MsC 240

  Manuscript Register


PAPERS OF Nicholas Johnson


Part III

Primarily Post -- 1973

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900

Photographs: Box 704, Box 705, Box 731, Box N

Box 682, Box 708

Audio Material:
Box 708, Box 709 -- 712

Digital Surrogates
: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.


Part I: 1949 -- 1966

Part II: 1966 -- 1973

Box 679

A & M Records, Inc. Annual Convention, Beverly Hills, California, 1977. Nicholas Johnson, Keynote Speaker


articles by Nicholas Johnson, 1975  -- 1977

endorsements, 1975  -- 1976

Magazine, 1975  -- 1977 (3 folders)

readership survey, 1976

subscription lists, 1974  -- 1975

The Advocates, 1978  --  re: Children's advertising

Americans For Democratic Action, 1976  -- 1977

Application to Iowa Bar, 1973

Box 680

Appointment book, 1973


Alternatives to the Federal Communications Commission, 1974

Auntie as Senior Citizen, an investigation of the British Broadcasting System, 1976

Broadcasting in America and the FCC's License Renewal Process, 1968

The Broadcaster Liberation Bill: Van Deerlin's Folly, The Texas Observer, 1978

Broadcasting in Iowa, 1976

Broadcasting in Sweden, 1976

Can Networks support investigative reporting?

Carter-Nader Controversy, 1977

Communication and the Year 2000

Convention coverage: a proposal, 1976

A Day in the Life: The Federal Communications Commission, 1973

Doing well by Doing Good, 1976

The Emergency Broadcast System: this is your president speaking

Freedom's Closing Number, brought to you by: ABC, CBS, NBC, and the U.S. Congress, 1978

Gabriel's story, 1977

Greening and the Vast Wasteland, 1971

How to Grade your Local Television Station

If We Ever Get to Kelsey, 1973?

Iowa Broadcasting series, 1977

Iowa Television Programming, 1976

Iowa's TV stations: Who owns them?, 1976

The Joyous Quest: a community called RAGBRAI, 1977

Junkie Television, 1973

Keeping an eye on TV, 1973

Making it Better, 1975

The Media Barons and the Public Interest, 1968

Media Coverage of Carter-Nader Flap..., 1977

Miscellaneous short articles

The News Casters

The News Story, 1977

Obtuse Politics and the FCC, 1976

PBS, the Petroleum Broadcasting Service, 1977

Reflections on Australian Broadcasting, 1970

Box 681

Articles, continued:

Repealing the First Amendment and Not Telling Anyone about it?, 1978

Richard Who? Conflict at the FCC, 1976

Televiolence, 1977

Television, 1976

Television series in Des Moines Register, December 1976  -- January 1977

Television, Violence and the Public Interest, 1977

Two Reflections on Australian Broadcasting, 1977

Violence: miscellaneous

War on Violence, 1977

What next: Big Screen TV, 1977

What the FCC Must Do, 1969  -- 1970

Who Owns Iowa TV, 1976

Who pays for televiolence, 1977

Winn, Marie. The Plug In Drug (book review), 1977

You can fight back against TV and win

You don't have to take it from TV anymore in 1977

Australian trip, 1974


thank you and mailing list

Bibliography of FCC commissioner Nicholas Johnson, July 1, 1966  -- June 30, 1973

Broadcast Law Course, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 1976, (3 folders)

Box 682

Broadcast Law Course, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 1976 (1 folder)

Broadcast License Renewal Act, 1974

Broadcast License Renewal: Citizen's Group Task Force, 1976

Broadcasting in America, from Access, 1976

Broadside Video, Johnson City, Tennessee, 1975

Carter, Jimmy, correspondence, 1976  -- 1977

Carter-Mondale Transition Planning Group, 1976  -- 1977

Christmas Card Lists, 1975  -- 1977

Citizens Communication Center, Washington, D.C., 1975

Committee for Open Media, San Jose, California, 1975  -- 1977

Committee on Children's Television, San Francisco, 1975  -- 1977

Box 683

Committee To Save KQED, Oakland, California, 1975  -- 1977

Communications Act of 1978

Communications Act of 1979

Communications Policy Questionnaire, 1976 (2 folders)

Community Support of Media, 1973


Communications Policy: the Public Agenda, 1977

The Community and Telecommunications, 1977

The Deregulating of America, 1978

International Institute of Communications, 1977

Box 684

Conferences, continued:

Lake Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conference, 1978

Midwest Academy Memorial Day Weekend Session, 1975

National Association of Broadcasters, 55th Annual Convention, 1977

National Conference on Public Access Cable Television, 1978

National Telecommunications Policy, Cleveland, Ohio, 1976

New Imperatives and Potentials in Commercial Broadcasting, 1977

Perspectives on Children's Television, 1977

Public Interest Communication Law Conference, 1976

Public Interest Perspectives: the next four years, 1976

Unfinished Environmental Agenda, Washington, D.C., 1977

Congressional Campaign, 1974 (3 folders)

Contacts: television, radio

"A Conversation with Nicholas Johnson," Steven Scheuer, Host, WNYC-TV, 1974

Box 685

Council on Children, Media, and Advertising, Washington, D.C., 1975

Dear friends letters

Democratic Convention, New York City, 1976

Democratic Election Night Party, 1976

Educating a Dissenter, unpublished manuscript, 1974? (2 folders)

Family Friends, letters and lists, 1974  -- 1977

Federal Communications Commission

Cable/Sports Rulemaking, Docket 19417, 1972

Carriage of Radio Signals by Cable TV systems, Docket 19418, 1972

Dissenting opinions of Nicholas Johnson, 1972  -- 1973

Box 686

Federal Communications Commissioner Johnson's Office


Mailing list, 1972

Memos, 1966  -- 1970

SOP (Manual), 1967 edition

Sample Correspondence, 1972

Friedman, Mel. "We interrupt these rights... broadcasting, media access and the First Amendment," Draft, 1978

Hanks, William E. "The Citizen Group Movement in Broadcasting, 1966  -- 1977"

How to Talk Back to Your Television Set, contract, 1969

Illinois Citizen's Committee for Broadcasting v. FCC (attack on Johnson's credibility by FCC), 1977

In the Public Interest, 1976 -- 1977

International Institute of Communications, membership, 1978

International Society for General Semantics, 1974 -- 1977

Iowa Directory, 1976

Iowa Public Broadcasting Network, 1976

Iowa Television Programming: notes, research, 1976?

