Collection Dates: 1956 -- 1985
(Bulk Dates:1970s and 1980s)
39.5 linear ft.
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Posted to Internet: March 1999
Note: The
papers of Nick Thimmesch were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries
in 1986 by his son, Nicholas Thimmesch, II.
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Table of Contents
Box 1 ABSCAM -- Audio tapes
Box 2 Audio tapes
Box 3 Audio tapes
Box 4 Autobiography -- The Condition of Republicanism
Box 5 The Condition of Republicanism -- Correspondence, Aug. 1969
Box 6 Correspondence, Sept. 1969 - June 1974
Box 7 Correspondence, July 1974 - Detroit
Box 8 Disabled veterans -- Glickman, Max
Box 9 Goals book -- James, Daniel
Box 10 Japan -- Kennedy, John F.-- Los Angeles Times Syndicate column,1971
Box 11 Los Angeles Times Syndicate column, 1971 -- 1974
Box 12 Los Angeles Times Syndicate column, 1974 -- 1977
Box 13 Los Angeles Times Syndicate column,1977 -- 1979
Box 14 Los Angeles Times Syndicate column, 1979 -- 1982
Box 15 Los Angeles Times Syndicate column, 1983 -- 1985
Box 16 Los Angeles Times Syndicate column, 1971 -- Middle East
Box 17 Minortiy crime and the juvenile justice system conference of 1985 -- New York Times
Box 18 New York Times Magazine -- Nixon, Richard M.
Box 19 Nixon, Richard M. -- Reporter's notebooks, 1968
Box 20 Reporter's notebooks, 1967 -- 1977
Box 21 Reporter's notebooks, undated
Box 22 Reporter's notebooks, undated -- Robert F. Kennedy at 40
Box 23 Robert F. Kennedy at 40 -- Saturday Review
Box 24 Saudi Arabia -- Speeches
Box 25 Sports Illustrated -- Time
Box 26 Time -- "What Prison Life is Like for John Erlichman"
Box 27 Wilkins, Roy -- Ziegler, Ron
28 "Detroit's Old Love: Racing"
Nicholas Thimmesch was born on November 13, 1927, in Dubuque, Iowa. He attended public and parochial schools before graduating from Dubuque Senior High School in 1944. Thimmesch served with the Merchant Marines from 1945 -- 1947 before returning to Iowa to attend Loras College and the University of Iowa. He received his B.A. in journalism from the University of Iowa in 1950. He married Wynora Susan Plum on April 17, 1953. They had three sons and two daughters. Nick Thimmesch died on July 11, 1985, in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Thimmesch began his
career as a reporter for the Davenport Times, leaving there to join the
Des Moines Register in 1952. In 1955, he became a member of the staff
of Time magazine, later becoming chief of its New York bureau. He became
associated with Newsday as its Washington bureau chief where he began
to write a column. In 1969, his column became nationally syndicated through
the Los Angeles Times Syndicate. From 1976 to1978, he was a contributing
editor for New York magazine. In 1981, Thimmesch became resident journalist
at the American Enterprise Institute of Public Policy Research. While continuing
to write his column, he worked on Communication for a Free Society, an Institute
project, through which he moderated more than twenty public seminars on news
media issues. Thimmesch was also the author of several books including The
Condition of Republicanism and Robert Kennedy at 40.
These records cover
the years 1956 -- 1985 and are arranged alphabetically. The collection contains
materials on many subjects that Thimmesch researched during his career as a
political reporter, columnist, and writer of personality profiles. Special features
of interest include manuscripts of The Condition of Republicanism and
Robert F. Kennedy at 40, and typescripts of articles that appeared in
Argosy, McCalls, Time, New York, Saturday Evening Post, and Sports
Illustrated. A collection of columns written for the Los Angeles Times
Syndicate is also included.
ABSCAM. Notes, undated.
Abourezk, Jim. Notes and interviews, undated.
Abortion. Correspondence, 1971 -- 1972.
Absurdities column. Notes, 1984.
Abu-Dhabi. Notes, undated.
Agnew, Spiro
Typescript with corrections and notes, 1968.Interviews, reporter's notebooks, and notes, 1973 -- 1975. (2 folders)
Agriculture. Articles and correspondence, 1976 -- 1977.
Alaska trip. Correspondence, interviews, itinerary, notes, and typescript, 1981.
Aliteracy: People Who Can Read But Won't, edited by Nick Thimmesch, 1984.
Algeria. Notes, undated.
Amalril, Andre. Notes and interviews, undated.
Ambassadorial appointments. Notes, 1977 -- 1978.
American Arab Affairs Council. "Media and the Middle East." Typescript and correspondence, 1982.
American-Arab Affairs Council at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Correspondence and notes, 1985.
American Civil Liberties Union. Correspondence and notes, 1972.
American Enterprise Institute
Budget. Correspondence, notes, and proposed budget, 1984 -- 1985.Conference programs, 1981 -- 1982.
Conferences. Correspondence and notes, 1981 -- 1982.
Expenses, 1982 -- 1985.
General. Correspondence and notes, 1975 -- 1985.
"Inside the Institute," 1982 -- 1985.
Interns, 1983 -- 1985.
Projects, 1981 -- 1984.
American-German Parliamentary Meeting. Itinerary, notes, and correspondence, April 1980.
American Indians. Notes, undated.
American People's Yearbook
"Boxing in 1959." Typescript of article, and correspondence, 1959."Professional and Amateur Boxing in 1956." Drafts, notes, correspondence, 1956.
Amtrak. Notes and correspondence, 1979.
Anderson, John. Notes, correspondence, 1980.
Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Correspondence and notes, 1975.
Any Time, Every Time. Time, the Weekly Newsmagazine. Promotional brochure, October 1961. Includes a photo of Nick Thimmesch.
Appointment calendars
July 1980 -- July 1981.
Arab Ambassadors. Typescript and notes.
Arab Americans. Notes and correspondence, 1984.
Arab Associations. Notes, undated.
Arab upsurge. Notes, 1977.
"Arabs in Washington, D.C." Correspondence, typescript with additions and corrections, notes, and galley proofs, 1977 -- 1978. (2 folders)
"Elmer B. Staats: The Sheriff of the Bureaucracy." Correspondence, typescript, interview, and notes, 1979."Heed Not the Pollsters: the Tax Revolt Goes On." Typescript, 1979.
"High Cost of the Federal Regulatory Master." Typescript, 1979.
