MsC 533

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1600 -- 1963
(Bulk Dates:1700s and 1800s)
10 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
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Posted to Internet: September 2001

Acquisition Note: This collection was donated to the University Libraries by Chef Louis Szathmary.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

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Scope and Contents

The first series in this collection is cookery manuscripts. The inventory for the manuscripts was originally compiled by Chef Louis Szathmary and his assistants and is offered here to preserve Szathmary's distinctive voice as well as indications of his interest in each item. Descriptions of similar materials acquired by the University of Iowa Libraries after Szathmary's original gift have been added to theinventory.

This is followed by a series of mixed media donations by a single donor. It was elected to keep the formats together under the name of the donor.

Clippings are included after the culinary manuscripts series. Szathmary wrote a column called "Louis Szathmary on Life" and edited a column called "Table Talk" for Inside Lincoln Park and he also wrote a column called "Chef Louis" for the Chicago Sun Times. These columns for the years 1987-1988 are here, as well as various articles about Szathmary that appeared in diverse publications.

A series containing menus follows.

Postcards and other miscellany are contained in the Miscellaneous series.

Appraisal documents for the entire Szathmary collection are found in a separate series following the culinary manuscripts.

Note: This collection is not shelved in MsC numerical sequence but rather is located on the east wall of the room in which the Szathmary Culinary Arts Collection has been placed.

Series I: Manuscripts

A. German

B. Irish

C. Czech

D. English

E. American

F . Nelson Algren

BOX Ge 1


Ge 1. Leebin Cookery Book. Der wohl edlen Frauen Mariae

Magdalenae Leebin zugehoriges Kochebuech. Manuscript in German on paper. 496 pages and index, also some later additions, neatly written, title within a cartouche, water colour drawing of an armorial eagle on p. 442, comtemporary stamped pigskin with clasps. (6 1/2 x 8 1/4 in., 16 x 21.5 cm.) 4 to. (Germany or Switzerland), 1714. With the Exlibris of "Harry Schraemli" the well-known collector.

After the 27-page table of contents (index) are some 20 pages of recipes, written at later dates in two or three other hands, with more than 20 full and half pages empty.

This is a remarkably well-written book. The recipe titles are in beautiful early 19th century calligraphy and the text shows a professional scribe's work. In front of page No. 1 are several pages of a contemporary hand, apparently bound into the book before the contemporary stamped pigskin on board binding, with metal clasps, was made. This section is 17 pages, and it is followed by a pictorial title page, consisting of an armorial shield on top of which two double-tailed lions are holding a five-pointed nobleman's crown. In the shield is the following text:

Der wohl edlen frauen Mariae Magdalenae Leebin zugehoriges
kochbuech so geschriben ist wordten anno 1714

Outside of the shield, from left and right are two long branches of laurel, and the outlines of the shield, as well as the inscription, are painted with liquid gold. For the crown and the lions, both black and brown ink are used, and traces of gold can be seen on the lions. On page 442 is a remarkable illustration of a two-headed black eagle holding a scepter and a sword in its claws. On its breast is a red coat of arms on which is a white horizontal banner inscribed with the name "Hermann". The illustration is painted with black India ink and red watercolor, and is gilded in the appropriate places. Several other less significant illustrations are in the book, among them one on page 72 showing the top decoration of a festive cake, decorated with different preserved fruits. On page 205, there is a sun or starlike round design with four spears and eight sun rays bursting out from it, and the design is overlaid with a cross. On page 226 is another festive cake top decoration.

The recipes are typical of the early 18th century. Some very elaborate and complicated soups, and a large number of fish dishes are some of the first characteristics. There are many unusual recipes, besides the customary bread and pastry dishes, are dumplings and other cooked dishes made from dried, sliced, grated or pounded stale bread. In Middle Europe during that time, as well as in England, stale bread was used as a thickening agent for soups, sauces and made dishes. The pastry section has some very unusual recipes such as: stuffed snowballs (baked merinque balls with a filling), a crayfish batter pudding, lemon souffle. Many of the usual baked goods of the time, such as apple cakes, kugelhofs, milk bread, short doughs, etc. are also represented.

Ge 2. Kochbuech. Darinen alles ordentlich nach Dem Register zu finden 1723. No owner's name. Anonymous. No location of owner. 192 pages (5 1/2 x 7 1/4 in., 14.5 x 18.25 cm.) 224 pages of which 192 are recipes; the rest is index.

What makes this book very different is that the first 30 some pages, are dishes prepared from or with the addition of a type of kasha (in German "gerste") which was, shortly after this book was printed, almost entirely forced out from fashion by the advance of potato as a main staple.

Fish, fowl, and meat, pork, beef, and sheep are prepared in dishes with kasha and many kasha dishes just using herbs, spices and flavorings. One dish is flavored with horseradish, another one with green herbs, while other dishes in which the kasha is prepared in broth is flavored and scented with nutmeg, cinnamon, and different types of pepper. In other dishes, onion, garlic, leaf vegetables, spinach or root vegetables such as parsnip, carrot, etc. are cooked together with the main ingredient.

The style of the recipe seems to indicate that the book bound in contemporary vellum did belong to a professional. Either to a chef, or to the head of an important household. Unlike most of the contemporary handwritten cookbooks of the time, this one is written from the beginning to the end by the same hand. Its alphabetical index is in perfect order, from A to Z complete. 192 pages are written full of recipes, followed by only three empty pages and then comes the complete index. For its age the book is extremely well kept and it is a magnificent example of a professional hand-written book. 

Ge 3. Diesses KochBuch gehorig der freule Maria Anna Von Gusman: anno1768. 159 pages plus 5 pages of index, 10 blank. (61/2 x 8 3/4 in.; 16 x 20 cm.)

A typical mid-18th century household cookbook, starting with a large number of soup recipes for apparently the religious Roman Catholic household. It gives variations for the same soup for days when meat consumption is permitted and for the same dish for meatless days. As a rule the most important change is that the bacon, bacon fat, ham, or smoked meat which gives the flavor to pea soup, lentil soup, or other vegetables is replaced with oil, herbs, and spices, for the fast days. It has a very large number of dumplings, puddings, pies, and also baked good recipes.

The recipes are well written and easy to follow. The book would give a student a rich source of information on mid-18th century agriculture and sociology as well as the gastronomical information.

Box Ge 2

Ge 4. Ein Sehr Bewehrtes Und Schon Sehr Oft Aprobiertes Veritabeles Koch Such. By F.K. on the 31st of May 1786. 286 pages of which 283 are written. (7 1/2 x B 3/4 in.; 21.5 x 18 cm.)

If we can believe the remark on the title page of this book, it was copied by F.K. on the 31st of May, 1786 (which is most likely the finishing date) and in ink, but with a different hand is a further remark that this is the 24th time that this book was copied. That it was not written by a cook, but copied by a homemaker not too versed in grammar and spelling, can be proven by the fact that a very large number of culinary terms, both those adapted from French and the original ones in German, are misspelled. In our opinion the book was written and copied most

likely in Vienna, but definately in Austria. Culinary terms like "shinken" Flecker (pasta with chopped ham) and "Faschiertes" (chopped steak meatloaf) show definate Austrian origin. The same dishes would not be called this in any part of Germany or Switzerland. The chapters are marked with tabs and the book shows that it was used very carefully by people who knew its worth and significance. On eleven separate pieces of paper some two dozen recipes are laid in the book. A couple were written by the same hand as the book, but some are from much later dates, up until the first part of the 20th century. Most of them give the preparation of game birds which were in abundance in the 18th century, but are now extinct.

Ge 5. Haushaltung-Journal auf das Jahr 1805 worinne alle in einer Haushaltung vorkommende Einnahmen and Ausgaben taglich eingetragen werden fonen, ein erforderliches HuIfsbuch zu dem zugleich erschiennen Haushaltungs=Manual; allen guten Wirthschaftern and Hausmuttern gewidmet von dem Berfasser. Berlegt von der Societdt Des Haushaltungs=Manual and zu haben den Justus Perthes, Buchhandler in Gotha. Kostet geheftet, oder roh, so wie das Manual, 12 gl. Conventions=Munze. Gotha, gedruckt mit Renberischen Schriften 1800. 126 pages of which 121 are written. (8 1/2 x 9 1/2 in.; 21.5 x 23.5 cm.)

A preprinted household journal with 3 pages of written instructions and 126 pages from which the unknown person who used it, wrote in very even and legible hand the exact amount of all his expenses for the year 1805 from January 1st to December 31st. What is very unusual, in fact extraordinary about this book, is that unlike dozens of other household expense books, which are started with great diligence and enthusiasm at the beginning of the year, taper off later on and are usually abandoned at 6 to 8 months at the very most, this one is completed and balanced.

Sociologists, historians and economists could benefit very well from the data in this book, while for the culinary interest it shows the exact amount of money spent on food, detailed by meals throughout the year.

It is a very handsome book, printed by one of the best known printers in the city of Gotha, well known for the almanac of Gotha, the social register of European Royalty and nobility several hundred years. This book, in contemporary cardboard with marbled paper, is in pristine condition.

Ge 6. Kochbuch [By] Barbara Mully. 1820. 20 pages, all of which are written. (7 x 8 1/2 in.; 18 x 21.5 cm.)

This is a twenty page Viennese cookbook. The name Barbara Mully on the cover was written at the much later date in another hand. So most likely, it just names one of the owners who purchased or inherited the book. It is possible that the original owner was a professional cook who wrote down, in an even hand, well-known, often-made Viennese dishes, giving in most recipes, just the amount of the ingredients and not too many instructions on preparation. Included are recipes for Bavarian steamed raised dough, bisquit dough, Linzer torte, rum torte, Emperor's Kugelhof, Bohemian fried doughnuts, etc. There is a very interesting recipe for crayfish strudel. Among the recipes is one for marshmellow misspelled as "machmelon." It has recipes for whipped cream blanche mange, misspelled. Most likely these were the dishes she was not familiar enough with to attempt doing without the written notes.

Ge 7. CKOCHBUCH. Anonymous. circa 1820 -- 1830 58 pages. (5 1/4 x 8 1/2 in.; 13 x 21.5 cm.)

A handwritten pastry book from the beginning of the 19th century, with Viennese origin giving more than fifty recipes, almost all pastry and baked goods. Written either by the same hand over a long period of time, perhaps 10 to 15 years, or more unlikely by three different hands. The recipes are the most popular pastries of the time. Some of the recipes are French and German or other origin, but all very popular early in 19th century Vienna. Recipes such as almond crescent, apple filled cakes, raised doughnuts, types of pastries, puddings from apricots, kugelhof, komissbrot and almond kisses are among the more interesting ones.

Ge 8. Koch Buch. Anonymous. 1824 76 pages, all of which are written. (8 x 9 3/4 in.; 19.5 x 24 cm.)

Book written by a professional chef. Very interesting soups such as: chocolate soup, almond soup, lettuce soup with green peas, black bread soup for meatless days, meat strudel soup, and interesting soup garnishes such as the Emperor's kasha, an egg dough deep fried in tiny drops and floated in clear soups. Many of the soups are typically Viennese such as sugar beet soup made from pickled sugared beets, liver dumpling soup, and liver rice soup. Among the main course items are some French dishes, such as beef a la mode, beef a la Bonaparte, etc. There are many interesting sauces, some Viennese and some French. A large section on typical Viennese pastries such as baked farina noodles, cottage cheese noodles, Spanish wine torte, and Bohemian kratfen (Bohemian doughnuts). The whole book is written by the same hand, most likely, in a short period of time.

Ge 9. Kochbuch. I and II Theil enthaltend eine ganz neue Samlung der ausgesuchtesten niedlichsten and besten Speisen von verschiedenen Gattungen Suppen, Fleisch-speisen, Zuspeisen an Fleisch = and Tasttagen, Pasteten, Eyerspeisen, Mehl = and Fastenspeisen, Fischen, Koechen, Wandeln, Torten, Teigen, Backereyen gesulzte Speissen, Sulzen, Eingesottenen and Saften. Anno 1837 scripsit Wolf: Wilh. Reiter. (10 x 11 1/2 in.; 25 x 29.5 cm.) 155 pages of which 144 are written.

The two volumes hardbound in contemporary binding with hand made marbled paper are definately Viennese.

Both books start with soups and go on to meat dishes and side dishes, for both meat and meatless days, pates, egg dishes, pastas, fish, puddings, tarts, doughs, small baked goods, dishes in aspic, and preserved fruits. On some soups, there are several variations like brain soup, egg barley soup, green bean, cauliflower, pheasant soup, etc. On page 20 there is a Hungarian beef tenderloin dish with pigeons in a sour cream sauce with sago. Some dishes are very unusual and not found in any other contemporary books, handwritten or printed, such as red bachelor button aspic over brook trout. There are recipes for veal sausages without casing, horseradish sauce flavored with vanilla, and many well known dishes of the time. It is interesting that a Viennese dough which in the late 19th century was made from a mixture of flour and cooked mashed potatoes, in this book is made from a dough containing no potato at all. In the second volume there is one dish with potato as an ingredient. Many of the pastries are flavored with fresh, preserved, candied, or dried fruits and chocolate is used very seldom.

It is definitely the work of a professional, giving not only exact measurements for its time, but good instructions for preparation. Both books have a completed index. It seems that the name on the frontispiece is a scribe who copied the book and not the chef who wrote it.

Box Ge 3

Ge 10. Kochbuch. Manuscript of Anna Rathaeber. 142 pages of which 122 are written. (7 x e 1/2 in.; 17.5 x 21 cm.) Circa 1840-1850. German American.

A very interesting "family treasure" type of book. Originally handwritten by a very legible steady hand in the mid19th century. The book was used up until pre-World War times. Some recipes from 1912 were handwritten with pencil. The book contains a number of clippings, mostly from German newspapers dating from the second half of the 19th century and has more than a dozen recipes on different types of paper pasted into the book through several decades. Some of the latest clippings are from German American newspapers with some English language advertisements in the text. The original book contains recipes for well known German pastries, cookies, and cakes, such as zwieback from yeast dough (a twice baked hardtack? type of bread. Oatmeal cookies, instant cookies, anise bread, kugelhuf, etc. are also included.

Ge 11. Kochbuch. Handwritten manuscript of Anna Ferari. Circa 1850. 28 pages of which 26 are recipes. (6 x 7 1/2 in.; 15 x 19 cm.)

Handwritten household cookbook by the same hand throughout. Definitely Viennese with many typically Viennese dishes from the 19th century. It uses old German measures no longer in usage. It includes main course dishes such as: veal lungs and hearts in sour cream sauce, steamed noodles, sweet green peas in cream, veal with lung strudel, and the pastries include: Linzer Torte, chocolate marzipan salami, meringue cakes, dessert dumplings with coffee cream sauce, cottage cheese strudel, cottage cheese noodles, corn bread, Emperor's bread, and dumplings filled with a fine hash of sweetbreads. They are good recipes with sensible instructions, which could be used successfully today and give an interesting historic view of the Viennese kitchen in the early part of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

Ge 12. [Kochbuch]. Handwritten cookbook. Anonymous. No place given. Around 1850. A handwritten cookbook with very good recipes. It employs old German measures no longer in use.

Ge 13.Koch-Buch. No place given. 1850. Leatherbound manuscript. 161 numbered pages followed by 98 unnumbered pages. The last ten pages are blank.

Ge 14. Mehlspeisen. [Farinaceous food] Handwritten cookbook. Anonymous. No place of origin, circa 1870-1880. 66 pages of which 4 are written. (4 1/2 x 7 1/4 in.; 11 x 18.5 cm.)

It is a handwritten German cookbook with cardboard bound numbered pages. The pastry recipes in the same hand are in gothic scripts.

Ge 15. Kochbuch. Handwritten cookbook. Anonymous. No place of origin, written around 1870 to 1900. 540 pages of which 318 are written plus index. (6 7/8 x 9 in.; 17.5 x 22.5 cm.)

This book is a German-American handwritten cookbook, in a half leather/half linen binding. There are 496 pages plus an extensive index with 18 preprinted headings on tabs starting with appetizers, soups, fish and going on to ragouts, roasts, poultry, venison and game, sauces, vegetables, salads, and compotes (stewed fruits) and finishing with warm and cold desserts, cakes, pastries, bread, preserves, and variety dishes. It is definitely a very extensive cooking school study book. It is written in the same hand throughout the first 282 pages and followed by 17 pages of clippings and handwritten recipes in other hands. The book is empty from page 299 to page 496, followed by the index.

The printed clippings from German-American newspapers and magazines indicate the time frame of 1870 to 1900. Unfortunately throughout the book there are no names or locations mentioned and the clippings are not identified. The last few clippings are from later dates, some of them perhaps from publications from the 1910's to 1920's.

Each meal starts with an appetizer and/or soup, followed with a main course item, one or two side dishes and finished with a third course which could be, depending on the menu, a simple stewed fruit or an elaborate torte. Almost all the recipes are German in origin, with a very few French and only one or two American dishes. Among the appetizers are ham souffle, fish filets in bechamel, lobster, aspic with inlaid vegetables and meats, and spinach cakes. Among the soups are kidney soup, potato soup, several vegetable soups from mixed vegetables, tomato soup, wax bean soup, and celery soup. The section on fish is not too large, and nothing is unusual among the ragouts. We find goulash, pheasant ragout, and ragout fin. Among the roasts we find many dishes of the time: roast fresh beef tongue; roast pickled beef tongue, and several pork, veal and beef roasts. On the page of venison there is only one venison listed. Among the vegetables there are many cabbage and sauerkraut dishes. Practically every member of the cabbage family from kohlrabi to savory cabbage and brussel sprouts to cauliflower is represented.

Ge 16. Koch-Recepte. Lahr (Baden). Druck and Verlag von Gustav A. Wagenmann. Circca 1850. Manuscript cookery book handwritten by Joseph Schlund. 200 pages of which 31 are written. (6 3/4 x 8 1/2 in.; 17 x 21.5 cm.)

This is a very interesting book with printed frontispiece "Koch-Recepte." Printed in the city of Lahrin the principality of Baden. It was sold hardbound in half linen with imitation leather and preindexed in German for: soups, fish, meat, venison, poultry, sauces, vegetables, egg and pasta, made dishes, drinks, and food for the invalids and sick. The cover is stamped in gold "Kochrezepte" in script. Written in several hands through a long period, it contains more of the type of hasty notes a professional cook would jot down for later reference than a housewife would write. The book is inscribed in the front as having belonged to Joseph Schlund when he lived in Brugg and Geneve, Switzerland. In another hand is written L. Saulnier of London. Its interesting significance is the very existence of this type of book which shows the great interest in recording recipes in the mid-19th century. Recipes are written in German, with some dishes in German and a list of vocabulary written in French for consommes, etc.

Box Ge 4

Ge 17. Mein Kochbuch. "Mit vielem halt man Haus mit wenigem kommt man aus." Verlag von Moritz Schauenburg in Lahr [Baden] 118887 (5 x 7 in.; 12.5 x 18 cm.) 272 pages. (256 numbered pages, plus 12 full-page illustrations and 32 page index)

This beautiful hard bound book has a two-color printed cover. 11 full chapter headings with illustrations: Suppen, Fische, Fleischspeisen, Saucen, Salate, Gemuse and Kartoffelspeisen, Milch and Eierspeisen, Eingemachtes, Backwerk, kalte Susse speisen, Getranke.

