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Cover of 'Tomb of Ligeia' - Vincent Price - 'Black magic casts its ghostly spell...What strange and sinister secret haunts this man?!

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This collection is not shelved with the remainder of the Mabbott collection.

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See also the finding aid for the Thomas O. Mabbott Papers for description of this collection and its relation to other Poe materials held by the University of Iowa Libraries.

See also Pollin, Burton. Images of Poe's Works: A Comprehensive Descriptive Catalog of Illustration.
Special Collections Mabbott Poe Collection Z8699 P64 1989

Box Contents List

Comic Books

Box 57

Chamber of Chills

Vol.1:No.4 (May 1973). Contains "The Opener of the Crypt" based on "The Cask of Amontillado"


No. 20 (May 1968). Contains "The Cask of Amontillado"

No. 62. (May 1974). Contains "The Black Cat"

No. 65 (September 1974). Contains "The Tell-Tale Heart"

No. 69 (February 1975). Contains "The Pit and the Pendulum," "Premature Burial," "The House of Usher," "The Oval Portrait," "Ms. Found in a Bottle," and "The Case of M. Valdemar"

No. 70 (April 1975). Contains "The Rue Morgue," "Man of the Crowd," "Cask of Amontillado," "Shadow," "The Maelstrom," and "Berenice"

No. 74 (October 1975). Contains "Cask of Amontillado"

No. 75 (January 1976). Contains "The Imp of the Perverse"

Creepy (French edition)

No. 25 (Special Edgar Allan Poe edition). Contains "Le Puits et le Pendule," "Ombre," "L Chute de la Maison Usher," "La Verite sur le Cas de M. Valdemar," "Le Masque de la Mort Rouge," "Le Corbeau," "Berenice," "Enterrement Premature," "Dossier Edgar Poe," and "Le Portrait Oval." With the English version of "The Raven"

Dirigido por . . .

No. 38 (Noviembre 1976). Contains "Poe Segun Corman"

Dossier Negro

No.67 (Diciembre 1974). Contains "William Wilson"

No. 68 (Enero 1975). Contains "El Caso de Sr. Waldemar"

No. 71 (Abril 1975). Contains "El Manuscrito en la Botella"

No. 75 (Augusto 1975). Contains "Metzengerstein"

L'Echo des Savanes Special U.S.A.

No. 4. Contains "Dovorante Obsession," based loosely on "The Pit and the Pendulum"


No. 11 (September 1967). Contains "Berenice"

No. 12 . Contains "The Masque of the Red Death"

Ellery Queen. January 1987. Norman George as Edgar Allan Poe on the cover. Poe's 176th birthday

El Escarabajo de Oro. Color comic book

Fantastic, Vol.2:No.1(January-February 1953). Contains "The Lighthouse" by Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Bloch

Famoso "Monsters" del Cine

No. 2 (Mayo 1975). Contains"El Caso de M. Waldemar"

No. 7 (Noviembre 1975). Contains "Corazon Delator"

No. 15 (Julio 1975). Contains reviews of various film adaptations and spin offs of "The Murders in the Rue Morgue"

No. 17 (Septiembre 1976). Contains an essay on Poe and Vincent Price, entitled "El Pendulo de la Muerte"

"The Masque of the Red Death." Movie Classic, August -- October [1964?]

The Monster Times

Vol. 1:No. 4. Contains "Roger Corman Meets Edgar Allan Poe"

Vol.1:No.5. Contains "Roger Corman Meets Edgar Allan Poe II"

Vol.1:No. 6. Contains "Roger Corman Meet Edgar Allan Poe IV"


No. 19 (June 1974). Contains "William Wilson"

No. 20 (August 1974). Contains "The Black Cat"

"The Pit and the Pendulum." Contains "Berenice," "The Pit and the Pendulum," and "A Descent into the Maelstrom"

"The Pit and the Pendulum." Marvel Classic Comics, No. 28. Contains"The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Tell-Tale Heart," and "The Cask of Amontillado"


No. 14 (January 1999)


No. 20 (August 1974). Contains "The Masque of the Red Death"

No. 21 (October 1974). Contains "The Case of M. Valdemar"

The Raven and Other Poems. Illustrated by Gahan WIlson


No. 28 (Septiembre 1975). Contains "El Barril de Amontillado"

No. 35 (Febrero 1976). Contains"Entierro Prematuro"


Ano 1:No.1. Contains "El Pozo y el Pendulo"

Ano 1:No.5. Contains "El Escarabajo de Oro"

Ano 1:No.14. Contains "El Gato Negro"


No.6 (June 1974). Conations"Ms. Found in a Bottle"

No. 7 (July 1974) Contains "Berenice"

No. 8 (August 1974) Contains "The Tell-Tale Heart"

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen. "The Pen of Prophecy." June, No. 129. Poe appears in the story

"The Tomb of Ligeia." Move Classic, April -- June 1965

The Twilight Zone

August 1982. Contains"The Lighthouse"


No. 6 (May 1975). Contains "Berenice"

No. 16 (Marzo 1975). Contains "La Caja Oblonga"

No. 110 (December 1982). Contains "Masque of the Red Death"


No. 41 (Enero 1975). Mentions "The Fall of the House of Usher"

No. 47 (Julio 1975). Contains "La Caida de la Casa Usher"

No. 50 (Octobre 1975). Contains "Descenso al Maelstrom," "El Manuscrito de la Botella," "El Hombre en la Multitud," "La Mascara de al Muerte Roja," and "El Asesinato de la Calle Morgue"

No. 51 (Noviembre 1975). In its film review, mentions El Estudiante de Paga, supposedly based on Poe's "William Wilson"

No. 52. (. Diciembre 1975). Film review mentions a film based upon a Poe story (?)