Hubert Humphrey article. Typescript, 1979.
"IRS and Daly." Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1979.
"Senate Budget Boss Ed Muskie: A Liberal Who Cracks Down on Spending." Interview, typescript, and notes, 1979.
"Tennessee's Howard Baker: A GOP Leader Tries for the Presidency." Typescript and interview, 1979.
Three Mile Island article. Typescript and notes, undated.
"Washington Inside. Happy Requiem for a Bureaucracy." Typescript and notes, 1979.
Atlantic City. Notes and reporter's notebooks, undated.
Audio tapes
Barry Goldwater. Interview, undated.
Jimmy Hoffa. Interview, undated.
Audio tapes (cont.)
Hood. Interview, undated."Hornstein's Boy." Interview, undated.
Ken Kehribach. Interview, 1960.
Mayor's Panel, undated.
Miscellaneous, undated.
Nixon, Richard. Interview, 1979.
Topic "A" Washington:
January -- May 1962.
Audio tapes (cont.)
Topic "A" Washington (cont.)June -- August 1962.Masters, 1962 and undated.
Autobiography. Typescript, 1955.
"Autodem in 1961: A Rage for Economy." Typescript, 1961.
Automotive Industry. Notes, undated.
Automotive Industry -- Detroit. Correspondence and notes, 1984.
B-1 Bomber. Notes, undated.
Bahrain. Articles, notes, and correspondence, 1974.
Bailey, John. Articles, 1963.
Baker, Howard. Interview, 1980.
Baldwin, James. Articles, 1963.
Baroni, Father Geno. Notes, undated.
"Barry Goldwater At Ease." Typescript and notes, 1976.
Begin, Menachem. Notes, 1981 -- 1982.
Berlin, Irving. Articles and notes, 1982 -- 1983.
Bert Lance affair. Notes, 1977.
Blacks. Articles and notes, 1968.
Blumenthal, Michael. Notes, undated.
"Bob and Elizabeth Dole: America's Power Couple." Typescript and notes, 1985.
Book proposal on Henry Kissinger. Correspondence and outline, 1973.
Boschwitz, Rudy. Correspondence and notes, 1978.
Boston Bussing Flap. Reporter's notebook, 1974.
Bourne, Dr. Peter. Correspondence and notes, 1978 -- 1979.
Brademas, John. Correspondence and notes, 1977.
Braden, Thomas. Correspondence and notes, 1975.
Brezinski, Zbignew. Notes, 1977.
Brooke, Ed. Articles and typescript with additions and corrections, 1966 -- 1967.
Brown, James. Articles, 1965.
Buchwald, Art. Insert for a galley proof, undated.
Buckley, William. Article, 1965.
Business expenses, 1967.
CBS Morning News. Scripts, February -- September 1974 and undated.
CBS Project. Correspondence and notes, 1975.
CBS Radio Network -- Spectrum Commentaries. Scripts, January -- November 1974.
Cable News Network (CNN)
General. Agreement, correspondence, notes, and expense accounts, 1981.Commentary research. Notes, January -- April 1981.
Commentary scripts. 1981 and undated.
Cable Television. Notes, undated.
Cairo, Egypt. Correspondence, reporter's notebooks, and notes, 1974.
Canadian Broadcasting Company -- Radio Commentary. Scripts, 1973 -- 1984.
Capsule. Research, undated.
Car and Driver. "The Gasoline Shortage." Typescript and correspondence, 1973.
Carter, Hugh. Notes and interview, 1978.
Carter, Jimmy
Democratic convention. Notes and interview, 1976.Domestic policies. Notes, undated.
Family. Notes, undated.
Carter/Mondale campaign. Notes, 1980.
Catholics and Vietnam. Notes and interviews, undated.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Notes, undated.
Chemical warfare. Notes, undated.
Chicago Tribune. "Pro-Life Movement: Where Is It Now." Correspondence and typescript, 1974.
Church, Frank. Notes and interview, 1975 -- 1976.
"Chrysler." Typescript, undated.
Cigarettes. Notes, undated.
Clay, Cassius. Articles and notes, 1963 -- 1965.
Cleland, Max. Correspondence and notes, 1977.
Colorado. Reporter's notebooks, undated.
"Colorado and Denver Politics and Mr. Bill White."
Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1969.
Colson, Charles
Correspondence, 1972.Interview, 1973.
Colvin Agency. Correspondence, 1980.
Commentary for Public Radio -- Berlin. Notes, correspondence, reporter's notebook, and scripts, 1975.
Commentary for Westinghouse Broadcast. Script, 1972.
The Condition of Republicanism
Correspondence, 1968.Typescript with corrections and revisions, undated. (3 folders)
Typescript of index, with revisions, undated.
The Condition of Republicanism (cont.)
Typescript. Photocopy, undated. (2 folders)Galley proofs. (4 folders)
Dust jackets.
Frontis material and notes.
Book promotion. Correspondence and quotes, 1968. Including a letter from Barry Goldwater.
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Notes, press pass, and correspondence, 1973.
Connally, John. Article, 1977.
Conservative campus newspapers. Notes, undated.
Conservative Digest. "Straight from Washington." Correspondence, notes, and typescript, 1976 -- 1978.
1955 -- 1962. Including letters from Frank Eyerly and Carl Gartner.1963. Including letters from: Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon and Virgil Hancher.
1964. Including letters from: Richard Nixon, Fred Schwengel, Eugene McCarthy and Nelson Rockefeller.
1965 -- 1966. Including letters from: Eugene McCarthy, William Buckley, Harold Hughes and Richard Nixon.
1967. Including letters from Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon.
1968. Including letters from: George Bush, Edmund Muskie and Howard Baker.
January -- April 1969. Including letters from Barry Goldwater and William Buckley.
May -- August 1969. Including letters from: Hubert Humphrey, George Bush, Henry Kissinger and Spiro Agnew.
Correspondence (cont.)
September -- December 1969. Including letters from Hubert Humphrey.January -- April 1970. Including letters from: Ben Bradlee, Fred Schwengel, Donald Rumsfeld, George McGovern, John Ehrlichman, George Bush.
May -- August 1970. Including letters from: Potter Stewart, George Bush, Edward Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Hubert Humphrey.
September -- December 1970. Including letters from: Alexander Haig, Donald Rumsfeld, Nelson Rockefeller, Fred Schwengel and Gerald Ford.
January -- May 1971. Including letters from: Alexander Haig, Hubert Humphrey, Spiro Agnew, George Romney, William F. Buckley, Dean Rusk, Walter Mondale and Richard Nixon.