All illustrations are by Erdm. Wagner and dated 1887, C. Angeren A. Gosch, engraver. It is very significant that among the handwritten books with preprinted chapter headings and pages, this is the first one listing as a chapter "vegetable and potato dishes," showing the growing importance of the potato toward the end of the 19th century. From the 272 pages, some 69 are written in a beautiful even hand. It has several ice cream recipes and a recipe for the celebrated German ice cream concoction "Furst Puchler." On the very end of the book, in a much later hand, are a few recipes penciled in English.

Ge 18. Backerein. Anonymous handwritten notebook with a book store stamp on inside front cover: Geschaftsbucher-Fabrik J.F. Pagel. Wien: Stadt.Fleischmarkt 8. (8 x 9 5/8 in.; 19.5 x 24 cm.) 52 pages all of which are written. Circa 1890-1900.

This pastry chef's or pastry baker's professional handwritten cookbook is written in a very readible even hand. It gives all the important pastries from that time which a small bake shop, or a large bread bakery with a small pastry department, would produce in a small town in Austria. Some recipes have Hungarian titles such as "tea doughnuts from Pest" (from Budapest); "Golatschen," a Viennese misspelling of the Hungarian word "kalacs." Many torte and cake recipes are included, among them potato torte. It has a recipe for bread cake, one for American bread, and one for Johannisbeer Torte (wild berry cake).

Ge 19. Meine Rezepte. Sammelbuch zum Einschreiben meiner Konditorei-Rezepte. Heinrich Killinger. Konditoreibucherverlag: Leipzig and Norhausen. March 1910 (p. 3). (6 3/4 x 8 1/2 in.; 17.5 x 21.5 cm.) 207 pages of which 57 are written with recipes. Hans Dagn (see No. 20, 21 and 22 also.) Title, 1205 and 2 pages of cookbook advertisements.

A. Einleitung. Vorwort.

1. EinfGhrung II. Kurze Anleitung zur Preisberechnung III. Erklarung von Fachausdrucken IV. Das Kochen des Zuchers and die Zuckerproben V. Das Einkochen der Belegfruchte VI. Masse and Gewichte VII. Einkaufspreise VIII. Frische Fruchte (Einkaufszeit and Preis) IX. Bezugsquellen X. Adressentafel XI. Grossenverhaltnisse.

B. Rezepte.

1. Kalte and warme Massen 2. Ungefullte Torten 3. Gefullte Torten 4. Sahnetorten 5. Obsttorten and Obstkuchen 6. Formtorten 7. Auf satze 8. Baumkuchen 9. Eis and Eisspeisen 10. Eis getr6nke 11. Cremes 12. Speisen and Schlagsahne 13. Kuchen 14. Kranze 15. Hefenteig 16. Blatter teig 17. Murbteig 18. Tee and Tafelgeback 19. Tortchen and Stuckchen 20. Eis and Kasegeback 21. Weihnachtssachen 22. Fruchteeinmachen 23. Glasuren, Zuckerkochen 24. Verschiedenes

C. Alphabetisches Rezepteverzeichnis.

This was a pre-printed, bound in linen household book, manufactured in Leipzig in Saxonia. 57 pages were written in two hands and are very legible with beautiful calligraphy titles. These common pastry recipes are for anise cookies, the bishops breads, tree trunk torte, baby's biscuits, meringues, hazelnut torte and chestnut torte.

Ge 20. [PASTISERIE. Hans Dagn] Handwritten notebook of Chef Johann (Hans) Dagn. This collection of Hans Dagn's pastry and baking good recipes was written in German by his own hand from 1911 on. A copy of his service statement signed by his employers with his photograph in chef uniform is glued on to show that it is indeed him. The service statement shows that he was employed at: Cafe zum schonen Turm, Munchen; Grand Hotel & Meraner Hof, Meran; Hotel Schweizerhof, Vulpera; Paiast Hotel 3 Mohren, Augsburg; Grand Hotel Bristol, Meran; and the FamilienHotel Erzherzog-Johann, Meran.

112 pages of which 22 are written in two hands. (6 1/4 x 8 in.; 16 x 20 cm.) There are numerous recipes, wine lists, and pastry suppl ies laid in.

Ge 21. PASTISERIE. Handwritten notebook which belonged to Chef Johann (Hans) Dagn. This is a collection of Hans Dagn's pastry and baking good recipes, written in German by different hands. Unpaged. Bound notebook of 78 pages, of which 19 are written. (6 3/8 x 8 in.; 16 x 20.5 cm.) A copy of his service statement signed by his employers with his photograph in his chef uniform is glued onto the notebook. Circa 1910-1925.

The service statement shows that he was employed at: Cafe zum sch6nen Turm, Munchen; Grand Hotel & Meraner Hof, Meran; Hotel Schweizerhof, Vulpera; Palast Hotel & Mohren, Augsburg; Grand Hotel Bristol, Meran; and the Familien-Hotel Erzherzog Johann, Meran. With recipes laid in.

Ge 22. [PASTISERIE] Handwritten notebook which belonged to Chef Johann (Hans) Dagn. This is a collection of Hans Dagn's pastry and baking good recipes, written in German by different hands. Unpaged. Bound notebook of 68 pages, of which 13 are written. There are numerous recipes laid in. (6 1/2 x 8 1/2 in.; 16.5 x 21 cm.)

NOTE: The four books (19, 20, 21, and 22) were written by the same two hands, although some recipes were later added by other hands. The first book did not mention any name, but in the second and third we found the name of Hans Dagn. Chef Dagn was, without a doubt, a German pastry chef (an employment document was enclosed in two of the books).

The recipes were most likely written partially by him, or by a professional calligrapher for him. The books show the usual wear and tear, but they also show that they were kept very much treasured and intact. A scholar studying the art of professional pastry baking of the time would find valuable information in these four books.

Ge 23. [Kochbuch] Handwritten cookbook. Anonymous. Ruled notebook with A-Z index tabs in rear. Front inside cover has a booksellers stamp: Rudolf Strelez, Wien. I. Wollzeile 7. (7 7/8 x 9 7/8 in., 20.5 x 25 cm.) Index. 236 pages of which 52 are written. Circa 1920-1930.

This hardcover, leather bound, 240 page book, is alphabetized from A to Z and contains recipes for almost every letter. Typical Viennese recipes for household dishes include veal lung in tangy cream sauce with bay leaves; the bishop's bread, a much favored Viennese pastry of light pound cake dough loaded with candied fruits, raisins, nutmeats and chocolate chips; Bohemian doughnuts; Dobosh Torte, a meat dumpling; brain omelette to be served in consommes; potato dumplings; liver dumpling soup; poppy seed strudel; Italian risotto; and sauce tartar. A good cross reference is given alphabetically to all foods popular in Vienna around that time.

Ge 24. Koch-Recepte. Handwritten cookbook. Anonymous, although penciled in purple at the back is the name "Frau Marie Krul." (5 1/8 x 6 1/2 in.; 13 x 16.5 cm.) 172 pages, of which 52 are indexed. Circa 1920-1930. With a handwritten letter laid in.

This handwritten hardbound recipe book with pre-printed index begins with soups and finishes with desserts. These recipes are Viennese, most likely written in the i920's or perhaps the early 1930's. The writing is legible, except for some quickly scribbled recipes added later. It includes some famous Viennese dishes such as saftbrated (roast in sauce), krautwOrstchen, white wine sauce, snowballs, Linzer torte, cream strudel, etc.

It has a beautifully decorative floral motif on the cover with "Koch-Recepte" stamped in large gold letters.

Box Ge 5

Ge 25. Kochbuch. 1905. [By Katharine Schratt]. 342 page notebook, of which 123 are written. (6 1/2 x B in.; 16.5 x 19.5 cm.) Katharine Schratt was the Austrian mistress of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, King of Hungary.

Colored cardboard cover with red bordered vignette, on which is written by hand "Kochbuch 1905." On the front page is handwritten in pencil "aus dem Besitz Kath Schratt's."

The first section of the book has numbered recipes from 1 to 146. The second part, under the heading "Mehlspeisen" has recipes numbered from 1 to 158.

The book itself, a handwritten cookbook, is a fascinating collection of French, Austrian, Hungarian, Bohemian, and other recipes. It gives recipes for fine and elegant food, such as: tiny pates of goose liver; miniature meat loaves; the French dish poulet en casserole; an Italian risotto, with eggs for meatless days; pate of pheasant; cabbage dumplings; goose in aspic; potatoes stuffed with finely chopped left-over meat; mouton chops; eggs a la Rossini; elegant French soups; four kinds of butters for breakfast (among them one with genuine black truffles); and plebeian spaetzle from Schwabien. Some dishes are perhaps in no other cookbook. Among them is No. 92, a "Goulash Japanese Art." Lamb cutlets a la Nelson is followed by a gateau of goose liver, and after Sauce "Sauveroff," there is a recipe for Beef Roast a la Princess Stephanie and one for Filet a la Walter Scott. Recipes 115 through 126 give eleven Hungarian recipes, starting with Roast Beef a la Count PAlfy, and including gypsy goulash and Debrecen goulash. Stuffed tomatoes are followed by Poulet a la Pompadour, and omelet with calves brain. The pastry section has just as much a mixture of recipes from all parts of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy: poppyseed strudel, coffee pudding, Napoleon slices, Bohemian dumplings, macaroon torte, farina strudel and walnut crescents.

The recipe collection is the most fascinating insight into the high society in turn-of-the-century Vienna. The book was purchased by Louis Szathmary from Maggs Brothers in London, England from the auction of the household material and belongings of the career diplomat (in the rank of senior advisor) Baron Anton Kiss de Ittebe. He was the son of Katharina Schratt, born during her marriage to her "official" husband, Baron Kiss de Ittebe, who was also a high-ranking government official. In many of the books written about Katharine Schratt-Kiss, the husband and son have the title of Baron; in other books where their old Hungarian nobility is emphasized, there is no mention of the family being part of the Hungarian aristocracy. It is most likely that Franz Joseph gave the baronial title to Katharine Schratt's husband.

Laid in the book there are three recipes on a double page in the handwriting of K. Schratt, giving recipes for the most favorite dish of Emperor Franz Joseph: "Gugelhupf," "mein Gugelhupf," and "Rothschild Gugelhupf." It was known that as a rule Franz Joseph ate one of these three coffee cakes at the home of K. Schratt. According to gossip, she wrote down the three recipes by hand, very legibly, so that when people requested the recipes, they could be copied without touching the book.

In the book, there is also a photo postcard, showing an oil painting of Pope Pius X with three women, described in French as the Sisters of Pius X, and a cabinet photo of Emperor Franz Joseph.

There is also a letter inserted in the book, together with the envelope closed with the royal seal. The five-page letter is addressed and hand-written by Emperor Franz Joseph. It was mailed for Godollo, Hungary the 8th of November, 1898.

Two paragraphs of the letter are quoted on page 370 of the book, Briefe Kaiser Franz Josephs an Frau Katharina Schratt, which was printed in Vienna in 1949. The book written by Hermann Mailler, Frau Schratt, Ein Lebenbild, was printed in Vienna in 1947, and describes the love affair of the Emperor and the actress. The Emperor's handwritten letter was dated at Godollo, the royal hunting castle in a small suburb of Budapest. It was one of the favorite hunting perserves of the Emperor. A book on Godollo is included.

Perhaps the most interesting book relating to this royal affair is the volume Anna Nahowski und Kaiser Franz Joseph, Aufzeichnungen, which was published in 1986 in Vienna. From it, we found out that Emperor Franz Joseph had a torrid, purely sexual affair with a married woman, Anna Nahowski, born Nowak. She was married shortly after her 15th birthday to a drunkard who beat her and tortured her until she finally got a legal separation. In her book, she gave a detailed but not "explicit" description of her sad love story with the Emperor, who usually visited her at 4:00 a.m., quickly made love and disappeared. The affair went on for years. Anna Nahowski had no idea that her imperial lover spent a short time in the afternoons in the boudoir of K. Schratt, until age forced him to choose. He chose the actress K. Schratt. Anna Nahowski, the mother of his illegitimate daughter (who later became the wife of the well-known Austrian composer, Alban Berg), was paid off with a royal sum.

One more volume is added to this gathering of books: a royal palace food book, which was published recently in Vienna and tells in detail about Emperor Franz Joseph's daily habits and food habits from the Burg in Vienna and the royal palace in Budapest.

Association materials:

25a. Godollo. Von Franz Ripka. Aus dem Ungarischen ubersetzt and erganzt von Friedrich Rovara. Wien. Carl Gerold's Sohn. 1898. 285 pp. with numerous illustrations and photographs.

25b. Briefe Kaiser Franz Josephs, an Frau Katharina Schratt. Herausgegeben von Jean De Bourgoing. 32 Bildtafein, 1 Brieffacsimile. Ullstein Verlag Wien: 1949. With numerous reproductions of letters and photographs. Included is a facsimile of a letter to Katharina dated Feb. 5 1889, very much like the original being given with this manuscript, between pages 144 and 145. 503 pages, with index.

25c. Anna Nahowski Und Kaiser Franz Joseph. Aufzeichungen. ErstmaIig herausgegeben und kommentiert von Friedrich Saathen. 1986. Hermann Bohlaus Nachf. Wien. Koln. Graz. 152 pages with reproductions of letters and numerous photographs.

25d. Die Hofkuche des Kaisers [by] Josef Cachee. Die k.u.k. Hofzuckerbacherei and der Hofkeller in der Wiener Hofburg. Amalthea 1985. Printed in Austria. Wien-Munchen. 155 pages with dust jacket, including numerous photos, menus, wine lists, recipes reproduced showing wine cellar, dining rooms, kitchens, servants, royalty with medals and banquet scenes. This is an important history of a bygone era.

Note: A portion of this material has been published as To set before the king: Katharina Schratt's festive recipes edited by Gertrud Graubart Champe; translated by Paula von Haimberger Arno in collaboration with Louis Szathmáry ; foreword by David E. Schoonover (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1996).

Kochbuch. 1905. [By Katharine Schratt]. cont.

Box Ge 6

Association materials, cont.

25e. November 8, 1898 letter from Franz Joseph to Katharine Schratt. From Godollo.

25f. Postcard showing an oil painting of Pope Pius X with three women, described in French as the Sisters of Pius X. [Laid in the book]

25g. Recipe for "Gugelhupf," "Mein Gugelhupf," and "Rothschild Gugelhupf," with chocolate icing in Katharina's hand for others to copy without touching her manuscript cookbook. (Laid in the Kockbuch)

25h. Cabinet photo of the Emperor Franz Joseph.

25i . Frau Schratt, Ein Lebensbild [by] Hermann Mailler. Steffel-Verlag, Wien: 1947. 187 pages with dust jacket and 16 pages of photographs in the back of the book.


Ge 26 Brethaurin, Anna Margaretha. Koch Buch. Photocopy of holographic document with typewritten transcription

Ge 27 Schoder, Karoline Staemmler, 1845-1922. Cook Book. Photocopy of a holographic document

Ge 28 Apothecary's ledger, possibly containing recipes for cures. These are weighing charges. In German. Includes several pages of stamps pasted over the weighing charges and some stamps laid in. 1929-1931

Ge 29 Scnheider, Theresia. Kochbuch. Blochingen, Germany, ca. 1869. Squarish octavo, 120 pages. Fully indexed. Text in German.
A thorough and well-organized manuscript cookbook in a very elegant hand. Contains more than 350 recipes including broths and soups, fish and stews, fried foods, salads, cakes, tarts, creams, jellies, and a short drinks section.

Ge 30. Blaues  Buch. Early undated German manuscript cookery book in a highly stylized hand. Eight pages of recipes

Box Ir 1, Cz1


Ir 1. Domestic Cookery. Manuscript Cookbook. Owned by Jane Lymburner, Bellfast. Dated Jan. 2, 1817. Original wrappers, hand sewn at edges. (4 x 6 1/2 in.; 10 x 16.5 cm.) Included are recipes for cooking and medicinal needs. There are 86 pages, of which 56 are written. In the rear are some medical recipes of S. Locke dated 1849. Some American newspapers laid in rear dating 1861 include an advertisement for a book on grape culture by Dr. Grant New Haven.

There is an interesting cross selection of recipes such as plum cake; a very fine cake; a very good common cake; a seed cake, another; common bread; common cake; very good pound cake; Queen's cake two ways; little white cakes; tea cakes; Shrewsbury cake; little short cakes; Benton tea cake; very good common plum cake; another sort of biscuit; another sort hard biscuit; plum cake; sugar cake; ginger bread; flat cakes that will keep well in the house; plain and crisp biscuit; a biscuit cake; crack nuts; water cakes; sponge cake; another without butter; wafers; turnbridge cakes; gingerbread; another sort; buns; French rolls; Brentford Rolls; excellent rolls; Yorkshire cake; a minute pudding; puddings; snowball; quick made pudding; a cup cake; pickling cucumbers; apple pudding; plain baked pudding; custard pudding; rice custard; minced pie; preseve raspberries; common biscuit; whipt cream; plain boiled pudding; rich cake; currant jelly; currant wine; raspberry giam; preserve plums; preserve currants; a custard; millet' pudding; apple dumplings; pancakes; baked apple pudding; apple pudding; to pickle cabbage; preserve goosberry; goosberry or currant pie; pickle onions; pickle French beans; chees cakes; custard pudding; apple sauce; onion sauce; icing for tarts; damson pudding; make sauce for pudding; raspberry wine; make bunes.

Other recipes written in a different hand by Jennet Locke of Bellfast, dated Oct. 2, 1827 are: measure cake; fritters; slap jacks; cake; currant jelly dated: Jennet Locke 1859; to cure ham; liniment dated John L. Locke 1849; liniment for sprains bruises and rheumatism and pain in the limbs and for cholick J. Locke, Belfast 1849.

The misspellings in the book are endearing.


Cz 1. Cookbook. Handwritten cookbook of Helena Dvorakova, Orechovka, Cukrovarnickaul 25. This hardbound ruled notebook has 198 pages of which 117 are written. (6 x 8 7/8 in.; 15 x 22.5 cm.) 1920.

The bookseller's plate on front cover is stamped: Alois Frohlich, Praha II, Vaclavske Nam. wl. Kancelarske potreby. Vlastni tiskarna.

This Czech and English cookery manuscript with recipes is written in both languages. The English recipes are a cross mixture of cuisines such as mock turtle soup, oxtail soup, crab soup, potage St. Germain, duchess soup, Italian tomato salad, pear salad, chicken salad in eclavis, moccha ice-box cake and pineapple ice-box cake. The recipes in the Czech language appear to be recipes from the homeland.

Box En 1


En 1. I.W., HER BOOK COOKERY, WAXWORK & c.: & c. circa 1600.

This full calf binding had the spine rebacked very professionally in the 19th century. There are 240 pages of which 140 are written. (4 1/2 x 6 1/2 in.; 11 x 16.55 cm.) This English cookery manuscript has a bookplate showing the family coat of arms: "Brown of Waterbaugh's."

Page one reads "Records of pasley, and preserbes, wax work and Limning & fruits Artificial."

The recipes are typically late 17th and early 18th century with many cream puddings and sauce type of sweet dishes. There are interesting pies of every description from whole turkey to mince meat. It has several turkey tart recipes, where the turkey meat is mixed with different berries, gooseberry being the most frequently used. It has a whole chapter on fruit recipes using apples, pears, plums, apricots, and syrups "of any sort of berries." The whole book was written by the same hand, most likely at the same time.