Iowa Utility Advertising Disclosure Rule, 1974

Iowans of the Washington Area Directory, 1977

Jaycees, 1977

Box 687

Johnson, Nicholas:

Annual Report, July 1, 1977 -- June 30, 1978

Biography and resume

Current Biography entry, 1968

Drafts of articles and speeches

Ninety Day schedules, 1976

Notes, misc.

Personal Associates List, 1977

Tax information, 1975 -- 1977

Who's Who in America, 1976 -- 1977 revision

Kolson, Kenneth L. "Broadcasting in the public interest: the legacy of FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson," 1977

Lawson and Williams Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C., Fundraising Management services, 1973 -- 1976

Leamer, Laurence. "The Sunset Ride of a TV Reformer," Harpers Magazine, December, 1973

Lecture Trips


Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, 1977

Alcoholism Council of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1976

Allied Arts of Washington, Seattle, 1975

California Trip, 1977

CB/Communications Marketing Seminar, New Orleans, 1976

Check Your Local Stations Workshop, Albany, New York, 1977

The Contents of Television, CCNY, 1976

Cornell University Distinguished Lectures in Communication, 1977

Box 688

Lecture Trips, cont.

Debate with Reid Buckley, Omaha, Nebraska, 1977

Decisions and Opportunities: executive conference, New Orleans, 1977

Detroit, Michigan, 1977


First Annual Latino Consortium Conference, Los Angeles, 1976

Five Star Forum, Wyncote, Pennsylvania, 1977

Foundation for Student Communications, Racine, Wisconsin, 1976

Future of American Institutions, New Orleans, 1976

Future Worlds Lecture Series, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1976

Georgia State University, Atlanta, 1977

Government Regulation of Business, Cincinnati, 1976

Government Regulations and Communications Symposium, Geneva, New York, 1976

IBM, Miami, Florida, 1976

IBM, San Francisco, 1977

Illinois Association of School Boards, Chicago, 1977

Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1975

Institute on National Affairs, Ames, Iowa, 1977

Johnson-Buckley Debate, Ogden, Utah, 1976

Kennedy Lecture, Ohio University, Lancaster, Ohio, 1976

Kent State University, 1977

Memphis State University, 1976

Mercer University, Macon, Georgia



Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1977

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, WISN-TV, 1977

National Association of Broadcasters, First Amendment Seminar, 1977

National PTA Public Hearings on the Effects of Television on Children and Youth, Los Angeles, 1977

National Town Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1977

New School Graduate Center, New York City, 1977

Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1977

Phil Donahue Show, 1977

Reporter's Committee Seminar, Washington, D.C., 1977

Rochester Institute of Technology, 1977

Salt Lake City Public Library, 1976

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Atlanta, Ga., 1975

Speaking Out, Toronto, 1977

Box 689

Lecture Trips, cont.

Telecommunications Regulation at the Crossroads, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1976

Tomorrow Show, Bruce McKay, 1975

Town Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, 1977

U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut, 1975

University of New Hampshire, 1976

University of Oklahoma Leadership Program, 1978

University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 1976

University of San Diego, School of Law, 1977

Western New England College, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1975

Where is Radio Going? WBRU, Providence, Rhode Island, 1977

Who tells You What to Watch? Conference, Powell, Wyoming, April 1977

Wichita, Kansas lunch and lecture, 1975

Leigh Bureau, correspondence, 1977

Lenehan, Mike. " An Interview with Nicholas Johnson," 1975

McDonald, Donald. "Television's Conflict of Interests: an Interview with Nicholas Johnson," 1976

MacNeil/Lehrer Report, "Violence on Television," 1976

Maritime Administration

Biography of Nicholas Johnson as Maritime Administrator, 1964

Memos, 1966

Miscellaneous, 1966 -- 1967

Midwest Academy, Chicago, Illinois

Miscellaneous clippings about Johnson, 1974 -- 1977

NCCB: National Citizen's Committee for Broadcasting

Access Newsletter proposal, 1977

Accounts chart

Audience Rating Project

Audit, 1976

Board of Directors, 1975 -- 1977 (4 folders)

Box 690

NCCB, cont.

California Fundraising, 1977

California Renewal Project, 1977

Capsule History, 1975?

The Citizens Communications Reform Movement: a Report and Proposal, 1975?

Citizens Media Directory, 1977

Community Marketing: the Seattle Sample, 1975

Computerized Mailing System Conversion, 1975

Contacts Throughout Country

Contributor letters

Counsel: Robert Stein, Washington, D.C.

Demystifying Broadcasting, 1974

Direct Mailings

Dissolution and re: incorporation, 1974

Distribution Lists

Emery Air Freight Claim, 1976

Evaluation of Primetime Television Violence, 1976

Financial Information, 1974 -- 1977

 Box 691

NCCB, cont.

Form Letters

Foundations and Major Donors

Funding Proposals, 1976 -- 1977

Goals, Programs, Projects, 1975 -- 1976

Insiders List, 1976 -- 1977

Insiders Newsletter, 1975 -- 1978 (2 folders)

Interim Violence Ranking Proposal, 1977

Intern and Staff Directory, 1976

Intern manual, reports, resumes, etc., 1975

International Distribution lists, 1976

Job Descriptions


Letter to congressmen about proposed Rulemaking on Public Service Announcements, 1976

Library of Congress

License Renewal project, 1975 -- 1976 (2 folders)

Major donor appeal, 1978

Management and Fundraising Audit, Cravert Co., 1976

Box 692

NCCB, cont.

Media Directory, 1975 -- 1977 (2 folders)

Media Watch, newsletter, 1976 -- 1977


National Advisory Board, 1977

Nicholas Johnson NCCB Activities Annual Report, 1976 -- 1977

Nicholas Johnson and Continuing Role in NCCB, 1977

Office Procedures, 1977

Ohio-Michigan Television Performance, an analysis and ranking, 1976

Philadelphia Public Affairs Project, 1976 -- 1977

[NCCB, continues in Box 694]

NCCB Pleadings:

AM-FM Program duplication, Docket 20016, 1974

Applications for Certificates of Compliance and Federal State/Local Regulatory Relationships, Docket 21002, RM 2695, RM 2723, 1976?

