(Bulk Dates: 1970s)
5 linear ft.
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
Posted to Internet: January 2002
Addenda: 1986, 1988, 2003, 2012
Note: These materials
were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries by John Leggett from 1970
to 2003.
Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. However, copyright to the work of William Saroyan is controlled by the William Saroyan Foundation; and some photocopies among the Saroyan research files are marked to prevent further photocopies being made from them.
Material: Box
Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but
does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this
collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections
Copyright: Please read
The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished
Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.
Box List
John B. Hemesath's interview with John Leggett, November 1975
Not the Very Button -- unpublished
Typescript draft -- with corrections (2 folders)
Typescript draft -- with corrections -- carbon (2 folders)
"Small Change" -- unpublished
Typescript draft -- with corrections
"Tokyo Rose"
Correspondence, 1976
NotesBackground/research materials, 1944 --1976
First typescript draft -- with revisions -- carbon (2 copies)
Second typescript draft -- with revisions -- carbon
Semi-final typescript draft -- with revisions -- carbon
Typescript draft -- carbon
Typescript draft -- with revisions -- 2 photocopies
Article in New York Times Magazine, December 1976
"The Tutor" -- unpublished
Typescript draft -- with corrections
Who Took the Gold Away
Printer's typescript -- with revisions -- photocopy (3 folders
Gulliver House
First draft, notes, and revisions, July 25, 1975
Draft and revisions, Fall 1977 (2 folders)
Typescript -- unrevised [July 6, 1978] (2 folders)
Typescript -- unrevised [July 6, 1978]
Critical comments and notesCritical comments, draft, and revisions
Box 2
Drafts and revisions (3 folders)
Drafts and revisions (6 folders)
Drafts and revisions
Handwritten notes, drafts, and revisions (3 folders)
Notes, drafts, and revisions
Notes -- miscellaneous
Galley proof
Master proofs
Original manuscript
Ross and Tom
Audio Tapes (2 folders)
1964 -- 1967, including a letter from Wallace Stegner
January -- May 1970, including letters from Wallace Stegner
June -- December 1970, including a letter from Wallace Stegner
1971 -- 1974, including letters from Wallace Stegner and Merle Miller
Correspondence regarding permission to quote or paraphrase, 1973
Lockridge, Ross
Clippings, 1947 -- 1948
Obituaries, 1948, and correspondence with his widow
Correspondence, 1933 -- 1947. Photocopy copies of letters by Ross Lockridge, Jr.
Correspondence, 1946 -- 1948. Photocopy copies of letters between Lockridge and his publisher
Early compositions and academic records, 1929 -- 1948 (photocopies)
Notes relating to Lockridge
Publishers miscellaneous items
Heggen, TomClippings, 1946 -- 1963
Obituaries, medical reports, and autopsy, 1949 -- 1972
Correspondence, 1946 -- 1948. Photocopies of letters by Tom Heggen
Correspondence, 1945 -- 1947. Photocopies of letters between Heggen and his publisher
Early compositions, 1936 -- 1947
Interviews. (2 folders)
"Mister Roberts" playbill, 1949
Notes relating to Heggen -- including some correspondence, 1949 -- 1968Miscellaneous background and research material -- not directly related to Lockridge or Heggen (2 folders)
Outline. Typescript with corrections
Opening and "Ross" section. Typescript with corrections and revisions
Opening and "Ross" section. Typescript with corrections and revisions
"Ross" section
Typescript -- with corrections and revisions (photocopy)
Typescript -- with corrections and revisions (with carbon)"Tom" section
Typescript pages -- with corrections and revisions. (4 folders)
Box 5
Ross and Tom, cont.
"Tom" section, cont.