En 2. Receiptes. By Robert Godfrey. England 1665. The folio is blind tooled calf antique with raised bands and red lettering label. There are 334 pages of which 179 are written. The folio is written in several hands, some toward the end bearing late 18th or early 19th century dates. The first 44 pages are in one hand, probably that of Robert Godfrey referred to on the first page "The receipts within this booke were written by Robert Godfrey Servant to the right honorable the Ladie Borlase of Bockmore in the parish of Medmenham in the county of Buck in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Five and in the Seaventeenth yeare of King Charles the Second over England. (In July)." Underneath on the same page in a later hand: James Warren 1732. It is in excellent condition with an 11 page index in the front.

The next section, in a different hand, is headed "These Receipts following are my Mothers." Several other hands continue the collection and credit is given for some of the recipes to Lady Fanshaw, Mrs. Cooke, Lady Curson, Lord Chesterfield, "My grandmother Warren," and many others.

Besides the recipes for meats, fish, puddings and preserves there are some for wines: cowslip, elder, orange, rasberry, and raisin, and a recipe for spruce beer by Major MacDonald of Newfoundland. A printed advertisement with a recipe for making spruce beer from an essence for sale in Quebec, London, and New York is tipped in. Also included are recipes for making dyes of yellow, purple and green. As usual in such collections, there are some household remedies, one of them a mole powder for convulsions, which involves catching the moles alive (in March). "The way to take the moules alive is to thro' them out of the earth as they see them work instead of strikeing them because that kills them which is the usual way & if dead they are good for nothing."

Another interesting entry, headed "Charles-Towne South Carolina Sept. 28th," describes the smallpox epidemic and the use of "tare water" as being superior to inoculation as a preventative.

The first and oldest recipe is "to dry pippings," "to dry figs," "to make almond puddings in guts," and "rice puddings in guts." Later on several recipes for "suger" cakes, "to roast a pike," "to dress a shoulder of veal," "to preserve pippins green." Toward the end of the book some recipes are dated from 1799, among them a recipe for portable soup by Lady Napier, stilton cheese by Mrs. Sherbrooke, apricot marmalade, and milk lemonade. Among the very last recipes on page 138 to 139 are recipes from a definitely much later date. Among them is a ham toast and the green pea soup. At the end of the book is a second index on 6 pages.

Note: This manuscript has been published as Ladie Borlase's receiptes booke edited by David E. Schoonover with the assistance of Jessica Renaud (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1998).

Box En 2

En 3. [RECIPE AND HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT BOOK] Amy Goodry. 1689-1732.

This manuscript of 102 pages, c. 44 pp. plus blanks, is written in three or four (probably feminine) hands. It is a narrrow folio with the original limp vellum. (6 x 14 1/2 in.; 15 x 37 cm.)

It contains numerous recipes for the table (including some for wine), accounts of cash received daily 1689-90 and accounts for purchases of food and household articles, servants wages, etc., with various dates from 1712 to 1732.

En 4. [Cookbook] Anonymous. circa 1700.

This manuscript is in the original calf binding from the 18th century, with 340 pages of which 124 are written. There are 314 recipes on 200 leaves.

The recipe book is written in many hands. After each recipe are the names of the cooks and scribes from which the recipe came. It is interesting that the recipes are written only on one side of the paper only.

En 5. Cooking Recipes. Anonymous. circa 1700.

This book has its original calf binding, with 166 pages of which 126 are written. These recipes, covering 94 pages, include metrical paraphrases of the psalms and extracts from Tillotson's sermons, written in three different hands. 4 1/2 x 7 in.; 11.5 x 17.5 cm.)

The most interesting recipes are: white and black pudding, how to dress a carp, leek soup (with psalms), calves head hash, oyster sauce for fowl, how to pot lampreys, to fry artichokes, etc.

En 6. Loose Leaves of Recipes. Anonymous. circa 18th century.

Contemporary binding of a collection of recipes written in different hands. Recipes are on paper of differing sizes, 10 leaves.

Recipes include The Floating Island, red quinces whole, currant wine, buns, pancakes, two recipes for Collar beef, pot pigeon or fowl, flumery, to dress a turtle the West India way, to collar eel, a receipt to make French Bisquet, to make marmalette of quinces, and to pickel peaches.

En 7. [MEDICAL RECIPE BOOK] compiled by Francis Smith, 1704.

This book has 250 pages of which 242 are written. The manuscript was signed at beginning and end "Francis Smith his Book 1704," and was written mainly in one hand with some later additions. It is bound in contemporary limp vellum with metal clasp and catch, from the first half of the eighteenth century. 8 vo. (4 x 6 in.; 10 x 15 cm.)

Francis Smith (born 1687) of Amesbury, Wiltshire, compiles remedies from various sources including: Viscount St. Alban's Ale of Health and Strength, "A medicine for ye plague yt ye Lord Mayor had from ye Queen," "A soveraign water" which Dr. Stephens kept secret but gave to the Archbishop of Canterbury when he realized he was about to die, the Countess of Arundel (1603), the old Lady of Oxford, Lady Dacre, Lady Thornburgh, Lady Nevil, etc. It also contains an 8-line verse which was said when the Prince of Wales came to Amesbury, "This verse was made by Dr. Smith a man yt was very poor and for yt reason no body took any notice of him but had he been rich he would have been respected by Every one." Another verse on the same occasion mentions important events in the Smith family, such as: a 6-line verse epitaph on Frances Smith, wife of Francis Smith, "departed this Life January the 16th, 1742/1" and recording of freak harvests, storms, fires, etc. There are recipes for treating numerous complaints, including "A medicine for ye head worth gold," "A diet against melancholy," "for a red face," "for singing in ye head," and an angling bait made from assa-fetida, aqua vitae, etc. are included.

En 8. Cookery Book. Signed by Penelope Pemberton, December 19, 1716. This book has 230 pages of which 190 are written and was rebound in half calf in the late 19th or early 20th century. (6 1/2 x 8 in.; 16.5 x 20 cm.)

The recipes are very unusual. Among them: biscuit pudding with almonds and wines (sack); bread puddings; common plain pudding; artichoke pudding; calves foot pudding; eggs florentine; beef pies minced; partridge and salmon pies; oyster pies; venison or good mutton pastry; fricasses for turkey, chicken, poulet, duck, wild fowl, and venison; pork with onion, apple; beef with gravy; how to fricasse almond & rabbit, etc.

Box En 3

En 9. Receipts of Pastry and Cookery For the Use of his Scholars. Who teacheth at his School On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, in the Afternoon, in St. Martin's Le Grand. And on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, in the Afternoon, at his School next to Furnival's Inn in Holborn. Kidders Ed. This book has 76 pages of which 70 are written. It is signed by "Sarah Prince & Mary Princes," the entire book is written by hand by a student of Mr. Kidder, a "Pastry Master." It is bound in full calf, with only the title page printed. 4 7/8 x 7 1/4 in.; 12.5 x 18.5 cm.)

According to culinary bibliographies, this book is not listed. They do mention a book circa 1740. That edition and other editions were engraved in script throughout and printed on one side of the paper with 8 plates, three of which are folding, and a portrait of the author by R. Shepard. It is 12 mo. contemporary sheep, stamped in blind. The rare first edition's pagination is extremely irregular. The book was, apparently, put together under great difficulties, or by one unskilled in the art. The author in the first edition described himself as a "Pastry Master." He had at that time two schools, one in Queen Street and the other in Furnival's Inn, the First Professional Cooking Schools In England.

This book is definitely pre-first edition and unrecorded in culinary bibliographies.

Note: This manuscript has been published as: Kidder, E. (Edward), 1665 or 6-1739. Receipts of pastry & cookery: for the use of his scholars edited by David E. Schoonover (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c1993).

This is a classified book, Szathmary TX705 K5 1720

En 10. Isabella Carr. 1741. Also dated 1753, Margaret Carr.

It is bound in full calf with original leather boards. There are 146 pages of which 109 are written. (6 1/4 x 8 1/4 in.; 16 x 21 cm.) 8 vo. It was inscribed by Margaret Carr "her book July 7, 1753." Page 71 was dated 1741 Isabella Carr.

The book itself seems to be English but the several loose recipes inside the back cover are clearly American. Written in several hands, there are interesting and unusual recipes such as: punch that looks like sack (sherry), Quinn's Irish sauce, etc.

En 11. [Cookbook] Mrs. Catherine Russell, 1742. 24 pages. (6 x 7 1/2 in.; 15 x 19 cm.)

This mid-18th century book with beautiful calligraphy was written in one hand. Very unusual recipes such as: orange tart or pudding, Pennyrialls pudding, pasty paste, calve's foot pye 2 ways, lamb pye 2 ways, rabbit pye, roast capon with oysters, roast calves head, collar a hoggs head, should of mutton hash, roast hare with pudding in her belly, make a venison of beef, pott pigeons, pott beef, sauce for roast mutton, oyster pye, lamb pasty, make pottage, pott mackerells, collar a pigg, pease coop, syrup of lilly flowers, tansey „ preserve oranges to lay in jelly, white or brown jelly, keep damasins and bullies, to make whiter meat, cakes of citterns, preserrve cherrys, preserve white damasins green, preserve white plums green, preserve currants in branches, quince cakes, make sausauges, collar of beef, scotch scollops, brown fricacie, gennett of lamb, potted mullets, draw gravie, marrow dish, a made dish, calves head hashed, farce of leg of lamb, breast of veal potted, French dish, minced pye another way, goose pie with forced meats, plumb broath, artichoake pye, lumber pye, minced pye, pickle cucumbers, pickle lamphyr, and pickle red beat.

En 12. [Cookbook] Anonymous. Circa 1750 -- 1780. The book is in its original vellum written in several hands. There are 230 pages of which 148 are written. (6 1/4 x 8 in.; 16 x 20.5 cm.)

The cookbook is indexed with recipes in other hands pasted in the back. Recipes include: to make French bread, to make cream peas, to collar a pig, to make strong mead, and to make "oringe" wine. Unusual for the time, it has a recipe to make a potato pudding, and one for currant wine.

Box En 4

En 13. Anne Bayne Booke [of Recipes] Circa 1700. The book has 224 pages in full calf with gilted original binding. (6 x 8 in.; 15 x 20 cm.) The frontispiece states "Ann Bayne Booke. This receipt book belonges to my Great Aunt Rachel Bayne daughter I believe of the above Anne Bayne-Rachel Bayne died in 1799 above Seventy Years of Age- 1847 R.S. Ainslie."

This manuscript was passed through the family several times. Indexed in front, the first few pages are written on both sides; however, starting on page 5 the book is written only on one side of the paper.

Recipes include jam cherries, rich york's ginger cake, to bake a biscuit that is like wafers, gooseberry wine, etc. This book uses the old English spellings.

En 14. Miss Caldwells Book. Manuscript recipe book, 1757 -- 1790.

Included is an index with 11 pages of menus or Bills of Fare. 4to. old vellum boards circa 1757-1790 (6 x 8 in.; 15 x 20 cm.)

This manuscript recipe book is inscribed "Miss Caldwells Book, August the 13 1757," later the property of Catherine Sparks and Jane Sparks, 1790. It contains some 110 18th century recipes in several clear hands on about 120 leaves (mainly rectos) including a wide variety of pies, puddings, pastries, meat & fish dishes, soups, cakes, sweets, preserves, home-made wines, etc.

Recipes include: mutton stake pye, an arty-choak pye, a neats tongue pye, an orange pudding, a carrot pudding, a tanzey pudding, an amblett, almond flummery, an olio, alm and soop, an eell soop, sturgeon of a turkey, to make mangoes, to pickle barberrys, a sack possett, whipp sillybub, a plum cake, a ratifia cake, naple biscakes, a bog-berry tort, a codling tort, etc.

The manuscript is from South Hampton, England.

En 15. Cookery Book. Ann Kenwrick, 1770. Oversized.

(1701 -- 1703 Account Journal) This is a 306 page manuscript of which 253 pages are written. (6 1/4 x 16 1/8 in.; 16 x 40.5 cm.) It is bound in full calf, beautifully written and has an index.

The 59 page section at the back of the book is an account journal for the years 1701-1703. The last page is written "Extract fur Pocket Booke Fur [Green? or Queen?] Book Purges for Horses" dated 1719-1725.

The book was given to the lady of the house who filled it with recipes written in a beautiful hand. The spine is stamped in gold gilt on red leather "Cookery Book Ann Kenwrick 1770."

Recipes include: preserve barberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberrie hipps, pippins, apricot & orange chips, etc.

The book is divided into sections such as: perserves, dried sweet meats, crems and cheeses, possetts and sillibubs, cakes and ginger bread, brandy waters, mead and made wine, puddings & pyes, etc.

En 16. [Cookbook] Anonymous. circa 1770-1790 . This cookbook bound in its original vllum is indexed and the entries are numbered. It has 206 pages of which 50 are written. (8 1/4 x 12 3/8 in.; 20.5 x 31.5 cm.)

Recipes include: barley gruel, dry cherry's, lemmon cream, harts horn jelly, a presont strain, healing water for an old sore, stone in the bladder ater riding, woman in labour, potatoe pudding, white elder wine, etc.

Box En 5

En 17. [Cookbook] (Watermarked 1799) The book, written in several hands, is inscribed inside the upper cover: "Mary Chaytor's Book, Spenithorne [Spennithorne, York?] June 1804." A few entries are dated between 1823 and 1837. It is bound in contemporary parchment. There are 520 pages of which 347 are written with 173 leaves, plus blanks. (8 x 12 3/4 in.; 20 x 32 cm.)

This is a large collection of recipes for wines, soups, meat dishes, sweets, cheese, biscuits, cakes, tarts, jam, marmalade, lavender water, raspberry brandy, potted beef, artificial yeast, toothpowder, french polish, permanent ink, and various remedies or prescriptions.

SEE ALSO 66a: Maude, William & John. Brewer's Duties and Commonplace Books (2), Early 19th Century.

En 18. Receipt Book. Mrs. Perry. London, England April 4, 1810.

This book bound in its original vellum has 168 pages of which 61 are written. (6 1/2 x 7 3/4 in.; 16 x 19.5 cm.)

Recipes include: sauce for cold game, white sauce for carp, potato pudding, how to pickle beef, how to dye yellow, recipe for the gout, restorative jelly, anchovy butter, a gargle for a cough, etc.

En 19. Album 1815. Anonymous. No location. It has 88 pages with the inside covers written and some pages blank. (6 1/4 x 7 7/8 in.; 16 x 20 cm.)

This is an English Cookery Manuscript from the United Kingdom with one address listed as Edinburgh. There are prescriptions and recipes. Some give a source such as Mrs. Mason, etc.

Box En 6

En 20. Survayer of the Meltings Gold Pot Book the 25 April 1814.

It has the original vellum on boards with a gold gilt stamped family coat of arms on front & rear cover. There are 334 pages of which 122 are written. (8 1/4 x 10 1/2 in.; 21 x. 26.5 cm.)

The first part of the manuscript lists gold that was melted, such as Hanover and French gold and gold coinage. It appears to have belonged to Durell Stables Esqr. There are numerous letters laid in regarding the family estate, etc.

The later part is used as a cookery manuscript. Recipes include: claret and cider cups, to make curacua, and black current vinegar. Culinary recipes as well as recipes for the sick bed and household cleaning supplies are included.

En 21. [Recipe Book] Anonymous. 1820. This book, rebound in grey boards, has 250 pages of which 217 are written. (7 x 9 1/2 in.; 17.5 x 24.5 cm.)

This recipe book contains some 360 recipes--culinary, household, and medical--written clearly on about 210 pages. 4to.

Recipes include: Pomade Divine-Beef Marrow one pd. & half cleansed from veins strings and Blood put it into an Earthen Vessel filled with spring water for three days changing the water night and morning. Then take it and squeeze it dry & put it into a pint of Rose Water for twenty four hours; To make Thieves Vinegar- Take of Rue Sage Wormwood Mint Rosemary & Lavender of each one handful ...with this preparation wash your mouth rub your loins and temples every day snuff a little up your nostrills when you go into the air & carry a spunge dipt in the same to smell at upon occasion-or when near any Person that is affected; Yeast as is made in Persia; To make Furmety; Mother Eve's Pudding- Lady Lucy Bridgeman (in rhyme); Inespressibles-Boil three Eggs very hard, cut them in two...; Mr. Porter's Receipt for Whiting the outside of House; Cracklins for Tea (very good-Miss Porter; To Make Treacle Beer; Cure for the Cholera Morbus-Take a soft cork & brown it thoroughly in the fire when it ceases to Blaze mix, it up on a plate with a little milk & water or anything more agreeable to the Palate; purifying Dwellings-Dr. J.C. Smith's recipe ...for the recipe ...for the discovery of which that gentleman received a grant of 500 English pounds from Parliament ...etc.

En 22. [Cookbook] Anonymous. Circa 1824. The culinary manuscript, possibly Irish, has 40 pages of which 35 are written Recipe from the Dublin Journal is dated June 1824. (5 x 7 7/8 in.; 12.5 x 20 cm.)

Recipes include: to cure tongue, scotch eggs, green pea soup, to cure two hams, marinade chicken or rabbit, stewed loin of lamb, oyster sauce with cream, white sauce for fricassee, tomato suace, etc.

En 23. [Cookbook]. The name Frances Collins is written in the front cover. 1825.

The boards are covered with paper. There are 74 pages all of which are written. (6 x 7 3/4 in.; 15.5 x 19.5 cm.)

Some recipes are dated as early as 1825. Many of the recipes have the name of the person who gave the recipes (1846). The manuscript is written in several hands. It is probably of English and/or Welsh origin. Swansea is mentioned on p. 24.

Recipes include: mince pie, summer mince pie, little puddings, fine rice pudding, onion soup, onion sauce for pork, hunter's beef, green pea soup, mock ginger, etc.

En 24. [Bethune Family Recipe Book] Oct. 22, 1826. The manuscript is written in several hands and bound in its original vellum. There are 148 pages all of which are written including both cooking and medical recipes. (7 1/4 x 9 in.; 18.5 x 23 cm.)

Given to G. Stephens from her mother J. Bethune 1898, the book was started in 1826. There is a recipe for Isabella B. page 97 dated 1838 and page 45 has a recipe dated 1826.

Recipes include: rabbit soup, mulligatuny soup, comfortable meal for 6 people, knuckle bone broth, oyster loaf, to pot lobsters, hare soup, calves head, etc.

Box En 7

En 25. [Willis Family Recipe Book. Willis family of Brace-boro', Lincolnshire, England 1833-1861]. Written on 70 pages, plus about 100 blank (watermarked 1825). This 4 to. book is bound in calf 1833-1861. It has 202 pages of which 72 are written with a watermark of 1825. (8 x 10 in.; 20 x 25.2 cm.)

This manuscript volume was probably compiled by a member of the Willis family. It contains upwards of a hundred interesting culinary, medical, & domestic recipes, plus knitting instructions and other entries including a list of items given to the poor of Braceboro'. There are a few pieces loosely inserted, including instrucctions for a minuet (4 pages 4to.) inscribed "Mrs. Penn's respects to Dr. Willis and hopes the accompanying may be sufficiently clear to be understood. Castle Cottage, Stamford, July 18, 1844."

Recipes include: to make aromatic thieves vinegar-this has been tried with success in all kinds of infectious disorders such as small pox & Plague; a poultice ordered for Dr. Willis, July 1856 when suffering from abscess forming underr his right arm; good plum pudding- old recipe in rhyme; to clean polished furniture- given by a traveller from Grantham wishing to make money to emigrate; knitting instructions include-frilled muffitees in two colours, and braces for a boy of ten or twelve years old.

