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Special Collections and Archives

MsC 461

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1970 -- 1984
16 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900

Posted to Internet: January 1998
Addenda: 2003 -- 2004

Acquisition Note: This collection is an ongoing collection, purchased by the University of Iowa Libraries.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Table of Contents

Organizational History

Scope and Contents

Box 1 Ab-Ad -- Advertising, A-R

Box 2 Advertising, S-Z -- Appell, Allen

Box 3 Appointment Books -- Boehm, Harry

Box 4 Book Affair -- Cave Books

Box 5 The Center for Book Arts -- Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers

Box 6 Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers

Box 7 Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers -- COSMEP Newsletter and The Independent Publisher

Box 8 Contemporary Authors -- Dental Floss

Box 9 Dickson, Anne P. -- Financial Records

Box 10 Financial Records

Box 11 Financial Records

Box 12 Financial Records

Box 13 Financial Records

Box 14 Financial Records -- Gitin, David and Maria

Box 15 Gl-Gran -- Gray, Darrell and Patty

Box 16 Gray, Darrell -- Hilton, Dave

Box 17 Hilton, Dave -- Individual Orders

Box 18 Individual Orders -- Iowa State University Cooperative Extension Service

Box 19 J -- Lawrence, David

Box 20 Legal Agreements -- Mattingly, George

Box 21 Mattingly, George -- Morris, Richard

Box 22 Mu-My -- Northern Illinois University at DeKalb

Box 23 Northwest, NY -- Plains Distribution Service Inc.

Box 24 Plains Distribution Service Inc. -- Redden, Nigel

Box 25 Reviewers -- Siebart, Beth

Box 26 Simons, Louise -- Sl-Sp

Box 27 Small Press Book Club -- Submissions

Box 28 Submissions

Box 29 Submissions -- Three Numbers

Box 30 Toothpaste -- Toothpaste Press

Box 31 Toth, Steve and Sheila -- Welch, Michael Irene

Box 32 Welch, Sheila -- Zima, Lizbeth

Organizational History

The Toothpaste Press originated in Iowa City, Iowa, in the 1970s, an outgrowth of Allan Kornblum’s literary magazine, Toothpaste. Moving to West Branch, Iowa, it was a fine letterpress publisher of literary books. In 1984, the operation was again moved, this time to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where it was renamed Coffee House Press.

Allan Kornblum was born in New York. He dropped out of New York University, but participated in workshops at St. Mark’s Poetry Project. There he became aware of Iowa City. Moving there in 1970, he enrolled in Harry Duncan’s typography class. Within two years, he had bought himself a used letterpress and started his own business. By 1984, Kornblum and his wife, Cinda, had published seventy books and pamphlets and more than one hundred sixty broadsides at the Toothpaste Press.

 Scope and Contents

The first portion of the records of the Toothpaste Press are arranged chronologically within an alphabetical sequence and date from 1970 to 1984. They consist of subject files, correspondence, manuscripts, financial records, and other papers relating to the daily operations and the literary output of this private press.

The 2003 and subsequent addenda are broken into series. The first series is artwork. Where it is known, a note is inserted into the folder of the book to which the artwork belongs, referring the reader to this series.The second series is made of up correspondence. Here are letters having to do with business affairs and with manuscripts for which we do not have the manuscript. The third sequence is financial, where are kept all things pertaining to the monetary matters of Coffee House Press. The fourth series is miscellaneous, into which was put anything that did not fit elsewhere, as well as query letters, "no to manuscript" letters, "no to sample" letters, and "yes to sample" letters. The fifth series is the oversize materials, where are kept the manuscripts too large to fit into regular boxes. The last series is the manuscripts, arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author. This series is broken into separate pages, with links to each page.

Since the University receives an addition for Coffee House every few years, this collection will continue to grow. We will attempt to organize this collection in a way which will accommodate this growth, however, users should be sure to familiarize themselves with the organization in order to use this collection effectively.

Large art materials are shelved in Oversized Boxes 4 and 4a at s33:17:4; very large art materials are shelved in Map Case 12, drawer 17.