June -- September 1971. Including letters from: Hubert Humphrey, Robert Dole, Alexander Haig, George Bush, Richard Nixon, Bill Moyers and EugeneMcCarthy.
October -- December 1971. Including letters from George Wallace and Tom Tauke.
January -- July 1972. Including letters from: Abe Fortas, Alexander Haig, Casper Weinberger, George Wallace and Tom Tauke.
August -- December 1972. Including letters from: George McGovern, William F. Buckley, Theodore H. White, Art Buchwald, Robert D. Ray, Hubert Humphrey, Edmund Muskie, Alexander Haig, Nelson Rockefeller and William Ruckleshaus.
January -- April 1973. Including letters from: Spiro Agnew, Edward Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
May -- August 1973. Including letters from: Edmund Muskie, Donald Rumsfeld, Barry Goldwater and George Bush.
September -- October 1973.
November -- December 1973. Including a letter from Sargent Shriver.
January -- March 1974. Including letters from Nelson Rockefeller and William Saxbe.
April -- June 1974. Including a letter from Hubert Humphrey.
Correspondence (cont.)
July -- October 1974. Including letters from Casper Weinberger and Lloyd Bentsen.November -- December 1974. Including a letter from William Simon.
January -- March 1975.
April -- July 1975. Including letters from: Hubert Humphrey, WilliamBuckley, Donald Rumsfeld and William Simon.
August -- December 1975.
1976 -- 1980. Including letters from Barry Goldwater and Jimmy Carter.
1981 -- 1985.
Undated. Including letters from Spiro Agnew and George Gallup.
Business, 1969 -- 1971.
Los Angeles Times Syndicate, 1970 -- 1977, 1983 -- 1985, and undated.
Newsday, 1968 -- 1976. Including a letter from Bill Moyers.
Re: Newsweek article "The Abortion Culture," 1973.
Speech arrangements, 1973 -- 1985.
Speech reviews, 1973 -- 1985.
Sterling Lord, 1967 -- 1977, and undated.
Cosell, Howard. Interviews, notes, typescript, undated.
Credit Union National Association Conference. Correspondence, programs, and notes, 1984.
Crime. Articles, notes, 1958 -- 1959.
Cyprus. Notes, undated.
Dead Federal Programs. Notes, undated.
Dean, John. Notes, undated.
Defense. Notes and correspondence, 1970.
DeLorean, John. Notes, undated.
Democratic National Convention. Articles, drafts, and notes, 1984.
General. Typescript, notes, and correspondence, 1961.Correspondence, notes, 1984.
"Detroit's Irresistable Brother." Typescript, undated."Year of the Pizzaz." Typescript, undated.
Disabled veterans. Correspondence and notes, 1970.
District of Columbia -- Crime. Notes, undated.
Dole, Robert. Interview, undated.
Drinan, Fr. Robert F. Notes, 1981.
Drug Abuse. Notes, 1982.
Drugs. Articles, 1970 -- 1971.
Dubinsky, Dave. Article, 1966.
Dubs, Adolph. Notes, undated.
DuPont Context (articles in company magazine)
"N.R.C.'s Harold Denton." Notes, draft, and correspondence, undated."New Federalism: An Enormous Challenge." Typescript and correspondence, 1981.
"Nuclear Power's Future: Problem Solving Ahead, But Don't Fry the Chicken." Draft, notes, 1979.
"Self-Help Re-emphasized: Siezing the Initiative at the Community Level." Correspondence and typescript, 1984.
"Taking on Today's Community Problems: Necessary, Traditional Volunteerism." Correspondence, notes, interviews, and typescript, undated.
"Washington View: How Quickly Can Reform Be Accomplished?" Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1979.
"What Can Business Expect From the New Administration." Notes, interviews, correspondence, and typescript, 1981.
Durenberger, Dave. Interview, and notes, 1981.
Earnings, 1967.
East Mediterranean Mess. Typescript and correspondence, 1976.
East-West Trade Council -- Cuba Trip. Correspondence, itinerary, and notes, 1977 -- 1978.
Eastern Bloc Tour. Correspondence, drafts of articles, press pass, and notes, 1972. (3 folders)
Eastern European Articles, 1972.
Editorial Query Sheets, 1963 -- 1966 and undated.
Education. Correspondence, 1974 -- 1978.
Egypt. Correspondence, itinerary, and articles, 1974.
Ehrlichman, John. Notes, undated.
Election '84 Youth Inaugural Conference, 1984 -- 1985.
Energy and the Environment. Notes, 1981.
Ethnic Neighborhoods. Notes, undated.
European Ecology. Notes, undated.
European trip
Correspondence, 1970.Expense account materials, 1976 -- 1977.
Notes, correspondence, and articles, 1976 -- 1978.
Euthanasia. Notes, undated.
Expense account materials, 1969 -- 1971.
Family Health Magazine. Cosmetic safety article. Typescript, notes, interview, and correspondence, 1970 -- 1971.
Farmer, James. Article, 1965.
Federal budget. Notes, 1985.
Federal City Club, 1962 -- 1972.
Film proposal -- The Iron Mentor. Correspondence, proposal, and notes, 1975.
Finch, Robert. Correspondence, undated.
Findley, Paul. Notes and interviews, undated.
Fonda, Jane. Notes, undated.
For the Power: Rockefeller's Quest for the Presidency (proposed book). Typescript. (2 folders)
Ford, Henry II. Correspondence, notes, and interviews, 1963, 1977 -- 1980.
Fortas, Abe. Hearings. Reporter's notebooks, 1968.
Foundations. Notes and correspondence, 1968 -- 1969.
France. Notes and correspondence, 1974.
Garmet, Leonard. Notes, interviews, correspondence, and typescript, 1969.
Gay Life. Notes and interviews, undated.
Glickman, Max. Correspondence,
notes, audio tape, 1985.
Goals book. Typescript, undated. (2 folders)
Goldberg, Rabbi Michael. Correspondence, typescript, notes, 1983.
Goldwater, Barry. Notes, 1968.
Good Morning America. "Face-Off," 1976.
"The Good Society as Implied in Gibbon's `Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.'" Essay, 1949.
Graham, Billy. Notes, undated.
Graham, Katherine and the Washington Post -- Proposed book. Incomplete typescripts, notes, and correspondence, 1975 -- 1977
Greece. Correspondence, notes, and itinerary, 1976.
