Collection Dates: 1930 -- 1994
20 linear ft.
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Posted to Internet: January 1998
Addenda: 1985
Acquisition Note: Mr. Chamberlin
gave the papers to the University of Iowa Libraries in several lots over a number
of years.
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Audio Material: Box 1
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Table of Contents
Box 1 Audiotapes -- Christ Church
Box 2 Christ Church -- Cornell College
Box 3 Cornell College -- Correspondence with Westminster Press
Box 4 Correspondence with Westminster Press -- Hennepin Church
Box 5 Hennepin Church -- Ozone Park
Box 6 Ozone Park -- Publications
Box 7 Publications
Box 8 Revelation and the Teaching Church -- Riverside Church
Box 9 Riveside Church
Box 10 Riverside Church -- Riverside Church Sermons and talks
Box 11 Riverside Church Sermons and talks -- Riverside Church Sunday Bulletins
Box 12 Riverside Church Sunday Bulletins -- Teachers College Courses
Box 13 Teachers College Courses -- Union Theological Seminary
Box 14 Union Theological Seminary Papers -- U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development
Box 15 U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development -- Young Churchman's Conference
Box 16 U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development
Box 17 U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development
Box 18 U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development
Box 19 Church/campus study project
Box 20 Church/campus study project
Box 21 Church/campus study project -- Consultation in church architecture
Box 22 Berkely, California -- Nashville, Tennessee
Box 23 New York -- New York City
Box 24 New York City -- Philosophy of Education Society
Box 25 Philosophy of Education Society -- Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Box 26 Pittsburg -- Professors and Research Committee
Box 27 Pittsburg Theological Seminary
Box 28 Pittsburg Theological Seminary
Box 29 Pittsburg Theological Seminary -- Safety Communications Foundation
Box 30 Pittsburg - Sermons, Speeches, Writing
Box 31 Pittsburg - Sermons, Speeches, Writing
Box 32 Pittsburg - Southern Association of Colleges -- Society for Phenomenolgy and Existemtial Philosophy
Box 33 Society for Phenomenolgy and Existemtial Philosophy -- Wheeling
Box 34 Articles -- Courses
Box 35 Courses
Box 36 Courses
Box 37 Courses -- Organizations
Box 38 Organizations
Box 39 Organizations
Box 40 Organizations -- Writing and Speaking orientation listing
J. Gordon Chamberlin was born March 18, 1914, in Blairstown, Iowa, to Alfred B. and Eunice Chamberlin. He attended Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and received his B.A. in History in 1935. He received his B.D. from Union Theological Seminary of New York City. His focus while there was Christian Ethics. In 1951, he received his Ed.D. degree from Teachers College at Columbia University. His thesis was "Revelation and Education."
In 1937, Chamberlin married Elna Challman. Together they had four children: John Stephen, Judith, Philip David, and Mark Andrew. In 1972, they divorced. Chamberlin married Mildred A. Eck in 1973.
Chamberlin was ordained a minister in the Methodist church in 1938. He has served as a minister in several congregations. He was a lecturer in religious education and psychology at Union Theological Seminary from 1953 -- 1960. He served as a professor at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary from 1960 -- 1979 and he and his wife, Mildred, moved to Greensboro, North Carolina.
Chamberlin has written many books during his long career in the religion and education fields. These include works such as The Church and its Young Adults, The Educating Act, A Phenomenological View, "I Don't Have No Education" and Other Reflections, and Churches vs. Education, A Battle Lost. He has contributed to Existentialism and Phenomenology in Education and Culture as Education. He has written numerous articles for magazines and newspapers.
In retirement, he continues to teach occasionally at Greensboro College, write books and articles, and participate in numerous organizations.
The papers of John Gordon Chamberlin consist of forty boxes of manuscripts dating from 1930 -- 1994. The contents include articles and letters to the editor by Chamberlin, correspondence of business, personal, religious, and educational significance. The collection also includes information for courses which Chamberlin taught and organizations to which he belonged. His sermons and speeches are included, as are conference and convention materials from events in which Chamberlin participated.
Audiotapes. Childhood memories of Sadie Chamberlin McClish.
Bishop's conference with Returned Veterans, 1946. (2 folders).
Chicago, Illinois consultation on Youth, 1956.
