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OF FOUNDRY'S 150 YEARS, 1814-1964
The chronology and historical narratives of Foundry Methodist Church were issued as supplements to the church bulletin during the twenty-two weeks of Foundry's sesquicentennial celebration. The chronology is not intended to give a complete listing of all events that occurred at, or affected, Foundry. Instead an attempt has been made to provide, in outline, typical events of the much more detailed history of the church. The narratives relate some of the interesting and amusing, the serious and inspirational stories of persons and events during the one hundred and fifty years Foundry Church has been active in the Nation's Capital.
(November 22, 1964) The Chronology of Events, 1814 to 1817
Henry Foxall makes decision to build a new Methodist church in Washington.
Asa Shinn, pastor at Georgetown Methodist Church, preaches also to new congregation.
Stephen G. Roszel appointed pastor at Georgetown Methodist Church and serves the new congregation too.
Meetings are held in home of Ezekiel Young on F St. between 12th and 13th Sts. several months before church is built.
Foxall sells his foundry to Col. John Mason.
March 10-12—Bishop Francis Asbury stops in Georgetown. It was possibly at this time that the name "Foundry" was decided upon.
September 10—The "new Methodist Church" at the comer of 14th and G Streets, N.W. is dedicated. The Rev. Nicholas B. Snethen preaches the sermon.
William Ryland and Thomas Burch appointed as pastor and associate pastor for Georgetown and the new church.
February 10—Mrs. Margaret Foxall, second wife of Henry Foxall, dies at the age of 57.
March 28—Foxall deeds the church and land to the trustees for one dollar. This deed is the earliest mention of the name "Foundry" yet located.
Foundry Church becomes an independent charge.
Thomas Burch appointed as the first pastor of Foundry Church.
First parsonage is built on G Street east of the church.
Foundry's First Benefactor
Henry Foxall was born May 24, 1758, in Monmouthshire. While he was still young, his parents moved to West Bromley, near Birmingham, England. There he became an iron founder. Henry's father and mother were pious people, followers of John Wesley and friends of Francis Asbury.
In 1794 Foxall went to Ireland, first to Dublin and then to Carrick-on-Shannon, to superintend an extensive iron works. He was converted while there by the Methodists and through the influence of his wife, Ann Howard. He began to serve as an exhorter and soon became a lay preacher.
Foxall immigrated to the United States in 1797. At Philadelphia he joined Robert Morris, Jr. in an iron foundry, the Eagle Iron Works. His first wife died soon after they arrived; Henry married his second wife, a widow, Margaret Smith, in December 1799.
Soon after the establishment of the new national capital at Washington, agitation for an iron foundry was started. Foxall was persuaded to come to Georgetown where he started the Columbian Foundry in 1801. It was located between the Potomac River and the mule trail along the canal. Capacity at one time was 300 heavy guns and 30,000 shot a year. He continued to furnish guns for the United States army and navy until he sold the foundry to Col. John Mason in 1815.
Foxall was engaged in many other businesses. He owned 60 or 70 acres and a number of houses in Georgetown, owned a large bakery, was a trustee and stockholder of the Georgetown Importing and Exporting Company, was a stockholder in the Bank of Columbia in Georgetown and a director and stockholder in the Potomac Company which built the canal. He also had some slaves. One, Henry Johnson, wrote that Foxall was very good to them. "If we had been his children, he could hardly have treated us better."
He became a naturalized citizen in 1803. In the years to come he filled many positions. Among others he was elected Mayor of Georgetown in 1819 and 1820, was President of the Georgetown Bible Society in 1818, and was one of the managers of the American Colonization Society in 1822.
At home, he had daily family prayer. He was fond of music and enjoyed good food. Foxall was below average height, athletic in build and broad-shouldered. Ordinarily, he dressed plainly in dark material. However, in the pulpit his dress was elegant. The cloth was rich black velvet with white muslin neckwear, black silk stockings, low shoes and silver buckles.
Foxall is best remembered for his assistance to many churches— Georgetown, Ebenezer, Mt. Zion, a church for colored people in Georgetown, and a church in New Orleans. In 1814, Foxall, in a spirit of thanksgiving and benevolence, decided to provide Washington Methodists with new facilities in which to worship. Through his generosity he built a church and deeded it and the land to the trustees of this congregation in 1816. This was Foundry Church which has served the Nation's Capital for 150 years.
In 1823 Foxall returned to Handsworth, near Birmingham. On December 6, 1823, he took a ride in his carriage to show his third wife, Catherine, the houses where he and Asbury had lived. Five days later he was dead. Foxall was buried in the church yard of West Bromwich.
(November 29, 1964) The Chronology of Events, 1818 to 1824
John Emory appointed pastor at Foundry.
Emory is made Corresponding Secretary of the Baltimore Annual Conference for the newly formed Methodist Missionary and Bible Society.
Emory enters into newspaper debate with a Unitarian minister over the divinity of Christ.
January 26—Foxall is elected President of the Georgetown Bible Society.
June—Emory marries Hugh Dawson and Ann Rowlings, the first wedding at Foundry.
September 25—Emory baptizes two sons and a daughter of John and Mary Burke, the first at Foundry.
Emory organizes the first Foundry Sabbath School. It meets in the Jefferson Stable School on the southeast corner of 14th and G Streets, Northwest.
Emory chosen delegate to General Conference. William Ryland appointed pastor at Foundry.
Samuel Davis appointed pastor at Foundry.
September 5—Davis dies.
John Bear appointed to fill the vacancy.
Foxall is named as one of the managers of the American Colonization Society.
William Hamilton appointed pastor at Foundry.
December 11—Foxall dies at Handsworth, near Birmingham, England. He is buried in the church yard at West Bromwich.
The First Foundry Church
The first Foundry Church, built in 1815 and dedicated on September 10 that year, was modest by present day standards. It was a simple brick structure, forty feet wide and fifty feet long, facing 14th Street. The high pulpit was located at the east end. It had circular steps ascending on each side of the chancel rail and doors that closed. Members of Foundry recalled that, as small boys, they always expected to see the pastor disappear from sight as he passed through the doors into the pulpit. The church also had a pew for the President, cushioned and with a door.
Galleries, supported by large wooden columns were on the north, south and west sides. Here Foundry's many Negro members sat. The church was heated for a long time by large cast-iron stoves which burned wood. These were located about three-fifths of the distance from the entrance on 14th Street to the pulpit.
Under the galleries brass lamps for sperm oil were suspended by brass link chains from curved iron hooks. Collections were taken in black velvet bags hanging from long poles. Sometimes the stewards raised the ends of the poles too high, and the glass lamp shades came tumbling to the floor in fragments. There was only a cellar for storage of wood, oil and other supplies.
This first church was rebuilt and greatly enlarged in 1849.
Early Membership at Foundry
When the Foundry congregation was first organized, it was small in numbers. Thirty-eight members met at the home of Ezekiel Young in 1815. Of these, twenty were white and the remaining eighteen Negroes. By the time Foundry became a separate charge two years later, membership had increased to 176. In 1820 there were 196 white and 60 colored members.
We know little or nothing about most of these early worshippers. A list of 112 Foundry members, made while John Emory was pastor, shows that 71 or 63.4 percent were women and the balance men.
From available records one can learn the occupations of thirty-nine. Then, as now, a number worked for the Federal Government. Eleven, or twenty-seven percent, were clerks or messengers in the War, Treasury and Navy Departments. Six were either grocers or butchers. Ten were in the building trades, working as carpenters, brickmakers and cabinet makers. The occupations of shoemaker, printer, police officer and naval constructor were represented by one each. In this group were also six housewives and three widows.
Based upon available information for forty-two members, more than eighty-five percent of them lived within a radius of nine blocks from Foundry Church. However, even in the beginning, some members had to travel considerable distance to church. For instance, Eli Palmer, one of the class leaders, lived near the "western graveyard" at 19th and S Streets, Northwest. Some members lived on Capitol Hill. These included Elizabeth Douglass, James Fry; Joseph W. Beck and Elizabeth Mincher who were much nearer to Ebenezer Methodist Church than to Foundry.
(December 6, 1964) The Chronology of Events, 1825 to 1831
William Ryland appointed pastor at Foundry for a second time.
May—General John Van Ness deeds additional property to Foundry.
July 4—Ryland gives opening prayer at celebration in House of Representatives. President John Quincy Adams present.
John Davis appointed pastor at Foundry.
Foundry members organize Wesley Chapel.
Steps taken for erection of Wesley Chapel at 5th and F Streets, Northwest.
September-October—Successful revival meetings are held.
December—Foundry Missionary Society started.
Stephen George Roszel and French S. Evans appointed pastor and associate pastor at Foundry.
Second Sunday in May—Bishop McKendree dedicates Wesley Chapel.
S. Keppler appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
James Hanson and George Hildt appointed pastor and associate pastor at Foundry.
William Ryland
William Ryland served the Foundry charge more times than any other preacher. In 1816-1817 he was appointed to the Georgetown Methodist church and also served the newly formed Foundry congregation. Ryland was appointed to Foundry in 1820 and again in 1825.
He was bom in Ireland in 1770 and came to America eighteen years later. He settled in Harford County, Maryland, where he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. During his early life Ryland was a carpenter. Among other things he was employed in building warehouses on "Bowly's Wharf" in Baltimore. He was admitted on trial in the Baltimore Annual Conference in 1802.
Ryland was about six feet tall, large-framed, but slender. His appearance was always quite dignified, but affable. His complexion has been described as fair, his skin delicate. While at Foundry, his hair began to gray. He was very liberal, and exceedingly kind and charitable to the poor. Nearly all his income was distributed among the poor or in support of the cause of God.
