Collection Dates: 1942 -- 1983
(Bulk Dates: [date] to [date])
18.5 linear ft.
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
Posted to Internet: November 1997
Addenda: 1988
Note: Frank
Nye's family donated his papers to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1983.
and Restrictions: This
collection is open for research.
Photographs: Box 4, Box 8,
Box 13
Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but
does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this
collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections
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Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.
Table of Contents
I. Series One -- Correspondence and Photographs
Boxes 1 -- 4
II. Series Two -- Individuals and Subjects
Boxes 5 -- 9
III. Series Three -- Iowa
Boxes 9 -- 17
IV. Series Four -- Professional Writings
Boxes 18 -- 31
V. Series Five -- Personal Papers
Box 31
Boxes 32 -- 37
Frank Nye was born in Clarinda, Iowa, on November 27, 1912. He graduated from high school in Shenandoah, Iowa, and earned his BA, in journalism, from the University of Iowa in 1936. A newspaperman, Nye's career began in 1930 with a job as a reporter for the Shenandoah Evening Sentinel. He subsequently worked for the Clinton Herald, Look magazine, the Des Moines Register, International News Service, and the Iowa City Press Citizen. Nye joined the staff of the Cedar Rapids Gazette in 1943, as the associate editor and political writer, after serving four years as news director of the Iowa Daily Press Association. He retired from the Gazette in 1980. Nye covered Iowa's political scene for the newspaper and played a key role in achieving fair reapportionment in Iowa. He was chairman of the Governor's Reapportionment Action Committee from 1957 -- 1961. Among Nye's many professional honors was the Iowa Press Association's Master Editor-Publisher Award in 1977, and the Distinguished Service Award from the Iowa Daily Press Association in 1982. Nye's two great passions have been recognized with awards bearing his name. The Cedar Rapids Gazette sponsors the annual Frank Nye Junior Tennis Tournament, while the Iowa Newspaper Association sponsors the Frank Nye Writing Award.
Nye was active in civic affairs. He was a past president of the Cedar Rapids Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Cedar Rapids Lions Club as well as the Buchanan School PTA and the Cedar Rapids Tennis Association. He was active with the University of Iowa Alumni Association and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.
Frank Nye died suddenly
on March 26, 1983, at the age of seventy.
The papers of Frank T. Nye consist of 18.5 linear feet of manuscripts dating from 1942 to 1983. The collection, which relates primarily to Nye's career in journalism, is organized in five separate series: 1) Correspondence and Photographs; 2) Individuals and Subjects; 3) Iowa; 4) Professional Writings, and; 5) Personal. There is also an addendum containing material on a variety of subjects which was given at a later date. Each series is arranged chronologically within an alphabetical sequence.
Series one consists of three boxes of correspondence and one box of photographs. Included are letters from: James E. Bromwell, John C. Culver, Jay N. Darling, John M. Henry, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Harold E. Hughes, Herschel C. Loveless, Jack Miller, Robert D. Ray, Tom Riley, Fred Schwengel, David O. Schaff, and Harrison Weber. The individual and subject series is made up of folders relating to specific people and topics. The individuals include Dick Clark and John Culver to H.R. Gross and James Leach or Harold E. Hughes and Robert D. Ray to Herbert Hoover and Ronald Reagan. Subjects range from education and busing to alcohol abuse and highways.
The third series "Iowa" consists of eight and a half boxes of subject files relating to reapportionment, Iowa politics, the legislature, the University of Iowa, the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Nye's professional writings are found in the next section. There are thirteen and a half boxes documenting his work in print. Included are stories he did for the New York Times, Newsweek, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, and other major national publications. There is also manuscript material pertaining to his Herbert Hoover book. His personal papers include appointment books and certificates. The 1988 addendum primarily consist of newspapers clippings relating to the 63rd through the 67th Iowa General Assemblies.
Box 1
A, 1946 -- 1932. Including letters from David E. Archie.B, 1943 -- 1983. Including letters from: Robert D. Blue, George W. Ball, William S. Beardsley, Ezra Taft Benson, Gerald Bogan, David W. Belin, James E. Bromwell, Alan Baron, David Broder, and Terry E. Branstad.