Greenfield flap. Correspondence, notes, 1969.
Griffiths, Martha. Notes, undated.
HARYOU-Act. Typescripts, 1965.
Haig, Alexander. Notes, undated.
Haldeman, H.R. Notes and correspondence, undated.
Harlem. Typescript, 1964.
Hess, Rudolph. Correspondence, interviews, and notes, 1980.
Hinckley, John. Notes, undated.
Hoffa, James. Typescripts, 1963 -- 1965.
Hollings, Ernest. Presidential campaign, 1984.
Holocaust. Correspondence and notes, 1983 -- 1985.
Holy Trinity Parish. Notes and correspondence, 1960.
How Americans Spend Their Money. "Autoworker Ed Wagner: A Stalwart Against the Hard Sell." Typescript, corrections, correspondence, and notes, 1960.
Hughes, Harold. Interviews and notes, 1973.
Human Events. American Enterprise Institute. Correspondence, typescript, 1978.
Humphrey, Hubert
Notes, 1968, 1971, 1976, 1978.Typescripts of articles, 1963 -- 1965, 1978.
Humphrey, Muriel. Incomplete typescripts, notes, and research materials, 1978.
Hungary. Notes, itinerary, and correspondence, 1972.
Ikard, Frank. Notes, correspondence, and typescripts, undated.
Illegal Aliens. Correspondence and notes, 1978 -- 1979.
Inflation. Notes, undated.
Inquiry: "Lebanese Major Saad Haddad: The Israeli's Renagade Surrogate." Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1980.
Insurance, 1983 -- 1985.
Intelligencier. Moshe Dayan. Typescript, and notes, 1977.
Invitations, 1969 -- 1980.
Invitations to the White House, 1974 -- 1979.
Iowa Caucus. Notes, 1984.
Iran. Notes, itinerary, and article, 1974.
Iraq. Notes, 1982.
Israel. Correspondence and notes, 1977.
Israel and Lebanon trip. Itinerary, correspondence, interviews, and notes, 1979.
Israel sketches, 1979 -- 1980.
Israeli involvement in Central America. Interviews and notes, 1984.
Jack Winter film deal. Middle Eastern documentary, 1976.
Jackson, Henry. Notes, 1972.
Jackson, Jesse. Presidential campaign. Notes, 1984.
James, Daniel "Chappie"
Articles. Typescripts, 1975 -- 1981.Correspondence, 1975 -- 1980.
National Endowment for the Humanities, 1978 -- 1981.
Notes and interviews, 1975 -- 1979.
Putnam's contract, 1978.
Japan. Correspondence, itinerary, and notes, 1977.
Japan trip. Correspondence, interviews, and notes, 1983.
Javits, Jacob. Notes, interviews, and articles, 1962 -- 1967, 1984.
Jenkins, Walter. Typescript, 1964.
Jerusalem Post flap, 1982.
Jewish War Veterans Convention. Correspondence and articles, 1977, 1980.
John Hancock Panel Discussion. Correspondence, questions, and notes, 1984.
Johnson, John. Typescript and correspondence, 1973.
Johnson, Lyndon
Honolulu conference, July 1968.Reporter's notebooks, 1968.
Typescripts, notes, and correspondence, 1963 -- 1969.
Jordon, Hamilton. Typescript, 1979.
Kelly, Clarence. Interview, notes, and correspondence, 1976. (2 folders)
Kennedy, Edward M. Notes and interviews, 1978.
Kennedy, John F. Typescripts and notes for articles, 1962 -- 1964.
Kennedy, Robert F. Typescripts of various articles, 1964 -- 1966.
King, Martin Luther. Typescript, 1963.
Kirk, Claude. Typescript, 1967.
Kirkpatrick, Jean. Notes and typescript of interview, 1984.
Kissinger, Henry
General. Miscellaneous interviews, notes, and typescripts, 1972 and undated.Briefings and trips. Notes, undated.
Halperin incident. Typescript, 1973.
Wiretapping. Articles, commentaries, and notes, 1971 -- 1974.
Kleindienst, Richard Gordon. Articles, 1972 -- 1973.
Klutznick, Phillip. Typescripts, notes, and correspondence, 1982 -- 1984. (3 folders)
Knights of Pythias. Typescript, undated.
Koch, Ed. Notes and correspondence, 1983.
Korea. Background notes, undated.
Koreagate. Notes, correspondence, and typescripts, 1977 -- 1978.
Kraemer, Fritz. Notes, interview, typescript, and correspondence, 1971 -- 1978. Including a letter from Alexander Haig.
Kuwait. Notes, correspondence, itinerary, and article, 1974.
"Laird in the White House." Typescript and correspondence, 1973.
Laird, Melvin. Notes and typescript, 1974.
"Last Synagogue in Baghdad." Drafts and notes, 1983.
League of Women Voters -- 1984 Presidential Debate, October 21, 1984.
Lebanese atrocities. Notes, undated.
Libertarian Party. Notes, undated.
Libya. Notes, undated.
Lincoln Reveiw, volume 1, number 1 (1979). "General Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.: Profile of a Patriot."
Lindsay, John. Reporter's notebooks, 1967.
Liquor scandals. Typescripts and notes, 1963.
Los Angeles Times Syndicate
"Hamilton Jordon: The Man Carter Counts on Most." Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1979."The Nick Thimmesch Column." Mimeos and originals, 1970 -- March 1971. (3 folders)
Los Angeles Times Syndicate (cont.):
"The Nick Thimmesch Column." Mimeos and originals, April 1971 -- September 1974. (25 folders)
Los Angeles Times Syndicate (cont.):
"The Nick Thimmesch Column." Mimeos and originals, October 1974 -- June 1977. (24 folders)
Los Angeles Times Syndicate (cont.)
"The Nick Thimmesch Column." Mimeos and originals, July 1977 -- October 1979. (28 folders)
Los Angeles Times Syndicate (cont.)
"The Nick Thimmesch Column." Mimeos and originals, November 1979 -- December 1982. (30 folders)
Los Angeles Times Syndicate (cont.)
"The Nick Thimmesch Column." Mimeos and originals, January 1983 -- June 1985. (20 folders)
Los Angeles Times Syndicate, cont.:
Status and invoices, 1971 -- 1972.
Luce, Clare Booth. Notes, correspondence, and typescripts, 1981 -- 1983. Including a letter from Harold Prince.
Correspondence, notes, itineraries, 1960 -- 1978.Article. Typescript, notes, research materials, and correspondence, 1970 -- 1971.
