Special Collections and Archives



MsC 487

Collection Dates: 1950 -- 1990s
10 linear ft.

Collection Guide

This document describes a Manuscript Collection held by the

Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu
Neil Shaver and John DePol in 1994
Neil Shaver and John DePol in 1994

Guide Contents

Administrative Information

Biographical and Historical Information

Scope and Contents of the Collection

Acquisition and Processing Information

Box Contents List

Administrative Information

Access and Restrictions: The collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Biographical Note

Growing up in Long Beach, California, Neil Shaver developed an interest in printing. He took a printing class in junior high from R. V. Stutsman, whom Shaver names among the three printers who had the most influence upon him. (The other two are Harry Duncan and John Anderson.) After serving in the Merchant Marine during World War II, Shaver moved to Omaha, where the family owned a chain of grocery stores called Shavers. In 1957, he returned to printing as a hobby. His output in the 1960s and 1970s was mostly job work for the grocery stores done on off set presses, but it was during this period that he acquired an antique Washington hand press, which he did not know how to operate. In 1964 he made contact with an Iowa City fine press printer, Kim Merker of the Windhover Press, who showed him how to use the Washington press. He started his career in fine printing by taking a class from Harry Duncan in 1978 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, for whose class he produced Metonia, a book of poetry.

Most of his first books were poetry, because this is form adaptable for hand presses. But Shaver was uncomfortable with poetry. As he says in the Introduction to The Yellow Barn Press: A History and Bibliography, "I was uncomforable with poetry simply because I did not feel qualified to accept or reject material." (p. xii) So when he came across a copy of The Old Printing Office by Frank Luther Mott, he was in more familiar territory, and in 1985, he brought out his fine press edition of this book. Quoting again from The Yellow Barn Press: A History and Bibliography: "I made an interesting discovery with The Old Printing Office. It sold out almost at once. What I found out was that books about printing and books about books had a good market. From that time forward I have tried to stay with titles from that category. I have used other subjects a number of times, but I am always pleased when I find a title in the field of printing or books."

In 1966, Shaver and his wife Fran moved to rural Iowa, outside of Council Bluffs. On the property was a barn, which Shaver and Fran cleaned up and turned into his printing studio. Fran is credited with coming with the name Yellow Barn Press. In 1980, Shaver sold his grocery business and retired, turning his printing avocation into his vocation. He printed about two books a year. The first books were on the Washington pess, but after his sixth book, he began printing his books on a Vandercook, which is easier for one person to operate.

In 1983, he took a course from John Anderson at Fairleigh Dickinson Univeristy in New Jersey, and he and Anderson communicated from that point on until Anderson died in 1997. One of Shaver's books about printing is about Anderson's Pickering Press. Also during this trip, he met the engraver John DePol and they started a collaboration that lasted until DePol died in 2004.

Due to failing eyesight, Shaver closed the press in 2005, having brought out over thirty books.

Scope and Contents

The records are organized (generally alphabetically) within each of the following seven series: I. General Files, II. Correspondence, III. John DePol, IV. Private Presses, V. Yellow Barn Press Publications, VI. Broadsides and VII. Finances.

The general (subject) and correspondence files relate in bulk to John DePol, wood engraving, fine printing, and broadsides. Major correspondents discussing their work are John Anderson, Carroll Coleman, John DePol, Alexander Lawson, Willie Morris, Michael Peich, William S. Peterson, Neil Shaver, Walter Shrewing, and Julian Symons. The private press file include folders for publishers such as, among many others, the Prairie Press, the Red Ozier Press, and the Stone House Press.

The bulk of the records concern books published by the Yellow Barn Press; files for each title typically include art work by John DePol or Paul Otero, galley and page proofs, correspondence, and publicity materials, and they are are organized to reflect the progressive stages that each manuscript went through to become a book. This series is arranged alphabetically by title of book.

Photographs: General photos - Box 1; Photos of John and Thelma DePol - Box 3; photos for Did Sherlock Holmes Meet Hercule Poirot? - Box 5; Photos for A Goudy Memoir - Box 6; Photos for My Two Oxfords - Box 7; Photos for A Year at the Sorbonne - Box 8; Photographs from Offprints From Yellow Barn Press - Box 4

Acquisition and Processing Information

These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Neil Shaver in 1994 and 2006.

Guide posted to Internet: July 2004. Updated March 2006.