 Box 1

Ab-Ad, 1971 -- 1983

Abrams, Mary. Poetry

Academy of American Poets

Actual Now and Then (Newsletter)

Actualist Anthology, 1973 -- 1979

Adam, Helen, 1978 -- 1981 and Undated

Advertising, A -- R (4 folders)

 Box 2

Advertising, S -- Z (2 folders)

Agee, Jonis

Ahern, Tom

Alpert, Barry, 1972 -- 1975

Alternative Acquisitions Project -- Temple University

Al-An, 1971 -- 1983

American Amateur Press Association, 1977

American Institute of Graphic Arts-Bookshow, 1976 -- 1977

American Library Association, 1976 -- 1978

André, Michael. Unmuzzled Ox, 1975 -- 1977

Appel, Allen

1970 -- 1978

Not So Much Love of Flowers

 Box 3

Appointment Books, 1980 -- 1981

Apr-Ay, 1973 -- 1983


B-Bat, 1971 -- 1984

Ball, David, Blue Pig, 1971 -- 1972

Barr, Robert (manuscripts of The Dark House, The Maid on the Golden Steed and Why the Sun Could Not Set

Batki, John:

1972 -- 1981

The Mad Shoemaker

Battery Park Book Company, 1977 -- 1978

Bax-Bl, 1970 -- 1983

Belko, Sally. The Year of the Time

Benson, Steve, 1972

Berlinger, Harold. Correspondence (Re: Mayer, Bernadette, Midwinter Day, and Taggart, John, Peace on Earth for the Turtle Island Foundation), 1980 -- 1981

Blackwell Bibliographical Services, 1976

Bly, Robert, 1979 -- 1981

Bo-By, 1972 -- 1984 (including a letter from William Burroughs)

Boehm, Harry. The Woomera Immunity

 Box 4

Book Affair. Harvard University, 1976

Book Fairs, 1978 -- 1980

Book Publishers Directory, 1977


Correspondence, 1981 -- 1983 (including a letter from Jayne Anne Phillips)

Miscellaneous, 1971 -- 1983 (2 folders)

Breaking the Bindings/American Book Art Now, 1983. Exhibition-Elvejheim Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison

The Brick Apartment

Bridwell, Tom and Marilyn Kitchell. Saltworks Press

Buffalo Poetry Festival, 1979

C-Coa, 1971 -- 1973

Callahan, Eileen and Bob. Turtle Island Foundation

Cantrell, Charles, 1975

Cave Books. Re: The Grand Kentucky Junction Memoirs

 Box 5

The Center for Book Arts, 1977 -- 1979

Cerevolo, Joseph, 1977 -- 1983

Cerevolo, Joseph. Pain Songs

Chicago Book Clinic. Annual Exhibits, 1980 -- 1983

Chicago Festival of the Arts. University of Chicago, 1981

Chicago Small Press Book Fair. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1983

Clare, Josie, 1977 -- 1979

Clark, Dick, 1973 -- 1978

Co, 1971 -- 1984

Coda, 1977, 1979

Codrescu, Andrei and Alice, 1971 -- 1984

Coffey, Dan and Wendy. Duck's Breath Mystery Theater, 1976 -- 1980

Colten, Joel, 1975 -- 1977

Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers (COSMEP), 1978

 Box 6

Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers (COSMEP) (cont.)

Board Notes (2 folders)

Correspondence, 1975 -- 1981 (1 folder)

 Box 7

Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers (COSMEP) (cont.)

Correspondence, 1978 -- 1979 and undated (2 folders)


Midwest. Receipts

COSMEP Newsletter, 1970 -- 1978 (3 folders)

COSMEP Newsletter and The Independent Publisher, 1978 -- 1981

Pride, Anne. Correspondence, 1978 -- 1979

Prison Project Newsletter, 1978



 Box 8

Contemporary Authors

Cooperative Children's Book Center, 1981 -- 1982

Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines, 1970 -- 1981

Cope, David. The Big Scream, 1977 -- 1979

Corman, Cid

Cor-Cu, 1971 -- 1983 (including a letter from John C. Culver)

Correspondence, unidentified, 1973 -- 1983 and undated

Crawford, John. West End Press: Worker Writer, 1980

Creeley, Robert


Later, Echoes, and a Calendar, 1978 -- 1984

Cummings, Thomas F. Say No to Drugs and Polky Dot

Curriculum vitae, 1979 -- 1983

D, 1971 -- 1983 (including a letter from Tom Disch)