Trip. Correspondence and notes, 1984.
"Lynn Townsend." Rough draft of article, notes, and correspondence, 1968.
"The Bravery of Sarah Brady." Correspondence, notes, typescript,and galley proof, 1981.Correspondence, 1980 -- 1982.
David Eisenhower article. Typescript, notes, and interview, 1975.
"Elizabeth Taylor: At the Two-Year Mark with Warner." Typescript and notes, 1978.
"The Enduring Clare Booth Luce." Correspondence, audio tape, typescript, research notes, and interview, 1980 -- 1981.
"How Anguished Were the Agnews." Typescript and correspondence, 1973 -- 1974.
"Hubert and Muriel Humphrey: Look at the Fun We've Had." Typescript, notes, and interviews, 1977.
"Lady Bird's Life Today." Correspondence, typescripts, galley proofs, and notes, 1976 -- 1980. (2 folders)
"Life of Pat Nixon Today." Typescripts, correspondence, and notes, 1978 -- 1979. (2 folders)
"Mamie at 80." Correspondence, interviews, notes, and typescript, 1975 -- 1976.
"Rebozo on Nixon." Correspondence, typescript, interviews, notes, and galley proof, 1974.
"Spiro Agnew: Life with Father." Correspondence, typescript, notes, and galley proofs, 1972 -- 1973.
McCarthy, Eugene. Typescripts, notes, and interviews, 1967 -- 1968.
McGovern, George. Notes, interviews, 1972.
Mail fraud. Correspondence, interviews, and notes, 1980.
Malcolm X. Articles, 1965.
Manuscript, unidentified. Chapter Two.
Media speech. Research, 1983.
Medical Students in Europe. Notes, undated.
Meet the Press. Questions, 1972 -- 1984.
Memo to Senator Javits, 1967.
Menken, H.L. Notes, correspondence, and typescript, 1980 -- 1981.
Metro Sunday News Service. "On Bob Strauss: Democratic Party Chairman." Typescript, interviews, and notes, undated.
Middle East
General. Notes and taped interviews, 1977.Ambassadors. Notes, undated.
Minority crime and the juvenile justice system conference of 1985, pamphlets and correspondence
Miscellaneous book reviews, 1972 -- 1973
Miscellaneous notes, undated.
Mitchell, John. Typescript and notes, undated.
"Mobilization to End War in Vietnam." Notes, 1968.
Moluccan independence. Notes, interviews, 1978.
Moore, Jonathan. Interview, 1980.
Motley, Langhorne. Notes, 1983.
Moyers, Bill. Notes, 1980.
"Moyers in the CBS Pulpit." Column, 1982.
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick. Typescript and notes, 1977.
Muskie, Edmund. Notes and interviews, 1972.
Mutual Radio--"Reporter's Roundup," 1975 -- 1976.
Nadar, Ralph. Notes and interviews, 1977.
National Association of Arab Americans. 8th Annual Convention. Notes, agenda, and press pass, 1980.
National Education Association
General. Notes, undated.Labor Union. Typescript, interviews, and notes, 1979 -- 1983.
Portrait of an Ideological Union. Manuscript, correspondence, interviews, notes, and audio tapes, 1980 -- 1984. (4 folders)
National Journal
Convention articles. Typescripts and notes, 1984."Covering Conventions: Mencken, the Sage of Baltimore, Did it Best." Correspondence and typescripts, 1984.
Richard Nixon article. Typescript, 1984.
National Nuclear Media Trip. Correspondence, itinerary, and notes, 1978.
National Public Radio. Correspondence, scripts, and notes, 1975, 1978.
National Town Meeting, 1978 -- 1981.
National Women's Coalition. Notes and interviews, undated.
"Nelson A. Rockefeller: A Portrait in Stubbornness." Article and notes, undated.
"The Never, Never Land of Alaskan Oil Exports." Typescript, notes, and interviews, undated.
Network News. Notes, undated.
"The New, New Nixon." Typescript and galley proofs, 1967.
"The New Tax Bill: A Welcome Lift for the National Spirit." Column, 1982.
New York (magazine)
Correspondence as Editor, 1977 -- 1978.Expenses, 1977 -- 1978.
"The Golden Day of Barry Goldwater." Typescript, notes, and interviews, 1973.
"The Henry Kissinger Nobody Knows." Typescript and galley proof, undated.
"Heroin Traffic." Typescript and notes, 1970.
"How Kissinger Fooled Us All." Typescript, galley proof, and page proofs, 1973.
"Israel's Number One Dove--Arie `Lova' Eliav." Typescript, 1978.
Kissinger article. Typescript and notes, 1974.
"Midge" Constanza article. Interviews and notes, 1977.
Miscellaneous articles. Correspondence, notes, and typescripts, 1977 -- 1978.
"New Yorkers in the Carter Administration." Typescript and notes, 1977.
"Peace Is At Hand." Typescript, 1973.
"Rockefeller and His Republicanism of New York." Notes and typescript, 1972.
"The Senior Mr. Kennedy." Typescript, interviews, and notes, 1977.
Thimmesch on Richard Viguerie. Correspondence, incomplete typescript, interviews, and notes, 1975.
Turkey and the Narcotics Trade. Typescript, 1970.
Washington Hangouts. Typescript and correspondence, 1977.
"Why Sadat Goes to Jerusalem: A Necessary Trip." Typescript, 1977.
New York Times
"Can Dubuque Star Make It?" Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1984."Harold Hughes: Populist Mystic in Plainclothes." Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1973.
Op -- Ed on Galena. Correspondence and typescript, 1981.
New York Times Magazine
Equal Rights Amendment. Notes, correspondence, typescript, and galley proofs, 1973."The Fords." Interviews, typescript, correspondence, and notes, 1976.
"It Didn't Start with Watergate." Book review. Typescript, notes, undated.
Spiro Agnew article. Typescript, correspondence, galley proofs, and page proofs, 1975.
Expenses, 1969 -- 1970."Eye on the Presidency":
Originals, 1967 -- 1968.
Mimeos, 1969 -- 1971.
"Howard H. Baker: The Senate G.O.P. Leader with an Instinct for the Center." Typescript, 1977.
"News Talk." Scripts, 1979.
"The Next Step in the Middle East." Typescript, 1979.
Nicaragua. Notes, undated.
Nickerson, Eugene Hoffman. Articles, 1966.
Nixon, Richard M.
