MsC 622
Manuscript Register
Collection Dates:
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
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University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
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Posted to Internet: January 2002
Addendum: 2002
Note: The manuscripts
for the book were donated by the author shortly after their publication; the
remainder of the collection was donated by her son, William Glick.
and Restrictions:
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does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this
collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections
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Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.
Biographical Note
and Contents
In 1984 she wrote an article for
Books at Iowa 41, "The Life or the
Work," which discusses inter alia, her life as a student and her
later work, including a number of stories and novels which made use of her
experiences in India.
Box List
Box 1
Dr. Katherine Bell
TMS with author's holographic corrections, pages 1 -- 200
TMS with author's holographic corrections, pages 201 -- 430
Galley proofs, 1950
to the Evelyn Harter Collection
By Evelyn Harter and M. B. Glick
Evelyn Harter and M.B. Glick. "Building the Book Beautiful." The Junior Bookshelf II:4 (July 1938). Tear sheets.
A Book Production Planning Guide. United States Information Service, Karachi, Lahore, Dacca, [circa 1960]. Pakistani revision.Printing Design and Production from Seven Countries Singapore to Instanbul Selected and Exhibited by the American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York, (circa 1963). Catalog based on the Glicks' 1961 --1962 trip under U.S. State Department and AIGA auspices.
Evelyn Harter Stories and Articles in Books and Periodicals (copy of issue present except as noted)
"The Black Razor." Kansas Quarterly. Photocopy (date not noted)
"Bosom of the Family." The Virginia Quarterly Review 42:2 (Spring 1966).
"The Circus on the Stairs." The Residence Reporter (December 1988). Photocopy.
"A Congenial Deity." Northwest Review 11:1 (Fall 1970). Photocopy.
"Dear Krishnan." The Illustrated Weekly of India. Photocopy; date not noted.
"A Drift of Incense." Kansas Quarterly. Photocopy (date not noted).
"An Exhibition of Books Made for Children." The Horn Book XVIII:2 (March-April, 1942). Photocopy.
"The Flirtation." Transatlantic Review 46/47. Photocopy.
"Forty-Niners Go East." In Story III:15 (October 1933).
Box 2
"Full Trim" (a monthly commentary and criticism of bookmaking) and other articles published in Publishers' Weekly, 1931 -- 1936. Approximately 57 articles, 200 pages. Tear sheets.
"Greet You with Garlands." Southwest Review LIII:4 (Autumn 1968).
"In My Next Incarnation." The North American Review, New Series II:5/6 (November 1965). Photocopy.
"An Interview With The Eminent Professor Hugo K. O. Muttonquad." Bookmaking on the Distaff Side. New York: 1937. Photocopy.
"Kay Boyle: Experimenter." The Bookman (June-July 1932). Photocopy.
"A Kingly Exit." Prairie Schooner (Fall 1966). Photocopy.
"The Landlady." Southwest Review 60:1 (Winter 1975). Photocopy
"Next Summer in Bangkok." The Virginia Quarterly Review 54:1 (Winter 1978).
"And Now Good Morrow." The Illustrated Weekly of India XCIX:44 (November 19 -- 25, 1978). With additional photocopy.
"Odor of Sandalwood." Tear sheets; (source and date not noted).
"Paradise Lost." The Illustrated Weekly of India XCVII:51 (December 19 -- 25, 1976).
"Publication Day Party." South Dakota Review (Summer 1975). Tearsheets.
"The Red Dot." Southwest Review (Autumn 1970). Tearsheets.
"Renegade." The Antioch Review XXVI: 3 (Fall 1966).
"The Stone Lovers." Southwest Review LV:1 (Winter 1970).
"Tell Me to Go On Living," The Minnesota Review II:2 (Winter 1962).
"Till All Can Enter Paradise." The Texas Quarterly (Winter, 1975). Offprint.
"Windmill Memsahib." The Illustrated Weekly of India XCVIII:41 (October 23 -- 29, 1977).
"The Wink." The Illustrated Weekly of India. Photocopy; date not noted.
"The Wink." The Seattle Review V:1-2 (Fall 1982).
"The Life or the Work." First draft (photocopy) of an article that appeared in
Books at Iowa (1984), circulated to Harter's family.