En 26. Receipts 1834. Compiled by Margaret Dyson Holland, Heighington, [England] July 15, 1834. This book is bound in paper-covered board with calf spine and gold gilt. There are 146 pages of which 96 are written. (7 1/2 x 9 1/4 in.; 18.5 x 23 cm.)

With recipes for Sloe Gin and Barley water laid into the book. Recipes include: lemon cream, to dress veal, sweet omelet, sponge cake, trifle, etc.

En 27. [Cookbook]. Compiled by Harriet Dawbarne, January 1834. Liverpool. The book has 98 pages of which 78 are written. (7 x 9 in.; 18 x 23 cm.)

Written into the book is: "Harriet Dawbarne January 1st, 1834. Liverpool 18 Byrom Street." Added later in another hand is "My father and mother married at St. Phillips church Hardman C?3 Street Liverpool in 1839 or 1840."

Recipes include: arrowroot buns, cup puddings, sweet pastry, furniture paste, etc.

En 28. [Smith Culinary Manuscript] Dr. J. Smith family 1840-1860.

There are 108 pages of which 37 are written. (7 1/2 x 9 in.; 18 x 23 cm.)

This household and medical book includes recipes for the sickbed.

En 29. [Smith Culinary manuscript] Dr. J.C. Smith family. 1847.

There are 174 pages of which 42 are written. (7 1/8 x 8 3/4 in.; 18 x 22 cm.) This household and medical book includes recipes for the sick bed as well as cooking hints.

En 30. [Cookbook] Anonymous, circa 1850 -- 1870. This book is bound in its original vellum and has very nice sketches. The first half is in English, while the second half is in French. It is of English origin. There are 176 pages of which 82 are written. (6 1/4 x 7 7/8 in.; 16 x 20 cm.)

The recipes include: to preserve whole or half quinces, to make fondue, mock turtle soup, tomato sauce, roast shoulder of veal, cheap way of dressing a rice and calve foot pudding, veal cakes, etc.

En 31. [Cookbook] Anonymous, 1860. This book is board with calf spine. It has a bookplate for the book seller inside the front cover: John Stacy, printer, bookseller, binder, and stationer, No. 5, Gentlemen's Walk, Old Haymarket, Norwich [England] There are 119 pages all of which are written. (6 1/2 x 7 3/4 in.; 15.5 x. 19.5 cm.)

The recipes include walnut catsup, a diet bread cake, mince pies, to dress a calves head, etc.

Box En 8

En 32. Recipe Book. (Handwritten manuscript of medical and other recipes.) Emily Netuzed [?], August 1874. This book is bound in green leather, 8 vo. 184 pages, all written in one hand. (7 1/2 x 9 1/4 in.; 19 x 24 cm.)

The recipes include Victoria sandwiches and recipes for a hooping cough cure.

En 33. Cooking Recipes. Circa 1930-1940. This 120 page book is blank except for an index. (5 1/2 x 6 1/2 in.; 13 x 16.5 cm.)

The headings include: soups, vegetables, meat dishes, fish, joints, fowl & game, sauces & salads, pastries & cakes, compots, various.

En 34. [Recipes. Anonymous] Handwritten book of recipes, 97  hand-numbered pages with two laid-in sheets. Gift of Ann Ziegert.
Recipes include Mrs. Goldsby's Receipt Italian Cream, Rice Wafles, Pot au Feu, Sago Pudding, A Good Custard, Connecticut Bannock, Potato Cakes, Fresh Potato Yeast, Premium Bread,  Rice Cakes, Spiced Cantalope, Melon Rind Jam, Telegraph Pudding, Turtle Bean Soup without Meat, Coco Nut Pudding, Mrs. Buchanan's Spiced Round of Beef, Sweet Pickled Cantelopes, Whortleberries, Lemon Cheese Cake, Apples, Apple Jelly, Cranbery Sauce, Apple Sauce, Wine Jelly, Water Melon Jam, Sweet Pudding Sauce, Punch Sauce, A Delicious Pudding Sauce, Good Oyster Sauce, Washington Breakfast Loaf, Soft Ginger Cake, Pickled Damsons, Soft Jumbles, Sponge Cake, Potato Pudding,  Rusk, Poor Man's Cake, Apple Pudding, Indian Meal Pudding, Indian Meal Cakes, Albany Cakes, Cup Cake or 1,2,3,4, Pound Cake, Measure Cake, Portugal Cake, Rich Fruit Cake, Cork Cake, Mock Cake, Macaroons, Lemon Cake, Toleration Cake, Ohio Cake, Bisuit Dough, Black Cake, Mrs. Bennett's Receipt for Macaroons, Fruit Cake, Cream Cakes, Fruit Cake, Frosting, Composition Cake, Lemon Sponge Cake, Ginger Bread, Light Biscuit, Shrewsbury Biscuit, Mountain House Party, Panton Biscuit, Savoy Biscuit, Drop Biscuit, Rice Cakes, Potato Yeast, Rice Fritters, Mush Cakes, Breakfast Loaf, Ten Minutes Soda Biscuit, Whips, Rice Griddle Cakes, Boneclabber or Soda Muffins, Lemon Biscuit, Breakfast Loaf, Apple Trifle, Lemon Custard to Freese, Floating Island, Blackberry Brandy, Soft Jumbles, Raspberry Sponge, Meringues, To Take Iron Stains from Marble.

En 35. Carnegie, Mary and Susan Gillespie, et. al. Cookery Recipes. Manuscript recipe book. Chastleton, England, 1804-1905. Folio. 195 pages. Nineteenth century cloth and boards, leather title label on spine. Holograph recipe book begun by Mary Carnegie in 1804 and picked up by Susan Gillespie in 1840 and continued by a few other Gillespies until 1905. All but the last few pages are from the 19th century and most were written in the pre-1840 period. Seven page index at the beginning, added to by the various contributors. Begins with a section of wine recipes - Cowslip Wine, Russian Wine, Ginger Wine, Champaign of Gooseberries - and proceeds in no culinary order with hundreds of recipes as well as some health and household tips. The sources of many of the recipes are noted, e.g. "Mrs. Carey," apparently handed down verbatim.

En 36. English Manuscript Household, Medical, and Cookery Receipt Book. Late eighteenth century to early nineteenth. Quarto-sized, 68 pages with recipes and other writing on almost all pages.

This manuscript receipt book appears to have begun life in England, where it served as a practice book for handwriting, mathematics, and money conversions. A small but neat hand documents various medical and household receipts for both humans and animals, including a 'Reliable Cure for Dyptheria' a recipe 'Excellent for Strains and Bruises in Bullocks and Horses,' 'To Purify the Blood' and many others. Ingredients range from rhubarb to oyster shells, burdock and dandelion to opium and laudanum. It contains cures for corns, toothaches, pimples, rheumatism and more, including a section called "Medicine Anallized" with nearly twenty patent medicines identified and their recipes revealed or approximated. The analysis is attributed to Dr. Paris. This is followed by additional medical and household recipes, including those to 'Sweeten Stinking Barrels,' 'To Destroy Ants,' 'A Good Imitation of Port Wine,' 'To Cure a Bad Leg,' 'Sir John Sinclair's Receipt Recommended as Good Diet for Invalids," and 'A Good Diet Drink to Promote Health,' along with many more. A good number of the recipes are attributed and multiple cures for single diseases are limited. A number of hands seem to have recorded the recipes in various parts of the book and it is possible that some of the recipes were recorded in the United States after the book crossed the Atlantic, but this remains unclear. A few of the early pages with mathematics practice appear to have been torn out, and small sections of a few other pages have been been cut away or crossed out. A few recipes clipped from newspapers or books have been pasted to the insides of the boards.

En 37. Receipts in Cookery, Copied From a MS Book Belonging to Mrs. White late of Stoney Lane. Written in a very neat and legible hand, containing many interesting recipes such as ' To  Make Marmalade of Quinces," 'To Dress Necks of Mutton the West Indian Way,' 'Pigeons with Rice,' 'The Duke of Bridgewater's Fish Sauce,' 'To Make Frost and Snow Pie." Some recipes are attributed to specific people, such as 'Mrs. Hall's Recipe to Make Four Gallons of Elder Wine, Gamlingay, 1872." There is an alphabetical index at the back of the book.

En 38. Rowland, Mrs. English Receipt and Household Remedy Book. 1793-1881. Octavo, 44 pages in stapled wrappers.
This is a receipt book in both senses of the word, as it starts out with the definition of receipt in its accounting sense, rendered in a very neat and studied hand, followed by examples of receipts.  (Whether these are actual receipts or practice is unclear.) After ten pages the hand changes to that of Mrs. Rowland, who has signed and dated the book February 15, 1815 on the front wrapper. All recipes are for household or medical purposes, with such titles as 'Charcoal,' 'Blacking,' 'Scalds and Burns,' 'Dropsy,' and 'Warts.'  Many of the recipes are attributed, some to popular periodicals such as the Family Herald. On the last page is a story, probably from the classics.

En 39. Howard, Mrs. Of Staines, Middlesex & Salsfield Court, near Westerham. Household Recipe Book, 1811-1821, 55 pages of handwritten recipes in different hands. Octavo in marbled paper wrappers. Recipes include 'to colour a room green,' cures for whooping cough, toothache, typhus, warts, corns and consumption; damson, elder, raspberry, and gooseberry wine; vingar, ginger beer, coffee, and a permanent ink for marking linens.

En 40. English Cookery manuscript. [Reading?] ca 1816-1817. 25 pages of densely written manuscript containing over 65 recipes. Square octavo, cloth backed marbled paper-covered limp boards. Many of the recipes are attributed mainly to people in Reading, thus the assumption that the books comes from there. The recipes include one claiming to be the original for Bath Oliver biscuits as well as recipes for Indian pickle, whit ratifie, gingerbread nuts, walnut ketchup, Dutch flummery, English noyeau, black ink, recipe for cleaning plate, gooseberry vinegar, to take mildew from linen, to make Lady Darby's soap.

En 41. Cookery and Physic.  Vol. 2d. Late eighteenth-early nineteenth century.The first part of the book is executed in a single, careful hand; toward the end several different hands add recipes. Recipes include to pot lampreys, to make mushroom powder, to pickle white wall-nuts, to hash a calves head, to prepare a fresh liquor for sturgeon when 'tis decayed, a salve for chilbllains, broken skin, etc., and shoe-balls

En 42. Mrs. Holroyd. Manuscript Receipt Book, ca. 1830-1943. 102 pages of recipes in at least three different hands, one from around 1830-1860 and one from 1890 onwards, plus 21 pages of household recipes starting from the end of the book, in two different hands. Square octavo, original red russian backed paper-covered boards. Recipes include Italian cheese, pork pies, sauces for wild fowl, pickled tongues, Scotch woodcock, velvet cream, mock ice, Portugal pudding, 'A Praisewothy Pudding,' carnation flower wine. There are several recipes for cakes with the name of the provider of the recipe, including sponge and lemon cakes,  almond cake, lemon cheese cake, and parkin (which includes caraway seeds and a later note which says "better without."). Includes some household recipes, and some (at least two) knitting instructions - one for edging and one for a D'Oyly.

En 43. Gilbert, Susan. British Cookery Manuscript, 1848-1887. 196 pages of recipes all densely written in one hand. Octavo, straight grain morocco-backed marbled paper-covered boards, spine ruled in gilt, marbled edges. It appears that Susan Gilbert lived in Suffolk since some of the recipes indicate a place of origin, and these include Aldeburgh and Beccles. Seemingly copied from other sources. Each section has an index of recipes before the full recipes. The many recipes include several wines and numerous cakes, puddings, flummeries, creams and custards, jellies, pickles and preserves, some meat, poultry, fish and game recipes, sauces, and syllabubs. Gilbert clearly enjoyed cooking or food as there is a verve and thoroughness in this book which goes beyond functional household cooking.


Box US 1

US 1. [Cookbook] Anonymous. The inside cover and end of the recipes reads "M. Ragen" & "From M. Regan to Hannah Wade." There are three pages of accounts listed in the back of the book dated 1759. Purchases of Indian meal and corn indicates American authorship. The first part of this manuscript includes handwritten recipes. There are 162 pages. (3 x 5 1/8 in.; 7.5 x 13 cm.)

The recipes include: To make Past of Oranges; Observations in drying; To make a Whitepott; To preserrve Quinces white; To doe Quinces redd; To make Past; To make Marchpane=stuff; To make past of Apples; To make Marmalad of Orenges; To make Roseberry Cakes; To make Raspberry Cakes, To make Bisket Cakes; To make Marmalad of Abricots; To make Jumbles; To make Maccarones; To make Buttered Loaves; the best kind of perfuming Cakes to Burne; The Ordinary Sort of perfuming Cakes; To make F Singlas; To make Puff & Past, very double & good; To make Quince Cakes; To make Marmalad of Abricots; Marmalade of Abricots; To praeserve Cherries in Gelly; To preserve Quinces redd; To make red Marmalad of Quinces; To make Queddrink a Ruby colour (pippin apples); To make Quiddrink an Amber colour; To make Past of Genova some like Leaves & some like Plums with stalks, and stones some white plums some redd; To Candy all kinds of rootes fruites & Spices; To make Biskettello; To make Orengeau o Py; To make Sugar=Cakes; To make a sodden Sallet; to preserve Leamans; To preaserve Quinces white or yeallow.

US 2. A collection of recipes in various hands entitled The Art of Cookery (circa 1760s). Approximately 7-3/4" x 6-1/2;" pp. [34] bound + [18]. disbound. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers, faded with wear at spine and small chips to edges; ownership signature of "James Doak 1762" to verso of front wrapper (other ink notations as well); small chips and creases to edges, especially fore-edges of leaves; some leaves appear to be missing following pp. [34]; leaves are browned with light to moderate foxing throughout; condition is fair to good overall, as one might expect from a utilitarian manuscript of this era.

There is a James Doak who is recorded to have married a woman (Hannah Doak) in Marblehead, Massachusetts in the 1768. She died in 1775 (her gravestone can actually be viewed on the internet) and he re-married in 1778. However, there is no record of James Doak having been born or having died in Marblehead during this era. In addition, it is questionable to me whether much, if any, of this manuscript is in the hand of James Doak, but certainly it was owned by him in 1762. The manuscript leaves appear to be uniformly a type of British watermarked paper (see Gravell, Foreign Watermarks, pp. 95, #292). The recipes contained in this cookery manuscript represent the preferred meat-heavy diet of the pre-Revolutionary War era (the date 1762 occurs several times in the mss). There are recipes for preparing beef, mutton and lamb, veal, pork (including a roasting and a baking pig), geese and "turkies," ducks, pheasants and partridges, larks, woodcocks and snipes, pigeons, venison, hares and rabbits, tripe, tongue, heads, and several sauces and "dressings." Surprisingly to me, there are only one or two recipes for cod. The methods of preparation include ragouts, fricassees, boiling, broiling, etc., and directions are given for these methods as well. There is comparatively little on fruits, grains, or vegetables, though artichokes, morels, rice & vermicelli, truffles, lemons, and oranges at least are mentioned, and spices are used freely. Somewhat disconcertingly, there is no mention of native American stapes such as corn, beans, or squash.

US 3. [Cookbook] Circa 1840. This book contains the name of Abigail Wellington Townsend and has 99 pages. (3 3/4 x 6 1/2 in.; 9.5 x 16.5 cm.)

Included are recipes for: A Loaf Cake; Beckey's cake; Gingerbread to bake in pan's minced pies; fish sauce; Almond Cake; To stew a calfshead; To make [forced?] meat; butter drops; lemmon creams; whit pot; Flummery; cheese cakes; Lemmon pudding; Orange pudding; Almond Pudding; Yam pudding; potato pudding; Carrot pudding; Malborough pudding; bamberry cakes; New york minced pies; mackeroons; Carrot Pudding; french Cakes; Wonders; scallop Oysters; Quince Sweetmeats; To dress Tortoise; To make Wigs; Cocoanut pudding; Blamenge; Quince pudding; Orange pudding; Indian pickle; To bake a Cod; Sillabubs; diet cakes; Stew a Lobster; Fricasse of Chicken; Calves foot Jelly; Sunderland Pudding; a trifle; plumb cake; Pickle Walnuts; Cup Cakes; Short Gingerbread; Ginger Cakes; Quick Loaf Cake; Alum Gingerbread; Cider Cake; French Cake; Potatoe pudding; Seed Cakes; to keep Suet the whole year; Rice Bread; Spruce Beer; Wedding Cake; Gingerbread; Gingerbread C#2]; Cider Cake; Cookies; Roxbury Cake; Molasses Gingerbread; gingerbread; Clergy Man cake; Hudson Cake; Plumb Cake; Washington Cake; Sausages; Indian Cake; beer; Roxbury Cake.

US 4. [Cookbook] The front cover is inscribed "Herbert Beaver- This Book in Blank was given me by the Revd. Mr. Robert Rowe Vicar of Pilton (Somersett) July 14th, 1765". Later on the back cover it is inscribed "Edward C. Lowe, Cheltenham, Eng. Mar. 1939." There are 90 pages of handwritten recipes. (4 3/4 x 7 3/8 in.; 12 x 18.5 cm.)

It includes recipes for: Clear Starching for Book Muslin; whipt Sullibulbs; Mrs. Smokes Suet Pudding; Boiled Ground rice pudding; Scotch Collops; Stew Carp; Thin Pancake; Ragout of Breast of Veal; White Sauce for Carp or Tench; To Pot Salmon; Apple Pudding to Bake; trifle; bread & butter pudding; Snow Cream; Lemon Pu'dding; good Rice Pu'dding; Mrs. Beavers way to make Walnut Catchup; To Collar Eela; To Ash a Calf's Head; balls of Gravy; fry Lamb stakes [note they salt and pepper the steaks first]; To make a Pea Soop; A very fine Lip salve equal to the Famous Pomande Divine; Powder for Cleaning the Teeth; To Pickle white Cabbage; To make Calves Feet Jelly; To Pot Beef; Pectoral for a Cough; To Make Spring Juces; To make an Electory for the Scurvy; To make Brimstone Diet Drink; To make Daffys Elixer; A Cordial for the Gout & Cholic; To preserve Oranges; To Make Orange Marmalade; Lemon Cheese Cakes; pickle Musherooms; pickle Girkins; receipt for a Cough; Cure for a Sore Mouth; Cure for a running Sore; pickle Walnut Green; German Puffs; To Preserve Cucumbers Equal to any India Sweetmeat; To Do Brandy Fruit; To make Ice Creams; A Diet Drink; Prussian Cake; a Cake; Storghions Drops; Cure for a sore Mouth; India Pickle; Almond Cheese Cakes;

Plumb Pudding; A Purging Electury; A Calomel Purge for Children; Mince Pye's; Paste for the Teeth; Cure Ham; A receipt for a wound in the Leg given me, by an Old Soldier; Mrs. Millard Receipt for a Burn 55 or inflamatory Sore Leg & c.; Mrs. Millard Receipt for a Sore Breast & c. & c.; cheap and excellent soap for Family with the supposed expence; Rice Pudding; A Recipe of the famous Dr. Pitcairne for the Hooping Cough; Water called L'Eau Albine; Receipt for a Cough; Recipes for Ague; Elegant and Efficacious Nutritum; Goulard's Wash; Cure for Rhumatism; Method of destroying the putrid smell which meat acquires during hot weather; receipt for a Cancer or Tumour; A Seed Cake; ointment for Scorbutic Complaint; Sticking Plaister; Recipe of Dr. Malone's for a Cold; Approved receipte for the Stone and Gravel; very fine tooth powder; Recipe for my plumb pudding; To make Blacking; To clean Teeth; Lip Salve; Mrs. Handford's Salve; drying Ointment; recipe for worms; Tincture to preserve the Gums & Teeth; a saline Draught; for preventing the Fly in Turnips; To make Scorbutic Juices; To make Bacon; Reciept for Worms; A Safe Emetic for an Adult or Grown Person: Milk of Roses; Another Receipt for Milk of Roses; Cucumber Catchup; another Receipt for Milk of Roses; Dr. Andrson's Receipt to pot Butter; Gingerbread buttons; Dr. Cook ...for purging; Mrs. Arthurs Recipe for my Draughts; For Epileptic Fits; for Eruptions in the Face; Potatoe Yeast; Pickle Salmon; For Contractions of the joints; for a broken Shin; To Make Tartar; for a Dropsy; Lavender Water; for a sore Leg; for Chilblains; for a Cough.

