Special Collections and Archives

MsC 537

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1957 --
32.5 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu

Posted to Internet: 2001
Addenda: 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008

Lewis Turco

Acquisition Note: This collection was donated to the University of Iowa by Mr. Turco in 2001, with addendae arriving periodically after that.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Photographs: Boxes 2, 11

Audio Material: A separate series, Audiocasette boxes 1-6.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Table of Contents

Biographical Note

Scope and Contents

SERIES 1: Biographical

SERIES 2: Correspondence

SERIES 3: Writings

SERIES 4: Audiotapes

SERIES 5: Mathom Bookshop

SERIES 6: Writers' conferences, poetry festivals, readings, invited lectureships and the like

2002 Addendum

2003 Addendum

2006 Addendum

2007 Addendum

Biographical Note

Lewis Turco was born in Buffalo, New York on May 2, 1934. He received his BA from the University of Connecticut in 1959 and his MA from the University of Iowa in 1962. He taught at Fenn College (later Cleveland State University) where he founded the Cleveland Poetry Center, of which he was the director until 1964. He then served as Assistant Professor at Hillsdale College in 1964-65. From 1965 until 1996, he taught at SUNY-Oswego, where he was also Poet-in-Residence from 1995 until his retirement in 1996. At SUNY-Oswego he founded and directed the Program in the Writing Arts.

Turco began his publishing career in 1960, with the publication of First Poems. Sometimes using the pseudonym Wesli Court (an anagram of Lewis Turco), he has continued to publish poetry, books about poetry, such as the New Book of Forms and Visions and Revisions of American Poetry, and other works related to the writing arts. He has collaborated with other artists on such projects as "While the Spider Slept," a ballet based upon his poem "November 22, 1963," performed by the Swedish Ballet and the Royal Winnipeg Ballet; The Fog, a chamber opera with Dutch composer Walter Hekster; and Bordello: PoemPrints with printmaker George O'Connell.

He has received many awards, among them the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Alumni Association of the University of Connecticut, the Bordighera Poetry Prize, an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Ashland University, and the John Ciardi Award for Lifetime Achievement in Poetry. He is now retired from University teaching and from operating an antiquarian bookshop in Maine.

Mr. Turco can be reached at e-mail jturco@adelphia.net 

His blog is www.lewisturco.net

See: Klebba, Caryn E. Ed. Directory of American Scholars. Detroit: Gale Group, 2002. Vol. II, p. 511.


Scope and Contents

Included in this collection are many handwritten copies of Turco's poetry, plays, short stories and essays; extensive correspondence with other writers (some of these are photocopies); correspondence with publishers, agents, and periodicals; general correspondence; drafts and proofs of his books; some files from his years of teaching at colleges and universities, including some from Cleveland Poetry Center. Of particular interest is the Palmer Institute of Authorship instruction book and the accompanying assignment book. Also included is a collection of audiotapes of poetry readings, original recordings made at clubs and public poetry readings. Conrad Aiken, Marianne Moore, Robert Penn Warren, Mona van Duyn, Elizabeth Bishop, Howard Nemerov, Gwendolyn Brooks, and W. D. Snodgrass are only a few of the poets represented in this collection of over one hundred audiocasettes.

Related Materials

Items relating to the Cleveland Poetry Center are deposited at Cleveland State Univeristy.  See the Lewis Turco Collection at Cleveland State.

The Lewis Turco and George O'Connell Christmas card collection at Smithsonian.

Interview (January 12, 2010) with Turco on Mike Chasar's Poetry and Popular Culture blog: http://mikechasar.blogspot.com/

JRoethler 2/02

Series 1: Biographical

Box 1

Annual of 1952. Meriden High School.


"Lewis Turco: A Bibliography of His Works and Criticism of Them." Bibliographies in Contemporary Poetry. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilm International, 1977, pp. 55-68.


Coursen, H. R. "A Certain Slant of Light: The Poetry of Lewis Turco." The Hollins Critic, Vol. xxvii:No.2 (April 1991). Roanoke, VA: Hollins College, pp. cover-9.

Directory of American Scholars. Entry for Turco.

Editorial Work

American Weave (includes correspondence with Loring Williams, David French, and Al Cahen)


Palmer Institute of Authorship. Fiction Course. Instruction Book.
Palmer Institute of Authorship. Fiction Course. Assignment Book. 1957.
Worksheets from the Poetry Workshop at the University of Iowa, 1959-60.

Faculty Appointments

Fenn College/Poetry Center of Cleveland (includes correspondence with Alberta Turner)


Committee Work

Joint Awards Committee

Oswego Writing Arts Festival, Fall 1975

SUNY Writer's Festival, 1978

University Awards Committee, 1976-77

University Foundation

University Wide Committee on the Arts

Correspondence and SUNY Publications


Creative Writing in Poetry. Guidebook for Independent Study
Freshmen Composition and Literature. Guidebook for Independent Study
Nature of Poetry. Class Anthology
Verse Writing Workshop. Spring 1975
(See also 2003 addendum)

Box 2

Grant and Fellowship Applications

Jungian Type Survey

Organizational Affiliations

American Civil Liberties Union
American Federation of Teachers
American Italian Historical Association
Association of Little Magazines of America
Associated Writing Programs
Chrysalis West Foundation
Citizens to Draft Gavin
Creative Artists Public Service
Cultural Council Foundation
Dresden Playhouse
New England Foundation for the Arts
New York Folklore Society
Poetry Society of New Hampshire
Poly Arts
Poly Arts Boston
Publisher's Publicity Association
Theodore Roethke Memorial Foundation


Informal portrait by Ray Stasweski, 1961
Informal portrait in front of pine tree
Looking at First Poems
Informal portrait in profile by William Stafford


Putnam Genealogy

Zeller, Gerhard. "The Anachronist: An Interview With Wesli Court." ELF (Eclectic Literary Forum), Vol. 8: No.1 (Spring 1998), pp. 6-12. Proof


Series 2: Correspondence


American Authors Associated Agency
Carl M.P Larrabee Agency
Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Del Walker
Eastman Boomer Management
Georges Borchardt, Inc.
International Editor's Company
Julian Bach Literary Agency
Lordly and Dame, Inc.
McIntosh and Otis, Inc.
Paul R. Reynolds, Inc.
Round Top Center for Arts
Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc.
Sobel Weber Associates, Inc.
W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
Writers Unlimited


Abbott -- Austin
Badach-- Bryne
Campbell -- Cushman
D’Allessandro -- Dupre
Elwood -- Evans
Fenn -- Fulton
Gale -- Gutmann

Box 3

Hackett – Hyman
Jackson -- Jusik
Katz -- Kwasigroh
Langdon – Lutzker
Macchi -- Myers
Natoli -- Nutting
O'Connell -- Owen
Pace -- Pyke
Raby -- Ryan
Salamon -- Shek
Sheldon -- Swerdferger
Talbot – TuttleUS Congress & Government
Valentine -- Vitaliano
Waite -- Wysocki
Yeh -- Young
Zajai -- Zubal
No names

No Last Names, alphabetized by first name

A – Z

Box 4


Agni Review
Alaska Review
Amelia Magazine
American Dialogue
American Historical Review
American Poetry Magazine
American Poetry Review
American Quarterly
American Review
American Weave
Andover Review
Antioch Review
Ark River Review
Arlington Quarterly
Arts in Society
Arts Journal
Aspen Leaves
Aura Literary/Arts Review
Bartleby's Review
Beloit Poetry Journal
Berkeley Samisdat Review
Best Articles and Stories
Beyond Baroque
Black Box
Blue Buildings
Book Week
Books Abroad
Buffalo Evening News
Buffalo Spree Magazine
Cafe Review
Calapooya collage 19
California Quarterly
Carolina Quarterly
Cedar Rock
Center for Writers & Mississippi Review
Chariton Review
Chicago Choice
Chicago Review
Chirimo ( Rhodesia)
Choice Magazine
Cimarron Review
Clockwatch Review
Cold Drill
Colorado State Review
Colorado Quarterly
Colorado-North Review
Connecticut Quarterly
Contemporary Fiction
Cottonwood Review
Crazy Horse
Cream City Review
Croton Review
Cummings Journal
Dalhousie Review
Damascus Road
De Kalb Literary Arts Review
De Paul Literary Magazine
Denver Quarterly
Drama Survey
Dresden Miles Gazette
Edge City Review
ELF: Eclectic Literary Forum
Fiction International
FIELD: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar
Fine Arts Magazine
First Person
First Stage
Four Quarters
Fra Noi
Genesis West
Georgia Review
Golden Lion
Grecourt Review
Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review
Harper's Magazine
Hartford Studies in Literature
Hawaii Review
Hiram Poetry Review
Hollins Critic

Illinois Quarterly
Indiana Writes
International University Poetry Quarterly
Iowa Alumni Review
Italian America
Italian Americana
Journal of Popular Culture
Journal of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
Kenyon Review
La Fusta
La Huerta
Laurel Review
Literary Review
Little Magazine
Little Review
Louisville Review
Mad River Review
Madison Review
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Maine Life
Maine Times
Manasses Review
Manhattan Poetry Review
Mediterranean Review
Michigan Quarterly Review
Michigan 's Voices
Mid-American Review
Midwest Quarterly
Midwest Review
Midwestern University Quarterly
Minnesota Review
Missouri Review
Modern Occasions
Modern Poetry Studies
Montparnasse Review
Morning Star
My Weekly Reader
NASPA Journal
National Forum
NEW (American and Contemporary Poetry)
New Aurora
New College
New Criterion
New Departures ( England)
New England Quarterly
New England Review


New Letters
New Mexico Humanities Review
New Mexico Quarterly
New Orleans Poetry Journal
New Orleans Review
New Times
New Virginia Review
New Writer
New York Quarterly
New York Review of Books
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
New Yorker
Nit & Wit
North American Review
Northwest Review
Nosegay in Black
Oberlin Quarterly
Ohio Review
Ontario Review
Oswego County Times
Palladium Times
PJ Nights
Plain Dealer
Poet Magazine
Poetics Journal
Poetry ( Australia)
Poetry Dial
Poetry Eastwest
Poetry Miscellany
Poetry Newsletter
Poetry Review
Poetry Society
Poets & Writers
Portland Review
Poultry: A Magazine of Voice
Prairie Schooner
Quarterly Review of Literature
Quarterly West
Readers and Writers
Red Clay Reader
Review La Booche
Review of Science Fiction
Richmond Message
River Bottom
River City
Rocky Mountain Review
Rolling Stone
San Francisco Review
Satire Newsletter
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Review
Scholastic Magazines
Scholia Satyrica
Scribe’s Quill
Seattle Review
Seneca Review
Sewanee Review
Sewanee Writers’ Series
Southern Review
Sycamore Review
Syracuse New Times
Village Voice
Wooden Needle
Writer's Digest


Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
ALDINE Publishing Company
Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
American Book Company
Andre Deutsch, Ltd.
Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
Arco Publishing Company, Inc.
Arkham House
Ashland Poetry Press
Bantam Books, Inc.
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Basic Books, Inc.
Bayberry Hill Press
Benjamin Blom, Inc.
Book Hunter Press
Brucolli, Clark, Layman, Inc.
Burning Deck Press
Burnt Earth Productions
Cambridge University Press
Candlelight Press
Castle Press Publications, Inc.
Charioteer Press
Chelsea House Publishers
Compad International Co., Inc.
Continuum Publishing Group
Cooper House
Crossing Press
Despá Press
Dial Press
Eakins Press
Elizabeth Press
F and W Publications
Frontier Press
Greenwood Publishers
Grey Heron Press
Harian Press
Hyperion Books, Inc.
IDG books
Ithaca House
Liveright Publishing Corporation
Livingston University Press
Louisiana State University Press
Lyle Stuart, Inc.
M.C. Hurtig, Ltd.
Macmillan Company
Marshall Jones Company (formerly the Golden Quill Press)
Maurice Girodias Associates, Ind.
McGraw-Hill Book Company
Mnemosyne Publishing Co., Inc.
Montparnasse Press
Moonbird Press
New American Library
New Directions
New Poets Series, Inc.
Noonday Press
October House
Odyssey Press, Inc.
Ohio University Press / Swallow Press
Orchises Press
Oxford University Press
Pace University Press
Pacific Books
Peter Smith, Publisher
Prairie Press
Revenant Press
Rock Society
Ronald Press Company
Seven Poets Press
Shadow Press USA
Sheep Meadow Press
Sixties Press
Slow Loris Press
Sparrow Press
Star Cloud Press
State Street Press
Story Line Press
Tundra Books of Northern New York
United Church Press
University of Arkansas Press
University of Michigan Press
University of Missouri Press
University of Rochester Press
University Press of New England
W.W. Norton & Company
Wesleyan University Press

Box 6


Adelphi University
Adirondack Community College
American University
Amherst College
Antioch Centre for British Studies
Arizona State University
Auburn University
Baldwin-Wallace College
Bates College
Bennington College
Bentley College
Boise State University
Bowdoin College
Bowie State University
Brandeis University
Bread Loaf School of English
Brigham Young University
Brown University
Bucknell University
Burchfield Center - Buffalo
California State College at Hayward
California State University
Centenary College for Women
Central Connecticut State College
Chadron State College
CUNY ( City University of New York)
Cleveland State University
Colgate University
Colorado State University
Cuyahoga County Community College
Danbury State College
Defiance College
Delhi Agricultural and Technical College
Denison University
Fenn College
Frostburg State College
Georgia State University
Hagerstown Junior College
Hamilton College
Jefferson Community College
Johns Hopkins University
Lake Erie College
Lehman College
Miami University
Miami University - Dayton Campus
Middlebury College
Northeastern University
Old Dominion University
Orange County Community College
Paradise Valley Community College
PennState DuBios
Phillips Academy - Andover
Pomona College
Potsdam College
Rockland Community College
Sage Junior College at Alabany
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
State University at Brockport
State University of New York at Albany
State University of New York at Buffalo
State University of New York at Oswego
Staten Island Community College
The Australian National University
The University of Iowa
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
The University of Texas at El Paso
United States Naval Academy
University of California at Santa Cruz
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Louisville
University of Maine at Augusta
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of New Hampshire
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
University of Rochester
University of the South
Washington University in St. Louis


Abbe, George
Abbott, Lee
Abu-Jaber, Diane
Adams, Leonie
Adams, Nicole
Aiken, Conrad
Allardt, Linda
Allen, Dick
Allen, Ward
Allessia, Joseph
Allman, Jack
Ammons, A. R.
Anderson, Jack
Anderson, Joy
Andrews, Claudia Emerson
Angoff, Charles
Appleman, Philip
Appleton, Sarah
Atlas, James
Auden, Will
Austin, Paul
Awoonor, Kofi
Axelrod, D. B.
Bagg, Robert
Bain, David Haward
Baker, David
Baker, Russell
Barba, Harry
Baron, Alexander
Baron, Mary
Barth, Robert
Barth, John
Bartlett, Elizabeth
Bell, Marvin
Bellamy, Joe David
Benedikt, Michael
Bennett, Bruce
Ben-Tov, Sharona
Berg, Stephen
Berge, Carol
Berlind, Bruce
Bertolino, James
Black, Campbell
Bly, Robert
Bock, Frederick
Bond, Harold
Booth, Philip
Bradbury, Ray
Bradley, Sam
Braun, Richard Emil
Brock, Van K.
Brooks , Gwendolyn
Broughton, T. Allan
Brown, Roger
Brown, Rebecca
Brown, Wesley
Bruchac, Joseph
Buchanan, Brian
Buggs, George
Burgess, Charles
Burlingame, Robert
Burr, Ann
Busch, Fred
Butterick, George
Calisher, Hortense
Cahen, Al
Canzoneri, Robert
Carrier, Constance
Carruth, Hayden
Carter, Catherine
Carver , Ray
Casagrande, David
Casper, Leonard
Catto, Pat
Chandra, G. Sharat
Cheever, John
Chretien, Wendy
Ciardi, John
Citino, David
Claire, William
Clark, David R.
Clemente, Vince
Clitheroe, Terry
Cockrell, Amanda
Codrescu, Andrei
Cogswell, Fred
Coleman, Mary Ann
Conroy, Frank
Cook, Albert
Cooper, Jane
Cooperman, Stanley
Costanzo, Gerald

Box 7

Coursen, Herbert
Cox, Brian
Coxe, Louis
Craig, Alexander
Creeley, Robert
Crenner, James
Crews, Harry
Crome, Nick
Crossgrove, Roger L.
Cunningham, J.V
Cuomo, George
Curnow, Allen
Dacey, Philip
Dana, Robert
Daniel, John
Daniels, Jim
Darling, Robert
Davis, Charles
Davison, Peter
De Paola, Tomei
Derleth, August
Devereaux , Kent
Diane, Di Prima
Dickinson, Louise
Dicky, James
Dicky, William
Dillard, Richard
Doll, Mary
Dorn, Alfred
Dorn, Edward
Doyle, Ben
Driskell , Leon
Droves, Paul Leslie
Duffany, Brett
Dunn, Millard
Dunn, Stephen
Eberhart, Richard
Engle, Hualing Nieh
Engle, Paul
Engles, John
English, Anthony
Eshelman, Clayton
Etter, Dave
Everson, William
Ewart, Gavin
Fandel, John
Farrell, James T.
Feiffer, Jules
Feirstein, Frederick
Feldman, Irving
Felix, Morton
Ferguson , Gordon
Field , Edward
Finch, Annie
Finch, Diana Delaney
Fioravanti, Joe
Fitzgerald, Barbara
Fitzgerald, Gregory
Fitzgerald, Robert
Flayton, Leigh
Fleming, Harold
Fletcher, Bramwell
Flint, Roland
Ford, J.H
Foster, Jean Robert
French, David (See American Weave in Biographical)
Friedman, Norman
Frost, Carol
Frost, Richard
Frost, Robert
Fugalli, Tom
Gale, Vi
Galli, Jonathan D.
Gardner, Isabelle
Gardner, John
Gardner, Warren F.
Garrett, George
Gast, Georgia B.
Gilbert, Jack
Gilgun, John
Gillman, Richard
Gioia, Dana
Gioia, Mary
Gioseffi, Daniela
Glass, Jesse
Glaze, Andrew
Goedicke, Patricia
Goldbarth, Albert
Goldberg, Lester
Goldstein, Larry
Golffing, Francis
Grau, John
Greenberg, Alvin
Gregor, Arthur
Gressani, Cheryl
Grumbach, Doris
Gullams, Chasi
Gunn, Thom
Gwynn, Sam
Hacker, Marilyn
Hadley, Trisha
Halas, Ed
Hall , Donald
Halpern, Daniel
Hamrin, Tina
Hansen, Pauline
Harnack, Curt
Harper, Michael
Harrison, Ruth
Harteis, Richard
Hartman, Charles O.
Haven, Stephen
Hazelton, Jon
Hazlewood, Roy
Hecht, Anthony
Hekster, Walter
Hemely, Elaine G.
Henderson, Gladys
Henley, Charles
Henley, Pat
Henri, Adrian
Herbert, Kristin
Herr, Paul
Herrmann, John
Herzing, Albert
Heyen, Bill
Hill , James