One day two ladies called to solicit for some charity. While waiting at the door they heard him reprove a servant for throwing away a partly used candle. One woman remarked it was useless to ask for gifts from such a man. However, they decided to try and were pleased to receive a large contribution. One expressed surprise to Ryland that he would attach such importance to a piece of candle and yet give money so liberally. He replied, "Madam, it is by the exercise of such economy that I am able to be generous."
In prayer, Ryland showed profound reverence, humility and great fervor. There was a practical character to his sermons which were delivered with great warmth and earnestness. Revivals frequently followed his preaching.
William Pinkney, of Maryland, called him the greatest orator he had ever heard. Because of this he secured for Ryland the chaplaincy of the United States Senate. He was re-elected chaplain three times and elected chaplain of the House of Representatives for one term. The first time he appeared before the Senate some Senators remained seated, some wore their hats and others were reading newspapers. Ryland arose and said, "The duty we are now about to perform has more to do with Heaven than with earth—let us attend to it properly." All were on their feet in an instant.
Andrew Jackson boarded with a Foundry member before he became President. There he became acquainted with Ryland and attended Foundry frequently. When Jackson was elected President and arrived in Washington on March 1, 1829, he was told that Ryland was too ill to leave his room. The next day the President-elect went to see him. Ryland said to Jackson, "No man can govern this great nation—no sane man should think of doing so without asking wisdom of God to direct him and for strength to support him." Ryland offered prayers for Jackson and for the peace and prosperity of the United States. A few days later President Jackson appointed Ryland chaplain at the Navy Yard, a position he held until his death.
There is an interesting story about Ryland and Jackson. When Ryland entered the ministry, a friend in Baltimore was sure he would soon quit. So confident was this friend, who was in the tobacco business, that he told Ryland, "I promise to send you a hundred of my finest cigars every year you remain a minister." It is said that Andrew Jackson enjoyed many of these cigars.
Ryland was also a member of the American Colonization Society. Among other things he succeeded in having a rule adopted which prohibited the sale or manufacture of intoxicants in the Society's colony in Liberia.
William Ryland died January 10, 1846. He is buried in the Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
(December 13, 1964) The Chronology of Events, 1832 to 1838
Group of Foundry members break away to help start a Methodist Protestant Church, the Central (later Ninth Street) Methodist Church.
February 12—Collection is taken for benefit of the Washington City Orphan Asylum.
July—Bishop John Emory preaches at Foundry.
John Bear and T. J. Dorsey are appointed pastor and associate pastor at Foundry.
David A. Gardner starts first infant class at Foundry.
December 8—The Foundry Station Temperance Society holds its first meeting.
Samuel Brison and T. B. Sargent are appointed pastor and associate pastor at Foundry.
July 19—Ninth Street Methodist Protestant Church is dedicated.
Asbury Church is started for Foundry's colored members.
William Hamilton and Charles B. Tippett are appointed pastor and associate pastor at Foundry.
January 13—Seventh annual meeting of the Foundry Missionary Society is held—one of the most successful ever known to have been held in Washington.
March—Foundry Fourth Quarterly Conference agrees that Wesley Chapel should become independent charge.
Henry Slicer is appointed pastor and James M. Hanson, supernumerary, at Foundry.
January—Davy Crockett's son speaks on behalf of missions for Cherokee Indians.
March—Wesley Chapel becomes an independent charge.
July 29—Henry Slicer preaches a sermon against duelling.
December 19—Foundry missionary meeting contributes $70.00 to educate a Shawnee Indian to be named "Henry Foxall."
Early Missionary Meetings
Beginning in the late 1820's Foundry's Missionary Society held at least one meeting, and sometimes more, each year. In January 1838 the parent society in New York City was notified that Charles W. Botelar, the treasurer at Foundry, was sending $250.00 for missions. The Society at Foundry wanted this used in seven ways. First, $102.00 was to be used to support a missionary in Texas. Second, Edward Gunter, a Cherokee Indian Chief, was to be made a life member of the Methodist Missionary Society. This would cost $20.00. Third, $56.00 was to be used to educate a boy of the Choctaw tribe. He was to be named after Bishop John Emory. Fourth, Rev. William Hamilton, pastor at Foundry, was to be made a life member for $20.00. Fifth, another $20.00 was to be used to make his wife, Mary Jane, a life member. The money was to be applied to the Methodist mission in Liberia. Sixth, Mrs. Margaret S. Tippett, wife of the associate pastor at Foundry, was also to be made a life member and the money applied to the Oregon mission. The balance of $12.00 was to be used however the parent society desired.
The 10th anniversary meeting was held on December 19, 1838. Rev. James E. Welch of the Baptist Church addressed the meeting first. Rev. Jason Lee, Methodist missionary to Oregon, followed him. Lee described his journey from the civilized part of the United States to the Oregon Territory, told of his operations in that area and discussed the present state of missions in Oregon. The large congregation listened to him with "much attention" and "with general satisfaction and pleasure." Then a Flathead Indian sang a hymn in his native tongue and made a "modest and simple" talk. In his speech, which Lee translated, he dwelt upon the degraded and forlorn character of his friends in Oregon. He urged the white man to go and teach them.
When the collection was taken, more than $400.00 was given or pledged. The largest donor was Mrs. Catherine Foxall, the widow of Henry Foxall, who gave $20.00. The choir also contributed $20.00. The person who reported the meeting added this comment, "By the way, they sang well that evening." $70.00 of the money was contributed to educate a Shawnee Indian to be named Henry Foxall.
During the summer of 1838 the Foundry congregation had raised $109.00 for the mission to the Shawnee Indians. Thus, a total of more than $500.00 for missions was raised by Foundry during 1838. This was about $1.00 per member, white and colored.
(December 20, 1964) The Chronology of Events, 1839 to 1845
July 7—S. Shephard, a fourteen year old boy, raises $70.00 for
the church library.
December 25—The Washington City Total Abstinence Society meets at Foundry.
March—Henry Slicer is Chairman of committee at the Baltimore Annual Conference which supported the work of the Maryland State Colonization Society.
Thomas C. Thornton is appointed pastor at Foundry.
June 28, July 26—John Quincy Adams attends services at Foundry.
John Davis appointed pastor at Foundry.
Wesley Rohr is appointed to Foundry "to labour among the coloured people."
July 4—Cornerstone for Ryland Chapel is laid.
December 24—John Quincy Adams attends Foundry. The Rev. Walter Colquitt of Georgia preaches.
Henry Tarring and Elisha D. Owens are appointed pastor and associate pastor at Foundry.
Ryland Chapel is completed.
Tillotson A. Morgan is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
April 23—McKendree Chapel becomes an independent charge.
November 2—President James K. Polk attends Foundry.
John Quincy Adams Attends Foundry
John Quincy Adams attended Foundry at least three times while he was Congressman from Massachusetts. On one of these occasions it was not his original intention to do so. On July 26, 1840, Adams went first to the Presbyterian Church where Dr. Chapin, President of Columbia College (now George Washington University) was scheduled to preach. Dr. Chapin had not yet appeared as Adams arrived shortly after 11:00. After waiting about five minutes, he "left the church, and went to the Methodist Foundry Chapel."
"Decent, respectable, well-dressed people, men, women, and children, not one of whom I personally knew," Adams recorded in his Diary, filled the pews "as crowded as they could hold... There was not a spare seat" anywhere. He was "politely" given a chair "at the comer of the aisle, at the left hand of the pews fronting the pulpit."
Rev. Thomas C. Thornton was preaching that morning. He started his sermon by saying he had been perplexed about a text upon which to talk. He had at least five hundred sketches he had prepared for sermons, and one hundred and fifty of these he had never preached anywhere. Among all of them he could not find "one which suited him for this day." Recently he had often thought he would announce that, on the next Sabbath, he would give special attention to the young people. With no announcement in advance, he had decided to do it at this particular time.
Thornton subsequently addressed separately and in succession the old and middle-aged, as well as the young. He urged them to seek "the Lord while he may be found, and to call upon him while he is near." His "exhortations . . . were equally urgent, appropriate and pathetic." Adams concluded his report of the church service, "Mr. Thornton is not very eloquent; but he drew from me many tears."
Raising Money for the Church Library
During the anniversary program of the Foundry Sabbath School on July 7, 1839, S. Shephard, a boy about fourteen years of age, spoke on behalf of the church library. Apparently, Foundry had a library for some time prior to this. He reported that the children had read the old books over and over until they were nearly worn out. Among the books they would like to buy for the library were the new History of the Methodist Episcopal Church by Nathan Bangs, Lives of the Apostles and Evangelists by George Peck and the Memoirs of Mrs. Mary Cooper, a young Methodist woman in London who had died at the age of twenty-six. As an inducement, he stated that the children and teachers had worked hard for the anniversary program. The people responded with gifts amounting to about $70.00.
(December 27, 1964) The Chronology of Events, 1846 to 1852
Nicholas J. B. Morgan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
Ryland Church becomes independent.
January 14—Choctaw and Wyandot Indians are at Foundry.
February 13—Steps are taken to organize Union Church.
July 4—Foundry children visit the White House.
Union Church is built.
M. A. Turner is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
March 11—Foundry Sabbath School holds exhibition.
March 17—Library of Mr. Henry Foxhall is sold.
March 14, 20—Bishop Leonidas L. Hamline speaks at Foundry.
John Lanahan is appointed pastor and P. Doll, supernumerary, at Foundry.
Union Church becomes independent.
Job Guest is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
Remodeling of first church is started.
August 26—Remodeling of church is completed. The new church is dedicated by Dr. Kennady of the Philadelphia Conference.
Littleton F. Morgan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
November 28—Bishop Beverly Waugh preaches Thanksgiving sermon at Foundry.
John W. Bull is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
Foundry Sabbath School missionary society is started.