Acquired from John Waite Rare Books, November 2000, whose description is used above.

US 5. A collection of 89 numbered recipes in a single hand, signed by one "Jos. Forbes, Dr.[?]" on the final leaf (circa 1790s). Size of leaves approximately 9" x 8;" pp. [33] + [1] blank. Contemporary plain brown wrappers of heavy stock; initial leaf with large chip at top fore-edge
extending 3-4 inches; most leaves creased and folded at fore-edge; several leaves with significant tears extending into the the text;
leaves are browned with some light to moderate foxing; condition is fair to good overall.

No information is available on Joseph (or Josiah) Forbes, though of course there were New Englanders bearing this name during the late 18th century. The paper is watermarked VDL for Vander Ley, a Dutch firm whose products were widely used in America (see Gravell, Foreign Watermarks, pp. 195, #241-242). The recipes contained in this manuscript are by comparison more varied and sophisticated than those found the first and earlier mss. Though the fare still favors meat, many more kinds of foods are listed, including breads and desserts such as gingerbread, macaroons, plain, almond, and cheese cakes, custards, mince pie and (sweet) potatoe pie, florentines, marmalades, preserves, and jellies. There are several recipes for pickling, including ones for cucumbers, oysters, salmon, and peaches. There are also directions for making wines and beverages, such as mead, syllabub, possets, and wines from currants, elderberries, cherries, etc. There are also various sauces, broths, and puddings, including one for "Irish" (or white) potatoes. Following the American and French revolutions, there was some additional interest in French-style foods and cooking in the United States. Here this is perhaps reflected in a recipe for "French Bread" made with egg, flour, ale, milk & water. Codfish being plentiful, two or three methods of preparation are given. Again, no mention is made of corn, beans, or squash, which at least opens the possibility that this manuscript may be British rather than American in origin.

Seven manuscript sheets of various sizes and dates and in various hands. These mss sheets with recipes are likely from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Among them is a lengthy recipe in a rude hand for preparing turtle, which is likely to be American rather than British, as turtle was an expensive delicacy for the English.

Acquired from John Waite Rare Books, November 2000, whose description is used above.

US 6. [Handwritten Journal] This is an account book for a general store in Brentwood, New Hampshire belonging to Charles E. Wood, dating 1808-1811. There are a few pages written by George A. Wood dating 1854-1860. It contains 138 pages of which 78 are written, 33 pages by Mr. Charles E. Wood. (6 I/2 x 8 in.; 16.5 x 20 cm.)

There are thirty-three pages of pen and ink entries for teas, coffee, sugar, and brandy, along with articles of clothing.

US 7. [Handwritten Journal] This is an account book of Gideon Howard dated 1804 to 1828 for a general store in Bridgewater Village, Plymouth Co. East Mass., on Taunton River and 27 miles south of Boston. Bridgewater Village was settled in 1650, and incorporated in 1656. There are 252 pages of which 248 are written also inside covers. Entries are numbered and indexed by family, with numerous original receipts laid in, some for estates that were delivered and inventoried by Mr. G. Howard. (5 3/4 x 15 3/4 in.; 14.5 x 40 cm.). Oversized item

The accounts cover sugar, rum, tea, fish, cotton, seeds, nails, etc. as well as charges for carting goods to and from Boston and surrounding areas. This is an important American documentation of a small town, and its major families and their daily life.

Box US 2

US 8. [Handwritten Journal] This was compiled by Josiah Ingalls, owner of the Fitzwilliam General Store, Fitzwiliiam, New Hampshire (near Mass. line) from 1808 to 1837 when some final balances were paid. There are 386 pages of which 374 are written. (7 1/2 x 11 3/4 in.; 19.5 x 30 cm.)

The journal covers the accounts of its customers who lived in such places as: Jaffreytown, N.H. (settled 1758, inc. 1773); Keene, N.H. (settled 1736, inc. 1753, city 1873); Marlborough, N.H. (inc. 1776); Winchester (settled 1732, inc. 1753); Rindge, N.H. (on Mass. line in hilly region); Richmond, N.H. (on state line of Mass., state fishery there).

This is an important and complete journal for a small town with several surrounding towns all of whom had customers at the Fitzwilliam General Store. It covers sales of wood: bushels of goods, carting services of goods to Boston, oats, etc. A penciled note in the cover of the book states "April 8, 1960 Boyd Allen got this record from within the walls of the Fitzwilliam General Store when it was remodeled." This journal covers some of the early history of these small towns and their day to day life. The Journal, which is alphabetical, starts in 1808 and the final entry is dated 1837. It is indexed in rear and has many loose items.

US 9. [Account Journal] This account book of a store in the Timmouth-Danby area of Vermont is dated Dec. 1809 - March 1810. (Danby is 18 miles south of Rutland, Vermont. Chartered 1761, settled 1765.) There are 250 pages of which all are written. It is a tall narrow 4 to. contemporary leather journal written in one anonymous hand. (6 1/2 x 15 3/4 in.; 16.5 x 39.5 cm.)

This ledger contains entries for a vast amount of Rum as well as "1 yard lutestring," candlestand, "1 sett Cups and saucers," school book, etc. Oversized item.

US 10. [Winemaker's Manuscript] Anonymous. This manuscript is dated 1810 at the bottom of the page which mentions New York. There are 31 pages of which 16 are written. (4 1/2 x 7 in.; 12.5 x 17.5 cm.)

The recipes include: gooseberry Wine, current Wine, cure for bite of a mad dog, Another for the Bite of A mad dog, To Make Cowslip Wine, To preserve Oranges, To Preserve Green Gages, To Make Cherry Wine, to Make mead, To Make Elderwine, To make English CMederia?7 wine, to make good Current wine, For Choleramabus, to Pickle Green [pickles].

US 11. 286. MAUDE, WILLIAM & JOHN. Brewer's Duties & Commonplace Books (2), Early 19th Century, England & Frontier America. Ink, in legible hands. Leeds, England: Ca. 1820. Narrow 4to. Ca. 124 & 50 pp. Full contemporary calf.

Even by the standards of such books, these two volumes concern a remarkably diverse array of subjects. William Maud, evidently of Wetherby, York, England, b. 1787 served as a customs official in Great Britain; he was employed at the excise office in Leeds in 1830. His son, John, migrated to New England where he worked in mills; the son was involved in a "colony" in Iowa, in Delaware County.

Both of these books show signs of being used over a long period, for a variety of purposes. In some cases, pages appear to have been used for two or three different purposes at different times. In the first volume the entries include financial sums, annotations concerning the movements of William Maude in the 1810s and 1820s. Most of the entries from this period relate to the customs business, and list volumes of goods, and duties paid. The untidy nature of these pages suggests that this book may have been used for rough calculations, before a fair copy was made. There are some brief entries in cipher. This volume contains a wealth of reference material of use to the customs agent, such as conversions of gallons to barrels, tables for duties on various numbers of barrels of ale and beer, bushels of malt, recipes for strong ale, strong porter, common ale, common porter, from Alexander Morrice's Treatise on Brewing (1802), as well as recipes for inks of various colors.

Other items are more miscellaneous; including a short religious allegory involving a bear and some Indians, transcriptions of various architectural and astronomical curiosities, a "Fair and Foul Weather Prognosticator," bookkeeping advice, a specious recipe to cure love: "A handfull of disdain...", poetry transcribed from gravestones, and biblical references, thematically organized.

The interest in barrel volumes and the presence of beer recipes suggests that the keeper(s) of these volumes may have been associated with Edmund Maud, a wine and spirit merchant listed at Kirkgate, Leeds, in Pigot's directory, 1831, which is not far from Maud's home of Wetherby.
The second book has dates that are contemporary with the other. It is labeled William Mauds book Stillington, but this inscription has been covered over with a calligraphic pattern. The flyleaf contains entries noting when various members of the Maud family were bound out as servants. There are entries of salaries paid, and expenses incurred, but they are not recorded in any systematic fashion. There are also transcriptions of religious anecdotes, and hymns. The entries here include some basic information on Maud's career: he arrived supernumerary in 1813 (he does not say where) and was commissioned Officer (of excise, presumably) Stoney Middleton, in 1814, then to Buxton in 1818. He outlines his excise career in some detail, with the dates and locations of his service, along with the names and dates of his children and removes.

In a different hand are the names of later Maudes, with the last entry dated 1932. John Maude, son of William, emigrated to Chicopee, Mass., in 1852, and worked in mills there, as well as Holyoke and Fall River. Following is an extensive scripture index, with verses suited for particular occasions such as temptation and afflictions, recipes for salting beef and pork, and them more scriptural guides. There are also manuscript copies of various legal forms. At the end of the volume, there are dozens of recipes for making compounds to treat a variety of complaints, including worms, and a "sore breast."

Of further interest is a letter laid in from L. Bolles Jr., to John Maud, concerning his purchase of land in Delaware County, lowa, in the vicinity of Sand Spring. The letter refers to Maud's purchase being entered on the books of the "Colony," but we have not discovered references to any communal projects in this area at the time. It would be interesting to conduct further research on Maud's career in Iowa; this item is notable as a record of one family's journey across two generations from an old village in England to the fringes of the American frontier.

Acquired from Catalog Seventy-Three, M & S Rare Books, Providence, RI, July 2002. The bookseller's description is used above.

[Manuscript School Books] Ten of these little handwritten note books belonged to Elvia Wolfe, New York (circa: 1820 and 1821) and one belonged to John David Wolfe.

Miss Wolfe's books are mostly records of Griscom lectures on chemistry, the solar system and other sciences. Each notebook is in flexible boards with thread bindings. There are two printed awards laid in to Miss Wolfe for diligent application to study, signed by her Friend and Teacher, M.R. Bartlett of Young Ladies Hall.

US 12. John David Wolfes "Drawing Book New York, 9 February 1804." "The Amosphere of Comets" & other misc. notes. 20 pages of which 17 are written. (3 3/4 x 4 5/8 in.; 9.5 x 11.5 cm.)

US 13. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 44 pages of which all are written. (3 7/8 x 6 1/8 in.; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.) This Chemistry School Book has various notes on liquid, land, water, etc.

US 14. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 44 pages of which all are written, as well as the inside cover. (3 7/8 x 6 in.; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.) This book deals with a mechanics lecture.

US 15. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1820. There are 48 pages of which all are written. (3 7/8 x 6 in.; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.) The second page dates the book Feb. 8, 1820. This book contains chemistry notes.

US 16. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 42 pages of which all are written. (3 7/8 x 6 in.; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.) This book deals with a chemistry lecture on "salts" and dates some experiments to 1774.

US 17. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 36 pages of which 20 are written. (3 7/8 x 6 in.; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.) This book contains notes on physics.

US 18. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 40 pages of which all are written. (3 7/8 x 6 1/8 in.; 7.5 x 15.5 cm.) Lectures on matter and bodies in motion are included in this book.

US 19. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 44 pages of which 24 are written. (3 7/8 x 6 in.; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.) This book includes lectures on physics & gravity.

Box US 3

US 20. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 40 pages of which all are written. (4 5/8 x 7 1/4 in.; 11.5 x 18.5 cm.) This book includes a physics lecture on matter, attraction, magnetic attraction, motion, Atwood's machine, Galileo, Newton, etc.

US 21. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 72 pages of which all are written. (5 1/4 x, 7 1/2 in.; 13.5 x 19 cm.) This book contains physics lectures.

US 22. [School Book of Elvia Wolfe] New York: 1821. There are 58 pages of which 30 are written. (6 x 7 1/2 in.; 15 x, 19.5 cm.) This book includes lectures on gasses, etc. "The shells of oysters, lobsters and other Sea animals as well as coral and other marine produtions are cheifly composed of lime. it is also the chief ingredient in the shells of eggs and in those of snails." There are also printed awards laid in the book.

US 23. [Collection of handwritten recipes by: Mary Evans, Priscilla Bedott, Jennie Wells, Abbey M. Murray, and Julia Cowdreyl In the back of this New England cookbook are references to the Springfield, Massachusetts Republican newspaper. Springfield is 5 miles north of the Connecticut state line and 80 miles SSW of Boston. This port of entry was first settled in 1636 by Puritans, and incorporated as a town in 1641, and as a city in 1852. It was also an underground railroad stop.

"Springfield, Mass: 1825" is written opposite the first recipe. The oldest recipes are dated 1870. "Mrs Mary Grier Evans 1825" was written in ink and most likely was the first and original owner of a book that passed through several hands. There are 130 pages of which 120 are written. (4 x 6 in.; 10 x 15 cm.)

The recipes include: Force Meat balls, Apple Jelly, To preserve Pine apples, Ginger Bread, Naples Biscuit, Tea Biscuit, Plum Cake, Dough Nuts, Queen Cake, Cocoa Nut Cake, Bath Cake, Sponge Cake, Pound Cake, Soft waffles, Honey Cake, Loaf Cake, Milk Ginger Bread, Composition Cake, Almond Cake, Wafers, Ginger Cake, Olea books, Calves Feet Jelly, To preserve Orange Peal, Patterson Pudding, Raspberry Jam, To Stew Fish, Shrewsbury Cake, Soft Pearlash Cake, Tea cup Cake, Apple Pudding, Lemon or Orange Pudding, Cocoa Nut Pudding, Potatoe Pudding, Lady's Cake, Puff Paste, Ginger Beer, Yeast, make up cake, Pickle for Beef, Cup Cake, Ginger Cake, Plum Cake, Muffins, Loaf Cake, Jumbles, Puffers, Sponge Cake, Bath Cakes, Wonders, Election Cake, Ginger Cakes, Rusk, Potatoe Pudding, Ground Rice Pudding, Plum Cake, Whip Syllibub, Ginger Cake, Malborough Pudding, Ginger

Sweetmeats, Cup cake, New Year Cakes, Custard Pudding, Biscuit Pudding, Apple Pudding, Quince Pudding, Blamonge, Large Boiled Flour Pudding, Rice fritters, Jumbles. There is a note to "Purchase Dr. Kitcheners Cooks Oracle published in N York best Information for Preserving Pickle ...." More recipes include: Soft Ginger Cakes, Cup Cakes, Tea Cake, Mackerel Pudding, pickling Tomatoes, Soft Ginger Cake, Wheat Muffins, Flannel Cake, Cabbage Pickle, potatoe, New York Cup Cake, Crullers, New Years Cake, Pine-Apple Tart, Peach tart, Almond Custard, Loaf Cake, Butter Biscuit, Rice Cakes for breakfast, cocoa nut pudding, Preserving Peaches, Tomato Catsup, Rusk, Composition Cake, Jumbles, Snow Cream Mrs. De Witt, Woodstock Jumbles, Waffers, Lemon Pudding, Tomato Catsup (1869), [lemon cake], Crullers, Crullers without Butter, Harvard Cake, Soft Waffles, Raspbury Jam, Lemon Jelly, Queen Cake, Pear-lust Cake, Macaroons, Plum Cake, Victoria Cake, Crollers, Oleo cooks, Safron Waffles, Crolers, Soft Jumbles, Faney cake, Soft Jumbles, Doughnuts, Nut cake, Queen Cake, New Years Cake, Tomato Preserves, Sausages, Mrs. Leslie's Recipe for Preserving Citron Melons, Charlotte de Russe, Ginger bun, Plum Cake, Frosting for Cake, Potato pan Cakes, Baked Indian pudding, Soft Waffles, rusk, Hand buiskit, Currant Wine, To cure beef, Puffort, Nut Cake, Clay Cake, Chocolate filling for Cake, To cure Hams, Eve's Pudding, Victoria Cake, Almond Jumbles, Wheat Flour Pudding, Cottage Pudding, Soft Jumbles, Maccaroons, Dough Nuts, Mountain Cake, Loaf Cake, Popovers, Almond Jumbles, Sugar Cake, Rusk, Peach Pickles, Puffort, Pickled Plums, Orange or Apple snow balls, Omlet, Honey Cake, Coffee Cake, Crackers, Floating Island, Mock apple Pie, Strawberry Cake, Cup Cake, Soda Cake, Queen's Cake, Pound Cake, Loaf Cake, Lemon Pudding, Flumery or Charlotte Russe, Almond Cake, Floating Island, Ice Currents, Orange Cream, Batter Fruit Pudding, Thick light Gingerbread, Good little Cakes, Lemon Pie, Sponge Cake, Cocoa Nut Puddings, Wigs, Cocoa Nut Cake, Cocoa Nut Drops.

Note: William Kitchiner's The Cook's Oracle was first published in London in 1817, first American edition 1822. The owner of this little manuscript Mrs. Mary Evans made a note for herself in 1830 to purchase the book. A recipe from Mrs. Leslie appears in the rear of the book, she published books from 1837-1881. There is a recipe for Tomato and Watermelon Pickle laid in.

US 24. [Cookery Manuscript and Account Book] This book was compiled in several hands, mostly by Benjamin Butterworth in Petersburg, Virginia, 1828-1867. Petersburg is located 22 miles south of Richmond. The city was founded in 1646 as a military post (Fort Henry) on the site of an indian village; it grew as a trading post. Petersburg and Blandford villages were laid out in 1748. Pocahontas village, 1752 was combined and incorporated as Petersburg town in 1784, and as a city in 1850. There are 190 pages of which 90 are written. (6 1/2 x 7 1/2 in.; 16 x 19 cm.)

The names of Virginia & Benjamin Butterworth appear on the inside cover, as does Thomas Samuel Robinson 1847, born 1805 and notes that he, Robinson, used the blank book for his accounts. Another note says: "Hump Back Charles was born 1814 May 20th." The book states that B. Butterworth moved to Petersburg in 1827. The front part of book deals with a list of important dates from 1817 to 1855 that covered Mr. Butterworth's family and life with a list of deaths, marriages, purchases of slaves, and presidential elections. It covers the expenses of Mr. Butterworth as well as recipes in several hands. The recipes, in pencil, are from around the Civil War period and are by an unknown old woman in Washington, D.C.; others are by John Kirkham of Petersburg, Virginia. "1846, May 1st The largest beef ever was slaughtered in Petersburg weighing 5000 lbs gros 1600 net sold to the chandler 300 pound of fat and tallow the fifth quarter clearing 38 dollars by Pace and Rawlings."

