Collection Dates: 1840 -- 1968
3 linear ft.
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Note: This collection was donated to the University of Iowa
Libraries in 1975 by Ada Holding Miller and her daughter, Elizabeth Miller
Richards. Further donations were made by Ms. Miller's granddaughter, Susan
Koelb, in 1977.
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Scope and Contents
The Ada Holding Miller sheet music
collection is a collection of some 200 pieces, dating from 1840 to 1968. The
songs are divided into groups according to subject matter.
Box 1
A. Transportation
A1.Come Josephine in My Flying Machine. Words: Alfred Bryan; Music: Fred Fischer. Shapiro, 1910.
A2. My Skylark Love. Words: Geo. H. Bowles; Music: Lucien Denni. Denni & Bowles, 1913.
A3. Since Katy the Waitress. Words: Will Curtis; Music: Irving Bibo. Irving Berlin, 1919.
A4. Take Me Up With You Dearie. Words: Junie McCree; Music: Albert Von Tilzer. York Music, 1909.
A5. Yankee Kid. Music: Charlotte Blake. Jerome Remick, 1909.
A6.NC-4 March. Music: F. E. Bigelow. Walter Jacobs, 1919.
A7. A Hundred Years From Now. Words: Caddigan, Brennan, and Story. O. E. Story, 1914.
A8. In The Baggage-Coach Ahead. Words: Gussie Davis; Music: Gussie Davis. Howley, Haviland, 1896.
A9. He Wears A Pair Of Silver Wings. Words: Eric Maschwitz; Music: Michael Carr. Peter Maurice, 1941.
A10. The Aviator. Music: James M. Fulton. Ernest Williams, 1908.
A11. Wait Till You Get Them Up In The Air Boys. Words: Lew Brown; Music: Albert Von Tilzer. Broadway Music, 1919.
A12. How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm. Words: Joe Young & Sam Lewis; Music: Walter Donaldson. Waterson, Berlin, & Snyder, 1919.
A13. Motor King. Words: Jack Drislane; Music: Henry Frantzen. F.B. Haviland, 1910.
A14. Toot Your Horn Kid You're In A Fog. Words: Jos. Mittenthal; Music: Jos. Daly. Daly, 1910.
A15. Lucky Lindy. Words: L. Wolfe Gilbert; Music: Abel Baer. Leo. Feist, 1927.
A16. Welcome Home March. Words: J. Parker Coombs; Music: Charles Maduro. Charles Maduro, 1927.
A17. Lightning Express. Music: John Fitzpatrick. W. Hutchins, 1905.
A18. He'd Have To Get Under-Get Out and Get Under. Words: Grant Clark & Edgar Leslie; Music: Maurice Abrahams. M. Abrahams, 1913.
A19. Silver Sleigh Bells. Music: E.T. Paull. E.T. Paull, 1906
A20The Midnight Fire Alarm. Music: Harry J. Lincoln. E.T. Paull, 1900.
A21. Close As Pages In A Book. Words: Dorothy Fields; Music: Sigmund Romberg. Williamson, 1944.
A22. Thanks For The Buggy Ride. Words: Jules Buffano; Music: Jules Buffano. Villa Moret, 1925.
A23. I Wonder Where My Easy Rider's Gone? Words: Shelton Brooks; Music: Shelton Brooks. Will Rossiter, 1913.
A24. Dan Patch Two Step. Music: H.G. Trautvetter. International Stock Food Co. No Date.
A25. Horses. Words: Richard A. Whiting,
and Byron Gay. Loe. Feist, 1926.
Box 2
A26. Bicycle Built For Two. Words: Harry Dacre; Music: Harry Dacre. Belwin, 1943.
A27. On The New York, New Haven & Hartford. Words: Frank Conroy; Music: Albert Von Tilzer. York, 1911.
A28. On The Honeymoon Express. Words: Lou Klein; Music: James Kendis & Frank Stilwell. James Kendis, 1913.
A29. The Midnight Flyer. Music: Frederick Hager. E.T. Paull, 1903.
A30. Casey Jones. Words: T. Lawrence Seibert; Music: Eddie Newton. So. Calif., 1909.
A31. On the Old Fall River Line. Words: Wm. Jerome & Andrew Sterling; Music: Harry Von Tilzer. Von Tilzer, 1913.
A32. When The Steamboats On The Swanee Whistle Ragtime. Words: Jack Caddigan; Music: James Brennan. O.E. Story, 1913.
A33. Sailing Down The Chesapeake Bay. Words: Jean Havez; Music: Geo. Botsford. J. Remick, 1913.