Jesse T. Peck is appointed pastor at Foundry.
July 4—Foundry contributes $22.67 toward the erection of the Washington Monument.
A Christmas Program
Foundry, like most Methodist churches, had a Christmas program nearly every year. The one on December 27, 1878, was more or less typical. The Christmas entertainment was described in the Washington newspapers as a "very pleasant affair." The children greatly enjoyed it, as did their friends and families "who were present in large numbers." The church was attractively decorated. "Graceful festoons and wreaths of evergreen" covered the walls and the pillars which supported the galleries. On opposite sides of the altar stood two brightly lighted Christmas trees. Between the trees there was an arch of evergreens bearing the word "Bethlehem." Directly over the center was suspended a glowing star.
As has always been customary, there was a program of musical selections and recitations which were "excellent," according to the Washington Post. The small children were impatient and restless but endured the program which seemed far too long to them. However, they accepted it as a necessary prelude to the announcement which the Sunday School superintendent, Addison M. Smith, finally made: "The distribution of the gifts will now be made."
Dr. John Lanahan, Foundry's pastor, pronounced the benediction amid a confusion of "dolls, books, boxes of candy, happy faces and voices."
A Visit to the White House
On the afternoon of July 4, 1846, President James K. Polk was having an early dinner. In the midst of the meal the White House porter announced that a large number of Sabbath school children were at the door. They were from Foundry Church and had come in a procession, led by their instructors.
The President "immediately repaired to the Circular parlour" (now the Blue Room) where he received them. One of the teachers made a speech to Polk who "responded in a brief address." The children, some two hundred "of both sexes under 12 years of age," sang a hymn and "retired in good order."
Polk commented that these young people were being brought up "under lessons of moral instructions, which is well calculated to make them good citizens."
(January 3, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1853 to 1859
William Hank is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
Elisha P. Phelps is appointed pastor at Foundry.
November 12—Collection is taken for Protestant Orphan Asylum.
December 29—The Foundry Choir sings at the Smithsonian Institution for the benefit of the poor.
Asbury Church becomes independent.
January 1—A new suit is given Thomas L. Potter, choir leader.
January 8—Benjamin H. Stinemetz, a Foundry member, is elected one of the Vice Presidents of the YMCA.
June 5—The nineteenth anniversary meeting of the Bible Society of Washington is held at Foundry.
June 14—Foundry has its Sunday School picnic at Arlington Spring.
August 15—Foundry's members attend camp meeting at Montgomery Camp.
September 9—Collection is taken for yellow fever sufferers at Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Samuel Regester is appointed pastor at Foundry.
Foundry Church is renovated and improved.
September 28—Foundry is reopened.
Barnard H. Nadal is appointed pastor at Foundry.
A Suit for the Choir Leader
Thomas L. Potter, in 1855, had been the leader of the Foundry Choir for many years. By his ability and patience in performing his duties, he had given complete satisfaction to the congregation which worshipped at Foundry Church. On January 1, 1855, the friends of Mr. Potter presented him with a suit of clothes. The suit was valued at about $100.00 and was made of the finest materials, tailored in the latest style. This New Year's gift was a testimonial, "not only of affection and esteem for his merits in private life as an amiable gentleman and devout Christian," but also as an appreciation of his musical abilities as evidenced in the "really fine choir" now at Foundry. The Washington Evening Star commented: "It gives us pleasure to record this pleasant incident, at once so commendable on the part of the donors, and so very gratifying to the recipient."
A Sunday School Picnic
Picnics and outings were frequently held by the Foundry Sunday School. In June 1855 they planned to get away from the bustle and noise of Washington by having a picnic at Arlington Spring on the shores of the Potomac River not far from the Custis Lee Mansion. The shady lawn, beautiful hills, excellent spring water and the fine facilities for fishing and sailing on George W. P. Custis' property made an ideal place for a very pleasant day.
Arrangements were well planned for a good time as "our friends of Foundry . . . always have upon such occasions." One newspaper advised as many of its readers as possible to go. "If you don't enjoy yourselves, don't follow our advice next time." Tickets were available from any teacher of the Sunday School. The group was scheduled to leave the 14th Street Canal bridge at 7 o'clock "precisely."
The Foundry picnic went off to the general satisfaction and enjoyment of all until the boat was about ready to return to Washington. The two-year-old son of C. M. Keyes was playing with other children at the pavilion. He accidentally fell off, broke his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder. He was doing well the next morning.
Going to a Camp Meeting
By 1855 the camp meeting had become an event of great importance to many. An editor of one of the Washington newspapers happened to pass Foundry one August evening that year. He found extensive preparations underway for the camp in Montgomery County. Wagons and carts were being loaded with boxes, bales and beds. "Babies and light ware" were to be taken the next morning.
The editor wished them all "a refreshing season" and complete freedom from the "ills that must, to some extent, attend large and promiscuous assemblies."
(January 10, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1860 to 1866
William B. Edwards is appointed pastor and J. N. Hanks, supernumerary, at Foundry.
William Hirst is appointed pastor at Foundry.
August 10—Hirst dies.
John Robert Fifinger is appointed pastor at Foundry.
November—Fifinger becomes ill and cannot continue.
Joseph B. Stitt is appointed pastor at Foundry.
William M. D. Ryan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January—Foundry contributes $150.00 to Washington Female Orphan Asylum.
January 18—President Abraham Lincoln becomes Life Director of the Missionary Society.
November 26—Collection is taken up for aid of the United States Christian Commission at the Foundry Thanksgiving service.
Foundry votes against lay delegates to Conference, 7 to 17.
April 12—B. H. Stinemetz is inaugurated President of the YMCA.
May 21—Ladies' festival is held.
May 28—The tearing down of the old church is started.
July 20—The cornerstone of the new church is laid.
November 15-20—A church fair is held.
S. M. Dickson is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
April 16—Special service for Abraham Lincoln is held.
July 30—The new Sunday School room is dedicated.
B. Peyton Brown is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January 21—President Andrew Johnson attends Foundry and is made a life member.
February 19—Concert is given for benefit of soup house on I Street between 19th and 20th Streets, N.W.
May 15—Second reunion of the Sunday School Teachers Institute of Methodist Schools is held at Foundry.
October 29—Centenary jubilee is held at Foundry.
October 30—Organ concert is given at Foundry to raise money.
November 4—The new Foundry Church is dedicated.
Services for Abraham Lincoln
On Sunday, April 16, 1865, Foundry, like most churches, held special services for Abraham Lincoln, assassinated a few hours before. A large congregation filled the church that morning. The Reverend W. M. D. Ryan announced the first hymn, "Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding," which was sung with great feeling by the choir and the congregation. An appropriate prayer and a beautiful anthem followed.
Ryan's text was Judges 19:30—"And it was so, that all that saw it said, There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day: consider of it, take advice, and speak your minds." Ryan's first point in his sermon was that this "great and diabolical tragedy has had no parallel" from the beginning of the world. He then talked at length on the character, virtue, honesty and true greatness of the deceased President in meeting all emergencies. While George Washington was founder of this great nation, "Abraham Lincoln had saved it" Ryan made an earnest appeal to the people, for their own safety, to obey the laws, submit to the Government and to carry out the principles contained in the text.
A deep solemnity was present throughout the sanctuary, and tears flowed freely during the delivery of the powerful sermon.
Contents of a Cornerstone
The cornerstone of the new Foundry Church at 14th and G Streets, N.W., was laid on July 20, 1864. A variety of items were placed in it before the ceremonies took place that day. Among documents important in the history of the United States were the Declaration of Independence, electrotyped in copper, the Constitution, Washington's Farewell Address and Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Washington and Lincoln were honored in another way. There was a medallion of Washington on copper, encased in a frame made of wood from Mt. Vernon, and a picture of Lincoln with his autograph.
Pictures and autographs of Richard Wallach, Mayor of Washington, and the Rev. W. M. D. Ryan, pastor of Foundry, were also included. Washington newspapers, silver and copper coins, and internal revenue and postage stamps were other items placed in the cornerstone.
Methodism and Foundry were perpetuated by several things. There was a ring made of wood from old John Street Church in New York City; a Methodist discipline; a Methodist hymn book; the names of all officers and trustees of Foundry and contributors to the new building, including Sunday School pupils; an abridged history of Foundry; and a piece of the pulpit from the Old Foundry meeting house.
(January 17, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1867 to 1873
B. Newton Brown is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
Foundry contributes $18,000 to Centenary Fund.
June 10—Sunday School Convention of Washington District is held at Foundry.
July—Removal of bodies from Foundry's graveyard is completed.
Rev. B. Peyton Brown accompanies Peace Commission to Indians in the Far West.
January 12—Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase is made a life director of the Methodist Missionary Society.
Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
Alexander Early Gibson, M.D., is appointed pastor at Foundry.
March 2—Bishop Matthew Simpson officiates at baptism at Foundry.
May 1—Washington City Bible Society meets at Foundry.
May 13—Vocal and instrumental concert is given at Foundry.
G. G. Markham is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
May 15-16—Annual strawberry festival is held.
July 2—Rev. Gibson preaches on behlf of camp meeting.
August—Revival meetings are in progress at Foundry.
October—Mrs. A. E. Gibson donates clothing for victims of Chicago fire.
October 15—Collection is taken for relief of Chicago fire sufferers.
Samuel A. Wilson is appointed pastor at Foundry.
June—A lot at 15th and R Streets, N.W. is purchased for a new church.
September—Repairs of church and parsonage are completed.
December—An auxiliary society of the Baltimore Branch, Women's Foreign Missionary Society, is founded at Foundry.
Horace A. Cleveland is appointed pastor at Foundry.
Church is remodeled.
December 21—Audience room is reopened, and Foundry Church is rededicated.
