Special Collections and Archives

MsC 543

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1948
1.5 linear ft.

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Posted to Internet: December 2002

Acquisition Note: This collection is made up of a combination of gifts and purchases from Julius Lazarus in 1991.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Mr. Lazarus's primary collection is at Rutgers University. The photographs in the collection at the University of Iowa were selected from Mr. Lazarus's private collection and are duplicated by the holdings at Rutgers, which administers copyright for these photographs. Patrons may look at the collection on-site at the University of Iowa Special Collections department, but requests for copies should be addressed to Mr. Albert King <acking@rci.rutgers.edu> or Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, Rutgerss, The State University of New Jersey, 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 09801-1163; or to their web address: http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/libs/scua/service_info/reference_services.shtml

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Biographical Note

Julius Lazarus was born in raised in Europe and educated in Vienna. He became a blacksmith before emigrating with his parents to the United States in 1939. He joined the army in 1942, but a knee injury earned him an honorable discharge. He attended the New York Institute of Photography after his discharge. He supported himself doing freelance photography and photojournalism.

In 1948 Mr. Lazarus lived with his parents in New York City and took photographs for use in Henry Wallace's campaign for President on the Progressive Party ticket. He also took photographs for labor newspapers.

In 1968 he moved to Cape Cod and started Lazarus Photo. He did photography for brochures and post cards for the Cape and Islands.

After he retired, he distributed his archive to three Universities: Penn State, the University of Iowa, and Rutgers University.Mr. Lazarus died in Hyannis on August 8, 2008.

Scope and Content

This collection consists of approximately two hundred images from the 1948 Presidential campaign of Henry A. Wallace on the Progressive Party ticket. Included are images of Henry A. and Ilo Wallace; Senator Glen Taylor (Idaho) and his wife and small children; Paul and Eslanda Robeson; Representative Vito Marcantonio and Leo Isacson (New York); Elinor Gimbel (related to the department store family); labor leaders Clark Foreman, Ben Gold, and Lee Pressman; O. John. Rogge (former U.S. Assistant Attorney General); Lillian Hellman; Helen Keller; Harlow Shapley (Harvard astronomer); Charles P. Howard (black attorney from Des Moines); Julius Lazarus; the oldest delegate at the convention, Michael Kennedy, 88, from Iowa; the youngest delegate at the convention, Jack Hester, Nebraska; Russian biochemist A. I. Oparin; the Right Reverend Hewlett Johnson (the "Red Dean" of Canterbury); Reverend William Howard Mellish; and a person wearing a Wallace t-shirt, Neville Lake of Queens.

Subjects and places include the North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington State delegations to the Progressive or Young Progressives conventions; the American Labor Party; the International Workers Order, Local 65; 39 Park Avenue (campaign headquarters); a Harlem meat market; Lucky Corner (campaign location, Spanish Harlem); garment district rally; Madison Square Garden; and Yankee Stadium. Issues in background posters include civil rights, inflation, and Israel.

Related materials

Progressive Party, MsC 160

Henry A. Wallace Papers, MsC 177

The Lazarus archives at Rutgers University http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/libs/scua/lazarus/lazarus.shtml

Box List

Box 1

1. Harlem Chorus. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

2. Harlem, Goldengate Ballroom, Friday, October 29, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

3. Harlem, Goldengate Ballroom, Friday, October 29, 1948. L. to R.: Henry Wallace and Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

4. Yankee Stadium Rally, September 10, 1948. New York City. Pete Seeger. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

5. Henry A. Wallace, Madison Square Garden

6. October 31, 1948. Gideons Army, page 850. Brooklyn New York Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

7. Progressive Party, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Staff gathering. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

8. Henry Wallace

9. Hotel Waldorf-Astoria New York City. Wallace reports after visit to Israel. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

10. Yankee Stadium Rally, September 10, 1948. New York City. Paul Robeson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

11. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, New York City. May 11, 1948(?) Madison Square Garden. L. to R.: Wallace, H. Johnson, Rev., Melish, Paul Robeson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

12. October 29, 1948. Noon rally at 29th street between 7th and 8th Ave. New York City. Garment and Fur Workers district. Wallace addressing the rally. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

13. L to R.: (3rd) Marcantonio, P. Robeson, Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

14. October 31, 1984. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

15. Founding Convention, New York City. 19 Y.P.O. L. to R.: (3rd) H. Wallace, Seymour Linfield, Executive Secretary. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

16. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. L. to R.: Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Wallace, Elinor Gimbel, Chairman. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