A34. The P.T. Boat Song. Words: Oscar Hammerstein; Music: Richard Rodgers. Marlo, 1943.
A35. My Mariuccia Take A Steamboat. Words: Geo. Ronklyn; Music: Al Piantadosi. Barron & Thompson, 1906.
A36. On The Mississippi. Words: Ballard MacDonald; Music: Carroll & Fields. Shapiro, 1912.
A37. Oceana Roll. Words: Roger Lewis; Music: Lucien Denni. J. Remick, 1911.
A38. Wagon Wheels. Words: Billy Hill; Music: Peter De Rose. Shapiro, Bernstein, 1934.
A39. The Pony Express. Words: Paul Cunningham; Music: Sam Lamsdale. F.B. Haviland, 1913.
A40. Charge Of The Light Brigade March. Music: E.T. Paull. E.T. Paull, 1896.
A41. Battle Of Port Royal. Music: Ch. Grobe. Oliver Ditson, 1861.
A42. Inman Line March. Words: No Words; Music: A.E. Warren. Goullaud, 1872.
A43. Spread Out Your White Sails. Words: Adapted & Partly Composed By C.A. White. White, Smith, 1887.
A44. Why Don't You Try. Words: Harry Williams; Music: Egbert Van Alstyne. J. Remick, 1905.
A45. Flight Of The Air Ship. Music: H. Zeiler. McKinley, 1908.
A46. Look Out Below. Music: Fred Waring & Jack Dolph. Words & Music, 1942.
A47. Covered Wagon Days. Music: Will Morrissey & Joe Burrowes. Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, 1923.
A48. Ferris Wheel March. Music: Geo. Maywood. S. Brainard, 1893.
A49. The Trolley Car Swing. Words: Joe Young; Music: Bert Grant. J. Remick, 1912.
A50. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. Words: Haven Gillespie; Music: J. Fred Coots. Leo. Feist, 1934.
A51. When I Drove The Stage From Denver Down To Frisco By The Sea. Words: Paul Cunningham; Music: Sam Lamsdale. Imperial, 1914.
A52. Chariot Race or Ben Hur March. Music: E.T. Paull. E.T. Paull, 1894. 2 Copies.
A53. Sit Down! You're Rocking the
Boat. Words: Wm. Jerome & Grant Clarke; Music: Jean Schwartz. Harry William,
Box 3
B. Tear Jerkers
B1. Good Bye, Sweetheart, Good Bye. Words: J.L. Hatton; Music: J.L. Hatton. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
B2. The Silver Moon. Words: Jos. Turner; Music: Jos. Turner. Oliver Ditson, 1857.
B3. Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still. Words: J.E. Carpenter; Music: W.T. Wrighton. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
B4. Angels Ever Bright & Fair. Words: Handel; Music: Handel. Wm. A. Pond, No Date.
B5. Red Wing. Words: Thurland Chattaway; Music: Kerry Mills. F.A. Mills, 1907.
B6. Rock Me To Sleep Mother. Words: Florence Percy; Music: Ernest Leslie. J.M. Russell, 1860.
B7. Do They Miss Me At Home? Words: S.M. Grannis; Music: S.M. Grannis. Oliver Ditson, 1852.
B8. A Boy's Best Friend Is His Mother. Words: Harry Miller; Music: J.P. Skelly. T.B. Harms, 1884.
B9. Annie Lisle. Words: H.S. Thompson; Music: H.S. Thompson. C. Sheard, 1842.
B10. Listen To The Mocking Bird. Words: Alice Hawthorne; Music: Alice Hawthrone. Lee & Walker, 1856.
B11. By The Sad Sea Waves. Words: J. Benedict; Music: J. Benedict. Oliver Ditson, 1850?
B12. Do They Think Of Me At Home. Words: J.E. Carpenter; Music: C.W. Glover. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
B13. Bright-Eyed Little Nell of Narragansett Bay. Words: G.C.W. (?); Music: G.C.W. (?); Firth, Pond, 1860. One Page Missing.
B14. Ben Bolt. Words: Thos. English; Music: Nelson Kneass. S. Brainard, 1895.
B15. The Day I Took To Drink. Words: Chas. Prior; Music: Chas. Prior. Helmick, 1878. Most of the music is missing.
B16. Old Folks Are Gone. Words: G.F. Wurzel; Music: G.F. Wurzel. Wm. Hall, 1852.
B17. Massa's In De Cold Ground. Words: Stephen Foster; Music: Stephen Foster. Firth Pond, 1852.
B18. Mary Of The Wild Moor. Words: Jos. Turner; Music: Jos. Turner. Oliver Ditson, 1845.