A Reception for the Minister
Rev. A. E. Gibson was given an "exceedingly pleasant" reception Friday night, March 17, 1870. He was called home from a Class Leader's meeting at church to find the parlor and passageway of the parsonage filled to overflowing with Foundry people. He "looked scared" at first, but he soon recovered and began to greet his guests cordially.
During the evening a splendid dressing gown and pair of slippers were presented to him. Mrs. Gibson was given an "elegant" silk dressing gown. The ladies of the church prepared excellent refreshments. "A pleasanter evening was never spent in the parsonage." Many will recall it in the days ahead as "a bright and cheery time. Old Foundry is ahead!"
Foundry Church is Renovated
In 1873 the Rev. Horace A. Cleveland was called to the Foundry pastorate from Philadelphia. He had been instrumental in building a number of churches there. Upon arrival at Foundry, Cleveland began the work of rebuilding and renovation, aided by a building Committee of "practical men."
A new cellar was dug and the walls underpinned. Furnaces were placed in the cellar, an adequate drainage system built and pipes for heat placed throughout the building. In the sanctuary the galleries were raised. The interior of the church was completely renovated. Beautiful frescoes were painted in the lecture room and the walls were inscribed with appropriate scriptural mottoes. A room for the infant class and a library were added.
The Foundry congregation, wrote a Washington newspaper, was under many obligations to Rev. Cleveland. "He has exhibited for them taste and experience rarely expected in a mechanic, to say nothing of a theologian. He has arranged for them a church home with which they may be content, and to which they can proudly welcome their brethren from abroad."
On December 21, 1873, Foundry was rededicated. A very large congregation was present. Bishop Matthew Simpson preached the sermon from John 20:29. After the sermon a Rev. Ives stated the repairs cost $27,000 of which only $3,000 had been paid. He solicited subscriptions and soon raised $17,000. Ives preached in the evening and raised another $5,000, thus providing for the whole amount of Foundry's indebtedness.
Among the prominent men present were Senators Hamlin of Maine, Thurman of Ohio, Pratt of Indiana, Ramsey of Minnesota and foreman of West Virginia, Congressmen Maynard, Barbour Lewis, Comengo, Eldredge, Shanks and John Kasson, Gov. Stanard of Nevada, and many others.
(January 24, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1874 to 1880
January 18—Rev. Thomas H. Pearne of the American Colonization Society preaches at Foundry.
January 21—Women's Christian Association meets at Foundry.
March 16—Rev. H. A. Cleveland serves on ministerial committee calling conference of District clergy on temperance.
March 23—Temperance meeting is held at Foundry.
April 3—Mt. Zion Church is established.
May 11—Stockholders of the Washington Grove Camp Association hold first annual meeting.
July 4—Foundry members attend picnic at Washington Grove Camp.
August—A committee is appointed at Foundry to oppose a District tax on churches.
August 5-18—Camp meetings are held at Washington Grove.
November 1-3—Bishop Jesse Peck preaches at Foundry.
March—Foundry contributes $25.00 to the Washington City Bible Society.
April—A Mr. Hugo, Hungarian exile, speaks from Foundry pulpit.
B. Peyton Brown is appointed pastor at Foundry.
March 4—President and Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes start attending Foundry Church.
April 8—President Hayes pays his pledge of $160.00 to Foundry.
John Lanahan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January 20—Bishop Edward R. Ames preaches at Foundry.
May 10—A strawberry festival is held.
May 16—Foundry presents a musical and literary program.
August 29-October 3—Protracted (revival) meetings are held.
December 22—Bishop Jesse Peck preaches at Foundry.
January 13—Four Ute Indians appear at Sunday School missionary meeting.
February 7—Bishop Matthew Simpson preaches at Foundry.
April 1—Program is given to aid the Chilean Mission Press Fund.
April 13—Four Indians from Oregon are at Sunday School Missionary meeting.
January 20—The 63rd annual meeting of the American Colonization Society is held at Foundry.
February 22—The Congressional Temperance Society celebrates its 46th anniversary at Foundry.
President and Mrs. Hayes Attend Foundry
On their first Sunday in Washington, March 4, 1877, newly-elected President Rutherford B. Hayes and his family attended Foundry Church. They "quietly slipped in" to hear a sermon by the Rev. B. Peyton Brown. Senator and Mrs. John Sherman of Ohio accompanied them. The whole matter was so quietly done "that the pastor did not know they were present until the close of the sermon." President and Mrs. Hayes attended Foundry again the next Sunday and continued to do so throughout his term of office.
Each Sunday they walked to church and entered "heartily into the exercise of worship." The Christian Advocate, in commenting on the Hayes' church attendance, said they "carried into the White House the simplicity which characterizes our best American homes, and, refusing to attend a more distant Methodist Church, united with one within walking distance that coachman and horses might not be deprived of a day of rest."
Some critics felt the chief magistrate should ride to church in a carriage. The New York Evening Post editorialized: "We should say, however, that the President is in a position where he can do precisely as he thinks best, and, moreover, it seems to us peculiarly fitting that he and his wife should walk to church if the circumstances make it convenient. The President is the temporal servant of the people, not a hereditary ruler; he represents the people, not one in a thousand of whom ride to church in a carriage. Why should he?"
(January 31, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1881 to 1887
William F. Ward is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February—Miss Frances Willard, President of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, speaks at Foundry.
May—The 53rd anniversary of the Washington City Bible Society meets at Foundry.
February—An anti-polygamy meeting under the auspices of the Washington Protestant churches is held at Foundry.
July—The Foundry congregation presents a china dinner service to Rev. and Mrs. Ward on their 15th wedding anniversary.
January-February—Revival services are held.
Henry R. Naylor is appointed pastor at Foundry.
August 19—Foundry members participate in a centennial mass meeting at the Washington Grove Camp.
The Epworth Hymnal is introduced at Foundry.
Foundry Church gets a new Brussels carpet, and the walls are frescoed.
Preachers' meetings are held at Foundry each Monday morning.
Easter Monday—The Rev. Julius Soper, missionary to Japan, speaks at Foundry.
George Elliott is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February 15—Dr. William Butler speaks on the Sepoy Rebellion.
May 8—A meeting is called at Foundry to consider city-wide evangelization.
A Musical and Literary Program
A "pleasant musical and literary entertainment" was given in Foundry Church on May 16, 1878. The program was opened by the Barker family who gave one of their well-known quartettes. It was well received. Miss May Chandler followed with a recitation, "The Bride of Enderby." The applause was hearty.
Mr. E. W. Hoff's tenor solor, "Bonnie Sweet Lassie,” did not "satisfy the audience." As an encore he sang the serenade, "Sleep, Darling, Sleep." Professor Waldecker followed with his piano solo, "The Carnival of Venice,” which "delighted all." Annie D. Ware's readings, 'Love in a Kitchen" and "The Answer to an Advertisement” were well received and produced a great amount of amusement because of their humorous nature and Miss Ware's fine rendering.
The program was concluded with Mr. Frank Cross singing "The Divers," a lively duet by Miss Lillie Jackson and Mr. Frank Wilson, and Mr. Ed Hay giving one of his "immensely funny recitations." Everybody was happy with the program.
Pastors' Problems
In the 1870's and 1880's Foundry pastors were busy visiting church members. One writer commented that "pastoral work in this city has nothing like it outside Washington." Distance created problems and 'no one realizes the appropriateness of calling this the 'City of Magnificent Distances' so perfectly as the Pastors of our Churches."
Members were scattered in every direction. A good many people seemed to think, another wrote, "that as Washington is a city of Magnificent Distances, they ought to put magnificent distances between their homes and the churches they attend." Many went past two or three Methodist churches to Foundry or some other church farther from home.
The reason given by some was that people had "no abiding home" in Washington. If they changed their church membership every time they moved, "certificates would fly around like snow-flakes in winter, Boarding makes one's life like an Indian's life—we move our tents when we don't like our fare."
It was concluded that, if a Methodist preacher in Washington did not have the world for his parish, he at least had a large part of the District of Columbia.
(February 7, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1888 to 1894
The Lord's Day Alliance is organized at Foundry.
February 8—The National Temperance Society meets at Foundry.
June—A farewell reception is held for Bishop and Mrs. E. G. Andrews.
July 31—The Rev. George Elliott has charge of normal work at Mountain Lake Park.
September-October—Foundry holds revival meetings.
November 5—The Pastors’ Alliance of the District of Columbia holds its semi-annual meeting at Foundry.
November 11—A Week of Prayer for Young Men is started.
December—Foundry observes the Charles Wesley Centennial.
December 11-13—The National Sabbath Union meets at Foundry.
July—Memorial services for Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes are held at Foundry.
September—The portrait of Henry Foxall is presented.
The Sabbath Reform Convention is held at Foundry.
January 1-7—The American Society of Church History meets at Foundry.
January 19—The Glen Echo Chautauqua is started at a meeting in Foundry.
June 16—The Rev. George Elliott speaks at the opening of the Glen Echo Chautauqua.
July 26—Elliott preaches at the Summitt Grove Camp meeting.
Oliver A. Brown is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January—A Week of Prayer is observed.
June 5—The Home Missionary Society holds a mass meeting in the interest of "Alley Work" in the District of Columbia.
Alterations are made to Foundry Church.
June—The Anti-Saloon League of the District is formed.
November—The Foundry Epworth League holds an oratorical contest the night before Thanksgiving.
November 3—Foundry protests granting a liquor license to a store on 14th Street.
October 19—Sibley Memorial Hospital is dedicated.
An Interesting Sidelight
The Rev. Oliver A. Brown was appointed to the Foundry charge by the Baltimore Annual Conference in 1892. He was warmly and hospitably received by the members. Congregations were large, and the people were pleased by his preaching.