Davids, Betsy and Petrillo, Jim. Rebis Press

Davies, Alan, 1975 -- 1976

Deligiorgis, Ioana, Corycian Press

Dental Floss, Vol. 1, No. 1 -- 3 (3 folders)

 Box 9

Dickson, Anne P., 1981

Dickson, Marlowe C. Jellybeans

DiPalma, Ray. Two Poems, 1971 -- 1982

Directory of Letterpress Prints and Publications

Disch, Tom, 1971 -- 1983

Displays, 1972

Dolmen Press. Liam Miller, Dublin, Ireland, Advertising, 1977 -- 1978


Duncan, Harry and Nancy, 1972 -- 1982

E, 1972 -- 1983

Elliston Book Award, 1976 -- 1983

Eubanks, Jackie. Correspondence, 1978 -- 1979

Expansion Project

Fa-Fin, 1970 -- 1983

Fantome Press, Warren, Ohio. The Fantome Press Collector

Faville, Curtis, 1972 -- 1978

Feld, Bruce. Afterglow, typescript

Ferroe, Paul. Ally Press, 1978 -- 1979

Financial Records

General, 1975
 Box 10

Financial Records (cont.)

General, 1973 -- 1982 (2 folders)

A, 1974 -- 1979

Andrews/Nelson/Whitehead, 1971 -- 1979

B-Black, 1977 -- 1978

Baker and Taylor, 1974 -- 1979

 Box 11

Financial Records (cont.)

Bank Statements
The Actualists, 1974

Allan Kornblum, 1973 -- 1974

Cinda Kornblum, 1976, 1978

Toothpaste Press, 1973 -- 1976

Universal Letter, 1974 -- 1976

Blackwell & Blackwell North America

"Book People," 1975 -- 1976

B-U-B, 1973 -- 1979

Butler Paper Co., 1975 -- 1977

C, 1972 -- 1979

Coutts Library Service

D, 1973 -- 1979

E, 1973 -- 1979

 Box 12

Financial Records (cont.)

F, 1976 -- 1979

Foremost Typesetting Ltd., London, 1976 -- 1977

G, 1975 -- 1979

H, 1974 -- 1979

I, 1975 -- 1979

J, 1978

K, 1975, 1979

Kelsey Company

L, 1975, 1977 -- 1979

M, 1974 -- 1979

Midwesterrn Paper Co., 1972, 1976 -- 1979

Monthly Accounts, 1975 -- 1978

N, 1973 -- 1979

New York Book Fair Expenses (Invoices)

O, 1971, 1976 -- 1979

Box 13 

Financial Records (cont.)

P, 1973 -- 1979

Phone Records, 1976

Post Office

R, 1976, 1978 -- 1979

S, 1974 -- 1979

Samuel Bingham Company

Sand Dollar

Select Press Service, Inc.

T, 1973 -- 1979

U, 1971 -- 1979 (U-Univ)

 Box 14

Financial Records (cont.)

U, 1973 -- 1979 (University of Michigan to Uns)

Universal Letter, 1975 -- 1979

University of Iowa

V to W, 1976, 1978, 1979

X, Y, Z, 1976 -- 1979

Fine Paper Antitrust Legislation, 1979

Fine Print, 1976 -- 1983

Fine Printing Conference at Columbia University, 1982

Fir-Fro, 1972 -- 1983

Fowler, Gene. Vivisection (No. 9 of 50 signed copies)

Frank, Alan, 1977 -- 1983

Friedman, Richard, 1972 -- 1977

Fulton, Len. Small Press Review and Dust Books, 1971 -- 1978

Ga-Gio, 1970 -- 1983

Gallup, Dick. The Wacking of the Fruit Trees

Garmhausen, Jim

Gartung, Karl and Kingsbury, Anne. Woodland Pattern Book Center, 1981 -- 1982

Gerstler, Amy. Genesis

Giorno, John, 1972 -- 1981

Gitin, David and Maria, 1972 -- 1981

 Box 15

Gl-Gran, 1972 -- 1983

The Grand Kentucky Junction Memoirs

Grant Proposal. Readings, 1976 -- 1977

Gray, Darrell and Patty

1972 -- 1975

1976 -- 1979

1980 -- 1984, and undated

 Box 16

Gray, Darrell. Scattered Brains

Gray, Darrell and Patty.