B19. Homeless Tonight. Words: C.A. White; Music: C.A. White. C.A. White, 1872.
B20. Has Father Been Here? Words: E.W. Locke; Music: E.W. Locke. G.D. Russell, 1870.
B21. The Poor Old Tramp. Words: Will Thompson; Music: Will Thompson. W.L. Thompson, 1877.
B22. The Pensive Thought. Words: Henri; Music: J. Concone. H. Waters, 1849.
B23. Over The Hill To The Poor-House. Words: Geo. Catlin; Music: David Braham. Wm. Pond, 1874.
B24. Wife, Little Ones and Home. Words: Will Shays; Music: Will Shays. D.P. Faulds, 1878.
B25. Parigi O Cara. Words: G. Verdi; Music: G. Verdi. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
B26. The Old Arm Chair. Words: E. Cook; Music: H. Russell. Geo. Reed, 1840.
Box 4
C. War Songs
C1. Our Country's Starry Flag. Words: Arranged by T. Comer. Russel & Tolman, 1861.
C2. Abyssinian Expedition. Words: J. Pridham; Music: J. Pridham. Unknown Publisher, No Date.
C3. The Skidmore Guard. Words: Edward Harrigan; Music: Wm. Carter. Wm. A. Pond, 1874.
C4. When The Ships Come Home. Words: P.G. Wodehouse; Music: Jerome Kern. T.B. Harms, 1918.
C5. Search Thro' The Wide World. Words: Donizetti; Music: Donizetti. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
C6. Grand Union Medley. Words: Arranged by Carl Bruen. Russell &Tolman, 1861.
C7. Glory, Hallelujah! Words: Phillip Simonds; Music: Phillip Simonds. Russell &Patee, 1861.
C8. Just Before The Battle, Mother. Words: Geo. F. Root; Music: Geo. F. Root. No Lithograph, No Date.
C9. My Dream Of The USA. Words: L. Chick, Chas. Roth, & Ted Snyder. Ted Snyder, 1908.
C10. You're A Grand Old Rag. Words: Geo. M. Cohan; Music: Geo. M. Cohan. F.A. Mills, 1906.
C11. The Battle Of Shiloh. Words: Ch. Grobe. Oliver Ditson, 1862.
C12. Brave Boys Are They. Words: H.C. Work; Music: H.C. Work. H.M. Higgins, 1861.
C13. The Blue And The Gray. Words: Paul Dresser; Music: Paul Dresser. Howley, Haviland, 1900.
C14. Over There. Words: Geo. M. Cohan; Music: Geo. M. Cohan. Wm. Jerome, 1917.
C15. Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning. Words: Irving Berlin; Music: Irving Berlin. Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, 1918.
C16. Send Me Away With A Smile. Words: Louis Weslyn and Al. Piantadosi. A. Piantadosi, 1917.
C17. Lorraine. Words: Alfred Bryan; Music: Fred Fisher. McCarthy & Fisher, 1917.
C18. Pack Up Your Troubles In An Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile. Words: Geo. Asaf; Music: Felix Powell. Chappell, 1915.
C19. When You Come Back. Words: Geo. M. Cohan; Music: Geo. M. Cohan. M. Witmark, 1918.
C20. Where Do We Go From Here. Words: Howard Johnson and Percy Wenrich. Leo. Feist, 1917.
C21. Laddie Boy. Words: Will Cobb; Music: Gus Edwards. Gus Edwards, 1917.
C22. Somewhere in France. Words: P. Johnson; Music: Jos. Howard. M. Witmark, 1917.
C23. Joan Of Arc They Are Calling You. Words: A. Bryan, W. Weston; Music: Jack Wells. Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, 1917.
C24. Khaki Sammy. Words: J.A. Carpenter; Music: J.A. Carpenter. G. Schirmer, 1917.
C25. We Don't Want The Bacon. Words: H. Carr, H. Russell & J. Havens. Arcade, 1918.
C26. We're Going Over. Words: A. Sterling, B. Grossman & A. Lange. Joe Morris, 1917.
C27. What Are You Going To Do To Help The Boys? Words: Gus Kahn; Music: Egbert Van Alstyne. J. Remick, 1918.
C28. American Patrol. Words: F.W. Meacham. Willis, 1943.
C29. When The Lights Go On Again. Words: E. Seiler, S. Marcus & B. Benjemen. Campbell, Loft & Porgie, 1942.
C30. The White Cliffs Of Dover.
Words: Nat Burton; Music: Walter Kent. Shapiro, Bernstein, 1941.