No. 55 (Marzo 1976). Contains "El Diablo de la Perversion"

No. 63 (Noviembre 1976). The film review section, "El Terror en el Cine" makes mention of "El Pendulo de la Muerte"


Ahl, Henry Curtis. Edgar Allan Poe. 1969

Americana, No. 10 (Fevrier 1993). Contains seven articles devoted to Poe

Bryson, Anna. "The International Terrorist." "Wednesday Review" portion of The Independent, 9 September 1999. (Stored in map case drawer 171)

Circulo del Arts. Miradas y visiones del siglo XX. Contains artwork inspired by "The Raven"

Classic Collector

No. 12 (January 1991)

No. 15 (November 1992)

No. 17 January 1996)

No. 18 (June 1996)

Color photocopies of covers of books, comic books, and other publications having to do with Poe

Crum, Robert. "Paradise Found: Mementos of Literary Lives." New York University Magazine, pp. 42 -- 49

The Creation of a Reputation. Peggy Robbins and John C. Miller. National Historical Society, 1975 and 1977

"Edgar Allan Poe -- Illustrations of a Tormented Mind." Poe festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 3rd August -- 30 October 1999. (In oversized box 59)


Poe Zest. Play

Press releases and other documentation


Vol.1:No 3 (November -- December 1952). Contains "The Cask of Amontillado"

Vol.2:No.1 (January -- February 1953). Contains "The Lighthouse"

Flyer for books illustrated by Gustave Dore, including "The Raven"

Medland, Mary. "Tell-Tale: Edgar Allan Poe." Where Baltimore, October 1999, pp. 12 --14

New York Mirror. Photocopy of items from the New York Mirror, by or about Poe, with notes by Pollin. (In oversized Box 59)

Passager: A Journal of Remembrance and Discovery ,Vol.5:No.4 (Winter 1994). This issue is devoted to Poe, on the 150th anniversary of the publication of "The Raven"

"A Place for Poe in French Literature." Ex Libris, Vol.1:No.11, pp. 329 -- 331

Photocopies of studies and final products of the illustrations of Poe's stories by J. Buckland Wright. (In oversized Box 59)

Piper, John E. "The Edgar Allan Poe Cottage." Masters Thesis, 1977. Photocopy

Poe and music. Articles, mostly photocopies

Box 58

Seaport, Vol. XXV:No.4 (Fall 1991). Contains an announcement of the printing of a copy of "The Pit and the Pendulum" by the New York History Museum, with woodcuts by John De Pol

Stannard, Mary Newton. "Poe as Temperance Preacher." The Reviewer, Vol. 1:No.2 (March 1, 921), pp. 41 -- 45. Signed by the author

Tales of Edgar Allan Poe. Program for the American Symphony Orchestra

Tales of Fantasy. Coloring book. Includes retelling and picture for "Descent into the Maelstrom." (In oversized Box 59)

Troubetzkoy, Ulrich. "Acid for an Inkstand" The Iron Worker, Vol XXX:No.4. Off-print

Tyre, Nedra. "Murder at the Poe Shrine." Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine, September 1955. Off-print

Wolkomir, Richard and Joyce. "Riddle of the Ravens." Wildlife Conservation, Vol. 97:No.5 (September/October 1994), pp. 50 -- 57

Worden, Mark. "The Power of Poe." Speak Up, Anno XV:No.5 (170) (Maggio 1999), pp. 36 -- 41

Work on assigning unsigned material to Poe or not. This looks like Mabbott's work which was obtained by Pollin. There are notes in Mabbott's handwriting, followed at times by notes in what appears to be Pollin's hand.

Posters (Stored in map case13, drawer 17)

"Edgar Allan Poe -- Illustrations of a Tormented Mind." Edgar Allan Poe Society of Prague. 3 August -- 30 October, 1999, Prague

Poe Zest. A play by Clive Perrott, 24 August to 5 September, 1999, Prague

Sergei Rachmaninov. The Bells. Presented by the Poe Society of Prague, 3 August, 1999, Prague

Steven Berkoff's adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher

London production, New London Theatre, February 20 -- 25 [mid nineteen eighties]

American production, UMBC Theatre, March 7, 8, 9 and 14, 15, 16, 1987

2007 Addendum

Art inspired by Poe

Cartoons featuring Poe


Items about Poe or Poe collecting


Notes for book [?]

Poe costumes

Poe's works illustrated

Portraits of Poe

Prague Poe Festival, Carolinium, Charles University, August 8 -- October 30, 1999