17. L. to R.: Vito Marcantonio A.L.P. Congressman Harlem Glen Taylor Democrat Congressman, Leo Isacson, Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

18. Progressive Party Headquarters, 39 Park Ave, New York CIty. Staff Gathering. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

19. Convention Hall, Philadelphia, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

20. Harlem, Goldengate Ballroom, Friday, October 29, 1948. Lillian Helman speaking. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

21. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

22. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

23. L. to R. first row: Mrs. and Mr. Jerry O' Connell. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

24. October 31, 1948, Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

25. October 31, 1948, Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

26. L. to R.: Henry A. Wallace, Lee Pressman, Paul Robeson, Jerry Vail, I.W.O.(?) Madison Square Garden. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

27. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Delegates for Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

28. L. to R.: Oldest delegate: Michael Kennedy, 88, Davenport, Iowa. The youngest: Jack Hester, 16, of Omaha, Nebraska. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

29. Wallace is presented with Campaign Necktie, at 39 Park Avenue, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

30. Wallace reception at Local 65 C.I.O., New York City. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

31. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. L. to R.: A. Oparin, USSR; F. Hercik, Czechoslovakia; Henry Wallace, USA. (Corn) World Peace Conference, Cultural and Scientific. March 25, 1948. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

32. Wallace reception at Local 65 C.I.O., New York City. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

33. Wallace reception at Local 65 C.I.O., New York City, 13 Astor Place. L. to R.: (2nd) Julius Lazarus, staff photographer, Henry Wallace, Arthur Osman, President Local 65. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

34. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Henry Wallace with children. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

35. No identification available. Description of photograph: Henry Wallace with large group of people posed in front of a "We Want Wallace" sign and picture of Wallace.

36. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Mrs. Wallace at reception. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

37. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. Paul Robeson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

38. Paul Robeson at the Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948, Philadelphia. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

39. Harlem, Goldengate Ballroom, Friday, October 29, 1948. Paul Robeson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

40. Yankee Stadium rally, September 10, 1948. New York City. L. to R.: Paul Robeson and Vito Marsantonio A.L.P. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

41. L. to R.: Henry A. Wallace, Dr. H. Shapley, Roosevelt, Leon Davidson. Madison Square Garden, New York City

42. L. to R.: Henry A. Wallace, Dr. H. Shapley, Zero Mostel, Roosevelt, Leon Davidson. Madison Square Garden, New York City

43. L. to R.: Leon Davidson, Zero Mostel. Madison Square Garden, New York City

44. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. Elinor S. Gimbel, Chairman Progressive Party. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

45. L. to R.: C.B. Baldwin, Elmer Benson, Albert J. Fitzgerald. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

46. Harlem Headquarters for Wallace and Taylor in 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

47. No identification available. Description of photograph: Woman sitting on table, holding plate of shelled corn. Her dress appears to be designed from large squares of material that have "Work With Wallace and Taylor" in cursive stitch. A man is standing by the table, holding some of the corn in his hand. Large picture of Wallace (?) appears on the wall behind them.

48. Vito Marcantonio, A.L.P. Congressman Harlem, Madison Square Garden, New York City

49. L. to R.: Leon Isakson far right Lee Pressman with two members of the International Workers Order, New York City. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

50. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. L. to R.: Julius Emspak, U.E.M.W. of America, Henry Wallace, Russell Nixon, U.E.W.

51. Ada B. Jackson and Women for Wallace (Jewish), New York CIty. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

52. Philadelphia Convention in 1948, young delegates, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

53. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Trio hitch-hiked from Phoenix, Arizona. The trip took six days. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

54. "Lucky Corner," 116th Street and Lexington Avenue, New York City. 18th Dist. Vito Marcantonio. L. to R.: Henry Wallace, Marcantonio, Medina. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

55. L. to R.: William Galemore, Henry Wallace, at end is Mr. Herman Harlem. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

56. Wallace with child at headquarters, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

57. No identification available. Description of photograph: Three young men playing instruments

58. No identification available. Description of photograph: People dancing

59. October 29, 1948. Noon rally at 29th Street between 7th and 8th Avenue. New York City. Garment and Fur Workers district

60. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Albert E. Kahn, Author. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

61. Delegates to Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

62. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

63. Local 1227 UE Queens, New York, October 1948. L. to R.: Glen Taylor, Shirley Graham, Edward N. Washington, President Local 1227. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