Grays-Gu, 1975 -- 1981 (including a letter from Doris Grombach)

Graziana, Frank and Laura. Grilled Flowers Press, 1978 -- 1980

Greene, Jonathan. Peripatetics and Gnomen

Press correspondence

Gridley, Sam. Strangers in the House

Ha-Hay, 1970 -- 1983

Haas, Fes. Kiwi-Mongoose Poetry: On Love and Other Matters

Haining, Jim. Saltlick Press, 1970 -- 1978

Hall, Walter and Nancy Jonas, 1977 -- 1981

Hamill, Sam. Copper Canyon Press, 1979 -- 1983

Hanson, Jim

Harvey, Brad and Diana, 1975 -- 1983

Haseloff, Charles, 1970 -- 1973

Haymarket Press, Minneapolis, MN

He-Hin, 1972 -- 1983

Higgins, Richard C. (Dick), 1978 -- 1983

Hilton, Dave

1972 -- 1983
 Box 17

Hilton, Dave (cont.)

The Candleflame, 1976

Ho-Hy, 1972 -- 1983 (including a letter from Harold Hughes)

Hoaglund, Anthony, 1978 -- 1980

Hollo, Anselm, 1973 -- 1982

Holman, Robert (Bob). NYC Poetry Calendar, 1977 -- 1979

Houston, Bruce, 1975 -- 1983

I, 1979 -- 1983

Independent Publishers Services, 1980

Individual Orders, ca. 1976 -- 1977 (3 folders)

Box 18

Individual Orders, 1978 -- 1979 (2 folders)

Insurance Papers

International Directory of Book Collectors, 1976, 1978

Iowa Arts Council

1973 -- 1980 (2 folders)

Grant-Apprenticeship, 1979 -- 1981

Iowa City Arts Council, 1975 -- 1977

Iowa Designer Craftsman, Inc., 1979 -- 1981

Iowa State University Cooperative Extension Service. "Life Force," 1981

Box 19

J, 1975-1983

Johnston, Alastair, 1979 -- 1983

Judson, John. Juniper Press

K, 1971 -- 1975

Kenny, Maurice, 1981 -- 1983

Kingsbury, Anne. Woodland Pattern-Milwaukee Open Book Fair, 1982 -- 1983

Kornblum, Allan and Cinda

Kornblum, Allan

"Famous Americans"

"Herbert Hoover"

"Telephone Is Smiling"


Tight Pants

Kornblum, Cinda. Bandwagon

Kraus, Ruth, 1980 -- 1981

La-Lev, 1972 -- 1983

Lally, Michael, 1972

Lange, Art, 1976 -- 1981

Lange, Gerald, 1980 -- 1983

Lantos, Jeff and Leean Lowe. Big Tush, Little Tush

Larcomb, Lee

Lavin, Stuart R. The Four Zoas Press, 1976 -- 1978

LaVoie, Stephen, 1983

Lawrence, David. Yom Kippur & Other New Wave Poems

 Box 20

Legal Agreements, Publishing and Copyrights

Lesniak, Rose, 1975 -- 1980 (including "Corn in Bloom" by Rose Lasniak, Art Lange, and Steve Levine, and Throwing Spitballs at the Nuns).

Levine, Steve

1973 -- 1980

A Blue Tongue

Levitt, Annabel, 1977 -- 1983

Lew-Lu, 1970 -- 1983

Lilly, Anthony (Tony). The Book of Youth, 1984

Lovanovski, Meto (Re: Publishing a book of poetry by Yugoslavian poet, Slavko Janevski)

Ma-Mad, 1971 -- 1983

McLellan, Leigh. Meadow Press, 1978 -- 1981

Madison Review of Books, 1978 -- 1980

Magorian, James. Spiritual Rodeo

Mah-May, 1970 -- 1983

Malanga, Gerard, 1971 -- 1975

Markert, Patricia B. (Patty). Me Too, 1976 -- 1982

Marshall, Jack, 1971 -- 1973

Mathews, Richard. Konglomerati Press, 1974 -- 1983

Mattingly, George

1974 -- 1982
 Box 21

Mattingly, George(cont.)

