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MsC 243


Manuscript Register




Collection Dates: 1923 --1962

(Bulk Dates: 1940 to 1960)

21 linear ft.


This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
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Posted to Internet: May, 2002



Acquisition Note: James I. Dolliver donated his papers to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1971.


Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.


Photographs: Boxes 5, 27, 73, 74


Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.


Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"


Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.


Series Table of Contents


Series I: Congressional Files, 1945 -- 1956

Series II: Committee Trips

Series III: Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Series IV: Congressional Speeches and Speech Materials

Series V: Pre-Congressional Personal Papers

Series VI: Pre-Congressional Speeches and Speech Materials

Series VII: Post-Congressional Career

Biographical Note

James I. Dolliver was born in Park Ridge, Illinois, on August 31, 1894. He attended public schools in South Dakota before graduating from Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, in 1915. During World War I, Dolliver served as a private in the Army's signal corps. In 1921, he graduated from the University of Chicago Law School. The following year he moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa, where he became the prosecuting attorney of Webster County (1924 -- 1929). He was also a long time member of the Fort Dodge school board. James Dolliver was elected as a Republican to the U.S. House of Representatives, serving six terms (1945 -- 1957). After losing a bid for his seventh term, he became the regional legal council for the International Cooperation Administration in the Middle East, based in Tehran, Iran. He held this position until his retirement in 1959. James I. Dolliver died on December 10, 1978, at the age of eighty-four.

Scope and Contents


The papers of James I. Dolliver are alphabetically arranged in seven series: 1) Congressional files; 2) Committee trips; 3) Commission on Intergovernmental Relations; 4) Congressional speeches; 5) Pre-Congressional personal papers; 6) Pre-Congressional speeches, and; 7) Post-Congressional career.

Series one: Congressional files (1945 -- 1956) includes material relating to topics as diverse as agriculture, the Methodist Church, and waterways. The Committee trips series (1947 -- 1956) is arranged alphabetically by country within each year. The series relating to the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (1953 -- 1955) includes reports on federal aid grants to local governments from Wyoming to South Carolina and Michigan to Kansas. The Speeches series contains a variety of speeches given by Dolliver while he was in the Congress, delivered to high schools, meetings in foreign countries, the Congress, and many other groups. The Pre-Congressional personal papers series (1934 -- 1944) includes files relating to such topics as the American Legion and individual legal cases. The Pre-Congressional speeches series (1923 -- 1944) were given to wide range of groups from the Elks Club to the Buena Vista County School Directors. Finally, the Post-Congressional career series (1956 -- 1962) focuses on Dolliver's work in Iran and other foreign policy matters.

Also included throughout the papers are photographs, certificates, and correspondence. Some of the correspondents include Jay Norwood Darling, Henry O. Talle, Norman A. Erbe, Leo A. Hoegh, Paul H. Cunningham, Leonard Wood Hall, and Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver.


Related materials

1) United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Subcommittee on Elections

Oral Argument of the Parties Before the Subcommittee on Elections of the Committee on House Administration in the Matter of the Contested-Election Case of James I. Dolliver v. Merwin Coad from the Sixth Congressional District of Iowa [microform] : hearings before the United States House Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Elections, Eighty-fifth Congress, first session, on Feb. 11, 1957.

LAW Audiovisual CIS Hrgs MF Gp 4--(85) HHad-3
Law SHELVED AS: Microfiche 262

2) Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890 -- 1969

Letter to James I. Dolliver. Washington, DC. 1956 November 10
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Department Pres/Letters

3) Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890 -- 1969

Letter to James I. Dolliver. Washington, DC. 1956 April 16
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Department Pres/Letters

4) Schwengel, Fred, 1907-

Papers of Fred Schwengel, 1940 -- 1972
URL Finding aid

5) LeCompte, Karl M.

