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Special Collections and Archives

MsC 466


Manuscript Register




Collection Dates: 1934 to 1976

(Bulk dates: 1945 -- 1948)

42 linear ft.


This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900


Posted to Internet: May 2002

Addenda: 1980

Addenda: 2002



Acquisition Note: These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Robert D. Blue in 1979 and 1980.


Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.


Photographs: Box 74


Audio Material: Box 74


Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.


Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"


Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.


Series Table of Contents


Series I: Correspondence


Biographical Note

Robert D. Blue was born in Eagle Grove, Iowa, on September 24, 1898. He attended Capital City Commercial College and Iowa State College. After serving in the Army during WWI, he returned to Iowa and received a law degree from Drake University in 1922. Blue married Cathleen Beale in 1926 and they had two children, Barbara and Donald.


Elected to the Iowa House of Representatives, Blue served from 1934 to 1943. He was Speaker of the House from 1937 to 1941. In 1943, he was elected Lieutenant Governor and the following year he defeated R.F. Mitchell to become Governor. He served two terms, during which he supported the standardization of property tax, improved the highways, extended the state hospital program, and encouraged the creation of a retirement program for public employees. Robert D. Blue died in 1989.

Scope and Contents 


The papers of Robert D. Blue date from 1934 to 1976 and consist of approximately 42 linear feet of papers, scrapbooks, and sound recordings documenting his political career as governor of Iowa and beyond. It is arranged in six series: 1) Correspondence 2) Election and campaign material; 3) Iowa state departments; 4) General subject files; 5) Later career, and; 6) Memorabilia.


The correspondence series contains letters from Paul H. Cunningham, J.N. Darling, Thomas E. Dewey, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Charles B. Hoeven, Herschel C. Loveless, Fred Schwengel, Henry O. Talle, Earl Warren, and George A. Wilson. The election and campaign section includes material relating to the Republican parties and specific campaigns. Some of the state departments and commissions that are documented include the Department of Public Safety, the Highway Commission, the Liquor Control Commission, and the Iowa Commission on the Aging.



Box List



A. General Correspondence

Box 1

A -- Bonus Board, 1945 -- 1946

A, 1947 -- 1948 (includes letters to Ed Black from Henry O. Talle, July 11, 1946, and George A. Wilson, May 28, 1946)

Box 2

Bookkeeping -- Chase, 1945 -- 1946

B, 1947 -- 1948

Box 3

Cherney -- Coffman, 1945 -- 1946

C, 1947 -- 1948 (includes letter from Paul Cunningham, June 18, 1946)

Box 4

D -- Flynn, 1945 -- 1946

D -- E, 1947 -- 1948 (includes letters from Thomas E. Dewey, February 16, 1945, December 16, 1945, July 2, 1948, July 30, 1948; and James I.Dolliver, September 22, 1945, July 8, 1946)

Box 5

Food -- G, 1945 -- 1946

F, 1947 -- 1948 (includes letters from John Gunther, March 28, 1945, January 30, 1946; and John Gwynne, November 30, 1945)

Box 6

H, 1945 -- 1946

Gable -- Hogue, 1947 -- 1948 (includes letters from B. B. Hickenlooper, March 1, 1945, April 20, 1945, May 1, 1945, November 23, 1946, March 25, 1947; and C. B. Hoeven, May 10, 1948)

Box 7

I -- Keyser, 1945 -- 1946

Holbrook -- J, 1947 -- 1948

Box 8

Kidd -- L, 1945 -- 1946

K -- La, 1947 -- 1948 (includes letters from Karl M. LeCompte, October 19, 1945, January 30, 1946, April 8, 1946)

Box 9

M, 1945 -- 1946

Le -- Mitchell, 1947 -- 1948

Box 10

N -- Postwar, 1945 -- 1946

Moehm -- O, 1947 -- 1948

Box 11

Potter -- R, 1945 -- 1946

P, 1947 -- 1948

Box 12

Sachet -- Smith, D., 1945 -- 1948

R, 1947 -- 1948

Box 13

Smith, E. -- Trass, 1945 -- 1948

Box 14

Travis -- W, 1945 -- 1946

Travis -- Wanglie, 1947 -- 1948 (including letters from Henry A. Wallace, August 30, 1946; Earl Warren, January 28, 1946, November 26, 1946; George Wilson, January 26, 1945, February 5, 1946, July 6, 1946)