Typescript pages -- with corrections and revisionsTypescript drafts (3) -- with corrections and revisions
Typescript draft by Lee Leggett -- with corrections, revisions, and notes
Typescript draft -- with notes added by Lee LeggetTypescript -- second draft -- with corrections and revisions (2 folders)
Partial typescript draft
Early draft (incomplete) -- with numerous corrections and revisions
First complete typescript draft -- with corrections and revisions (2 folders)
Typescript draft copy -- with corrections and revisions (2 folders)
Typescript draft carbon -- with corrections and revisions (4 folders)
Typescript draft carbon -- with corrections (4 folders)
Box 6
Typescript -- final revision with corrections (3 folders)
Typescript -- final revision epilogue with corrections
Printer's typescript -- with corrections
Printer's typescript -- with corrections (3 folders)
Page proofs
Correspondence, 1971
Research material
Holograph notes and tentative incomplete drafts
Typescript of early drafts and notes
Early typescript draft, with corrections and revisions (titled: The Hulk)
Galley proof
Published copy. New York Times Magazine, January 30, 1972
Making Believe
Correspondence, 1981 -- 1984
Research material
Incomplete holograph drafts, notes, and character sketches (2 folders)
Incomplete holograph drafts, notes, and character sketches
Typescript drafts of incomplete and revised chapters, with notes (3 folders)
Box 7
Making Believe, cont.
Typescript drafts of incomplete and revised chapters, with notes (3 folders)
Typescript drafts of chapters submitted to others for critiques, including criticisms
Typescript draft of revisions sent to the editor, together with the editor's comments
Tentative early draft, with critiques by colleagues and students (3 folders)
Tentative early draft
Typescript drafts of chapter #1
Typescript drafts of chapter #1 (3 folders)
Typescript drafts of chapter #2
Typescript drafts of chapter #3
Typescript drafts of chapter #4
Typescript drafts of chapter #4
Typescript drafts of chapter #5
Typescript drafts of chapter #6
Typescript drafts of chapter #7
Typescript draft of chapter #9
Typescript draft of chapter #12
Typescript draft of chapter #13
Typescript drafts of chapter #15
Typescript draft of chapter #15a
Box 8
Making Believe, cont.
Typescript drafts of chapter #16, with notes and criticisms by others
Typescript draft of chapter #17
Typescript drafts of chapter #18
Typescript draft of chapter # 19
First draft typescript (titled: Train)
Early typescript drafts (titled: Roy Train) (2 folders)
Typescript draft, pp.1 -- 300 (2 folders)
Typescript draft pp. 301 -- 356
Typescript draft (3 folders)
Penultimate typescript draft, pp. 1 -- 150
Penultimate typescript draft pp.151 -- 391 (2 folders)
Final typescript draft (3 folders)
Page proof (2 folders)
Box 9
Making Believe, cont.
Printer's copy (3 folders)
"All Right" by Blair Fuller. Photocopy of a short story
Authors Guild Bulletin 1964 -- 1969
Bell, Marvin, 1972 -- 1914
Biographical material about John Leggett
"The Conspiracy" by John Leggett. Typescripts of a short story
"China Diary" by John Leggett
Galley proofs of an article for Horizon
1954 --1965, including letters from Rex Stout, Vance Bourjaily, and John V. Lindsay
1966, including a letter from McGeorge Bundy
1967, including a letter from Vance Bourjaily
1968, including letters from Sterling Lord and Rex Stout
January -- June 1969, including letters from Louis S. Auchincloss, Vance Bourjaily, George Starbuck, John Hersey, and Sterling Lord
July -- December 1969, including letters from Joshua Logan and John V. Lindsay
1970, including letters from Sterling Lord, Louis S. Auchincloss, George Roy Hill, Richard Yates, John C. Gerber, and Jerzy Kosinski
1971, including letters from John C. Gerber, John Barth, Willard L. Boyd, Sterling Lord, and Daryl Henderson
1972, including letters from Curtis Harnack, Bruce Bliven, Sterling Lord, Morty Sklar, Vance Bourjaily, and Paul Engle
1973, including letters from Sterling Lord, Seymour Krim, D.C. Spriestersbach, Oakley Hall, Gail Godwin, and Willard L. Boyd