Recipes: Cheesecakes, Butter Sponge Cake, Cocoanut Custard, Flannel cakes, Charlotte Russe with fruit, Cocoanut Cake, Pineapple Preserve, Hydran Sauce, Dr. Scott's Recipe, SweetPickle Peaches, Mangoes, Pickled Oysters, Lemon Custard, Jumbles, Ginger Snaps, Jelly Cake, Blackberry Cordial, Ice Cream, Receipt for Rheumatism, Gargle for Diptheria, Colon Water, Cocoa nut Pudding, Delmonico pudding, Lemon pie, Yellow Cabbage, Rice Muffins, Marble cake, For the Yellow, Blackberry Wine, Green Tomatoes Pickle, jelly without boiling, jelly with sheet Isinglass, Tomatoes Catsup, Blackberry Wine, and Blackberry Cordial. The expenses of the B. Butterworth family for 1847-1848 are in the rear of the book.

US 25. [Manuscript cookbook, medical formulary, & account book]

This book was compiled by William Moulton of Lowell, Massachusetts. Lowell, located in northeast Massachusetts, 24 miles N.W. of Boston, was settled in 1653, incorporated as a town in 1826, and as a city in 1836. The book includes 24 pages of which 15 are written, dated February 29, 1830, 16 mo., and has the original wrappers. (3 3/4 x 5 3/4 in.; 9.5 x 14.5 cm.)

Recipes include Ginger Cookies; Soft Gingerbread; Cream Cakes; Gingerbread; Ginger Snaps; Cup Cake; Cookies; 1 pt, alcohol 90 per ct; washing fluid; cure for caked Bag in Cows.

US 26. (INDIANA TAVERN LEDGER). [ANON.]. Tavern Ledger, Jonesborough, Greene County, Indiana, 1850 -- 51. 8vo. 143 pp. Contemporary quarter-calf blue paper boards. Boards warped from water damage, not affecting legibility. Some brittleness & damage to first few leaves, but overall sound.

This tavern offered liquor both by the drink and by the bottle, as well as an array of other goods, including liniment, bars of lead, day books, and plug tobacco as well as food, including cheese and crackers, mackerel and candy. There are also notations for "cash loand." Given this relatively early moment in the settlement of this region, it seems that this establishment served a much broader purpose than that of a traditional tavern.

The book is arranged chronologically, with a entries by name for each date, followed by what that person purchased, and what the price was. The entries run from August 10th 1850, to May 2nd 1851. Since entries include date, customer, and the type and size of purchase, it is possible for the historian to deduce the patterns of alcohol consumption during this period. Whisky is by far the most popular choice, with Brandy and "cidar" following; one Solomon Carmichel purchases at least a pint for most days that there are entries; and frequently an accompanying glass.
There are two Jonesboros in Indiana, one just south of Marion in Grant County, and the other a hamlet in Greene County near the border with Monroe County. Since a Lemuel Sexton, a William Martindale, and a Jesse Rainbolt show up in both the tavern records, and in the 1840 census for Greene County, it appears that this Jonesboro is the one in Greene County. There is an entry for "Lemuel Sexson" in the History Of Greene And Sullivan Counties, State Or Indiana, From The Earliest Time To The Present; Together With Interesting Biographical Sketches. Reminiscences. Notes, Etc. (1884), identifying him as a prosperous farmer, and the proprietor of the Sexson Flouring Mills. Joel Sexson was a veteran of the Civil War.

Jesse Rainbolt served as an associate judge for Greene County in 1849, and had a son who fought in the 43 Indiana regiment; his father, Adam, was a veteran of the American Revolution. Thomas, Andrew and Samuel Ferguson, identified as patrons, were sons of Thomas Ferguson, a veteran of the American Revolution. William Martindale, identified as a patron, appears to be the revolutionary war veteran buried in Miami County, Indiana. James Buffalo, identified as a patron, was a Civil War veteran. The county was named after Nathanael Greene, the Revolutionary hero; the preponderance of veterans here suggests that this area may have been settled by them.

Acquired from Catalogue Seventy-Three, M & S Rare Books, Providence, RI, July 2002. Above description taken from the bookseller's catalogue. 

US 27. [Cookbook written in several hands] Annonymous. The recipes are dated 1934, 1855, and 1864. It is written in two directions; the first half is all recipes and the second half is odds and ends, mostly recipes, medical advice, and medical recipes, although some household recipes and knitting instructions are included. The locations mentioned in the book include Philadelphia, Roxbury, and Berwick, Maine. There are also a few knitting patterns and recipes from the New York Observer. It has 112 pages all of which are written. (6 1/2 x 8 inches; 16.5 x 20.5 cm.)

Recipes include: alamode beef, Cook a Turkey; cook a Pig, A line of Veal, Calves Head, clean a Calves Head, dress a leg of Mutton with caper sauce, roast a leg of mutton, fry Veal, Veal Gutlets, roast Duck, Veal Cutlets another way, roast leg of Pork, Chicken pie, Turtle Calves head, Mrs. Simes' Soup, Curry Chicken, Cook a French dish, Salsaper Sauce, Plum Pudding, Lemon Pudding, Potatoe-apple pudding, Pumpkin pudding, Malborough Pudding, Carrot Pudding, Butter Pudding, Quaking Pudding, Plum Pudding, Arrow roots or potatoe starch do, Custards, Composition Cake, French Cake, Sponge Cake, Gingerbread, another kind of Gingerbread, Cider Cake, Common Cake, Trifles, Cup Cake, Another kind of Cup Cake, Buns, Maccaroon Cakes, Cookies, Drops, Seed Cake, Little White Cakes, A good way for plumb Cake, Election Cake, Another way for Election Cake, Bath biscuit, Mrs. West's Biscuit, sugar Biscuit, Another kind of seed cake, Flannel Cakes, Rice Cakes, Jumbles, Birds nest Pudding, Cookies another kind, Rusk, Mrs. Coffin Wedding Cake 1834, Frosting, Maccaroons, Buttermilk Cakes, Temperance Cake, Hard Gingerbread, Jumbles, Potatoe Nuts, Common loaf berry cake, Kisses, Paste cakes, Nuts, making bread, Diet Bread, Plumb Cake, Sauce for pudding, Common Cymballs, Cider Cake, Apple jumbles, Charlotte de'Ruse, Rice Cakes, Economy Breakfast cakes, Cup Cake, Cream of Tartar Biscuit, Trifles, Lemon Pudding, Orange Pudding, Lemon Cream, Apple pudding, Sago Pudding, Trifles, Lemon Cake, Milk biscuits, Spanish fritters, Icing for cakes, Ginger Nuts, Buns, Democrats, Taffeta, Sally Lunns, Spanish Buns, Oysters, Lemon Puffs, Chocolate biscuit, Pastry, Roman punch, sherry cobblers, Sauce for puddings, Lemon Cream, Calves foot Jelly, floating Island, cobblers, Sauce for puddings, Lemon Cram, Calves foot Jelly, floating Island, Molasses Gingerbread, Sponge Bread, Pound Cake, Sponge Cake, Artificial Oysters, Rich apple pudding, Rice mow balls, Tomato Catsup, White sauce for boiled fowls, Egg sauce, Rolls, Gingerbread, Stewed Oysters, Snaps, Drop Cakes, Cream Cakes, Washington Pies, Quince Marmalade, Suet-Dumplings, Hard Gingerbread, Midge Cake, Ice creams, New kind of cake, Frosting, Cocoa Nut Cakes, Batter Pudding, Cocoa Nut Cake, Almond Cake, Jumbles, Conserve of Peaches, Peach Leather, Cocoa Nut Pudding, Rye Cake, Corn soup, Chicken Soup, Harrico Muttons, Vegetable Soup for invalids, Egg & Milk ('for invalids), essence of Beef (for invalids), Pork Cake, Croquets, Morange Pudding, tea buscuits, Clam Soup, Waffles, Corn Egg bread, Muffins, Arrow root Jelly, Buns-(from Phila), Sponge Cake, Dough Nuts, Gingerbread, Yeast, Quince Marmalade, Tomato Catsup, Tomato Catsup, Grape jelly, Tomato Joy, Cocoa Nut macaroons, Picadilly, Good breadfast Cake, Ice Cream, Tomato Pickles, Maryland biscuits, Cream Pudding, Buns, Cup Cake, Spiced Tomatoes, Artificial Oysters, Corn bread, For keeping butter sweet, Boiled Indian Bread, Baked Beans (From The New York Observer), Musk Biscuits, Molasses Gingerbread, Apple Cake, Corn Cake, Nice Sugar Gingerbread, Buns, Cream Cake, Cake, Good Plain Cakes, Cup Cakes, Varieties, Buns, Sugar Snaps, Cream Cakes, small sponge Cakes, Cookies, Soft Gingerbreads, Marble Cake, Muffins, Sauce, Apple Jelly, Mock Cream, Apple floats, Squash fritters, Buckwheats, relish, Croquette, Beef Croquettes, To warm cold meat, Lobster Salad, Chicken Salad, Spiced Currants, Cream Pie, Batter Pudding, Apple Pudding, Lemon Pie, Ginger Snaps, Calves feet Jelly, Blanc Monge, good Sauce, Lemon Cream, Whipt Syllabub, Sauces, Currant Jelly, Blanc Monge, Apple Jelly, preserve Citron Melon, Very light paste, preserve Peaches, Coffee Cakes, Mountain Cakes, Snow or lemon Sponges, Floating Island, Apple/Custard Pudding, Pudding Sauces, Boiled Indian Pudding, Corn Starch Cake, Cocoa Nut drops, Hard gingerbreads, Common Sponge Cakes, Hard gingerbread, Ground rice Griddle Cakes, Apple Floats, Velvet Cream, Feather Cake, Black Cake, Quince for the Table, Mock apple pie, Tip Top Cake, Dough Nuts, Love Cake, Home Cafe Bavaroise, Apple Champagne, Apple Sago Pudding, Turkey Soup, Dropped Egg, Superior-Dressing for Chicken Salad., Rusk, Black Cake, To preserve eggs, Cream pies, Yeast (Won't Sour), Stewed Lobster, Common Cake, Sponge Cake, Gingerbread, Snow Pudding, Cup pudding, Blancmange of Corn starch, White Almond Cake, Cocoanuts snaps, Blanc mange, Malborough pudding, Dressing for salad, Sponge Cake, Ice cream, Chocolate Blancmange, Popovers, Corn cakes, St. Charles' Indian bread; Cherry bounce, Gingerbread.

The second set of directions for odds & ends includes: Method of Cleaning Alabaster, To dye black, for a Cold, For a Sprain, Table Beer, Tansy Syrup, For washing Clothes, destroy Bed Bugs, picke Walnuts, cleaning Mahogony, Pot Ash Soap, Panado, Sago, English Barley water, Compound lime water, For the Piles, To check vomiting, diarehea, dyspeptic pill, For Cushion beds, cleaning Stoves, To take out mildow, for Croup, Cure Warts, Red Ants, Cure for whooping Cough, Soup for an invalid, Blackberry Syrup, Fig paste, Hair oil, parsnips, To clean black satin, Ginger Pop, Spruce Beer, Common made Beer, To make paint without white lead & oil, Cologne water, White wash that will not rub off, To polish stoves, All healing salve, Inflammed eyes, Lemon syrup, Tomato Catsup, To wash white Merino shawls, cure for Sprains, cure a Felon, Starch for muslins, laces, &c, for Inflamatory Rheumatism, Recipe for Colouring Green, To Crystalize flowers, Out door whitewash, Another recipe for whitewash, A fire proof and Water proof Cement, To take the stain from Silver plate.

US 28. [cookbook]. (Anonymous with no location given) The book includes recipes, along with some purchases, and the haying dates for 1838-1851. There are 31 pages of which 11 are written. (4 x 6 5/8 in., 10 x 17 cm.)

Recipes include: Wafers, Jumbles, Diet Bread, Wonders, A light Cake baked in cups, Sponge Cake, Dough Cake, Cream Cake, Shrewbury Cake, Clove Cake, Cookies, To boil Ham, Bread Pudding, Rice Pudding, Indian Pudding, Cake, Newyears Cookies, Composition Cake, Mollasses Cake, Cake, Indian Cake, Washington Cake, Composition Cake, Rusk, Cream Cake, Hop Beer, Sasaparilla Syrup.

US 29. [Cookbook]. Anonymous. New Hampshire, 1840. "Found in [ ] N.H. 1936 dates back to 'Tippecone and Tyler too' days. 1840. When Tyler became Vice-President, and 1 month later when Harrison died, President." This book, in its original wrappers, is indexed and includes culinary and medical recipes. There are 40 pages of which 40 are written including the cover. (3 1/2 x 5 1/4 in.; 8.5 r, 13.5 cm.) Original wrappers.

Recipes include: Brown-bread; Beef brine; Blueberry Cake; Fruit Cake; French custard; Chocolate Cake; Cake for tea; Mollie cake; Feather cake; Mrs. M cup cake; Gold and Silver cake; Taylor cake; Blueberry cake; Rail-road cake; Fruit cake; Currant cake; Tumbler cake; Lemon cake; Pork cake; Apple cake; Cup cake; Cookies; Poor man's sponge cake; Marble Cake; Dark Cake; Sponge Cake; Cream for pies; Date Cake; Molasses candy; Doughnuts; Raised doughnuts; Omelette; Omelet; Frosting; Frostin, Boiled; Fritters; Maple Sugar; Maple Syrup; Gingerbread; Gingerbread; Ginger-snaps; Hard ginger-bread; Ginger cakes; Cranberry Pie; Sugar Sauce; Killies Cake; Muffins; Indian Pudding; Cup Cake; Rye Muffins; Apple Ginger; Salad Dressing; Cream pie; Lemon pie; Lemon-pie;Mince pie; Tapioca Cream; Sherbet; Boiled plum pudding; Cottage pudding; Baked indian pudding; Rum pudding; Cranberry Pudding; Hydrophobia; Spiced Crab Apples; Liniment for Diphtheria.

US 30. Dr. Artemus Browns Book of Recipes and Prescriptions. circa 1849.

Handwritten invitation to the Thanksgiving Ball at The National House, Medway Nov. 30 1849 $2.00. It also contains recipes for cordials, herbal remedies and prescriptions.

A laid in sheet written in ink states that Dr. Artemas Brown was born in 1789 in Winchendon, Massachusetts. In 1813 he studied medicine with Dr. George Holmes of Athol, Mass and in 1817 he took the degree of M.D. from Harvard. He started practice in Medway in 1817 and died there in 1863. Medway is in eastern Massachusetts on the Charles River, 22 miles north of Providence, R.I. It was settled in 1657.

There are 170 pages of which 70 are written. (6 1/2 x 8 in.; 16.5 x 19.5 cm.)

Box US 4

US 31. [Cookbook] The name Mrs. Sparkman is written in pencil on the inside front cover, circa 1850-1870. There are 15 pages of which all are written. The book has hard cover plates. (4 1/2 x 7 1/4 in.; 11 x 18 cm.)

Recipes include: Mrs. Adams mince meat, Champagne punch, Black Cake, Ginger Nuts, Spanish Buns, Jumbles, Maccaroons, Plum Pudding, Puff Paste, Pine Apple Punch, Drop Cakes, Tomato Catsup, Tea Drop Cakes or Cup Cakes, Mulled Wine, Terrapins, Peach Mangoes, Pickles Oysters, Grated Cucumbers, Fanny CSheldons?7 recipe for Gingerbread, Cymbals, Elder Blossom wine, Wine dip, puff pudding, egg nogg, To make yeast, Pepper Pot, Caramels, Miss Adams Cake, Cora's lady cake, Chowder, Annies Yeast.

Note: the pepper pot is Philadelphia style.

US 32. [Cookbook] Anonymous. There is no place of origin or date, but it is probably American, circa 1850. The book is written in two different hands and is indexed in back with numbered pages. There are German, Irish, Siberian, French recipes. The book has 130 pages of which 112 written. (6 1/2 x, 8 1/4 in.; 16.5 x 21 cm.)

Recipes include: Ginger Pop, Siberian Crab Cheese, Ginger Bread, Ginger Wine, Gooseberry Biscuits, Potatoe Spunge Cake, pickle Lemons, dry Gooseberries, Plum Cake, Apple Cheese cakes, Gooseberry Wine, Plum Pudding, Pickle Mushrooms, Common Plum Cake [2 ways], Preserve Pears, Sausages, Preserve Green Gages, Ginger Bread, Rice and Apple Pudding, Small Plum Puddings, Permenent Ink, Blacking, Gooseberry Vinegar, Elder Wine, Ginger Bread, Cure, for a Dropsy, College Pudding, Anchovy Sauce, Indian Pickle, stew an Ox's Cheeck, Green Peas Soup, Harvey's Fish Sauce, Sillabubs, Bullace Cheese or Damson, Kings Whim, fry Oysters, stew Oysters, stew Tench, Currants for Tarts, Apple Pudding, Mince Pies, Lemon Cream, drop a Loin of Mutton like Venison, To cure Tongues, Pease Soup, Mangoes, preserve Cucumbers or small Mellons (West Indies way), Currant Jelly, stew Eels, Pickle Red Cabbage, Walnut Catsup, Stew Apples, Hen's Nest, Apricot Pudding, Almond Pudding, Bath Pudding, Dutch Pudding, Potatoe Pudding, Sago Pudding, Little Puddings, Spoonful Pudding, College Pudding, Lemon Cheese Cakes, Orange Cheesecakes, Orange Cake, Almond Cheesecakes, Curd Cheesecakes, Irish Cream Cheese, Cream Cake, Dutch Sauce for Meat or Fish, Mock-Turtle, Orange Jelly, Raisin Wine, Calves Head Hash, German Puffs, Pickle Lobsters, Liquid Soap, Pot Salmon, Pot Shrimps, stew Pigeons, Blanc Mange, Jenne Mange, Preserve Apricots, Apricot Marmalade, stew a Brisket of Beef, Lemon Sohd, Pot Trout, Ratifia Pudding, Ginger Beer, Eider Flower Wine, Strawberry Wine, Cold Cream Welch Pudding, prevent Infection, Camphiore Julip, White Soup, To make any Peas break, Fritters, Cucumber Catsup, pickle Hams, Apple Jelly, To fix colors in Linen, Apple Ginger, American Crab Apples Preserves, Custard Pudding, Gingerbread, Curry, apple Pudding, Gooseberry Pudding, Macaroni, Forcemeat for Turkey, Soda Cake, Rock Cakes, Tea Cakes, Almond Cakes, Orange Jelly, Lemon Pudding, French [bread], Mince Meat, Lemon Sponge, Orange Marmalade, Orange Gems, Preserved Cucumbers, Ginger Cakes, Sweet Gingerbread Cakes, Cake, Good Pudding, Mince Meat, Rice Custard, Cabinet Pudding, Souffle, Neat Cabinet Pudding, Lemon Dumplings, Excellent pound cake, Light cake, Soda Cake, Receip for Camphor Wine, Eggs a la Giegs, Short Crust, Cream Biscuits, Ginger Cakes, Orange jelly, Italian Cream or cheese, Almond paste, [Good] Radish Sauce, Orange Jelly, Hasty Pudding, Saline Drought, Arrow Root Blanc Mange, Soap, To destroy Bugs, To [Collar] Beef, Plaster of Paris, Biscuit Puddings, Bakewell Pudding or Matlock Cheese Cake, Tansy pudding, Beef, Calfs feet Jelly, Gooseberry Cheese, Sponge cake, Rice Blanc Mange, Oxford Sausages, Quince Marmelade, To roast apples, Milk Punch, Gingerbread, Raisin Marmelade Pudding, Salad [Justine?] without eggs, Crust for fruit puddings, Arrow Root pudding, Ground Rice pudding, plain baked plum pudding, Batter pudding, Citron puddings, Marlborough Pudding, Calves foot pudding, Orange Pudding, Plum Pudding, Baked Apple Pudding, Omelette, Lemon Cakes, Rump of Beef, Savory Jelly, preserve Apricots, Sponge Cake, Puff Paste, Tart Paste, Stout & crisp Tart Paste, Paste for Meat or Savory Pies, Potatoe Soup, Ox cheek Soup, Pea Soup, Spring Soup, pot Shrimps, Tincture for Preserving the Teeth, Scouring mops, make Jam, Strawberry Jam, Apple Jelly, Orange Jelly, Raspberry Cream, Lemon whips, Cherries in Brandy, Ginger Beer in powders, Roll a Breast of Mutton, Gooseberry Pudding, Apple Pudding in Tins, Boiled Lemon Pudding, Lemon Pudding.