Cable Franchise provisions, Docket 20024, 1974

Cable Television rules, Docket 19988, 20019, 20023, 1974 (2 folders)

Cable Television rules requiring line extension franchise, Docket 20020, 1974

CATV cross ownership, Rule 76.501, 1973

Certiorari to U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, 76-1471, 1978

Children's Television Programming, Docket 9142, 1971

Competition and Responsibility in Network Broadcasting, Docket 12782, 1969

 Box 693

NCCB Pleadings, cont.

Conglomerate Ownership, Docket 18449, 1976

Corporate Ownership Reporting and Disclosure by Broadcast Licensees, Docket 20521, 1971

Development of Policy re: changes in entertainment formats of broadcast stations, Docket 20682, 1976

Domestic Communications Satellite, Docket 16495, 1970

Educational Broadcast Applicants, Docket 19816, 1975

Equal Employment matters in registration with SEC, S7-551, 1975

Establish standard for determining the standing of a party to petition, RM 2847, 1977

Exclusive purchase of television program product, Docket 20402, 1976

FCC v . NCCB, 76-1471, 76-1521, etc., 1977

Fairness Inquiry, Docket 19260, 1971

Fairness Reports of FCC, 74-1700, 76-1351 , 76-1360, 1976

Formulation of policies relaying to broadcast renewal, Docket 19154, 1975

Franchise duration rules, Docket 20021, 1974

Letter to FCC Commissioners re: reimbursement for public interest participants, 1976

Multiple Ownership of standard, FM and television broadcast stations, Docket 18110, 1974

Multiple Ownership of television and cable stations, Docket 20520, 1975

NBC / Justice Department Consent Opposition, 1977


Brief for Amicus Curiae, NBC v. FCC, 73-2256, 1975

Brief for Amicus Curiae, 75-4021 , 1975

v. FCC, 76-1760, 1976

v . FCC, 75-1993 , 75-1294, 75-1295, 75-1430, 1976

v . FCC, Motion for Summary reversal, 75-1933 etc., 1977

Box 694

NCCB Pleadings, cont.

One to a Market Standard, NCCB v. FCC, 75-1064, etc., 1976

Opposition to Motion to hold appeal in abeyance, 75-1933, etc., 1976

Opposition to petitions for writ of certiorari, 76-1471, 76-1521, etc., 1976

Petitions to review on order of the FCC, 75-1064, 1976 --1977

Proposed station license renewal application form, Docket 20419, 1975

Public disclosure of FCC Form 324, RM 1837, 1971

Public disclosure of annual financial statements of broadcasters, RM 2761, 1977

Radio licenses, Docket 19667, 1977

Red Lion Case, amici curiae brief, 1969

Reexamination of rules relating to shareholder participation, 1977

Rules and policies to facilitate participation of indigent interested persons in Commission hearings, RM 2676, 1976

Rules and regulations relative to Cable TV, Docket 20423, 1975

Rules permitting multiple ownership of non-commercial educational stations, RM-2493, 1975

Schedule of fees of FCC, 1977

Sticks and Stones Complaint, NCCB vs. CBS, 1973

Talton Broadcasting Co. license renewal, Docket 20723, 1977

Telephone interview programs, Docket 18928, 1970

NCCB, cont.

Preliminary proposal to profile attitudes about public broadcasting, 1977

Press Releases, 1974 -- 1978

Proctor and Gamble stock, 1974 -- 1975

Program Plan, FY 1976 -- 1977

Program Rationale, 1977

Project: College of Criminal Instruction, 1977

Project Descriptions Manual

Proposal for funding of Goldwyn Minority Intern fellowships, 1977

Proposals, 1976

Public Affairs Programming Project, 1975 -- 1976 (3 folders)

Public Relations, 1976

Report, 1974

Box 695

NCCB, cont.

Report and program, working copy of Nicholas Johnson, 1977

Reprint permissions, 1974 -- 1975

Social reform and media: a report and proposal to the Levinson Foundation, 1975

Special projects

Staff information, 1973

Staff meetings, 1975 -- 1976

Statements, 1975 -- 1976

Television Diary, 1977

Violence Press Conference, sample press coverage, 1976

Working paper: Policy development and management planning, 1977 -- 1978

NCCB - a media challenger, 1976

NCCB and the structure of media reform, 1976

NCCB/Citizens License Renewal Primer, 1977

NCCLNational Citizens Communication Lobby

Access analysis of FCC, 1975

Articles of incorporation

Broadcast license renewal mailings, 1976


Citizen participation in regulatory proceedings, 1976 -- 1977

Draft Communications Policy Platform, 1976

Fairness Doctrine Repeal, 1975 -- 1976


Information on Congressmen, 1976 -- 1977 (2 folders)

 Box 696

NCCL, continued:

The Legislative side of media reform, 1975

Members, 1976

Member's Report, 1977

National Advisory Board

Policy Platform, 1976

Press Contacts, 1974 -- 1976

Reimbursement blues by Neil Goldfarb, 1977

Tax information, 1975 -- 1977

National Consumers League, 1974 -- 1978 (2 folders)

National Endowment for Children's Broadcasting, 1977

National Public Radio Commentaries, 1975 -- 1977 (2 folders)

Network News comparison notes, 1974

Nolan, Kathleen. The fares at Labor: You can get here from there (draft)


Brown, Tyrone, nominee to FCC, 1977

Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Coors nomination to Board of Directors, 1975 (2 folders)

Box 697

Nominations, cont.

Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Turner nomination to Board, 1977 -- 1978 (2 folders)

Wells, Robert, nomination for Director of Office of Telecommunications Policy, 1977

Office memos from

Anne Ulinski, 1975 -- 1976

Chuck Shepard, 1974 -- 1976

Donna Malvey, 1977

Geoffrey Aronow, 1976 -- 1977

Melinda Halpert, 1976 -- 1977


Nicholas Johnson, 1975

Box 698

Office memos from, cont.