Box 15

Y -- Z, 1945 -- 1946

War Assets -- Z, 1947 -- 1948 (including letters from Earl Warren, January 30, 1948, July 12, 1948, October 22, 1948)

B. Invitations, Congratulations, Christmas, etc.

Box 15 (Cont'd)

Invitations, 1945 (3 folders)

Box 16

Invitations from Gov. Blue to State Representatives, 1945

Invitations -- Des Moines, 1945

California Picnic Invitations, 1946

Personal Appearance Invitations, January -- July, 1946 (7 folders)

Box 17

Personal Appearance Invitations, August 1946 -- May 1947 (7 folders)

Box 18

Personal Appearance Invitations, June 1947 -- April 1948 (9 folders)

Box 19

Personal Appearance Invitations, May -- December, 1948 (4 folders)

Christmas Card List 1945, 1946

Letters to governors with Christmas hams, December 20, 1946

Christmas gifts to be acknowledged, 1946

Christmas, 1948

Christmas List, 1948

Thank you letters, 1945

Thank yous to Campaign Workers, 1946

Box 20

Thank yous, general election, November 1946 (2 folders)

Thank yous from elected republicans, November 1946 (includes letters from Fred Schwengel and Henry 0. Talle, November 15, 1946)

Thank yous, March -- October, 1948

Thank yous to campaign supporters, 1948

Final letter of thanks as governor, 1949

Complimentary letters, 1944

Complimentary letters, 1942 -- 1953 (includes letters from William S. Beardsley, November 17, 1950; J. N. Darling, July 23, 1942; Thomas E. Dewey, January 10, 1949 and November 11, 1950; Leo Elthon, December 6, 1954; Earl Warren, January 18, 1949)

Box 21

Complimentary letters, 1954 -- 1961

Congratulatory letters, 1944 (4 folders)

Congratulatory letters, June, 1946 (2 folders)

Box 22

Congratulatory letters, June 1946

Congratulatory letters to elected Republicans, September 1946

Congratulatory letters, 1947

Autograph requests, 1945 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Requests (general), January -- July, 1947

Baby Files, 1947 -- 1948

Anonymous File, June 1947 -- October 1948

Odd Letters File (mostly foreign), 1947 -- 1948

Miscellaneous, 1942 -- 1961 (2 folders)

Illegible, 1945 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Letters of Introduction, 1945 -- 1947

Complaints, March -- June,1947

Personal Correspondence, 1944 -- 1945 (3 folders)

Box 23

Personal Correspondence, 1946 -- 1949 (7 folders; includes letters from Paul Cunningham, January 4, 1949; Charles B. Hoeven, January 10, 1949; and Thomas E. Martin, January 8, 1949)

C. Legislative Correspondence, etc.

Box 23 (Cont'd)

Legislative Correspondence, 1935 (3 folders)

Box 24

Legislative Bills, 1937

Committee Reports, 1937

Old Age Pension Correspondence, January -- April, 1937 (2 folders)

Resolutions, 1937

Tax Legislation, 1937

Miscellaneous Legislation (centennial -- Sanitary), 1937

Amendments Filed, 1937

Legislative Correspondence, A -- K, 1937 (2 folders)

Box 25

Legislative Correspondence, L -- Z, 1937 (2 folders)

Legislative Correspondence, A -- 0, 1941 (5 folders)

Box 26

Legislative Correspondence, P -- Z, 1941

Legislative Correspondence, 1943 (2 folders; includes letters from B.B. Hickenlooper, March 31, 1943; and George Wilson, April 8, 1943)

Miscellaneous, 1943

Various forms in use, 1945

Historical progress of Bills, 1945

Senate Sifting Committee, 1945

"Bowling Alley" legislation, 1945

Miscellaneous government reports, 1946 -- 1949

Property Legislation, 1946

Box 27

Property Legislation, 1946

Miscellaneous Legislation, 1946

Legislation, 1946 -- 1947

Correspondence on labor bill, 1947 (3 folders)

Senate Sifting Committee, 1947

Assignment of House Bills to Committees, 1947

Assignment of Senate Bills to Committees, 1947

Historical Progress of House Bills, 1947

Historical Progress of Senate Bills in the House [1947]

Correspondence Concerning Special Session of General Assembly, 1947

Box 28

Special file legislation, 1948

Speech to 53rd general assembly, January 10, 1949 (also cassette)


Box 28 (Cont'd)

Election material by county (2 folders) (n.d.)