US 33. Leeds, Mrs. Samuel, [Manuscript Cookbook & Travel Diary of Mrs. Samuel Leeds, ca. 1856]. 81 manuscript pages, plus blanks, dated circa 1856. Binding broken, disbound, leaves loose, limp leather binding, lacks spine and one board, pages foxed and soiled. Ownership inscription of "Mrs. Samuel Leeds, New, York;' on front fly leaf.

Combination of travel diary and recipes and receipts. The cookbook consists of approximately 51 manuscript pages, plus 8 later manuscript recipes laid in, and contains some 100 recipes primarily for cakes and other baked goods, including, Jane's Cup Cake, Barnard Cake, Sally Lund Cake, bread pudding, Charlotte Russe, Louisville Pie, White Mountain Cake, etc.

The diary of the voyage to England consists of 19 manuscript pages and recounts her trip on the City of Brooklyn from New York to Liverpool, and London, England. The entries are dated April 31, 1856 to June 11. 1856.

The weather was stormy as the journey commenced and the ship was forced to layover before heading to sea, thus using up much of its stores of fresh meat and milk. There was considerable seasickness and annoyance for Mrs. Leeds:

"By Tuesday the 6th, most of the passengers were suffering from seasicknessness, which lasted for several days. Of it's unpleasant sensations I know nothing, having suffered only the loss of my appetite for about a week. Of it's effects I had most palpable evidence afforded by my fellow inmates of the cabin. In fact, out of mere sympathy I disposed of my own Breakfast one morning in such an unpremeditated manner, as to remember the mere eating of it a waste of time. Of crying children and a dirty steward I say nothing for
having to endure both these evils, I prudently determined to be worried by neither."

"Conversation was restricted pretty much to the Captain, -- not that there were many I might talk with If I had felt disposed to waste time on people I did not fancy. Captain Mitchell is a man after my own heart. An upright, well informed, well bred gentleman! Quiet and reserved in his manners, he pleased me more the longer I knew him."

Upon arrival at Liverpool, the author takes us on a tour of the city describing various places that she visited: Custom House Exchange, the Post Office, the American Consulate, and a trip through the:

"narrow side walks, the unpainted, I might say never painted, brick buildings."

There are also descriptions of docks at Liverpool, St. George's Hall and its organ, a trip to Birkenhead, (a town opposite Liverpool) with a description of its boat landings, Ferry Boats ("...ugly little black things..."), and famous park, and even some descriptions of cats and policemen. She also made trips to the ancient city of Chester and Eaton Hall and to Birmingham where she visits the wealthy homes in the suburbs & the Birmingham Market. She finally makes her way to London, stopping on the way at Rugby, then to London for more touring. The diary ends abruptly on 11 June 1856.

Acquired with funds from the Thompson Travel Fund as item 128 in catalog 39 of Michael Brown Rare Books. The description of the manuscript is the bookseller's.

US 34. [cookbook] Jane E. Hassler, Philadelphia, Pa. June 1857.

The bookplate of "Wm. F. Murphy, Blank Book Manufacturer No. 27 N. Seventh Street, (Old U.S. Mint,) Philadelphia" is pasted inside the front cover. There are 128 pages of which 30 are blank, with 50 pages of recipes laid in. (5 x 8 1/2 in.; 13 x 31.5 cm.)

Recipes include: Fruit Cake; Pound Cake; Sponge Cake; Boston Cake; Almond Cake; Queen Cake; Another Way; Orange or Lemon Cakes; Wafers; White Ginger-bread; Tapicoa Pudding; Soft Ginger Bread; Ring Cakes; Lemon Cake; Pudding; Buns; Ginger Crackers; Sand Tarts; Puff Cake; Queen Cakes; Slappers; French Cakes; Dutch Cakes; Plumb Cakes; Rice Puffs; Black Cakes; Sponge Biscuits; Bunns; Nun's Cake; Corn Muffins; Hanover Biscuits; Ginger Pound Cakes; Buns; Dough Nuts; Ginger Crackers; Dough Nuts; Ginger Pound Cakes; York Ginger Bread; Soft Ginger Bread; Pan Ginger Bread; Ginger Nuts; Ginger Cakes; Rusks; Sweet Tea Cakes; Ginger Crackers; Excellent Sponge Cake; Soda Buscuits; White cup Cakes; Ginger Pound Cakes; Tea Cakes; Paper Jumbles; Washington Cakes; Macaroon's; Sugar Biscuits; Shrewsburg Cakes; Cookies; Drop Biscuits', Tea Cakes; Albany Cakes; Pepper Nuts; Cream Cakes; Light cakes, baked in cups; Diet Bread; Rice Cakes; [Twists?7; Imperial Cake; Federal Cakes; Morton Cakes; English Cakes; Bread Cakes', Almond Nuts; Cup Cakes; Franklin Cakes; Nun's Cakes', Federal Cakes. Another way; Butter Biscuits; Dutch Cakes; Maryland Cakes; Rice Cakes; Rusks; Crack Nuts; Soft Waffles; Common Waffles; Corn Cakes; Loaf Cakes; Indian, or Rice Waffles; Turkey Cakes; Muffins; Fastnacht Cakes; Excellent Rolls; Hasty pudding; Queen of puddings; Tapioca Cream; French Rolls; Corn Bread; Potato Rolls; Mush; Fountain Rising; Buckwheat Cakes; Short Cakes; Jumbles; Snow Balls; Brides Cake', Thick Milk Biscuits; Funnel Cakes; Tea Bunn's; Pies, Puddings, Custards; Rich Puff Paste; Oyster Pie; Cracker Pie; Lemon Pies; Lemon Pies, Citron Puddings; Cocoa Nut Pudding; Apple Puddings; Sago Pudding; Quince Puddings; Rice Puddings; Ground Rice Puddings; Lafayette Cake; Osa Cake; Fruit Lemon Cake; Norfork Dumplins; Starch Cake; Silver Cake; Ginger Crackers; Black Cake; Ginger Pies; Baked Ginger Bread; Sponge Cake; Dough Nuts; Jersey Cake; Sugar Cake; Jumbles; Tea Cakes; Charlotte Russe; Lemon Puddings; Orange Puddings; Sweet Potato Puddings; Sponge Cake; Silver Cake; Bell Fritters; White Cake; Sally Lund; Silver Cake; Golden Cake; White Cake; Tilly Cake; Rice johny Cakes, or waffles; Rice Butter Cakes; Spice Cake; Potato Rolls; Rice Bread; Arrow Root Puddings; Almond Puddings; Wine Sauce; Rice Pudding; Corn Pudding; Bread & Butter Pudding; Quince Pudding; Pumpkin Puddings; French Tarts; Tipsy Squire; English Plumb Pudding; Cup corn cake; Green Corn pudding; Lemon pies; Sponge Cake; White Mountain Cake; Cup Cake; Custard for the cake; Potato Cakes; Cream pies; Soft Gingerbread; Jersey Sugar Cakes; Raisin Cake; Sugar Cake; Ginger Cake's; Sponge Cake; Angel Food Cake; corn stack cakes; Jelly Cake; Strawberry Short Cake; Lemon Pudding; Cookies; Orange Cake; Lemon Pies; Lee Cake; Ginger Cakes; Hasty Pudding; Sugar Cakes; Sugar Crackers; Drop Sugar Cakes (1881); Waffles; Variety Cake; Ice Cream Cake; Ice Cream; Blackberry Cordial', Sugar Pie; Corn Fritters; Iceing to Ice Cream Cake; Nut Cakes; To preserve Strawberries; Peach Butter; Pine-Apple Marmalade; Pickel Red Cabbage; Pickel Cucumbers; Pickel Cherries; Pickel Peppers; Chow Chow Pickels; Cucumber Catsup; Sugar cure for hams; Keeping Sausages & Ribs; To whiten organ or Piano Keys; To Slack lime; Organ polish; Branded Peaches; Cold Catchup; Mock Turtle Soup; Hand Soap.

US 35. [Cookbook] This book was handwritten by Jenny Patterson and indexed. The book was dated May 24, 1880. The name E.B. Patterson is on the front fly leaf. There are numerous American recipes and an address of a New York doctor inside. The origin of the book is most likely New York. There is a newspaper recipe for Fruit Cake from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa laid in. There are 108 pages of which 83 are written. (4 1/2 x 7 1/4 in.; 11.5 x 18 cm.)

Recipes include: Apple Betty; Apple & Rice; Apple Jelly; Corn Bread; Beef Rissoles; Bread Pudding; Biscuit Pounded; Boiled Beef; Beat Biscuit; Baking Powder for Biscuits; Beef a-la-mode; Cup Cake; Cup Cake; Another cup cake; Shaker Method of putting up Corn; Pickle Cauliflower or Brocoli; Pickle Cherries; Chocolate Cakes; Cure for Cancer; Cure for Corns; Dough nuts; Boil Corned beef; Currant pickle; Cookies; Corned Beef; Apple Pie; Doughnuts; Virginia Corn Bread, Coffee & Tea; Supper, coffe & tea; Flour Pudding; Ginger Pound cake; Sponge Ginger-bread; Gelatine; Ginger-bread nuts; Ginger cakes; Graham Biscuits; Ginger Cake; To cure Hams; Hallin's Rolls; Chapped Hands; Ice Cream Cake; Charlotte Russe; Best kind of Jam; Italian Cream; Chicken Jelly, Yeast; Lemon Pies; Lemon Cheese; Loaf Cake; Salad; Melted Butter; To Take Mildew from Linen; Curry Powder; Meat Fritters; Salad; Pickle Onions; Pickled Onions; Omelets with Cheese; Omelete (or Souffle); Pickle Lilly; Pickles in General; Can Peaches; Stewed Pears', Pickle Peaches; Pickle Pears; Fry Potatoes; Quince Butter; Quince & Apple Jelly; Queen of Puddings; Sweet Pickle; Rhubarb; For the blood; Sponge Cake; Salad dressing; Cold Slaw; Sponge Cake; Lobster Salad; Economical Stew; Lunderland Pudding; Sweetbread Pie; Short cake; Sugar Biscuit; Silver cake; Golden cake; Sweet Pickles; Tayier Cake; Tapioca Apple Pudding; Tomato Catsup; Tomato Catsup; Tomato Catsup; Wash for the Complexion; Tea Cake; Tapioca Cream; Unleavened Biscuit; To dress cold Beef; Breast of Veal; Soap-soft; Mock Terrapin; Whitewash; Waffles; Washing powder; Floral Bloom for the Complexion; Renovating Pill; Remedy for Indigestion; Cure for Cholera; Cough Syrup; Hand Soap; Soap Made of lye; Pocket-books; Brunch; Brown Bread; Bread Sponge Cake; Use of putty to mend tin-pans.

US 36. Pribbenow, Selma Gelhaus. Recipe for medicine to cure black diptheria, ca. 1880. Selma Gelhaus Pribbenow was from Rockford, Iowa.

US 37. [Cookbook] Anonymous. This leather book, circa 1886, has 125 pages and is indexed. (6 x 3 1/2 in.; 15 x 8 cm.)

Recipes include: Sponge Pudding, Shrewsbury Cakes, Cakes, Imitation Sausages, Macaroni Pudding, Cabinet pudding, Orange Marmalade, Rice Cake, Trifle, The Whip, Lobster Pudding, Common plum Cake, Lemon Dumplings, Rice Blancmange, Rice Cheesecakes, Pomrne Russe, Food for Babes, Irish Cake, Cocoanut Cheesecake, Cheap Dish, Cheap Stew, White Wine Whey, Barley Water, Chutney Sauce, Preserved pine apples, Fruit cheese, Raspberry Cream (without cream), Rhubarb Mould. Medical recipes: for Cholera, Diarhea, White cough mixture, brown cough drops, etc.

It is interesting to note that No. 122 is "Pea Soup Receipt in the South Kensington Museum."

US 38. [Cookbook] Anonymous. There are 20 pages of which 20 are written. (3 3/8 x, 10 1/4 in.; 10 x 26 cm.)

Recipes include: White Apple Sauce, Terrapins, Butter Biscuit, Clam Pancakes, To Fry oysters, Oyster Pie, Roast Ducks, Calf's feet turtle soup, To draw or melt butter, Drawn Butter, Gravy for Ducks, Chowder, Fruit pies in Variety, Common Chicken Pie, Sugar dough nuts, French rolls no. 1, French Rolls no. 2, Crackers, Buckwheat Cakes, Green corn Cakes, Waffles, Floating Island, Boston Baked Beans, Salsify or Vegetable Oyster, Good Family Apple Sauce, Plain Baked Bread Pudding, Cherry or Damson Pudding, Baked Rice Pudding with Eggs, Mock Oysters of Green Corn, Rhubarb Pie. Laid in is a Recipe on the stationery of Mrs. William Henry Tortter of Philadelphia, for Caramel Pudding.

US 39. [Cookbook] Anonymous, circa 1889. There are 198 pages. (6 1/4 x 9 5/8 in.; 15.5 x 24.5 cm.) Handwritten recipes and newspaper recipes are pasted into the "Annual-Report of the State Librarian" of Pennsylvania. The date 1889 is written in this book which is probably from Pennsylvania.

US 40. [Cookbook] Circa 1900-1920. "I think this was Debb's M. J. C." is written on the cover. Inside is written "Preface by G.P. B. This little book Learned in gastronomy Teaches its cook To use economy." There are 28 pages of which 27 are written. (4 1/4 x 5 1/4 in.; 10.5 x 13 cm.)

Recipes include: To make the best coffee, Sponge cake, Cranberry sauce, Huff chuff, calves head soup, Potatoes, Cold potatoes, Roasted meat, Hashed mutton, Beef a la mode, Tongue, Scrambled eggs, Bread cake, Hannah More's pudding, Sauce for Miss Hannah, Cocoa nut cakes, Gill Cakes, Delicious drop cakes, gingerbread, Apples, Chowder, Flour pudding, etc.

Box US 5

US 41. General Account Book of an American farm owner. Anonymous.

This handwritten account book dates from August 1901 to April 1904. Although no location is given it is most likely Illinois since the owner subscribed to the Chicago American. This book lists purchases and prices (mainly food and household items, i.e. "rolling pins" etc.) and even meals eaten out. There are 142 pages of which 135 are written. (3 3/4 x 6 in; 9.5 x 14.5 cm.)

US 42. Ledger. [Cookbook] Anonymous, 1900-1920. The recipes are written in several hands starting with "Favorite War Time Cake." The book lists names of family and dates of auto accidents, deaths, births, etc. and appears to have been kept by someone who lived in Madison, Wisconsin because of numerous newspaper clippings from "Treats and Trick," The Journal, Madison, Wisconsin. There are 172 pages of which 120 are written. (4 7/8 x 7 3/4 in.; 12 x 19.5 cm.)

US 43. (Cookbook] Anonymous, circa 1900. There are 136 pages of which 68 are written. (4 x 6 1/2 in.; 10 x 16 cm.)

Recipes include: Bread Rusks, Pea Soup, Imperial, Tapioaca Jelly, Ground Rice Blanc Mange, Wafer Puddings, Spiced Beef, etc.

US 44. Dietetics. M.E. Ludwig, 1910. This is a handwritten notebook of M.E. Ludwig for her Dietetics class. Some of the recipes are handwritten in pencil and some in ink. Others are pasted in from cookbooks and newspaper clippings. There are several newspaper clippings of Miss Blackman teaching her pupils to cook. This book is important because it shows what was being taught in the schools. There are 154 pages of which 73 are written as well as inside cover. (5 7/8 x 9 3/8 in.; 15 x 24 cm.)

Note: War-time Cookery, practical recipes designed to aid in the conservation movement was compiled and edited by Miss Edith Blackman and published by The Ypsilanti Press, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1917. (15 x 23 cm.) 55 pages, paper.

US 45. [Cookbook] This notebook was handwritten by Carrie L. Wirts of Baltimore, Md., circa 1917-1920. There are numerous receipts and recipes laid in, including one for Assessment and taxes for 1920. There are 188 pages of which 28 are written (5 5/8 x 9 1/4 in.; 14 x 24.5 cm.)

US 46. [Cookbook]. This handwritten notebook was compiled and indexed by Katharine S. Talbot, and written in a little grocery account book in 1918. The source of this book is most likely Rhode island since there is a recipe that calls for Rhode Island Corn Cake using Rhode Island meal. There are 80 pages of which 19 are written. (3 5/8 x 5 7/8 in.; 9 x 14 cm.)

Cover is stamped: ALWAYS BRING THIS BOOK. M War Receipts. IN ACCOUNT WITH Katheraine S. Talbot. FINE GROCERIES FLOUR (1918) Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices BUTTER AND CHEESE from Best Dairies. Choice Syrups and Molasses FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. Canned Fruits in Variety. Also, a Complete Assortment of Goods usually kept in a First=Class Store. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, FREE OF EXPENSE.

US 47. Cook Book. Anonymous, circa 1920-1930. On the cover there is an original color drawing of a woman in the kitchen reading a cookbook while working over her kitchen table with her pet cat at her feet. There are 28 pages of which 14 are written. (4 1/2 x 6 1/2 in.; 11.5 x 16.55 cm.)

Recipes include: Savory Toast, Stuffed Eggs, Concordia Fried Potatoes, Supper Muffins, Ham Cakes, Pepper Hash, Divinity Pie, Butterscotch Pie, Vanilla Wafers, Date Sticks, Lazy Cake, Apple Roll, Maple Divinity, Peanut Brittle.

US 48. [Cookbook] Anonymous, circa 1900-1920. This handwritten notebook has 64 pages of which 33 pages are written. (6 3/4 x 8 1/2 in.; 17 x 21 cm.)

Some of the more unusual recipes are: Olive Oil Pickles, Cherry Honey, Pecan Sticks, Brown War Cake, Mock angel food cake.

US 49. [Cookbook]. This book was handwritten by Lydia Bauer, River Forest, [Illinois] circa 1920-1930. There are 112 pages of which 15 are written. (6 1/4 x 9 1/4 in.; 16 x 22.5 cm.)

Recipes include: Chocolate Angel Cake, Brownies -2 batches, Butterscotch meringue Pie, Betty Crocker Streutzel filled Coffee Cake, Meringues, Eggs in Jellied Bouillon, Mazola Dressing, Peach Down side up cake, Nestle Chocolate Cookies, Apple Sauce Cake, Chocolate Sauce, Candied Apple Dessert, Sugar Cookies, Molasses Cookies, Honey Fruit Dressing, Rice Krispie Cookies.

US 50. [Cookbook] This book was compiled by Helen R. Rohm of Woodstock, Illinois, circa 1930-1940. The recipes are handwritten with a few pasted in from newspapers. There are 182 pages of which 70 are written. (4 1/2 x 7 1/2 in.; 11.5 x 19.5 cm.)