Nicholas Johnson, 1976 -- 1977 (2 folders)

Pat Scott, 1976 -- 1977

Rhoda Kirsch, 1975 -- 1976

Shirley McQueen, 1975

Ted Carpenter, 1975 -- 1977

Toni Ritzenberg, 1976 -- 1977

Pat Buchanan and Nicholas Johnson "Confrontation," WRC-AM, Washington, D.C., 1977

Pennsylvania Cable: Lois Brown, organized crime, etc., 1975 -- 1976

Permissible lobby activities, 1975


"Carin'," 1969

"Days of Search," 1970 (2 folders)

Box 699

Poetry, cont.

"Life, love and other stuff," c1972

 "Lovely People," 1969

"On life and love and other stuff," 1969

Prophets from a commercial break," 1969

Press clippings 1966 -- June 1977 (6 folders)

Box 700

Press Clippings, July 1977 -- 1978 (3 folders)

Prime time violence profiles, 1976

Proposal to the President's Commission on Mental Health, 1977


Republican National Convention, 1976

Revocation of licenses: WIFE in Indiana, 1969 -- 1970



Big business and small farms, Kansas City, Missouri, 1971

CATV: The New Frontier in public service programming, 1971

Crises in Communications: a plea for awareness and response, 1966

DeWitt Carter Reddick award acceptance speech, 1977

Federal Employees for Peace dinner for Daniel Ellsberg, Washington, D.C., 1971

From Assassination to Impeachment: Reflections from Washington, Philadelphia, 1973

Life before death in the Corporate State, Weinstock Lecture, Berkeley, 1970

NCCB luncheon in Johnson's honor, 1969

People's Bicentennial Commission Rally Speech, 1976

Remarks on Television Violence, Writers Guild West Panel, 1977

Why I am a Conservative, 1970


Agency for Consumer Protection, 1976?

CBS Evening News, 1977

Censorship of interview on Georgetown University Forum, 1970

Close Up's Perspectives, 1976

Effects of TV Violence, 1977

FCC Network Investigation, 1976

FCC 1978 Budget

NBC Network News, 1976

Box 701

Statements, cont.

Petition to the House of Representatives regarding the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon, 1973

Programming and the family Viewing Hour, 1975

WETA-FM Fundraising, 1976

Zamora and televiolence, 1977

Swedish radio, notes, 1976

Swedish thank you letters, 1976

Television critics critique, 1975

Television Station survey, 1976

Television Violence: correspondence, etc., 1977

Test Pattern for Living, 1971 -- 1973 (2 folders)


Amendment of Communications Act of 1934, 1976

Broadcasting and Alcohol consumption, 1976

Coors, Joseph: nomination to Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1975

Deregulation of radio: H. R. 3333, 1979

Development of Cable Television policy, 1971

Effect of Promotion and Advertising, 1971

Fairness Doctrine Repeal, 1978

FCC's authority to impose penalties, 1976

Geller, Henry: nomination to be Assistant Secretary, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 1978

Iowa Public Utilities Public disclosure Rule, 1975

Legislative Oversight and Regulating Bodies, 1977

Our Third Century: Directions, 1976

Oversight hearings on FCC Broadcast Re-regulation, 1975

Box 702

Testimony, cont.

Regulatory reform, 1975

Repeal FCC jurisdiction of broadcaster's programming performance, 1975

Statement regarding nominations for Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1975

Television and the Elderly, 1977

Television and Violence, 1968

White, Margareta and Fogarty, Joseph: nominations to FCC, 1976

Writers Guild v. FCC, 1976

Texas State Society of Washington, D.C., list of members, 1978

Time budgeting plans, 1976

Topics for annual report, 1976 -- 1977

Trip Advancing and memos, 1976

Trip letters, 1976 -- 1977

Viewers Disgust, 1976

Volunteers for NCCL Lobby Assistants, 1975

White House Conference on Library and Information Services, 1979

Access Resolution

Advisory Committee (2 folders)

Box 703

White House Conference on Library and Information Services, 1979, cont.

Advisory Committee, cont. (2 folders)

Credentials Committee

Delegate Information

Delegate Selection Committee (2 folders)

General Information

NCCB Seminar/Workshop "New Communication and Information Technologies..."

News Releases

Recording Schedule

WHC update

Whitehead Bill Notes, 1973

Box 704

Slides, unsorted

Box 705

Photographs, unsorted

Boxes 706 --  707

These numbers were not used.

Box 708

Video cassettes (5)

Panorama, August 26, 1977

Tomorrow Show, April 19, 1977

CBS, March 13, 1977

Nicholas Johnson, August 18, 1977

DC News, undated

Tapes (8)

Family, 1961 --1966 (7)

Maritime Administration, 1964

Box 709

Tapes, cont. (14)

Family, 1968 (2)

KUNM, May 10, 1977

Swedish Broadcasting, October 29, 1976 (3)

Miscellaneous (8)

Box 710

Tapes, cont. (16)

Iowa bike race (2)

Nicholas Johnson speech dubs

Confrontation dubs (2)

Florida Forum, 1976

Tomorrow show, September 3, 1975

All Things Considered Excerpt, 1975 (2)

British Broadcasting, September 17, 1976 (2)

WTOP-TV, September 25, 1975

KUFM, Missoula, Montana, March 7, 1975

Republican Convention, 1976

Jones interview, January 22, 1976

NCCB Public Service Spot

Box 711

Tapes, cont. (12)

Focus after dark, November 7, 1973

Simply Charlotte, January 11, 1973

In the Public Interest, May 8, 1973; May 15, 1973 (2)

WHUY-FM, January 1974

KUNM-FM, 1976?