Papers of Karl M. LeCompte, 1939 -- 1972

6) Hall, W. Earl, 1897 -- 1969

Papers of W. Earl Hall, 1917 -- 1969
URL Finding aid


7) Dolliver, Jonathan P., (Jonathan Prentiss), 1858 -- 1910

Letter to Rev. Laurence Bower. Fort Dodge, IA. 1906 July 23

8) Hill, George Raymond, 1888 -- 1966

Papers of George R. Hill, 1905 -- 1966
URL Finding aid


URL Finding aid


Box List


Series I: Congressional Files, 1945 -- 1956

Box 1

A -- Personal

Agricultural Census -- 1954

Agriculture, January -- April, 1955

Agriculture, 1955 -- April -- December

Agriculture, 1956 (2 folders)

Box 2

Agriculture, 1956

Alaska (Personal)

American Legion (Personal)

Animal Laboratory

Automobile -- Dodge (Personal)


Box 3

B -- Personal (1945)

Baby Books (1955)

Banks and Banking

Connie Beisser

Boy Scouts -- 1945

C and Contributions -- 1945

Conservation, 1955

D -- 1945 (Personal)

Peggy Dolliver

Jonathan P. Dolliver

E -- 1945 (Personal)

Electoral College

Equal Rights Amendment

F -- 1945 (Personal)

Farm Bill

Forestry and Conservation (T.L.S. and telegram of Jay N. "Ding" Darling)

Box 4

G -- 1945 (Personal)

Gasoline Tax Correspondence

H -- 1945 (Personal)

Harris Bill -- Natural Gas

J -- 1945(Personal)

K -- 1945(Personal)

L -- 1945(Personal)

Legislative Dailey, 1956

Lewis, Clara E. (Deceased) -- 1947 (Personal)

M -- 1945 (Personal)

Methodist Church -- Friendship Haven (tax exemption on donation)

Methodist Commission on Chaplains -- Staff Report -- 5 March, 1954

Methodist Church -- 1946

Box 5

Milk Order -- Correspondence

Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa

N -- 1945 (Personal)


Reciprocal Trade Agreement -- 1955

Recommendations -- 1955

Refugee Relief Program

Republican -- 1955 -- T.L.S. Henry O. Talle, Norman Erbe, Leo A. Hoegh and Leonard W. Hall

Box 6

Requests -- 1954

Requests -- 1955

Requests -- 1956

Box 7

S -- 1955

Selective Service System -- 1953 -- 1954

Servicemen's Inquiries -- 1955

Seward, Alaska, Sanatorium

Small Business -- 1955

Small Businesses

Social Security -- 1955

Social Security; Amendment of Including Dentists

Social Security for Farmers -- News Release

Stamps -- 1955

Box 8

State Department -- 1955

State Department -- 1955 -- W.F. Bench, Eagle Grove, Iowa

State Department -- 1955 -- Donald Deal, Adoption of Kim Jin Ho

State Department -- Passports

State Department -- Red Prisoners in China and Father Regney's Sentence

State Department -- 1955 -- Michael, Yamen

Stationery Room -- 1955 -- 1956

Surplus Property -- 1955

T -- 1955

Treasury Department

Telephone Account -- 1955

Telegraph Account -- 1955

U -- 1955

V -- 1955

Veterans' Administration -- 1955

Veterans' Administration -- HR 7886 and also program for separate pension to WWI veterans

Box 9

W -- 1955

Waterways -- 1955

Waterways -- 1955 -- Boone, Saylorville and Red Rock projects

Waterways File -- Lizard Creek, etc.

White House, 1955 -- 1956

Wilson -- Dr. Charles R.

Y -- 1955

Yearbooks -- 1955

Yearbooks -- "Water" -- 1955 Requests

Yearbook Requests -- April, 1956

Series II: Committee Trips

Box 10

Austria -- 1947

Cairo -- 1947

China and Korea -- 1947

Box 11

Diary and Souvenirs of Trip -- 1947

France -- 1947

Germany -- 1947

Box 12

Italy and Trieste -- 1947

Japan and Islands -- 1947

Box 13

Letters from Round the World Trip, 1947

Manilla -- 1947

Miscellaneous Correspondence on 'Round the World Trip and related subjects -- 1947

OMGUS -- USAFE Briefing for The House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 21 September 1947