Lists of Nomination Papers by county (n.d.)

Meeting Places and dates at Kiwanis Clubs in Iowa (n. d.)

Voting Lists -- Eagle Grove (n.d.)

Iowa Election Statistics, 1930's

Miscellaneous Voting Lists: 1934, 1938, 1942, 1944

Campaign Literature, 1934

Box 29

Political File, July 1934 (2 folders)

Election Results, by county, 1935 -- 1943 (2 folders)

Miscellaneous Campaign Materials, 1936 -- 1940

Campaigns, 1936, 1941

Republican Voting Lists -- 1938, 1943

Campaign Literature, 1938

Campaign Statistics, 1938

Box 30

Political File, 1939 -- 1941

Official programs of Republican State Conventions, 1940 -- 1948

Campaign Material, 1941 -- 1945

Campaign Newsprint, 1942, 1944

Primary Election Statistics, 1942

Election Lists of Individuals, 1942

Election Voting Records, 1942

Political File, January -- October, 1942

Political File, November 1942

Political File, December 1942

Miscellaneous Political Correspondence, 1943

Political File, January 1943

Box 31

Republican Organization List, 1st -- 8th districts, 1944 -- 1945 (2 folders)

Campaign Letters, 1944

Campaign Literature, 1941

Political File, letters returned with nomination papers, February -- March, 1944 (2 folders)

Voting List -- Davenport, Iowa, April 1, 1944

Box 32

Political File, May -- November, 1944 (4 folders) (includes letters from George Wilson, November 9, 1944; B. Hickenlooper, December 6, 1944;

Henry O. Talle, December 28, 1944

Inaugural File, 1945

Democratic File, 1945

Political File, 1945 -- April, 1946 (includes letter from B. Hickenlooper, July 16, 1945)

Iowa Republican Central Committee Clip Sheets, 1946

Record of 51st General Assembly, 1946

Campaign Speeches, 1946 -- 1948

Box 33

Miscellaneous and Clippings, 1946, 1948

Canceled Campaign Checks, 1946, 1948

Campaign Literature, 1946

Campaign Letters -- Rough Drafts, 1946

Political File -- Blue for Governor Club, 1946

County Campaign File, 1946

Iowa Republican Central Committee Clip Sheet, 1946

Record of 51st General Assembly, 1946

Box 34

Political File, May, 1946 -- 1948 (6 folders)

Miscellaneous Scrapbook items campaign-related, 1947 -- 1948

Political File, January 1947

Re-election letters, October -- November 1948

Campaign Literature, 1948

Box 35

Political Correspondence, post-primary, 1948

Central National Bank of Des Moines -- circulation of nomination papers, 1948

Beardsley Campaign Literature, 1948

Republican National Convention, June 1948

Political File, 1948

Humor/"Twice Told Tales" (Aetna) 1941

Governor Blue's Speeches, 1944

Governor Blue's Speeches, 1945 -- 1947

Speech Material, 1945 -- 1946

Speech Material, 1945

Box 36

Governor Blue's Speeches, 1946 -- 1947

Speeches and Speech Material, 1946

Governor Blue's Speeches, 1946

"Chicago Speech" file [1946]

Speech Material, 1946 -- 1947

Inaugural Comments, 1947

Governor Blue's Speeches, 1947 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Box 37

Governor Blue's Speeches, 1942 -- 1948 (3 folders)

Supreme Court Speech [1948?]