1974, including letters from Sterling Lord, George Roy Hill, Oakley Hall, Louis S. Auchincloss, James A. Michener, Dick Clark, Harold E. Hughes, Gail Godwin, Joshua Logan, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Robert Anderson, Willard L. Boyd, Angus Wilson, William Styron, Philip Roth, Seymour Krim, Wallace Stegner, Budd Schulberg, Bruce Bliven, and Curtis Harnack
1975 -- 1976, including letters from Gail Godwin, John C. Gerber, Willard L. Boyd, Vance Bourjaily, and R.V. Cassill
1977, including letters from Sterling Lord, James A. Michener, and John Irving
1978, including letters from Sterling Lord, Vance Bourjaily, and Richard Lloyd-Jones
1979, including letters from Sterling Lord and Marvin Bell
1980 -- 1981, including letters from Sterling Lord, Richard Lloyd-Jones, James McPherson, Marvin Bell, and Charles M. Schulz
1982, including letters from John Updike, Sterling Lord, Laurence Lafore, and James O. Freedman
1984, including letters from Marvin Bell, Berkley Bedell, James McPherson, Sterling Lord, Angus Wilson, Doris Grumbach, Brooks Landon, and Richard Lloyd-Jones
January -- June 1985, including letters from Doris Grumbach, Richard D. Remington, and Gail Godwin
July -- December 1985, including letters from John Updike, James O. Freedman, Gail Godwin, and John Ciardi
January -- May 1986, including letters from Robert Anderson, Louis S. Auchincloss, Oakley Hall, and Nicholas Meyer
June -- December 1986, including letters from Nicholas Meyer, James O. Freedman, Sam Becker, and Willard L. Boyd
Undated, including letters from Sterling Lord, Louis S. Auchincloss, and Maxwell Perkins
Undated, including letters from Richard Lloyd-Jones, Angus Wilson, Vance Bourjaily, and Marvin Bell
"Dengue" by Richard Wiley. Typescript of a short story
"Expectations" by John Leggett. Typescripts and published version of an article
"Fiction" by John Leggett. Typescripts of an article
Fiction Workshop at the University of Iowa, 1972 -- 1973
Gloucester Branch by John Leggett
Royalty statement, reviews, etc., 1966, 1973
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Application, correspondence, etc., 1966 -- 1967
Gulliver House by John Leggett. Miscellaneous notes and revisions, 1977
"An Imaginary Garden Recollected in Term of Toads" by John Givens. Short story
"Leggett's California Trip" by John Leggett. Typescripts, 1960
"Letter from the Midwest" by John Leggett. Typescript of an article
Literary agents. Notes clippings, etc., 1966 -- 1967
"The Little Flames of Genius" by John Leggett. Typescripts of a short story
Making Believe by John Leggett. Incomplete typescript
"Mrs. Neily" by Mary Lee Leggett. Typescript
Notes regarding a trip to Egypt, taken by John Legget
O'Zark, Seamus. Fiction written for Leggett's GFW class,1973
P.E.N. Membership lists, 1965 -- 1966
"Picnic" by J. Chris Anderson. Typescript of a short story
Publishing and writing. Miscellaneous notes articles, etc., 1951 -- 1964
Reviews written by John Leggett, 1970 -- 1986
Ross and Tom by John Leggett
Miscellaneous notes
Reviews, 1974
"Running and Gunning the Muse on Publisher's Row" by John Leggett
Typescript of a short story
Unidentified typescripts
"The Wasp Novel" by John Leggett. Typescripts of an article
"What the Young are Thinking Tonight. A Report From Iowa City" by John Leggett. Photocopy of an article
Who Took the Gold Away by John Leggett. Typescripts (possibly of jacket copy)
Wilder Stone by John Leggett
Condensed version of the novel published in the Newark Sunday Times, September 25, 1960
Contract, 1964
Correspondence, 1959 -- 1964
Miscellaneous typescript pages and notesReviews, 1960
"The Writers' Workshop" by John Leggett. Typescript of an article
"Writing a Roman a Clef" by John Leggett. Typescripts of an article with correspondence, 1979
"You Take the Easy Road to Success in Writing" by John Leggett. Article published in Harpers, vol. 232, #1389 (Feb. 1966) pp. 49 -- 52
Clippings and articles
1961 -- 1978
Box 1, folder
1. 1990 draft of first 75 pages for June discussion with Nan Talese, Doubleday Books.
2. 1995 draft, lightly revised in pencil by JL, pages 1-185 (Chapters I-VIII).