Blue Wind Press

Me-Mid, 1977 -- 1983

Mid-Atlantic Booksellers Association

Midwestern Books Competition, 1977 -- 1984

Midwestern Writers' Festival and Book Fair, 1976, 1978 -- 1983 (4 folders)

Mihopoulos, Effie, 1976

Mikolowski, Ken and Ann. The Alternative Press, 1975 -- 1983

Mil-Mos, 1971 -- 1983

Miller, Steve, 1979 -- 1980

Minnesota Center for Book Arts, 1982

Mitchell, James. Sebastian Quill, 1971 -- 1973

Moraff, Barbara, 1980 -- 1983

Morice, Dave

1971 -- 1983


"Snapshots from Europe"

Morris, Richard

 Box 22

Mu-My, 1974 -- 1983

Mulac, Jim, 1974 -- 1983

N-North, 1972 -- 1983

National Book Awards, 1974

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 1974 -- 1983

NEA Literature Grant Applications

Nations, Opal

New England Small Press Association, Inc., 1977, 1979

New York Book Fair

1974 -- 1979

1980 -- 1982 (including letters from Bill Zavatsky)

Newspaper Clippings

North American Review, 1981 -- 1983

Northern Illinois University at DeKalb, 1980

 Box 23

Northwest, NY, 1978 -- 1982

Notely, Alice, 1979 -- 1983

O, 1970 -- 1984

Ochs, Jim. Re-examination of Freedom

Octagon Center for the Arts. Ames, IA, 1980 -- 1984

O'Donnell, Pat, 1976 -- 1979

Oliver, Peter N. Primary

Omaha Conference. Art of the Printed Book, 1980 -- 1981

Owen, Maureen, 1972, 1980, and undated

P-Ped, 1971 -- 1983

Pacific Center for the Book Arts, 1982 -- 1983 (including a letter from Kathy Walkup)

Padgett, Ron, 1976 -- 1983

Paper Samples

Paterson, Richard (Dick), 1971

Peich, Michael, 1979 -- 1983

Pen-Pin, 1971 -- 1983

Pentagram Press. "Toward a Further Definition," 1976 -- 1977

Perelman, Robert (Bob), 1975 -- 1979


Plain Wrapper Press, 1980

Plains Distribution Service Inc.

1975 -- 1979
 Box 24

Plains Distribution Service Inc. (cont.)

Booklist 1975 -- 1978 and Magazine List 1976 -- 1978

Po-Pu, 1975 -- 1983

Poetry Readings, 1971, 1974 -- 1979

Poetry Society of America, 1978 -- 1981

Poets and Writers, 1973 -- 1980

Port Townsend, WA. Summer Arts Season, 1979

Post Office Regulations, 1981 -- 1983

Pride, Anne. Motheroot Publications and Motheroot Journal, 1979 -- 1982

Printing Industry of Iowa, 1982

Printing Proofs

Private Press Books, 1977 -- 1978

Pruchaska, Robert. The Workings of An Idle Madman


Publishers Weekly, 1982

Publishers Trade List Annual, 1977 -- 1982

Pushcart Press. 1976 -- 1982 (2 folders)