C, 1943 -- 1982. Including letters from: John Culver and Dick Clark.
D, 1943 -- 1983. Including letters from: Jay N. Darling and Minnette Doderer.
E, 1948 -- 1983. Including letters from: Leo Elthon, Norman A. Erbe, Paul Engle and Rowland Evans, Jr.
F, 1943 -- 1982. Including letters from: Robert D. Fulton and James Flansburg.
G, 1943 -- 1983. Including letters from: Charles E. Grassley and Gary G. Gerlach.
H, 1943 -- 1983. Including letters from: Earl W. Hall, Clyde L. Herring, Burke B. Hickenlooper, Leo A. Hoegh and John M. Henry.
Correspondence (con't)
J, 1946 -- 1983. Including letters from Roger W. Jepsen.K, 1943 -- 1983. Including letters from: Nelson G. Kraschel and Arthur Kudart.
L, 1943 -- 1982. Including letters from: Herschel C. Loveless and Jim Leach.
M, 1941 -- 1983. Including letters from: Jake More, Jack Miller, Thomas E. Martin and Clark R. Mollenhoff.
N, 1941 -- 1983.
O, 1942 -- 1982. Including letters from George Olmstead.
P, 1943 -- 1982. Including letters from: Drew Pearson, Ernest Palmer, Jr. and Don C. Pierson.
Q-R, 1943 -- 1983. Including letters from Tom Riley.
Correspondence (con't)
S, 1943 -- 1983. Including letters from: Harrison Spangler, Lauren K. Soth, Fred Schwengel and William Safire.T, 1947 -- 1983. Including letters from: Norman Thomas and Tom Tauke.
V-Z, 1947 -- 1983. Including letters from: George A. Wilson, J.C.
Wright and Harrison Weber.
Photographs. Including photographs of: Spiro T. Agnew, William Hansen, Leo A. Hoegh, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, George McGovern, Arthur Neu, Frank T. Nye, Robert D. Ray and Arthur Small.
Box 5
Adams, C.J., 1973.Agnew, Spiro T., 1970.
Albrecht, William P., Jr., 1970.
Beck, Robert K., 1966 -- 1968.
Bergeson, Rollo H., 1960.
Blobaum, Roger, 1970.
Blouin, Michael, 1973 -- 1978.
Bromwell, James E., 1961 -- 1968.
Brown, Hazel, 1975.
Bush, George, 1979 -- 1980.
Carson, Robert B., 1960.
Clark, Dick, 1972 -- 1978.
Countryman, Dayton, 1960.
Culver, John, 1964 -- 1980.
Dilley, Robert D., 1964.
Ellsworth, Ted, 1972.
Engle, Paul, 1970.
Erbe, Norman A., 1960 -- 1966.
Feld, Mike, 1973 -- 1974.
Fisher, Howard, 1976 -- 1978.
Flatt, Joseph B., 1966.
Franzenburg, Paul, 1966.
Fulton, Robert, 1970 -- 1971.
Individuals (con't)
Gannon, William, 1970 -- 1971.Grassley, Charles, 1979.
Gross, H.R., 1963.
Harbor, William H., 1971.
Harris, Fred, 1975 -- 1976.
Havlena, 1975 -- 1977.
Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 1959 -- 1971.
Hoover, Herbert, 1962.
Hughes, Harold E., 1967 -- 1980.
Hultman, Evan L., 1962.
Jensen, Martin, 1961.
Jepsen, Roger W., 1970 -- 1980.
Johnson, Donald E., 1969.
Johnson, Robert M.L., 1966.
Knudson, John, 1960.
Kyl, John, 1967 -- 1969.
Leach, James A.S., 1976.
Less, Frank W., 1962.
Loveless, Hershcel C., 1956 -- 1967.
McDermott, Edward A., 1961 -- 1965.
McManus, Edward J., 1960.
McMartin, Cole, 1970.