Related Materials

John DePol paperer at the University of Delaware

The John DePol Collection of American Wood Engravings and Related Material (Rutgers University)

Box Contents List

Box 1


Advertising. 2 folders, one in Oversized Box 3

Announcements, invitations, exhibitions, seminars, etc. In Oversized Box 3

Articles about Yellow Barn Press. In Oversized Box 6

Award of merit from the Third Annual Book Arts Seminar, Fairleigh Dickinson University Library

Book Arts Institute, 1992. Art and technique of wood engraving workshop

Book arts programs, 1983 -- 1992

Book catalogs

A -- F


H -- N

O (3 folders)

P -- Z

The Bookbinder in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg

Williamsburg Craft Series

Bornstein, Dean

Bruckner, D.J.R. "With Art and Craftmanship, Books Regain Former Glory." The New York Times Magazine, October 28, 1984.
In Oversized Box 6

Campane Unmasked by Harold Segal

Center for Book Arts. New York City, 1988 -- 1989. In Oversized Box 3


The Devil's Artisan: A Journal of the Printing Arts, no. 25, 1989

Dreyfus, John. Address, 1988

Duncan, Harry. 2 folders

Equipment from Shaver's shop. Inventory. This equipment was sold in 2005.

Fine Print, vol. 13, no. 3, pt. 3

Fine printing -- miscellaneous samples

Franklin Keepsakes, 1957 -- 1983. In Oversized Box 3

Goudy Society, 1978, 1990

Guild of Book Workers Journal, vol. 24, no. 1 (Fall 1985)

"Harold Berliner Printer and Typefounder Nevada City, California." Article

Internet searches

Materials on William Morris


Morris, Charles Vernon. Memorial Service Program, 1984

OCLC printout

Page printed on Gutenberg Press at Pierpont Moran Library by Neil Shaver and John DePol, April 27, 1994 . In Oversized Box 6


Printers' Supply Book. The Kelsey Company


The Rowfant Club

The Roxburghe Club, 1988. Keepsake

Shaver's library. A list of books. Some of these were sold in 2004

Box 2 General Subject Files, cont.

Type-90. Conference, 1990

Typocrafters, 1989 -- 1990

The Typophiles, 1983 -- 1994

Vicksburg Daily Citizen, July 2, 1863. Facsimile printed on wallpaper

Yellow Barn Press Logo


Sorts. 6 wood blocks, four of the barn and the initials YB, NS of varying sizes; one of a shingle saying Yellow Barn Press; and one of a printing press with the initials YB and NS. (In Oversized Box 4)


1950 -- 1972

1980 -- 1985. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

1986. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

January -- June 1987. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

July -- December 1987. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

January -- June 1988. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

July -- December 1988. Including letters from John DePol

1989. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

1990. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

1991. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

1992. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

1993. Including letters from John DePol

Box 3 Correspondence, cont.

1994. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver













Undated. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver. 2 folders

Correspondence between Neil Shaver and

John Anderson

1984 -- 1989

1995 -- 1997

Leake, Chauncey. (This folder was separated out by Shaver. There are also letters from Leake scattered throughout other folders.)

Walter Shrewing, 1987 -- 1990 and undated

Julian Symons, 1987 -- 1989

Walsdorf, Jack, regarding Blackwell's first edition of William Morris: Master Printer, 1989 -- 1990

Correspondence regarding the DePol Festschrift, 1994


John DePol
John DePol


APHA Newsletter, Number 156 (Summer 2005). Contains announcement of their conference in conjunction with a DePol exhibit.

Biographical material with clippings, 1949 -- 1993. In Oversized Box 3

Christmas Cards engraved by John DePol

Exhibit catalogs

Five Decades of the Burin: The Wood Engravings of John DePol

John DePol: A Catalogue Raisonne of his Graphic Work 1935 -- 1998. In Oversized Box 3

John DePol and the Typophiles

Matrix, No. 6 (Winter 1986). DePol papers beginning at page 130

Miscellaneous DePol materials (3 folders)

News Letter of the University of Delaware Library Associates. April 2000. Contains a profile of JDP

Photographs of John and Thelma DePol

Small Press, Vol 4:No.5 (June 1987). Cover illustration by John DePol

Box 4 Jon DePol, cont.

