Manuscript Register
(Bulk Dates: 1919)
25 items
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Addresses by S.O. Dunn
Biographical Sketch of S.O. Dunn. Memorandum to Albert N. Harbert., n.d.
"Can the Railroad Problem Be Solved?" St. Louis Railway Club, October 10, 1919
"Constructive Action Needed to Solve the Railway Problem." American Iron, Steel and Heavy Hardware Assoc., St. Louis, May 21, 1919
Ownership of Railroads." Rivers and Harbors Conference, February 6, 1919
"Government Ownership -- Some Claims and the Actual Results." Economics
Club, Portland, Maine, April 15, 1919
"Increasing and Improving the Intensive Service Rendered by Business Papers to Their Clientele." October 11, 1917
"The Pending Railway Problem." Chicago Railway Equipment Co., Annual Dinner, February 4, 1919
"The Present Railway Situation." Union League Club Luncheon, February 11, 1919
"The Railroad Problem." City Club, Chicago, November 7, 1919
"The Railroad Problem." American Mining Congress, St. Louis, November 17, 1919
"Recent New Items State...." Illinois Grain Dealers Assoc., Chicago, May 15, 1923
"Reform of Regulation Needed to Solve Railroad Problem." Texas Industrial Traffic League, Galveston, Texas, June 2, 1919
"Significance of the Plumb Plan." Convention of Associated Business Papers, Inc., Chicago, September 18, 1919
"There Must Be Invested." Chicago, November 7, [n.y.]
"The War and the Problems of Reconstruction." Traffic Club of Chicago, January 13, 1919
Publications of S. O. Dunn
"Government Operation of Railways in the United States." Star, Montreal, Canada, n.d.
"Government Ownership of New Zealand and Australian Railways." Financial Post of Canada, March 31, 1917
"The Old System of Railroad Regulation." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, August 1919
"The 'Practical' Socialist." Nation's Business, November 1928
"Production Waits on Railroad Legislation." Review of Reviews, December 1919
"Railroads." Encyclopedia Americana, September 1919
"The Railway After the War." Bankers' Journal, Toronto, Canada, 1918
"Return of the Railroads." Business, October 29, 1919
"Solving the Railroad Problem." Colliers, July 5, 1919
"Some Facts About Railroad 'Exploitation.'" Magazine of Wall Street, August 21, 1919
"What the O' Fallon Decision Means." Nation's Business, September 1929