Broadcasting in England,  September 17, 1976 (2)

Swedish Broadcasting, October 29, 1976

Carter and the Media, April 25, 1977

Freedom of Expression, February 7, 1977

Bicycles spot

Cassettes (15)

Broadcast Law class, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana,  January -- March 1976 (15)

Box 712

Cassettes, cont. (72)

Conversations with English and Swedish personalities, June 1 -- 23, 1976 (27)

RAGBRAI, 1976 (2)

RAGBRAI, 1977 (9)

Radio Programming Conference, 1971

KDWA, 1971

Moline; Mother, 1971

Revolution in Communication, 1971

Dialogue with Gene Youngblood, 1971

Lawn Session, 1971

Astrological chart, 1974

The Days Between (2)

Nicholas Johnson (2)

Studs Terkell

Mary Jane Odell Show

Channel 9 news interview

NCCB Violence Press Conference, 1976

All Things Considered, RNC, Kansas City, 1976

All Things Considered, DNC, 1976

IPBN Iowa Press, 1976

Fairness Doctrine Interview with Bruce Lloyd, 1976

First Amendment Panel, 1977

Crossfire, 1977

The Planet, 1977

WNBC with Tom Snyder, 1977

Edna Johnson, 1977

Ask the Manager, 1977

Dean Davis, 1977

Broadcasting and you, 1977 (2)

WAIF, Cincinnati, 1977

Texas Weekly, 1977

Carlin Case, 1977

Mary Jane Odell Show, 1978

Press Conference, Iowa City, 1979

WIRT-TV, 1979

Box 713


Personal Correspondence, 1968 -- 1974

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1975

A -- Br

Box 714

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1975, cont.

Bs -- H

Box 715

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1975, cont.

 I -- N

Box 716

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1975, cont.

O -- V

Box 717

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1975, cont.

W -- Z

Personal correspondence, 1976

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1976

A -- C

Box 718

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1976, cont.

D -- H

Box 719

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1976, cont.

 I -- P

Box 720

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1976, cont.

Q -- Z

Box 721

Personal correspondence, 1977

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1977

A -- Bov

Box 722

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1977, cont.

Bow -- D

Box 723

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1977, cont.

E -- H

Box 724

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1977, cont.

I -- L

Box 725

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1977, cont.

M -- Pl

Box 726

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1977, cont.

Po -- S

Box 727

 Alphabetical correspondence files, 1977, cont.

T -- Z

Personal correspondence, 1978

Box 728

Personal correspondence, 1978, cont.

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1978

A -- D

Box 729

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1978, cont.

E -- P

 Box 730

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1978, cont.

Q -- Z

Personal correspondence, 1979

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1979

A -- B

Box 731

Alphabetical correspondence files, 1979, cont.

C -- Z


Color of Nicholas Johnson speaking at banquet

Best wishes to Nicholas Johnson from Charles T. McCormick (signed by McCormick)

Federal Communications Commissioners, July 10, 1934  -- March 16, 1970

Nicholas Johnson with President Johnson at rostrum

Nicholas Johnson with Page Keeton (signed by Keeton)

Nicholas Johnson receiving paper from President Johnson

Congressman Ronald R. Comeron and Nicholas Johnson view winning posters from National Maritime Poster Contest, March 25, 1965

Senator Ralph Yarborough and Nicholas Johnson examine N.S. Savannah model after nomination hearing in Senate, February 28, 1964 (signed by Yarborough)

Senator Bob Bartlett and Nicholas Johnson publicize Merchant Marine Poster, May 21, 1965 (signed by Bartlett)

Senator Harrison Williams, Nicholas Johnson, and Congressman Charles Mosher during Congressional Board of Visitors Meeting, January 14, 1966 (signed by Williams)

Tour of Port of Baltimore on the Governor's Yacht, August 6, 1964

Congressman Henry Gonzalez and Nicholas Johnson view 1965 winning posters in 20th District, Texas, March 25, 1965

Speaker John McCormick and Nicholas Johnson view 1965 winning poster in 9th District, Massachusetts, March 25, 1965

Glenn Seaborg, Chairman of Atomic Energy Comm. and Nicholas Johnson on bridge of N.S Savannah, Baltimore, May 20, 1964 (signed by Seaborg)

Captain David McMichael, Mayor Chuck Hall and Nicholas Johnson on N.S. Savannah in Port Everglades, Florida, February 25, 1965 (signed by Hall)

Theodore McKeldin, mayor of Baltimore, presents copy of book No Mean City to Nicholas Johnson in Baltimore, November 17, 1961 (signed by McKeldin)

Congressman Jonathan Bingham and Nicholas Johnson view 1965 winning posters in 23rd District, New York, March 25, 1965

Senator Warren Magnuson and Senator Bob Bartlett are greeted by Secretary of Commerce John T. Connor and Nicholas Johnson, May 24, 1965

Portrait of Warren Magnuson (signed by Magnuson)

Portrait of Luther Hodges (signed by Hodges)

Nicholas Johnson and wife with Hubert Humphrey (signed by Humphrey)

Federal Communications Commission under Hyde

Swearing-in of Nicholas Johnson as FCC Commissioner, June 29, 1966, with Family and Hugo Black

Surprise Birthday (83rd) Party for Justice Hugo Black, February 27, 1969

Justice and Mrs. Black with Nicholas Johnson and wife, February 27, 1966 (signed by Black and wife)

President Johnson and grandson Lynn with Nicholas Johnson in back (signed by President Johnson)

Portrait of Harry Truman (signed by Truman), November 7, 1966

Portrait of Hugo Black (signed by Black), June 27, 1960

Portrait of Judge Brown (signed by Brown), 1959

Swearing in of Rosel Hyde as FCC Chairman by Hugo Black with Nicholas Johnson, June 29, 1966

Portrait of John T. Connor (signed by Connor)

President Johnson conferring with Nicholas Johnson (signed by President Johnson)

Rockwell portrait of President Johnson (signed by President Johnson)

Nicholas Johnson with House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Chairman Edward Garmatz, June 1, 1966 (signed by Garmatz)

FCC at Swearing-in of Chairman Hyde and Nicholas Johnson with Hugo Black, June 29, 1966

Nicholas Johnson's family including mother and father with President Johnson (signed by President Johnson)

Nicholas Johnson's Staff Reunion and Wedding Celebration, June 13, 1970

Hugo Black Law School Alumni Association, Justice's 80th birthday, February 26, 1966

IBM Executive's Computer Course 4178, August 5 -- 11, 1967

FCC under Hyde (signed by the commissioners)

FCC under Burch

Portrait and pen used by President Johnson, S. 1160, Public Broadcasting Act of 1967

Portrait of Robert Kennedy

Portrait of Martin Luther King

Portrait of Circuit Courts

Portrait of Justice Hugo Black

President Johnson and entire family

Sixth Circuit Court Judges

Supreme Court under Earl Warren

Portrait of President Johnson.