64. Linden Henry, Fur Union, Member of IFLWU, Joint Board. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

65. Yankee Stadium rally, September 10, 1948. New York City. L. to R.: Charles P. Howard, Iowa. Judge Rainy Philly(?) Wallace and Taylor in 1948

66. Henry Wallace at 39 Park Avenue Headquarters. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

67. Young Chinese delegation at Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

68. Staff worker, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

69. Staff worker, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

70. Hotel Waldorf-Astoria. Wallace reports after visit to Israel. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

71. Yankee Stadium Rally, September 10, 1948. New York City. L. to R.: (4th) Pete Seeger. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

72. Philadelphia Convention July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

73. PAC'S dinner, Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, after Wallace visit to Israel. L. to R: Mrs. Wallace, M.M. Nisselson PAC's Treasurer, Pres. Amalgamated Bank, Henry Wallace, Ira Hirschmann, Frank Kingdon, Leon Davidson. Standing in back: C.B. Baldwin. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

74. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. May 11, 1948(? ) Madison Square Garden. L. to R.: Rev. Hewlett Johnson, Rev. William Howard Melish, Henry Wallace, William Gailmore. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

75. Lucky Corner

76. Lucky Corner

77. Paul Robeson with members of the Harlem Tenant Council, New York, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

78. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. L. to R.: 2nd left Linden Henry. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

79. Lucky Corner

80. October 31, 1984. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. L. to R.: Elinor Gimbel, Lindon Henry, Mrs. Wallace, Henry Wallace, O. John Rogge, Viola Scott. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

81. Roosevelt. Madison Square Garden, New York City

82. Harlem, Goldengate Ballroom, October 29, 1948. L. to R.: P. Robeson, Henry Wallace and ? Wallace and Taylor in 1948

83. Harlem, Goldengate Ballroom. Rev. Ben Richardson speaking, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

84. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. L. to R.: Mrs. Wallace, Henry Wallace, O. John Rogge. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

85. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. O. John Rogge, Former Attorney General. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

86. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City, Madison Square Garden. Henry Wallace and Press Secretary Soviet American Friendship. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

87. "These Sleepy Delegates, " Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

88. Yankee Stadium Rally, September 10, 1948. New York City. L. to R.: C.B. Baldwin and Mrs. Lillian Baldwin. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

89. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. Leon Davidson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

90. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. L. to R.: Rev. Hewlett Johnson, England, and Rabbi Newman. Wallace and Taylor in 1948


91. Henry Wallace with children, entertained by Woody Guthrie and wife. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

92. No identification available. Description of photograph: Car mounted with sound system and large Wallace signs on a city street

93. L. to R.: Paul Robeson and Henry A. Wallace backstage, Madison Square Garden. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

94. L. to R.: (9th) Jack Gilford, Actor, (11th) E. P. Connolly ALP, New York. Wallace and Taylor for 1948

95. No identification available. Description of photograph: Car mounted with sound system and large Wallace signs on a city street; singing group also on top of car

96. Harlem, Goldengate Ballroom, Friday, October 29, 1948. Marbel Cooney, Amsterdam News (?) Wallace and Taylor in 1948

97. No identification available. Description of photograph: Woman, two men

98. Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. Wallace reports after visit to Israel. L. to R.: Mrs. Taylor, Eslanda Robeson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

99. No identification available. Description of photograph: Couple on dance floor

100. Lucky Corner, Paul Robeson

101. October 31, 1948. Gideon' Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Reception for Mr. And Mrs. Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

102. Progressive Party, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Staff gathering. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

103. Progressive Party, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Staff gathering. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

104. No identification available. Description of photograph: Large group of people on steps in front of building

105. Y.P.A Convention at Local 65 C.I.O., 13 Astor Place, New York City, January 1949. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

106. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

107. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

108. No identification available. Description of photograph: "Wall to wall people" on a city street; many of those in front are in military uniform

109. Rev. Ben Richardson at Wallace Headquarters, Harlem, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

110. Y.P.A. Convention, Local 65 C.I.O., 13 Astor Place, New York City, 1949. L. to R.: Hadassah Lienfield, Mr. McCann and Davit McCann, new elected Co-Chairman. Convention, January 1949. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

111. No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace and large group of people on steps outside building

112. No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace and large group of people on steps outside building

113. Uta Hagen puts Wallace campaign tie on staff member. 39 Park Avenue, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

114. No identification available. Description of photograph: Young woman with Wallace pin outside building; sign reading "Progressive Party" on a plaque on the building's column

115. No identification available. Description of photograph: Woman sitting on table, holding plate of shelled corn. Her dress appears to be designed from large squares of material that have "Work With Wallace and Taylor" in cursive stitch. A man is standing by the table, holding some of the corn in his hand. Large picture of Wallace (?) appears on the wall behind them. Slightly different pose than # 47.