Box 5
D. Religious Songs
D1. Kingdom Coming. Words: H.C. Work; Music: H.C. Work. Root & Cady, 1862.
D2. Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer. Words: W.V. Wallace; Music: W.V. Wallace. Oliver Ditson, 1860.
D3. Gesu Bambino. Music: Pietro A Yon. J. Fischer, 1923.
D4. Whispering Hope. Words: A. Hawthorne; Music: A. Hawthorne. Oliver Ditson, 1868.
D5. Invocation. Words: Julia Smith. Mowbray, 1968.
D6. I Love To Tell The Story. Words: W.G. Fischer; Music: W.G. Fischer. F.A. North, 1869.
E. Humorous Songs
E1. Nothing to Wear. Words: S. Winner; Music: S. Winner. Lee & Walker, 1857.
E2. Rosa Lee. Words: Ethiopian Serenaders. Wm. Hall, 1847.
E3. I Wish I Was In Dixie Land. Words: Dan D. Emmett. Firth, Pond, 1860.
E4. My Grandma's Advice. Words: M(?)Oliver Ditson, 1857.
E5. Prince Leander Is My Name. Sung by Miss Rosa Cooke. Lyon & Healy, 1868.
E6. The Lone Fish - Ball. Edited by Richard S. Willis. Firth, Pond, 1855.
E7. Benny Havens, Oh! As Sung At West Point. Blodcett & Bradford, No Date.
E8. The Dandy Broadway Swell. As Sung By The Christy Minstrels. C. Holt Jr., 1848.
E9.A Way Down East. Words: Arthur Morrell; Music: C.D. White. Oliver Ditson, 1846.
E10. I've Got Your Number. Words: Alfred Bryan; Music: Geo. Meyer. F.B. Haviland, 1910.
E11. You've Got Me Goin' Kid. Words: R.H. Cochrane; Music: P.D. Cochrane. Laemmle, 1909.
E12. Cutey, Tell Me, Who Made Your Tie? Words: Arthur Longbrake; Music: Ed. Edwards. Jos. Morris, 1910
E13. Oh! Fudge! Words: George Sidney; Music: Paul Schundler. Shapiro, Bernstein & Von Tilzer, 1901.
E14. Make A Noise Like A Hoop And Roll Away. Words: Red Shields; Music: J. Fred Helf. Helf & Hager, 1908.
E15. How Are You Going To Wet Your Whistle? Words: F. Byrne, F. McIntyre & P. Wenrich. Leo. Feist, 1919.
E16. I Got You Steve. Words: Ed.
Morton; Music: Ed. Morton. Daly, 1912.
Box 6
F. Ballads
F1. Tis But A Little Faded Flower. Words: Ellen Howarth; Music: J.R. Thomas. Wm. Pond, 1860.
F2. Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep. Words: Mrs. Willard; Music: Dr. Mitchell. Oliver Ditson, 1853.
F3. O Sing To Me. Words: G.A. Osborne; Music: G.A. Osborne. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
F4. John Anderson (words cut off).
Words: Robt. Burns; Music: Robt. Burns. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
G. Polkas
G1. The Cally Polka. Words: Arranged by Allen Dodworth. Firth, Pond, 1847.
G2. Plume Polka. Words: F.H. Brown. T.S. Berry, 1853.
G3. Happy Family Polka. Words: Francis Brown. Firth, Pond, 1851.
G4. Three Bells Polka. Words: T.J. Cook. S.T. Gordon, Unreadable Date.
G5. Sultan's Polka. Words: Chas. D'Albert. Chappell, 1881.
G6. Sea Beach Polka. Words: Geo. L. Walker. Lithograph Cut.
G7. Pride Polka. Words: F.H. Brown. Wm. Hall, 1850.
G8. The Good For Nothing Polka. Words: Thomas Baker. H. Waters, 1854.
G9. The Bloomer Polka. J. Hunter, 1851. Why Is a Man Polka. Wm. C. Glynn, No Date.
H. Songs From The 'Black Crook'
H1. March Of The Amazons. Words: Arranged by Emil Stigler. H.B. Dodworth, 1866.
H2. The Black Crook Waltz. Words: V.B. Lubert. Lyon & Healy, 1868.
H3. The Black Crook Waltz. Words: Arranged by Thomas Baker. Wm. Pond, 1866.
H4. The Black Crook Waltzes. Words: Arranged by Thomas Baker. Wm. Pond, 1866.
H5. Transformation Polka. Words: Thomas Baker. Wm. Pond, 1867.
H6. Black Crook Galop. Words: Arranged
by Thomas Baker. Wm. Pond, 1866.