Wood Engravings by John DePol for


Jim Coleman, 1984

Aileen Fisher, 1959

Bob Leslie, 1985 -- 1986

James Linden, 1992

Steve Miller, 1992

Gabriel Rammonds, 1983

Jeffrey Rigby, 1984

Barnard Taylor, 1964, 1983

Veatchs, 1992

Businesses and organizations

Astra Pharmaceutical Products

Bowne and Co. Stationers, South Seaport Museum, 1950, 1983 -- 1994

Bucknell University, 1984 -- 1989

Church of Saint Luke in the Fields, New York City, 1981

Connecticut College

Connecticut Gazette, 1956 -- 1957

Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1985 -- 1987

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, 1985

Harvard Medical School, 1965, 1986

Horizon, 1960

Javelin House, Saint John's, Newfoundland

Johann Gutenberg's Printing Press

Juniata College

Lycoming College

Mills College, 1989

The Quill, 1962

Saint Thomas Church, New York City

Security-Columbian Banknote Company

Susquehanna University

Williams College

Wood Engravings by John DePol. Miscellaneous Subjects, 1952 -- 1993. 2 folders

Wood Engravings by John DePol. Various Portraits, 1983 -- 1985.

Wood Engraving. Lectures and Articles

Wood Engravings. Posters and broadsides. In Oversized Box 6

Wood Engraving Workshop -- University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1985. Including correspondence, clippings, articles, ads, etc.

Wood Block Engraving Plates. In Oversized Boxes 1 and 2


Adagio Press

The Allen Press, 1986 -- 1992. With wood engravings by John DePol

The Ancient Press, 1984 -- 1988

The Aralia Press, 1983 -- 1990. With wood engravings by John DePol

Ardentia Veritas Press, 1990 -- 1993

Arif Press, 1993. With wood engraving by John DePol

Barbarian Press, 1985 -- 1988

The Basilisk Press, 1987

The Bieler Press, 1990

Bird and Bull Press, 1988

Book Club of California, 1994. With wood engravings and letter from John DePol

The Bullnettle Press, 1989

The Buttonmaker Press, 1985 -- 1987

Chama Press, 1991. With wood engravings by John DePol

The Comet Press, 1957. With wood engravings by John DePol

Cummington Press, 1985 -- 1989. With wood engraving by John DePol

The Delos Press, 1990

The Dolphin Press, 1986. With wood engraving by John DePol

The Eagle Press, 1990

Endgrain Press, 1975

The Fleece Press, 1988 -- 1990

The Foolproof Press, 1988 -- 1994

The Glad Hand Press, 1989 -- 1993

The Golden Hind Press

Green Library Press, 1984

Harold Berlinger's Typefoundry

The Haywood Press. With wood engraving by John DePol

Herity Press. With wood engraving by John DePol

The Hermetic Press, 1979 -- 1986

Hillside Press, 1990 -- 1991

The Honeybee Press, 1992

Kelly / Winterton Press

Kennedy Typographers

The Knoepfler's, 1983 -- 1986. With wood engravings by John DePol

Legacy Graphics, 1990

Lunation Press, 1990

Married Mettle Press, 1989

The Merrion Press

Michigan State University Press, 1993. With wood engravings and a letter from John DePol

Midnight Paper Sales Press

Ninja Press, 1988

Pandick Press, 1976 -- 1978. With wood engravings by John DePol

Pentagram Press, 1989 -- 1994. With wood engravings by John DePol

The Perishable Press

The Petrarch Press, 1989

Pickering Press, 1982 -- 1990. With wood engravings by John DePol

The Prairie Press, 1951 -- 1993. With wood engravings by John DePol and correspondence between Carroll Coleman and John DePol

Press at High Loft, 1988. With wood engraving by John DePol

Press in Tuscany Alley, 1985

Press of Appletree Alley, 1988

Press of the Gathering, 1983. With wood engraving by John DePol

The Printery Kirkwood, 1989

The Privateer Press, 1993. With wood engravings by John DePol

Red Ozier Press, 1983 -- 1993. With wood engravings by John DePol

The Rocket Press, 1989 -- 1990

St. Albert's Press

The Stinehour Press, 1979 -- 1991

Box 5 Private Presses, cont.