Box 14

Shanghai China -- 1947

Siam -- 1947

Reports on Mexico prepared by The American Embassy, Mexico City and by the Department of State -- Division of Mexican Affairs -- 1948

Visit to London, September 11 -- 16, 1949

Box 15

Argentina -- 1951

Brazil -- 1951

Chile -- 1951

Dominican Republic -- 1951

Box 16

Ecuador -- 1951

Mexico -- 1951

Peru -- 1951

South America (General) -- 1951

South America -- Letters -- 1951

South American Trip -- 1951

Box 17

South America Trip -- 1951

Box 18

Trinidad -- 1951

Uruguay -- 1951

Alaska -- 1952

Transportation Tie - Ups -- Port of Seattle -- 1953

Pennsylvania Railroad -- 1953

Box 19

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -- 1954

African Trip -- 1954 (3 folders)

Box 20

Algeria -- 1954

Algiers -- 1954

Congo -- 1954

Box 21

Egypt -- 1954

Italy -- 1954

Jordan -- 1954

Box 22

Kenya and East Africa -- 1954

Kenya and Rhodesia -- 1954

Liberia -- 1954

Box 23

South Africa -- 1954 (2 folders)

Spain -- 1954

Box 24

Austria -- 1955

Czechoslovakia -- 1955

Denmark -- 1955

Europe Trip -- 1955

Finland -- 1955

Box 25

France -- 1955

General File -- 1955

Great Britain -- 1955

Box 26

Italy -- 1955

Letters from trip to Russia, fall, 1955

Netherlands -- 1955

Norway -- 1955

Sweden -- 1955

USSR -- 1955

Box 27

Panama Canal -- 1956


Photograph Album

Series III: Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Box 28

Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Box 29

Intergovernmental Relations in the United States; A Selected Bibliography

Box 30

Commission on the Fiscal Affairs of State Government -- Staff Reports on Federal/State Relations in New York

Report One: Employment Security
Report Four: Vocational Rehabilitation
Report Seven: Hospital Construction
Report Eight: Public Health
Report Nine: Vocational Education

A Program to Reduce Federal Domination over State and Local Affairs; Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, February 1954

Housing Report, December 2, 1954

Box 31

Federal Grants-In-Aid

Report of the Study Committee on Federal Aid to Public Health, Vol. I

Report of the Advisory Committee on Local Government

Partial Report: Committee on In Lieu Payments and Shared Revenues; October 11, 1954

Report of the Committee on In Lieu Payments and Shared Revenues; November 15, 1954

Box 32

Press Release

State of Kansas: Impacts of Federal Grants-in-aid on the State and Local Governments, June 1954

Kansas State Chamber of Commerce: Basic Summary of Federal Grant-In-Aid Programs in Kansas, 1953

Federal Grants-in-aid in Kansas

Handbook on Federal Grants-in-aid: American Parents Committee, 1953

Federal Grants to New York State

Report of the Kansas Commission on Federal -- State Relations

Impact of Federal Grants-in-aid in the State of Washington, May 1954

Box 33

Impact of Federal Grants-in-aid in the State of Mississippi, May 1954

The Federal Grant-in-aid System: Its Impact in the State of Michigan

Report on the Impact of Federal Aids in the State of Connecticut

Impact of Federal Grants-in-aid on South Carolina

State of Wyoming: Impacts of Federal Grants-in-aid on the State and Local Governments

Box 34

Report of the Study Committee on Federal Aid to Welfare to the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, March 1955

Report of the Pennsylvania Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, and Appendix, January, 1955

Report to the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations on Vocational Rehabilitation Services, December 27, 1954

Draft Report of the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, February 1955

Report of the Study Committee on Federal Aid to Highways to the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, February 1955

2nd Draft Report of the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, April 8, 1955

Box 35

Education in the Federal System, October, 1954

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: The Tax Problem -- Report of the Tax Study Committee, May 1953 and Second Report, January 1955 -- Conclusion

Report on Federal Aid to Airports, February 25, 1955

Draft Report of the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, February 1955

Box 36

Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Series IV: Congressional Speeches and Speech Materials