Box 8

Hine, Daryl
Hoey, Allen
Hoffman, Daniel
Holmes, John
Honig, Edwin
Horovitz, Michael
Howard, Richard
Howes, Barbara
Huff, Robert
Hughes, James
Hummer, T. R.
Ignatow, David
Inez, Colette
Iodice, Ruth
Irion, Mary Jean
Irwin, John
Jerome, Judson
Justice, Donald
Kennedy, Joe
Kidson, Richard
Kirschten, Robert
Kumin, Maxine
Lacey, Robert
Landrigan, John
Langworthy, Christian
Lederer, Richard
Leeds, Stephen
Lehman, David
Levertov, Denise
Lockman, John
Logan, John
Londraville, Richard
Loomis, Linda
Losito, Leonardo
Lunde, David
Luvaas, William
Macauley, Robie
Mangione, Jerre
Marcus, Morton
Marston, Hope Irvin
Martin, Janette
Martz, Louis L.
Maruggi, Edward
Mason, David
Masterson, Dan
Mathews, William
Mazzaro, Jerry
McAdam, Rhona
McClatchy, J.D.
McCloskey, Mark
McCullough, Ken
McKee, Richard
McLean, Albert F.
McPherson, Sandra
McPhilips, Robert
Menaker, Daniel
Metcalf, Paul
Mezey, Robert
Miller, Matt
Moore, Marianne
Morgan, Frederick
Morrison, Toni
Morton, Dennis
Moss, Howard
Murabito, Stephen
Nemerov, Howard
Nester, Daniel
Nichols, Jeanette
Nims, John F.
Nobles, Edward
O’Connell, George
O’Connell, Richard
Oates, Joyce
Pack, Robert
Packard, William
Padgett, Ron
Parker, Mary Beth
Peacock, Molly
Pearson, Norman Holmes
Penn, W.M.
Pennington, Lee
Petersen, Donald
Piccione, Anthony
Pillin, W.M.
Plath, Eugene Robert
Polite, Frank
Pollack, Felix
Pomeroy, Ralph
Poster, Carol
Poulin, Al
Purvis, Dick
Putman, Clay
Putnam, Harold
Rago, Henry
Ramke, Bin
Ramsey, Jerry
Ransom, John Crowe
Rash, Ron
Rath, Roger
Ratner, Rochelle
Ray, David
Rees, Ennis
Reinfeld, Linda
Reum, Walter
Rich, Adrienne
Richards, Tad
Richman, Robert
Ricks, David
Ridland, John
Rikhoff, Jean
Rinaldi, Nick
Rios, Alberto
Ritchie, Elisavietta
Robbins, Martin
Robinson, Eric
Roma-Deeley, Lois
Rosenberg, Liz
Rudnik, Raphael
Russell, Sydney King
Rutsala, Vern
Safire, W.M.
Salamon, Russell
Salisbury, Ralph
Salter, Mary Jo
Saunders, Susan
Schevill, James
Schimel, Lawrence
Schulman, Grace
Seidman, Hugh
Sevareid, Eric
Sexton, Anne
Shapiro, Karl
Shelton, Richard
Shure, Robert
Silbert, Layle
Simic, Charles
Simmerman, James
Simpson, Louis
Siwarski, Linda
Skellings, Edmund
Skinner, Knute
Sklarew, Myra
Slesinger, Warren
Sloan, Bill
Sloan, Devillo
Smith, Dave
Smith, Larry
Smith, Steven
Smith, William Jay
Snodgrass, W.D.

Box 9

Snyder, Gary
Sorrells, Helen
Soto, Monico
Speer, Laurel
Spender, Stephen
Spireng, Matt
Squires, Radcliffe
Stafford, William
Starbuck, George
Staszewski, Ray
Steele, Timothy
Stefanile, Felix
Steinbach, Roch
Steinkraus, Barbara
Stoloff, Carolyn
Stone, Ronald
Strempek, Bernard
Stuart, Dabney
Stuart, Jesse
Style, Lylee
Suk, Julia
Summers, Hollis
Sutton, Mary
Swain, Raymond
Swann, Brian
Sward, Robert
Swenson, May
Sylvester, William
Tagliabue, John
Tart, Indrek
Taylor, Alexander
Thompson, Phyllis
Tillinghast, Richard
Trow, Don
Trundell, Dennis
Tuchman, Barbara
Turner, Alberta (See Fenn College/Cleveland Poetry Center in Biographical)
Untermeyer, Louis
Vallone, Anthony
Van Duyn, Mona
Van Dyke, Henry
Van Sluys, Sharon
Van Troyer, Gene
Vas Dias, Robert
Vega Janine, Pommy
Vendler, Helen
Viereck, Peter
Vinal, Harold
Vinopal, Bob
Virgilio, Nicholas
Wade, Carol A.
Wade, James
Wadsworth, William
Waggoner, Hyatt
Wagner, Linda
Wagoner, David
Wakoski, Diane
Waldman, Anne
Walker, Hayes
Wallace, Robert
Walsh , Chad
Walzer, Kevin
Wampler, Marty
Wander, Keith
Waters, Michael
Weatherley, Tom
Werner, Maximilian
White, Milton
Whittemore, Reed
Wilbur, Richard
Willard, Nancy
Williams, Joan
Williams, Loring (See American Weave in Biographical)
Williams, Miller
Williams Russell
Williams, Thomas
Wills, P.J.
Wilson, Leigh
Winkelman, Donald
Witt, Harold
Woods, John
Wright, Carolyne
Zimmer, Max
Zimmer, Paul
Zivkovic, Peter

Miscellaneous correspondence

BOX 10

Series 3: Writings


Anthologies 1955-57-58
Contains anthologies from various years, which contain Turco's poetry
The American Poetry Review, 1955
America Sings, 1957
EPOS Anthology, 1958
Book of Beasts

Typescript manuscript, carbon copies, and photocopies
Typescript manuscript. Photocopy with artwork. Bound in a notebook.

The Book of Forms

Poems and definitions
Research for a new edition
Typescript manuscript. Some carbon copies.
Galley proofs with photocopied index
General Index. Proofs
Corrected galley proof
Bound page proofs for the paperback edition

The Book of Literary Forms
Galley proofs
Index. Typescript. Photocopy
The Compleat Melancholick

Typescript manuscript. Carbon copy

Contemporary Poetry: The Book of Forms
Typescript manuscript. Bound
The Devil's Disease
Typescript manuscript. (6 folders) Folders 1-2
BOX 11

The Devil's Disease
Typescripts manuscript. Folders 3-6
Typescript manuscript. Photocopy. Bound. Three volumes

Dialogue: A Socratic Dialog on the Art of Writing Dialogue in Fiction

Computer printout. Photocopy

Emily Dickinson, Woman of Letters

Computer printout. Photocopy
Galley proof

BOX 12
Essays in American Poetry
Typescript manuscript (2 folders)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Poetry But Were Afraid to Ask
Typescript manuscript. Photocopy. (3 folders)

The Fantasy Handbook

Typescript manuscript. Bound. This includes a typescript of "My Father and I," Turco's first published fiction, which won a prize at a local paper in 1949, when he was fifteen.
First Poems.

Introduction by Donald Justice.

Good Gray Poets [published under the title Visions and Revisions of American Poetry?]
Handwritten manuscript
Typescript manuscript. Carbon copy.
Typescript manuscript. Carbon copy
Chapters 1-10. Typescript manuscript. Combined original and carbon copy
Chapters 11-14. Typescript manuscript. Combined original and carbon copy
The Journal of Charles Ally.
Combined holograph, carbon copy, and typescript pasted into a record book.
Newspaper clipping, photocopies, pages from books bound into a scrapbook
The Life and Poetry and Manoah Bodman

Research materials
Typescript manuscript. Photocopy

Box 13

New and Selected Poems
[Published under the title A Shifting Web: New and Selected Poetry?]
Copyeditor's corrected copy
The New Book of Forms
Typescript manuscript. (3 folders)
Typescript manuscript with cut-and-paste copies (4 folders)
Typescript manuscript. Photocopy. (2 folders)
Typescript manuscript, combined with computer printouts and photocopies (3 folders)
Index of terms
Index of terms
Bibliographical index

Box 14

New Book of Forms, continued
Proofs with some photocopied pages
The Oxford Handbook of Literary Forms

Field test
Computer printout. Photocopy
Drama sections
Pre-publications reader's reports

Pocoangelini (See also 2003 addendum)

Typescript manuscript. Carbon copy.
Poetry: An Introduction Through Writing
Poetry project. Learning resources
A Shifting Web: New and Selected Poetry
Front matter. Copyeditor's copy
True and Fictional Stories of the Supernatural.
Holograph, typescript, carbon copies, drawings in a scrapbook
Understanding Contemporary American Poetry
Computer printout. (3 folders)

Box 15

Visions and Revisions of American Poetry

Typescript manuscript with printers marks. Photocopy
Typescript manuscript. Photocopy
Typescript manuscript. Photocopy
Blue lines
Printer's proofs with revisions
Printer's proofs with authors corrections
Printer's proofs
Printer's proofs with corrections
Galley proofs with printer's and author's corrections
Signatures with printer's corrections
About the author
Photograph of Turco (photocopy), galley check, paging instructions
Front matter and works cited. Galley proofs. Revised. Photocopies
Index. Typescript manuscript
Index. Galley proof. Photocopy


The Aging Ghost by James Crenner
The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald by Andrew Turnbull
Madonna of the Cello by Robert Bagg
The Nesting Ground by David Wagoner, Progressions by Albert Cook, The Hungry Lions by Joanne de Longchamps
"Notices of Current Books." Poems About Love by Robert Graves.
"Of Laureates and Lovers." Omnibus review for Saturday Review.
Omnibus review of poetry books.
Poems About Love by Robert Graves. (Notices of Current Books)
"The Sad Tear I call 'Roquefort on Poultry, or Two Book Reviews and an Impeachment." Reviews of The Satirical Rouge on Poetry by Robert Francis and Digressions and Indiscretions by Richard Leighton Greene.
"Vision and Artifice." Review of Babel to Byzantium by James Dickey.


"Confession, Vision, and Artifice"
"Contemporary Novels: English and French"
"Corresponding with Conrad Aiken"
Essay on English poets
"A Fable for Journalists"
Fenn College Chapter of the American Association on University Professors stand on states' rights
Forms of poetry
"Ghost of Emerson"
Hillsdale college professors not respected by students
"The House of Mirrors." Midwest Review, Spring 1961. Reprint.
"Interview with Lewis Turco and Lewis Turco by A. Priori"
"Memo from the Muses' Unamerican Activities Committee"
"Notes on American Literary Figures Appearing in A Fable for Critics."
"Nothing Doing"
"Of Professionals, Amateurs, and Agonists"
"Pandarus: Courtly Love vs. Medieval Morality."
"Paris Leary"
"Priest of Passage"
"The Profession of Poetry"
Response to Professor Kirk
Response to Shapiro essay in Shenandoah
"Sceptic Dialogue"
"A Statistical Study of Undergraduate writing Arts Programs in the USA"
"The Techniques of Versification of W.D. Snodgrass"
Term paper for philosophy
"Thoughts on Writing"
"Two Approaches to the Comedy of Manners: A Comparison of Barrie'sThe Admirable Crichton and Maugham'sThe Constant Wife"
"Two Poems: A Comparison"
"Verse Drama and the Void"
"Why the Humanities?"