Unframed Photographs

Hubert Humphrey speaking as Vice President

Nicholas Johnson and staff

Nicholas Johnson and President Johnson outside the White House

Portrait of Nicholas Johnson

Portrait of Nicholas Johnson

FCC under Rosel Hyde (signed by FCC members)

Portrait of Nicholas Johnson

President Johnson and Nicholas Johnson shaking hands

Crown Prince Harald of Norway with Nicholas Johnson at luncheon in Prince's honor at Blair House, September 28, 1965 (signed by Prince Harald)

President Johnson conferring with Nicholas Johnson

Joe Farr, executive VP of Brotherhood of Marine Officers, Kirby McDowell, National Maritime Union Agent, and Nicholas Johnson on N.S. Savannah May 6, 1966

Swearing-in of Nicholas Johnson, Hugo Black and family, June 29, 1966

Conference for Presidential Appointees to Independent Boards and Commissioners, March 21 -- 24, 1968

Nicholas Johnson at Digitronics Users Association, Chicago, October 19, 1970

Bound and Mounted Plaques and Awards

Newsmaker-Nicholas Johnson-KNXT, Los Angeles, August 29, 1967

Plaque for Ohio Cable TV Association to Nicholas Johnson, March 9, 1972

Plaque to Nicholas Johnson at Port Everglades, Florida, February 25, 1965

Membership of the Propeller Club of the U.S., March 12, 1964

Front page of Communications magazine, December 1971

Honorary Citizen of Galveston, Texas

Commendation to Nicholas Johnson from city of Houston, Texas

American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia, 1972 Award

Boston Globe Award

Washington Magazine Cartoon, February, 1972

Honorary Citizen of New Orleans, May 23, 1964

Plaque from Board of Directors of Ohio Cable TV Association, March 9, 1972

Billboard, 1971 Trendsetter Award

American Airlines, Admiral of Flagship Fleet, April 9, 1965

United States Naval War College, Certificate and Photo, June 1966

Port of Galveston Honorary Award, March 10, 1965

Supreme Court of U.S. admittance certificate, October 8, 1962

Nomination of Nicholas Johnson to Maritime Administration certificate

1966 Salute to Maritime Employees, May 25, 1966

Unmounted Certificates, Awards, etc.

Texas Breakfast Club of Washington -- Membership, November 24, 1964

Proclamation of N.S. Savannah Days, May 1, 1964

Honorary Citizen of New Orleans, May 22, 1964

Honorary Citizen of New Orleans, September 23, 1965

Senate Resolution No. 243, Texas resolution, March 9, 1965

Resolution: Navigation and Canal Commissioners, Houston, March 10, 1965

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, July 1, 1966

Broadcast Preceptor Award, San Francisco State College, April 18 -- 19, 1965

Honeywell H-200 Computer Operator Certificate, May 24, 1966

Certificate of Award: KUOP-AM- FM, May 11, 1971

1-3 Flight Certificates and letter for Presidential Jet, June 30, 1966 (signed by President Johnson)

Picture of Nicholas Johnson at desk

Princeton University Ferris Lecture, Nicholas Johnson, signatures

CATV Profile of Nicholas Johnson, May 10, 1971

Inventory Supplement, October 1995 

Box A

Events 1979

Event 1979

"Computer Book"

Miscellaneous computer notes

Project 1979

White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services (WHCLIS) EIES computer materials; WHCLIS Advisory Board materials

Box B

Miscellaneous materials 1976 -- 1977

Box C

Events 1978 -- 1979

Administration Files 1978 -- 1979

Box D

National Citizens Communication Lobby (NCCL), lobby registration/filings, 1976 -- 1978

University of Wisconsin information, 1979

NCCL materials

Box E

Screen Actors Guild/Kathy Nolan

National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting, 1978 -- 1979

Organization files

Box F

National Citizens Communications Lobby/Coalition for Public Rights in Broadcasting, 1978

FTC hearings on children's advertising, 790112

Administration files, 1979

Originals -- Who's Who, National Citizens Communications Lobby

Telecommunications Policy and the Citizen, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 7902 drafts

 Box G

NCCL/CPRB and 1978 Communications Act

HR 13015 1979

NEA/NCCL Meeting 7902

Testimony (others) 7903

Background material

Other organizations' materials


Congressional committee schedules

Congressional testimony 790506

Box H

Articles 7802 -- 7901

Organizations 1978 -- 1979

Box I

ATT Discovery litigation 8101

Correspondence 8002 -- 8003

White House Conference on Library and Information Science 7904

Correspondence 8003 -- 8004

Correspondence 8001 -- 8002

Syracuse University materials

Administrative Law materials

Box J

NCCL originals, 1975 -- 1979

Nicholas Johnson testimony to Federal Election Commission 770912


 Nicholas Johnson memo to President Carter 761119

Testimony and letters to Senate Communications Subcommittee, Government Operations Committee

National Citizens Communications Lobby mailings

National Citizens Communications Lobby miscellaneous materials

Box K

Syracuse materials 1980 -- 1981

Box L

Communications Law course materials, copyright 1981

Box M

Communications Law course materials, 1982

Law school memos, Spring 1983

Research 1981

Radio deregulation

 Cable TV

 Changing Family Conference 810212 

Box N


Box O

Certificates, plaques

 Box P

White House Conference on Library and Information Science EIES communications

Associations and contributions, 1978

Contributions and subscription requests, 1978 -- 1979

National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting materials, background, correspondence (all unsorted)

Box Q

National Citizens Communications Lobby, Coalition for Public Responsibility in Broadcasting

Materials for mailings and distribution

Financial records

Box R

Correspondence, 1982 and 1983

National Citizens Communications Lobby statement before Communications Subcommittee of Senate Commerce Committee on radio deregulation, 870224

Background material for Box R, file 2 (above)

Event -- Chabot College, Livermore, California, CATV: Community Responsibility and Choice, 830430

National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting materials sent to Nicholas Johnson on USA vs. ATT 1983