Box 37

Lincoln's Birthday Speech -- Logansport, Indiana, February 12, 1946

"Youth Looks Ahead" -- Fort Dodge H.S. And Junior College, May 26, 1948

Speech at the dedication of memorial plaque to war dead, Webster County, Iowa, September 9, 1948

"Local Public Health" National Congress of Parents and Teachers, St. Louis, Missouri, May 18, 1949

"The American Legion -- A Constructive Force," House of Representatives, March 28, 1949

"Youth Looks Ahead." Graduation address, Davenport High School, June 9, 1949

"The Birthday of Old Glory." Sioux City, Iowa, June 12, 1949

Socialized medicine speeches -- KVFD, November 12, 1949; American Medical Association Conference, Chicago, February 5, 1950 (TLS Virgil Hancher); Elks Memorial Address, Rapid City, S. Dakota, December 4, 1949

Box 38

Agricultural Speech before the House, February 2, 1950

Trip to Iowa, March, 1950 -- Correspondence regarding speeches

Life Insurance Underwriters Speech, Fort Dodge, March, 1950

American Legion Birthday Speech, Fort Dodge, March, 1950

"Reducing Federal Expenses" April 5, 1950

American Foreign Policy, Teachers Federation, Fort Dodge, Iowa, September 5, 1950

Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government, 1949 -- 1950

Box 39

Meeting of National Airport Executives, Minneapolis, April 16, 1951

Relationship of the US to the Latin American Countries, April 16, 1951

Background Material on Mr. Dolliver's Foreign Policy Speech, 1951

Rural Letter Carriers Speech, Ft. Dodge, Iowa, July 13, 1951

Soil Conservation speech, Carroll, Iowa, September 12, 1951

"Rural Electrification in Iowa" Des Moines, September 19, 1951

Box 40

West Virginia Lincoln Day Speeches, 1952 -- Miscellaneous material

"Work in Washington" -- Britt Commercial Club, May 27, 1952

Radio Speech on labor problems -- September 18, 1952

"Neighbors by Air" Dedication, Ft. Dodge Municipal Airport, October 5, 1952

Campaign Speech, KVFD Radio Speech, November 3, 1952

"Washington Report", Ft. Dodge Chamber of Commerce, Ft. Dodge, January 29, 1953

"Transportation at Mid-century" February 11, 1953

Box 41

"Commission on Intergovernmental Relations." Indiana Academy of Social Science, Terre Haute, Indiana, October 1, 1954

Ft. Dodge Campaign Speech, November 1, 1954 "Simulcast" over KVFD and KQTV

"What's Ahead for the 84th Congress." Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce, January 12, 1955

"Postal Service - Historical Development" Ft. Dodge, June 6, 1955 -- Iowa Federation of Postal Clerks

Association of Railroad Labor Editor Speech, May 17, 1956

NFO Speech, Ft. Dodge, May 28, 1956

"The International Postal Service" Rural Carriers Meeting -- Estherville, July 14, 1956

"Has There Been Too Much Concentration of Power in Federal Government?" Facts Forum, Congressman Brooks Hayes and James I. Dolliver

Speech for recording in the White House [undated]

Box 42

Address of Stella E. Barker, Membership Chairman, National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs. Ft. Dodge, September 24, 1952

Campaign Material, 1952 (2 notebooks)

Box 43

Additional Socialized Medicine data and hospital material for speech material and reference

Health -- France

Box 44

Health -- Germany -- 1955

Health -- Great Britain

Box 45

Health -- Miscellaneous

Health -- Sweden

Box 46

Lincoln Speeches and material including one of J.P. Dolliver's speeches on Lincoln

Material for recordings for broadcast over home radio stations -- Congressman Paul Cunningham

Box 47

Speech Material 1 and 2

Box 48

Speech Material 3 -- 6

Box 49

Speech Material and Travel

Speech Material -- Election Laws and Proposed Changes

Box 50

Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy of the US

Miscellaneous data on spending excesses of the Federal Government

Speech Material on Taxes, etc.