Court, Wesli.(psued)"The Airs of Wales: Medieval Poems in Modern English." Poetry Newsletter, Vol. 53 (Fall 1981), pp. 1 -- 18.
Murgatroyd and Mabel. (Children's book.) Ill. Robert Michaels. Oswego, New York: Mathom Publishing Company, 1978. Unbound signature.

Turco, Lewis. "The Agonisn and Existentity: Stevens." Concerning Poetry, Vol.6:no.1, pp. 32 -- 44.

"Amiguphobia: The Fear of Puns." (Poem.) American Literary Review Special Poetry Issue. Vol.1:No.1 (Spring 1994), p. 89.

"Amnesiophobia: The Fear of Forgetting." (Poem.) American Literary Review Special Poetry Issue. Vol.1:No.1 (Spring 1994), p. 88.

"Arachnophobia: The Fear of Spiders." (Poem.) Southern Humanities Review. Vox.XXVII:No.4 (Fall 1993), p. 378.

"Book of the Black Heart." Carolina Quarterly. Vol.xvi:no.3 (Summer 1964), pp 27 -- 36.

"Curt." (Memoir.) North Atlantic Review. Number 2 (Summer 1990), pp. 48 -- 57.

"Defining the Poet." Concerning Poetry. Vol.1:no.2, pp. 7 -- 15.

"Dialogue." (Essay.) In Dibell, Scot Card, and Turco, How to Write a Million. London: Robinson Publishing, Ltd., 1991.
Box 16

"Frances Pullen, 1744 -- 1779," "Patience Pullen, 1880 -- 1885," "Patience Cobb Pullen, 1749 -- 1789." (Poems). The Bridge. Summer-Fall 1993, pp. 6 -- 8.

"How to Read Hopkins." Letter to the Editor The New York Times Book Review. September 24, 1989.

"Howard Nemerov's Cosmos of the Ordinary." (Essay). ELF: Eclectic Literary Forum. Vol.4:No.2 (Summer 1994), pp. 54 -- 56.

"I Remember. Big Ed" (Memoir) Yankee, May 1991, p.30.

"Phalacrophobia: The Fear of Balding." (Poem.) The Poet's Page. July/August/September 1994, p. 34.

"Poetry by Turco." Iowa Alumni Review.Vol.18:no.2 (February 1965), p. 16 -- 17.
"Postmodernist Academic Style." (Essay.) The Poet's Page. July/August/September 1994, pp. 11 -- 25.
"The Pro-Am Tournament." (Essay) Michigan Quarterly Review. 1978, pp. 84 -- 91.
"November 22, 1964." (Poem.) Al-Hayat Fi America.No. 32. In a booklet between pages 22 and 23. In Arabic.
"Sonnets to an Old Professor." Fine Arts Magazine. Vol.IV:No.1 (April 1959), pp. 8 -- 9.
"Villanelle of the First Day." ELFL: Eclectic Literary Forum. Vol.5:No.3 (1995), p. 26.


AAUP at Fenn College

American Verse: From the Beginning to 1900. Proposed table of contents

Aspects: At Home and Others. Dedication, permissions, forenote, and index to titles.

Beginning of a story of Bob Fennerly

"Fixing the World." Speech before the Ohio Poetry Society, November 26, 1960.

Hillsdale epistles. Letters. Mimeographs

Letters written by Turco to various people

List of poems

List of poets

Miscellaneous writings

"Not-me/knock-knee" controversy

Notepad, including "What is the purpose of a liberal arts college?," "Some People Call me

Turk," "I am the Bay," "Last of All," "See the Christian," "The Milkman," "Warrior," "Resumé"

Notepad, including"The Long Night"

Notepad, including review of The Satirical Rogue and Digressions and Indiscretions, list of poems, "The Good Man," letter to Bill

Notepad, including an untitled short story, "The Rock," and untitled poems with the following first lines: The scent of lilac, mint's breath, golden rue; The afternoon bores; Sparrow, space; Our hero, Hugh of Harrow; As I read my good friend's book; The snow is falling into the night

Notepad, including a list: Tools needed, tools owned; and an unidentified short story

Notepad, 1963, including "Odds Bodkin on Love," "Poetry Center of Cleveland," "Elegy in a Watermelon Patch"

Notepad 1964/65, including "Pocoangelini, Grundy," "Cell of the Celibate," "Drowning in the Wind," "Aureole of the Automobile," "Sherried Artichoke Chicken," "Goober Beef Casserole," "Friday Night Scallop," "Zucchini ala Parmigiana"

Notepad, 1965, including letters to [Arny?], "Back-to-Wall," "The Goodly Squire," "Ouvertures Academiques," "Letter to Senator Dirksen"

Notepad, 1965, including "Fabulous Creatures: A Bestiary: Hippo, Jackal, Rhinoceros;" "The Garden of Odd Seeds," "The Names of Places," "Woodbane," "Angels," "Back-to-Wall," "Burning the News," review of The Poems of Richard Wilbur, "An Old Acquaintance," "Lives for Mr. Stevenson."

Notes for a proposed story

Notes for a proposed story about Henry Corway

Pages of a notebook with items on both sides. Mostly poetry, including "Ferdinand Feghoot," "Gone Are the Merry Men," "Mutter in the Morning Wind," "The Man in a Chamber," "Once in the Long Moon," "In a Summer Season," "This is the City," and the "Shiftlessness of Things."

Pages of a notebook. Mostly poems including "The Hallway," "The Glider," "The Door," "The Mirror," "The Pillow," "Sight," "This," "The Portrait of a Clown," "The Playroom (2)," "The Study," "The Basement," "The Desk," "The Photo in a Gilt Frame," "The Hallseat," "Jermyn's River," "The Test," and "The Mathom Shop."

Response to a performance by Joy Parker and Paul Scofield


Case in Hand

Chemistry Characters. A Play in One Act

The City Masque

Dreams of Stone and Sun


The Stellar Cavalier. A Kinda Medium-Light Opera in Three Acts

The Witch Trial. A Play in One Act


Manuscripts of poetry, mostly handwritten, some typescript

Arras Tapestry
Art de la Poesie -- The Art of Poetry
Awaken, Bells Falling
Beaches Caught in Glass
Bedtime Story
But the Door Sighing
Byelow the cold, cold wind
Captain Hood
Carnival Evening
Chantade for Brigs in Bottles
Christmas Poems
Clarence and the Pope
Collection of poems

Dancing is Social Too
The Garden
Muses' Bell

Collection of poems

The Death of the Astronaut
Flaming he rose and flaming he
Before that moment of fire, before

Communal Swimming
Concerning An Arrogance of Power
Concrete Castle
Darby Dan and Lily
Demeter & Persephone
Dialogue at Some Length
Dick deTraviale
Didactic Poem
Down Low, the Clamshell Night
Elegy Composed in a Watermelon Patch
End of Term
Englyn Penfyr. The Formalist
Epigrams for a Poetry Workshop
Epistle to a Sleeper
Epitaph on Scholars
Eunuch Cat
Explanation for J.S.
The Face in the Stone
Fit the Eleventh, Fit the Twelfth
Fit the Seventh
The Fog Drifts
For a Dark Man
For All It's Worth
For the Baby
From Fabulous Creatures
From the Sketches
Getting Too Important
Gergrundehyde the Good
Gravir -- Jacques Dupin
[Grow Weary Weary]
Harvest Song, #1, #2, #3
He Who Feeds Pigeons
Headstone and Croneweed: A Dialogue
Heraldic Encounter (2)
Holy Man Whose Thoughts Travel in High Circles
Hook, Line and Sinker
If I Were Pan's Wife
Image of an Old Man
In Defense of Absurd Gestures
In the Graves of Academe: or the Graffiti of Tilbury College (2)
In the Volcanoes of Your Eyes
An In-Law Rime
Instead of a Sparrow
It is Quiet Now
January 23, 1997 (For Jessima Siti Ranney)
Jason Potter
Just Like That
The Knight in Shining Burlap
A Lady of Love
Lamp, the Sleeper, and The Art of Poetry
Libretto in White
Linen Calendar
Little O. Annie Likes Ike
Long Will's Vision of Piers the Plowman
Madrigal of Simples: Maine
Mathus, Be Kind; Term Registration (one side); Poems 1953-1963 (list, on the other side of the page)
Measures: In Defense of Certain Gestures
A Meeting of the Minds
Melora, My Daughter
Ma Coeur
Mole Lived on a Mountain
Moment Before
Monologue in Silence
Morbid Man Singing
Narcissus to His Fleshly Shadow
Nightly Owl Broods
No Reflection on You, But. . .

Notepad 1962

The Blackbird and the Honey Bee
Little Old Ladies
Odds Bodkin
Untitled (arranged by first line)
Now let us talk of fire
The wind sailed high and cool

Notepad 1967

What is poetry? (Essay)
Death Rides a Blue Horse
There was a man named Appleware
The people, The great green cricket
The rose window glows

Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
Occasional Ballad for a Class Reunion
October 24, 1962
Odds Bodkin
Odds Bodkin on the Town
Odds Bodkin's Strange Thrusts and Travel
Ode on the Intimation of Immortality (2)
The Old Professor and the Sphinx
Oliver's Speech From Six Feet of Sod
On Having Been Fired
An Ordinary Evening in Cleveland
The Parade
Pegasus, Honey, and Hershey, Pa.
Picture on the Wall
The Pilot
Pity the Prurient Rose, Poor Dear
Poem About Fishing
Poet Thinking About Editors (and other Readers, If Any)
Poetry Sampler
Pop Poem #1
Pop Poem #2
Prime of Night
Prologue to The Dark Man
Recipe for a Vichyssoise
Recollections XII (Birds of the Early Night)
Reilly's Rannaigheart
Relative Rimes
A Riddle
The Rodent of Hours
Rolling Among Sparks
The Room
Roundel: Bitters for This Age

Box 17

Poems, continued

Runes for May's Day After
Savage and Innocent
Seascape with Treasure
September 22, 1963
Sestet for Two Mothers-to-Be
Sexton Rings the Kookie Bells


Some Food For Thought
Nursery Rime
Untitled: First line: He'd sworn to see it and, one day
What do you think about the world?
The fingernail of God
Denuded by the
Essay: A Fable For Journalists
Letter to the Editor