Childworld, N.Y. Sermons and talks, 1938.
Christ Church, 1938-1942. (5 folders).
Christ Church (New York), 1942-1943. (2 folders).
Clark College Religious Emphasis Week, 1948.
Cleveland conference, Federal Council of Churches, The Church and a Just Peace, 1944-1945
Coaching Conference, Summer Institute Staff, 1955.
Columbia University Bicentennial, 1954.
Community Church (N.Y.), 1936-1938. (2 folders)
Conference, Adult Education Association, 1953.
Conference at Teachers College, Religion and Education, 1955.
Cornell College, 1933-1935, (2 folders)
Cornell College, 1932-1936. (2 folders)
Correspondence respeaking, 1945-1949
Correspondence with Harold Ehrensperger, 1944-1952.
Correspondence with Toru Matsumoto, 1941-1956.
Correspondence with Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, 1944-1952.
Correspondence with Edward Sovik, 1960-1967.
Correspondence with Raymondo Valenzuela, 1963-1972.
Correspondence with Westminster Press, 1960-1961.
Correspondence with Westminster Press, 1961-1966. (2 folders)
Course: The World's Conflicting Religions, 1939.
Course: The Christian and Vocations, 1953.
Des Moines, Ia. , 1933-1935.
Federal Council of Churches Commission on Ministry to Returning Service Men and Women, 1945 -- 1946.
Hennepin Church, Minneapolis, 1949 -- 1950. (4 folders).
Hennepin Church, Minneapolis, 1949 -- 1950. (2 folders)
Manuscripts of 2 plays, 1947 and 1942
Minneapolis course at Hamline University, 1949 -- 1950,
National Council of Churches Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, 1959 -- 1960.
Nashville, 1943 -- 1945 (3 folders)
New York, 1935 -- 1958 (9 folders)
Ozone Park, N.Y. Church, 1950 -- 1951
Ozone Park, N.Y. Church 1950 -- 1951. (3 folders)
Pittsburgh, 1960.
Poughkeepsie, 1945 -- 1959. (6 folders)
Publications, 1936 -- 1959
Publications, 1960 -- 1976, (4 folders)
Revelation and the teaching church, unpublished manuscript, 1955.
Riverside Church, 1951 -- 1960. (9 folders)
Riverside church, 1953 -- 1960, (9 folders)
Riverside Church, 1958 -- 1960, 97 folders)
Riverside Church Sermons and talks, 1951 -- 1 54. (2 folders)
Riverside Church sermons and talks, 1955 -- 1960 (6 folders)
Riverside Church Sunday bulletins, 1952 -- 1957 (4 folders)
Riverside Church Sunday bulletins, 1957 -- 1960. (3 folders)
San Francisco United Nations conference, 1945.
Santiago, Chile sermons and talks, 1959.
Sermons and talks, 1930 -- 1938. (3 folders)
Silver Bay, N.Y. Missions conference, 1940 -- 1942.
Teachers college courses, 1950 -- 1951. (3 folders)
Teachers college courses, 1950 -- 1951, (9 folders)
Teaching the Bible, unpublished manuscript, 1944.
Union Theological Seminary, 1938 -- 1964
Union Theological Seminary papers, 1935 -- 1938. (3 folders)
Union Theological Seminary Prof. Bennett course, 1951.
Union Theological Seminary Prof. Sherrill course, 1951.
U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development, 1960.
U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development. 1960. (2 vol.)
Young Churchman's Conference, Lakeside, Ohio, 1946. (2 folders)
U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development. (15 tapes)
U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development (14 tapes)
U.S. Army Chaplain's Christian Leadership Development (12 tapes)
Church/campus Study project, 1961. (14 tapes)
Church/campus Study project (14 tapes)
Church/campus Study project (2 tapes)
Two New York City Sermons, 1956, 1958, tape.
Interview on television program, "The Way To Go," 1958, tape.
Santiago, Chile lecture, 1959, tape.
New York City Farewell dinner, 1960, tape.
Consultation on church architecture, 1963, tape.
Berkeley, California -- Conference on Religion in Higher Education, 1964 -- 1965
Buck Hill falls, Pennsylvania -- Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, 1960 -- 64.
Buena Vista, Iowa -- Conference on Adult Education, 1971.
Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Consultant for the Facultad Evangelica de Telogia, 1965 -- 1968. (2 folders)Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 1967 -- 69.
Sabbatical, 1966 -- 67.
Butler, Pennsylvania -- Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1972 -- 74.
Cedar Rapids, IA -- consultation of Presbyterian Clergy, 1971 -- 73.
Chicago, Illinois -- Conference on the Educational Mission of the church, 1970.
Correspondence -- Westminster Press, 1967 -- 71.
Jamestown, New York -- Congregational Self-Study of the First Presbyterian Church, 1971.
Nashville, Tennessee
Board of Education -- Methodist Church, 1942 -- 45Churchmanship Exchange, 1944 -- 46.
Youth Work Conferences -- 1944 -- 47.
New York
Chi alpha, 1956.Christ Church Activities, 1938 -- 53
Christ Church Youth, 1943.
Christian Action, 1953 -- 59.
Riverside Church
Community Youth center, 1955 -- 60.Printed Material, 1952 -- 60.
New York City
Baptist Student work committee, 1954 -- 58.Changing Position, 1959 -- 60.
Consultation on church design, 1962 -- 63.
Doctoral Study Paper, 1950 -- 51.
Protestant Foundation at Columbia University, 1955 -- 60.
New York City (cont.)
Seventeenth Quadrennial Conference, 1951 -- 56.Union Seminary Alumni Class of 1938, 1952 -- 62.
Union theological Seminary Alumni Council, 1959 -- 64.
United Church of Christ, 1961 -- 62.
New York Conference -- United Methodist Church, 1946 -- 74.
Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education society (OVPES) -- Meetings, 1969 -- 78. (10 folders)
Philosophy of Education Society -- Meetings, 1970 -- 73. (4 folders)
Philosophy of Education Society -- Meetings, 1974 -- 76. (3 folders)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Andrew Farley, Action Group, 1962 -- 63.Association of Professors and Researchers in Religions Education, 1970 -- 71.
Christian Vocational Group, 1962 -- 63.
Church Architecture Activities, 1960 -- 67.
Church Education Study Group, 1968 -- 71.
Church & Ministry Division Minutes, 1968 -- 72.
Conference on Religion in Higher education, 1962 -- 64.
Christian Education, 1968 -- 69.Church Building, 1960 -- 72.
Church Design, 1963 -- 64.
Lost Creek, West Virginia -- United Methodist Church, 1974. (with 3 cassette tapes)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (cont.)
Consultation on Religion in Higher Education, 1961.Continuing Education Committee, 1968 -- 71.
Danforth Conference, 1961.
Downtown Apartment Ministry, 1964 -- 67.
Resources Center, 1971.Search Committee, 1973.
Episcopal Conference on church Education, 1973.
Faculty Meetings, 1971 -- 72.
First Lutheran Church
Community Lay School of Theology, 1964 -- 65.Education, 1963 -- 67.
Sunday Bulletins, 1963 -- 65.
Full Professors Committee, 1970 -- 71.
Graduate Professors of Christian Education, 1965 -- 69
Idea About Education, 1963 -- 79.
Institute on Church Architecture, 1963 -- 67.
Professors & Research Committee, 1963 -- 68.
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Church & Ministry Division, 1960 -- 75. (3 folders)Co -- Curricular Committee, 1972 -- 74.
Community Oriented Study Program, 1970 -- 71.
Continuing Education, 1973.
Curriculum Committee, 1973 -- 76.
Doctor of Ministry Degree Program, 1970 -- 76.
Editorial Committee, 1973 -- 74.
By- Laws Committee, 1972 -- 78.Meeting Minutes, 1969 -- 73. (3 folders)
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (cont.):
Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1973 -- 79. (6 folders)Field Education Committee, 1960 -- 71. (2 folders)
General Materials, 1960 -- 65. (2 folders)
Institute on Church Design, 1962 -- 65. (2 folders)
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (cont.):
Search Committee, 1975 -- 76.Special Committee on Organization, 1975 -- 76.
Task Force on women, 1973.
Pennsylvania Council of Churches -- Education Division, 1968 -- 69.Philosophy of Education Society Meetings, 1975 -- 76.
Preparation of Book Existentialism & Phenomenology in Education, 1950 -- 73.
