halbach, E. P. Donahue, R. C. Brown, Leo J. Molloy, Robert W. Clewell, Clyde E. Jones, C. J. Lynch, Jr., H. G. Cartwright, Ned B. Turner, E. H. Jones, J. H. Best, Folsom Everest, Gareld Leming, J. W. Kindig, Hubert Carr, George C. Van Nostrand, Leslie A. Pritchard, A. J. Burt, E. H. Pollard, Elton A. Johnston, George Claussen, Rob Roy Cerney, C. G. Murray, Frank A. O'Connor, E. W. McManus, Henry C. Shull, James W. Bollinger , Wayne G. Cook


Items 5297 -- 5408: Iowa State Bar Association. Public Relations Committee. Letters, clippings, articles, reports, 1947. Correspondence of WFR, Robert W. Clewell, William P. Butler, William G. Ruymann, Edward H. Lundy, Tom Miller, Roscoe S. Jones, T. M. Ingersoll, John K. Chalmers, Carleton C. Kugel, E. W. McManus, John Senneff, Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Burt J. Thompson, A. E. Prall, Roscoe P. Thoma, W. O. Weaver, John D. Radall, J. E. Heiserman, John Hale, Lehan T. Ryan, Charles F. Swisher, Edward D. Kelly, William F. Kerr, D. J. Carmichael, E. C. Halbach, Burt J. Thompson, Clyde J. Jones, Carl E. Seashore, R. H. Plock, Raymond A. Smith, H. G. Cartwright, Don Barnes, Vincent Starzinger


Items 5409 -- 5533: Iowa State Bar Association. Placement Program. Letters, programs, reports, articles, clippings, 1944 -- 1947. Correspondence of WFR, Charles F. Nystrom, Wayne G. Cook, Charles B. Stephens, J. L. W. Henney, Henry C. Shull, A. A. Morrow, Florence Pontier, Scott Swisher, John S. Howland, E. Raymond Mick, John K. Valentine, Percy Bardwell, Frederic M. Miller, Charles E. Hughes, J. E. Heisermann, L. L. Brierly, Joseph W. Newbold, Lieutenant Colonel Frank B. Hallagan, O. G. Clause, Professor Merton Ferson, Marion G. Kellam, Emil G. Trott, L. Jack Degman, Major Paul A. Black, Fred Lindberg, Charles F. Swisher, Arthur Lund, B. C. Sullivan, Edward L. Moran, Ed Jones, Lieutenant Commander Edward O'Brien, James R. Locke


Items 5534 -- 5639: Iowa State Bar Association. Placement Program. Letters, forms, minutes, reports, memoranda, notes, programs, 1944 -- 1947. Correspondence of WFR, Olive G. Ricker, B. C. Sullivan, Charles E. Hughes, Lew McDonald, Loren B. Poush, Frank A. Darling, Donald R. Weisert, Edward H. Jones, H. L. Kimball, John F. Bierman, George C. Murray, William H. Tinsley, Meredith K. Nelson, W. H. Shorey, William C. Fraser, Ted V. Ruffin, Edward H. Jones, Percy Bardwell, Martin Tollefson, Charles F. Swisher, L. L. Brierly, Richard J. Selman, John S. Howland, Virgil Hancher, Wayne G. Cook, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Reichmann, Fred Lingdburg, Buell M. Lindgren, Charles H. Grahl, T. S. Stevens, Clarence Nichols, Lieutenant Colonel Frank B. Hallagan, Lieutenant Colonel George Prichard, Will J. Hayek, Daphne Robert, J. L. W. Henney, Thomas W. Powers, H. V. Stirling, Harvey Bogenrief, Mrs. George E. Allen, O. J. Elsenblast, Florence Poutier, Thomas W. Keenan

Box 11


Items 5640 -- 5761: Iowa State Bar Association. Letters, reports, budgets, 1947 -- 1949. Correspondence of WFR, John D. Randall, E. H. Jones , Raymond A. Smith, Ed. S. White, Iowa U.S. Representative Karl M. LeCompte (TLS), F. L. Bohen, Tappan Gregory, Roy E. Willey, Elmo Roper, E. H. Lundy, Thomas A. Louden, W. O. Weaver, Henry J. Kroeger, William C. Hemphill, E. W. McNeil, Tyrrell M. Ingersoll, Charles E. Hughes, Edward D. Kelly, G. C. Murray, Lloyd Karr, Henry C. Shull, Frank W. Senneff, Paul B. DeWitt, J. E. Heiserman, Raymond A. Smith, Carl C. Riepe, John H. Mitchell, Burt J. Thompson, Robert M. Underhill, L. E. Linnan, Don Evans, F. H. Cooney, R. G. Rodman, Harold G. Cartwright, G. L. Norman, J. C. Pryor, E. P. Donahue, Ed McManus, Leo J. Molloy, E. O. Korf, R. E. Hatter