The Ship
Simone Signoret
Sir Orfeo (John Masefield Rime Royal contest)
Sketch # 1 (15)
The Sketches
Sketches, Book 2
Snow Devil
Some Kind of a Thing
Still Lives
Still Life with Surf (by Wesli Court)
The Stroller
Summer Prime of Night
Terzanelle Decadenza on Turning Thirty
The Book of Things. Sheaf One
The Manticore Having Married
The Stars Rattle
The Voyagers
There Will Be Hailstones

Three poems

Untitled (arranged by first line)
The houses are settling into their foundations
In the pastures the wind walks
The pond at the edge of town

Three Voices in a Castle
To a Woman Shoveling Snow
To Smoke a Pipe
Tomke Chain II

Two poems

Untitled (arranged by first line)
Like a silence of hearts, Death
The moon is hollow

Two Poems

The Clock
The Student

Two Poems

My Wife of the Town

Two poems

A Family Celebration
Untitled First line: Timestruck to Valencia he will go

Two Poems

To Aunt Annie, Who Must Die
The Auction

Two poems found among Turco's mothers possessions

Thanksgiving Sonnet
To My Mother on Her Birthday

Two Songs

Uncle Frank & Aunt Harriet
Untitled (arranged by first line)
A cube of fluid quivers on my desk
A lot of cold water's flowed over the dam
A table turned aslant the door
An egg that must give hatch to death
And so the school year's finished
As my blood has run
At last to end his great distress
At noon time on a June day
Bob came down with a rumbledum
But to eulogize
Come as the wind comes, Love
Dear Classmates and Mates Thereof
Demoiselle, those white limbs genuflecting
Desire today is a cavern of snow
Destitute of sound, I rely upon the room
The dim, sweet barn has wings
Do you hear the voice made of wine?
Do you hear the voice of the dog?
Each morning he would enter
The elephant in the box
Even in prose
Fathers, fathers, come home, come home
Ferdinard Feghoot, the science galoot
For as many nights as there are days
For thirty years we lived together
For to descryve the ros to most pleasance
Go down Adam, wastrel reaper
Go longing, air voice
Gone are the merry men
Hark! Hark! The lark
Having come this far, prone on your particolored
Having shifted in my
He and his go to the springs, have gone
He is the mandarin of silence
Here, alone in the old house, reading
His fingers brush through the cast-off thing
Hundreds of yards of woodlands
I am a morbid man: I sit and sing
I am Peter
I call upon the Muses Mine
I call you death, you mouse
I dream of death
I fell out of the shadows
I have here a little ditty
I may change
I shall get up and go
I shall raise you up, Lazarus, with a hand
I thought, at first, I saw through a yellow eye
I walked into the auditorium
I, too, admire the work of Mr. Dickey
In prayer and penance
In this foul den I am still with God
"Is one supposed to hope?"
It cost me 3 bucks
It is dark here in this room
It is midnight of a summer night
It is morning. Brother Night
It is winter in this grim house of stone
It was a quiet June evening
Itinerary - Jacques Dupin
Its blood has run
John Eagle stands and regards the trail
Just beyond the shadow of the blue spruce
The land goes as time goes
Let me sit here now
Like a fleet thief, this sparrow
Lily is my name Lily Vale
Living then will be child's play
Mamby, the nimble mouse
Man's follies firsthand
Mary of the charms, Mary Belle
The mill grinds the night
My black heart
My flesh shall be fertile
My God! Another winter's gone to hell
My irises are seas where sailors drown
My students move or settle in
Next, sirs, if you choose
None see. Come follow me.
Nor you, nor I may call the weather dumb
O . . . Orpheus
Odds says, Egad
"Oh for heaven's sake," Grace said
On the morning of the first day he awoke and went out
Out of doors, at night she came and sang (includes fit the Fourth, Fit the Fifth, and Fit the Sixth)
Play this game: paint
A progression of cuts
The rain, like a mouse, scurries about the house
Ralph Waldo's Aunt Mary
Redhead in the vine desolate
Rue would go where she could to
She is caught in her frail house
She sighed as she saw the nightbird rise
So long, folks, until tomorrow
Softly out of the old moon
Still, still, the darkness of night
That restlessness is strange which visits men
The children suckle at the wolf
The clown to the woman said
The couch is enjoying the chair
The crabapples are blue
The immense mossy head rose steaming
The lamp is standing in the center of
The old lady and the bull
The ravages of the worm are slow
The sun! To hear you think that you'd been making love to him
The sun is on her garments
The terms comes to snow and
The trees today are a shiver of snow
The wind revels in the weed, the beads of snow
Their tongues sprawl among their cheeks
There among my books, Lucrezia
There is a lamp in the corner
There is a song in the rock
There is no mercy here
There once was a poet named Ciardi
There was a woman on our block
There was an end of things
There's a branch with no tap root
Thimble and Tumble went out to the well
This is a true October
This is an old house made of wood
Time is fluid
Tonight the world dies
Twist the busses on the street, desirous
Uncle Ed and Aunt
Uncle Skull is hunting home, home
Upside down in a world of bitters
The urchin swims in my brow
Was it the sound a blue spruce makes
We wandered long and gently, Dorothy
The well of holy heaven has gone sec
What do you think of reduction, sir?
When I came out of the bunting hive
When I saw, golden in the turning earth
Witness be hanged from a cherry tree
You live with me, now where's your love?
You need not fear the fall
"You'd better see her now."
When You Come In
Whispers in a Windmill
Will Somers
World Enough and Time
Words for the Book of Sand
Words for White Weather
Writing from Experience
Written with Asperity


"Barrow Yard"
"The Battle of the Primaries"
"The Book of the Black Heart. Sheaf One: The City"
"The Book of the Black Heart. Sheaf Three: The Ship"
"Episode in Brewster Heights"
"The Instructor"
"Living Metal"
"Master of Cerements"
"Milk Route Mystery"
"A Pipe Dream" (2)
"The Rain"
"The Sated Satyr. The New Satirycon"
"Scent of Honeysuckle"
"Scot on the Rocks"
Sheaf Five. "Shit City"
"Three on a Match"
Untitled [Gail Adams]
"Wind and Red Moss"

Series 4: Audiotapes

This new series is stored in small gray boxes, and the numbering starts at 1 again.

Box 1

Poetry Readings

Audio cassettes

Tape 3, part 1: Expresso Club. Nicholas Lindsay.
Tape 3, part 2: Nicholas Lindsay.
Tape 4: Expresso Club. R. V. Cassill.
Tape 5, part 1: SUCO Fine Art Festival. Expresso Ship.
Tape 5, part 2: Expresso Shop.
Tapes 6 and 7: Brockport, Int. Library of Congress tape.
Tape 8: Conrad Aiken. Marianne Moore. Yale Poets #1.
Tape 9, part 1: R. Lowell. Stanley Kunitz. Yale Poets #2.
Tape 9, part 2: Yale Poets #2. R. Lowell. Stanley Kunitz.
Tape 9, part 3: Yale Poets #2. R. Lowell. Stanley Kunitz.
Tape 10, part 1: Yale Poets #3. Louis Simpson. George Starbuck.
Tape 10, part 2: Yale Poets #3. Louis Simpson. George Starbuck.
Tape 11: Yale Poets #4. Vernon Watkins. Louis MacNeice.
Tape 12, part 1: Yale Poets #5. Allen Tate. Robert Penn Warren.
Tape 12, part 2: Yale Poets #5. Allen Tate. Robert Penn Warren.
Tape 13: Yale Poets #6 Yvor Winters. Lee Anderson. Winfield Townley Scott. R. P. Blackmor.

Tape 14: Yale Poets #7. Louise Borgan. Dudley Filts.
Tape 15: Yale Poets #8: John Hollander. C. Day Lewis.
Tape 16, part 1: National Poetry Festival #1.
Tape 16, part 2: National Poetry Festival #1.
Tape 17, part 1: National Poetry Festival #2.
Tape 17, part 2: National Poetry Festival #2.
Tape 17, part 3: National Poetry Festival #2.
Tape 18, part 1: National Poetry Festival #3.
Tape 18, part 2: National Poetry Festival #3.
Tape 19, part 1: National Poetry Festival #4.
Tape 19, part 2: National Poetry Festival #4.
Tape 20, part 1: National Poetry Festival #5.
Tape 20, part 2. National Poetry Festival #5.
Tape 21, part 2: National Poetry Festival #6.
Tapes 22, 23, 24: Project Discovery. Expresso Club 2/16/66.
Tape 25, part 1: Expresso Club 2/17/66 and 2/18/66.
Tape 25, part 2: Expresso Club 2/17/66 and 2/18/66.

Box 2

Audio cassettes, continued

Tape 25, part 3: Expresso Club 2/17/66 and 2/18/66.
Tape 26, part 1: Expresso Club 2/17/66 and 2/18/66.
Tape 26, part 2: Expresso Club 2/18/66.
Tape 27, part 1: SUCO Fine Arts Festival. Expresso Shop 2/19/66.
Tape 27, part 2: SUCO Fine Arts Festival. Expresso Shop 2/9/66.
Tape 28, part 1: Fine Arts Festival. 2/19/66.
Tape 28, part 2: Fine Arts Festival 2/19/66.
Tape 29: FSCA. James L. Weil. 4/17/61.
Tape 30: FSCA. Lewis Turco. 6/26/61.
Tape 31: FSCA. Robert Huff. 10/5/62.
Tape 32: FSCA. Paul Engle. 11/13/62.
Tape 33: FSCA. Paul Engle. Evening Program at Fenn College 11/13/62.
Tape 34: FSCA. X.V. Kennedy. Ohio Versewriters Conference, 1963.
Tape 35: FSCA. Dr. Ernest Simmons. 1/28/63.
Tape 36: FSCA. Atkin and Hammond. Turner and Williams. 4/26/63.
Tape 37: FSCA. Ohio Versewriters Conference 1963. James Crenner, Irving Feldman, Miller Williams, Lewis Turco. 4/27/63.
Tape 38: FSCA. Richard Wilber. 5/24/63.
Tape 39, part 1: FSCA. Nicholas Lindsay reading the poetry of Vachel Lindsay. 11/15/63.
Tape 39, part 2: FSCA. Nicholas Lindsay reading the poetry of Vachel Lindsay. 11/15/63.
Tape 40, part 1: FSCA. Introduction '64. Jan Billara, Fay Fox, Dave French, Russell Salamon, Julie Suk.
Tape 40, part 2: FSCA. Introduction "64. Jan Billara, Fay Fox, Dave French, Russell Salamon, Julie Suk.
Tape 41: FSCA. Howard Nemerov 2/21/64.
Tape 42: FSCA. Morton Marcus 3/7/64.
Tape 43. Ohio Versewriters Conference 4/17/64. Vonna Adrian, P. L. Sabo, William Sylvester.
Tape 44: FSCA. Richard Frost. Donald Petersen. 4/18/64.
Tape 45, part 1: FSCA. Ohio Versewriters Conference 1964. James Weil, "Devices of Poetry." Round table discussion. 4/18/64.
Tape 45, part 2: FSCA. Ohio Versewriters Conference 1964. James Weil, "Devices of Poetry." Round table discussion. 4/18/64.
Tape 46: FSCA. Ohio Versewriters Conference. Hollis Summers. 4/18/64.
Tape 47: FSCA Richard Eberhardt. 5/22/64.
Tape 48: FSCA. Karl Shapiro. 12/4/64.
Tape 49, part 1: William Dickey. e e cummings.
Tape 49, part 2: William Dickey. e e cummings.
Tape 50, part 1: Fenn Poetry Center. W.D. Snodgrass 5/14/65.
Tape 50, part 2: Fenn Poetry Center. W. D. Snodgrass 5/14/65.

