Special Collections and Archives

MsC 600

Iowa Author

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1930 -- 1978
15 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu

Acquisition Note: The author left his book and manuscript collection to the University of Iowa upon his death in September 1986.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Photographs: Don Farran , cabin slides

Audio Material: John O'Connor interviews Don Farran

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Scope and Contents

The following index contains eight series.  Included in these series are screenplays for instructional films for the Coast Guard and Navy, correspondence, poems and books written by Farran, TV and movie work completed by Farran, WPA work done by Farran, with a personal series which includes information about Farran as well as photographs.

Related Materials

See the Carroll Coleman Papers for correspondence with Farran


Series I: Coast Guard

Box 1

Instructional Films

"Aids to Navigation-Coast Guard"

"Boating Safety: Legal Requirements and Safety Equipment"

"Catalog of U.S. Coast Guard Films"


"Coast Guard Academy"

"Coast Guard Auxiliary"

"Coast Guard Cutter 'Abseca'"

"Coast Guard Cutter 'Azalea'"

"Coast Guard Cutter 'Courier'"

"Coast Guard Cutters Around the Continent" (2 folders)

"Coast Guard in Alaska"

"Coast Guard Lighthouses"

"Coast Guard Offshore Light Station"

"Conservation Planning for National Security" (4 folders)

"Firefighting Aboard Tankers"

Box 2

Instructional Films (cont.)

"Ocean Station Vessel Crew Training in Search and Rescue (2 folders)"

"Operation of Ocean Station Vessels During Search and Rescue (Ditching)" (2 folders)

"Port Security-Explosives Loading"

"Roles and Missions: Cooperation with Other Agencies"

"Rules of the Road for Boatmen"

"Search and Rescue-Pleasure Craft"

"75-Foot Pusher Barge and Navigation System"

"Standardization of Crew Training in Lesser Craft for Search and Rescue" (2 folders)

"Story of the Great Rivers"

"United States Coast Guard"


Administrative (4 folders)

Civilian Personnel




Box 3

Miscellaneous (cont.)

Ratings and Awards

Travel Compensation

Series II: Correspondence

Albert, Eddie

Arnold, Edward

Blanding, Don

Block, Herb

Blotner, Fritz

Bodin, Ed

Bradley, Van Allen

Broidy, Steve

Bryan, Dorothy

Cameron, Betty

Chaddick, Henry

Child, Sargent

Coloring Books

CSS Publications

Cuyler, J.P.

Darling, Joe

Detroit Federal Theatre

Dodd, Mead, & Co.

Drake University

Dugan, Jimmy

Edwards, Ralph

Evans, Ken

Evans, Luther

Evans, Maurice


Farrar, John

Ford, Anson

Fowler, Robert

Gebhard, Charlie

Gill, Glenda

Gray, Eddie

Gurstein, Jacob

Hunter Enterprises

Kay, Ernest

Kidder-Smith, G.E.

Krock & Brentano

Ladies Home Journal

Lamont-Clemens Inc.

Macmillan Co. Publishers

Marquis Publishers

McCown, Robert

McGee, John

McGuire, Marian "Mac"

McLaughlin, Lilian

Meyer, Edith


Mirisch, Walter

Moe, Henry Allan

Murphy, Pat

Murray, Jesse George


Nyuttens, Pierre (2 folders)

Orner, Faustina

Paluka, Frank

Roland Reed Productions

Royal Typewriter Company Inc.


Saturday Evening Post

Schlosser, Winifred

Seibert, Edgar

Shelton, William

Simson, Alec Buckingham

Smith, Kallie

Smith, Muriel

Theatre Guild


Van Wormer, Grace

Vaughn, Harry

Wagner, Fernando

Wanger, Walter

Wheelock, John


Writers' Guild of America

Young, Harold

Young, Mike

Zara, Louis

Series III: Movies/Radio/TV/Plays


"American Heritage Series"

"Build Me a Road"

"Founding Fathers"

"Freedom Fair"

Motion Picture Program for LOOK Magazine

"Plan for Improving Management-Employee Relationship Through Production of Motion Pictures"

"Ribbon to the Sun"


Box 4

Movies (cont.)

Simon Bolivar (5 folders)

"They Went Away"


"Headquarters Calling"

"Stormy Seas"


"The Power and The Glory" (Additional materials located in Oversized Box 1)



"No Angels Singing"

"Pan America"

"Protective Custody"

"Snows of Yester-Year"


Series IV: Navy

Instructional Films

"Amphibious Marines"

"Command of the Seas-Arctic"

"Command of the Seas-Pacific"

"Command of the Seas-Atlantic"

"Command of the Seas-United States"

"Command of the Seas" (2 folders)

"David Taylor Model Basin"

"Engineering Design and Construction of Navy Shore Establishments"

Box 5

Instructional Films (cont.)