Presbyterian Consultations on Christian Education, 1964 -- 66.
Report to Christ Church, New York, 1965.
Research Project -- Churches near Campus, 1960 -- 62.
Sabbatical Planning, 1965 -- 66.
Safety Communications Foundation, 1970 -- 73.
Financial Records, 1968 -- 72.General, 1967 -- 69.
Turnpike Radio -- Presentation Manual, 1967 -- 73.
Pittsburgh -- Sermons, Speeches, Writing, 1960 -- 64. (7 folders)
Pittsburgh -- Sermons, Speeches, Writing 1965 -- 71. (8 folders)
Pittsburgh -- Southern Association of Colleges -- Evaluation Committee, 1968.
Poughkeepsie, New York
Christian Nurture Exchange, 1947 -- 1948.Ecumenical Conference, 1947.
Methodist Committee on Veterans Affairs, 1945 -- 46.
Youth Committee, Methodist church, 1945 -- 48.
Youth Restudy, 1945 -- 48.
Published Articles, 1943 -- 59. (6 folders)
Saltsburg, Pennsylvania -- Consultation of Ministry, 1972 -- 73.
Scranton, Pennsylvania -- Central City Churches Consultation, 1966.
Sewickley, Pennsylvania -- Ministers consultation on Education, 1971.
Society for Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy -- Meeting, 1973.
Society for Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy -- Meeting, 1974.
Washington Conference -- Christian Education Professors, 1960 -- 61.
Washington, DC
Conferences of Professors of Church Education -- Mid-Atlantic States, 1961 -- 70.March on Washington -- Newspaper clippings, 1963.
Wheeling, West Virginia -- Consultation with Methodist Clergy, 1971.
Articles: Published articles and letters to the editor written by Chamberlin and articles about Chamberlin, 1950 -- 93.
The Church and its Young Adults. Royalty statements, 1950 -- 58.Church vs. Education: A Battle Lost by Chamberlin, 1994.
Administration of Christian Education, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1960. Includes some correspondence.Appropriation, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1962.
The Bible in Church Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1976.
Campus Christian Ministry, Union Theological Seminary, 1953.
Christian Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1968.
Christian Eduaction Among Adults, Garrett Seminary, Evanston, Illinois. Includes some correspondence.
Christian Education in Cultural Context, Pittsburgh University, 1969.
Church and Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1964.
Church and Ministry III: Education Portion, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. 1963.
Church and Ministry VI: Education and Administration, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1965.
Courses (cont.)
Church Education Programming, Pittsburg Theological Seminary, 1973.Churches and Public Eduction, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1979.
Contemporary Concerns in Christian Education, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, PA, 1968. Includes some correspondence.
Current Developments in Christian Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1960.
Current Views of How We Learn, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1977.
The Discussion Method: Theory and Practice, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1973.
Doctoral Seminar on Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1976.
Education and Liberation, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1974.
Education and Ministry, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA, 1969.
Education in the Local Church, Christ United Presbyterian Church. Lay program, Canton, OH, 1969.
Education Laboratory, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1975.
Education Seminar, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Extension Doctoral Program, 1975.
Educational Foundations, Greensboro College, 1981.
Courses (cont.)
History of Christian Education, University of Pittsburg, 1962.A History of Education Conducted by Churches, Greensboro College, 1979.
Images and Issues of Ministry, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1970.
Introduction to Religious Education, University of Pittsburgh, 1971.
Methodist History, Doctrine and Polity, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1974.
The Minister of Christian Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1968.
The Ministry in Higher Education, Princeton Theological Seminary.
Education and Liberation, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1974.
Education and Ministry, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA, 1969.
Education in the Local Church, Christ United Presbyterian Church. Lay program, Canton, OH, 1969.
Education Laboratory, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1975.
Education Seminar, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Extension Doctoral Program, 1975.
Educational Foundations, Greensboro College, 1981.
Religion and Public Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Continuing Education, Canton, OH, 1969.Theology and Education, University of Pittsburgh, 1964.
Course Evaluations, Spring Semester, 1973, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
Demobilization Activities, World War II, 1944 -- 1945, Nashville, TN.
Correspondence, demobilization bulletins, seminar information, newspaper clippings.
Greensboro College, Correspondence, 1979 -- 1983.