Box 3

Audio cassettes, continued

Tape 51, part 1: FSCA. William Golding.
Tape 51, part 2: FSCA. William Golding.
Tape 52, part 1: FSCA. Jazz Poetry Festival
Tape 52, part 2: FSCA. Jazz Poetry Festival.
Tape 54: FSCA. Miss H. Collister Hutchinson.
Tape 55: Dylan Thomas. e e cummings, Vachel Lindsay, W. H. Auden.
Tape 56: FSCA. John Crowe Ransom.
Tape 57: FSCA. Robert Huff.
Tape 58: Hall-Turco. Conference of Midwestern Poets.
Tape 59: Conference of Midwestern Poetry. Loring Williams. John Woods.
Tape 60: 1963 Maryland Writers' Festival. Edward Skellings. Arnold Kenseth.
Tape 61: 1963 Maryland Writers' Festival. Robert Wallace. Joseph Langland.
Tape 62: Muriel Rukeyser. 4/16/64.
Tape 63: Muriel Rukeyser. 4/16/64.
Tape 64, part 1: University of Montana. Charles Tomlinson. Muriel Rukeyser 4/16/64.
Tape 64, part 2: University of Montana. Charles Tomlinson. Muriel Rukeyser 4/16/64.
Tapes 65 and 66: Charles Tomlinson. William Heyen.
Tape 67: VTQ 008 Cut #2. Richard Frost.
Tape 68, part 1: New Voices in American Poetry (Selection from FSCA) William Faulkner, Wallace Stevens, Conrad Aiken, Elizabeth Bishop, Nicholas Lindsay.
Tape 68, part 2: New Voices in American Poetry (Selections from FSCA) William Faulkner, Wallace Stevens, Conrad Aiken, Elizabeth Bishop, Nicholas Lindsay.
Tape 69, part 1: Sandberg, MacLeish, Yeats, Auden, Sitwell, Graves, MacNeice, Auden.
Tape 69, part 2: Auden, Friedman, MacNeice, Stein, Moore, Empson, Spender, W. E. Williams.
Tape 70, part 1: Eric Robertson on John Clare OWAW, 8/28/67. Mark McCloskey OWAW, 8/30/67.
Tape 70, part 2: Eric Robertson on John Clare OWAW, 8/28/68. Mark McCloskey OWAW, 8/30/67.
Tape 71, part 1: T. S. Eliot. Robert Frost. Steven Vincent Benet.
Tape 71, part 2: T. S. Eliot. Robert Frost. Steven Vincent Benet. Edmund Skellings.
Tape 72. Frost. Meredith.
Tape 73, part 1: John Ciardi, "State of Poetry Now." 4/11/60. Thomas Hornsby Ferrill 1954.
Tape 73. part. 2: John Ciardi. "State of Poetry Now." 4/11/60. Thomas Hornsby Ferrill 1954.
Tape 74:William Golding.
Tape 75, part 1: Richard Hugo 10/14/64. David Wagoner 4/5/67.
Tape 75, part 2: Richard Hugh 10/14/64. David Wagoner 4/5/67.
Tape 76: Ohio Versewriters. Richard Frost, Donald Petersen, "The Unconscious in Verse Composition."

Box 4

Audio cassettes, continued

Tape 77: Marcus Morton, Oswego 12/15/70. Lewis Turco, "The Living Arts" Interview. SUC, Potsdam, 1969.
Tape 78: Hayden Carruth. Elliott Coleman. Josephine Jacobson. Henry Rogo.
Tape 78: Hayden Carruth, Elliott Coleman. Josephine Jabobson. Henry Rogo.
Tape 79, part 1: J. R.R. Tolkien. Robert Shure's "Twink." Of Poetry and Power.
Tape 79, part 2: J. R. R. Tolkien. Robert Shure's "Twink." Of Poetry and Power.
Tape 81, part 1: The Elections Last Fall. Salisbury, Turco, Eberhart.
Tape 81, part 2: The Elections Last Fall. Salisbury, Turco, Eberhart.
Tape 81, part 3: The Elections Last Fall. Salisbury, Turco, Eberhart.
Tape 82: Thomas Kinsella, 10/22/70. Michael Harper, SUCO 4/22/70.
Tape 83, part 1: George Garrett 10/15/68. William Stafford, Oswego 11/13/69.
Tape 83, part 2: George Garret 10/15/68. William Stafford, Oswego 11/13/69.
Tape 84, part 1: Dylan Thomas, talk and reading. Complete recorded poetry.
Tape 84, part 2: Dylan Thomas, talk and reading. Complete recorded poetry.
Tape 84, part 3: Dylan Thomas, talk and reading. Complete recorded poetry.
Tapes 85 and 86: Oppenheimer. Foreign language.
Tape 87: Richard Hugo 10/14/64.
Tape 88, part 1: Vern Rutsala, SUCO 1/11/66. George Garrett, SUC, Potsdam 10/12/68.
Tape 88, part 2: Vern Rutsala, SUCO 1/11/66. George Garrett, SUC, Potsdam 10/12/68.
Tape 89: Edward Field, Reading, OWAW 8/23/67. Gwendolyn Brooks, Interview.
Tape 90: 1963 Maryland Writers' Festival. W. I. Snodgrass.
Tape 91: 1963 Maryland Writer's Festival. Lewis Turco. William Faulkner, Wallace Stevens, Conrad Aiken, Elizabeth Bishop.

Tape 92: Fenn Poetry Center. Karl Shapiro 12/4/64.
Tape 93: John Woods 11/6/64.
Tape 94: John Logan reading poems at Cornell University 4/18/61.
Tapes 95 and 96: Robert Frost. Bill Knott "It Takes Two to Make a Murder."
Tape 97. Jan Billera reading with drum accompaniment for his book Purgatory and Carousels.
Tapes 98 and 99: FSCA. X.J. Kennedy. "The Last Days of Hart Crane." WBAI FM, NY.
Tape 101: Macleish, Sandburg, Yeats.
Tape 102: FSCA. John Tagliabuc, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine 1959.
Tapes 103 and 104: FSCA. W. D. Snodgrass, Address at State University, Oneonta 8/2/61. Milton Kessler 9/18/62.
Tape 105: FSCA. Vern Rutsala, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR 10/62.
Tape 106: FSCA. Richard Frost 8/24/62.
Tapes 107 and 108: FSCA. Louis Williams, Fenn 10/20/62 (Choral background and accompaniment). David Ignatow 10/26/62.
Tapes 109 and 110: FSCA. James Crenner 11/1/62. Paul Engle, Fenn College 11/13/62.

Box 5

Audio cassettes, continued

Tapes 111 and 112: FSCA Rhymers Club. Mr. Carr Leggett 1/24/63. Judson Jerome 4/27/63.
Tape 113: FSCA. Donald Justice 3/15/63.
Tape 114. FSCA. Robert Mezey 10/25/63.
Tape 115: FSCA. George Abbe.

Tape 116: FSCA. A. R. Ammons.
Tape 117: FSCA. Charles Angoff.
Tape 118: FSCA. Sam Bradley.
Tapes 119, 120, 121: FSCA. Charles Burgess. Constance Carrier, Leonard Casper.
Tape 122: FSCA. William Eversion (Brother Antonimus)
Tapes 123 and 124: FSCA. Donald Finkel. Paul Herr.
Tape 126: FSCA. Sam Hudson, "A Light to Lighten."
Tapes 127 and 128: FSCA. Judson Jerome. Donald Justice.
Tapes 129 and 130: FSCA. Ralph Kinsey. Nicholas Lindsay.
Tape 131: FSCA. Morton Marcus.
Tape 132: FSCA. E. L. Mayo.
Tapes 133 and 134: FSCA. Nicholas Lindsay, poetry of Vachel Lindsay. Mark Strand.
Tapes 135 and 136: FSCA. Hollis Summers. Discussion. Lewis Turco and Ray Stascewski.
Tapes 137 and 138: FSCA. Alberta Turner. Mona van Duyn.
Tape 139: FSCA. Chad Walsh
Tapes 140 and 141: FSCA. Loring Williams. Miller Williams.
Tape 142: FSCA. John Woods.
Tape 143: Seawell, O'Connell, Sullivan
Tape 144. Nancy Willard.
Tape 145: G Brooks Poetry Workshop 2/20/84.
Tape 146: G Books Poetry Workshop 2/20/84.
Unnumbered: Turco SUCO 1984.

Box 6

Audio cassettes, continued

Turco lectures

Tape 1: "The Nature of Poetry." Interview with a Split Personality.
Tape 2: "The Nature of Poetry." Interview with S. Spender.
Tape 2: "The Nature of Poetry." Lecture #2.
Tape 3: "The Nature of Poetry." Interview. The Poetry of George Garrett.
Tape 3: "The Nature of Poetry." Lecture #3.
Tape 4: "The Nature of Poetry." Lecture #4.
Tape 5: Turco - Lecture #5.
Tape 6: Turco - Lecture #6.
Tape 7: Turco - Lecture #7.
Tape 8: Turco - Lecture #7. "The Nature of Poetry."