Stone House Press, 1983 -- 1994. With wood engravings by John DePol

The Thistle Press, 1955. With wood engravings by John DePol

The Tideline Press, 1986. With wood engravings by John DePol

Typographic Laboratory, University of Iowa

Unknown presses

Village Press. With wood engraving by John DePol

W. Thomas Taylor, 1989

Warwick Press

Wayzgoose, 1989

The Whittington Press, 1986 -- 1988

The Windhover Press

Der Zauberbere Press, 1977 -- 1989. With wood engravings by John DePol


Checklist, 1979 -- 1994


Correspondence, contracts, and notes, 1990 -- 1993

Manuscript from Stephen O. Saxe

Second proof

Third proof


Indices and appendices

Miscellaneous pages and notes. 2 folders

Page proofs. 5 folders. One folder is in Oversized Box 3, one is in Oversized Box 5

Trade edition -- Oak Knoll Books

Correspondence and proofs, 1994. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs and binding, 1992

Dust jacket and reservation form

Oak Knoll edition


Beachcombing by Mary McChesney

Typescript drafts

Layouts / Mock-ups

Galley proofs

Page proofs. 2 folders, one in Oversized Box 5

Ben Franklin on Lead Hazards. Wood engravings by John DePol

Layouts / Mock-ups

Galley proofs

Page proofs

Biographer's Notes by William Wallis. Drawings by Paul Otero

Typescript drafts

Page proofs


Dummy, Impositions, etc. In Oversized Box 6

Page proofs. In Oversized Box 5, Oversized Box 6

Publication announcements

Le Bonheur by Christoph Plantin. Broadside

A Boyhood in Iowa by Herbert Hoover. Forward by Will Irwin and wood engravings by John DePol

Photocopy of text with research, 1986

Art work and paste papers

Layouts, mock-ups, blue line proofs, etc.

Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs. 2 folders, one in Oversized Box 5

Publication announcement

Did Sherlock Holmes Meet Hercule Poirot? by Julian Symons. Wood engravings by John DePol

Correspondence, research notes, photographs, etc., 1986 -- 1987. Including letters from John DePol

Typescript drafts


Layouts / Mock-ups

Page proofs

Publicity, 1988

Does Literature Exist? by Julian Symons

Typescript drafts

Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Bound mock-up


Dress: An Essay by Eric Gill. Wood engravings by John DePol and line engravings by Eric Gill

Art work


End paper samples

Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs. 2 folders


Elbert Hubbard, William Morris's Greatest Imitator

Manuscript. 3 folders

Manuscript and dummies. In Oversized Box 3

Ending the Fast by Frederick Zydeck

Typescript draft

Art work. 2 folders. In Oversized Box 3

Layouts / mock-ups. In Oversized Box 3

Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs. 3 folders. One in Oversized Box 3, one in Oversized Box 5


The First One Hundred Years 1892 -- 1992. A Keepsake Volume for the Centenary of the Rowfant Club. Edited and with an introduction by David Alan Novak. Wood engravings by John DePol

Page proofs. 2 folders. In Oversized Box 3

Paste paper samples. In Oversized Box 6

The Garden Section by Kathleene West

Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs. 2 folders. One in Oversized Box 5

A Goudy Memoir: Essays By and About America's Great Type Designer, Frederick W. Goudy. With contributions by Alexander S. Lawson, et. al. Wood engravings by John DePol

Correspondence, 1986 -- 1989. Including letters from John Anderson, John DePol, Alexander Lawson, and Neil Shaver

Notes, research, drafts, etc. In Oversized Box 3

Box 6 Yellow Barn Press Publications, cont.

A Goudy Memoir: Essays By and About America's Great Type Designer, Frederick W. Goudy, cont.

Artwork and mock-ups

Wood engravings

Goudy ornament


Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs, small

Pages proofs, large. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 5


Book cover design

Publicity, 1987

I Love My Little Horner. Keepsake

John Anderson and the Pickering Press


Correspondence (2 folders)

Manuscript (4 folders)

Editing notes

Greg Walters' comments

Retyped pages


First proof (2 folders)

First proof. Table of contents with correspondence

First proof. Comments from Jim Fraser


Pickering Press checklist with comments from various people


Items printed by John Anderson (?)

John DePol: A Celebration of His Work by Many Hands. Edited by James H. Fraser

Correspondence, 1992 -- 1994. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

Research and contributor lists

Introduction with research

Allen Press section

John DePol and John Anderson section

Saxe, Rowfant, and Glad Hand sections. In Oversized Box 3

Yellow Barn, Aralia, and Golden Hind sections

Layouts / mock-ups

Incomplete galley proofs. Photocopy

Galley proofs. Various stages. In Oversized Box 3

Page proof with art work

Publicity, 1994

Julian Symons Remembered

Contributor letters



First proof


Galley proof. In Oversized Box 3

The Kelmscott Press Golden Legend. Edited by William S. Peterson. Wood engravings by John DePol

Correspondence, 1985 -- 1990. Including letters from William S. Peterson and Neil Shaver

Research material

Typescript drafts (2 folders)

Art work

Layouts / mock-ups and sample pages

Galley proofs

Page proofs

Page proofs (In Oversized Box 5)

Publicity, 1990

Box 7 Yellow Barn Press Publications, cont.