Box 7
I. Love Songs
I1. Little Annie Rooney. Words: M. Nolan; Music: M. Nolan. Gage-Downs Corset, No Date.
I2. Wait For The Wagon. Words: GAS (?). Oliver Ditson, 1854.
I3. Why, No One To Love? Words: Stephen Foster; Music: Stephen Foster. S.T. Gordon, 1862.
I4. Fairy-Belle. Words: Stephen Foster; Music Stephen Foster. Firth, Pond, 1859.
I5. Annie Of The Vale. Words: Geo. Morris; Music: J.R. Thomas. Firth, Pond, 1861.
I6. The Message Of The Violet. Words: Frank Pixley; Music: Gustav Luders. M. Witmark, 1902.
I7. Japanese Love Song. Words: Anonymous; Music: Clayton Thomas. Boosey, 1900.
I8. Japanese Love Song. Words: Anonymous; Music: Clayton Thomas. Boosey- Hawkes-Belwin, 1900.
Box 3
J. Marches
J1. We Are Marching Down To Dixie Land. Words: E.W. Locke; Music: E.W. Locke. S.T. Gordon, 1862.
J2. Gen. Pierce's Grand March. Music: Alonso Bond. Geo. Reed, 1852.
J3. Nellie Grant's Wedding March. Music: E. Mack. Oliver Ditson, 1875.
J4. Major General McClellan's Grand March. Oliver Ditson, 1861.
J5. Ellsworth's Funeral March. Music: J.C. Beckel. Oliver Ditson, 1861.
K. Waltzes
K1. Message of Love. Music: W.F. Sudds. Nathan Darling, 1881.
K2. Corn Flower. Music: Charles Coote. F.A. North, No Date.
K3. The Siren. Music: Charles D'Albert. Andre, No Date.
K4. Damask Rose. Music: E. Mack. J.L. Peters, 1867.
K5. Magnolia Valse. Music: C.B. Knott. No Publisher, No Date.
K6. I Stood On The Bridge At Midnight. Words: Longfellow; Music: Agnes Landon. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
L. Schottisches
L1.The Crystal Schottisch. (two copies) Music: Wm. Byerly. Firth, Pond, 1853.
L2. The Contraband Schottische. Music: S. Winner. Lee & Walker, 1861.
L3.Champagne Charlie. Words: Geo.
Leybourne; Music: Alfred Lee. Lee & Walker, No Date.
Box 8
M. Foreign Language Songs
M1. Weihnachtslieder. Words: P. Cornelius; Music: P. Cornelius. Breitkopf & Hartel, No Date.
M2. Mon Bras Pressait. Words: Victor Hugo; Music: C.M. Widor. J. Hamelle, No Date.
M3. Drei Lieder. Words: Strauss; Music: Strauss. Verlag, 1895.
M4. Don Pasquale. Music: Edouard Dorn. Andre, No Date.
M5. L'Adieu Du Savoyard. Words: E. Dorn; Music: E. Dorn. Augener, No Date.
M6. Teich's Weihnachts Album. Teich, No Date.
M7. Fra Diavolo. Words: E. Dorn; Music: E. Dorn. Andre, No Date.
N. Miscellaneous
N1. Old Sol Hicks and the Beanville Choir. Words: Willis Bugbee; Music: Chas. Ball. Fitzgerald, 1924.
N2. Where Was Moses When the Lights Went Out? Arr. George Morriss; Words: John Stamford. Goulland, 1878.
N3. The Old Home Folks . Words: Willis Bugbee; Music: Thos. Weaver. Fitzgerald, No Date.
N4. Happy Days. Words: Henly Thompson; Music: A. Strelezki. J. Williams, 1890.
N5. The Mermaid's Evening Song. Music: Chas. Blake. White, Smith, 1881.
N6. Ole Shady. Music: ? Oliver Ditson, 1861.
N7. The Little Old Cabin In The Lane. Words: Will Hays; Music: Will Hays. J.L. Peters, 1871.
N8. The Sailor Boy's Carol. Words: Thomas Power. Parker & Ditson, 1841.
N9. Belgium Forever. Words: Y. Townsend; Music: N. Townsend. G. Schirmer, 1915.
N10. Snowflakes. Words: F.H. Cowen; Music: F.H. Cowen. J. Williams, 1892.
V11. Violin-Romanzen. Music: Beethoven. Schweers & Haake, No Date.
N12. The Faust Quadrille. Music: Chas. Coote. Oliver Ditson, No Date.
N13. If Washington Was Living Now. Words: S. Mitchell; Music: Chas. Prior. F.W. Hemlick, 1876.
N14. Folio. White, Smith, 1880.
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