Biennial Message [1948]

Biennial Message, January 11, 1949 (also on cassette)


A. State Highway Commission

Box 37 (Cont'd)

State Highway Commission, 1938 -- 1947

Highway Local Projects, 1939

Highways #14 -- 59 (not inclusive), 1939 -- 1940

Box 38

Highways #60 -- 261 (not inclusive), 1939 -- 1940

State Highway Commission, 1939 -- 1942 (2 folders)

State Highway Commission Recommendations, 1943 (4 folders)

State Highway Commission, Miscellaneous, 1943 -- 1947

Box 39

Highway Reports, 1945 -- 1946

State Highway Commission, 1945 -- 1947 (6 folders)

Box 40

State Highway Commission Interior Highway Study Committee Reports, 1947

State Highway Commission Appointments, January -- May 1947

Road Study Committee, April 1947 -- November 1948

Highway Detour Reports, September 1947 -- September 1948

Highway Commission, 1948

Highway Commission Allocations Study, 1948

Highway Investigation Committee -- Road Inspection Trip through Eastern States, 1948

Complaints about Roads, 1948

B. Various State Departments

Box 41

American Legion File, 1945 -- 1946

Boy Scout File, 1945 -- 1946

Chamber of Commerce file, 1945, 1946

Child welfare file, 1939, 1947

Coal file, 1944 -- 1946

Correspondence concerning reorganization of Conservation Commission, 1947

Conference on State Defense, 1945

Dog Racing File, 1946

Housing File, 1945

Housing File, 1946

Housing File, 1947 -- 1948

Housing File, newspaper clippings

Liquor Control Commission file, January -- February, 1945

Box 42

Liquor Control Commission file, March -- April 1945

Liquor Control Commission file, May -- June 1945

Liquor Control Commission file, July -- December 1945

Liquor Control Commission file, 1946

Old Age Assistance Commission, January 1947 -- March 1948

Real Estate, 1945 -- 1946

Red Cross file, 1944 -- 1948

Selective Service Commission, January 9, 1947 and May 1948 -- September 1948

Department of Public Safety -- Bureau of Criminal Investigation, miscellaneous reports, 1945

Box 43

Department of Public Safety -- Bureau of Criminal Investigation, miscellaneous reports, 1946 -- 1948 (3 folders)

Department of Public Safety -- Buchanan Co. investigation, 1945

Department of Public Safety -- Applications for Superintendency of Eldora Training School, 1945

Department of Public Safety -- Investigation of reported homosexual rape at Eldora, 1945

Department of Public Safety -- Investigation of accidental shooting of inmate at Eldora, 1945

Department of Public Safety -- Investigation of staff's alleged mistreatment of inmates at Eldora, 1945

Box 44

Department of Public Safety -- Investigation of staff's alleged mistreatment of inmates at Eldora, 1945 (3 folders)

Department of Public Safety -- Investigation of staff's alleged mistreatment at Woodward State Hospital, 1945

Department of Public Safety file, 1946 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Department of Public Safety, miscellaneous, 1939 -- 1944

Annual Audit, Iowa State Guard, 1944

Proceedings of National Guard Association convention, 1945

Iowa State Guard, 1945 -- 1946 (2 folders)

Statement upon demobilization of State guard, September 17, 1947

State Pharmaceutical Board, 1945

Veterans' file, 1944

Veterans' literature, 1944 and 1945

Veterans' file, January -- June 1945

Box 45

Veterans' file, 1945 -- 1946 (3 folders)

Women's Army Corps file, 1945

Budget file, 1946

Detail Budgets, 1946 -- 1947

Federal material, 1945

Income Tax file

New Salary file, 1945

State Employees' Salaries, 1947

State Abstract of Assessment, 1946 -- 1948 (3 folders)

State appropriations and expenditures, 1944

Box 46

State appropriations and expenditures, 1946 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Miscellaneous State appropriations, 1945 -- 1948

State Auditor's Report -- Iowa Soldiers' Home, Davenport [1936 -- 1939]

State Budget notes, 1949

State Expenditures, 1946 -- 1947

State Revenue file, 1944 -- 1949

State Collectible Tax and Valuation report, 1945 -- 1947 (2 folders)

State Tax Commission, 1946 -- 1948 (4 folders)

Box 47

Tax Revision file, 1945 -- 1948

Statements on Federal funds received in 1947

Telegrams supporting salary increase for welfare employees, 1945

Council of State Governments, 1944 -- 1946 (3 folders)

Box 48

Council of State Governments' Study of Education in the States, 1948

Governor's Conference file, 1945 -- 1946

Governor's Conference, May 1946

Governor's Conference Reports, 1948

Midwestern Governor's Conference, 1948

Governor's Trip to Hawaii, U.S.S. Iowa -- 1944

C. State Board of Control

Box 48 (Cont'd)