"Food Sanitation-Food Poisoning on Shipboard"

"Hydrographic Surveying Operations of the Navy Part I: Establishing Primary Control"

"Hydrographic Surveying Operations of the Navy Part II: Secondary Control and Hydrographic Development"

"Interviewing-Principles and Techniques"

"Introduction to the Preparation of Navy Correspondence"

"The Marine Rifle Platoon"

"Navy Port Terminal Management and Operation"

"Navy Relief"

"Pictorial History of U.S.M.C."

"Rehabilitation-The Patient"

"Sea Power for Freedom" (2 folders)

"Sea Power in the Atlantic"

"Seven Seas"

"Seventh Fleet" (6 folders)

Box 6

Instructional Films (cont.)

"Seventh Fleet" (1 folder)

"Sixth Fleet"

"Small Boat Disaster Prevention"

"Standardization" (3 folders)

"Standardization-Engineering Planning" (3 folders)

"Waves at Work"

"Utilities Conservation-Steam Generation" (3 folders)

"Your Job in the Navy"

"The Way Selection Works"

"Aviation Ratings"

"Communication and Detection Ratings"

"Construction and Mechanical Ratings"

"Deck Ratings"

"Engine Room Ratings"

"Unclassified Ratings"

Box 7


Accession List

Administrative (6 folders)


Civilian Personnel

Contracts (2 folders)

Correspondence Courses (6 folders)

Naval Instructional Film Handbook

Photo Center


Script Evaluation

Series V: Personal


"A Conversation with a Poet" by Don Farran, 1981

"Don Farran: An Impression of Iowa's Romany Poet" by Elmer Sandfrid Osberg, 1927

"The Rise and Fall of Horse Grove" by R.E. Lee Aldrich, 1958 (Contains notation concerning Farran's birthplace)

"Standing on the Corner" by Ken E. Berg, 1965

"What Has Happened to Them" 1971

"Who's Who In America" 1978-1979

Box 8

Biographical Sketch

Cabin of John Rowen-Slides

International Instructional Film Offers

Interview-Federal Theatre Project (includes audio recording)



Newspaper Clippings (12 folders)

Box 9

Newspaper Clippings cont. (2 folders)



Books-Including works by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Air Sea Safety Books

Magazines (5 folders)


Box 10


Red point tokens



Writers' Guild of America (2 folders)


Signed Book "Herblock on All Fronts" by Herbert Block, 1980

Diamond Ring Translator

Series VI: Poetry

"A Scarlet Saddle for Pegasus"

"Ballad of the Silver Ring" (2 folders)

"Between the Rivers"

"Brasilian Afternoon"


"Collected Poems of Don Farran" (5 folders)

"From Among the Published Poems of Don Farran"


"Prairie Saga"

"Three Baby Cyclones" (2 folders)

"Iowa Poets"

Series VII: Short Stories and Books

Short Stories

"Always and Always"

"Another Sunday Afternoon"

"Bahia to Pernambuco"


"The Catalytic Agent"

"Cidade Mulher"

"Gaucho Grande"

"Grandma Goes to Paris"

"Hollywood Sailor"

"If You Knew Didi"

"Incident in Foggy Bottom"

"The Last Novel"

"The Last Rebel"

"Little Nell"

"Meet Me at the Mayflower"

"Million-Dollar Patients"

"No Heroes"

"Passage to Para"

"Prairie Saga"

"Talking Pictures"


"Turismo Do Rio"

"When the Mutum Calls"

"Whistle Stop"

"The World Belongs to Doctors"


"Curtain Rising"

"Fragments of Splendor"

Box 11

Books (cont.)

"Nazareth" (3 folders)

"Nic Jenson"

"Richard Bennett Memoirs" (4 folders)

"Snarl Street"

"Those Were the Days"

"Wings for Words" (2 folders)

Series VIII: WPA and the Federal Theatre Project

Federal Theatre Project

"Chicago Headlines on Parade"

"The Emperor's New Clothes"

Federal One

General Information


"The Nineteen-Thirties"

Work Projects Administration

"American Imprints Inventory" (3 folders)

Box 12

Work Projects Administration (cont.)

Bicentennial, 1976 (2 folders)


General Information-WPA

Historical Records Survey (2 folders)

Joint Committee on Materials for Research of the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies

"What is Past is Prologue"



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