Brown came to Foundry toward the end of his career which had a very unique aspect. He attended Drew Seminary in preparing for the ministry. While there, his father took him on a tour, visiting a number of cities and one of the principal Methodist churches in each. The first city was Lynn, Massachusetts, and the last, Washington, D. C. Brown began his ministry in the same church he visited in Lynn. He then served every church visited by him and his father, in the order in which they were visited. He "now comes to the last — Foundry."
The National Sabbath Union Meets
The National Sabbath Union held its first meeting in Foundry from December 11 to December 13, 1888. The church was festooned with petitions pasted on strips of red calico hundreds of yards in length. On each strip were signatures by the thousand. They totaled over 6,000,000, representing people asking Congress for a law that would guarantee all Government employees a day of rest and prohibiting interstate commerce on Sunday.
Col. Elliott F. Shepard was presiding officer at the sessions at which "many able speeches" were given. The entire meeting was calculated "to mark an era in the movement for preserving our Sabbath from the inroads of the advocates of the Continental Sunday."
(February 14, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1895 to 1901
"Peoples' Service" is held on Sunday evenings.
March 8—Bishop Edward G. Andrews preaches at Foundry.
September—Annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union is held at Foundry.
December—Hiram Price, Foundry member, is elected President of the National Anti-Saloon League.
James L. Ewin, Foundry member, becomes President of the Anti-Saloon League of the District of Columbia.
October—Missionary Rally is held.
October 4-11—Anti-Saloon League meeting is held at Foundry.
December—Emily Scudder of Foundry goes to do mission work in Chile.
December 4—Petition from Anti-Saloon League is presented for signatures.
Lucien Clark is appointed pastor and G. H. Corey, assistant pastor, at Foundry.
March 22—William J. Sibley dies.
July 4—Cuba's cause is championed at Foundry.
November—"Temperance Revival" is held at Foundry.
January 7-8—Joint Commission on Federation of the Methodist Episcopal Church, North, and the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, meets at Foundry.
January 9—Group meets at Foundry to protest sale of wine and beer at the Library of Congress restaurant.
November 15—The General Missionary Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church meets at Foundry.
Dr. Luther B. Wilson is appointed pastor at Foundry.
April 17-19—The Second National Biblical Congress meets at Foundry.
May 29—Commencement exercises of the Lucy Webb Hayes National Training School are held at Foundry.
September 25-26—10th annual convention of the Washington District Epworth League meets.
October 4—16th anniversary of the Central Union Mission is observed at Foundry.
December 6-10—Anniversary meetings of the Sunday School Union are held.
January 6-13—Union meetings are held at Foundry under the auspices of the Evangelical Alliance.
April—John Mott preaches. President William McKinley is present.
April—The matter of welcoming strangers on Sunday mornings is discussed at the Foundry official board meeting.
May 9—The 28th National Conference of Charities and Corrections is opened at Foundry.
Dr. Luther B. Wilson attends the Ecumenical Conference in London.
October—A Boys' Class is organized by the pastor.
October—The deaconess assigned to Foundry starts to visit homes in the neighborhood of the church.
A Fire at Foundry
On October 4, 1897, a fire was discovered at 7:00 p.m. in a small closet at Foundry Church. It caused a lot of excitement and attracted a large crowd of people. If it had not been for the prompt and efficient work of the fire department, the church might have been destroyed, however, the fire was confined to one part of the building.
Mr. R. H. Willett, a church trustee, was walking down G Street when he saw smoke coming out of the church. He was not too confined at first. On entering the church he found it full of smoke. Willett then hurried to a store on the opposite corner to give the alarm, but someone had already called the fire department.
In a few minutes Number 2 Engine Company and Fire Chief Parris responded. A single line of hose was run into the church; firemen with axes and fire extinguishers quickly put out the fire.
A tinsmith had been working on the roof that afternoon, putting a new top on the chimney. It was thought that a spark from his furnace dropped into the closet somehow and ignited the paper and old books that were stored there. After smoldering for some time, the fire broke out and spread to all parts of the closet and the roof of the gallery.
The silver communion service which was stored in the closet was badly damaged and partially melted. It had to be replaced. The offering plates were only slightly damaged. Damage to the building amounted to about $200.00.
(February 21, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1902 to 1908
March—Bishop E. G. Andrews gives the last sermon at the old Foundry Church.
The Church is sold and razed.
August—Dr. Luther B. Wilson is appointed by the Council of Bishops to give the fraternal address to the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada.
Robert B. Moore is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February 14—Foundry and the 15th Street Methodist Church unite.
June 27—The cornerstone of the new church is laid.
November 20—The Young People's Home Missionary Society holds a Christmas sale.
November 27—The Epworth League sponsors a program on "Christ in Art."
December 21—Bishop Charles H. Fowler lectures on Abraham Lincoln.
February 21—Last worship service is held in the Church at 15th and R. Streets.
February 28—Foundry starts worshipping in the new Sunday School room with Rev. E. H. Hughes, President of DePauw University, preaching.
April 10—The new church is dedicated.
April 11—The Epworth League presents a memorial window.
April 14—The prayer meeting room is dedicated.
April 15—An organ recital and reception is held.
May 18—The Epworth League holds a strawberry and ice cream festival to raise money for the League Window Fund.
October 9—Bishop Frank W. Wame of Lucknow, India, preaches.
October 21—A reception for Bishop Cranston and his family is given at Foundry.
November 4—The decision is made to support a missionary to India.
December 4—Rev. F. Baker Benson preaches at Foundry before leaving for India.
April 7—A Committee of 12 is appointed to serve at church doors to overcome lack of cordiality.
September 22—The use of the new hymnal is approved.
October 6—Official Board endorses the D. C. Commissioners proposal to keep 16th Street for purely residential purposes.
October 29—Bishop Thobum gives missionary address.
October 30—Bishop McCabe lectures at Foundry.
November 3—Official Board rejects proposal to purchase painting of Foxall Foundry.
January—Men's Brotherhood started at Foundry.
November 23—Foundry gives entertainment for benefit of North Capitol Street M.E. Church.
December 26—Primary Department gives Christmas cantata, "On Bethlehem's Plain", for benefit of missions.
April 21—California Rehabilitation Day is observed.
May—Lot for new parsonage is purchased on P Street.
July 5—Contribution is made for prohibition campaign in Oklahoma.
October 23-24—Foreign missionary conference is held.
November, 1st Sunday—Foundry has Sacramental and Old Folks Day.
Clarence E. Wise is appointed assistant pastor at Foundry.
May 27—Rev. W. A. Quayle lectures on "Shakespeare's Tragedy of Greatness."
October 17-November 2—Gypsy Smith holds evangelistic meetings.
The Laying of the Cornerstone
On the afternoon of Saturday, June 27, 1903, the cornerstone of Foundry's new church at the corner of 16th and Madison (now Church) Streets, Northwest, was laid. Bishop C. H. Fowler who had been scheduled to deliver an address was unable to attend. Dr. H. R. Naylor, presiding elder of the Washington District, read the ritual relative to cornerstone layings.
Bishop Charles C. McCabe was introduced as the principal speaker of the day. He noted that the presence of ministers of other denominations at the service was an indication of the growing spirit toward unification of the churches.
He said in part: "It is a matter of especial gratification to me that the sacred and honored name of 'Foundry' is to be inherited by this new church. The name is associated with some of the most thrilling events in the early history of Methodism, both in England and in this country. When Wesley was a boy at the Charter House School an explosion occurred at the foundry on Windmill Hill, Moorfields, which so damaged the property that the spot was abandoned and the royal arsenal was established at Woolwich. After having been abandoned for a quarter of a century, John Wesley secured the property of the old foundry for his work. . . .
"The Foundry was the headquarters of Methodism and the center of many philanthropic agencies, including the charity school, a dispensary, almshouse for nine poor widows, and a loan society. On dark winter nights, over roads without pavement and unlighted by gas or lamps of any kind save the flickering lanterns of the serious and earnest worshippers, might be seen those devout men and women almost groping their way to the daily services at the first Methodist chapel, led by the tinkling of the foundry bell."
At the conclusion of his address, Bishop McCabe consecrated the stone. Then the Grand Lodge, A.F. and A.M., of the District of Columbia, took charge of the laying of the stone. Grand Master George H. Walker presided. The gavel was the same one that George Washington used in laying the cornerstone of the Capitol.
(February 28, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1909 to 1915
January 20—The Pastor's Mission Study for six weeks starts. The subject will be "Mohammed.”
March 7—Bishop McDowell preaches at Foundry.
May 2—Individual communion cups are introduced.
June 7—Foundry members make a pilgrimage to the grave of William Watters, first American-born Methodist preacher.
November—The ladies of Foundry furnish the food for the Deaconess Home for the month.
William R. Wedderspoon is appointed pastor of Foundry.
January 29—The Foxall Literary and Debating Society is organized.
March 13—Bishop Earl Cranston preaches at Foundry.
April 17-September 25—Rev. Harry Farmer serves as acting pastor at Foundry.
June 27—The Sunday School goes on its annual excursion to River View.
October 9—The Sunday School holds its Rally Day.
October 26—A reception is held for the Board of Bishops in the church parlors. December 13—A thank-offering is taken for the Rosedale Mission.
January 2—The pastor holds a New Year's reception at the parsonage.
February 16—The 16th anniversary of the International Reform Bureau is observed at Foundry.
May 5, 7, 10—The Katharine J. Laws Sunday School class celebrates its Silver Jubilee.
May 28—The New Chorus Choir of 70 volunteer singers appears in a special song service.
December 31—Dr. Wedderspoon preaches on Francis Asbury.
N. H. Holmes is appointed assistant pastor of Foundry.
January 16—A reception is held for Rev. and Mrs. Baker of Ajmere, India.