Quarto Book Service, 1976 -- 1978

R-Rae, 1970 -- 1982

Rakosi, Carl, 1976, 1980 -- 1981

Ramholz, James (Jim). The Wine Press, 1978 -- 1979

Ratner, Rochelle

1970 -- 1978

Variations on a Theme in Blue

Rav-Red, 1976, 1981 -- 1982

The Red Hand

Redden, Nigel, 1981 -- 1982

 Box 25

Reviewers. Miscellaneous, 1980 -- 1984

Rey-Ru, 1971 -- 1983

Ribar, Joseph, 1972 -- 1977

Rosenthall, Bob and Rochelle (Shelly) Kraut, 1973 -- 1981

RPM Distributers, 1976 -- 1977

Rummonds, Richard Gabriel, 1982 -- 1984

S-Se, 1971 -- 1983

Salamun, Tomaz. Snow

San Francisco Book Fair, 1975

Sand Dollar, 1974 -- 1979

SBD: Small Press Distribution

Schuchat, Simon. Caveman, 1977 -- 1983

Sh-Si, 1972 -- 1983

Shaheen, Robert and Patricia. You Are Mine, 1983

Siebart, Beth, 1982 and undated

 Box 26

Simons, Louise. The Painted Bride Quarterly Press, 1975 -- 1978

Sjoberg, John

1971 -- 1978

Hazel and Other Poems

Sklar, Morty

1972 -- 1983

Getting Up, 1973

The Night We Stood Up for Our Rights

Skratz, G.P., 1973 -- 1976

Sl-Sp, 1971 -- 1980

Box 27

Small Press Book Club

Small Press Publicatioons Library List

Small Press Traffic, 1975 -- 1979

Snyder, Richard

Somos Magazine

Spring Church Book Co., 1975 -- 1978

St, 1971 -- 1983

State Sales Tax


1971 -- 1981 (4 folders)
 Box 28

Submissions (cont.)

1982 -- 1984 (3 folders)


Allan Kornblum, 1971 -- 1975

Cinda Kornblum, 1974 -- 1979

Submissions, Unattributed

 Box 29

Submissions, Undated

Suckling, Jody, The Small Boy and the Bear and Walter the Worm

Sum-Sw, 1975 -- 1979

Support Services Alliance

Swamp Press

Swann, Brian, 1976 -- 1982

T, 1976 -- 83 (including a letter from Tom Tauke)

Taggart, John. Peace on Earth

Tarachow, Michael. Pentagram Press

Tarr, Fred

Teetor, Audrey

Thieves Market. Fine Arts Council, Iowa City, IA, 1981 -- 1983

Three Numbers by Jim Hanson and Steve Levine, 1976

 Box 30



Miscellaneous Works

Toothpaste Nos. 1-7, 1970 -- 1972 (7 folders)

Toothpaste Press. History and Authors Agreement (copy)

 Box 31

Toth, Steve and Sheila, 1976 -- 1982

Toth, Steve. Gold Rush (signed copy #110 of 110)

Towle, Tony, 1971 -- 1973

Type Proofs

Typography and the Private Press, 1981

U-Wei, 1972 -- 1983

The Universal Letter

University of Kansas. Book Fair, 1982

Veitch, Tom, 1970 -- 1971

Violi, Paul

Violi, Paul. Waterworks

Waldrop, Rosemarie. Burning Deck

Walker, Scott. Graywolf Press, 1980 -- 1982

Walkup, Kathleen. Five Trees Press and Matrix Press, 1977 -- 1981

Washington, D.C. Book Fair, 1979

Watermark (Hand Papermaking), Coco Gordon, 1979 -- 1980

Wawman, Anne, 1980 -- 1982

Weis, Ellen. Havre: Museum of Modern Mythology, 1974, 1979 -- 1983

Welch, Michael Irene

1975 -- 1983

Vodka and Roses

 Box 32

Welch, Sheila. Land of Another Sun

Wentworth, Marjorie. New Pages, 1979 -- 1980

Wes-Z, 1974 -- 1983

Western Independent Publishers. W.I.P. Review Journal

White, Mary Jane. Poems

Who's Who, 1975 -- 1979

Wiate, Michael

Wilk, David, 1977 -- 1982

Will, Frederic, 1978 -- 1983

Williams, Gil. Bellvue Press, 1976 -- 1983

Winch, Terence

Wind Flowers Press. Kooser, Ted

Woessner, Warren, 1973 -- 81 and undated

Wohrley, Mark. The Attack and Reign of the Bluebanians

Wright, Jeff, 1977 -- 1983

Xerox Companies (including R.R. Bowker and Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory)

Zavatsky, Bill, 1970 -- 1982

Zima, Lizbeth, 1974

2003 -- 2004 Addenddum

Sesries I: Artwork

Series II: Correspondence

SeriesIII: Financial

Series IV: Miscellaneous

Series V: Oversized Materials


2003 -- 2004 Addendum

A -- F

G -- Noj

Now -- S

T -- Z

2005 Addendum

A -- Z


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