Nicholas Johnson, testimony, USA vs. ATT


Morehead State, 830223

SUNY at Buffalo, 830417-20

Austin, Texas, 830223

Becker Seminar, 830425

Northwest Missouri State University, 830415

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Toronto, 830411

WQAD-TV interview, 830422

Mason Williams correspondence

Mailing lists/organizations, 1980

Box S

Syracuse University materials, Fall 1980

Box T

Correspondence, 1982 --

Correspondence, 8303


Consumers Solar Electric Power Corporation (Gerald Schaflander), 8310

University of Iowa registration, 1982

Christmas cards, 1982

White House Conference on Library and Information Science, 1979


Whitewater rafting (Sherman)

Nuclear Disarmament, University of Iowa Center, 8205

University of America

University of Wisconsin grievance

Personal Assistant, resumes, 1983

Bill of Rights Radio Education Project, 1981

Unitarian Universalist Pledge Canvass

USA vs. ATT, 1981

Newspaper clippings concerning ATT's search of Nicholas Johnson's records at University of Iowa, 1981

Manuscripts: Youth in Confinement: Justice by Geography; Rethinking Juvenile Justice

Correspondence, 1981

Box U

Nicholas Johnson, "Our Rights to Airwave", article original in The Progressive

Christmas cards, 1979


Ford Hall Forum, 791028

Illinois State University, 79115-8

Leigh Bureau Brochure mockup


Article -- "The Television Solution," 7909

Financial, Bills to pay

National Citizens Communications Lobby postage bills

Leigh Bureau possible dates

Change of address notice

Pending requests

Miscellaneous personal administration

NCCB account on EIES, 7909

NCCL material

FCC Notice of Rulemaking on Computers


Ann Stooky, The Ten Years of RKO General vs. Fidelity, LeDuc

Harvey Levin, Selected Issues in Current Communications Debate

Correspondence, 7903-04

Computer Ads (clippings)

Coalition for Public Rights in Broadcasting (CPRB) materials

White House Conference on Library Information Science

Access magazine

Event -- Speech Communication Association, 791110-13

Box V

Box of articles by and about Nicholas Johnson while at FCC

3 11x14 photos of Nicholas Johnson


Data Processing Management Association, 840320

Transition to Future, Iowa State University, 840103

Peace Chautauqua, 840519-20

Burson Marsteller UCR Seminar, 8406

Global Network, UCLA, 840425-7

Criterium Bike Race, 8402

Data Processing Management, Des Moines, 840320

PBS Press tour, 840109-11

Burson Marsteller Interview, Las Vegas, 840108

Loma Linda University, Riverside, California, 840223

KRNA interview, 831019

Media Round Table, Hawkeye Cablevision, 831024

Unitarian Universalist Fund Raising, 8303

Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner, 831008

Iowa High School Press Association, Iowa City, 831008

"Fighting Words", Toronto, 830920

TV Taping -- History of Broadcasting, 830927

Institutede de Estudios Norte Americannos, 830615-22

Aspen Institute, Baca Grande, 830710-16

Iowa City School Board Seminar, 8303

Consumer Electronics Show, Chicago, 830606-8

Anderson, Waterloo, 030529

Mikelson Roast, 830515

ABA, San Francisco, 830714

Law School Ground Breaking, 830914

Correspondence 1984 (3 folders)


University of Iowa Class, 831130

Scotland, 84?

Iowa Freedom Foundation, Des Moines, 831119

Correspondence 1983

Box W

Project: Purchase wish list, 1981

Administration Madison cover letter, 1981


Miscellaneous mailing, Don Kaul column, 8004

Leigh Bureau, 1981

Haight, Timothy, 1981

Project: Garden, DC, 1981; DC Police Press Pass; NCCL-FCC Consumer Assistance


ADA, DC, 800612-15

Over Easy Television Appearance, 800714


Buckley Debate, Atlanta, American Health Care Association, 801015

Indiana Library Association, Racine, Wisconsin, 801113

Ad Club of Richmond, Richmond Virginia, 801028

Buckley Debate, AARP, 801028

Buckley Debate, Phoenix, 801210

Institute of Lifetime Learning, DC, 801215

Davis Law Firm, Des Moines, 810318

1981 Conference on Culture and Communications, 810409-11


CPRB 19880 Mailing

University of Wisconsin salary litigation, 1981

Leigh Bureau Literature, 1981

Personal -- ATT Caper, 8103


Americans for Democratic Action

Airline Passengers Association

American Society for Information Science

Big Business Day Advisor Board 800417

Center for Theology and Public Policy

Consumers Opposed to Inflation in the Necessities

DC Bar

Democratic Party

Friends of the LBJ Library

In the Public Interest

Iowa Democratic Party

International Society for General Semantics

Clippings about Nicholas Johnson, circa 1980


City High School Booster Club

Project Censored, 1980

Box A1

Communications Watch column background material

Radio communications transcripts

Box A2

Organizations 1984 -- 1985

Box A3

Communications Watch column administration

Box A4

Communications Watch column copies

Box A5

NCCL/NCCB literature

Box A6

Johnson County Democrats 1987 -- 1988

Box A7

Employment possibilities -- Cal State


University of Southern California Annenberg School of Communications

University of New Mexico

Arizona State University

Hugo Black stamp dedication

Emerson College Colloquium 860404

Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, Kansas, 860424

Christian Science Monitor International Teleconference, 860426

National Federation of Local Community Programmers, 860503

Michigan Bell, 860521

Democratic Workshop, Cedar Rapids, 860810

Communication Networking in Philanthropy, 861029-31

Association of College Unions, 861107

ICC Forum, GTE, 861204

International Society of General Semantics, 50th Anniversary

International Management Institute, Geneva, 880609-11

Box A8

Organization -- Writer Editorial Board


Fulbright application

87 "Amerika"

870 Audience Network

873 Bork Opposition


Communications Consortium

Winston/Dansing Patchwork Pilgrims for Peace Games

870 FCC Filing -- Minority Ownership

870 Iowa Communications Advisory Board

883 Shopping List, Mother

870 Office of Technology Assessment Study -- Communications Systems for an Information Age

Paging, National Satellite

874 Western Behavioral Science Institute, Foreign Investment in the United States


Professional Ethics in Global Village Advisory Committee

Harriman Communication Center Advisory Board

Golden Jubilee on Telecommunications

Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

New Pioneer Coop

Sierra Club

Working Group for Public Broadcasting


Project -- Johnson County Council of Governments Telecommunications

Organization -- Broadband Telecommunications Commission

Project -- 83 Broadband Telecommunications Commission Rate Hike statement

Box A9

Correspondence, 1989


US West Direct Dialog, 890614


Wisconsin Humanities Committees Conference, 890422

Supreme Court Day, 890930

The Media, Politics and Tomorrow, American Jewish Committee Dinner, 890627, Houston