Senate Committee on Board of Control, 1939 -- transcript of meetings

State Board of Control investigation of state institutions -- general, 1939

Box 49

State Board of Control investigation of state institutions -- general brief and recommendations, 1939

Investigation of Glenwood State hospital, 1939

Investigation of Independence State hospital, 1939

Investigation of State Juvenile home at Toledo, 1939

State Board of Control, 1946 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Box 50

Appointment to the Board of Control, 1948

Suggested appropriation for Oakdale, 1949 -- 1951

State Board of Control diet, 1946, 1947

State Board of Control investigations, 1947 -- 1948 (3 folders)

State Board of Control Eldora Training School miscellaneous, 1945

State Board of Control miscellaneous, 1938, 1945 -- 1948

D. Appointment File

Box 50 (Cont'd)

Appointments made, 1945

Box 51

Building Code appointment, 1947

Committees to be appointed, 1945 -- 1946

Appointments to Judicial Districts, 1945

13th Judicial District appointment, 1945

Rockwell Women's reformatory superintendent, 1945

State Board of Accountancy appointment -- letters, 1945

State Banking board appointment -- letters, 1945 (3 folders)

State Board of Barber Examiners appointment -- letters, 1945

Box 52

State Board of Control appointment -- letters, 1945

State Board of Cosmetology appointment -- letters, 1945

State Board of Education appointment -- letters, 1945

State Board of Social Welfare appointment, 1945

State Comptroller appointment -- letters, 1945

State Fire Marshal appointment -- letters, 1944

State Highway Commission appointment -- letters, 1945 (2 folders)

Iowa State Labor Commission appointment, 1945

State Liquor Control Commission appointment, 1945 (2 folders)

Box 53

Public Safety Commission appointment letters, 1945

State Real Estate Board appointment, 1945

State Tax Commission, 1945

State Tax Study Committee, 1945

State War Surplus Commodities Board appointment, 1945

State Watchmaker's Board appointment, 1945

Woodward State School Business manager appointment, 1945

Miscellaneous appointments

Miscellaneous appointments -- letters, 1945

E. Social Services

Box 54

Social Welfare Board, December 1944 -- 1948 (4 folders)

Department of Social Welfare -- correspondence (2 folders)

State Institutions file, 1946 -- 1948

State Institutions payroll [1939]

Correspondent -- concerning State Institutions funding, 1947

State Institutions file -- Cherokee State hospital, 1936 -- 1938

State Institutions file -- Cherokee State hospital -- testimony taken at hearing, 1938

State Institutions file -- Cherokee State hospital -- transcript of testimony, 1938

Box 55

State Institutions file -- Cherokee State hospital, miscellaneous

Records of Mary Griffin, patient -- Clarinda, 1936 -- 1938

Iowa State Training School for Boys, Eldora, miscellaneous, 1939

Iowa State Penitentiary, Fort Madison -- miscellaneous, 1939

Iowa State Penitentiary, Fort Madison -- miscellaneous, 1947 -- 1948

Illinois State Training School for Boys -- operation and policies, 1945

Independence State hospital file, 1947 -- 1948

Mount Pleasant State hospital, miscellaneous, 1933, 1935, 1939

Mount Pleasant State hospital, 1946 -- 1948

F. Conservation

Box 56

National Park Service -- Work Program Outline, 1939 -- 1940

National Rivers and Harbors Congress, 1940, 1944

State Conservation Commission, 1945

State Conservation Commission, 1945 -- 1946 (includes letters from J. N. Darling, November l, 1945; July 10, 1946; September 27, 1946;
November 21, 1946)

Conservation Notes, 1945 -- 1947

Conservation Commission Members and salaries, February 1945 -- March 1947

Jay N. Darling, 1946 (includes letters from J. N. Darling, August 22, 1946; October 3, 1946)

Recommendations for Pheasant and Hungarian Partridge Season, 1946

Recommendations for Pheasant, Furbearer, and Quail Seasons, 1947

State Conservation Commission -- Work Program, April 18, 1946

State Conservation Commission, July 1946 -- June 1947

Box 57

Committee to Study Natural Resources, August 1946 -- April 1947

Conservation Study Committee Report, 1947

State Conservation Commission, July -- October 1947

Conservation Study Commission, September -- December, 1947

State Conservation Commission, 1947 -- 1948 (4 folders)