Recipes include: Sour Cream Cookies, Drop Cakes, Jumbles, Soft Molasses Cookies, Salad Dressing, Five-minute Cherry Pudding, Salvation Army Doughnuts, French Cake, Chilla Sauce, Christmas Bread, Uncooked Fudge, 24 hr. salad.

NOTE: The most interesting page in the book is page 180 that deals with the "Virtures of the Potatoe": to remove mud stains, cleaning silk, to keep hands soft and smooth, remove tea and coffee stains from table linen.

Box US 6

US 51. Cooking and Food Study. This book was handwritten and compiled by L. Gagnore, circa 1930 -- 1940. Some pages deal with lecture material, others recipes, some menus for lunch, dinner, etc. There are 196 pages of which 83 are written. (5 1/2 x 8 3/8 in.; 13.5 x 21 cm.)

Recipes include: instructions on canning, jellies, pickling, starches, tapioca, sugars, baking powders, vegetables, etc.

US 52. Recipes. This book was compiled by M.J. Delaney of Chicago, Illinois, 1933. It was written in: EVERY DAY DIARY. With Records Information Guide and Facts Needed Daily. Whitman Publishing Co. Racine, Wisconsin, 1932-33. There are 178 pages of which 143 are written. (5 x 6 5/8 in.; 12.5 x 17 cm.)

Some of the recipes include: Ham Mousse Moderne; Chocolate Porcupine; Frankfritters; Hamettes with Bananas; meat Pie, with "Batter" Crust; Ravigote Salad; Lima Beans & Celery in Cheese Sauce; Philpy; Onions in Jackets; Arabian Ambrosia, etc.

US 53. RECIPES. This book was compiled by Mother Armstrong for Helen, October 1933. It has a label saying: "Purchased from Strawbridge & Clothier Philadelphia." In the rear is pasted in: Wit & "Wittles" by Phil Baker from Armour & Co., a little 16 page pamphlet "My life in funny stories" Phil Baker "The Armour Jester" with recipes. There are 194 pages. Many are written, others are newspaper food clippings and loose recipes laid in. There is an index an the front of the book. (5 x 7 1/2 in.; 13 x 19 cm.)

US 54. COOK BOOK 1944. This book was compiled by Elsie L. Smith, "Receipts Tried and Liked 1944". Recipes from the Worcester Sunday Telegram, Worcester, Mass. are laid in. There are 96 pages of which 26 are written. (6 x 9 in.; 15 x 22.5 cm.)

Recipes include: Grapes Nut Pudding, Indian Tapioca, Escalloped Tomatoes, Pecan Sticks, etc.

US 55. [Cookbook]. This book was compiled by Brownie Troop 27 and given to Mrs. E. Zurbriggen, May 2, 1948. No location is given for this typed manuscript cookbook. Each book was individually made by a girl in the troop and given to her mother. The mother's name was written in by the Brownie Troop leader. 30 pages of which 15 are written. (6 x. 9 in.; 15.5 x. 22 cm.)

Recipes include: Pecan Balls, Mrs. Harry Trueman Honorary President of Girl scouts & Peanut Butter Date Cookies, "MOM" Mrs. Rhea Weaver, Executive Director of Girl Scouts.

Note: Mrs. Harry Trueman misspelled, should be Truman.

US 56. [Cookbook] Anonymous. Chicago, Illinois. This book is handwritten and has various Chicago newspaper recipes. There are 198 pages of which 76 are written. (5 1/2 x 7 1/2 in.; 13.5 x 18.5 cm.)

Recipes include: Rhubarb Crisp, Pork in Barbecue sauce, Prize pickled Shrimp, Maison Dressing, Fruit Salad Dressing, etc.

Box US 7  

US 57. Receipt Book. Julie M. Clagett, June 1st 1886. This handwritten cookery book has recipes and newspaper clipping recipes laid in. Generally, the recipes in this cloth bound notebook are accompanied by the names of the people who gave them. There are 78 pages of which 66 are written. (6 7/8 x 8 1/8 in.; 17.5 x 20.5 cm.)

Recipes include: Essence of Roses, Hermits, French Pancakes, Freida's Danish Cookies.

US 58. [Cookbook]. Julie M. Clagett, circa 1908-14. The recipes date from the 1880's-1890's. There is a newspaper recipe for Emma Paddock Telford's "Chocolate Fudge Recipes for College Girls' Spreads." Ms. Telford wrote several books published between 1908 and 1914. The other newspaper clippings in the book are pre-1900.

US 59. [Recipe book]. Alice Electa Pickard, 142 Park Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Christmas 1868. Notebook with 192 number pages, lined. Recipes in ink in a clear hand. Clippings and other materials laid in.

US 60 [Recipe and Travel book]. "Julian Booker Thompson"[Chicago?] in later hand on first leaf. Notebook with brief notes of a trip to Montreal, follwed by an overnight train journey to St. Paul. The bulk of the volume is filled with recipes in pen and pencil for food preparations, alson with some home remedies for colds and coughs, and household fluids.Clipppings and other materials pasted and laid in. Acquird from Philadelphia Rare Book and Manuscript Company, April 2001.

Box US 8

US 61. [Cookbook]. Circa 1850. Anonymous, but it may have belonged to Margaret Waters or Margaret Smith, possibly from Georgetown, D.C.14.5 x 10 cm. Leather over board, spine taped but broken. The first lines appear to be a manumission document. Also included are expenses, presumably for Margaret Smith and paid by a third party. The recipes then commence, written in a different hand. These consist of recipes written in and laid in, as well as clippings pasted in and laid in. There are also drawings and poems laid in. Contents includes, but are not limited to: The Science of Fruit Syrups, To Can Peaches, Dover Cakes, Water Sponge Cake, Liquid Yeast, Jelly, Cucumber Catsup, Cocoa Nut Cake, Soft Jumbles, Chicken Salad, Olio, Meats, Corn Meal Sally Lunn, Devilled Tomatoes, Oatmeal Porridge, and Corn Flour Bread. These recipes are all in the same hand and written into an index at the beginning. Other recipes are laid in and included in the book in another hand.  There are medical recipes here, as well as soap recipes and uses for salt, among other advice. Gift of Ann Ziegert, from the estate of Minor Myers.

US 62. [Cookbook]. Grizelda Hart. January 6, 1823. 12mo, thick contemporary marbled wrappers, rubbed. 48 pages on which 17pages are accomplished in a richly dark ink and an intentionally impressive handwriting recipes for Pickling Walnuts, Muffins, Butter Biscuit, Sugar Cakes, Almonds, Puff Paste, Sponge Cake, Jumbles, Lemon Pudding, Measure Cake, Loaf Cake, Sponge Cake, Gingerbread, Apple Jelly, Cream Cake, Composition Cake, Light Gingerbread, Blackberry Cordial, Pickling Tomatoes, Washington Cakes, Johnny Cake, Cure for the Quinsy, and Carminative Rhubarb. Laid in is a recipe clipped from a newspaper for Blackberry Syrup .For a portion of these recipes the author wrote out titles in thick, bold, prominently inked letters and one effect is that the graphic product displays attractively. Though the instructions are typically brief and cursory, some of the assemblages of ingredients exemplify a native American culinary slant - the rhubarb, for example, which becomes infused with cardamom and saffron and French brandy.

US 63. Book for Hops. Manuscript book with many hand written and typed notes and letters from the National Brewing Company. Syracuse, New York.

US 64. Foods Class, 2nd Semester 1937-1938. Home Economics Dept. Course. Requirement for the 5 yr nursing program. Miss Hill was the teacher. Geraldine Busse

US 65. Grocer's ledger, Sampson & Hind, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, May 1815-October 1816. In Oversized section at end of this Series

US 66. Yanney, Mrs. Kay, Linda Yanney, and Allen Yanney. Merry Measures and an untitled cookbook, ca. 1960-1964. 8 1/2 x 11 mimeograph enhanced by children's crayon coloring. Recipes submitted for class cookbooks. Mostly desserts. Gift of the Yanneys.

US 67. [Medora Randollph?]. Boundry Line Composition Book. A book with handwritten poetry in it, with recipes pasted in, sometimes over the poems. Some handwritten recipes are included

US 68. My Recipe Book. Unknown creator

US 69.Yearbook 1943. Handwritten recipes in an appointment diary with laid-in clippings. Unknown creator

US 70.Yearbook 1944. Handwritten recipes in an appointment diary with laid-in clippings. Unknown creator

US 71. New England manuscript Cookbook, early twentieth century. Tall ruled notebook, 80 pages with index
A neatly assembled manuscript recipe book, interspersed with pasted-in newspaper clippings, which mention Hartford and Rutland. The recipes are carefully written with precise measurements and clear instructions. Laid in is a photograph from the 1940s.

US 72. New England manuscript cookbook, ca. 1897. Tall duodecimo with 190 blank ruled pages and 50 pages of manuscript recipes with a few clippings laid in. The script is mainly from one hand although there are several recipes laid in that are in different hands. The recipes on the frist pages are for cakes and pastries, while the middle is dedicated to sauces, pickles and preserves, and the end to household maintenance and health. There is a letter laid in from Cater County, Tennessee, and the book was sold at a New York stationers, but it is believed that this book comes from Southern Maine, since that it where it was found, and also because the York County, Maine town Berwick is the source of one of the recipes.

US 73. American cookery manuscript book. 1824-1855. Small octavo, 36 pages.
One book sewn inside another. The first, dated 1824, is in a very neat hand. The second, in a different hand, includes dates of 1851 and 1855. Both sections of the book contain many recipes for cakes, syrups, and jellies. With several loose manuscript recipes laid in. Of special interest are two recipes for cough syrup, made with lungwort, maple moss, fir balsam, and gum arabic.


NA 1. "Am. Eats" by Nelson Algren. This is a typescript draft of 85 pages, typed on the same typewriter as the other WPA manuscripts done by Algren. There are corrections throughout. The handwriting of Nelson Algren is executed in red pencil and in blue ink. The first 70 pages are descriptions of food, food ways, customs; and from 71, under "addenda", comes 14 pages of recipes. This is definitely the only book length manuscript written by Nelson Algren, which was never printed, and most likely exists only in the Louis Szathmary Archives. At least, this is what Nelson Algren said to Louis Szathmary at the time of purchase. The work is no culinary masterpiece, by any means, but perhaps it is one of the most interesting culinary documents written by a leading American author during the WPA years prior to the Second World War. The culinary information in the book is only as good as Algren received it. On page 50, he states that "dobas torte hails from Roumania." Of course, the cake is the creation of a pastry chef named Dobos, who was born and raised in Hungary, but worked as a pastry chef in the finest hotels of Vienna, Austria, and wrote and published one of the finest cookbooks of his time in the mid-19th century. The parts on Scandinavian food and custom descriptions, and the section on Jewish forklore and food are the strongest parts of the book, understandably -- Algren's father being Scandinavian and his mother Jewish -- he knew these two groups the most intimately.

With the manuscript are many other important and interesting pieces:

NA 2. Notes from a Sea Diary: Hemingway All the Way by NELSON ALGREN. Enclosed is the publisher's card, "Compliments of the Author," and a Christmas card, personally signed by Nelson Algren.

The book was published by G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, in 1965, with copyrights for different stories in the book for the years 1959, 1961, 1962, 1963. It was a Christmas present from Nelson Algren to the Szathmarys in 1965. It has 254 pages with dust jacket.

 Note: A portion of this material has also been published as America Eats by Nelson Algren; preface by Louis I. Szathmáry II; forward [and edited] by David E. Schoonover (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1992).

NA 3. Conversations with Nelson Algren by H. E. F. Donohue, published by Hill and Wang,NewYork, copyright 1963, 1964, first edition, October, 1964. It has 333 pages with dust jacket.

On the front and back free end-paper is a menu which was served in Chicago at the First Literary Luncheon at The Bakery Restaurant, on December 21, 1964. At the Literary Luncheon, Studs Terkel was the Master of Ceremonies, and both the author, H.E.F. "Shag" Donohue, and Nelson Algren appeared and addressed the guests.

On the next blank double page, which is 10 1/2 inches wide and 8 inches high, is a 6 1/2 inch wide and over 4 inch high picture of a black cat done by Nelson Algren, inscribed as follows: "A Krismas Kat for Sada from Nelson. Save this--when you have a 100 you get a TI.GER--Dec 21 64." It was given to The Bakery Restaurant owner, Sadako Szathmary by Nelson Algren.

NA 4. Nelson A1gen's Own Book of Lonesome Monsters. Including stories by Saul Bellow, Joseph Heller, Thomas Pynchon, and the complete text of the famous short novel Among the Dangs by George P. Elliott. Published by Bernard Geis Associates, first edition, first printing, signed on the half title page, "For Louis Szathmary from Nelson Algren / Very best wishes."

Laid in is a white notepaper with a drawing of a cat by Nelson Algren which reads: "Le Chat de Nelson Algren ---- Chef Louis." It has 213 pages with dust jacket.

NA 5. Nelson Algren: A Checklist by Matthew J. Bruccoli and C.E. Frazer Clark, Jr., copyright 1973, first printing. 170 pages. In this book, from page 87 through 107, is a facsimile of one of Nelson Algren's WPA manuscripts.

NA 6. "THE WORD GAME," by Nelson Algren. The Critic, vol. XXXI, no. 3 (January-February 1973), p . 74.

NA 7. "LAST ROUND IN SMALL CAFES. Remembrances of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir," by Nelson Algren. Chicago, vol. 29, no. 12 (December 1980) pp. 210-213, 237-240.

NA 8. Correspondence and articles, by or about Nelson Algren. 1978-1987.

Series G: Danish Cookery manuscripts

Da 1 Husholdningsbog: en sikker Veiledning

Series H: Hungarian Cookery manuscripts

Hu 1. Hungarian-Jewish Manuscript Cookbook. Palestine, ca. 1940. Small octavo, unpaginated, approximately 60 pages.
An early manuscript household cookbook of Hungarian Jews in Palestine in the 1940s. Written n blue-green ink in a fairly neat hand, the text is in Hungarian with a few Yiddish/Hebrew words for foodstuffs occurring throughout. The book includes many cakes, mostly sweet, including 'Drum Cake,' 'Chocolate Cream,' and 'Cottage Cheese Pie." The etrog, or yellow citron, which is used by Jews during Sukkot, makes several appearances. One or two recipes are attributed; most are not. A few pages in the back of the book are lists or accounts and mention Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other cities or towns.

Series I: Italian Cookery manuscripts

It 1. Del Boca, Vincenzo. Six Manuscript Recipe Books. 1880-1920/
The recipe collection of Vincente del Boca, Chef de Cuisine at the Hotel Europe, Milan. The recipes are in a single hand, though it is clear that they have been accumulated over an extended period of time. Each volume contains related recipes.

It 1a. Antipasti

It1b. Casalinghi

It 1c. Fondi e salse

It 1d. Garniture

It 1e. Pasteria

It 1f. Zuppe

Series II: Personal notebooks and recipe boxes

Box LS 1

Chef Louis Szathmary

LS 1. Szathmary recipe box

LS 2. Szathmary recipe box

LS 3. Szathmary recipe box

LS 4. Szathmary recipe box

LS 5. Notebook1: Lenten Recipes, Meat Dishes, Oven Dinners

Box LS 2

LS 6. Notebook #2: Bungalow Recipes

LS 7. Notebook #3: Bungalow Recipes

LS 8. Notebook #4 Sauces and Vegetables

Lynne Weber

Box LW 1

LW 1. Boxes with pre-printed recipe cards

Box  LW 2

LW 2. Boxes with pre-printed recipe cards

Box LW 3

LW 3. The Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library

Box LW 4

LW 4. Cooks' Round Table  notebook. In 1924 Better Homes and Gardens began a monthly recipe contest and published the recipe of the winners in their magazine.

LW 5. Cook's Round Table notebook in brown leatherette with a embossed leaf border. Laid in is a Betty Crocker Cook Book of All Purpose Baking.

LW 6. My Best Recipes

Box LW 5

LW 7. My Favorite Recipes

LW 8. Recipes. Bound in red vinyl with a gold stylized Greek wave border. Most of the recipes are clippings laid in

LW 9. Recipes. Bound in mottled blue with embossed lettering. Most of the clippings are from Better Homes and Gardens and laid in

LW 10. Students Composition Book with recipes pasted in over handwritten poetry

LW 11. Unknown cookbook, missing its cover

Box JVWG 1

Jeanette Vander Wilt Groendyke, 1905-1997, Pella, Iowa

JVWG 1. Beverages

JVWG 2. Breads, Muffins, Waffles

JVWG 3. Canning and Freezing

JVWG 4. Casseroles and Skillet Meals

JVWG 5. Cookies and Cakes

JVWG 6. Cooking for two

JVWG 7. Desserts

JVWG 8. Meats

JVWG 9. Pies

JVWG 10. Vegetables and Salads

JVWG 11. Household hints (How to remove stains, home made paste, etc.)

Series III: Clippings

Box Cl 1

Chicago Sun Times, with the column "Chef Louis," March 8, 1986 -- July 30, 1987. 3 folders

Hungarian Heritage Review

Various pieces on Szathmary

Inside Lincoln Park, including the columns "Louis Szathmary On Life" and "Table Talk," September 10, 1986 -- November 9, 1988. 8 folders

The Northside Food Guide, containing several "Soup to Nuts" columns by Szathmary

"The Reality of American Cuisine." Master Chef, Summer 1985

Szathmary, Louis

"Baking the most of the holidays with Chef Louis' able assistance."  Michael Reese News, December 1, 1985

"From Golden Arm to Goulash." Formations, Vol.3:No.3 (Winter 1987)

Series IV: Menus

Box  Menus 1, folder

These are in acquisition order

1. The Huddle, Hotel Jefferson

2. Menu in the shape of an axe, with cherries on it, probably for a President's Day banquet. It probably served as a place card, as well, as it has the name of Mr. Tho. Russel on the cover. Handwritten. February 17, 1917

3. North British Hotel, Edinburgh; A Scottish Evening

4. Marianna Cafe, Tijuana, Old Mexico

5. House of Representatives Restaurant, Friday 22d of January 1971

6. Railroad menus. Atchison Topeka and Sante Fe (20 menus) and Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad (4 menus)

7. Railroad menus. Chicago Milwaukee St.Paul and Pacific (13 menus) and Chicago and Northern Railroad (2 menus)

8. Railroad menus. Great Northern Railway (2 menus), Illinois Central Railway (2 menus), Missouri Pacific (1 menu), and Southern Pacific (1 menu)

Series V: Miscellaneous

Box Misc 1

Brochure for "Chef Louis Cooks for Michael Reese Medical Research"

Postcard from the Bakery Restaurant, with a photograph of Chef Szathmary holding a "Happy 20th Anniversary" cake

Souvenir of the Butterfield Threshing Bee, from the Tuberg Grist Mill

Series VI: Appraisal Documents for the Szathmary Collection

Box AD 1, folder

1. Part I, 1980.
2. Part II, 1981.
3. Part III, 1983.

4. Shipment checklist, Parts I,II,III.
5. Part IV, 1984.
6. Part V, Sections I, II, III, 1985.
7. Part VI, Sections A,B,C,D, 1986.

Box AD 2, folder

1. Part VII, Sections I-XII, 1988.
2. ---- Sections XII-XVI, 1988.
3. Part VIII: Part 1, folder 1, 1989.
4. ---- folder 2, 1989.

Box AD 3, folder

1. Part VIII: Part 2, folder 1, 1989.
2. ---- folder 2, 1989.



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