University of Missouri, Kansas City, 890123

894 Emerson College

Project -- 891 Cable/Morris, Nichols

Box A10

Correspondence, 1988


874 Journal of Commerce Maritime op-ed piece

873 Book Review, The Control Revolution

Organization -- Society of General Semantics, 1983


85 Service Credits

86 Great Peace March

NASA Application


Sierra Club

MacArthur Foundation

Project for International Communications Studies Advisory Board


881 Emergency Civil Liberties Committee Forum

Earth Day, 1988

881 Library and Information Science Student Organization

880410-12 Telecommunication and the First Amendment

882 Texas Law Class Reunion

882 United Nations Association/USA, 880409

882 Iowa City Public Library Staff Meeting

Smothers Brothers taping, 880428

882 National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Administrators, 880429

880512-15 Electronic Networking Association

880520 Aids in Iowa

880806 CMP Meeting

Project -- University High Reunion 880812-13

880725 California Broadcasters Association

880815 Harris Corp.

 880901 -- 3 Taping, David Shulman

California State Los Angeles Faculty Dialog

California State Golden Key Honor Society, 861123

California State, 861203

Project -- Hubert Humphrey Minnesota Telecommunications Proposal

Organization -- 84 Writer/Editors Committee

Box A11


Buena Vista College, Storm Lake, Iowa, 850509

Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, New York, 850423

85 Sat Expo, Denver, Colorado, 850513-5

Harris Materials

Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Airlie, Virginia, 850421-4

National University Continuing Education Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 850406

Rio Salado Community College, 1987

Chief Executive's Round Table, Dallas, Texas, 870421

Advocacy Institute, Washington, D.C., 87056

Tom Walz class, 870707

National Federation of Local Community Programmers, Chicago, Illinois, 870716

Paul Simon/Jesse Jackson United Students of Iowa Symposium, Iowa City, Iowa, 870808

Cable TV Marketing Association, San Francisco, California, 870817

Hubert Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, 870911

Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Airlie, Virginia, 870927-30

 NATO Fact Finding Trip, 871017-25

Jefferson/Jackson Dinner/Tom Smothers, 871105-7

Ohio State University, 874

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 871130

Hawaii trip 874

Harris/Redgate, Orange, California, 870604

Box A12

Correspondence, 1987

Box A13

Project -- Virtual Classroom Advisory Board

Box A14


Judge John R. Brown Birthday, Houston, Texas, 891111

Possible Italy trip/Giuseppe Santale, 901

WSUI interview, Tauke Bill -- Pornography Victims Compensation Act, 900117

Supreme Court Justice dinner, Washington, D.C. 900306

900213, Tampa, Providence, La Jolla

Common Cause, 901115-19

Empire St. College, Saratoga Springs, New York, 910111

New York City trip, 910318-24

Unitarian Universalist, Clinton, Iowa, 910407

University of Iowa Department of Communications Study, Media and the Gulf War, 910407

WSUI/Newsweek on Air, Network syndication

East Stroudsburg University, 910424

Iowa State Labor Press Association, 910429

Congressional Testimony on Public Trustee responsibilities, Facts and Frauds, 910513

Nader Funeral Service, 910821-5

Holiday travel 913

University of Iowa Law Supreme Court Day, 910828

Florida trip, 911210-6

NPR Talk of the Nation, 911218

John Deere Communicator's Conference, 911009-10

Scholarly Communications Symposium, 911114-6

Public Citizen 20th Anniversary

Public Citizen: Taking Back America, Washington, D.C., 911025-7

Box A15

Events, cont.

Deep Dish TV Interview, 900316

University High/Haefner, 900512

Anderson Consulting, 900516-8

Electronic Networking Association, 900523-6

Unitarian Universalist, Clinton, Iowa, 900603

Supreme Court Day, 900927

Freedom of Information, John Marshall Law School, University of Illinois, 900110

Box A16

Correspondence, 1990 -- 1991

Box A17

Common Cause, 1988 -- 1990

Box A18

Common Cause, 1990 -- 1991

Box A19

Common Cause, 1991

Box A20

Western Behavioral Science Institute

Event: Western Behavioral Science Institute International Executive Forum Speech: The Crisis in Public Health, 900719

Oliver Vallee


Speech -- Toward a Public Policy for Health Education, 900719

Management of Health Seminar

HPI/WBS general

Event -- International Executive Forum Seminar, 910515-910630

Seminar -- The End of Psychology

Advanced Management Network

International Executive Forum Conference printouts

Risk Assessment readings

Abortion Policy Task Force


Conference Topics

Box A21

Western Behavioral Science Institute, 1988

Event -- Speech -- "Freedom, Law and the New Electronics", 880119

Participants opening exchanges

EIES Manuals

School of Management Strategic Studies Who's Who

School of Management Strategic Studies: The Private Sector and the state Handbook

Conference Printouts

The Boundaries of Privacy

Civita: the Pragmatics of Altruism

Democracy and the Corporation

The Referee and the Coach: Two Images of Government

The Public Mind in Capitalist Democracy: Rationality or False Consciousness

Automation and the Workplace

The Crises of Scientific Literacy

Biotechnology and Third World Development

Managing Technological Risk

The Business Value of Info Service

Nicholas Johnson Conference



General Instructions

Box A22

Western Behavioral Science Institute Manuals

Box A23

Western Behavioral Science EIES Manuals

Connect Ed

 New School for Social Research, 8706-8707

 Background materials

 Lecture online traffic, 861010-6

Western Behavioral Science EIES Conference printouts

 Box A24

Wedding Invitation, Nicholas Johnson and Mary Vasey, 1991

Downloaded printouts circa 1991




Mideast War


Utne Salon

Utne other



END Part III: Post -- 1973 

To: Nicholas Johnson Papers 


Part I:1949 -- 1966

Part II: 1966 -- 1973

To: UI Special Collections