116. October 28, 1948. Hotel Commodore, New York City. L. to R.: ? Wallace and Taylor in 1948

117. [Group of people sitting in a room] Wallace and Taylor in 1948

118. October 29, 1948. Hotel Commodore, New York City. L. to R.: (Speaking) Henry Wallace, Lillian Hellman, I.F. Stone. Arts and Sciences for Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

119. No identification available. Description of photograph: Two women

120. ["Cow" carrying sign about rally] Wallace and Taylor in 1948

121. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

122.No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace and small group of men

123. No identification available. Description of photograph: Large group of people, sitting

124. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt, Dr. Harlow Shapley, Astronomer. Madison Square Garden, New York City

125. Harlem Wallace Headquarters in 1948. L. to R.: Rev. Ben Richardson and Co-worker. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

126. L. to R.: 1st row, Eslanda Robeson, 3rd Party Convention in Philadelphia. July 23 to 25, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

127. Harlem Committee for Wallace and Taylor in 1948. L. to R.: (2nd) Charles P. Howard, Iowa, and members of the Harlem Committee. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

128. L. to R.: Nathan Dambroff, M. Lurie, Cloude Yearwood, Linder Ross, Alvin Udell, E.P. Connolly A.L.P., Minnie Chancer, P. Robeson, M. Blinken, Leon Goldsmith C.R.C. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

129. Harlem Businessmen for Wallace in 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

130. Harlem Businessmen for Wallace in 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

131. Harlem Wallace Committee, 1948. Standing in back: Mr. Hermann, Chairman. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

132. Shirley Graham Wrider, rally in Queens, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

133. October 28, 1948, Hotel Commodore, Lillian Hellman, (Dramatist). Arts, Sciences for Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

134. Broadway for Wallace, 1948. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

135. Members of Local 76 B. Furniture Workers, Local 65. Reception, 13 Astor Place. L. to R.: (2nd) Michael DeSico, ?? . Wallace and Taylor in 1948

136. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

137. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

138. Yankee Stadium rally, September 10, 1948, New York City. L. to R.: Ernie Libermann and Betty Sanders. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

139. Yankee Stadium rally, September 10, 1948. New York City. Lee Pressman, A.L.P. Candidate, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

140. Taping a campaign message on T.V. PIX 11, New York. L. to R.: Ralph Powe, Comptroller; Karen Morley, Lt. Governor; John T. McManus, Governor; George W. Fish, Atty. Gen. ALP Candidates Wallace and Taylor in 1948

141. Local 1227 UE Queens L.I., New York. L. to R.: ALP Eugene P. Connelly, (4th) Glen Taylor. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

142. Philadelphia Convention, July 23 to 25, 1948 L. to R.: Benito Hernandes, National Maritime Union; Abraham Pena, UGT, friends for Wallace; Jose Luis com. Puertoricans for Wallace

143. Yankee Stadium Rally, September 10, 1948, New York City. Eugene P. Connelly, Secretary A.L.P., New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

144. No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace and large group of people posing on steps outside of building (see photograph number 146)

145. No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace and large group of people posing on steps outside of building (see photograph number 146)

146. Progressive Party Headquarters, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Staff gathering. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

147. Henry Wallace with William Polk, brother of the late George Polk, correspondent for CBS. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

148. Progressive Party, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Staff gathering. Left: Holly Folksinger. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

149. No identification available. Description of photograph: street full of people

150. No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace speaking outdoors

151. Wallace reception at Local 65, C.I.O., New York City, 13 Astor Place. L. to R.: Wallace and Osman, President, Local 65, in conversation. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

152. Wallace reception at Local 65, C.I.O. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

153. L. to R.: Rexford G. Tugwell, Clark Forman, C.B. Baldwin, Albert J. Fitzgerald, U.E., Glen Taylor, Henry Wallace, Paul Robeson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

154. Wallace reception at Local 65 C.I.O., New York City. L. to R.: Leonard Goldsmith, Civil Rights Congress, Henry Wallace, Arthur Osman, President, Local 65 C.I.O. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

155. A.L.P. Conference, New York City. L. to R.: Vito Marcantonio; Leon Strauss, Fur Workers; Arthur Schutzer, A.L.P. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