Tape 9: Turco - Lesson #9.
Tape 10: Turco - Lesson #10.
Tape 11: Turco - #11. "The Nature of Poetry."

Miscellaneous tapes

Tape 40: The Economic Paradox. W. H. Ferry
Tape 41: Alienation and Freedom. R. Lichtman
Tape 44: Authoritarian Democratic Techniques. Momford and Rickover.
Tape 45: Technology and Democracy.
Tape 47: The Elite & the Electorate. W. J. Fulbright, etc.
Unnumbered: Leighninger. Soc. 180. Dr. John Funk. The Legal Rights of Mental Patients.
Unnumbered: Salisbury Bio. I. Unit 13. Evolution.
Unnumbered: Lewis Turco Writers Forum Interview. 9/27/79.

Use Copies:
Tape 75, parts 1 and 2
Tape 87

2002 Addendum


The Craft So Hard To Learn: Essays in Postmodern American Poetry and Poetics.

Typescript manuscript. Carbon copy

The Green Maces of Autumn. Dresden Mills, ME: The Mathom Bookshop, 2002.

2003 Addendum

Box 18

Series 1: Biographical annd Personal Materials

Book collections

Clippings (3 folders)

Contemporary Authors
. Pps. 446 -- 448

Contemporary Literary Criticism. 1979, pps. 549 -- 552; 1991, pps. 428 -- 433

Faculty Appointments

Hillsdale College


Committee work

Sub-divisional merit committee

1982 -- 1983


Henry Cuyler Bunner Awards, 1977

Correspondence with Virginia Radley and Donald Mathieu

Faculty dataforms

Faculty exchange

Faculty fellowships

Faculty interest profile


Institute for the creative arts

Oswego Writing Arts Workshop

Penfield Library

Smoking policy

Television - ETV

University Federation of Teachers -- Oswego chapter

Writers Festival




Putnam family


Listings in various reference sources (2 folders)

Organizational Affiliations

Academy of American Poets

Cleveland Center for the Arts

Coalition of American Writers

College English Association

Committee for Public Higher Education

Institute of Soviet American Relations

Miscellaneous organizations

National Writers Union

Poetry Book Club

Poetry Center of San Francisco State College

Poetry Society of America

Poets and Writers, Inc.

Poets for Peace


Public Engagements


Turco, Jean (includes photographs)

Turco, May

Turco, Melora (2 folders)

Box 19

Biographical and personal materials, cont.

Turco, Lewis -- personal files Turco kept on himself
1934 -- 1961

1965 -- 1976

1976 -- 1977

1977 -- 1978

1978 -- 1979




1982 -- 1983

1983 -- 1984

1984 -- 1985

1986 -- 1986

1986 -- 1987

1987 -- 1988

1988 -- 1989

1989 -- 1990 (2 folders)



1991 -- 1992

1992 -- 1993

1993 -- 1994

Box 20

Biographical Materials, cont.

Turco, Lewis, cont.

Curriculum vitae

Short version

The "megavita"

Turco/Court vita

Turco, Rev. Luigi

Clippings and correspondence

Spiritual Autobiography of Luigi Turco

Writings of Luigi Turco

University of Iowa Placement Office file

Wesli Court

Series 2: Correspondence


Author Aid Associates

International Creative Management

Miscellaneous agents


American Antiquarian Society

Brand, Paul

Briarwood Writers' Alliance

Brinnan, John

British Information Services

British Museum

Committee on Higher Education of Minorities

Cifelli, Ed

Clay, Henry

Elias [Bolton?], Karen

Essex Institute

Federal Communications Commission

Fox, Bill

Gall, Sally M.

Garrett, George

Harder, Kelsie

Haskins, Merle

Maine Writer's Workshop

New York Times Book Review

Reid, George M.

Ross, Jean

Seawells, Thomas

Sternlicht, Sanford

Texas Reading Council

Syracuse Stage

State of New York Court of Appeals

Triplett, James

Trusky, Tom

Wilbur Crane Library (University of Connecticut)

Weber, Stephen L.

Winslow, Dave

No last names


Amarylis Review


American Literature

American Poetry

American Scholar


Antioch Review

Arizona Quarterly

Altantic Monthly

Bellingham Review


Bennington Review

Bloomsbury Review

Boston Review

Canal Lines

Carleton Miscellany

Centennial Review



College English

Concerning Poetry


Contemporary Literature

Cream City Review


Crosscurrents Quarterly

Davidson Miscellany


Early American Literature


English Record




Fiction Network

FM Five


Free Lance

Galley Sail Review


Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review


Hollins Critic

Hudson Review

Iowa Review


Journal of Modern Literature

Kansas Quarterly

Kennesaw Review

Kentucky Poetry Review

Kenyon Review

Lake Effect

Laurel Review

Literary Review


Massachusetts Review

Mid-American Review

Miscellaneous periodicals (7 folders)

Mississippi Review


New College

New Criterion


New Orleans Review

New Republic

North Atlantic Review

Ontario Review


Oswego County Times

Paris Review

Partisan Review
Box 21



Poetry (Chicago)

Poetry Northwest

Potato Eyes


Saturday Review of Literature

Sewanee Review


Silverfish Review


The Sixties


Albert Whitman

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

AMS Press, Inc.

Apple Wood Press

Ashland Poetry Press

Atheneum Publishers

Atlantic Monthly Press

Bellevue Press

The Benjamin and Matthew Book Company

Bieler Press


Boa Editions

Bobbs-Merrial Company, Inc.

Bond Wheelwright Company

Broken Moon Press

Bruccoli and Clark

Casa Editrice Nord

Charles E. Tuttle Company

Charles Scribner's Sons

Cleveland State University Poetry Center

Coastal Ridge Research and Education Center

Cooperhouse Publishing, Inc.

Core, George

Cornell University Press

D.C. Heath and Company

David R. Godine

Delacorte Press

Dodd, Mead and Company

Doubleday and Company

Dragon Gate

Editions Rodopi

E. P. Dutton and Company

Faber and Faber, Ltd.

Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, Inc.

Fiction Collective

Ford-Brown Publishers

Gage Educational Publishing, Ltd.

G and C Merriam Company

G. P. Putnam's Sons

Gale Research Company

George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.

George Braziller, Inc.

Ginn and Company

Golden Quill Press

Grove Press

Hallmark Cards, Inc.

Harcourt, Brace, and World, Inc.

Harper and Row, Inc.

Harvard University Press

Hill and Wang

Holt, Rinehart, and Windston

Houghton Mifflin Company

Houghton Anthology

Indiana University Press

Instituto Italiano

Ion Books, Inc.

Iowa State University Press

Japan Public Trading Co.

J. B. Lippincott Company

Johns Hopkins University Press

Kayak Publishing

Little, Brown, and Company


Livingston University Press

Louisiana State University Press

Longman, Inc.

Lynx House Press

The Macmillan Company

Macmillan Educational Corporation

Mammouth Press


Miscellaneous Publishers

1992 -- 1999

1994 -- 1995

Monitor Book Company, Inc.

New South Company

New York State English Council

Northeastern University Press

Ohio State University Press

Ohio University Press

Ontario Review Press

Penguin Books, Inc.

Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Princeton University Press

Pushcart Press

Putnam Publishing Group

Random House

Reston Publishing Company, Inc.

Robert L. Barth

Robinson Publishing, Ltd. (London)

Rutgers University Press

St. James Press

St. Martin's Press

Salem Press

Scarecrow Press

Scott, Foresman, and Company

Signpost Press

Simon and Schuster

Southern Illinois University Press

SUNY Press (2 folders)

Box 22


Swallow Press

Symposium Press

Syracuse University Press

Tamarack Editions

Teachers and Writers Collaborative

Texas Review Press

Thomas Y. Crowell

Ticknor and Fields

Time Being Press

Toothpaste Press


University Microfilm

University of Alabama

University of Arizona

University of Arkansas (2 folders)

University of Georgia

University of Hawaii

University of Illinois

University of Iowa

University of Massachusetts

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of Missouri

University of Nebraska

University of North Carolina

University of Pennsylvania

University of South Carolina

University Press of Kansas

Vanderbilt University Press

Vangard Press

Viking Press

Virginia Commonwealth

W. J. Gage, Ltd.

Walker and Co.

W.W. Norton

Wayne State University Press

Wesleyan University Press

William Morrow


Writer's Digest Books

Yale University Press



Ashland University

Colby College

Colorado State University

Columbia University

Cornell University Library

Franklin and Marshall College

Franklin Pierce College

Goddard College

Hampshire College

Harvard University

Indiana University

Rochester Institute of Technology

St. Michael's College

Salem State College

San Diego State University

Southern Connecticut State College

State University College, Albany

State University College, Brockport

State University College, Cortland

State University College, Freedonia

State University College, Geneseo

State University College, New Paltz

State University College, Oneonta

State University College, Old Westbury

SUNY, Binghamton

SUNY, Central

SUNY, Plattsburgh

SUNY, Purchase

SUNY, Stony Brook

SUNY, Washington Office

SUNY -- Center for International Studies

Suffield Academy

Susquehanna University

Syracuse University

Tufts University

University of Hartford

University of Hawaii

University of Idaho

University of Minnesota

University of Vermont

Virginia Commonwealth University

Box 23

Willimantic State College

Williams College

Wright State University

Yale University

Youngstown University



Braun, Richard

Dickinson-Brown, Richard

Eliot, T. S.

Engle, Huah-Ling

Felton and Fowler

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

Fox, Fay

Frank, Bernhard

French, David

Frear, Kimon

Gilman, Dugan

Gold, Herbert

Gross, Harvey

Hay, Sara Henderson

Hekster, Walter (composer)

Henry, Joseph (composer)

Herman, Stephen

Herrick, Delda

Hollander, John

Hudson, Sam

Hughes, Ted

Jauss, David

Johnson, Geoffrey

Pound, Ezra

Riding, Laura

Roethke, Theodore

Sarton, May

Schwartz, Delmore

Scully, James

Sellars, John L.