Late Verses and Earlier by Walter Shrewing. Wood engravings by John DePol

Correspondence, 1988. Including letters from Neil Shaver and Walter Shrewing

Holograph and typescript drafts

Art work and research, 1988

Layouts / mock-ups

Page proofs, small

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 5

Bound mock-up

The Liberty Bell on the Kelmscott Press

Research and correspondence. Includes two printing plates

Galley proof. Photocopy


Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 3

Metanoia by Clark Olmstead

Layouts / mock-ups

Page proofs

My Two Oxfords by Willie Morris. Wood engravings by John DePol

Correspondence, 1991 -- 1993. Including letters from Neil Shaver, Willie Morris, and John DePol

Background and research material, including photographs

Layout / mock-ups, notes, etc.

Articles by and about Willie Morris

Artwork, 1991

Galley proofs with corrections (2 folders)

Page proofs. One folder in Oversized Box 5


Not Barn Again

1 folder. "This is a lot of material for a project that never came off. For details see Yellow Barn Press Bibliography." From folder cover

The Old Printing Office by Frank Luther Mott. Wood engravings by John DePol and introduction by Donald W. Knoepfler

Layouts / mock-ups, transparencies, and art work

Page proof

Bound mock-up

Cover art. In Oversized Box 5

Oscar Wilde: A Problem in Biography by Julian Symons. Wood engravings by John DePol

Typescript drafts


Galley proofs

Page proofs, small

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 3

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 5

Paste paper samples

Published copy of the book

Publicity, 1989

Our Debt to Monkish Men by Eugene Field. Wood engravings by John DePol

Correspondence, 1986. Including letters from John DePol and Neil Shaver

Notes, research, etc.

Art work

Layouts / mock-ups


Galley proofs

Page proofs

End paper samples


The Parson Printer of Lustleigh

Galley proofs

Miscellaneous, including correspondence, artwork, photocopies

Patterns: Drawn and Engraved on Wood by John DePol

Correspondence, notes, etc., 1984 -- 1985. Including letters from John DePol

Typescript drafts

Art work. In Oversized Box 4, 5


Layouts / mock-ups. In Oversized Box 4

Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 4

Page proofs, small

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 4

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 5

Wood engravings and paste and end paper samples

Bound mock-up


The Red Ozier: A Literary Fine Press History and Bibliography 1976 -- 1989 by Michael Peich

Correspondence, 1992 -- 1994. Including letters from Michael Peich and Neil Shaver

Background and research material, 1987 -- 1992

Various drafts of text, together with letters from Michael Peich, 1992

Box 8 Yellow Barn Press Publications, cont.

The Red Ozier: A Literary Fine Press History and Bibliography 1976 -- 1989, cont.

Art work and related correspondence, 1992

Galley proofs, small

Galley proofs, large. In Oversized Box 4

First proof. Photocopy

Galley proofs, with corrections

Page proofs (3 folders)

Publicity, 1993

The Return of a Private

First and second proofs


Galley proof. In Oversized Box 4

Sandy MacPherson: Book Collector

Correspondence, artwork, manuscripts, layouts, bound mock-ups

Galley proof

Signatures. In Oversized Box 4

Shocks by Gordon Lester-Massman. Drawings by Paul Otero

Typescript draft, 1983

Art work. 2 folders. One in Oversized Box 6

Layouts / mock-ups

Galley proofs

Page proofs

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 5

Travels With Pat

Photocopied galley, artwork, correspondence

Unidentified galleys. In Oversized Box 4

William Morris: Master Printer by Frank Colebrook. Wood engravings by John DePol and new introduction by William S. Peterson

Correspondence, 1986 -- 1988. Including letters from William S. Peterson, Neil Shaver, and John DePol

Notes and research

Typescript draft

Art work

Layouts / mock-ups

Galley proofs. In Oversized Box 4

Page proofs, small

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 4

Page proofs, large. In Oversized Box 5

Publicity, 1989

A Year at the Sorbonne

Correspondence and photographs

Elmo Shaver's passport, with small photograph of him which was considered for inclusion in the text

Photocopied manuscript. 2 folders

First proof

Dummies. In Oversized Box 4

Yellow Barn Press: A History and Bibliography

Manuscript. 4 folders

Box 9 Yellow Barn Press Publications, cont.