Items 5762 -- 5843: Iowa State Bar Association. Letters, forms, reports, statistics, newspaper clippings, minutes, 1942 -- 1950. Correspondence of WFR, John D. Randall, Harold V. Levis, Raymond A. Smith, Milton J. Glenn, Harold E. Davidson, Boyd M. Cambridge, Edward F. Waite, Raymond W. Ellis, Philip D. MacBride, Edward H. Jones, Roscoe P. Thoma, T. M. Ingersoll, Burt J. Thompson, James F. Byrnes, George P. Gruger, William R. Hart, W. O. Weaver, Mason Ladd, Harry Becker, John L. Hyland, Virgil M. Hancher, Philip S. H. Oberman, Wiley E. Mayne


Items 5844 -- 5905: Iowa State Bar Association. Letters, reports, 1933 -- 1938. Correspondence of WFR, H. E. Narey, Karl F. Geiser, Charles M. Dutcher, M. R. McCaulley, Burt J. Thompson, Chauncey A. Weaver, Mason Ladd, Iowa U.S. Circuit Court Judge Seth Thomas (TLS), J. C. Pryor, Harvey J. Bryant, B. C. Way, George A. Marty, Remley J. Glass, John Senneff, Harvey Ingham (TLS), Thomas J. Bray, Frank S. Lovrien, J. C. Mabry, J. H. Johnson, Frank A. O'Connor, Charles Helmer, Joe H. Johnson


Items 5906 -- 5962: Iowa State Bar Association. Committee on Scope and Correlation. Letters, newspaper clippings, awards, telegrams, reports, 1951 -- 1954. Correspondence of WFR, Tappan Gregory, Harold J. Gallagher, Harry D. Linn, T. M. Ingersoll , Fred W. Hubbell, Right Reverend M. M. Hoffman (TLS), M. D. Helser, William B. Hurlburt, Charles W. Pettengill, Ingalls Swisher, C. Glenn Garten, Charles W. Mayo, M. D. (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota) (2 TLS), Owen Cunningham, Robert W. Clewell, Edward H. Jones


Items 5963 -- 6106: Iowa State Bar Association. Letters, bills, reports, leaflets, programs, 1949 -- 1950. Correspondence of WFR, Robert B. Throckmorton, William A. Smith, Edward H. Lundy, G. B. Richter, R. F. Clough, Carl C. Riepe, Harold J. Gallagher, Rufus Burrus, Virgil M. Hancher, Henry C. Shull, Marvin J. Klass, Edward A. Grzecik, Karl F. Geiser, M. W. O'Rieley, Orville L. Dykstra, Harold V. Levis, J. C. Riley, Ingalls Swisher, Wiley E. Mayne, Ervin A. Hutchinson, Wayne G. Cook, Professor William J. Peterson, William P. Harrison, Hal Mosier, Earl J. Moyer, U.S. Supreme Court Judge Robert H. Jackson (TLS), New York U.S. District Court Judge Harold R. Medina (TLS), Emory H. English, Alan Loth, H. G. Cartwright, Iowa U.S. District Court Judge Carroll O. Switzer (TLS), Burt J. Thompson, Frederic M. Miller, Wayne G. Cook, E. W. McManus, Iowa U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Seth Thomas (ALS), Tyrrell M. Ingersoll, Rufus Burrus, Roscoe P. Thoma, J. C. Pryor, David G. Bleakley, G. C. Murray, Luther L. Hill, Edward H. Jones, H. J. Mantz, William O. Weaver, David K. Holther, Phil E. Connell, James E. Franken, Edwin B. Wilson, Edward S. White, John H. Mitchell, Paul B. DeWitt, B. F. Swisher, Frank A, O'Connor, Mason Ladd, Charles W. Joiner, District of Columbia U.S. Circuit Court Judge Harold M. Stephens (TLS), New Jersey Supreme Court Chief Justice Arthur T. Vanderbilt (TLS), Thomas Watters, Jr., Charles O. Porter, G. C. Stuart, R. E. Killmer, T. W. Miles, Heck Ross, Edward P. Kautzky, Frank B. Hallagan, Edith M. Johnson, S. F. McGinn, Earle S. Smith, W. Harold Brenton, J. E. Heiserman, Iowa U.S. Representative Karl M. LeCompte (2 TLS)

Box 12


Biographical Material and Obituary, 1956


Bolund, Karl Erick, 1951 -- 1955


Correspondence, 1941 -- 1943 (including Clyde Herring, Henry A. Wallace, Guy Gillette)


Correspondence, 1949 -- 1955



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