Biography. Notes and articles, 1967.Blacks. Notes, undated.
Brothers. Notes, undated.
Catholics. Notes, undated.
Crime. Correspondence, 1969.
Draft. Notes, undated.
Environment. Correspondence, 1970.
Inauguration. Printed materials, 1969.
Interviews, 1971, 1978.
Law firm. Notes, undated.
Lincoln Memorial. Notes, undated.
Mayors/Cities. Notes, undated.
Miscellaneous notes, 1967 and undated. (2 folders)
Politics. Notes, undated.
Pre-campaign. Articles and notes, 1964 -- 1966.
Sports. Correspondence, notes, interviews, and photo of Richard Nixon and David Eisenhower, 1969.
Staff. Correspondence, 1969.
Nixon, Richard M. (cont.)
Values. Correspondence, notes, and typescript, 1971.Vietnam. Notes, 1969.
Volunteerism. Notes, undated.
Youth. Interview, 1969.
North Central Airlines. Correspondence and articles, 1959 -- 1960.
"Oil Bonanza Puts United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) on Map." Article, 1974.
Oil companies. Notes and Spectrum broadcast, 1974.
"Old Ed." Undated.
Oman. Notes, undated.
O'Neill, Thomas P. "Tip." Typescript, interviews and notes, 1978.
Panama. Correspondence, 1971.
Parsky, Gerald. Notes, correspondence, and typescript, 1974.
"Pat Nixon: The Great Survivor." Typescript, 1979.
Patterson, Floyd. Series of articles, undated.
Peace Corps. Notes, 1977.
"Peace Is At Hand." Notes, typescript, and correspondence, 1973.
Peled, Matti. Notes and correspondence, 1983.
Article about Jay Rockefeller. Notes, correspondence, typescript, and galley proof, 1976.Correspondence, 1978 -- 1979.
"Hooray for Illegal Aliens: At Least They Work." Typescript, 1978.
People's Express. Notes, undated.
Percy, Valerie. Notes, undated.
"The Persian Gulf: The Boom, the Potential and the Problems." Typescript, 1974.
Photographs. Including photos of George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford, Bob Hope, John Lindsay, Anwar Sadat, Spiro Agnew, Harry S Truman. (3 folders)
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Typescript, undated.
Poland. Notes, undated.
Alexander Haig article. Correspondence, notes, and typescript, 1973."Exit Henry Kissinger." Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1976.
"Loyalty." Essay, 1976.
"The Oil Country's Diplomats." Typescript, 1976.
Povich, Shirley. Articles, 1963.
Powell, Jody. Interviews and notes, 1978 -- 1980.
Prayer Breakfasts and Reactions. Notes, 1984.
Presidential campaign
General. Notes, 1980.Michigan. Notes, 1984.
"The President's Ordeal." Correspondence, notes, and typescript, 1973.
"Press Vengeance in Arizona." Correspondence and typescript, 1978.
Primaries. Notes, 1968.
Prisoners of War. Notes, 1972 -- 1973.
Proxmire, William. Notes, undated.
Public Opinion. Lebanon War article. Typescript, galley proof, and notes, 1982.
Public Policy Conference. "The Telecommunications Age: We Are Already In It." Correspondence and introductions, 1982.
Qatar. Notes, undated.
Quill, Michael. Articles, 1966.
Racing. Typescript and notes, 1961.
Ram News. "The Years 1962 -- 80." Written for the Dubuque Senior High School Class of 1981. Typescript and notes, 1981.
Reader's Digest. "Our Shocking Illiteracy in Foreign Languages." Notes, correspondence, interviews, and typescript, 1979 -- 1980.
Reagan/Bush campaign. Notes, 1980.
Reagan, Ronald
General. Notes, 1966 -- 1967.Economic plan. Notes, 1981.
State of the Union. Notes, 1983.
Rebozo, Charles "Bebe." Correspondence, notes, typescript, 1973.
Reed, Vincent. Notes, undated.
"Report on Puerto Rico." Typescript, undated.
Reporter's notebooks,
1967 -- 1968.
Reporter's notebooks,
1967 -- 1977. (18 folders)
Reporter's notebooks,
undated. (17 folders)
Reporter's notebooks, undated. (9 folders)
Republican information, 1966.
Republican nomination race. Notes, 1968.
Research for TV commentaries, undated.
Resume, [1965?]
Retirement fund, 1982 -- 1985.
"Richard Helms, the Establishment's Splendid Son." Notes and typescript,1977.
"Richard Nixon's Friends." Correspondence, incomplete manuscript, and notes, 1969 -- 1970.
Right to Life. Correspondence and speeches, 1983 -- 1984.
Riots in Washington. Notes, undated.
Robb, Charles S. Interview notes, undated.
Robert F. Kennedy at 40
Correspondence, 1964 -- 1968.Research notes.
Author's notes and outline.
Book outline and introduction.
Notes, story outline, and chapter outline.
Typescript with corrections and revisions. (4 folders)
Typescript draft. Author's copy with corrections and revisions. (2 folders)
Typescript draft. Publisher's copy with editor's additions and corrections. (2 folders)
Page revisions, chapters 6 -- 10.
Robert F. Kennedy at 40 (cont.)
Typescript, chapters 1 -- 5.Galley proofs.
Page proofs.
Additions, illustration lines and mock-ups, and layout designs.
Photos and proofs.
Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards, 1982 -- 1984 and undated.
Rockefeller, Happy. Notes and correspondence,1979 -- 1980.
Rockefeller, Jay. Notes and correspondence, 1981.
Rockefeller, Nelson A. Notes, articles, and correspondence, 1963 -- 1970.
Rockefeller, Winthrop. Notes, undated.
Rockefeller -- Nixon effort. Notes, 1968.
Romney, George. Notes and articles, 1963 -- 1966.
Rowan, Carl. Notes, 1975.
Ruckelshaus, William:
General. Notes and correspondence, 1984."In Ruckelshaus We Trust." Notes and articles, 1983.
Rusk, Dean. Article, 1965.
Russian trip. Correspondence, notes, and itinerary, 1972.
Saceur's interview with Nick Thimmesch, 1976.
St. John's University -- National Advisory Council. Agenda. Notes, 1984.
Saturday Evening Post:
Betty Ford profile. Typescript, 1979.Busing article. Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1975.
Connally endorsement editorial. Typescript and notes, 1978.
Dr. Corey Ser Vaas press release. Notes and photos, 1984.