Yellow Barn Press: A History and Bibliography, cont.

Part B: Ephemera


Reader's copy: Greg [Walters?]

Reader's copy Jack [Walsdorf?]. 2 folders


First proof

Galley proof. 2 folders. One in Oversized Box 6

First proof pasted up in dummies. In Oversized Box 4

Offprints From Yellow Barn Press. Includes photographs. In Oversized Box 4

Paste papers. In Oversized Box 6


Yellow Barn Press Memorabilia. In Oversized Box 4

Oversized Boxes

Oversized Box 1

John DePol engraving blocks

Oversized Box 2

John DePol engraving blocks

Oversized Box 3

Galley Proofs and other large matter


Announcements, invitation, exhibition, etc., 1982 -- 1989

Center for the Book Arts, New York City, 1988 -- 1989

Franklin Keepsakes, 1957 -- 1983

John DePol, biographical materials

John DePol : A Catalogue Raisonne of his Graphic Work, 1935 -- 1998

American Iron Hand Presses

Page proofs

Correspondence about the trade edition

A Boyhood In Iowa

Galley proofs

Does Literature Exist?

Galley proofs

Page proofs


Galley proofs

Page proofs

Elbert Hubbard


Ending the Fast


Layouts and mock-ups

Galley proofs

Page proofs. 2 folders

The First One Hundred Years

Page proofs. 2 folders

The Garden Section

Galley proofs

A Goudy Memoir

Notes, research, and drafts

Galley proofs

Page proofs

John DePol: A Celebration of His Work

Saxe, Rowfant, and Glad Hand Sections

Galley proofs

Julian Symons

Galley proofs

Late Verses and Earlier

Page proofs

The Liberty Bell on the Kelmscott Press

Galley proofs

Oscar Wilde: A Problem in Biography

Page proofs

Oversized Box 4

Patterns: Drawn and Engraved on Wood

Art Work

Layouts and mock-ups

Galley proofs

Red Ozier: A Literary and Fine Press

Galley Proofs

Return of a Private

Galley proofs

Sandy MacPherson: Book Collector


Unidentified galleys

William Morris: Master Printer

Galley proofs

Page proofs

A Year at the Sorbonne


The Yellow Barn Press: A History and Bibliography


Offprints from the Yellow Barn Press. Includes photographs

Oversized Box 5

Page proofs and other extra large matter

American Iron Hand Press


Biographer's Notes. Page proofs and publicity

A Boyhood in Iowa

Ending the Fast. Page proofs and publicity

The Garden Section

A Goudy Memoir: Essays By and About America's Great Type Designer, Frederick W. Goudy

The Kelmscott Press Golden Legend

Late Verses and Earlier

My Two Oxfords

The Old Printing Office. Cover design sample

Oscar Wilde: A Problem in Biography

Patterns: Drawn and Engraved in Wood. Press run for colors and page proofs


William Morris: Master Printer

Oversized Box 6

Extra large matter

Articles about Yellow Barn Press

"With Art and Craftsmanship. . ."

Page printed on Guttenberg press

John DePol posters and broadsides

Biographer's Notes

Dummies and impositions

Page proofs

The First One Hundred Years. Paste paper

Shocks. Artwork

Yellow Barn Press: A Bibliography.

Galley proof

Paste papers


(This series is stored in the uncatalogued broadside drawer)

"Advertisement to Authors." Lowell Bodger, Typographer, 1988

"Creation Reaction..."

John DePol

"The Art and Artistry...," 1992

"The Institute for the Book Arts," 1989

Benjamin Franklin, "The Art of Making Money Plenty in Every Man's Pocket"

"Gleeson Library Associates," 1990

"Jas. A. Jackson." The Buttonmaker Press, 1974

N.M. Kennedy. "a Shadow i seek"

"Oak Knoll Fest." Yellow Barn Press, 1994

"Phillips Exeter Academy Music Ensembles"

"The Russian proverb says:..."

Daniel Berkeley Updike. "In Every Period..."


Box 10


American Hand Presses

Elbert Hubbard: William Morris's Greatest Imitator

Golden Legend

John Anderson and the Pickering Press

John DePol: A Celebration

Julian Symons Remembered

The Liberty Bell on the Kelmscott Press

Miscellaneous. 3 folders

Red Ozier: A Literary Fine Press

The Return of a Private

Sandy MacPherson: Book Collector

William Morris: Master Printer

A Year at the Sorbonne

The Yellow Barn Press: A History and Bibliography

Sales records