February 18-March 31—The Epworth League conducts a contest to stimulate interest in the League and attendance at its devotional meetings.
April 1—Pews for the new Conference year are assigned.
May 14—"Mite-boxes" are opened.
June 9—President William H. Taft delivers the address at the reception for Bishops Thirkield and Cranston and their families.
November 1—The Epworth League holds its business meeting and has a "Box Party."
November 11—The cornerstone of the new Sibley Hospital is laid.
November 25—The King's Heralds hold their first meeting.
January 25—The girls of the Senior Department of the Sunday school start a sewing circle for the benefit of the Methodist orphanage.
April 1—Prof. Anton Kaspar starts to direct the quartette and choir.
October 14—The new Sunday School orchestra holds its first rehearsal.
Foundry pledges $1250.00 for "Foundry Room" in Sibley Hospital.
May 17—Senator George W. Norris of Nebraska speaks at Silver Jubilee service of the Epworth League.
April-June—Dr. Wedderspoon preaches a Sunday evening series on "Scenes in the Holy Land."
October 25-November 1—Foundry celebrates its 100th anniversary.
December 31—A Victrola Concert is given prior to the Watch Night Service.
March—The general topic for the Prayer and Praise Service on Thursday evenings is "The Polity, Usages and Beliefs of the Methodist Episcopal Church."
April 1—The choir with orchestra gives "The Seven Last Words" by Dubois.
April 19—A church social and reception is held to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Dr. Wedderspoon's entrance into the ministry.
The Foxall Portrait is Presented to Foundry Church
In September 1889 a portrait of Henry Foxall was presented to Foundry by Mr. R. H. Willett, one of the trustees. It was a copy painted by C. Armor of the original portrait which was in the possession of descendants of Mr. Foxall.
Dr. George Elliott, pastor of Foundry, spoke that evening on Foundry and the War of 1812. When he concluded his remarks, Dr. Elliott removed the red satin drapery that had concealed the portrait which had been placed on an easel in the center of the pulpit platform. In front of the portrait there was a gas light and reflector. After the drapery had been removed, disclosing the portrait to the audience, the choir sang "Auld Lang Syne."
The portrait was accepted on behalf of the Board of Trustees by Mr. Edward Simpson. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Simpson said he had worshipped in the first chapel, a drawing of which was also on the platform.
The members of the Board of Trustees who had charge of the painting of the portrait were Edward F. Simpson, R. H. Willett, B. H. Stinemetz, E. F. Brooks and M. D. Peck. Mr. Willett paid for the portrait and presented it to the church.
At the conclusion of the exercises and singing of the doxology, the congregation surrounded the platform and took a good look at the "benign features" of Mr. Foxall. A number of descendants of Henry Foxall were present.
(March 7, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1916 to 1922
Walter Everett Burnett is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February 25—Washington District of the Women's Home Missionary Society celebrates its 30th anniversary at Foundry.
March 29-April 3—The Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
March 31—President Woodrow Wilson speaks at the Bishop Asbury Centennial.
October 10—A farewell reception is held for Dr. Wedderspoon.
F. I. Mumford is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
February 9—A reception is held for Rev. Burnett and his family.
May—A Mothers' Jewels society is formed.
May 13—Miss Birdella Miller becomes a member of Foundry.
June—The Navy League Auxiliary of Foundry supplies warm knitted garments for sailors.
July 8—A new United States flag is unfurled at morning services. An informal reception for visiting soldiers is held in the evening.
October 21—"The Pastor's Counsel Hour" is announced.
November 29—A public reception is held for business girls.
December 14—Foundry holds a War Relief Bazaar.
Dr. Herbert F. Randolph is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January—The Foundry War Relief and Navy Relief Sections meet to make plans for special services for soldiers and sailors.
January 26—Open house is held for soldiers and sailors.
February—A lack of coal makes it necessary to dispense with all week-day and week-night services.
September 30—Rev. Burnett and his family are given a farewell reception.
The 31st Annual Convention of the Lord's Day Alliance is held at Foundry.
February 10-12—The 3rd annual conference of institute deans and managers of the Epworth League is held at Foundry.
September—Children from the Swartzell Home are guests at Rally Day services.
December 12—Bishop Edgar Blake preaches.
June-July—Dr. Randolph preaches two series of sermons, one on "The Pearl of Progress" and the other on "The Pearl of Parables."
October 6—A church school of religious education starts. October 30—Bishop Thirkield preaches.
November 13—William J. Bryan, Senator William S. Kenyon, and Mme. Kagi Yajima of Japan speak at Foundry.
April 2-7—Bishop Henderson conducts the Lenten services.
June—Dr. Randolph is elected President of the Pastor's Federation of Washington.
St. Paul's Merges with Foundry
The location at 16th and Madison (now Church) Streets which the Foundry Church trustees selected for a new church in 1902 was within two blocks of another Methodist church. St. Paul's, formed in 1895, largely from the membership of Metropolitan Church, was at 15th and R Streets. As plans were being developed for Foundry's proposed move, consolidation of the two churches was being considered. To join the membership of the two, about 450 for Foundry and 250 for St. Paul's, seemed the only practical thing to do.
On January 30, 1903, the members of St. Paul's Church voted at their quarterly conference in favor of consolidation. The meeting was attended by nearly all the members of the quarterly conference and the decision was unanimous. After a thorough discussion, it was decided to appoint a committee of three to meet with a similar Foundry committee to make arrangements for carrying out the merger. They were instructed to report the results back to the congregation. It was generally understood by the St. Paul's membership that the name would be Foundry.
The Committee from St. Paul's was Mr. A. B. Browne, Prof. A. C. True and Mr. Joseph Birch. Foundry's committee was composed of Mr. Irving O. Ball, Mr. Theodore A. Harding and Mr. T. E. Sewall.
During March a petition was circulated among the members of Foundry. It was to be presented to the Annual Conference meeting in Baltimore April 1. The petitioners opposed the consolidation of the two churches and requested that the bishop send a new pastor to Foundry Church. About 130 members had signed by March 15, and the sponsors expected to add at least thirty more names. They were in favor of admitting the members from St. Paul's as individuals but not in a body.
Meanwhile, the joint committee of the two churches had asked the Bishop to appoint Rev. Robert Moore to Foundry. The plan of this group was to effect the consolidation on April 5; St. Paul's Church was to be used pending the completion of the new Foundry Church. The Foundry quarterly conference had accepted this plan on February 10 by a vote of 17 to 4. The vote at St. Paul's was unanimously in favor of it.
Consolidation was approved by the Annual Conference. On Good Friday, April 10, 1903, communion services were held at 15th and R Streets. Foundry services which had been held at Columbia University and the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church were moved immediately to this house of worship which was to be known as the Foundry Church until February 21, 1904, when the last services were held there under the direction of Dr. Moore.
(March 14, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1922 to 1929
December 10—Dr. Herbert F. Randolph preaches his last sermon
at Foundry.
December—Dr. George Clarke Peck is named interim pastor at Foundry.
Dr. Frederick Brown Harris is appointed pastor at Foundry.
November 16—Dr. Harris opens his ministry at Foundry.
December 14—E. Stanley Jones speaks at Foundry.
Foundry Facts is started.
March 29—The illuminated sign in front of the church is dedicated.
June 5—The Girl Scout organization of Foundry is presented a silver cup at the Court of Awards by Mrs. Calvin Coolidge.
October—The Rev. John C. Million is appointed Director of Religious Education at Foundry.
November 23—Foundry holds a Family Night.
The new parsonage is started.
May 3—The Board of Bishops holds its semi-annual meeting at Foundry.
September 30—Foundry's "Forward Program" is launched.
November—Miss Katherine J. Laws wills her diamond ring to Bishop Frederick Bohn Fisher to be used for a boys' school in India.
December 19—Bishop William Fraser McDowell preaches at Foundry.
December 25—President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge attend a Christmas service at Foundry sponsored by the Washington Federation of Churches.
February 7—The Religious Educational Workers' Association of the Baltimore Conference meets at Foundry.
March—The new Foundry parsonage is occupied.
April—Dr. Harris is elected president of the Washington Federation of Churches.
May 13—The first Mother and Daughter banquet is held at Foundry.
June—More than one hundred Foundry children present a pageant, "The Voices of God."
Summer—The church auditorium is undergoing repairs and redecoration.
October 15—The Foundry young people give a reception for the students and faculty of American University.
November 25—Foundry holds a "Donation Party."
April 20—U. S. Grant III addresses the Men's Club.
May 7—Harry O. Hine is elected President of the Methodist Union.
June 10—Memorial services are held for Bishop Luther B. Wilson.
September—The Rev. Eddy L. Ford is appointed Director of Religious Education.
March 3—Special pre-inaugural services are held at Foundry with Senator Alvin B. Barkley giving the address.
April 2-8—The Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
June 20—The Foundry Quarterly Conference decides to buy the Blodgett property at the corner of 16th and P Streets.
October 13—Dr. Benson Baker preaches at Foundry.
December 30—The Blodgett property is deeded to the church.
The Removal of Trees
When the construction of the present Foundry Church was being completed, Rev. Robert M. Moore, the pastor, wrote to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. He requested the removal of a row of six trees in front of the church.
Rev. Moore stated that two of the trees were in the walk leading from the street to the entrance of the church. An outer row of young trees was greatly overshadowed and made unshapely. He also feared that the roots of the trees would interfere with laying a new sidewalk. Moore added, "It is very desirable that the front of the church shall be seen to good advantage from the street."
Mr. T. Lanham, superintendent of parking, reported to the Commissioners that the inner row of trees consisted of six fine tulip poplars. He recommended the removal of only the two middle trees. He thought the others should remain. "They are stately specimens, pyramidal in shape, and far from being a detriment to the church property." He said they were so deep-rooted that they would not interfere with laying the new sidewalk.