Martin, Thomas E., 1969 -- 1970.
Mezvinsky, Edward, 1973.
Miller, Earl G., 1942.
Miller, Jack, 1959 -- 1978.
Milligan, George, 1973.
Murray, John, 1973 -- 1974.
Murray, William G., 1958 -- 1966.
Individuals (con't)
Neu, Arthur, 1971 -- 1974.Nicholas, William H., 1960.
Peters, Jack L., 1966.
Plymat, William N., 1968.
Rapp, Steve, 1974.
Rasmussen, Clark, 1973 -- 1974.
Ray, Robert D., 1968 -- 1979.
Reagan, Ronald, 1975 -- 1980.
Riley, Tom, 1977.
Rush, Bob, 1977.
Schaben, Jim, 1974.
Scherle, William J., 1970 -- 1971.
Schmidhauser, John R., 1965 -- 1970.
Schroeder, Jack, 1960.
Schwengel, Fred, 1961 -- 1970.
Seeman, Ernest J., 1960 -- 1962.
Smith, Elbert B., 1966.
Stanley, David M., 1974.
Stoner, Tom, 1978 -- 1979.
Stringer, Kenneth, 1960.
Tauke, Tom, 1978 -- 1979.
Turner, Richard C., 1967 -- 1974.
Walsh, John M., 1971 -- 1972.
Wolf, Leonard G., 1958 -- 1960.
Worthington, Lorne, 1971.
Alcohol Abuse, 1977 -- 1978.Busing, 1974.
Constitutional Amendments.
Constitutional Conventions in Iowa, 1960.
Democratic Income Tax Plan, 1973.
Democratic National Mini -- Convention, 1974.
Des Moines Apartment, 1970 -- 1971.
Iowa State Education Association, 1963. Including correspondence with Fred Schwengel.National Committee for Support of Public Schools, 1962 -- 1964.
First Presbyterian Church of Iowa City, 1969 -- 1970. Prof. Joseph Baker.
I-380 and 549, 1971.Iowa Commission for the Blind, 1977 -- 1978.
Iowa Cooperative Study Committee, 1965 -- 1966. Post High School Education.
Iowa Daily Press Association, 1968. News Committee.
Iowa Educational Broadcasting Nework, 1972 -- 1975.
Iowa Election Laws, 1969 -- 1970. Citizen's Committee.
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, 1959 -- 1964.
Iowa Freedom of Information Council, 1977.
Iowa League of Municipalities, 1961 -- 1964.
Iowa Manufacturers Association, 1960 -- 1965.
Iowa State Jaycee President's Report, 1948 -- 1967.
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 1962. Midwest Correctional Conference,
Iowa Tax Commission, 1961 -- 1980. Including correspondence from Harrison Weber.
Subjects (con't)
KCRG - TV, 1972 -- 1974KNDI - Iowa Press Program, 1965 -- 1974.
Law Library Reserve Legislative Workshop, 1977.
Minimum Legal Drinking Age, 1979.
National Endowment for the Humanities, 1977.
National Governors' Conference, Louisiana, 1975.
Red Cross Fund Committee, 1963 -- 1965. (2 folders)
Rutgers University, 1970 -- 1974. Eagleton Institute of Politics.
Speeches, 1959 -- 1980.
State Historical Department, 1974.
U.S. Senate Chamber Desks, 1979.
United Community Service, 1963 -- 1975.
Commission Created by the 1969 Legislature, 1969.Constitutional Amendments, 1968.
Correspondence, 1964 -- 1965. Including letters from: Fred Schwengel and Jack Miller.
Reapportionment (con't)
Dodie Hamblin's Story, 1964.Dirksen Apportionment Amendment
Correspondence, 1964 -- 1966. Including letters from: Fred Schwengel, Robert F. Kennedy, Hubert H. Hunphrey, John Culver, Bert Bandstra, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Jack Miller, John R. Schmidhauser and Harold E. Hughes.Convention Route, 1968.
Dirksen Amendment and Other Apportionment Material, 1962 -- 1964. Including letters from: James E. Bromwell, Robert D. Ray, John Culver and Jack Miller.