156. James Garry, Business Manager, Local 1227 U.E. 1947 Queens. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

157. Wallace reception at Local 65, New York City. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

158. Sidney Gilbert, Business Agent, Local 1227 UE Queens, New York, and Lee Presman, ALP. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

159. October 28, 1948. Hotel Commodore, New York City. L. to R.: Leon Davidson; Mrs. Wallace; speaking, Paul Draper(?); Lillian Hellman; Henry Wallace. Arts and Sciences for Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

160. Manhattan Center, New York City, 1948. Doctors for Wallace(?) Wallace [and Taylor] in 1948

161. Hotel Waldorf Astoria, New York City, 1948. William Gilmore, Radio Reporter, fund raiser for Wallace Campaign. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

162. Johannes Steele, Radio Commentator, 1948. New York City. Manhattan Center(?) Speaker and fundraiser. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

163. Manhattan Center, New York City, 1948. Doctors for Wallace(?) Wallace and Taylor in 1948

164. No identification available. Description of photograph: group of people sitting in a room

165. No identification available. Description of photograph: woman posing on a stairway


166. Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. Wallace reports after visit to Israel. L. to R.: Mrs. Wallace; M.M. Nisselson, PAC Treasurer; Pres. Amalgamated Bank; Henry Wallace; Ira Hirschmann; Frank Kingdon; Leon Davidson. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

167. Dr. Harley Shapley, Howard University Astronomer, Madison Square Garden

168. Lucky Corner, 116th Street and Lexington Avenue, 18th district (Marcantonio.) L. to R.: Ben Davis, Marcantonio. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

169. Lucky Corner, Marcantonio and Wallace

170. Lucky Corner, Paul Robeson

171. Y.P.A. Convention, Local 65 C.I.O. 13 Astor Place, New York City, January 1949. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

172. Y.P.A. Convention, Local 65 C.I.O. 13 Astor Place, New York City. January 1949. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

173. Y.P.A. Ruth Jett looks on as Judy Holliday signs membership application, Y.P.A. back stage 1949(?). Judy Holliday in "Born Yesterday"

174. Y.P.A. Convention, Local 65 C.I.O. 13 Astor Place, January 1949. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

175. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

176. No identification available. Description of photograph: large group of people sitting on chairs and floor

177. No identification available. Description of photograph: Woman sitting on table, holding plate of shelled corn. Her dress appears to be designed from large squares of material that have "Work With Wallace and Taylor" in cursive stitch. A man is standing by the table, holding some of the corn in his hand. Large picture of Wallace (?) appears on the wall behind them.

178. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. Mrs. Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

179. National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1948, New York City. Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

180. Henry A. Wallace back stage, Madison Square Garden. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

181. Y.P.A. Convention, Local 65 C.I.O. 13 Astor Place, New York City, January 1949. Vito Marcantonio, 18th District, New York. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

182. Founding Convention, New York City. 19 Y.P.O. L. to R.: (3rd) Henry Wallace, Seymour Linfield, Executive Secretary. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

183. Founding convention, New York, 19 Y.P.O. Henry Wallace, speaking. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

184. October 29, 1948. Noon rally at 29th street between 7th and 8th Avenue, New York City. Garment and Fur Workers district. Ben Gold, President, Furriers Joint Council, addressing the rally. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

185. Y.P.A. Convention, Local 65, 13 Astor Place, New York City, January 1949. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

186. No identification available. Description of photograph: six [young] people at a table

187. No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace and group of young people

188. Lucky Corner, Paul Robeson

189. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

190. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

191. No identification available. Description of photograph: Wallace greeting people

192. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

193. No identification available. Description of photograph: group of [young] people

194. Y.P.A. Convention, Local 65 C.I.O., 13 Astor Place, New York City, January 1949. L. to R.: Murray Portnoy, UE Local 430; Dick Lindheim, new State Exec. Dir.; Dave McCann. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

195. Lucky Corner

196. No identification available. Description of photograph: group of [young] people

197. No identification available. Description of photograph: three men, two women outside building

198. No identification available. Description of photograph: group of people in room

199. Progressive Party, 39 Park Avenue, New York City. Staff gathering. Jerry J. O'Connell, Democrat, Montana, visiting. Wallace and Taylor in 1948

200. October 31, 1948. Gideon's Army, page 850. Brooklyn, New York. L. to R.: Henry Wallace, O. John Rogge, and Viola Scott, secretary to Henry Wallace. Wallace and Taylor in 1948