Soil Conservation, 1947 -- 1948


Box 58

State Archives -- Governors' files, 1902 -- 1944

Biographical Material -- Blue

Birthday Drivers' License Act, July 11, 1948 (includes letter from Earl Warren, July 16, 1948)

Bonus Board, 1948

Comptroller Appointment, June 1947

Executive Council at Iowa, 1948

Expenses incurred by State Departments on out-of-state travels, July 1, 1946 -- July 1 , 1947

Federal (largely civil defense) 1948

Fire Marshall, 1944 -- 1947

Fire Prevention, 1947 -- 1948

Governors of the American States and Territories, 1948 (booklet -- includes Blue)

Governors' Conference, July 1947, Salt Lake City (book)

Governors' Conference, 1947 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Box 59

Governors' Conference, 1948, proceedings (book)

Governor's House, 1947 -- 1948

U.S. Governors' Incomes -- Comparative Study, 1946

Governor's Notebook -- Bills, Committee Notes, etc. (3 folders)

Historical and Memorial Department, 1944 -- 1948

State Income Tax File, 1947

Box 60

Income Tax -- form letters, 1947

Iowa Poll -- Surveys, 1945 -- 1946

Iowa Republican News, 1943 -- 1948

Iowa and Greetings to Iowa Soldiers, 1943 -- 1944

Iowa State Guard, 1947

Judge Appointment, 1947 -- 1948

Department of Justice and related materials, December 1946 -- September 1948

Labor, 1947

Labor Disputes and Arbitration, 1939

Commission of Uniform State Laws, 1948

Libraries, 1946 -- 1948

Liquor, 1947

Man Shortage, February 1945 -- April 1945

Box 61

Mine Inspector Appointment, May 1946 -- May 1948

Name List

News Releases, 1945

Newspaper Publicity and Campaign miscellaneous, 1944

Newspaper Clippings, January 1949

Office of Price Administration, 1945

Packing House Strikes, May -- June, 1948 (cassette available)

Parole Board, January 1947 -- December 1948

Peace, 1945

Personal, miscellaneous, 1948

Political, Finance, etc. -- miscellaneous, 1938 -- 1948 (includes letters from B. Hickenlooper, April 23, 1940, and Thomas E. Dewey, June 6, 1940)

Box 62

Population Statistics, Iowa, 1910 -- 1947

Changes in Iowa Population -- Ray E. Wakeley, 1946

State Printing Board

Issued Proclamations

Requests for Proclamations (2 folders)

Republican Information, 1945 -- 1946

Republican National Campaign, June -- September 1948

Republican National Convention, 1948

Republican State Central Committee. Negro Division Bulletins, 1943 -- 1945

Republican State Central Committee, 1945 -- 1948 (2 folders)

Box 63

Resolutions, 1946 -- 1948

Roosevelt, F. D., January -- October 1946

Safety Commission, 1947 -- 1948

Sioux City Strike, 1939

Special Session, 1947

State Tax Commission, 1947 -- 1948

State Revenues by county, 1947 -- 1951 (3 folders)

Supreme Court Appointment, March -- June 1947

Tax Booklet for 1947

Treaties, 1945

US Treasury Department, 1945 -- 1948

Wilson, Dr. Charles L. (Chiropractor), 1947 -- 1948


A. Aging

Box 64

Iowa Study Committee on Care of Aging, 1956 -- 1958 (includes letter from Herschell C. Loveless, July 17, 1957)

Iowa Care for the Aged, 1956 -- 1961 (includes letter from Herschell C. Loveless, March 20, 1959)

State Commission Bulletin, 1960 -- 1962 (not inclusive)

Iowa Plan for Implementation of Title III, 1965

Title III Task Force, 1971

Iowa Commission on the Aging, 1966 -- July 1971 (5 folders) (includes letters from Walter Mondale, April 21, 1967, May 31, 1967, November 29, 1967; Jack Miller, May 15, 1967; John Culver; H. R. Gross; B. Hickenlooper, January 24, 1968; Fred Schwengel, January 25, 1968)

Box 65

Iowa Commission on the Aging, August 1971 -- 1972 (2 folders)

Iowa Commission on the Aging, Agency Programs, miscellaneous, 1960 -- 1972

Agency Programs, 1973 -- 1974

Area XIII Agency Review, 1975

Cedar Rapids Appeal, 1969 -- 1970

Des Moines Appeal, 1970 -- 1971

Assessment Material, 1974

Auditor's report, June 30, 1972

Bylaws, Procedures, etc.