Small, Kalen

Staszewski, Ray

Tomlinson, Charles

Tuchman, Barbara

Tucker, Robert

Turby, Russell

Wickham, Fred

Wilson, Edmund

Yevtushenk, Yevgeny

Zeller, Gerhard

Zucker, Jack


Burchfield Center

Form Letters (publicity for books)

Generics (Barbershop) Quartet


Literary Studies



Patterson Society


Publishers' Central Bureau

Radio Stations

Rare books


Rome Arts and Community Center

Royal Winnipeg Ballet

Rural reading

W.C. Williams

Walt Whitman


World Order of Narrative Poets

YM/YWHA -- New York

YM/YWHA -- Philadelphia

Series 3: Writings


Poetry and Power (LP recording) Correspondence

Various anthologies


American Still Lifes. Publicity and correspondence

Awaken, Bells Falling. Photocopy, correspondence, publicity, reviews

The Book of Beasts. Poems, illustrations, and front matter. Combined originals and photocopies

Book of Charms. (Turco edited) TMs and correspondence

Compleat Melancholick. Publicity and correspondence

Courses in Lambents. Review

A Craft So Hard to Learn. Correspondence

Day After History. Written under the pseudonym Wesli Court. TMs. Unpublished?

The Devil's Disease. Correspondence

Emily Dickinson, Woman of Letters. Correspondence and reviews (2 folders)

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Poetry. Correspondence

Family Album. Correspondence, publicity, reviews

How To Write a Million. Correspondence and publicity

The Inhabitant. Correspondence and reviews

Box 24
Legend of the Mists. Reviews

Murgatroyd and Mabe
l. Correspondence

New Book of Forms
. Appendix. Photocopy

Correspondence, publicity, paperback cover, reviews

. Illustrations. Photocopies from a tarot deck

Seasons of the Blood
. Correspondence and reviews

The Shifting Web
. TMs, acknowledgements, correspondence, reviews (2 folders)

Understanding Postmodern American Poetry.

Unicorn Hunter
. Combination TMs, ccTMs, and pcTMs

Visions and Revisions of American Poetry.
Correspondence, publicity, and reviews

Voices in an Old House
. Publicity and reviews
The Weed Garden. Correspondence and reviews

"Corresponding with Conrad Aikin." In Spivey, Ted R. and Arthur Waterman. Conrad Aikin: A Priest of Consciousness. New York: AMS Press, 1990, pp. 265 --270. Photocopy. 2 copies

"Curt." North Atlantic Review, No. 2 (Summer 1990), pp.48 -- 57. Photocopies of tear sheets

"Does It Scan? Does It Scan Too Well?" Hellas, Vol.1:No.1 (Spring 1990), pp. 126 -- 130. Photocopy

Essays on stanza forms for the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Third Edition, Completely Revised. TMs and correspondence

"The Fantaseers." TMs

"Hoffman's 'As I Was Going to Saint Ives.'" Poesis, Vol. 7:No.1 1986, pp. 54 --58. Photocopy

"Literary Figures in A Fable for Critics." TMs with holographic corrections

"Meter in English." Two versions. pcTMs

"Miller Williams." The Hollins Critic, Vol.XXVI:No.2 (April 1989), pp. Cover -- 9. Photocopy

[On the writing of poetry] n.d., n.p. Photocopy

"Remarks in Vacuo"

"The University of Iowa Writers' Workshop Golden Jubilee, 23 - 25 May 1986," Dictionary of Literary Biography, 1986. Offprints

"Verse Versus Prose : What American Poets Have Forgotten." n.p., n.d. Photocopy

"Weeks Short Quiz"

"The Year in Poetry." Dictionary of Literary Biography


Mimeograph and correspondence

pcTMs, correspondence



"The Stellar Cavalier." Holograph manuscript with photocopies

"Birdsong Blues." Hellas, Vol.1:No.1 (Spring 1990), p. 59

"Bordello." Correspondence and sheet music

"Cage of Creatures." Correspondence, publicity

"Fading Things." The New York Quarterly, No. 41 (Spring 1990), unnumbered

"Fixing This World" and "The Sketches and Livelil." Reviews

"Oswego Fugues." TMs, correspondence

"The Sketches and Livelil." Review

Short Stories

"Kelly and Frida." From Just a Moment: A Collection of Short Stories and Poems. Jamesville, New York: Pine Grove Press, 1990, pp. 18 -- 24. Photocopy

"Little God's Eye." TMs

"The Shambling Man." North Atlantic Review, Vol.1, Issue 1 (Summer 1989), pp.21 --28. Photocopy

"Vincent." Newsday, October 23, 1983. Newsprint mounted on paper

Series 5: Mathom Bookshop



Cantwell Estate

Form letters

Series 6: Writers conferences, poetry festivals, poetry awards, readings, invited lectureships and the like
Book-of-the-Month Club

Bread Loaf

Conference of Midwestern Poets

Corn Island Storytelling Festival

A Jubilation of Poets

New England Writers' Conference


Northwest Poetry Circuit

Ohio Versewriters' Conference

Pemaquid Seminar

Philadelphia Writers' Conference

Poetry Festival -- SUCO

Portland Poetry Festival

The Public Poet

Saratoga Springs Writers' Conference

State of Maine Writers' Conference


SUNY Plaza Gallery




Upstate New York Poetry Circuit

Box 25

2006 Addendum

Series I: Biographical

Grants and awards

Miscellaneous biographical pieces

Series II: Correspondece







Universities, colleges, and Institutions

No last names, no names

Series III: Writings

Fearful Pleasures: The Complete Poems, 1959 -- 2006

Proof copy


Box 26

Miscellaneous other writings

Series V: Mathom bookstore


Series VI: Writer's conferences, poetry festivals, readings, invited lectureships, etc.


2007 Addendum

Series 1: Biographical materials

"Author Brings Memories of Youth to Life." Record-Journal, Meriden, Connecticut, Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Blurb from The Collected Lyrics of Lewis Turco/Wesli Court

Series 2: Correspondence


Alice and Walt

Annunz, Anthony

Barone, Dennis

Coleman, Jeffrey


Downes, Alan

Doyle, Michael for Olympia Snowe


Goodwin, Renne

Gwynn, R. S.


Kennedy, Joe

Lauretano, Nancy

Mekis, Mort and Donna

Murabit, Stephen

National Geographic

Parry, Katie

Patz, Jerrold

Putnam, Ed

Robert, Renne Magriel

Romano, John

Rutsala, Vern

Senft, Tim

Sherman, Sarah

Swerdfeger, Steven

Thomas, Erin

Ven Deventer, George



Aroostock Review

New York Quarterly

New York Review

Off the Coast


Poetry Renewal

Poetry Review

Prospect Street Magazine

Sewanee Review

Voices in Italian Americana


Marquis Who's Who

Oxford University Press

Star Cloud Press


Queens College

University of Iowa

Series 3: Writings

Bibliography of 22 of Turco's books, with descriptions

Cover trials for The Museum of Ordinary People

Review of A Sheaf of Leaves

"Vern Rutsala's Surreal World." The Hollins Critic, October 2006

Series 6: Writers conferences, poetry festivals, readings, invited lectureships and the like

Collaboration: Prints and Tests. George O'Connell, Printmaker / Lewis Turco, Poet. Tyler Art Gallery, State University of New York, Oswego. November 9 -- December 9, 2001.

Meriden Public Library, May 2, 2007

Series 7: Miscellaneous


Gwynn, R. S. Poetry: A Pocket Anthology. Description and Table of Contents

Langworthy, Christian. "Reflections on a War: An Ameriasian Childhood in Da Nang"

2008 Addendum

Series 1: Biographical Materials

Interview for The Aroostock Review by Geraldine Cannon Becker

Materials for Contemporary Authors

Series 2: Correspondence

Correspondence: General

Note: Correspondence with those people or entities who already had a file in the collection was filed in those files. Letters to new correspondents are filed alphabetically in a new folder in the addendum.



Series 3: Writings

Stories and poems posted to internet sites

Writing and artwork by others based on Turco's works

2009 Addendum

Series 1: Biographical

"Lewis Turco: The Per Contra Interview with Mirian N. Kotzin." Summer 2008.

Scholars and Professionals Research Project. Correspondence regarding Turco's entry

"The Sullen Art of Lewis Turco." A Radio interview by David Ossman. Transcript of interview done in the early 1960s

Who's Who entry

Series 2: Correspondence

Note: Correspondence with those people or entities who already had a file in the collection was filed in those files. Letters to new correspondents are filed alphabetically in a new folder in the addendum.


Book Surge

Cooperhouse Publishing

Fairlight Dickinson University Press

First Things

Fordham University Press

Georgia Poetry Society

Per Contra

Trellis Magazine

University of Iow Press


Badach, Ann

Berson, Bernard

Bontil, Mike

Bridges, Bryan

Burton, Michael P.

Clawson, Bob

Cotrona, John

Espaillat, Rhina


Gronlund, Lena B.

Harnack, Curtis

Henrickson, Vicki


Houdini, Hannah


Kahn, Ian J.

Keillor, Garrison


Maddi, Michael

McAuley, Thomas

McDowell, Robert

McGandy, Michael J.

Michelini, Christine

Nadile, James

O'Grady, Ron

Parisi, Gene

Peich, Michael

Powers, Ellen

Rediger, Nancy

Rieck, John

Sineni, Carole

Slaby, Scot

Stewart, Vivian

Strickland, Sherri

Teeter, Alice

Teeter, Carroll

Turco, Chris

Warren, Deborah

Williams, Don

Willis, Charles

Wiseman, Christopher

Yahraus, Bonnie

Yaseen, Abdulkareem

Young, C. Dale

No last names

A hand drawn birthday card from Georgie


Kathie & Alice


Series 3: Writings


Satan's Scourge.  Correspondence; copies of the dust jacket on the verso of an announcement for the book


"Break In"

"The Falcon Carol"

"Golden Oak"

"Memento Mori"

"Passing the Time" (By Wesli Court)


Series 6: Writers conferences, poetry festivals, poetry awards, readings, invited lectureships and the like

40th Anniversary of the Creative Writing Program [at Oswego?]

Robert Fitzgeral Prosody Award

Lewis Putman Turco Formal Poetry Award

Newburyport Literary Festival