"Federal Monster." Correspondence, typescript, notes, 1975 -- 1977.
George Bush article. Typescript, 1981.
"General Motors at 75." Notes, interviews, correspondence, and typescript, 1983.
Jimmy the Greek article. Correspondence, notes, interviews, and typescript, 1973.
"Karen Silkwood Without Tears." Correspondence, typescript, photo proofs, notes, and interviews, 1979 -- 1984. (2 folders)
"National Cowboy Hall of Fame: A Salute to the West." Correspondence, typescript, and notes, 1980.
"The 1984 Campaign: War Among Women." Typescript, 1984.
Nixon article. Typescript, 1979.
"No Smoking Can Mean Good Business." Notes, drafts, and typescript, 1983.
"The Ordeal and Triumph of Roberta Roper." Correspondence and typescript, 1984.
"The Political Payola of Ambassadorship. The Carter Record Isn't So Hot." Typescript, 1979.
"Riddle of Cancer and Diet." Correspondence, interviews, notes, and typescript, undated.
"Ross Perot: Patriotism Will Get Us Out of Our Economic Distress." Notes, correspondence, draft, typescript, 1982 -- 1983.
Terrorism article. Notes, typescript, undated.
William Simon article. Typescript, 1976.
Saturday Review.
"The Credit Way of Life." Correspondence, typescript, notes, 1979 -- 1980.
Saudi Arabia
General. Notes, correspondence, articles, and photos, 1974, 1976. (2 folders)Trip. Research notes, 1980.
Scaasi, Arnold. Articles, 1962.
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. Articles and correspondence, 1967.
Schlesinger, James. Notes, interview, and typescripts, 1974.
School desegregation. Notes, 1969.
Segal, Rob. Tape, 1984.
"Senate Budget Boss Ed Muskie: A Liberal Who Cracks Down on Spending." Article, 1979.
Senator Javits' Trip to Saudi Arabia. Notes and partial drafts, 1977.
Shriver, Sargent. Articles, 1963 -- 1966.
"Robert Strauss: America's Chief Horse Trader." Typescript, 1978."United Arab Emirates: Boomtime in the Desert." Correspondence, notes, and typescript, 1977.
Silkwood, Karen. Correspondence and notes, 1979 -- 1981.
Simon, William E. Interview and notes, 1974 -- 1976.
Somoza, Anastasio. Correspondence and typescript, 1979 -- 1980.
South Africa. Notes, correspondence, and itinerary, 1982.
Soviet Naval Presence in the Indian Ocean. Notes, 1974.
Soviet Union trip. Correspondence and notes, 1974 -- 1975.
Contract with CBS, 1972 -- 1974.Correspondence about broadcasts, 1972 -- 1974 and undated.
Scripts, 1972 -- 1974.
American Association of Petroleum Landmen. Correspondence, program, and notes, 1979."American Catholics and Politics." Catholic Women's Club. Correspondence and notes, 1984 -- 1985.
American Enterprise Institute. Notes and correspondence, 1982.
American Iron and Steel. Notes, 1983.
"American Media: Saints or Sinners?" Correspondence and notes, 1984 -- 1985.
American Nuclear Society. Agenda and notes, 1980.
American Society of Access Professionals. Notes and correspondence, 1983.
American University Conference on American Journalism. Correspondence and notes, 1978.
Bolin Symposium. Correspondence and notes, 1981.
Business-Government Relations Council Meeting. Typescript of speech, 1982.
"The Campaign So Far: Why are the Big Media So Bewildered?" Notes, 1984.
"The Carter Honeymoon and After." Typescript of speech, 1977.
Chicago Business and Professional Advertising Association. Typescript of speech and notes, 1982.
Citizen's Choice Conference on Media and International Affairs. Notes, 1983.
College and University Newspaper Editor's Program. Outline and correspondence, 1980.
"Computerthink." Notes and correspondence, 1984.
Denver Executive's Club. Correspondence, program, and notes, 1980.
Edison Electrical Institute. Correspondence, program, and notes, 1979 -- 1980.
"The Election's Over: Now What?" Notes, 1984.
"For the New Right Only." Correspondence and notes, 1981.
Fort Union Military Academy. Correspondence and notes, 1979.
Georgetown Right to Life Committee. Agenda and notes, 1981.
Guardians of Jewish Homes for the Aging. Correspondence and notes, 1981.
Harvard University. Summer-In-Washington Group. Correspondence and notes, 1984.
Inland Daily Press Association. Correspondence, program, and speech notes, 1980.
"John Paul II and the Secular Press." Correspondence and notes, 1980.
Kansas City Rotary. Notes, 1983.
Kerr-McGee. Notes, 1980.
Leadership Savannah. Correspondence and notes, 1979.
Loras College. Notes, 1972.
Matrix-Kansas City. Correspondence, 1976.
"Media and Foreign Policy." Notes and correspondence, 1985.
Michigan Citizens for Life Convention. Correspondence, 1976.
Miscellaneous. Notes, 1974, 1982 -- 1983 and undated.
Missouri Citizens for Life. Correspondence and notes, 1977.
National Conference on Control of Hazardous Material Spills. Notes, 1976.
National Jewish Hospital/National Asthma Center Dinner Honoring Milton Glickman. Text and audio tape, 1985.
Nuclear Energy -- Edison Electrical Institute. Notes and drafts, 1980.
"Organized Labor in the '80's" 5th Annual PAC Committee Convention. Program and speech, 1981.
Pfizer, Inc. Notes, 1983.
"Political Outlook -- '84." Notes, 1984.
Propeller Club. Agenda and notes, 1971.
"Republican Party As Seen Through the Eyes of a Reporter."
Republican State Central Committee of Iowa. Correspondence and notes, 1975.
Right to Life. Correspondence and outlines, 1976.
Rocky Mountain Electrical League. Correspondence and notes, 1978.
Rotary Club -- Harrisonburg, VA. Correspondence and notes, 1975.
South Dakota Automobile Dealer's Association. Contract and notes, 1978.
Spill Control Association. Notes and correspondence, 1982.
Transformation of America Conference, Public Relations Society of America. Speech, 1983.
University Club. Notes, 1987.
Weyerhauser Company. Notes and correspondence, 1977, 1979.
"What's Going on in Washington-or Is It?" Correspondence and notes, 1981.
"What's Washington Up To Now." Correspondence and notes, 1975.
Sports Illustrated
Athletes and Air Travel. Notes, 1956."Blacks in College Basketball." Notes, 1956.
