Collection Guide
This document describes a Manuscript Collection held by the
Special Collections DepartmentUniversity of Iowa Libraries

Guide Contents
Biographical and Historical Information
Scope and Contents of the Collection
Administrative Information
Access and
Biographical Note
Calvin Kentfield was born in 1924 in Keokuk, Iowa. Brought up near the Mississippi River, he developed a feeling for "going somewhere else" early in life. He attended the University of Iowa, but interrupted his studies to ship out as ordinary seaman and able seaman on freighters and tugs. He wrote stories and earned enough money to travel for a year in Europe. In 1948 he returned to the University of Iowa and earned a B.A. His first novel, The Alchemist's Voyage, appeared in 1955, The Angel and the Sailor in 1957, All Men Are Mariners in 1962, and The Great Wandering Goony Bird in 1963, among others. As well as writing novels and short stories, he frequently wrote essays for Holiday, the New Yorker, and the San Francisco Chronicle.
Kentfield died September 4, 1975.
C. Pummer and J. Roethler, August 2004
Scope and
Acquisition and Processing Information
These papers
were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by
Guide posted
to Internet:
" State University of Iowa." Holiday, November 1953, pp. 88 -- 90, 140 -- 151
The Alchemist's Voyage
Partial Draft (apparently not used) [2 folders]
First Draft (with corrections) [2 folders]
Second Draft (with corrections) [2 folders]
Third Draft (with corrections)
Drafts and proofs of beginning material and original jacket design
Page proofs [2 folders]
Printer's proofs [2 folders]
Galley proofs [4 folders]