Aging Correspondence, 1966 -- 1971 (2 folders)

Box 66

Draft rules, 1976

Hawkeye Valley Title VII Nutrition Project, 1975 (2 folders)

Meeting, July 30, 1975

Meeting, January 8, 1976

Meeting minutes, 1969 -- 1976 (5 folders)

Box 67


Proposal for Area X program, 1973

Proposals for Area XV program, 1973

Proposals for various senior citizens programs, 1972

Report on county and area agency elderly and total populations, 1976

Rotary-Ann home fund raising campaign, 1960

Title VII Nutrition proposal, 1975

Title VII Nutrition proposal, areas I, VI, IX, 1975 (3 folders)

Box 68

Title VII Nutrition proposal, areas X, XI, XIII, XIV (5 folders)

Title VII Nutrition proposal, Pioneer Trail Area, 1975

Box 69

Title VII Nutrition proposal, Wooden Moccasin area, 1975

Governor's Commission on Aging, literature, 1962 -- 1963

US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, (HEW), Aging, 1970

HEW memorandums on aging, 1972, 1973

Materials pertaining to HRI, 1972

NCOA Conference of National Voluntary Organizations, 1972

Office of Economic Opportunity -- Aging, 1970 -- 1972

Old Age Economics, miscellaneous

Older Americans act amendments, 1972

Policy and procedure manual for national nutrition program for the elderly, 1972

Box 70

President's Council on Aging Conference, 1971, transcript

History of the Scott county commission on aging, 1972

US Senate hearing, Des Moines, May 18, 1970

Blue statement before the US House of Representatives' Committee to amend the older Americans act of 1965, 1972

White House Conference on Aging, 1959 -- 1973 (4 folders)

Considerations regarding collection of information for the White House Conference, 1971

White House Conference on Aging, 1971, background information

White House Conference on Aging, 1971, post-conference information

BOXES 71 -- 73

B. Rent Advisory Board, 1972


Box 74

A. Photographs and Campaign Items

B. Scrapbooks, 1938 -- 1965 (largely 1942 -- 1949), 19 volumes

C. Sound Recordings

1. Sides 1 -- 2:

Iowa Taxpayers' Association

2. Side 1

Iowa War Production
Tribute to F.D.R.
Statehouse steps speech to labor
Second Inaugural Speech

Side 2

Second Inaugural Speech (continued)

3. Side 1

Second Inaugural Speech (continued)
53rd General Assembly

Side 2

53rd General Assembly (continued)

4. Side 1

Highway Safety
Congressman X

Side 2

P.A.C. Campaign for Governor

5. Side 1

Dan Dancer
Ralph Arnold

Side 2

Mrs. Talboy
Greater Iowa -- Blue

6. Side 1

Elmer Corwin
Grantham Tax Commission
Marie Carter

Side 2

Lee Ladd
Cedar Rapids Speech

7. Side 1

Grinnell Country Club

Side 2

Packing Industry Strike

D. Display Items

One box and one folder of memorabilia for display

1980 Addendum

Box 75

Correspondence, 1941, 1944, 1969 -- 1970

Memorandum on Conditions in Iowa's Mental Institutions, March 17, 1947

Miscellaneous, 1942 -- 1957

Newspaper Clippings, 1942, 1948, 1969

Scrapbook, 1941 -- 1942

Scrapbook, 1948

Speeches, 1944 -- 1949 and undated

2002 Addendum


Raffensperger, Gene. "Eagle Grove Honors Former Iowa Governor." Des Moines Register, Iowa News Section, Saturday, September 24, 1988, p. 2A
Raffensperger, Gene. "Former Gov. Blue Fights For Elderly's Cause at Age of 88." Des Moines Register, Today Section, Tuesday, January 27, 1987, p.1T
Yepsen, David. "'Old Man Blue' Has Heard It All Before." Des Moines Register, Friday, September 19, 1980, p. 3A