Farm Bureau Questionnare, 1959.
Governor's Action Committee, 1958 -- 1962. Iowa State Editor's Seminar.
Hearings, 1981. (2 folders)
owa Legislative Subdistricting Commission, 1967.
Judicial Reorganization Amendment, 1960 -- 1964.
Legislative Districting of the General Assembly, 1972.
Legislative Redistricting, 1972.
1958 -- 1960. Including letters from Herschel C. Loveless.
Reapportionment (con't)
Materials (cont.)1958 -- 1960.1958 -- 1966. Including a letter from John C. Culver.
1965 -- 1967.
Reprecincting Bill SF111, 1970.
Scrapbooks, 1965 -- 1970.
Shaff Plan, 1965 -- 1970. Citizens for Reapportionment.
Reapportionment (con't)
Shaff PlanDebates, 1963. Including a letter from John R. Schmidhauser.Debates and Informational Material, 1963.
Iowans Against the Shaff Plan
May -- Sept. 1963. Including letters from David O. Shaff, Harold E. Huges, Robert K. Beck, David M. Stanley and John R. Schmidhauser.Aug. -- Sept. 1963.
Oct. 1963 -- Feb. 1969.
Iowa Politics
Budget Massage, 1967. 62nd General Assembly.Citizens Conference on State Legislatures.
Constitutional Amendment to Reduce Public Services, 1980.
Draft of the 6th Edition of the Model State Constitution, 1961.
Iowa Politics (con't)
Elections1958 -- 1972.1974. Including letters from Michael Gartner.
Governor's Economy Committee Report, 1979.
Governor's Race, 1960. Photographs. Including a photograph of Norman Erbe.
Inauguration, 1975.
Iowa Federation of Republican Women, 1974.
Iowa League of Women Voters, 1968.
Iowa Primary Election Results, 1960.
Property Tax Replacement, 1967.
Democratic National Conventions
1960 -- Los Angeles.1964 -- Atlantic City.
1968 -- Chicago. (3 folders)
1972 -- Miami.
Iowa Politics (con't)
Democratic National Conventions (con't)1972 -- Miami.1974 -- Kansas City. Mini - convention.
1976 -- New York City.
Republican National Conventions
1960 -- Chicago.1964 -- San Francisco.
1968 -- Miami (3 folders)
1972 -- Miami.
1976 -- Kansas City.
Iowa Legislative Research Bureau, 1961 -- 1968.
Legislative (con't)
Iowa Legislator Biographical Surveys.Legislative Process Workshop, 1977.
Legislative Processes Advisory Committee, 1967 -- 1968.
Legislative Research Committee, 1968.
Legislative Stories, 1976.
1955. Including a letter from David O. Shaff.1959. Including letters from Jack R. Miller.
1961 -- 1962. Including a letter from Fred Schwengel.
1966. Interim Study Committee, 62nd General Assembly.
1969 -- 1970. Including a letter from Robert D. Ray.
1973 -- 1974.
1975 -- 1978.
Priority Issues, 1975 -- 1976.
Unicameral Legislature, 1961 -- 1965.
University of Iowa
Alumni Association, 1963 -- 1975.Old Capitol Restoration
Correspondence, 1969 -- 1977. (3 folders)Minutes of Meeting, 1970 -- 1976.
Printed Material, 1970 -- 1976.
Peach Bowl, 1982.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association
Birthday and Dedication, 1962 -- 1971. Including letters from Herbert Hoover.Birthplace Foundation, 1970 -- 1972.
Birthplace Society, 1927 -- 1982. Including letters from Jay N. Darling.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association (con't)
Centennial, 1974. West Branch, Iowa. Including letters from Tom Riley and John M. Henry.Dedication, 1962. Including letters from John M. Henry.
Master Plan, 1977.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Metropolition Library Foundation, 1981 -- 1982.Tennis Association, 1970 -- 1978.
Box 18
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek
Time, 1953 -- 1960. (9 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont.)