The Commissioners approved Mr. Lanham's recommendation.
(March 21, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1930 to 1936
Misses Frances and Esther Van Dyne, missionaries from Foundry in Algiers, are home on furlough.
January 12—Bishop William F. McDowell is guest preacher.
March 28—This is opening night for the new educational building.
November 12-14—The new parsonage and remodeled church school auditoriums are dedicated.
December 27—Mrs. William F. McDowell dies.
October 5-7—The 60th anniversary meeting of the Baltimore branch of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society is held at Foundry.
November 15—The dedication of the illumination of the "Come Unto Me" window on 16th Street is held.
February 20—The Junior Department of the church holds its annual party.
November 24—President and Mrs. Herbert Hoover attend the Thanksgiving Service at Foundry. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes preaches.
June 25—The 30th anniversary of the cornerstone laying is observed.
September 19—A kindergarten for 4-5 year olds is started.
November 8-15—The District Leadership Training School is held at Foundry.
February 21—The Lenten Teacher Training Course starts.
July 15—Dr. Frederick Brown Harris preaches at the American Church in Paris.
October 6—Foundry holds a Church Clean-up Day.
October 17-21—The General Executive of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society meets at Foundry.
October 28—Edwin Markham speaks at Foundry.
November 11-December 9—A Church Loyalty Crusade is observed.
November 18—The vestry, which has been improved in appearance by a gift of Henry Breuninger, is opened for view.
December 27—The Foundry Players give "The Tinker" as their Christmas play.
February 22—Children from the Swartzell Home for Children participate in a "Pageant of the Months."
March—Foundry increases the size of its advertisement in the Evening Star and puts church bulletins in nearby hotels for greater publicity.
June 4—Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
October 13—New church hymnals are dedicated.
November 2—The Couples Class is started.
November 24—Joash Chest Day is observed.
December 2—Bishops Hughes, Smith, Cushman, Mead and Leete speak at Evangelistic Conference at Foundry.
May 8—The first amateur show is sponsored by the Beacon Class in the Dramatic Hall.
May 24—Baccalaureate Services of Southeastern University of the YMCA are held as part of Foundry's morning service.
June 29-July 10—A Union Vacation Church School is held.
October—The Woman's Guild arranges the Foundry Forum with a series of lectures on "The World Today."
December 25—President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt attend Foundry.
Foundry leads all churches in the number of Christian Advocate subscribers.
Joash Chest Day
During the summer of 1935, by order of the District Government, alterations and additions, including a fire escape, were made to the Letts Educational Building. The work cost $2500 which was still unpaid when the Finance Committee met in October.
To raise the money it was decided to designate Sunday, November 24 as Foundry "Joash Chest" Day. This service is based on the Old Testament story of Joash. In 2 Chronicles 24:8-11, we read "And at the king's commandment they made a chest, and set it without the gate of the house of the Lord. . . . And all the princes and all the people rejoiced, and brought in, and cast into the chest, until they had made an end. . . . Thus they did day by day, and gathered money in abundance."
On Joash Chest Day the church was filled to capacity. At the close of the sermon the children of the church school, dressed in colorful costumes of Palestine, carried in the chest. A trumpeter announced their coming. After the chest was placed on the communion table, the organist played the "March of the Priests." With members of the Official Board stationed in the aisles, people passed by the chest and placed their gifts in it. The service concluded with the singing of the hymn, "Lord, We Are Able."
(March 28, 1965) The Chronology of Events. 1937 to 1943
January 22—The Foxall Class holds a Father and Son banquet.
February 7—Foundry observes the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dwight L. Moody.
April 28—Funeral services for Bishop McDowell are held at Foundry.
May 26—The women's societies hold a tea for the Chinese Church.
June 10—The Spencerian Class presents a pageant on "Famous Women of the Bible."
Debt Reduction Campaign is carried on.
March 6—The Foundry Forge for Christian Living is inaugurated.
May 21—A benefit concert is given for Chinese war victims.
June 12—The congregation rises in support of a resolution calling for an embargo on shipment of war materials to Japan.
October 12—The Fall Rally of the Methodist Union is held at Foundry.
January—A memorial pulpit for Bishop McDowell is proposed.
February—Foundry gives its communion offering of $250 to help establish a McDowell Chair of Religion at American University.
February 19—Bishop J. W. Pickett of India preaches at Foundry.
March 5—Foundry celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Methodist Home.
April 15—A tea is held at the episcopal residence to form a Garden Club to beautify the lawns in front of the church.
October 15—Bishop Herbert Welch preaches at Foundry.
November 24—Boy Scout Troop 47 of Foundry celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Plans for a divided chancel are developed and executed.
September 22—The Charter Meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service is held.
October 8—The first regular meeting of the WSCS is held.
November 10—The new chancel is consecrated.
November 28—"The Pageant of Foundry" is presented.
December 3—A church supper and bazaar is held.
January 19-February 23—Loyalty month is observed.
March 2—The Day of Compassion is observed. Foundry gives more than $1200.
May 10—The Foundry Players present "The Legend of Lincoln" on radio.
October 4—The first Saturday night party for servicemen is held.
December 25—Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill attend the services of the Washington Federation of Churches at Foundry.
James H. Phillips is appointed assistant pastor at Foundry.
May 31—The baptismal font is presented in memory of Mrs. Annie Catherine Smith.
May 24—Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt speaks to the Foundry Forge.
October 3—The tower chimes, in memory of L. E. Breuninger, are dedicated.
October 10—Dr. Harris is elected Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
October 11—Foundry starts having two morning services.
October 22—It is announced that Glenn Carow has been elected as Foundry's new organist.
February 28—Madame Chiang Kai-shek attends Foundry.
March 7—A service flag with 80 stars is completed and dedicated.
May—Rev. Phillips enters the Army Chaplaincy.
August—Richard Buckingham is appointed assistant pastor.
November 7—The Irving O. Ball Memorial Chapel is dedicated.
Churchill and Roosevelt Attend Service at Foundry
Winston Churchill wrote in his third volume on the Second World War, entitled The Grand Alliance: "The President and I went to church together on Christmas Day, and I found peace in the simple service and enjoyed singing the well-known hymns, and one, 'O Little Town of Bethlehem,’ I had never heard before. Certainly there was much to fortify the faith of all who believe in the moral governance of the universe.”
The service to which Churchill referred was the 1941 National Christmas Service held under the auspices of the Washington Federation of Churches at Foundry Church. At eleven that morning the packed church became silent. A moment later they stood as one as Prime Minister Churchill, Lord Beaverbrook and President and Mrs. Roosevelt entered and were escorted to their pew. Three ministers participated in the service. The Rev. Oscar F. Blackwelder, President of the Federation, gave the Christmas Salutation; the Rev. Frederick Brown Harris of Foundry presided; and the Reverend ZeBarney Phillips, Chaplain of the Senate and Dean of the Washington Cathedral, delivered the sermon.
The ministers followed the choir as it entered during the singing of "Joy to the World." All three knelt at the altar during the Christmas Litany and the choral invocation.
After the recessional hymn, "Dear Country of Our Love and Prayer," and the benediction, the congregation remained standing while the ministers greeted the honored visitors and retired with them to the narthex.
(April 4, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1944 to 1950
Dr. John R. Edwards is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
January 27—The Bishops' Crusade for a New World Order for the Washington area is held at Foundry.
February—The Forge series is on "Christian Youth Facing Community Responsibilities."
May 18—Benson Baker dies.
January 7-February 11—The Crusade for Christ is held.
January 21—"Christ-for-the-World Day" is observed. Vice President Harry S Truman attends.
February 11—The lighted globe in memory of Benson Baker is dedicated.
Ralph C. John is appointed assistant pastor at Foundry.
October 9—Foundry holds an All States Party.
January 14—George Ward starts as business manager.
January 17—Foundry plans a dramatic program under the direction of Mrs. Jane Plummer Rice.
June 15—A Foundry Family Picnic is held.
October 6—The Feast of Love is observed.
October 9—Foundry has a Church Fellowship Night.
January 19—Ambassador Norman Makin of Australia preaches.
February 10-17—The Foundry Visitation Fellowship is launched.
April—Foundry contributes $10,000 for Methodist relief activities in Europe.
September 24—Ecumenical Day is observed at Foundry.
October 12—A pantomime, "Woman's Contribution to Methodism", is presented.
November 16-17—The National Stewardship Institute of the Golden Rule Foundation meets at Foundry.
February 22—Lillian Picken of India tells the church school of her work.
March—The room along the side of the sanctuary has been remodeled as a sacristry.
April—The Foundry Forge, the Methodist Men and the WSCS combine in presenting a University of Christian Living series on "The United Nations."
September 22—The Official Board offer Foundry's playground equipment to Hughes Methodist Church in Wheaton.
November 14—Bishop Wilbur E. Hammaker preaches at Foundry.
December—A new parapet is installed in the chancel.
March 6—Brass plates with inscriptions are placed on Foundry memorials.
March 16—Bishop James H. Straughn preaches at Foundry.
April—The church nursery is renovated. Altar boys and crucifiers are added to the service.
November 16—The new church kitchen and facilities in basement are opened for inspection.
F. Norman Van Brunt is appointed assistant pastor at Foundry.
February 14—Funeral services are held for Bishop Hughes.
Bishop Francis McConnell preaches the funeral sermon.
October—The pulpit bible is given as a memorial to David Richard and John R. Stephan.
November—The Christian Social Relations and Local Church Activities Department of the WSCS sponsors a series of broadcasts on "Religion in American Life."