Speech Material on Tidelands

Box 51

Speech Material on Communism and other Un-American activities, as atom bomb, etc. U.N.

Box 52

Newspaper clippings

Series V: Pre-Congressional Personal Papers

Box 53

A (1935 -- 1944)

American Legion Liaison Committee

Box 54

American Legion -- 1944

A National American Legion Survey of Post World War II Liaison Activities

B (1935 -- 1944)

Box 55

Briefs -- Miscellaneous

Brigg, Benjamin B. et. al., vs. Mrs. Lydia Stringer #28006

C (1937 -- 1944)

D (1941 -- 1944)

Box 56

E (1935 -- 1944)

Erickson, Esther A., Deceased, Estate of

F (1934 -- 1941)

Box 57


Gowrie Municipal Light Plant

Box 58

Gowrie Municipal Light Plant (2 folders)

Box 59

I (1934 -- 1944)


Box 60


Jensen, J.T. vs. Elias and Ernest Johnson, Clarion, Iowa vs. Wiley W. Parks, et, al.

K (1939)

Kepler, Dewey Re: Unemployment Compensation Law

L (1936 -- 1944)

Leitch, Murdo

Lewis, George H.

Box 61

M (1934 -- 1944)

Masonic Service Committee

Mutual Surety Company of Iowa

Northrup, Minnie L. vs. Ben J. Eilers & Robert D. Eilers, et. a1.

Box 62

P (1938 -- 1944)



Box 63

S (1941 -- 1944)

Spooner, A. Lloyd

Stump, S.P.

Swift & Co. vs. Soda Grill

Box 64


Thatcher, 0. M.

Timmons, Paul James -- Mrs. Roy Hannon

Tennant vs. Tennant

Box 65



Vanderslice, Evelyn vs. C.N. Gatchel


Wells, Chet


Western Surety Company, Sioux Falls, S.D.

Box 66

Wood, Oliver, Deceased, Estate of


Series VI: Pre-Congressional Speeches and Speech Materials

Box 67

Memorial Day, Gowrie, Iowa, May 30, 1923

Farnhamville, Iowa, August 17, 1923

"The New Pioneer" Farnhamville, Iowa, May 21, 1925

Memorial Day. Armstrong and Burt, Iowa, May 30, 1925

Rockwell City, Iowa, July 4, 1925

Duncombe High School, May 20, 1926

Memorial Day, Rockwell City, Iowa, May 30, 1926

West Bend, Iowa, July 4, 1927

Gowrie Junior High School, May 25, 1928

Memorial Day. Algona and Coon Rapids, Iowa, May 30, 1928

Armistice Day. Wahkonsa School, November 12, 1928

Elk's Memorial. Webster City, December 2, 1928

Father and Son Banquet. Ft. Dodge, February 20, 1929

Memorial Day. Rowan and Rolfe, Iowa, May 30, 1929

"The Significance of Armistice Day," Belmond, Iowa, November 11, 1929

Iowa Community Fair, Gowrie, Iowa, January 17, 1930

"The Living Constitution," September 16, 1930

"Twelve Years After," Storm Lake, Iowa, November 9, 1930

Pocahontas County American Legion Meeting, March 31, 1931

Memorial Day, Mallard and Pomeroy, Iowa, May 30, 1931

Flag Day, Elks Lodge, Ft. Dodge, June 12, 1931

Chamber of Commerce, Newton, Iowa, June 26, 1931

American Legion Convention, Davenport, August 2, 1931

Ft. Dodge Community College, September 4, 1931

"The New Pioneer," Tobin Business Graduation, Ft. Dodge, December 4, 1931

Speech Materials, 1923 -- 1931 (including a speech of JP Dolliver)

Box 68

Memorial Day, Titonka and Ackley, Iowa, May 30, 1932

Memorial Day, Ft. Dodge, May 30, 1933

Sheffield, Iowa, July 4, 1933

"The New Pioneer," Lohrville, Iowa, High School Graduation, May 16, 1935

Homecoming, Churdan, June 25, 1935

Armistice Day -- Joint Legion -- Lions Meeting, Clear Lake, Iowa, November 11, 1935