3. ----, pages 186-393 (Chapters IX-XV),
4. ----, pages 394-583 (Chapters XVI-XX)
5. 1995 draft, returned by Fran Kiernan, unmarked, pages 1-185 (Chapters I-VII)
6. ----, pages 196-382 (Chapters VIII-XIII)
Box 2
1. ----, pages 383-534 (Chapters XIV-XVI)
2. ----, pages 535-688) Chapters XVII-XX)
3. 1995 draft, returned by Alan D. Williams, heavily revised, pages 1-152 (Chapters I-V)
4. ----, pages 153-336 (Chapters VI-X)
5. ----, pages 356-540 (Chapters XI-XV) [sic: continuous but lacking pages 337-355]
6. ----, pages 541-782 (Chapters XVI-XX)
Box 3
1. 2001 draft, moderately revised in pencil by JL, prelims to page 187 (Chapters I-IX) and notes on sources.
2. ----, pages 188-416 (Chapters X-XVII)
3. ----, pages 417-488 (Chapters XVIII-XX)
4. Setting Knopf ms., partially typeset, mostly computer printout, heavily copy edited, pages 1-205 (Chapters I-IX)
5. ----, pages 206-395 (Chapters X-XVI)
6. ----, pages 396-502 (Chapters XVII-XX), plus notes and illustration captions
Box 4
1. ----, photocopies of illustrations used and considered; returned by Knopf
2. ----, photographs and negatives, mostly used as illustrations
3. Correspondence with publishers, agents, lawyers, Saroyan Foundations and others
4. ----, 1988
5. ----, 1993
6. ----, 1996
7. ----, 1997
8. ----, 1998
9. ----, 2001
10. ----, 2002
Box 5
Research materials, including correspondence, clippings, JL transcripts of entries from Saroyan’s journals, photocopies, notes on interviews, etc. JL folder labels noted here; folder’s with JL notes have been retained:
1. Miscellany
1. Psych – Army Record
3. Saroyan – Leggett (contents relate primarily to the Fred Finch Orphanage)
4. Acquaintance
5. Papa (i.e., Ernest Hemingway), Kay Boyle
6. Story magazine
7. Nathan, [George Jean]
8. Esquire magazine
9. Matson, [Harold]
10. Sourian, [Peter]
11. Takoohi [Saroyan]
12. Yvor’s ‘31 [Yvor Winter and Janet Lewis], [Mark] Schorer ’32
13. Henry [Saroyan], Archie [Minasian], Mehran [Soroyan]
14. Hairenik [Association, Boston]
15. Critics [of WS works]
Box 6
1. [WS] Plays
2. Irwin [Shaw]
3. MGM- LA – B’Way – Hirschfield
4. Random House/Harcourt
5. Bill [i.e., WS] Psych-Med[ical]
6. Saroyan [Foundation]
7. Ross [Bagdassarian], Armen [Bagdassarian]
8. Aram [Saroyan]
9. Lucy [Saroyan]
Box 7
1. Carol [Saroyan]
2. [WS] Journal
3. WS [Journal] 1942-1946
Box 8
1. WS [journal] 1947-1981
Box 9
1. The Secret of Lily Dafon or The Paris Comedy. 1959. Typescript drafts by WS, heavily edited. See Leggett ADYM, pages 315-321 for an account of this work.
2. Settled Out of Court, a play by Henry Cecil. Rewritten and retitled by WS as Fair Trial at Gunpoint, 1959. Typescript drafts by WS, heavily edited. See Leggett ADYM, pages 318-320 for an account of this work.
Mailing wrappings for both manuscripts, with WS notes dated 1967, have
been retained.
Script for A Western Awakening from the University of Wyoming production. Inscribed to Sam Becker, who was in the play and whose script this is: "For Sam Becker with thanks for a fine Hawk Harrap & all good wishes. Bill Saroyan." Laid in is a tear sheet from a publication with a photograph of a scene from the play with Sam Becker identified, along with a program from the play. Also included are photocopies of photographs of the play, clippings about the play, a photocopy of the program, and an essay by Becker recalling his part in the play and how Saroyan became the de facto director of the play. Donated by Sam Becker.