Tobacco Chewing in Church
The 1831 meetings of the Baltimore Annual Conference were held in Foundry Church. On March 23 a petition signed by a number of Foundry members, as well as other Methodists from Georgetown and Washington, was presented to the Conference. The subject was the use of tobacco.
The petition pointed out that "the practice of chewing tobacco has grown to such an extent amongst our members, and others who regularly attend our houses of worship, and has become so great a nuisance in the house of God as to require serious attention."
The petitioners said that persons who were not accustomed to the use of tobacco "will not continue long to attend the public worship of God in a Church where they are liable to be spit upon." They always ran the hazard of ruining their clothes in conforming "to our mode of worship by kneeling on the floor. We have been often pained to see the floor, the benches, and the walls . . . besmeared and stained in a manner so filthy."
It was stated that the young men of the church were adopting the practice. Some felt they would be exposed to the hazard of falling into the "use of ardent spirits as a consequence of chewing tobacco." In addition, although many men said they were too poor to pay their class money to the church, they always had enough to buy tobacco. The petition was pointed directly at the preachers: "Let the pulpit no longer give encouragement to this practice, and then the pulpit may remonstrate against it successfully."
The next day the Conference unanimously disapproved the practice of spitting tobacco juice "on the floors and in the Pulpits of our Church."
(April 11, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1951 to 1957
January 8—Foundry Leadership School starts.
March 28—The Foundry Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Glenn Carow gives its first concert.
May 6—Miss Helen Kim speaks at Foundry.
October—The Altar Guild is started.
October 14—The Korean Church with Rev. Kim as pastor is started.
November 3—Foundry youth and young adults collect clothing for Korea.
May 18—The Chancel Passion Window is lighted.
October 7—A reception for Bishop and Mrs. G. Bromley Oxnam is held at Foundry.
October 19—The Women's Parlor is opened.
The Friendly Hour following Sunday evening services is held in the church parlor.
Boy Scout Troop 17 is organized.
January—The Foundry Forge purchases athletic equipment for the College of West Africa at Monrovia, Liberia.
April 30—The Official Board authorizes the pastor to try to raise $5,000 to obtain the Lincoln certificate.
October 11—The Foundry players present "The Boy With a Cart.”
November 18—A Fall Festival and Hobby Show is held.
April—Memorial windows are placed in the doors leading into the sanctuary and jewelled cathedral glass placed in the dome.
April 8—Dr. Leslie D. Weatherhead speaks at Foundry.
May—The Music Committee presents the Annual Festival of Music.
Fall—The sanctuary is redecorated
November 14—The Lincoln certificate is enshrined.
November 16—A 30th anniversary banquet is given for Dr. and Mrs. Harris.
April 5—The retirement of Dr. Harris and the appointment of Dr. T. H. Palmquist are announced.
May 6—A Family Night is held at Foundry.
June 5—Dr. Harris closes his ministry at Foundry.
June 12—Dr. Palmquist preaches his first sermon at Foundry.
January 1-February 12—Dr. Palmquist preaches on "Seven Roads to Vital Happiness in 1956."
March—The chapel is painted and carpeted, and new pews are installed.
April 1—Easter Services are held at Constitution Hall.
June 24—An All Church Picnic is held at Rock Creek Park.
September—The choir has a room for its own use.
The Foundry Colony Plan is started.
January 6-March 10—Dr. Palmquist preaches on the Ten Commandments with the Foundry Players participating.
March—Foundry leads the area in giving for Hungarian Relief.
June—Richard Nowers is appointed Minister of Youth and Visitation.
December 8—Operation Half-Mile is held.
December 15—The Choir gives a Candlelight Christmas Musical.
The sanctuary, chapel and dining room are air conditioned.
A Church of the States
In 1933 survey cards were filled in by the congregation one morning. A tabulation of the "I Am Here" cards showed a number of interesting things. In a packed church there were only 419 Foundry members who signed. More than three hundred visitors signed the cards. Sixty-two of these visitors were members of other Washington churches. There were 152 who gave Washington addresses but whose home churches were in 33 different states. Twenty-two transients from eleven states were in the congregation that morning. Thus, Foundry could properly be called "A Church of the States."
A survey made in 1950 produced similar results. Twenty-three states were represented by one or more persons. The largest number, six, were from New York. Another interesting fact shown by the survey was that forty-five percent of those present were under thirty-five years of age. Only twenty-eight percent were over fifty.
More recently, 38 states, from Maine to Hawaii, were represented in a sample survey of 228 persons transferring their membership to Foundry. In this check those who transferred from the Washington area were not included. Pennsylvania was represented by the most—25, while New York and Ohio followed closely behind with 22 and 19 respectively. In addition at least ten countries were included. These were Bolivia, Canada, Ceylon, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Nigeria, the Philippines, Sierra Leone and Syria. Perhaps Foundry could more properly be called a Church of the Nations instead of the States.
(April 25, 1965) The Chronology of Events, 1958 to 1964
January 12-February 2—The WSCS study series is on "The Social Witness of the Local Church in the Ecumenical Movement."
February 16—Church services are cancelled due to snow.
June 8—The Cathedral Choir gives "Miriam's Song of Triumph" by Franz Schubert, the first performance in Washington.
June 25—A Prayer Vigil is held in Ball Memorial Chapel from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
September 27—The WSCS have a Tea at the Embassy of Iran.
March—The Greeters in the Narthex are started.
April 12—Bishop James C. Baker preaches at Foundry.
July 23—The Foundry Forge goes to the Methodist Home to help Harry O. Hine celebrate his 95th birthday.
November 22—A congregational meeting votes in favor of the new educational building.
January 27-February 10—A campaign is held to raise money for the educational building.
April 11-16—This is Moving Week from Letts House to the Church.
April 17—Ground breaking ceremonies are held.
May 4-June 8—The Foundry Forum on Wednesday evenings is presented.
May 15, 22—The Foundry Players give "A Sleep of Prisoners."
June 18—The choir presents "The Invisible Fire" by Effinger for the delegates to the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference.
November 4—Bishop John Wesley Lord preaches. The cornerstone is laid.
January 1-February 12—The Foundry Choral Readers give selections from James Weldon Johnson's "God's Trombones."
April 2—The Service of Consecration and open house for the Breuninger Educational Building are held.
April 25—The first creative arts class under John Bryans is started.
June 11—Dr. Berkley C. Hathorne comes as Director of the Foundry Counseling Service.
June 25—Lewis E. J. Yates is appointed Minister of the Parish.
Robert Fabik is appointed Director of the Creative Arts Program.
January 7-February 25—The Young Adults have a series on the "Basis of Our Christian Beliefs."
February—Dr. Paul Morrison is appointed Director of Finance.
June 3—Foundry has a Christian Recognition Day for young drivers.
January 13-February 17—Dr. Palmquist's sermon series is on "Shakespeare and the Six Deadly Sins." The Foundry Players assist in the service.
March 1, 2, 8, 9—Foundry Players present "J.B." May 19—The Ushers Committee sponsors a Hobby Show.
April—Rev. John C. Mayne is appointed Minister of the Parish.
June 16—A reception is held for Dr. and Mrs. Palmquist in recognition of their 8 years at Foundry and his 30 years in the ministry.
July 22-26—A training class for the Laubach program, "Each One Teach One,' is held.
February 9—Bishop Edgar A. Love preaches at Foundry.
May 31—A program of orchestral and choral music is given under the auspices of churches in the area for the benefit of Uplift House.
August 16—Dr. Palmquist announces his appointment as minister of First Methodist Church, Palo Alto, California.
August 30—Dr. Palmquist closes his ministry at Foundry.
September 1—Dr. Paul Morrison is appointed Interim Minister.
October—A pre-school for neighborhood children is started.
November 20—The 150th Anniversary Banquet is held with Dr. Ralph W. Sockman as speaker.
November 22—Bishop W. Earl Ledden preaches Anniversary Sermon.
December 1—Dr. Edward W. Bauman starts his ministry at Foundry.
The Ministers of Foundry
From the time Thomas Burch was appointed pastor of Foundry in 1817, the year it became a separate charge, until the appointment of Edward W. Bauman in 1964, forty-two men have served as pastor of the church. In addition two men, Dr. George Clarke Peck and Dr. Paul Morrison, served as interim ministers. Six pastors served Foundry at two different times and one, William Ryland, served the congregation three times. At least thirty-five other men have had pastoral appointments at Foundry. Their designations have been varied—assistant pastor, associate pastor, superannuated pastor, minister of the parish, minister of youth, director of religious education, and so forth.
Many served only one or two years. The longest ministry has been that of Dr. Frederick Brown Harris—more than thirty years. Dr. Theodore H. Palmquist's ministry of 9 1/2 years at Foundry has been second longest.
The background of Foundry's pastors has been varied. Among the professions represented by these men prior to entering the ministry were carpentry, law, medicine and public relations. Not all were Methodists. One, at least, was a Presbyterian and another was raised as a Roman Catholic.
Two were professors in universities prior to their appointments at Foundry. Dr. Bernard H. Nadal taught at Indiana Asbury (now De Pauw) and Dr. Edward W. Bauman at American University and Wesley Theological Seminary. James H. Phillips is now on the faculty of Duke University. Two have been college presidents. These are Jesse T. Peck, President of Dickinson College before coming to Foundry, and Ralph John, presently at Simpson College. In addition to Dr. Harris, three others, William Ryland, Henry Sheer and L. F. Morgan have been chaplains of the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives or both.
hree men became Bishops of the Methodist Church—John Emory, Jesse T. Peck and Luther B. Wilson, elected in 1832, 1872 and 1904. At least sixteen have been presiding elders or district superintendents. Others have held important positions on national Methodist boards and committees as well as on the National Council of Churches and as delegates and alternate delegates to the World Council of Churches.