Special Collections and Archives



MsC 576

Collection Dates: 1916 -- 1965
4.5 linear ft.

Collection Guide

This document describes a Manuscript Collection held by the

Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu

Jacket design by Charles Hargens

Guide Contents

Administrative Information

Biographical and Historical Information

Scope and Contents of the Collection

Acquisition and Processing Information

Box Contents List




Administrative Information

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Biographical Note

Born and raised in Mapleton, Iowa, Arthur Hawthorne Carhart (1892 -- 1978), was first published at age eleven. His essay on "The Downey Woodpecker" appeared in the children's corner of the Women's Home Companion. Carhart graduated from Iowa State University in 1916. He received the first degree in landscape architecture and city planning conferred by the university in Ames, Iowa.

He worked for a Chicago firm of landscape architects until enlisting in the Army in 1917. There he served as a bacteriologist and public health officer in the Sanitary Corps at Camp Mead, Maryland. After the war, Carhart moved to Colorado where he joined the U.S. Forest Service as a recreation engineer. In 1923, he became part of McCrary, Culley, and Carhart. It was a landscape architecture and city planning firm that worked out of Denver.

Arthur Carhart had his first book published in 1928. By 1931, he had sold out to his partners and had become a full time freelance writer. For the next eight years he wrote and sold novels, short stories, and articles of all description. He put his writings on hold to take a position as the Colorado coordinator of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration program. He then became the Regional Information Executive of the Rocky Mountain Region for the U.S. Office of Price Administration. Returning to his writing in 1946, he published The Outdoorsman's Cookbook. Carhart published some twenty-four books and over 4,000 articles during his career. They ranged from Western novels to books on sport and conservation.

Scope and Contents

The papers of Arthur H. Carhart date from 1916 to 1965 and measure 4.5 linear feet. These literary manuscripts are arranged chronologically within an alphabetical sequence. There are various typescript drafts, proofs, galleys, outlines, and correspondence for a number of books including The National Forests and Timber in Your Life. Newspaper clippings and various brochures and pamphlets are also included. A progress report concerning the Conservation Library Center in Denver, Colorado, for which Carhart was a consultant, can also be found.

Acquisition and Processing Information

Mr. Carhart gave his papers to the University of Iowa Libraries over the period of a decade, from 1954 to 1964.

Guide posted to Internet: May 2000

Box Contents List

 Box 1

Arthur H. Carhart Resume of Training and Experience

Brochures and Pamphlets

Clippings, 1941-- 1961

Fresh Water Fishing
.  Pencil drawings (made by author) which are the key to the captions of the eighteen colored plates in the book and a letter of explanation from author dated April 23, 1954.

Landscape Materials for Iowa. Bound thesis, 1916

The National Forests

Correspondence, 1954 -- 1960

First draft. Manuscript with corrections and revisions

Second draft. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Third draft. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Fourth draft. Typescript with corrections and revisions (2 folders)

Fifth draft. Typescript with corrections and revisions (2 folders)

Sixth draft. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Seventh draft. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Seventh draft. Carbon typescript

Eighth draft. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Box 2

Eighth draft. Carbon typescript (3 folders)

Miscellaneous (including index, list of illustrations, copyright notice, forward, biographical note, etc.)

Title page. Typescript and printed

Plate proofs. Miscellaneous

Author's proofs. Miscellaneous

Page proofs, October 30, 1958

Son of the Forest

 Typescript, with corrections and revisions
Typescript , with corrections and revisions

Typescript, with corrections and revisions

Typescript, with corrections and revisions, beginning with chapter 8

Typescript, final version, beginning with chapter 8

Timber in Your Life


Typescript, with corrections and revisions (2 folders)

Miscellaneous pages discarded after the first draft

Index -- three drafts

Typescript, final version

Publisher's typescript, with revisions (2 folders)

Galley proofs

Printed front material

 Box 3

Water or Your Life

Outlines -- three drafts

Typescript, with corrections and revisions (2 folders)

Publisher's typescript, with corrections and revisions (2 folders)

Promotional Pamphlet

Conservation Library Center Progress Report, 1965