Orientation and Art: photographs of artwork, art show programs, 1972 -- 1976.Architecture: architectural plan, photographs, correspondence, 1965 -- 1987.
Greensboro Civic Orchestra, 1982 -- 1986. Cello workshop information, executive board minutes for GCO, and performance programs.
Organizations and Projects Orientation, 1951 -- 1988.
Citizens for Justice and UnityOrientation.1979 -- 1983, Greensboro, NC.
Member, 1982 -- 1983, Greensboro, NC.
Unity Project on "Understanding Racism," director, 1982.
Organizations (cont.)
Consultant on Urban Crisis for Church Federation, Dayton, OH, 1965, 1966, 1968.Covenant United Presbyterian Church, Butler, PA. Consultant, Congregational Self-Study, 1973.
Evangelica de Teologia: Consultant, Facultad, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1966 -- 1968.
First Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, PA. Teacher for Education Program, 1963 -- 1965.
Greensboro Visions Program Housing Taskforce, 1985 -- 1990.
Methodist Consultations on Christian Education. Participant, 1978.
Methodist Consultations on Church Education: Participant, 1975 -- 1976. Participant, 1977.
Morningside Heights, Mental Health Committee, New York, 1955.
National Council of Churches
Latin America Dept., New York, 1966.
Organizations (cont.)
National Council of ChurchesDept. of Pastoral Services, New York, 1951 -- 1957.Orange County Community College Enrichment Program for Gifted High School Students, 1960 -- 1973.
Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Member, Board of Directors, Harrisburg, PA. Meeting minutes, 1966 -- 1967.Chairman, Dept. of Education, Harrisburg, PA. 1966 -- 1970.
Dept. of Education, minutes and memos: 1967 -- 1968. 1968 -- 1969. 1969 -- 1970.
Member, Study Committee, Harrisburg, PA, 1968 -- 1969.
Religious Education Study Group, Pittsburgh, PA. Member, 1968 -- 1970, 1995.
Safety Communications Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA, 1967 -- 1970.
School Human Relations Exchange Group
Secretary, 1982. Greensboro, PA.
Organizations (cont.)
School Human Relations Exchange Group:Regarding corporal punishment of North Carolina school district students, 1983.Scranton Central City Churches, Scranton, PA. Exploratory Study, 1966.
St. John's Episcopal Church, Memphis, TN. Consultant, 1969 -- 1971.
University of Calgary (Canada). External Examiner for Doctoral Dissertation, 1978.
Papers presented at Philosophy of Education meetings, 1971 -- 1994.
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary financial arrangements, 1960 -- 1979.
The Riverside Church orientation material, 1951, 1960. Includes correspondence, history of Riverside Church pamphlet, and dedication programs for south wing.
The Riverside Church practical arrangements, 1951 -- 1960. Includes correspondence.
Speeches and articles
1950s -- 1960s, Pittsburgh, PA.1970s. Includes correspondence.
United Methodist Church. New York Conference, 1945 -- 1948. Includes worksheets and minutes of meetings of the Board of Education and Missions.
University of Pittsburgh. Arrangement for Adjunct Status. Correspondence. Writing and speaking orientation listing, 1954 -- 1988.
Box 41
Academic certificates
Bishop's Conference With Returned Veterans, July 4 -- 7, 1946
Chamberlin genealogy. 2 folders
Chamberlin's copy of God's Trombones by James Weldon Johnson
Christian Leadership Program, 1960
Crossing Boundaries. First National Council of Urban Issues, November 11 -- 13, 1994
Designs for Education. Class assignment at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (Draw a design which expresses your view of Christian education)
Educational devices. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Exploration and Replication. Coalition Addressing Systemic Poverty, 1992 -- 1993
House at Ridgecrest Drive, Greensboro, North Carolina
Installation services. Audio casette tape
Latin American Foundation, 1959 --
Log of building a house in Poughkeepsie, New York
Mildred Eck Chamberlin. Includes audio casette tape of her memorial service
Mortgage deed, Johnson County, Iowa. Signed by Jas. Chamberlin, 1866
Negro poetry. Transcibed by Chamberlin into a small notebook. For recitations
North Carolina Poverty Project. See box 42.