Time, 1961 -- 1965. (7 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Time, 1966 -- 1970. (6 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Time, 1971 -- 1980. (6 folders)Time and Life, 1951 -- March 1956. (4 folders)
Box 22
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Time and Life, April 1956 -- 1957. (6 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Time and Life, 1958 -- 1959. (6 folders)Life, 1953.
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Life, 1954 -- 1964. (8 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont.)
Life, 1965 -- 1971. (4 folders)Time, Life and Fortune, 1943 -- 1950. (3 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Time, Life and Fortune, 1951 -- 1954. (8 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Fortune, 1951 -- 1972. (4 folders)Sports Illustrated, 1954 -- 1962. (3 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
Sports Illustrated, 1963 -- 1975. (2 folders)New York Times, 1967 -- 1972. (4 folders)
Time-Life, Inc.; New York Times; Newsweek (cont)
New York Times, 1973 -- 1980. (2 folders)Newsweek, 1960 -- 1964.
Correspondence, 1952 -- 1973. Including letters from: Leland Sage and John M. Henry.Drafts of Articles, 1959 -- 1973. (4 folders)
Notes, 1965 -- 1967.
Proofs, 1966. Legislative Issue.
"Reapportionment in Iowa." 45:6 (1964).
Herbert Hoover Book
Birthplace Foundation Book Drafts.Correspondence, 1973 -- 1981. Including letters from John M. Henry.
Development of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. Manuscript draft. (2 folders)
Hoover Presidential Library Association News, 1973 -- 1974.
Miscellany, 1960 -- 1974.
Oregon -- Stanford -- Lou Henry and Tad Hoover.
Cedar Rapids Gazette
American Press Institute, 1965 -- 1974.Business-Education Day, 1959.
Carter, Jimmy, 1977. Interview.
Conference via Speaker-Phone with Ronald Reagan, 1979.
County by County Political Survey:
Cedar Rapids Gazette (cont)
County by County Political Survey (cont.)1968.1972.
Editorial Board, 1971 -- 1980. (2 folders)
Gazette Set, 1980 -- 1983.
Iowa Associated Press, 1978.
Journallism Tidbits, 1961.
Miscellaneous forms, newsletters, etc., 1980.
Miscellaneous notes.
Political Tidbits, 1960 -- 1969.
White House Briefing for Regional Columnists, 1977.
Appointment Calender, 1982.
Certificates, 1963 -- 1981.
Newspaper Clippings, 1949, 1976.
Obituaries and eulogies for Georgia Nye (1982) and Frank Nye (1983).
Sketches and Cartoons.
Box 32
Citizens Conference on State Legislatures. Report on an Evaluation of the Fifty State Legislatures, 1971
Legislature Processes Study Committee
Authorization, Budget, and Membership, 1967Draft Final Report, 1968
Minutes, October 1967 -- July 1968
Subcommittee Minutes, January 1968 -- June 1968 (3 folders)
Newspapre Clippings:
63rd General Assembly, November 1968 -- May 1969
Newspaper Clippings (cont.)
63rd General Assembly, January 1970 -- April 197064th General Assembly, November 1970 -- June 1971 and Jaunary 1972 -- April 1972 ( 3 folders)
Newspaper Clippings (cont.)
65th General Assembly, November 1972 -- July 1973 and January 1974 -- May 1974 (4 folders)66th General Assembly, November 1974 -- June 1975 (2 folders)
Newspaper Clippings (cont.)
67th General Assembly, April 1977 -- May 1977Legislative Notes, 1969 -- 1975 (2 folders)
Political Notes, 1967 -- 1971
Newspaper Clippings (cont.)
Political Notes, June 1971 -- March 1975 and June 1976 -- December 1978 (4 folders)
Box 37
Former Legislators, undatedMembers of the House of Representatives, 1973
Senate Members, 1973
"Reappointment in the 1970's; the Problems of Compliance," Council of State Governments, 1971
Report and Recommendations of the Iowa Commision on Compansation, Expenses, and Salaries for Elected State Officials, 1973

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