Boxing Pension Plan. Notes, 1956.
"Calvin Jones As I Remember Him." Typescript, 1956.
"David Homer McCuskey and his U.S. Freestyle Olympic Wrestling Team." Typescript and notes, 1956.
Detroit Tiger articles, 1956 -- 1959.
"Detroit's Irresistable Brother." Correspondence, typescript and notes, 1961.
"Dressing Room Scenes." Typescript, 1957.
Dubuque Baseball. Typescript, correspondence and notes, 1956.
Ezzard Charles article. Notes, interviews and typescript, 1956.
"The Happy Houseboaters." Notes, interviews and typescript, 1957 -- 1959.
"Harold Bradley, Cleveland Browns Messenger Boy." Typescript, 1956.
"J. Norman Lewis on Pension Plans and Ballplayers." Typescript, 1956.
Jack Fleck articles, 1955 -- 1956.
"Manager's Quotable Quotes." Typescript and notes, undated.
Miscellaneous notes, undated.
Miscellaneous story attempts -- unpublished, 1956.
Miscellaneous story ideas, 1956.
Notre Dame report. Correspondence, typescript and notes, 1956.
"Report on Bucky O'Connor and the College Olympic Squad." Typescript and notes, 1956.
Sal Maglie article. Typescript and notes, undated.
Studebaker-Packard articles, 1959.
Unfinished articles, 1956 -- 1957.
"Year of the Pizzaz." Correspondence, typescripts and notes, 1961.
Stein, Dr. Herbert. Interview, 1979.
The Strange Saga of Rudolph Hess. Typescript, 1980 -- 1981.
Strauss, Robert. Notes, 1978.
"Stronger Than the Sun -- Weak Anti-Nuke Filmfare from Britain." Typescript and notes, 1980.
Subscriber list, 1969.
Taiwan. Research notes, 1977.
Tax reform. Notes, 1969.
Taylor, Elizabeth and John Warner. Notes and interviews, undated.
Texas Agricultural Aviation Magazine. "Will `Buffer Zones' Thwart the Great War on Grasshoppers." Correspondence, typescript and notes, 1980.
Texas Monthly. Thimmesch/Rostow interview. Correspondence, interviews and notes, 1975.
Thomas, Helen. Notes and typescript, undated.
"Those Newspaper Presidential Endorsements: Do They Count?" Notes and typescript, 1984.
Tidewater project. Interviews, 1983.
"Chevrolet's John DeLorean: The Lively Man and the Monolith." Typescript, undated.Columns. February -- December 1957. (4 folders)
Henry Ford and Family. Typescript, 1959.
Fortieth anniversary, 1963.
"The Hopped-up Compacts." Typescript, 1960.
"In the Mail, the Safety-Rim Wheel." Typescript, 1957.
"Mayor John Lindsay. Campaign and Early Time in Office." Articles, 1965 -- 1966. (2 folders)
Mayorial Elections in New York City. Typescripts, 1965.
Miscellaneous articles, 1962 -- April 1963. (2 folders)
Time (cont.)
Miscellaneous articles, May 1963 -- 1967.Miscellaneous articles on Richard Nixon. Story suggestions, typescripts, and notes, 1964 -- 1967.
"The Political Obituary of Richard M. Nixon: Howard K. Smith Speaks His Mind." Typescript, 1962.
"Studebaker's Demise." Typescript, undated.
Time Out Conference. Correspondence, notes, expenses and introductions, 1981 -- 1982.
"To Err is Human, Even on 60 Minutes." Notes and typescript, 1980.
"Topic A." Program introductions, interviews, correspondence and notes, 1966.
Trade. Notes, 1981.
Trip to Israel and Europe. Correspondence and notes, 1973.
Trip to the Orient. Itinerary and notes, 1977.
Tuition aid. Notes, undated.
United Arab Emirates. Notes, undated.
Unpublished novel. Miscellaneous incomplete typescripts of chapters and
notes, undated.
"United States Travel Service: A Tardy Try to Mine the Mother Tourist Lode." Typescript, correspondence and notes, 1972.
US-USSR trade. Notes, undated.
Vice-Presidential candidates. Notes, 1984.
General. Notes and interviews, undated.Military. Notes, undated.
Prisoners of War. Notes, undated.
WRC-TV Commentaries. Correspondence and notes, 1977.
WTTG Commentaries. Scripts, 1974.
Wall Street Reactions to Reagan Economic Plan. Notes, 1981.
Wagner, Robert. Articles, 1965.
Warner, John. Notes, undated.
Warner, John and Elizabeth Taylor. Miscellaneous articles. Typescripts, galley proofs and notes, 1976.
Washington, D.C. riots. Articles, 1968.
Washington Journalism Review. "H.L. Mencken's House Restored: A Pilgrimage Worth Making." Correspondence, typescript and notes, 1984.
"Washington Journalism Then and Now: Perspectives from the Most Senior and Junior Practitioners." Correspondence and notes, 1984.
Washington Media Workshop. Correspondence, notes, introductions and remarks, 1985.
Washington Post. "The Sage In Harlem." Book review. Typescript, 1984.
Washington Post Book World. Review of a Gang of Pecksniffs. Typescript, undated.
Washington Report
"Big Noise Over PACs From Common Cause." Notes and typescript, 1981."By line." Galley proofs, correspondence, and notes, March -- May 1983.
Columns, 1980.
Miscellaneous galley proofs, undated.
Washington Sex Scandals. Notes and articles, 1976.
"The Way It Is In the West - For You." Article, 1967.
Weekend. "On Bob Haldeman." Galley proof and typescript, undated.
"What's Wrong with Conservatives Using Government Power?" Column, 1982.
"What Prison Life
Is Like For John Ehrlichman." Typescripts, research and correspondence, 1976 -- 1977.
Wilkins, Roy. Articles, correspondence, notes and interviews, 1963.
Williams, Edward Bennett. Articles, 1964.
Workings of the American Media. Seminar. Notes and correspondence, 1979 -- 1981.
"The World of Tip O'Neill." Typescript, 1978.
Yamasaki, Minoru. Miscellaneous articles, 1962 -- 1963.
"Youth Fretting Season." Column, 1970.
Ziegler, Ron. Correspondence
and notes, 1974.
"Detroit's Old Love: Racing"
Background material, including research, articles and clippings, 1950 -- 1961.Notes and research, 1957 -- 1961.
Correspondence, 1961.
Draft of article.

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