"National Defense," Garner, Iowa, February 25, 1936

Flag Day, Boone, Iowa, Elks Lodge, June 14, 1937

Radio Broadcast KRNT, Des Moines, November 7, 1937

"Lincoln's place in American history," Clarinda, Iowa, February 10, 1938

Flag Day, Sioux City, Elks Lodge, June 14, 1939

Armistice Day, Marshalltown, Iowa, November 11, 1939

"Three American Life Currents," KGLO, Mason City, January 22, 1940

"Lincoln's problems -- and ours!" Sheldon, Iowa, February 12, 1940

KVFD, Ft. Dodge, March 11, 1940

Upper Iowa Layman's Meeting, Methodist Conference, Hampton, Iowa, September 18, 1940

School Directors, Buena Vista County, March 21, 1941

New Citizens Day, Iowa State Federation of Women's Clubs, May 8, 1941

County Officers Association, Ft. Dodge, June 18, 1941

"American Unity," KGLO Forum, Mason City, September 3, 1941

Armistice Day, 1941

Box 69

Speech Materials, 1932 -- 1941

Box 70

Radio Speech, Ottumwa, Iowa, May 1, 1942

"The World After the War," WHO, Des Moines, May 20, 1942

WHO, Des Moines, May 24, 1942

KVFD, October 21, 1942

"A Creed for Armistice Day, 1942," Toledo, Iowa, November 11, 1942

Republican Speech -- Fall Campaign -- Ft. Dodge, 1942

Lincoln's Birthday, Radio speech, February 12, 1943

WHO speech -- World War II Liaison -- American Legion, March 21, 1943

Rockwell City, Iowa, Lions Club, August 14, 1944

"Freedom and American Nationality," Gowrie, Iowa, September 9, 1944

"Political Speech," WHO, November 2, 1944

KVFD, November 6, 1944

Speech materials, 1942 -- 1944

Series VII: Post-Congressional Career

Box 71

Correspondence, 1956 -- 1961

"The Dolliver Diary" -- Legal Counsel for the International Cooperation Administration in the Middle East

Foreign Policy Association, 1959 -- 1960

International Cooperation Administration -- Materials

Box 72

Iran -- Monthly reports

Iran -- Passports, travel vouchers, etc.

Iran -- Presentation of Iowa Code

Iran -- Press releases, etc.

"World Order and the Rule of Law," Layman's Sunday, the Community Church, Tehran, Iran, October 19, 1958

Spirit Lake Community Schools, Adult Education, 1962

"Descendants of George Barrett and Mahala Merritt Barrett"

Box 73

Autobiography, 1974. Photocopy of a typescript manuscript

1. Award to James I. Dolliver from Iowa 4-H Clubs

2. Unidentified framed photograph

3. Photograph of President Eisenhower speaking to Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, including Meyer Kestenbaum and Hubert H. Humphrey

4. Photograph of Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver. Missing

5. Photograph (mounted): James Morgan Dolliver, Margaret Elle Dolliver, 1929; another photograph thought to be Dolliver's children

6. Photograph: Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee [n.d.]

7. Photograph: Inscribed from Manuel Roxas (President of Philippines)

8. Photograph: Inscribed from Frank Miles

9. Photograph: Inscribed from Lucius Clay

10. Photograph: Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association. Can't identify

11. Photograph: Inscribed from J. Leighton Stuart

12. Photograph: Inscribed from J. Thamrong -- Nawasawat, 1947

13. James Dolliver, House Office Building

14. In front of the De Haviland Comet

15. Iowa Congressional Delegation, July 16, 1956

Box 74

16, 17, 18 . Photographs: Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 1947, 1951, 1954

19. Certificate of admission to practice before the Supreme Court of the US, 1946

20. Photograph: Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce [n.d.]

21. Certificate of Membership, Seward, Alaska, Chamber of Commerce, 1954

22. Certificates of Election, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1954

23. TLS, American Legion National Commander Daniel J. Doherty to James I. Dolliver, 24 August 1938




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