Papers presented by Chamberlin. Bound into softcover booklets
Book 1, presented at meetings of Philosophy Education Society, Ohio Valley Philosopy of Education Society, South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society, 1971 -- 1994
Philosophy of Education Society
"An Educational Occasion: A Preliminary Phenomenological Analysis." 1971
"Expectations in Education." 1972
Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society
"On Understanding." 1973
"Authority and Approriation in Education." 1974
"'I Don't Have No Education' or What is Your Paradigm?" 1975
"How Green Was Your Valley?" 1977
Philosophy of Education Society
"The Ehtical Dilemma of Trying to Help Someone Learn Something." 1977
South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society
"Considering An Educator's Ultimate Concern." 1980
"Teacher or Educator: Problems in Context in Teacher Education." 1981
"Is Education a Business?" 1982
"New Directions in Philosophy of Education." 1983
"Some Problems with Norms." 1984
"What is Schooling?" 1985
"The Buber Model, Reconsidered." 1986
"Reconsidering Moral Education." 1987
"Teaching as Threat." 1988
"It is Possible to be Philosophical About Poverty?"
"Sports and the Culture." 1992
"Schools and the Students' Worlds." 1994
Book 2, Presented at various meetings, 1963 -- 2002
"Protestantism and Higher Education." Philosophy of Education Society, 1963
"Four Reports, Re-evaluation Program." Facultad Evangelica de Teologia, Buenos Aires, 1967
"The Evaluation of an Educational Institution in Another Culture." Professors of Christian Education, Middle Atlantic States, 1968
"What War?" Meeting of Executive Directors, Departments of Social Services, Durham, North Carolina, 1991
"Dimensions of Poverty." Meeting of faculty and students, Departments of Education and Social Work, Buffalo State College, New York, 1994
"Education of the Urban Poor." Meeting of faculty and students, Departments of Education and Social Work, Buffalo State College, New York, 1994
"Structured Ambiguities and Four Undones." Southern Sociological Society Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 1998
"Curiosities in Our Culture and The Other View of Poverty." Annual meetings, American Education Studies Association, Detroit, Michigan, 1999
"Further Reflections on Addressing Poverty." Board of Directors Meeting, Poverty Coalition, Atlanta, Georgia, 2000
"Choosing What: Process or Product." South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society, Fayetteville, North Carolina, 2001
Book 3
"Contemporary Art and Christian Education"
"Protestantism and Higher Education"
"Discipleship in Academia"
"What War?"
"Dimensions of Poverty"
"Curiosities in Our Culture and the Other View of Poverty"
"On Addressing Poverty"
"Choosing What: Process or Product?"
Birthplace, Blairstown, Iowa
Family reunion, 1919 and 1929, Princeton, Iowa. Photographed by Allen Chamberlin
Ozone Park church
Pictures from India (Missionaries), 1905 -- 1910
"A Plea for Cuba." Speech given by Senator John M. Thurston in the U.S. Senate, used by Chamberlin in oratorical contests
"Program on Understanding Poverty." Poverty Coalition
First Report. Compiled by J. Gordon and Mary N. Chamberlin, 2000
Second Report. "A Multi-Discipline Approach." 2003
Riverside Church (New York). Miscellaneous
Slate and Paint
Upon Whom We Depend. Brochure for the book by Chamberlin
Box 42
The North Carolina Poverty Project
Poverty Study Packet
19 Reasons for Being in Poverty
Causes of Poverty
Community Action in North Carolina
Finding Out About Poverty in North Carolina
Finding Out About the Other North Carolina
The General Plan
Helping Students Study Poverty
How We Feed the Poor
I Have Walked
North Carolinians Write About Poverty
The Poor Among Us
Poverty and Civic Responsibility
Poverty in the East
Poverty Project Exploration
Poverty Project Exploration: Preparing for the Workshop
Replication Handbook
Sector Council Members
Superintendents Discuss Impacts of Poverty on Public Schools
Thinking About Poverty
Underlying Issues For the Rural Summit
Box 43
Daily Suggester (Appointment diaries)
1936 -- 1937
1943 -- 1966 (two for 1949)
1968 -- 1989
Pastor's record of funerals (partial), 1940 -- 1960
Pastor's records of weddings, 1938 -- 1956 and 1956 -- 1971
Box 44
Blueprints for house at 911 Ridgecrest Drive, Greensboro, North Carolina

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